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Talanta 80 (2010) 12571263

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A modied acid digestion procedure for extraction of tungsten from soil

A.J. Bednar a, , W.T. Jones a , M.A. Chappell a , D.R. Johnson a , D.B. Ringelberg b
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental Laboratory, 3909 Halls Ferry Rd., Vicksburg, MS 39180, United States
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, 72 Lyme Rd., Hanover, NH 03755, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Interest in tungsten occurrence and geochemistry is increasing due to increased use of tungsten com-
Received 10 July 2009 pounds and its unknown biochemical effects. Tungsten has a complex geochemistry, existing in most
Received in revised form 9 September 2009 environmental matrices as the soluble and mobile tungstate anion, as well as poly- and heteropoly-
Accepted 10 September 2009
tungstates. Because the geochemistry of tungsten is substantially different than most trace metals,
Available online 12 September 2009
including the formation of insoluble species under acidic conditions, it is not extracted from soil matrices
using standard acid digestion procedures. Therefore, the current work describes a modication to a com-
monly used acid digestion procedure to facilitate quantication of tungsten in soil matrices. Traditional
Acid digestion
soil digestion procedures, using nitric and hydrochloric acids with hydrogen peroxide yield <1 up to 50%
Extraction procedures recovery on soil matrix spike samples, whereas the modied method reported here, which includes the
addition of phosphoric acid, yields spike recoveries in the 7698% range. Comparison of the standard and
modied digestion procedures on National Institute of Standards and Technology Standard Reference
Materials yielded signicantly improved tungsten recoveries for the phosphoric acid modied method.
The modied method also produces comparable results for other acid extractable metals as the standard
methods, and therefore can be used simultaneously for tungsten and other metals of interest.
Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction One of the most fundamental pieces of information needed to

investigate geochemistry of metals in the environment is quanti-
Recently, interest in tungsten geochemistry and occurrence in tation of the amount of the metal present, or at least the fraction of
groundwater has increased due to specic human toxicological that metal that could become environmentally relevant [12]. How-
events, related to local natural deposits of tungsten ore [13]. Addi- ever, due to the complex chemistry of tungsten, traditional acid
tionally, industrial (e.g. tungsten carbide tools), mining, civilian digestion techniques do not extract tungsten from soil that could
recreational (e.g. lead shotshell replacement), and military (e.g. become mobile under normal environmental conditions, primarily
kinetic penetrators and small arms ammunition) activities are due to the precipitation of insoluble tungstates or the polymeriza-
potential sources of tungsten in the environment [24]. Tungsten tion of tungstates onto soil particles [6,11,13].
metal is not found in nature, but oxyanion species of tungsten Traditional acid digestion techniques often use nitric and
are found in a variety of minerals, which can dissolve to yield hydrochloric acids, usually with hydrogen peroxide, to solubilize
the thermodynamically stable tungstate in most environmental metals for analysis by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
matrices [24]. The chemistry of tungstate is not limited to the sol- spectroscopy or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
uble monomeric species, as polymerization with other common (ICP-AES and ICP-MS) [12]. Due to the precipitation of insoluble
oxyanions, such as molybdate, phosphate, and silicate, can yield a species, low extraction efciencies and matrix spike recoveries
plethora of ill-dened poly-species with variable biogeochemical are observed for tungsten using these procedures [13]. Total dis-
properties [3,57]. Because of the complex speciation of tungsten, solution procedures are also reported which can dissolve the
particularly the anionic nature, it does not behave as traditional entire sample matrix, yet usually involve hydrouoric acid or other
cationic metals in soils [3,6]. Tungsten sorption to soil has been complex and potentially hazardous acid cocktails, and require spe-
studied, and tungsten species have been shown to be more mobile cialized digestion and analytical equipment (e.g. uoropolymer
under alkaline conditions, similar to other anionic compounds, such vessels and sample introduction systems) [1416].
as arsenic [811]. Some researchers have also investigated the use of alkaline
extractions, however, these procedures often do not extract all
tungsten species with equal effectiveness, and do not work well
for simultaneous extraction of other metals, necessitating at least
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 601 634 3652. two digestions/analyses be performed for a complete metals char-
E-mail address: (A.J. Bednar). acterization [13,14,17]. Furthermore, alkaline digestion is more

0039-9140/$ see front matter. Published by Elsevier B.V.

