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Renewable Energy 60 (2013) 127e136

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Relationships between cellulosic biomass particle size and enzymatic

hydrolysis sugar yield: Analysis of inconsistent reports in the
Qi Zhang a, b, Pengfei Zhang b, *, Z.J. Pei b,1, Donghai Wang c
College of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225127, China
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Kansas State University, 2037 Durland Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Kansas State University, 150 Seaton Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cellulosic ethanol made from cellulosic biomass is a promising alternative to petroleum-based trans-
Received 5 September 2012 portation fuels. Enzymatic hydrolysis is a crucial step in cellulosic ethanol production. In order to better
Accepted 25 April 2013 understand the mechanisms of enzymatic hydrolysis, relationships between cellulosic biomass particle
Available online 29 May 2013
size and enzymatic hydrolysis sugar yield have been studied extensively. However, the literature contains
inconsistent reports. This paper presents an analysis of the inconsistent reports on the relationships in
the literature. It discusses the differences in the reported experiments from ve perspectives (biomass
category, particle size denition, sugar yield denition, biomass treatment procedure, and particle size
Cellulosic biomass
Enzymatic hydrolysis
level). It also proposes future research activities that can provide further understanding of the
Particle size relationships.
Sugar yield 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction characteristics of cellulosic biomass have been identied as key

factors affecting sugar yield in enzymatic hydrolysis, including
During the last three decades, consumption of petroleum-based biomass particle size, degree of polymerization, crystallinity, and
liquid transportation fuels (including gasoline, diesel, and jet fuels) accessible surface area [6e10]. In order to understand the mecha-
in the U.S. has increased by more than 30% [1]. These fuels account for nisms of enzymatic hydrolysis and to increase sugar yield in
about 70% of total petroleum consumption in the U.S. [1]. In 2010, enzymatic hydrolysis, many studies have been done to investigate
more than 3 billion liters of petroleum were consumed in the U.S. the relationships between cellulosic biomass particle size and
every day, and over 60% of them were imported [1]. Also, the price of enzymatic hydrolysis sugar yield. However, three different re-
petroleum in the U.S. has almost doubled during the last ten years [1]. lationships have been reported: negative (smaller particle size
In addition, use of petroleum-based fuels contributes to accumula- produces higher sugar yield), neutral (particle size has no effects on
tion of greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere [2]. Therefore, it is sugar yield), and positive (larger particle size produces higher sugar
critically important to explore alternatives to petroleum-based liquid yield).
transportation fuels [3e5]. One such alternative is cellulosic ethanol. This paper, for the rst time, presents an analysis of the incon-
An essential step in cellulosic ethanol production is enzymatic sistent reports on the relationships. It discusses the differences in the
hydrolysis which converts cellulose into soluble sugars. A high reported experiments from ve perspectives (biomass category,
sugar yield in enzymatic hydrolysis is crucial to the cost- particle size denition, sugar yield denition, biomass treatment
effectiveness of cellulosic ethanol production. Several procedure, and particle size level). It also proposes future research
activities that can provide further understanding of the relationships.

Abbreviations: AFEX, Ammonia ber explosion; ASABE, American society of

agricultural and biological engineers; BET, Brunauer Emmet and Teller; MCC, 2. Two categories of cellulosic biomass
Microcrystalline cellulose; NREL, National renewable energy laboratory; SSA, Spe-
cic surface area; UV-A, Ultrasonic vibration-assisted. The cellulosic biomass used to investigate relationships be-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 785 532 3729; fax: 1 785 532 3738.
E-mail addresses: (Q. Zhang),, xyz8106@
tween particle size and sugar yield can be classied into two cat- (P. Zhang), (Z.J. Pei), (D. Wang). egories: pure cellulose and lignocellulosic biomass. As summarized
Tel.: 1 785 532 3436; fax: 1 785 532 3738. in Fig. 1 and Table 1,when pure cellulose was used, negative

0960-1481/$ e see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
128 Q. Zhang et al. / Renewable Energy 60 (2013) 127e136

38 m 90 m

Surgar yield (mg/mL)




Pure cellulose Lignocellulosic biomass 0 20 40 60
Biomass category Hydrolysis time (hour)
Fig. 1. Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for two categories Fig. 2. Relationships between particle size and sugar yield based on the data reported
of cellulosic biomass. by Shewale and Sadana [15].

