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Well Testing

Often, the trial-and-error method is viewed as an imperfect surrogate for system- Renzo Angeles, SPE, is an Engineering
atic scientific research. Yet, great advances never would have taken place without Specialist with ExxonMobil Upstream
such an approach. Take shale gas, for example. Despite scarce research conducted Research Company. He has 11 years
by only a few companies, shale-gas plays have undergone massive development of petroleum engineering experience, 3
and have progressed techniques (e.g., horizontal drilling and multistage fractur-
ing) that enabled resources unavailable less than a decade ago. According to a US years as a field engineer for Schlumberger.
Department of Energy report, US shale-gas production is expected to increase from Angeles has conducted and received
1.4 Tcf in 2007 to 4.8 Tcf in 2020. That same year, 64% of the total US gas produc- training in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, the
tion will come from unconventional gas. USA, Norway, and Canada. Currently,
Well testing is no exception. Although transient-linear-fluid-flow and dual- he works with the subsurface-technology
porosity concepts for fractured horizontal wells have been available for many years,
division supporting ExxonMobils global
painstaking trial and error has been the key to accommodating such extremely-
low-permeability ranges in current prefracture- and post-fracture-well-test designs. exploration, development, and produc-
Similarly, many if not all operators have diligently re-evaluated their appraisal tion affiliates. Angeles areas of interest
programs in an effort to collect data needed for critical parameters (e.g., gas-in- include well testing, formation testing,
place and initial pressure) in a cost-effective manner while accounting for varying near-wellbore modeling, petrophysics,
relationships between matrix and natural- and hydraulic-fracture networks. and subsurface engineering. He holds
It is undeniable that trial and error should not be used to replace the rigor and
thoroughness of systematic scientific research. However, the expanded range of MS and PhD degrees in petroleum engi-
environments that we encounter (from unconventional, to multilayered, to high- neering from the University of Texas
pressure/high-temperature reservoirs) requires rapid learning and adaptation, and, at Austin. Angeles serves on the JPT
therefore, experimentation. The papers selected for this issue are clear examples of Editorial Committee.
best-in-class knowledge development in well testing through first principles and an
old familiar approachtrial and error. JPT

Well Testing additional reading

available at OnePetro:

IPTC 13912 A Novel Analysis Procedure for Estimating Thickness-

Independent Horizontal and Vertical Permeabilities From Pressure Data at
an Observation Probe Acquired by Packer/Probe Wireline Formation Testers
by M. Onur, Istanbul Technical University, et al. (See JPT, September 2010,
page 56.)

SPE 134534 Practical Use of Well-Test Deconvolution by A.C. Gringarten,

SPE, Imperial College, London.

SPE 131675 Pressure-Falloff-Test Interpretation for Leakage Detection

During CO2 Injection in a Deep Saline Aquifer by C.A. Ehlig-Economides,
Texas A&M University, et al.