1258 A.J. Bednar et al. / Talanta 80 (2010) 12571263

effective with sodium versus ammonium hydroxide, which can with a mortar and pestle, and sieved through a #40 ASTM sieve to
lead to plasma instabilities and interferences necessitating sample improve sample homogeneity similar to the NIST reference soils
dilution which raises analyte reporting limits [14,17]. [20].
The modied procedure described in the current work capi-
talizes on tungstens ability to polymerize with oxyanion acids,
particularly phosphoric acid, to yield acid soluble tungsten species 2.3. Digestion procedures
for measurement by ICP-AES or ICP-MS, while simultaneously
allowing determination of other metals extracted during the Three digestion procedures were compared for the present
digestion procedure. The modication involves the addition of work, two published versions of US EPA method 3050B [12], and a
phosphoric acid to a standard nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide third modied from the standard procedures by adding phosphoric
digestion procedure to promote tungsten solublization [1214]. acid to the acid cocktail, as described below and outlined in Table 1.
The phosphoric acid modied procedure was tested on standard All acid digestions were conducted on a DigiPrep hotblock digestion
reference materials and test eld soils. Results were compared for system (SCP Science, Champlain, NY), using uoropolymer diges-
tungsten and other metals routinely measured by ICP-AES follow- tion vessels to prevent tungsten polymerization onto borosilicate
ing acid digestion. Tungsten recoveries are greatly improved using glass vessel walls. Each digestion batch included a matrix blank,
the modied procedure, with only minor differences observed for blank spike, and NIST standard reference soils, as well as the three
some metals between the modied and standard digestion proce- test soils (GL, FS-1, FS-2), digested in triplicate.

2.3.1. Nitric acid digestion

2. Experimental
The rst procedure follows the US EPA method 3050B nitric
acid and hydrogen peroxide digestion protocol [12]. Briey, one
2.1. Reagents
half gram of dried, ground, and sieved soil was placed in a u-
oropolymer digestion vessel, to which 5 mL of 1:1 nitric acid:DI
All chemicals used were of trace metal grade purity and used
water was added and the mixture heated at 95 C for 30 min. Then,
without further purication; the deionized (DI) water used had a
4 sequential additions of 2.5 mL of concentrated nitric acid were
resistivity of 18.3 M cm. Trace metal grade nitric acid, hydrochlo-
added, with 30 min of heating between each acid addition. After
ric acid, phosphoric acid, and hydrogen peroxide were purchased
the nal nitric acid addition, the mixture was heated for 2 h. The
from Fisher Scientic (Pittsburg, PA) and used as received. Single
samples were allowed to cool to room temperature before 3 mL of
element and mixed analyte standards for tungsten and other met-
30% hydrogen peroxide was added, followed by heating for 15 min.
als were purchased from SPEX CertiPrep (Metuchen, NJ) and CPI
Finally, 2 mL of hydrogen peroxide were added, and the mixture
(Santa Rosa, CA).
heated for an additional 2 h. Five milliliters of hydrogen peroxide
was generally sufcient for complete reaction with the samples
2.2. Soil sample preparation tested, although more can be added as needed for other soil matri-
ces. The digestate was then cooled to room temperature and ltered
Standard reference soil materials (SRM 2709 and 2710) were through a Whatman #40 lter and diluted to 50 mL with 1% nitric
purchased from the National Institute of Standards and Technology acid.
(NIST), and used as received. A tungsten-spiked soil was formed by
mixing a Grenada Loring soil (GL) with metallic tungsten (<1 m
particles). The soil was aged approximately 3 years to oxidize the 2.3.2. Nitric and hydrochloric acids digestion
metallic tungsten. The silty loam soil of the Grenada Loring series The second digestion procedure also follows USEPA 3050B
(Allsols order) was collected from the Brown Loam Experimental where hydrochloric acid is added to increase the solubility of cer-
Station, Learned, MS. The use of this soil in other geochemical inves- tain elements for ICP-AES determination [12]. A second 0.5 g aliquot
tigations of tungsten has been previously described [10,11,18]. of each of the solid samples was weighed into uoropolymer ves-
Finally, eld soil 1 (FS-1), and eld soil 2 (FS-2) were collected sels and digested following the above described procedure, except
from training ranges where tungsten munitions have been previ- that after the second 2 h heating period, 5 mL of concentrated
ously used [19]. The soils were collected in bulk, mixed, and sieved hydrochloric acid was added to the digestion vessel with a nal
(<1 cm) to remove plant debris and rocks. FS-1 is an iron-rich clay 15 min of heating. After cooling, the digestates were ltered and
and FS-2 is a sandy soil. The three test soils were air-dried, ground diluted to volume as described above.