relationships were reported in a majority of the related studies. commonly used method to reduce particle size for pure cellulose.
When lignocellulosic biomass was used, three different relation- The extent to which particle size is reduced depends on milling
ships were reported by different researchers. time. Longer milling time would produce smaller particle sizes. It
Shewale and Sadana [15] reported a neutral relationship be- has been reported that, when ball milling was used to reduce
tween particle size and sugar yield of pure cellulose MCC (micro- particle size of pure cellulose, SSA increased as particle size
crystalline cellulose). They used two particle sizes, 38 and 90 mm in decreased (or milling time increased). However, when ball milling
average. Their results are plotted in Fig. 2. It is noted that the re- was used to reduce particle size of lignocellulosic biomass, SSA did
lationships between particle size and sugar yield were different for not always increase as particle size decreased (or milling time
different hydrolysis time. Sugar yield of smaller particles (38 mm) increased).
was always higher except when hydrolysis time was 24 h. Because For pure cellulose, Sinitsyn et al. [12] reported that SSA of cotton
they did not provide any information on variations in the sugar linter doubled as particle size was reduced from 32 to 17 mm by ball
yield data, it was not clear whether the differences were statisti- milling. Ouajai and Shanks [39] reported that SSA of MCC increased
cally signicant or not. Peters et al. [16] reported that sugar yield by more than four times after 5-h ball milling.
was identical for three particle sizes (38e46, 46e63, and 74e For lignocellulosic biomass, Mikushina et al. [40] reported that
105 mm) of MCC. However, they obtained their different particle SSA of wood sawdust was increased by ve times after 5-h ball
sizes by screening a commercial brand of MCC (Avicel PH 102) with milling. However, Gharpuray et al. [41] reported that there was no
screens of different mesh sizes. In most related studies, the different difference in SSA of wheat straw after4-h versus 24-h ball milling. In
particle sizes were obtained by milling followed by screening. addition, even though the SSA of lignocellulosic biomass was
In the following, several observations will be discussed. Based increased by milling, the SSA of cellulose (inside the lignocellulosic
on these observations, hypotheses (or speculations) are formulated biomass) might not increase as much due to the complex structure of
to explain why different biomass categories might cause different lignocellulosic biomass. In the literature, there are no investigations
relationships between particle size and sugar yield. When appro- about the SSA of cellulose inside lignocellulosic biomass for different
priate, future research activities are also proposed to test these particle sizes.
hypotheses. Based on the above observations, it is hypothesized that, when
pure cellulose is used, ball milling can increase SSA (while reducing
particle size) and thereby increase sugar yield. When lignocellu-
2.1. Ball milling had different effects on specic surface areas of losic biomass is used, ball milling does not change SSA (while
pure cellulose versus lignocellulosic biomass reducing particle size) and thereby does not increase sugar yield. It
is noted that other milling methods (such as knife milling and
One crucial step in enzymatic hydrolysis is the binding of hammer milling) have also been widely used for lignocellulosic
enzyme molecules to susceptible sites on cellulose surfaces [33e biomass. These milling methods will be discussed in Section 3.
35]. As specic surface area (SSA) of cellulosic biomass increases,
the number of enzymeecellulose bonds will increase, causing sugar 2.1.1. Proposed future work
yield to increase [34,36e38]. Ball milling has been the most The hypothesis can be tested by investigating effects of ball
milling on SSA and sugar yield of pure cellulose and lignocellulosic
Table 1 biomass. Various types of pure cellulose (such as cotton linter,
Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for two categories of powdered cellulose, and MCC) and lignocellulosic biomass (such as
cellulosic biomass.
switchgrass, corn stover, and wheat straw) will be milled by ball
Biomass category Relationship Reference milling. For each biomass type, the milling process will be stopped
Pure cellulose Negative [11e14] every 2 h (up to 48 h). Particle size, SSA, and sugar yield of milled
Neutral [15,16] particles will be measured. Particle size will be determined ac-
Lignocellulosic biomass Negative [17e26] cording to ASABE standard S424.1 [42]. SSA will be measured by
Neutral [27] applying the BET equation to nitrogen adsorption data (this method
Positive [28e32]
has been used by many researchers [33,43e45]). Sugar yield will be
Q. Zhang et al. / Renewable Energy 60 (2013) 127e136 129

determined by following NREL laboratory analytical procedure [46].

At the end, for each biomass type, effects of ball milling on particle
size, SSA, and sugar yield will be obtained. The hypothesis will be
rejected if (1) smaller particle size for pure cellulose does not lead
to larger SSA and higher sugar yield, or (2) smaller particle size for

lignocellulosic biomass leads to larger SSA and higher sugar yield.

2.2. Before hydrolysis, pure cellulose particles of different size were
not pretreated but lignocellulosic biomass particles were pretreated
using different methods