Best Practices in Testing and Analyzing Multilayer Reservoirs

Layered formations are the norm about stimulation effectiveness (skin) Multilayer-Testing Procedure
rather than the exception among oil in each zone. Then, a robust step- The production-logging tool (PLT)
and gas reservoirs. Knowing individ- by-step analysis method that uses contains gauges that measure the flow
ual-layer properties is important for all data and information is applied profile and bottomhole pressure simul-
development strategies, especially for to obtain individual-layer proper- taneously. The procedure for testing a
secondary recovery. A set of best prac- ties. The best practices for use of two-zone reservoir includes the follow-
tices was established in the design, this methodology and the associated ing steps.
execution, and analysis of multilayer uncertainty are detailed in the full- 1. Shut in the well at least 2 days
pressure-transient tests in the Tengiz length paper. before PLT runs are made to stabi-
oil field in western Kazakhstan. Use The challenge in characterizing lay- lize crossflow during the initial build-
of multilayer testing and analysis ered reservoirs is the large number of up. Then, shut-in PLT passes are run
techniques provided a lower level of unknown parameters. The approach upward and downward to measure the
uncertainty in layered-reservoir char- described in the paper resolves stabilized shut-in flow profile and
acterization than can be obtained enough of these unknowns in a sys- bottomhole pressure.
with a simpler commingled-pressure- tematic fashion for a more direct solu- 2. Place the tool above the top layers
transient test alone. tion to be obtained, with a resulting perforations, open the well to flow to
lower uncertainty. reach a constant rate (first low-flow
Introduction rate), and collect bottomhole-pressure
Formations in the platform area of Tengiz Field data until infinite-acting radial flow
Tengiz consist of multiple zones The central platform of the Tengiz (IARF) is observed on a pressure-tran-
with different reservoir pressures. carbonate reservoir is dominated by sient log-log graph (usually 4 to 6
Therefore, crossflow often occurs dur- matrix porosity. The surrounding rim hours). At the end of this drawdown,
ing shut-in periods. In some cases, the and flank regions exhibit evidence record the first set of flowing-period
effect from different layer pressures of fracture networks. Three major upward and downward passes to col-
and skin distributions could result in zones contribute to oil production. lect layer-flow-contribution data.
100% difference in individual-layer The upper reservoir units have been 3. Station the tool above the bot-
permeability estimations. To reduce produced for a longer period of time tom layer. Increase the choke size to
uncertainty, the selective-inflow-per- and, therefore, are more depleted. flow at a higher constant rate. Record
formance (SIP) production-logging All Tengiz wells are essentially ver- the drawdown pressure until IARF is
technique is used to measure the tical and are producing single-phase observed on the transient-diagnosis
bottomhole pressures and flow con- oil with flowing bottomhole pressure log-log graph. Then, run the second set
tributions of individual layers dur- above the bubblepoint, which pro- of flowing-period passes.
ing a commingled-pressure-transient vides good conditions for production- 4. Keep the tool at the same posi-
test. Pulsed-neutron-capture (PNC) log profiling. Because most wells pro- tion as for Step 3 where crossflow
logs are used to gain information duce no water, the connate water has occurs. Shut the well in, and collect
low salinity, and irreducible water the final buildup-pressure data. At the
This article, written by Senior Technol- saturation is approximately 10%, ele- end of buildup, record one shut-in
ogy Editor Dennis Denney, contains vated chlorine-concentration levels upward and downward pass with the
highlights of paper SPE 132596, Best remained in the near-wellbore region PLT across the entire testing interval.
Practices in Testing and Analyzing of the formation after acid stimulation, 5. Pull the tool out of hole and rig
Multilayer Reservoirs, by Yan Pan, which increased the chance for a PNC down.
SPE, Chevron Energy Technology Com- log to detect acid effects. The bottomhole pressures measured
pany, and Michael Sullivan and Sour-gas injection for miscible at the end of each stabilized shut-in and
David Belanger, SPE, Tengizchevroil, flooding began in late 2007 in the flow period at different tool positions
prepared for the 2010 SPE Western central-platform area. Understanding (Steps 1 thorugh 4) are used to estimate
Regional Meeting, Anaheim, California, individual-zone formation properties the initial pressures of the layers by
2729 May. The paper has not been was important in the success of the applying the SIP technique. The qual-
peer reviewed. hydrocarbon-miscible flood. ity of the layer-pressure estimations