Table 1
Procedures for the three acid digestions compared in the current work.

Nitric acid Nitrichydrochloric acids Phosphoricnitric acids

Sample mass and digestion vessel 0.5 g in PTFE vessels 0.5 g in PTFE vessels 0.5 g in PTFE vessels
1st acid addition 5 mL of 1:1 nitric acid 5 mL of 1:1 nitric acid 5 mL 1:1 nitric acid + 1 mL concentrated
phosphoric acid
Heating 30 min at 95 C 30 min at 95 C 30 min at 95 C
Acid additions 42.5 mL concentrated nitric acid each 42.5 mL concentrated nitric acid each 42.5 mL concentrated nitric acid each
with 30 min heating with 30 min heating with 30 min heating
Heating 120 min at 95 C 120 min at 95 C 120 min at 95 C
1st hydrogen peroxide addition 3 mL 30% hydrogen peroxide 3 mL 30% hydrogen peroxide 3 mL 30% hydrogen peroxide
Heating 15 min at 95 C 15 min at 95 C 15 min at 95 C
2nd hydrogen peroxide addition 2 mL 30% hydrogen peroxide 2 mL 30% hydrogen peroxide 2 mL 30% hydrogen peroxide
Heating 120 min at 95 C 120 min at 95 C 120 min at 95 C
Hydrochloric acid addition 5 mL concentrated hydrochloric acid
Heating 15 min at 95 C
Dilution to volume Filter and dilute to 50 mL with 1% nitric Filter and dilute to 50 mL with 1% nitric Filter and dilute to 50 mL with 1% nitric
acid acid acid
A.J. Bednar et al. / Talanta 80 (2010) 12571263 1259