In all reported studies using pure cellulose, no pretreatment was
applied to the cellulose particles of different sizes before enzymatic
hydrolysis. However, in the studies using lignocellulosic biomass,
particles of different sizes were pretreated (using various methods)
in some studies, but not pretreated in other studies. Such difference Sieve size Screen size
in pretreatment might be a reason for the inconsistent results from
lignocellulosic biomass. More detailed discussion regarding pre-
Particle size definition
treatment will be provided in Section 5. Fig. 4. Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for two denitions
of particle size.
2.3. Pure cellulose particles were smaller and in a narrower range
than lignocellulosic biomass In the following, several observations will be discussed. Based
on these observations, hypotheses (or speculations) are formulated
Fig. 3 shows the ranges of particle size in the reported studies to explain why different particle size denitions might cause
using pure cellulose and lignocellulosic biomass. The range of different relationships between particle size and sugar yield. When
particle size was from 0.78 to 100 mm for pure cellulose, and from appropriate, future research activities are also proposed to test
33 mm to 12 mm for lignocellulosic biomass. The larger range of these hypotheses.
particle size might be a reason for the inconsistent results from
lignocellulosic biomass. More detailed discussion regarding particle
3.1. Actual sizes of smaller sieve size particles were not signicantly
size range will be provided in Section 6.
smaller than those of larger sieve size particles, but those of smaller
screen size particles were signicantly smaller than those of larger
3. Two denitions of particle size screen size particles; the pores of smaller sieve size particles were
more damaged than those of larger sieve size particles, but those of
Two denitions of particle size (sieve size versus screen size) smaller screen size particles had similar damage as those of larger
were used in reported experiments. As summarized in Fig. 4 and screen size particles
Table 2,when sieve size was used, consistent (positive) relation-
ships were reported. When screen size was used, three different 3.1.1. Smaller sieve size particles might have similar external SSA
relationships were reported. than larger sieve size particles while smaller screen size particles
Fig. 5 illustrates two denitions of particle size used in the might have larger external SSA than larger screen size particles
literature. For one denition, different sieve sizes were used in Mani et al. [47] measured size distribution of particles milled
milling to control particle size (one sieve size was used for one using three different sieve sizes with four types of biomass (barley
particle size). The particle size was dened as the sieve size in straw, corn stover, switchgrass, and wheat straw). They calculated
milling. For the other denition, only one sieve size was used in the geometric mean length of the particles based on the ASABE
certain types of milling methods (such as knife milling and hammer standard S424.1 [42]. Bitra et al. [48] measured size distribution of
milling) or no sieve was used in other types of milling methods particles milled using four different sieve sizes with three types of
(such as ball milling). The particles produced from milling were biomass (corn stover, switchgrass, and wheat straw). Their results
separated into different size ranges through a screening process with wheat straw are plotted in Figs. 6 and 7.The error bars in the
using a series of screens (each screen had a different mesh size). The gures represent the standard deviation. Results with other types
particle size was dened as the range between two neighboring of biomass are similar.
screen sizes. It can be seen from Figs. 6 and 7 that changes in geometric mean
length were much smaller than changes in sieve size. As sieve size
increased from 0.8 to 1.6 mm (Fig. 6), the average of geometric

mean length increased by only 0.06 mm which was much smaller


than the standard deviation (0.2 mm). As sieve size increased from

Table 2
Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for two denitions of

particle size.

Particle size denition Relationship Reference

2 4 6 8 10 12 Sieve size Positive [30e32]

Screen size Negative [17e26]
Particle size (mm)
Neutral [27]
Positive [28,29]
Fig. 3. The range of particle size for pure cellulose and lignocellulosic biomass.
130 Q. Zhang et al. / Renewable Energy 60 (2013) 127e136


Geometric mean length (mm)

Raw biomass Raw biomass

Milling with different sieve Milling with one sieve size or

sizes without a sieve

Particles from milling

Screening with a series of
0 20 40 60
Different particle sizes Different particle sizes
Sieve size (mm)
(a) Sieve size (b) Screen size Fig. 7. Geometric mean length of wheat straw particles milled using different sieve
sizes reported by Bitra et al. [48].
Fig. 5. Two denitions of particle size.

12.7 to 19 mm (Fig. 7), the average of geometric mean length 3.1.2. Smaller sieve size particles might have smaller internal SSA
increased by only 1.7 mm, smaller than the standard deviation than larger sieve size particles while smaller screen size particles
(2.5 mm). This indicates that there was no signicant difference in might have similar internal SSA as larger screen size particles
geometric mean length if difference in sieve size was less than For knife milling and hammer milling, it took longer milling
6 mm. Table 3 lists the sieve sizes used in those studies in which time to produce the same amount of particles when using smaller
positive relationships between particle size and sugar yield were sieve sizes. For example, in order to produce 1 kg of wheat straw
found. In all these studies, difference in sieve size was smaller than particles by knife milling, it took about 20 min when using a 0.25-
4 mm. Therefore, it is likely that there was no signicant difference mm sieve size, but only 3 min when using an 8-mm sieve size [50].
in geometric mean length between the particles produced by Such difference in milling time for different sieve sizes could result
different sieves. in different biomass internal SSA. It was reported by Gharpuray
When particle size was dened as screen size, the average et al. [41] that extended milling could damage the porous structure
particle length in one size range was usually signicantly different of wheat straw and block the pores on biomass surface.
from those in other size ranges. Zhu et al. [25] separated disk- When screen size was used, particles of different screen sizes
milled wood chips into four size ranges and hammer-milled were produced using one sieve size in milling. There was no sig-
wood chips into two size ranges. They measured the average nicant difference in milling time for different screen size particles.
particle length of each size range. Their results are shown in Therefore, the degree to which the porous structure of cellulosic
Table 4. The difference in average particle length was comparable biomass was damaged could be similar for different screen sizes.
to or even larger than the difference in the middle point of the size The SSA of cellulosic biomass particles consists of external SSA
range. Simonetis and Economides [49] reported a linear relation- and internal SSA [33]. External SSA is determined by particle size.
ship between the measured average particle length and average Smaller particles have larger external SSA. Internal SSA is deter-
screen size with a scope of 0.6. According to the results from these mined by the number and size of pores (and cracks) on biomass
two studies, it is likely that there was signicant difference in the surface. Particles would have larger internal SSA if there were more
average particle length between the particles of different screen and larger pores [51,52].
sizes. Based on the above observations, it is hypothesized that, when
sieve size denition is used, particles produced by a larger sieve size
might have approximately the same external SSA as those pro-
Geometric mean length (mm)