For a limited time, the full-length paper is available free to SPE members at


depends on the stability of measured been obtained by use of the SIP tech-
pressures. If the pass-to-pass pressures nique and will be used as initial layer
agree during shut-in and flowing sur- pressures. However, there is uncer-
veys, there is confidence in the result- tainty resulting from the accuracy of
ing SIP pressures. For some newly the layer-pressure calculation.
Faculty Positions drilled wells, the layer-pressure-calcu-
Texas A&M University lation results from SIP were bench- Single-Layer Analysis. Perform before
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum
Engineering marked against concurrent measured multilayer analysis.
reservoir pressures, and were deter- 1. Extract the pressure derivative
The Harold Vance Department of Petroleum
Engineering at Texas A&M University invites mined to be fairly consistent. However, from the final buildup-pressure data to
applications for faculty positions at the assistant, because the calculated layer pressures create the log-log diagnosis graph.
associate and full professor level at the College
Station campus and for faculty positions in our
used in later pressure-transient analysis 2. According to the transient sig-
Doha Qatar campus. were not direct measurements, uncer- nature on the log-log graph, select
Successful candidates are expected to have a
tainty remained and must be evaluated. the appropriate well, reservoir, and
strong commitment to teaching excellence at the The flowing-period passes during boundary models. Selecting the sim-
under-graduate and graduate levels, and a Steps 2 and 3 provide the layer-flow- plest model to match the data is rec-
demonstrated research capability that will enable
the candidate to develop an externally funded, contribution data. The downhole well ommended unless specific information
independent research program and publish in pressure is measured throughout the supports a complex model.
leading scholarly journals. These new faculty
will also be expected to not only teach, but also entire test duration. All these data are 3. By matching the pressure and
participate in departmental and college service used for transient analysis to obtain pressure-derivative curves, obtain esti-
efforts, to be active in the profession, to
supervise and mentor students, and to interact individual-layer properties. mates of the initial total permeabili-
with current faculty. Applicants will be ty-thickness product, (kh)0; average
evaluated based on current credentials as well as
potential for future impact. Multilayer-Transient-Analysis skin; and reservoir pressure, p0. These
Workflow estimates will be used as reference for
We invite applicants from all areas of
specialization in Petroleum Engineering. Data Preparation. multilayer analysis.
1. Apply the SIP technique to cal-
The Harold Vance Department of Petroleum
Engineering is a leading petroleum engineering culate layer pressures using stabilized Multilayer Analysis.
department in the US and is well known in the pressures measured at different depths Data Input.
international oil and gas community. The
Department has 37 faculty members in College
during shut-in and flowing passes at 1. Enter the layer information, such
Station and 8 at our campus in Doha, Qatar. We different rates. as the number of layers and individual-
have 630 undergraduates and 338 graduate
students in College Station. In Doha, we have
2. Use the hydrostatic gradient to layer net pay.
128 undergraduates. The department also has a convert all SIP layer pressures, pj , at 2. Enter the stabilized sandface (or
rapidly expanding research program, with over
$7 million in annual external funding from a
different depths to the same gauge surface) layer-flow rates during all
wide range of governmental and industry depth at which the bottomhole pres- surveys.
sources. As part of the Dwight Look College of sures were collected during the tran- First Estimates.
Engineering, the largest engineering program in
the US, the Department is well positioned to sient test. 1. Select the same well/reservoir/
maintain its leadership position in the coming 3. On the basis of the PLT layer- boundary models as used in the single-
years. More information about the department
can be viewed at flow contribution, calculate the sand- layer analysis for each layer.
face layer rates, qj , during shut-in and 2. Set individual-layer pressures to pj ,
Applicants must have an earned doctorate in
petroleum engineering or a closely related field. flowing surveys. Usually, a negative which were obtained from the SIP tech-
To apply, submit a detailed resume; a brief rate value is used for flow into the nique and converted to gauge depth.
statement of interests that includes vision for
research and teaching; and the names, addresses, formation. At any time, the total rates 3. Calculate individual-layer-kh [i.e.,
telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of at and layer rates should be consistent (kh)j] percentage using pj , qj during
least three references. Applicants will be
considered until the positions are filled. Texas under the same conditions (surface shut-in survey, and the p0 obtained
A&M University is responsive to the needs of or sandface). from single-layer analysis.
dual career couples. Texas A&M University is
an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity 4. Enter the pertinent reservoir and 4. Use the (kh)0 estimated from sin-
Employer. The university is dedicated to the goal well parameters (well radius, total net gle-layer analysis and the (kh)j percent-
of building a culturally diverse and pluralistic
faculty and staff committed to teaching and
pay of each layer, average formation age to calculate the individual-layer-kh
working in a multicultural environment and porosity, and fluid pressure/volume/ value, (kh)j0, and then the initial layer
strongly encourages applications from women,
minorities, individuals with disabilities, and
temperature properties) into pressure- permeability, kj0.
covered veterans. Employer paid advertisement. transient-analysis software. 5. Set each layers skin value equal to
To apply for a position at the College Station
5. Check pressure-data quality, and the total average skin value obtained
campus, please submit your application to: select the best gauge. Then, combine from single-layer analysis.
Dr. Mike King
pressure data collected from different 6. Generate the model response
Chair, Faculty Search Committee stations and convert them to the same using these first estimates and the well-
Texas A&M University reference depth. bore-storage coefficient obtained from
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum
Engineering 6. Import the total surface rates after single-layer analysis.
3116 TAMU the first shut-in survey into the pres- The calculated pressures should
College Station, TX 77843-3116
(979) 845-1488 sure-transient-analysis software. The be close to the gauge measurements. rate history before the first shut-in sur- However, the simulated layer rates
vey is not required for analysis because could be quite different from the values
the layer pressures at that time have obtained from PLT measurements.