2.3.3. Phosphoric and nitric acids digestion were calibrated using mixed analyte standards containing 0, 0.100,
The third digestion procedure was developed specically to 1.000, 10.00, and 100.0 mg/L of each analyte. All other analytes,
increase tungsten extraction. A third 0.5 g aliquot of each of the including tungsten, were calibrated using mixed analyte stan-
solid samples was weighed into uoropolymer vessels and digested dards containing 0, 0.100, 1.000, and 10.00 mg/L of each element.
following the above described nitric acid procedure, with the mod- The ICP-MS was calibrated using standards containing 0, 0.001,
ication of adding 1 mL of concentrated phosphoric acid with the 0.010, and 0.100 mg/L tungsten, and used holmium as the internal
initial 5 mL of 1:1 nitric acid:deionized water. The digestate was standard.
then ltered and diluted as described above. All calibration responses were linear and had correlation coef-
Aliquots of the 50 mL digestate solutions were further diluted cients of at least 0.9999. A second source calibration verication
with 1% nitric acid prior to analysis as needed such that analyte standard was analyzed immediately after calibration following
concentrations were within the calibration range of the analytical standard US EPA Method 6010C procedures [21]; analyte recoveries
instrumentation (generally 1:4 dilution). were within 10% of the nominal value (4.000 and 0.040 mg/L for
ICP-AES and ICP-MS, respectively). Continuing calibration verica-
2.4. Instrumentation tion standards and blanks were analyzed periodically throughout
the analytical batch, with recoveries within 10% of the nominal
Metal concentrations in the diluted digestates, including tung- value (5.000 and 0.050 mg/L for ICP-AES and ICP-MS, respectively)
sten, were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic and subsequent blanks below the instrument reporting limits
Emission Spectroscopy (ICPAES, following modications of EPA (<0.020 and <0.001 mg/L for ICP-AES and ICP-MS, respectively).
Method 6010C [21]), using a PerkinElmer (Wellesley, MA) Optima
5300DV equipped with a MiraMist nebulizer and cyclonic spray 3. Results and discussion
chamber. The plasma was operated at 1400 W and nebulizer
gas ow rate of 0.65 mL/min. Tungsten was quantied using the 3.1. Tungsten
207.912 nm emission line with analyte conrmation at 224.876 nm
using axial plasma viewing. Due to the low concentration of The tungsten concentrations measured in the two standard
tungsten in the standard reference soil 2709, tungsten was also reference materials, using the three digestion procedures, and
measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP- associated quality control samples are listed in Table 2. The diges-
MS following modications of EPA Method 6020A [21]), using a tion blanks for all three procedures were below the instrument
PerkinElmer Elan DRC-II equipped with a MiraMist nebulizer and reporting limit (<0.040 mg/L including dilution factor), indicat-
Scott spray chamber. The ICP-MS plasma was operated at 1250 W ing that contamination was not present in the acids or vessels
and nebulizer gas ow of 0.85 mL/min. Tungsten was quantied at used. However, the blank spike sample, consisting of aque-
m/z 182 with conrmation using m/z 184 after correction for 184 Os. ous 10 mg/L tungsten from a NIST-traceable standard shows a
marked difference among the three digestion procedures. The
2.5. Calibration and quality control nitric acid method yielded a blank spike recovery of 39%, while
the nitrichydrochloric acid procedure recovery was 43%, both
The ICP-AES was calibrated using NIST-traceable calibration were well below the phosphoricnitric procedure recovery of 98%.
standards. Scandium, added on-line using a mixing-T, was used as The nitric and nitrichydrochloric procedures produced a yel-
an internal standard to correct for instrumental drift during analy- low precipitate consisting of insoluble tungstic and polytungstic
sis. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, aluminum, and iron acids that was captured by the ltration process resulting in poor

Table 2
Comparison of the modied digestion procedure to two standard methods for extraction of tungsten from two standard reference materials and three test soils. Concentrations
are in mg/kg standard deviation of triplicate digestions for soils and mg/L for liquid quality control samples determined by ICP-AES, values in parentheses were determined
by ICP-MS.

Tungsten concentration (mg/kg) Tungsten concentration (mg/L) Reported value recovery (%) Matrix spike recovery (%)

Sample Nitric acid

Digestion blank <0.04
Digestion blank spike (10 mg/L) 3.9 39
SRM 2709 (2 mg/kg) <4 (<0.1) NA (NA)
SRM 2710 (93 mg/kg) 27.4 29
Grenada Loring 210 30 39
Field soil 1 90.2 11 0.4
Field soil 2 440 28 47
Sample Nitrichydrochloric acids
Digestion blank <0.04
Digestion blank spike (10 mg/L) 4.3 43
SRM 2709 (2 mg/kg) <4 (0.2) NA (10)
SRM 2710 (93 mg/kg) 50.0 54
Grenada Loring 221 25 56
Field Soil 1 190 22 3.7
Field Soil 2 737 145 25
Sample Phosphoricnitric acids
Digestion blank <0.04
Digestion blank spike (10 mg/L) 9.8 98
SRM 2709 (2 mg/kg) <4 (0.5) NA (25)
SRM 2710 (93 mg/kg) 79.9 86
Grenada Loring 762 44 98
Field soil 1 483 191 76
Field soil 2 1695 203 79

NAconcentration measured is below instrument reporting limit.