duced by a smaller sieve size (if the difference in sieve size is less
than a certain value, say 6 mm), but larger internal SSA, and
therefore larger total SSA; when screen size denition is used,
0.9 particles with a larger screen size might have approximately the
same internal SSA as those with a smaller screen size, but smaller
external SSA, and therefore smaller total SSA. Therefore, particles of
0.6 larger sieve sizes would produce higher sugar yields than those of
smaller sieve sizes, and particles of smaller screen sizes would
produce higher sugar yields than those of larger screen sizes.
0.3 Some studies seem to support this hypothesis. Zeng et al. [21]
reported that SSA of knife-milled corn stover particles increased
by ten times as particle size (screen size) decreased from 425e710
0 to 53e75 mm. Pedersen and Meyer [24] reported that the SSA of
0 1 2 3 4 knife-milled wheat straw particles increased by up to 19 times as
particle size (screen size) decreased from 707e1000 to 53e149 mm.
Sieve size (mm)
It is noted that the results were obtained using one mill type, few
Fig. 6. Geometric mean length of wheat straw particles milled using different sieve biomass types, and few particle size ranges. There are no studies
sizes reported by Mani et al. [47]. reporting effects of sieve size on total SSA of biomass particles.
Q. Zhang et al. / Renewable Energy 60 (2013) 127e136 131

Table 3
Sieve sizes used in reported studies.

Sieve size (mm) Reference

1; 2 [30]
3.2; 6.5 [31]
1; 4 [32] Proposed future work. This hypothesis can be tested by

investigating effects of sieve size and screen size on total SSA and
sugar yield of lignocellulosic biomass. The effects will be obtained
using knife milling and hammer milling and various biomass types
(such as switchgrass, corn stover, and wheat straw). For each
combination of mill type and biomass type, six sieves (with sieve
size of 0.25, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 mm respectively) will be used to pro-
duce particles. The particles milled using the 2-mm sieve will be
separated into ve size ranges (0.2e0.4, 0.4e0.6, 0.6e0.8, 0.8e1,
and 1e1.2 mm), and the particles milled using the 8-mm sieve will
be separated into another ve size ranges (1.4e1.7, 1.7e2, 2e2.4,
2.4e2.8, and 2.8e3.3 mm) using screens. Both total SSA and sugar
yield of the particles of each sieve size and each screen size (size Fig. 8. Effects of sieve size on cellulose content in milled poplar wood particles (after
range) will be measured. If particles of larger sieve sizes have Zhang et al. [32]).
signicantly larger total SSA and higher sugar yield than those of
smaller sieve sizes and particles of larger screen sizes have signif-
general, if the cellulosic biomass has higher cellulose and lower
icantly smaller total SSA and lower sugar yield than those of smaller
lignin content, its sugar yield will be higher.
screen sizes, the hypothesis will not be rejected.

3.2.1. Proposed future work

3.2. Compositions of different sieve size particles were different This hypothesis can be tested by investigating effects of sieve
while those of different screen size particles were the same size and screen size on composition and sugar yield of lignocellu-
losic biomass. The effects will be obtained using two mill types
Zhang et al. [32] compared the cellulose content of poplar wood (knife milling and hammer milling) and various biomass types
particles milled using different sieve sizes. They found that the (such as switchgrass, corn stover, and wheat straw). The procedure
particles of larger sieve size (4 mm) had higher cellulose content to prepare particles of different sieve sizes and screen sizes will be
than the particles of smaller sieve size (1 mm) for two milling similar to that described in Section 3.1. Compositions of different
methods (knife milling and hammer milling), as shown in Fig. 8. particles will be determined by following NREL laboratory analyt-
It has been reported that there is no signicant difference in ical procedure [46,53]. The hypothesis will be rejected if (1) there is
composition between particles of different screen sizes. Such re- no signicant difference in composition (cellulose and lignin con-
sults were reported by Chundawat et al. [19] with corn stover tent) between particles of different sieve sizes, or (2) sieve size and
particles of seven screen sizes, by Zeng et al. [21] with corn stover screen size have the same effects on composition and sugar yield.
particles of two screen sizes, and by Pedersen and Meyer [24] with
wheat straw particles of four screen sizes.
3.3. Before hydrolysis, particles of different sieve sizes were pelleted
Based on observations discussed above, it is hypothesized that
in most reported studies while those of different screen sizes were
milled particles of different sieve sizes might have different com-
not pelleted in most reported studies
positions. Particles of a larger sieve size might have higher cellulose
content or lower lignin content or both than those of a smaller sieve
In most studies where sieve size was used, particles from milling
size. However, milled particles of different screen sizes had the
were treated by pelleting and pretreatment before hydrolysis, as
same compositions. Sugar yield of cellulosic biomass is affected by
shown in Fig. 9(a). In most studies where screen size was used,
its composition especially the cellulose and lignin content. In

Table 4
Particles from milling Particles from milling
Differences in average particle length measured by Zhu et al. [25].