Adjustment Based on Shut-in Survey. tions of a coiled-tubing acid wash, the
Keep the same (kh)0 value. stimulation effects are somewhat even Tomax Anti-Stall Technology
7. Adjust the (kh)j percentage and throughout the interval. Under such (AST) eliminates motor stalls and
the corresponding layer permeability ideal circumstances, it is reasonable to provides a significant reduction in
to match the layer rates during the assume uniform distribution of skin at downhole vibration in coiled tubing
first shut-in survey. Use the same well/ different producing zones. However, if operations. Secondary effects are
reservoir/boundary models as used in a workover was performed on a well less fatigue cycles on the coil and
the single-layer analysis for all the and the well was killed, making the faster rate of penetration.
layers. assumption that all intervals have the
Adjustment Based on Flowing same skin factor is questionable when Use of AST in combination with
Passes. Keep the same (kh)0 value; and the depth of mud invasion may be dif-
mud motor on coiled tubing is
keep the (kh)0-weighted skin value, ferent for various reasons.
established as best practice with
(kh)sj /(kh)j, approximately equal to One way to determine information
several major oilfield operators.
the average skin value estimated from about skin distribution is to assess
Other main areas of use are rotary
single-layer analysis. the effectiveness of acid stimulation.
drilling for exploration, long reach
8. Adjust the layer skin value Most wells in Tengiz receive either
wells and under-reaming while
to match layer rates during flowing acid washes or bullhead diverted treat-
survey(s). ments. Use of PNC logs to detect
9. Adjust the (kh)j percentage and elevated chlorine-concentration levels
the corresponding layer permeability in formation near the wellbore caused
slightly to rematch layer rates during by acid stimulation provides the rela- For examples and field
the first shut-in survey. tive scale of zonal skin factors. reports (from around
10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 to match 370 jobs completed
layer rates during the first shut-in and Discussion worldwide) visit our
flowing surveys. Multilayer systems involve more anti-stall website:
Adjustment Based on Well Bottom- unknown reservoir parameters than a
hole Pressure at the Time of Final single-layer problem does. With only
Shut-In. the pressure obtained during a com-
11. Keep the same (kh)j percent- mingled well test, the uncertainty in The AST tool is
age obtained in Step 10, and adjust transient analysis is high. Collecting made-up above
the (kh)0 slightly until the pressure more data, such as layer flow contri- the motor and
and pressure-derivative curves align butions from production logs, layer any steering
at the beginning of the final buildup pressures by use of the SIP technique,
in the log-log graph [increasing (kh)0 and acid effects detected by PNC
will separate the two curves more; logs, makes it possible to estimate
decreasing (kh)0 will bring the two individual-layer properties better and
curves closer]. to reduce the uncertainty in multi-
12. Keep the same layer skin ratio, layer analysis.
(kh)sj /(kh)sj, obtained in Step 10, and However, as with any reservoir-
adjust each layer skin value accord- engineering problem, the pressure-
ingly to align the pressure and pres- transient-analysis solution is not
sure-derivative curves at the beginning unique. Obtaining one solution with
of the final buildup (increasing total a good match of all types of data does
skin will bring the two curves closer; not mean that other possible solu-
decreasing total skin will separate the tions do not exist. It is recommended
two curves more). to always use the simplest model
13. Repeat Steps 11 and 12 until unless there is specific information
the pressure and pressure-derivative to support a more complex situation.
curves match throughout the final Engineering judgment must be used
buildup. when conditions differ.
Blind use of nonlinear regression
Layer-Skin Distribution on all unknown parameters in a mul-
For layered reservoirs, the skin dis- tilayer system to search for a solu-
tribution has high uncertainty. The tion is not recommended because
typical range of skin factors in Tengiz the algorithm is a simple mathemati-
is 5 to 20, which could result in cal optimization procedure without
an order-of-magnitude difference in basis in physics. It may give unreal-
layer-permeability estimation because istic answers. Use of knowledge of
permeability and skin value corre- the well and reservoir, and applying
late strongly. transient-analysis techniques listed in
When wells are completed initially this workflow on all the data, leads to
and stimulated with several reciproca- reasonable solutions. JPT
See us at stand 210 in Amsterdam



