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Story Of My Life...

Claire Jackson
Student, Debater, Athlete
Beginning in the Fall of 2013 I became a student a Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA.
Though it was not until then that I became a Liberty student, I have been a student in the
more general sense of the term for much longer. Like most, I began Kindergarten at age 6 which was the start of my formal education. I
have come to realize, though, that the learning process does-and should-begin even before the start of ones formal instruction. Thomas
Jefferson once said that there is no definite beginning or end to our education, that it is a life-long process. I have found this to be
particularly true in my own life. I was interested in everything around me from the time I was old enough to process. The focus of this
portion of my educational journey is in the field of Strategic Communications with a specialization in Business. I hope to gain the skills
needed to effectively market myself in the job market to begin a successful career as a Public Relations Professional. The classroom is not
the only venue where I am in the process of learning. As a member of the Liberty University debate team I have a unique opportuni-ty
to glean valuable knowlegde and skills that I would never have had access to otherwise. Through debate I am honing critical thinking,
research, and oral-communication skills needed in the work place as well as an in-depth of the way Presidential War Powers function-as
that is our topic of discussion for this year- and a number of schools of philosophical thought. My background as an athlete has also
played a major role in shaping my educational experience. Throughout grade school I was an active participant in Softball and Cross
Country which both taught me teamwork, discipline and perservearance in whatever path I choose in life. While I value my formal educa-
tion, my entire life has consisted of constant learning and growth and I am extremely thankful for that.

Sister, Daughter, Friend

Like every other baby girl who has ever been born, I came into the world a daughter. I was fortunate enough to have been born the
daughter of two of the most wonderful people in the worldLane and Leah Jackson. My parents are loving, caring, supportive and kind in
every way. They have taught me what it means to sacrifice for the good of those you love, how to do the right thing by others even when
its difficult, and that I should never value my own needs and wants over those of the people around me. They have also correct-ed me
when I didnt live up to the standard they set and humbly admitted guilt when they themselves failed to as well. They have made my role as
a loving daughter one of joy and ease for as long as I can remember. When I look around and see families falling apart over infidelity and
disagreement I am all the more thankful for the rock that my parents have always been in my life. In addition to coming into this world a
daughter, I was also born a sister. 22 months before my birth, my parents were blessed with a curly-headed little girl whom they named
Hannah. She was a bouncing little blue-eyed blond who loved to be the center of her Mommy and Daddys world, but all that changed
when I arrived. I became her new toy and eventually her best friend. As we both grew we played together, learned from one another,
and shared in each others triumphs and heartbreaks. Having a sister so close to you in age is like inheriting a best friend you know you can
always count on no matter what. Now that we dont get to spend as much time together, I am thankful for every day that Hannah and I
have gotten to share. When were together we cherish every laugh, every hug, and every smile that passes between us because we know
that it will be far too long before we will get to enjoy that experience again. Another role that didnt be-come a prominent one in my life
until later is that of friend. As a young child I was full of joy and excitement to make new friends. I was the kindergartener who thought of
everyone in my class as a friend and always treated them as such. That joyful, outgoing nature has continued to impact my life in a number
as I move toward adulthood. The natural ease with people God has blessed me with brought about the opportunity to make some
incredible friends over the years who I love and cherish as much as I do my own family.

Sinner, Believer, Person

My story is similar to many of the students I share the campus here at Liberty Unversity with. I am the product of Christian home, so I
have been exposed to the Gospel message my entire life. As a young child I was always taught that Jesus died on the cross to save me from
my sins and that He did that because He loves me, but it wasnt until age 10 that I began to comprehend just how personal that gift was. In
the spring of 2005 I committed my heart and life to Christ, and I am still in process of fully understanding just how great His sacrifice for
me was. As I have grown Ive gained a better understanding of the fact that even if I had been that only person to accept his work on the
cross He still would have died for me alone. This knowledge has also forced me see that I am just as imperfect as everyone around me.
That knowledge makes it nearly impossible to look down on others-especially not my brothers and sisters in Christ. God has re-vealed to
me that I have nothing to boast in except Him, so I now seek to live my life-as the Apostle Paul describes in Galatians 2:20-by faith in the
Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.

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