Milling Size range Middle point Difference in Average Difference in

method (mm) of size rangea middle pointb particle average
(mm) (mm) length (mm) particle
lengthc (mm)

Disk 0.91e1.59 1.25 0.53 1.82 0.53

milling 0.53e0.91 0.72 0.33 1.29 0.57 Pretreatment Pretreatment
0.25e0.53 0.39 0.20 0.72 0.32
0.13e0.25 0.19 0.40
Hammer 0.64e1.27 0.96 0.48 1.92 1.39 Hydrolysis Hydrolysis
milling 0.32e0.64 0.48 0.53
Calculated as the average value of the lower and upper limit of the size range.
Calculated as the difference in middle point of two neighboring size ranges. (a) (b)
Calculated as the difference in average particle length of two neighboring size
ranges. Fig. 9. Two different treatment procedures for milled particles.
132 Q. Zhang et al. / Renewable Energy 60 (2013) 127e136

particles from milling were treated by pretreatment but not pel-

leting before hydrolysis, as shown in Fig. 9(b).
Two types of pelleting methods were used in the studies that
used particles of different sieve sizes. Ultrasonic vibration-assisted

(UV-A) pelleting was used by Zhang et al. [30], and ring-die pel-

leting was applied by Theerarattananoon et al. [31]. It was reported
that, with all other process variables being kept the same, particles
processed by UV-A pelleting produced higher sugar yield than

those not processed by UV-A pelleting [27], indicating that UV-A
pelleting itself had effects on sugar yield. Similar results were re-
ported by Theerarattananoon et al. [31] using ring-die pelleting. Glucose/pre-hydrolysis Glucose/pre-hydrolysis Glucose/pre-pretreatment
Consequently, effects of pelleting on sugar yield may interact with cellulose ratio biomass ratio cellulose ratio
effects of sieve size on sugar yield. Such interaction did not exist in Sugar yield definition
studies that used particles of different screen sizes.
Fig. 11. Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for different
Based on the above observations, it is hypothesized that effects
denitions of sugar yield.
of sieve size (or screen size) on sugar yield may be different
depending on whether or not biomass is pelleted before hydrolysis.
Table 5
3.3.1. Proposed future work Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for different denitions
This hypothesis can be tested by investigating effects of sieve of sugar yield.
size and screen size on sugar yield following both procedures in Sugar yield denition Relationship Reference
Fig. 9.The procedure to prepare particles of different sieve sizes and
Glucose/pre-hydrolysis cellulose ratio Negative [17e19,21e25]
screen sizes will be similar to that described in Section 3.1. If the
Positive [31]
same effects of sieve size (or screen size) on sugar yield are ob- Glucose/pre-hydrolysis biomass ratio Negative [20]
tained no matter whether pelleting is used or not, the hypothesis Neutral [27]
will be rejected. Positive [29,30,32]
Glucose/pre-pretreatment cellulose ratio Positive [18]

4. Different denitions of sugar yield

Three different denitions of sugar yield (glucose/pre-hydroly- biomass ratio was used, three different relationships were re-
sis cellulose ratio, glucose/pre-hydrolysis biomass ratio, and ported. When glucose/pre-pretreatment cellulose ratio was used,
glucose/pre-pretreatment cellulose ratio) were used in reported positive relationships were reported.
studies. Fig. 10 describes the sequence of four processes (size In most reported studies, hydrolysis was performed using the
reduction, pelleting, pretreatment, and hydrolysis) in cellulosic same amount of pretreated biomass by weight. When glucose/pre-
ethanol production. The glucose/pre-hydrolysis cellulose ratio hydrolysis biomass ratio was used, a higher amount of glucose in
represents the ratio (weight/weight) of glucose in post-hydrolysis post-hydrolysis solution (Fig. 11) represented a higher sugar yield.
solution to cellulose in pre-hydrolysis biomass. The glucose/pre- However, this is not necessarily true when glucose/pre-hydrolysis
hydrolysis biomass ratio represents the ratio (weight/weight) of cellulose ratio was used, because the cellulose content in pre-
glucose in post-hydrolysis solution to pre-hydrolysis biomass. The hydrolysis biomass particles of different sizes could be different.
glucose/pre-pretreatment cellulose ratio represents the ratio Ballesteros et al. [28] reported that, as particle size (screen size)
(weight/weight) of glucose in post-hydrolysis solution to cellulose increased from 2e5 to 8e12 mm, the cellulose content of steam-
in pre-pretreatment biomass. The three different ratios have the explosion-pretreated wood chips increased from 36 to 46%.
same numerator (the weight of glucose in post-hydrolysis solution) Therefore, when glucose/pre-hydrolysis cellulose ratio was used,
but different denominators. the higher amount of glucose in post-hydrolysis solution could be
As summarized in Fig. 11 and Table 5, when glucose/pre- offset by the larger cellulose content in pre-hydrolysis biomass. In
hydrolysis cellulose ratio was used, negative relationships were this context, it is possible that different relationships between
reported by most researchers. When glucose/pre-hydrolysis particle size and sugar yield could be obtained from the same test