Applying Linear-Flow Analysis to

Shale-Gas WellsField Cases

Tight gas wells behave as if controlled Gas adsorption is not accounted for in hydraulic fractures enhance the conduc-
by transient linear flow. The half- this model because most of the data are tivity of a natural-fracture system, which
slope on a type curve indicates this in the transient-flow regime in which is a network of fractures. The calculation
behavior, which enables determining gas-desorption effects are negligible. disadvantage of Model 2 is that the frac-
certain reservoir parameters. Linear- ture spacing, L2, generally is unknown.
flow behavior has been observed in Occurrence of Linear Flow Whether Model 1 or Model 2 is more
shale-gas wells also, but these wells Fig. 1 shows a log-log graph and a appropriate for analysis purposes may
tend to exhibit a significant skin effect square-root-of-time graph for daily pro- depend on the analysts preference. It
that is less common in tight gas wells. duction from Well 114. Transient linear may be worthwhile to compare results
This skin effect can mask early linear flow is shown as a half-slope on the log- from both models. It may be the case that
behavior but may be accounted for with log graph and as a straight line on the one model may be more appropriate than
a modified equation. square-root-of-time graph. However, the other model in a particular reservoir
the early part of these curves, before or for a particular completion technique.
Introduction 200 days, does not seem to represent As Fig. 3 shows, the solution for
Shale-gas reservoirs are being developed transient linear flow. In earlier work, it this linear, dual-porosity model identi-
with horizontal wells and multistage was thought that the early departures fies flow regions that a horizontal well
fracturing. These wells produce in a from a half-slope might represent bilin- may exhibit throughout its production
transient-linear-flow manner, and, in ear flow in a dual-porosity reservoir. A life. Region 4, transient linear drainage
some cases, this flow regime could last more-plausible explanation and analysis from the matrix blocks to the fractures,
for years and might be the only flow were determined with this study. is the dominant flow regime for most
regime available for analysis. A half-slope shale-gas wells in early years.
on the log-log graph of gas rate vs. time Dual-Porosity Linear-Flow Model
or a straight line on the square-root-of- An ideal shale-gas well would produce Linear-Flow Period, Region 4
time graph characterizes this behavior. from a rectangular dual-porosity reser- Because the hydraulic fractures have
Fig. 1 shows an example of a shale-gas voira system of fractures with matrix very high conductivity, the duration of
well in transient linear flow for more blocks flowing into the fractures, with transient flow through these fractures
than 2 years. the reservoir not extending beyond the (Regions 1 and 2) usually is very short
The approach used in this study was fracture system. Thus, this system is a and may end in less than 1 day. Therefore,
to assume that linear-transient-flow linear dual-porosity system, and solu- well performance can be analyzed effec-
drainage out of matrix blocks controls tions have been presented as Laplace- tively by considering the transient linear
production. However, unlike tight gas domain solutions. drainage from the homogeneous matrix
wells, shale-gas wells tend to exhibit a Two conceptual models are shown in blocks into the fractures (i.e., Region-4
significant skin effect, which masks the Fig. 2. They are equivalent in the sense flow). See the full-length paper for details
early linear behavior and which must be that they both represent dual-porosity and examples of the calculations.
accounted for with a modified equation. linear systems. Model 1 is a linear,
dual-porosity transient-slab model. Field Applications
This article, written by Senior Tech- The dominant fracture system in Model The plotting and calculation method
nology Editor Dennis Denney, con- 1 is hydraulic fractures emanating from was applied to several shale-gas wells. In
tains highlights of paper SPE 130370, equally spaced perforation clusters in the many wells, the flow behavior appeared
Application of Linear-Flow Analysis wellbore. The matrix blocks in Model 1 to match patterns described in this
to Shale-Gas WellsField Cases, by are treated as homogeneous, although paper and the calculation results seemed
Hasan A. Al-Ahmadi, SPE, Anas they may contain natural fractures. The reasonable. However, several wells did
M. Almarzooq, SPE, and R.A. main calculation advantage of Model not fit the pattern very well. The main
Wattenbarger, SPE, Texas A&M Uni- 1 is knowledge of fracture spacing, L1, reasons for these wells not conforming
versity, prepared for the 2010 SPE because it depends on the perforation- were production interruptions, recom-
Unconventional Gas Conference, Pitts- cluster spacing. pletions, liquid loading at lower rates,
burgh, Pennsylvania, 2325 February. Model 2 is a linear, dual-porosity and interference from nearby well-frac-
The paper has not been peer reviewed. transient-cube model. In this model, turing treatments and production.