1260 A.J. Bednar et al. / Talanta 80 (2010) 12571263

spike recovery [6,22]; the phosphoricnitric digestion produced no respectively, further suggesting that the two standard methods
precipitate, and therefore the soluble phosphotungstates formed have a low bias for tungsten extraction.
during the modied phosphoricnitric digestion procedure were The lower concentrations determined by the standard methods
not removed by ltration. Improved recoveries for the nitric and explains the poor matrix spike recovery values listed in Table 2.
nitrichydrochloric acid procedures were not obtained by rinsing The nitric acid digestion yielded a spike recovery of 39% for the GL
the ltrate with 2% phosphoric acid, indicating that the precipitates soil, but less than 1% for FS-1, and 47% for the FS-2 sample. The
are stable once formed. nitrichydrochloric acid procedure yielded slightly higher tung-
The NIST standard reference soil material results listed in Table 2 sten recoveries than the nitric acid procedure, with the GL spike
show a similar trend as the blank spike samples. The reference recovery being 56%, but only 4 and 25% for the FS-1 and FS-2
soil 2709 has a total tungsten concentration determined by Neu- samples, respectively. Finally, the matrix spike recoveries for the
tron Activation Analysis reported by NIST of 2 mg/kg, which is phosphoricnitric procedure were 98, 76, and 79% for the GL, FS-1,
below the ICP-AES reporting limit for the current study, although, and FS-2 samples, respectively, substantially higher than the stan-
this demonstrates that matrix interferences are not present, which dard methods. FS-1 contains a high amount of iron, and therefore
could yield a false positive. However, ICP-MS analysis indicated it is possible that an irontungstate phase is causing exceptionally
that increased tungsten recoveries in reference soil 2709 were low extraction of tungsten, even lowering the phosphoricnitric
obtained using the phosphoricnitric digestion procedure com- digestion, which was 76%. The FS-2 sample is a sandy soil, which
pared to the standard techniques. The phosphoricnitric procedure could facilitate the formation of polytungstates on the silicon diox-
yielded 0.5 mg/kg tungsten, which is approximately 25% of the ide particles, resulting in low tungsten recovery, although the
reported value, however, this is a higher recovery than either the phosphoricnitric procedure yielded 79% recovery. These experi-
nitric or nitrichydrochloric digestions. ments demonstrate that the phosphoricnitric modied procedure
The reference soil 2710 has a total tungsten concentration greatly improves tungsten extraction from soils compared to the
determined by Neutron Activation Analysis reported by NIST unmodied standard procedures.
of 93 mg/kg. The nitric acid digestion procedure yielded a con-
centration of 27.4 mg/kg, whereas the nitrichydrochloric acid 3.2. Other metals
digestion yielded 50 mg/kg, which represent 29 and 54% recov-
ery, respectively. The phosphoricnitric acid procedure yielded a In addition to tungsten, other metal analyses in soils may also
concentration of approximately 80 mg/kg, or 86% recovery. These be required simultaneously, therefore, the digestate solutions were
recoveries are in line with values reported by others when standard analyzed for 20 other metals to determine the comparability of
acid digestion procedures are used for tungsten determinations the three procedures for determination of other metals. The addi-
[13,17]. tion of phosphoric acid could potentially lower recoveries of metals
It should be noted that all three acid digestion procedures tested that form insoluble phosphate salts, such as lead, aluminum, iron,
are not intended to be total dissolutions, but rather are strong nickel, and cobalt, therefore, extraction efciencies and matrix
extractions, therefore, 86% tungsten recovery for the reference soil spike recoveries were tested and compared.
2710 by the phosphoricnitric method compared to Neutron Acti- The digestion blanks listed in Table 3 show only 2 analyte detec-
vation Analysis is considered acceptable. Furthermore, some of the tions, 0.081 mg/L iron in the phosphoricnitric digestion solution,
