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Arts Methods, ARE 361-001


Lesson Plan _1_ Name and date: Kalynn McCarty February 14, 2017

Presenter: Kalynn McCarty

Lesson title: Valentines Day Handprints

Age range: Kindergarten thru 3rd

Medium: Washable paint, puffy paint, markers

A. Description:
Students will begin with learning about the history of Valentines Day, along with participat-
ing in a fun finger painting activity. The students will be able to make their own personal-
ized Valentines Day poster. They will be allowed to use any materials that they would like.
They will be making a flower that is made from their own handprints, and then the students
will be able to add any details that they would like to their posters. Make sure that they
sign and date their poster.

B. Enduring ideas/essential questions:
- History of Valentines Day
- How can you use materials other than a paintbrush to make art?
o What happens if you use your hands to paint?

C. Objectives (the participant will):
- Learn about the history of Valentines Day.
- Learn how to express yourself through different forms of art
- With the other forms of art being used, the students will be able to identify with them-
selves through their art.

D. Arizona Visual Arts Standards:
Anchor Standard #3: Refine and complete artistic work.
Anchor Standard #10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make
Anchor Standard #11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical
context to deepen understanding.

E. Instructional approach:
Direct Instruction then group share followed by independent practice and then to wrap it
up a final discussion.

F. Vocabulary:
Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361-001

- Valentines Day
- Identity within art
- Presentation

G. Materials/resources:
- Sketchpad
- Poster paper (supplied)
- Washable paints (supplied)
- Markers
- Puffy paint (supplied)
- Glue
- Ribbon (supplied)
- Paper plates (supplied)
- Scissors

H. Activities/sequence:
1. First I will begin with a power point presentation
2. Before we start the power point, we will make 3 handprints from paint on a piece of the
sketchpad paper.
3. They will wash their hands, while I ask them a question about what they know about Valen-
tines Day.
4. Next we will watch a short YouTube video about the history of Valentines Day.
5. We will talk about what we learned from the video and move on to painting our posters.
6. The students will be given large poster boards for them to begin their activity.
- With the poster board they will be making a bouquet of flowers with washable paints.
- Their handprints that they did earlier will be the flowers and we will glue those to the
stems that they will either paint with a paintbrush or their hands.
- They will make some kind of scenery for their poster boards (this part is open to what
they want to do).
7. Lastly we will write Happy Valentines Day 2017 and put their names on the poster boards.
8. We will leave time for clean up
9. Next the students will discuss what they do for Valentines Day and what it means to them

I. Accommodations:
Time will be flexible if more time is needed per section that we work through. Everyone will
have his or her own materials to work with, so no one will need to share. Another accom-
modation might be to work on the floor since the poster boards are a little larger than the
paper from the sketchpads.
This project could also be split between days so that the paints will have more time to dry
before cutting.

J. Enrichment activities:
Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361-001

This activity was made so that the students will be able to combine history with art. By
starting with the history of Valentines Day, then moving towards the art portion it gets the
students thinking about past events in our history.
Students will also be encouraged to go out of their comfort zones to use new and different
materials and methods throughout this lesson.

K. Closure:
- What does Valentines Day mean to you?
- What is one thing that you learned today? It can be about the history of Valentines Day
or about the exploration of materials that the students embarked on.
- Did you like being able to finger paint and add your finger print to your art?

L. Assessment procedure:
Name Assessment (5pts each) Yes/No Total
Angela Present Yes
Participated Yes
Made artwork their own and Yes
showed creativity (expressed 15 points
Jeremy Present Yes
Participated Yes
Made artwork their own and Yes
showed creativity (expressed 15 points
Shalina Present Yes
Participated Yes
Made artwork their own and Yes
showed creativity (expressed 15 points

This assignment will be more assessed off of participation.
This will be a 10-point assignment and it will be broken up like this:
- 5 points for present
- 5 points for participation with discussion questions
- 5 points made artwork their own and showed creativity (expressed themselves).

Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361-001

M. (Please attach pictures of instructor sample, set-up, and participant work)

N. Notes/additional reflections during or after teaching the lesson:
I found that the lesson plan went very well and that the students in my group were very ex-
cited to finger paint which I found very interesting. I found this to be interesting because
they felt that they were able to express themselves in a different way by using their hands
and washable paints.
Some things that could have gone better were the discussion questions that I asked. I felt
as if I could have gone more in depth with some other questions. I also did not think about
including the history behind finger painting to introduce the lesson, rather I introduced the
lesson with the history of Valentines Day. I was thinking that I could still introduce the les-
Creative Arts Methods, ARE 361-001

son with the history of Valentines Day, but after the students were given the opportunity
to finger paint I could have introduced the history of finger painting and made this lesson
just the intro to a unit on finger painting.

O. Other: integration, art history, multicultural, visual culture, elements/principles, etc.
I integrated the history of Valentines Day into my lesson, but as I said above in the reflection
I could also integrate some art history with the history behind finger painting.

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