For a limited time, the full-length paper is available free to SPE members at


Well 114 Well 114

[m(p)m(pwf)]/qg , psi2/cp(Mscf/D)
10,000 2.0E+6
Slope=1/2 1.8E+6
Gas Rate, Mscf/D

100 1.0E+6
1 0.0E+0
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time, days Time1/2, days1/2
Fig. 1On the left, a log-log graph of field production data shows a half-slope line indicating linear flow
after approximately 200 days. On the right, the corresponding square-root-of-time graph shows a straight line
indicating linear flow after approximately 200 days.
Hydraulic- Approximately 400 shale-gas wells
Hydraulic Unknown were analyzed, and most exhibited
Fracture Natural-Fracture
Fractures L2
Spacing L1 Network clear Region-4 behavior. They did not
show early linear and bilinear flow
(Regions 1 and 2) because of the high
Fracture Half-Length

fracture conductivity, which resulted

in a very short fracture-transient-flow
Matrix time. Calculations that seemed to be
Matrix valid were made on many of these
wells. Other wells could not be ana-
lyzed because of various problems.
Most of the wells exhibited significant
skin effect. Although this mathematical
Horizontal Well Horizontal Well treatment was for a constant skin effect,
it is believed that this early behavior is
Drainage-Area Length Drainage-Area Length caused by water in the fractures after
the fracturing treatment. Eq. 6 in the
Fig. 2Model 1, left, uses hydraulic-fracture spacing for the slab-matrix full-length paper seems to fit the early
size. Model 2, right, is characterized as natural fractures enhanced by behavior if the first few days are ignored.
the hydraulic-fracturing process. This method helps confirm that transient
linear flow (Region 4) from the matrix
E+01 blocks occurred rather than bilinear flow.
=103 (=103) The primary advantage of Model 1 was
E+00 =105 (=103) that fracture spacing was known from
=1010 (=103) completion data. For either method,
=10 3 Region 2 there are two ways to calculate origi-
E02 =1
0 5
nal-gas-in-place (OGIP) values if the
Region 1
= end of transient flow is observed. This
advantage may enable adjusting assumed