tungsten may be present in these samples in silicate phases, which and 0.104 mg/L calcium in the nitrichydrochloric acid digestion
would normally only be extracted by a total dissolution technique solution. However, these major cations are present at several orders
(e.g. hydrouoric acid, [15,16]), or a solid phase analysis technique, of magnitude higher concentrations in soil matrices, suggesting
such as Neutron Activation or X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy. these blank levels are acceptable. The blank spike recoveries listed
This likely explains the low recovery observed in the reference in Table 3 for all elements measured from the three digestion
soil 2709, even with the phosphoricnitric digestion procedure. procedures are within 10% of the nominal spike concentration
However, in light of the two standard acid digestion procedures indicating no bias among the three digestion procedures for the
extracting less tungsten in all matrices, the phosphoricnitric acid elements determined.
procedure performs well. Additionally, the tungsten concentra- Table 3 lists other metal concentrations for the two NIST
tions reported by NIST are not certied values, but presented for standard reference soils determined using the three digestion pro-
information purposes only, and therefore may have some inherent cedures. The acid leachable metals concentrations reported by NIST
error associated with them. A total dissolution procedure using a are not certied values (only the total metals concentrations are
four acid cocktail, including hydrouoric acid [16], was performed certied by NIST), but are listed for information purposes only.
on the reference soils 2709 and 2710 to verify the NIST reported However, the recoveries listed generally agree among the three
concentrations. Reference soil 2709 yielded a tungsten concentra- procedures, indicating that low recoveries are not an issue for these
tion of 2.2 0.05 mg/kg determined by ICP-MS, while reference soil soil matrices and that the phosphoricnitric procedure can be used
2710 yielded a tungsten concentration of 97.8 0.4 mg/kg deter- for simultaneous determination of other metals. For example, Co
mined by ICP-AES. These values are 110 and 105% of the NIST determined by the nitric acid procedure yielded 90 and 101% recov-
reported concentrations, respectively. ery for the standard reference soils 2709 and 2710, respectively,
The three digestion procedures are also compared in Table 2 on in agreement with recoveries obtained for the nitrichydrochloric
the three test soils, with similar trends in tungsten extraction and procedures (93 and 100%, respectively). In comparison, the
matrix spike recovery observed. The nitric acid procedure yielded phosphoricnitric procedure produced cobalt recoveries of 105
tungsten concentrations of 210 30, 90.2 11, and 440 28 mg/kg and 102% for the reference materials 2709 and 2710, respectively,
for the GL, FS-1, and FS-2 samples, respectively. Tungsten con- indicating similar extraction efciencies for the three digestion pro-
centrations in the nitrichydrochloric digestion procedure samples cedures. Similar agreement is observed for other analytes listed in
were approximately the same for the GL soil (220 25 mg/kg) as the Table 3 (e.g. arsenic, barium, calcium, cadmium, lead, strontium,
nitric acid procedure, although the concentrations measured for the and zinc). Elements such as chromium, copper, iron, potassium,
FS-1 and FS-2 samples were about a factor of two higher than those magnesium, molybdenum, and nickel appear to have a slightly
measured with the nitric acid procedure. The phosphoricnitric higher extraction efciency by the phosphoricnitric procedure,
procedure yielded the highest tungsten concentrations, 762 44, compared to the standard digestion procedures, although the dif-
483 191, and 1695 203 mg/kg for the GL, FS-1, and FS-2 soils, ference is generally less than a 10% increase.
Table 3
Comparison of the modied digestion procedure to standard methods for extraction of other metals from two standard reference materials.