Pre- Post-
Raw Liquid
Size reduction pretreatment Pretreatment pretreatment
biomass waste
biomass slurry

Post- Pre-hydrolysis
hydrolysis Hydrolysis
waste biomass


Fig. 10. Sequence of four processes in cellulosic biofuel manufacturing.

Q. Zhang et al. / Renewable Energy 60 (2013) 127e136 133

by using pre-hydrolysis cellulose based or pre-hydrolysis biomass 5.1. Pretreatment could cause different changes in composition for
based sugar yield denitions. For example, Ballesteros et al. [28] different particle sizes
reported that, after 8 min steam-explosion pretreatment at
210  C, the relationship was negative, because the sugar yield of Composition in pre-pretreated biomass was similar for different
smaller particles (2e5 mm) was about 10% higher than that of particle sizes [19,21,25,31]. Pretreatment would remove hemi-
larger particles (5e8 mm) if sugar yield was dened as glucose/pre- celluloses or lignin or both of them in order to increase accessibility
hydrolysis cellulose ratio. However, if sugar yield was dened as of cellulose [54e56]. When particles of different sizes were pre-
glucose/pre-hydrolysis biomass ratio, the relationship became treated, lignin and hemicellulose may be removed with different
positive, because the sugar yield of smaller particles was about 5% levels of success. Cullis et al. [57] used sodium hydrate pretreat-
lower than that of larger particles. ment to remove lignin from wood chips. They found that more
For some pretreatment methods (e.g., dilute acid pretreatment lignin was removed from larger chips (with the length of 5 mm)
and steam-explosion pretreatment), a part of cellulose in pre- than from smaller chips (with the length of 1.5 mm). Ballesteros
pretreatment biomass would be converted into glucose in pre- et al. [28] pretreated wood chips using steam explosion and sodium
treatment and considered as waste after pretreatment. Cellulose chlorite. They reported that, after pretreatment, cellulose content
recovery (a ratio of cellulose that remains in pre-hydrolysis biomass in larger particles (8e12 mm) was about 16% higher than that in
to cellulose in pre-pretreatment biomass) measures cellulose loss smaller particles (2e5 mm), whereas the lignin content in larger
in pretreatment. A higher cellulose recovery means less cellulose particles was about half of that in smaller particles.
loss in pretreatment. Glucose/pre-pretreatment cellulose ratio Based on the above observations, it is hypothesized that some
equals the product of glucose/pre-hydrolysis cellulose ratio and pretreatment methods (such as dilute acid, steam explosion, and
cellulose recovery. Smaller particles usually generated higher sodium hydrate) can cause different changes in composition for
glucose/pre-hydrolysis cellulose ratios than larger particles. How- different particle sizes. After pretreatment, larger particles have
ever, larger particles would usually lead to higher cellulose recov- lower lignin or hemicellulose content and higher cellulose content
ery [18,23,28]. Therefore, it is possible that different relationships than smaller particles. As a result, larger pretreated particles may
between particle size and sugar yield could be obtained from the have higher (or at least similar) sugar yield than smaller pretreated
same test if sugar yield was dened as glucose/pre-hydrolysis cel- particles.
lulose ratio or glucose/pre-pretreatment cellulose ratio. For
example, Ballesteros et al. [18] reported that the glucose/pre- 5.1.1. Proposed future work
hydrolysis cellulose ratio of smaller particles (2e5 mm) was This hypothesis can be tested by measuring the compositions of
about 20% higher than that of larger particles (8e12 mm), but the pretreated lignocellulosic biomass particles of different particle
glucose/pre-pretreatment cellulose ratio of smaller particles was sizes. Various types of mills and biomass will be used. The proce-
0more than 20% lower than that of larger particles. dure to prepare particles of different sieve sizes and screen sizes
Based on the above observations, it is hypothesized that the will be similar to that described in Section 3.1. Particles of different
inconsistent relationships between particle size and sugar yield are sizes will go through the same pretreatment and enzymatic hy-
caused due to different sugar yield denitions used in different drolysis. Three pretreatment methods (dilute acid, steam explosion,
studies. and sodium hydrate) will be tested. The hypothesis will be rejected
if (1) larger pretreated particles do not have statistically higher
4.1. Proposed future work cellulose content or lower lignin (or hemicellulose) content than
smaller pretreated particles, or (2) there is no signicant difference
This hypothesis can be tested by comparing the relationships in relationships between particle size and sugar yield with and
between particle size and sugar yield with the same experimental without pretreatment.
conditions but different sugar yield denitions. Various types of
lignocellulosic biomass will be milled using hammer milling. The 5.2. Pretreatment could cause different changes in specic surface
procedure to prepare particles of different sieve sizes and screen area for different particle sizes
sizes will be similar to that described in Section 3.1. Different par-
ticles will go through the same pretreatment (e.g., dilute acid It has been reported that, without pretreatment, particles of
pretreatment) and enzymatic hydrolysis. Compositions of pre- smaller screen sizes might have larger SSA than those of larger
pretreated biomass and pre-hydrolysis biomass will be measured. screen sizes. Zeng et al. [21] reported that SSA of smaller screen size
For each combination of biomass type and particle size, sugar yield corn stover particles (53e75 mm) was about ten times higher than
(using three denitions) will be obtained. If consistent relation- that of larger screen size particles (425e710 mm). Pedersen and
ships between particle size and sugar yield are obtained based on Meyer [24] reported that SSA of smaller screen size wheat straw
different sugar yield denitions, the hypothesis will be rejected. particles (53e149 mm) was more than ten times higher than that of
larger screen size particles (707e1000 mm). SSA of lignocellulosic
5. Two procedures of treatment biomass could be increased by many pretreatment methods [58].
Zeng et al. [21] observed that hot water pretreatment generated
Two procedures of treatment were used in reported studies e many pores and hollows on surface of large particles but not on
one with pretreatment and the other without. As shown in Fig. 12 surface of small particles. They believed that such pores and hol-
and Table 6, when pretreatment was not applied, consistent lows could increase surface area and make cellulose more exposed
negative relationships were reported. When pretreatment was and accessible to enzymes. Therefore, the difference in SSA be-
applied, three different relationships were reported. When biomass tween particles of different sizes would reduce signicantly after
was pretreated by ammonia ber explosion (AFEX) [19], hot water pretreatment.
[21], sodium carbonate [24], sodium chlorite [22], and steam ex- Based on the above observations, it is hypothesized that the
plosion [18], negative relationships were reported. When biomass increase in SSA after pretreatment for larger particles might be
was pretreated by lime [29], positive relationships were reported. much greater than that for smaller particles. As a result, larger
When biomass was pretreated by dilute acid [27,30e32], neutral or pretreated particles may have higher (or at least similar) sugar yield
positive relationships were reported. than smaller pretreated particles.
134 Q. Zhang et al. / Renewable Energy 60 (2013) 127e136

