IT 207 Practicum 1 Part2php

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
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<title>Lab Practicum 1: Part 2 Result</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./practicumStyle.css" type="text/css" />

<div id="headerPortion">
<heading1>Midway Coupon Distributor</heading1>
<div id="bodyPortion">
$coupon = $_POST['coupons'];

define('candyBarCoupon', '10');

define('gumballCoupon', '3');

function circles($inputValue)
$output = "";
for($i=0; $i < $inputValue; $i++){

$output .= "o ";

return $output;
$remainderCoupon = $coupon % candyBarCoupon;
$candyCoup = $coupon / candyBarCoupon;
$candyCoup = (int)($candyCoup);
$Gumball = $remainderCoupon / gumballCoupon;
$gumingRemainder = $remainderCoupon % gumballCoupon;
$Gumball = (int)$Gumball;

$candyOutput = circles($candyCoup);
$gumballOutput = circles($Gumball);
$remainingOutput = circles($gumingRemainder);

echo "Your ".$coupon." coupons can be redeemed for: <br /><br />";
echo $candyCoup." Candy Bars<br />";
echo "$candyOutput<br /><br />";
echo $Gumball." Gumballs<br />";
echo "$gumballOutput<br /><br />";
echo $gumingRemainder." Left over coupons<br />";
echo "$remainingOutput<br /><br />";
<div id="footerPortion">
echo "Legend: Candy Bar = ".candyBarCoupon." coupons "." | "." Gumball =
".gumballCoupon." coupons";

echo "Last Modified: " . date ("H:i M d, Y, T", getlastmod()), " | ";
Return to form page</a></p>


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