Elements 2709 2710 Nitric acid Nitrichydrochloric acids Phosphoricnitric acids

reporteda reporteda
(mg/kg) (mg/kg)

Digestion Digestion 2709 2710 Digestion Digestion 2709 2710 Digestion Digestion 2709 2710
blank blank spikeb (% recovery) (% recovery) blank blank spikeb (% recovery) (% recovery) blank blank spikeb (% recovery) (% recovery)
(mg/L) (% recovery) (mg/L) (% recovery) (mg/L) (% Recovery)

A.J. Bednar et al. / Talanta 80 (2010) 12571263

Al 26000 18000 <0.08 90 70 80 <0.08 90 71 78 <0.08 92 116 109
As <20 590 <0.08 91 NA 89 <0.08 93 NA 85 <0.08 98 NA 94
Ba 398 360 <0.08 98 86 81 <0.08 98 86 78 <0.08 99 94 82
Ca 15000 4100 <0.08 NS 83 86 0.104 NS 83 81 <0.08 NS 85 80
Cd <1 20 <0.08 101 NA 71 <0.08 99 NA 68 <0.08 96 NA 76
Co 12 8.2 <0.08 100 90 101 <0.08 99 93 100 <0.08 100 105 102
Cr 79 19 <0.08 102 75 81 <0.08 101 77 80 <0.08 105 100 106
Cu 32 2700 <0.08 96 75 91 <0.08 97 83 92 <0.08 103 89 99
Fe 30000 27000 <0.08 100 86 87 <0.08 99 86 86 0.081 103 98 100
K 3200 4500 <0.08 NS 97 99 <0.08 NS 101 95 <0.08 NS 147 120
Mg 14000 5700 <0.08 NS 75 79 <0.08 NS 78 75 <0.08 NS 88 93
Mn 470 7700 <0.08 98 88 92 <0.08 97 89 87 <0.08 99 93 94
Mo <2 20 <0.08 NS NA 57 <0.08 NS NA 63 <0.08 NS NA 73
Na 680 540 <0.08 NS 85 87 <0.08 NS 88 83 <0.08 NS 86 78
Ni 78 10.1 <0.08 100 83 97 <0.08 100 83 95 <0.08 100 91 117
Pb 13 5100 <0.08 94 NA 90 <0.08 95 NA 86 <0.08 92 NA 87
Sr 101 100 <0.08 NS 90 91 <0.08 NS 90 87 <0.08 NS 89 81
Ti 380 1000 <0.08 NS 58 74 <0.08 NS 65 77 <0.08 NS 155 45
V 62 43 <0.08 95 84 87 <0.08 95 87 89 <0.08 97 126 110
Zn 100 5900 <0.08 98 83 85 <0.08 97 86 80 <0.08 100 91 87

NAconcentration measured by one of the digestion procedures is below instrument reporting limit. NSmatrix spike solution did not contain this analyte.
Acid leachable metal concentrations are reported by NIST for information purposes only, they are not certied values.
Spike levels (mg/L): Al = 10, As = 0.5, Ba = 2.5, Cd = 0.25, Co = 1, Cr = 1, Cu = 1, Fe = 5, Mn = 1, Ni = 1, Pb = 0.5, V = 1, Zn = 2.5.

1262 A.J. Bednar et al. / Talanta 80 (2010) 12571263

There appears to be a signicant increase in extraction ef-

ciency for titanium and vanadium in standard reference soil 2709
when using the phosphoricnitric procedure. A similar trend is
also observed for reference soil 2710, which has increased tita-

nium extraction by the phosphoricnitric procedure. These results

suggest that reference material 2709, in particular, may possess
% of











a refractory vanadium and titanium phase that is sensitive to the
presence of phosphoric acid.
% of nitric


Listed in Table 4 are the additional metals concentrations in







the three test soils determined using the three digestion proce-




dures. Because there are no reference values for the concentrations
Field soil 2 metals Matrix spike
recovery (%)

of metals in these soils, as there is with the NIST standard ref-

erence materials, the values obtained for the standard nitric and

nitrichydrochloric acid procedures are used as the reference









values. The concentrations determined by the phosphoricnitric
(mg/kg) standard

procedure are listed in Table 4, and the relative recovery of each

analyte compared to the standard digestion procedures.
nitrichydrochloric concentration