5.3.1. Proposed future work


This hypothesis can be tested by measuring crystallinity of

pretreated lignocellulosic biomass particles of different sizes.
Different types of biomass will be milled to particles of different
particle sizes (similar to the procedure in Section 3.1). Crystallinity

will be measured using X-ray diffraction (this method has been


used by many researchers [33,59,62]). These particles will go

through the same pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. Three
pretreatment methods (dilute acid, steam explosion, and sodium
hydrate) will be tested. The hypothesis will be rejected if (1) in-
crease in crystallinity for pretreated larger particles is not signi-

cantly greater than that for pretreated smaller particles, or (2) there
is no signicant difference in relationships between particle size
and sugar yield before and after pretreatment.

Without pretreatment With pretreatment 6. Different levels of particle size

Treatment procedure
Particle sizes used in most studies can be classied into two
Fig. 12. Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for different levels: micron level (particle sizes were smaller than 1 mm) and
treatment procedures. millimeter level (particle sizes were larger than 1 mm). As shown in
Fig. 13 and Table 7, when micron-level particle sizes were used,
negative relationships were reported by most studies. When
5.2.1. Proposed future work millimeter-level particle sizes were used, two different relation-
This hypothesis can be tested by measuring SSA of pretreated ships were reported.
lignocellulosic biomass particles of different sizes. Different types
of biomass will be milled to particles with different sizes (similar to 6.1. Difference in specic surface area between large and small
the procedure in Section 3.1). These particles will go through the particles at micron level was more signicant than that at
same pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. Three pretreatment millimeter level
methods (dilute acid, steam explosion, and sodium hydrate) will be
tested. The hypothesis will be rejected if (1) the differences in SSA Particles of smaller screen size generally have larger SSA than
between different particle sizes are not reduced signicantly after those of larger screen size. However, increase in SSA was not line-
pretreatment, or (2) there is no signicant difference in relation- arly related to decrease in screen size. Zhang et al. [63] reported
ships between particle size and sugar yield with and without that the SSA of pan-milled cellulose powder increased by less than
pretreatment. 0.2 m2/g as screen size decreased from 5 mm to 75 mm, whereas
increased by more than 0.5 m2/g as screen size decreased from 75
5.3. Pretreatment could cause different changes in biomass to 25 mm. Zhang et al. also observed that a slightly decrease in
crystallinity for different particle sizes screen size could result in a considerable increase in SSA for particle
sizes at micron level, but not so for particle sizes at millimeter level.
Many researchers reported that lower biomass crystallinity led Therefore, when the particle size was at micron level, a consider-
to higher sugar yield [59e61]. Pretreatment could signicantly able difference in SSA might exist for different particle sizes. In turn,
change the difference in biomass crystallinity for different particle it could be expected that small particles would produce higher
sizes. For example, without pretreatment, the crystallinity of sugar yield. However, when the particle size was at millimeter
miscanthus particles was 54% for particles with size of 250e level, the difference in SSA between different particle sizes would
355 mm and 25% for particles with size of <63 mm [22]. After being
pretreated by sodium chlorite, the crystallinity of smaller
particles (<63 mm) increased remarkably (from 25 to 46%) but the

crystallinity of larger particles (250e355 mm) increased slightly

(from 54 to 56%). The difference in crystallinity between par-
ticles of different particle size was signicantly reduced after