parameter values to obtain agreement
E04 between two different OGIP values.
Region 4 Conclusions
E06 A calculation procedure has been pre-
Region 5
sented to aid analysis of shale-gas-well
E07 performance. The procedure is based

















on two possible models of a wells frac-

ture pattern, and it uses analytical solu-
tDAcw tions for dual-porosity linear flow. This
procedure may be helpful in the early
Fig. 3Flow regions for linear, dual-porosity reservoir. The dashed lines years of a wells performance, but other
show half-slope of Region 4 for the three values of , while only two
curves developed Region 2 quarter-slope. =dimensionless interpo-
methods might be more appropriate
rosity parameter, =dimensionless storativity ratio, qDL=dimensionless and more accurate at later times in the
rate, tDAcw=dimensionless time. life of a shale-gas well. JPT


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Well-Testing Operations in High-Temperature

EnvironmentsWorldwide Experiences and Best Practices

Wells with bottomhole temperatures in 30,000

excess of 300F are classified as high-
temperature (HT) wells. Many offshore
developments with these conditions 25,000
offer large hydrocarbon reservoirs. All,
however, have presented significant
challenges in terms of operational 20,000
Pressure, psi

planning, equipment, engineering

design, and job execution with respect
to HT-well testing. Different reservoir 15,000
scenarios required changes in proce-
dures, equipment configuration, and
safety requirements. All jobs had to
consider environmental criteria in addi- TCP1,299 jobs
tion to the operators testing policies. Memory gauge2,303 jobs

Traditionally, well testing is a reliable 0
dynamic method to acquire a variety of 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
information from the reservoir, includ-
Temperature, F
ing permeability, formation damage,
bottomhole pressure and temperature,
fluid samples, and production quan- Fig. 1Database of well tests performed in an HP/HT environment.
TCP=tubing-conveyed perforating.
tification. Over time, methods and
equipment have evolved, expanding
well-test capabilities to different sce- experience in similar cases will be well most of these cases, a deep-well simula-
narios and adapting to more-demand- received because it provides relevant tor was used to test equipment above
ing environmental and safety con- information that will help to make the expected conditions.
straints. In recent years, high-pressure/ appropriate decisions. With HT wells
high-temperature (HP/HT) wells have defined as having bottomhole tempera- Design Consideration
become more common. Documented tures in excess of 300F, extreme-HT Elastomers. The following service
wells are defined as wells having bot- conditions must be considered before
This article, written by Senior Tech- tomhole temperatures between 350F selecting the proper elastomers.
nology Editor Dennis Denney, con- and 400F. Fluids to be sealed: Consider the
tains highlights of paper OTC 21060, type of well fluid, including drilling
Challenging Well-Testing Operations Background mud, aggressive brines (such as formi-
in High-Temperature Environments As shown in Fig. 1, many wells around ates or calcium bromides), acids, and
Worldwide Experiences and Best the world with bottomhole tempera- alcohols.
Practices Learned, by Alejandro tures above 300F have been tested. Temperature range: Include mini-
Salguero, SPE, Edgar Almanza, and Tool configuration has changed lit- mum and maximum operating condi-
Josmar Haddad, SPE, Halliburton tle because equipment reliability has tions along with thermal cycling and
Energy Services, prepared for the 2010 improved. The lessons learned are potential exclusions. Some seals are not
Offshore Technology Conference, extremely valuable for planning and appropriate for low temperatures (i.e.,
Houston, 36 May. The paper has not design. Extreme temperatures repre- seabed in offshore wells or cold-fluid
been peer reviewed. sent the main challenge for the equip- injection).
ment, particularly for electronics, elas- Pressure range: Maximum and
Copyright 2010 Offshore Technology tomers, explosives, and some surface minimum operating range must be
Conference. Reproduced by permission. equipment, including flexible hoses. In considered along with the compression