The matrix spike recoveries for the Grenada Loring soil are all
6481 222
4742 42

9438 69

996 339

583 6.9
689 2.7

197 5.9
within 20% of the nominal value except for aluminum, iron, and
337 75

43 5.5
13 0.2

47 0.6
10 0.2

11 0.2

11 0.8
40 0.1

manganese, primarily due to the spike concentrations being less





than 10% of the sample concentration for aluminum and iron, and
less than 20% of the manganese concentration in the samples. Sim-
ilarly, the matrix spike recoveries for most elements in the FS1 and
2 samples are acceptable (20%) except where the spike concen-
Metal concentrations and matrix spike recoveries in the three test soils obtained using the modied phosphoricnitric acids digestion procedure.


tration was small relative to the amount of metal present in the

sample (e.g. aluminum, iron, copper, lead, and zinc in FS-1, and
% of













copper, iron, and lead in FS-2).

Aluminum, chromium, copper, potassium, magnesium, sodium,
% of nitric


nickel, titanium, and vanadium tend to have higher extraction ef-

ciencies by the phosphoricnitric procedure in at least one of the










test soil matrices compared to the nitric or nitrichydrochloric

Field soil 1 metals Matrix spike

digestion procedures. However, chromium, copper, and nickel are

recovery (%)

only elevated in the GL soil, which has relatively low concentra-


tions of these elements (<20 mg/kg), suggesting that this could be











a matrix anomaly, or an effect of being near the instrument report-

ing limit. For example, the agreement between the three digestion
(mg/kg) standard

procedures is excellent for copper in the eld soils 1 and 2 that have
NAconcentration measured by one of the digestion procedures is below instrument reporting limit.
nitrichydrochloric concentration

10852 1620

much higher concentrations.

13409 351

8023 1250
199 13.1

135 29.7

It is also possible that the phosphoric acid improves extraction


114 1.1

56 10.0
415 92

305 50
13 4.4
23 1.5
91 3.1

45 1.1

26 4.3

21 1.4

24 1.0

efciency of anionic species, such as vanadium, due to surface com-




plexation competition. The major cations (aluminum, potassium,

magnesium, and sodium) could also be elevated due to the presence
of additional acid (phosphoric) in the digestion cocktail, although
a similar trend would be expected for the nitrichydrochloric pro-
cedure compared to the nitric acid only procedure, which is not

observed. However, the anomalies observed with the major cations

% of










only indicate a potential increased efciency extraction, toward

the recoveries of a total dissolution method, and therefore are not
% of nitric


necessarily a negative effect, the comparability of the modied

phosphoricnitric procedure for the determination of metals still










NSmatrix spike solution did not contain this analyte.




demonstrates its utility.

Matrix spike
recovery (%)

4. Conclusions

An acid digestion method modied from standard procedures








is described for the quantitative recovery of tungsten from soil

matrices. The modied method involves the addition of phosphoric
metals concentration
Element Grenada Loring soil

(mg/kg) standard

acid to the acid cocktail to form stable polymeric phospho-

tungstate species for the acid solubilization of tungsten from
15369 350

15446 705

soils. The method was tested on NIST standard reference soils

1651 37
1589 29

388 4.9
852 11

628 65
12 1.1
94 5.9

12 5.2

81 1.3
19 0.6

14 0.2

35 1.0
29 0.5
10 0.2

and three test soils and shown to improve tungsten solubiliza-

8 0.2

tion and yield acceptable matrix spike recoveries. Additionally,




other common metals were determined in the digestate solu-

tions with similar recoveries obtained to the standard methods,
Table 4

although some anomalies were observed. However, the modied







procedure generally performed similarly to the standard digestion

A.J. Bednar et al. / Talanta 80 (2010) 12571263 1263

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