Based on the above observations, it is hypothesized that the


increase in biomass crystallinity after pretreatment for smaller

particles might be much greater than that for larger particles. As a
result, larger pretreated particles may have higher (or at least
similar) sugar yield than smaller pretreated particles.

Table 6
Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for different treatment

Procedure Relationship Reference Micron level Millimeter level

Without pretreatment Negative [17,19e22,24,26]
With pretreatment Negative [18,19,21e24] Particle size level
Neutral [27]
Positive [28e32] Fig. 13. Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for different
levels of particle size.
Q. Zhang et al. / Renewable Energy 60 (2013) 127e136 135

Table 7 higher sugar yield than large particles (8e12 mm). However, after
Reported relationships between particle size and sugar yield for different levels of pretreated at 210  C, the relationship became positive. Large par-
particle size.
ticles produced about 40% higher sugar yield than small particles.
Particle size level Effect Reference Based on the above observations, it is hypothesized that, when
Micron Negative [12e14,19e22,24e26] micro-level particle size is used, sugar yield is more dependent on
Positive [29] conditions of pretreatment rather than particle size. Different re-
Millimeter Negative [18,23] lationships between particle size and sugar yield may be obtained
Positive [28,30e32]
with and without pretreatment. Relationships between particle
size and sugar yield may also be different when different pre-
treatment conditions are used.
be relatively small. In this context, particle size might not be a
dominant factor affecting sugar yield. 6.2.1. Proposed future work
Based on the above observations, it is hypothesized that, when This hypothesis can be tested by measuring sugar yield of large
particle size is at micron level, the differences in SSA and sugar yield particles with different pretreatment conditions. Different types of
between different particle sizes are signicant. When particle size biomass will be milled to two particle size ranges (2e2.4 and 4e
is at millimeter level, the differences in SSA and sugar yield be- 4.6 mm). For each combination of biomass type and size range,
tween different particle sizes are not signicant. some particles will go through enzymatic hydrolysis directly. Other
particles will go through dilute acid pretreatment with different
6.1.1. Proposed future work conditions (e.g., different temperature, different acid concentration,
This hypothesis can be tested by measuring SSA and sugar yield and different pretreatment time) and enzymatic hydrolysis. If the
of lignocellulosic biomass particles of different particle sizes. relationships between particle size and sugar yield are consistent
Different types of biomass will be milled to particles of four for all cases, the hypothesis will be rejected.
different size ranges e two smaller than 1 mm (0.2e0.4 and 0.4e
0.6 mm) and the other two larger than 1 mm (2e2.4 and 2.4e 7. Concluding remarks
2.8 mm). For each combination of biomass type and size range, SSA
of particles will be measured. These particles will go through the It is of both academic and practical importance to know the
same enzymatic hydrolysis and their sugar yield will be measured. relationships between cellulosic biomass particle size and enzy-
The hypothesis will be rejected if (1) the difference in SSA between matic hydrolysis sugar yield. The literature contains inconsistent
particles of 0.2e0.4 and of 0.4e0.6 mm are not signicantly larger reports on this relationship. Some say that smaller particles pro-
than that between particles of 2e2.4 and 2.4e2.8 mm, or (2) the duce higher sugar yield, some say that larger particles produce
difference in sugar yield between particles of 0.2e0.4 and of 0.4e higher sugar yield, and some say that particle size does not affect
0.6 mm are not signicantly larger than that between particles of sugar yield.
2e2.4 and 2.4e2.8 mm. It is desirable to understand why such inconsistence exists.
Looking at relevant publications from ve perspectives, several
6.2. Effects of pretreatment on the relationships between particle hypotheses are proposed in this paper. Future work to test these
size and sugar yield for particle sizes at micron level were more hypotheses should be benecial to gain insights and understanding
signicant than those for particle sizes at millimeter level on the relationship.

As discussed in Section 5, relationships between particle size Competing interests

and sugar yield were affected by pretreatment. For particle sizes at
micron level, negative relationships were reported with and The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.
without pretreatment. Pedersen and Meyer [24] reported that,
without pretreatment, sugar yield of smaller particles (53e149 mm) Acknowledgments
of wheat straw was more than 3 times higher than that of larger
particles (707e1000 mm) after 12-h hydrolysis. When processed by This study is supported nancially by NSF award CMMI-
oxidation with Na2CO3, sugar yield of smaller particles was only 0970112.
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