The full-length paper is available for purchase at OnePetro:


reservoir fluid is to collect the sample
downhole. Current available sampling
Snubbing jack systems are rated to 400F and 20,000
Power pack for snubbing jack psi, are capable of collecting six to nine
400-cm3 samples, and are operated by
Load flange
annulus pressure.
Heating-system air handler and controls
Tubing-Conveyed-Perforating (TCP)
Guns. Operating conditions (including
temperature) must be analyzed when
Hot-air discharge choosing the equipment and will deter-
Heated-air flow path mine the type of explosive to be used.
Hot-air return
Also, the pressure rating of the guns
Test fixture
must be considered because TCP guns
must be capable of withstanding the
hydrostatic pressure plus the hydraulic-
firing-head operating pressure. The actu-
ating pressure must not exceed the maxi-
mum pressure rating of the gun or any
other atmospheric-chamber tool, such as
memory gauges. Normally, the primary
firing head is actuated by dropping a bar.
The pressure-actuated firing head nor-
mally is used as a backup system.
Fig. 2The 26-in. inside-diameter test chamber is 63 ft deep.
Temperature Simulations. Software
and decompression rate if the pressure ground test facility designed to accom- is available to simulate the tempera-
is high. modate assemblies up to 60 ft long at ture profile under flowing conditions.
Unusual well procedures. temperatures up to 1,000F. Much of Such software will help to ensure use
the technology developed today, and of the correct equipment at surface,
Drillstem-Test Tools. Annulus-pres- supported by research and testing, will considering that flexible hoses are rated
sure-operated tools, such as a tester aid production of oil by enhancing up to only 260F. Some subsea equip-
valve or multicycle circulating valve, recovery methods and gas production ment may have temperature limitations
were used in all cases studied. These from deep, hostile formations. because it is specifically designed for
valves can be operated several times low seabed temperatures.
during the test and are the main com- Data Acquisition. Data acquisition is
ponents. Rupture-disk-operated tools, the most important objective of well Conclusions
including single-shot circulating valves, testing. The latest versions of memory Many tests have been carried out in
tubing-tester valves, and samplers, also gauges have proved suitable for tem- wells with temperatures above 300F.
were evaluated. Each of these tools is peratures up to 400F. Above this tem- The following items were found to be
rated to 450F, except the sampler, perature, the use of mechanical gauges critical for HT conditions.
which is rated to 400F. is recommended. Mechanical gauges Maintenance procedures, pressure/
Usually, mechanical packers are also can be used as backup systems function tests, and proper equipment
avoided because they require the use when temperatures are below 400F, inspection ensure tool reliability at
of additional tools, such as slip joints, especially when the temperature data expected well conditions.
safety joints, and jars. However, such may not be correct or when the flow- When working with HT, the expo-
tools were used for temperatures below ing temperature may be higher than the sure time is very important for elec-
400F without problems. original reservoir temperature because tronic devices, such as memory gauges,
Calculated operating pressures are of the frictional-heating effect when and for some elastomers and explosives.
documented in the well-test program to flowing through the sandface. Before testing in harsh environ-
ensure that all of the involved rig per- Use of permanent gauges that use a ments, it is appropriate to simulate a
sonnel will be informed and will follow capillary tubing to monitor pressure in test at well conditions.
the proper procedure to perform the real time, and that do not use downhole A database for all the jobs per-
test. The appropriate fault-tree analysis electronics, is an option for long-term formed around the world is fundamen-
also is presented to avoid time lost to monitoring in extremely harsh envi- tal in creating sufficient information to
identify possible causes that, in turn, ronments. However, the use of capil- help in the design of new jobs in similar
could result in an unexpected problem. lary tubing in the strings could lead conditions.
to other complications and additional A well-detailed test program is
Testing Chamber. The deep-well sim- costs that must be analyzed. important when testing a well under
ulator shown in Fig. 2 was used to harsh conditions, and all involved oper-
test equipment designs for use in HP/ Sampling. The preferred method for ations personnel should participate in
HT wells. The simulator is a below- obtaining a representative sample of the elaboration of this program. JPT


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