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PJ Enterprises Telephone

Operator Training
Facilitator's Guide

2017 Optim Learning Solutions. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Instructor Information.......................................................................................iii
Content Introduction........................................................................................................ iii
How to Use This Facilitator Guide...................................................................................iii
Audience Description...................................................................................................... iv
Training Environment....................................................................................................... v
Training Course Topics.................................................................................................... v
Timeline.......................................................................................................................... vi
Preparation Checklist..................................................................................................... vii
Training Tips.................................................................................................................. viii
Course Introduction...........................................................................................1
Lesson 2: Using the Product Guide.................................................................7
Introduction...................................................................................................................... 7
Topic 1: Accessing the Product Guide...........................................................................11
Topic 2: How to Locate Product Information..................................................................13
Lesson 4: Handling Irate Customers..............................................................37
Introduction.................................................................................................................... 37
Topic 1: Sound familiar?................................................................................................ 42
Topic 2: Why the LSCPA model?...................................................................................43
Topic 3: Listen............................................................................................................... 45
Topic 4: Share............................................................................................................... 46
Topic 5: Clarify............................................................................................................... 47
Topic 6: Present............................................................................................................. 49
Topic 7: Ask................................................................................................................... 50
Topic 8: LSCPA Demonstration.....................................................................................51
Topic 9: Tips.................................................................................................................. 53
Topic 10: Role Play........................................................................................................ 55
Topic 11: Debrief............................................................................................................ 57
Topic 12: Thank you...................................................................................................... 58
Final Assessment.............................................................................................59
Appendix A: Handouts.....................................................................................71
Irate Customer Demonstration Script............................................................................72
LSCPA Handout............................................................................................................ 73
Handling Irate Customer Calls Role Play Questions.....................................................75
Handling Irate Customers LSCPA Role Play Checklist..................................................77
Final Assessment Grading Checklist.............................................................................78
Final Assessment Customer Role Play Scenarios.........................................................79

Page 2 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Instructor Information

Page 3 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Content Introduction
The PJ Enterprises Telephone Operator Training Course is intended for Telephone Operators (TOs) and
Customer Service Supervisors (CSSs). This training course will equip them with the knowledge and
skills they need to use the Product Guide and call scripts, and how to handle a range of customer call
situations ranging from routine to difficult.

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How to Use This Facilitator Guide
As the name suggests, the Facilitator Guide is meant as a guide. Treat it as a roadmap to help you reach
your destination; in this case, the destination is familiarizing TOs and CSSs with the Product Guide, call
scripts, and methods of handling different sorts of call situations.
We have done our best to compile and arrange all of the information you need in a way that we believe
will be most useful and logical for you. Take time to review the contents of this guide well before the
scheduled training session.
Note that this guide features three types of sections:

The Instructor Information section is written in prose style and provides information about
course content, audience, training environment, and other matters related to setting up and
running the training course.

The Lessons provide details on how to facilitate each portion of the course so that learners can
master the material. Lessons are broken down as follows:
o Left-hand column: notes to the facilitator on how to teach a particular topic and
references to additional materials needed at that time (handouts, video, audio files, etc.)
o Center column: icons that allow you to see at a glance how a particular piece fits into a
lesson (Objectives, Questions, etc.)
o Right-hand column: content you will use in training and that is also available to learners
in the Learner Guide, including slides or other images to enhance the training

Appendix A has examples of all handouts used during the lessons and certification process.

The table below shows the icons used in this guide and what they mean:

Icon Name Meaning

Teacher You will be giving information to the learners

via lecture, PowerPoint presentation, or
similar means.

Objectives Notes the objectives of the lesson for the


Video Indicates when it is time to show a video.

Page 5 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Icon Name Meaning

Audio Indicates when it is time to play an audio file.

Exercise Indicates when learners will have to perform

an exercise.

Questions Suggests opening the floor for questions from

learners, though of course you may choose to
do so at any time during the course.

Demonstration Indicates a demonstration for the learners,

either on your own or with the aid of

Debriefing Notes debriefing period after an exercise or

an assessment

Page 6 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Audience Description
The audience for this course consists of TOs and Customer Service Supervisors (CSSs) at PJ
Enterprises. TOs share the following characteristics:

Age: Between 1860, with most under 35 or over 55

Gender: Female
Education: All have high-school diplomas or GEDs. A few have completed some college, but
none have a college degree.
Experience: Levels of experience vary. Most have limited customer service experience. Some
have little prior work experience.
CSSs are former telephone operators who achieved a level of success in their prior role with PJ
Enterprises. These supervisors may also attend the training at some point so they can assist in
facilitation. They also need to know the company's customer service approach as well as how to use the
new Product Guide. They can also help you during the course with roleplays and assessments. With the
exception of tenure at PJ Enterprises, the backgrounds of CSSs are similar to that of TOs.
This information was current at the time of writing (April 2017) and will be modified as needed in
future updates. However, if you are running this course at a later date, it is advisable to confirm whether
these characteristics are still correct before beginning your course. A significant change in audience
characteristics might require a change in your approach to the material.
Although both TOs and CSSs will be present for the training, throughout this guide the term TO is used
to refer to the entire audience.

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Training Environment
This course involves two types of training environments. For all topics relating to using call scripts and
handling different types of calls, any standard kind of room will suffice. However, when running the
Product Guide portion of the course, you will need an environment with computer workstations.
Currently, PJ Enterprises has a training room with 15 workstations available. When the number of
trainees exceeds the number of workstations, you will have to arrange for trainees to rotate usage so that
everyone has ample opportunities for practice.

Page 8 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Training Course Topics
The full training course covers topics that will equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to
successfully meet customer expectations. While the more experienced TOs and CSSs may already be
familiar with some of these topics, it is advisable to have all TOs and CSSs present for all parts of the
training. Not only will this promote a more consistent experience for customers of PJ Enterprises, it will
also give more experienced participants an opportunity to serve as mentors for their less experienced
colleagues. Thus the training course can serve as both a bonding and learning experience for the team.
These topics are structured so that easier topics serve as a foundation for more difficult reason. For this
reason, rearranging the order or eliminating topics is not advisable.
I. Course Introduction: TO Customer Service
A. Welcome
B. About your facilitator
C. Course materials
D. Course objectives
E. Agenda & lessons
F. Importance
H. Questions
I. Icebreaker
II. Lesson 1: Using the call scripts
A. Lesson 1: Introduction
B. New customer opening script
1. Intro PJ Enterprises
2. Intro self
C. Scenarios/role play activity
D. Call closing script
E. Exercise: Role play activity
F. Overview of job aid
III. Lesson 2: Using the Product Guide
A. Lesson 2: Introduction
1. Why use the Product Guide?
B. Accessing the Product Guide
C. Locating product information
1. Search by product code
2. Search by keyword
3. Find product information
D. Exercise: Product information scavenger hunt
E. Overview of job aid
IV. Lesson 3: Handling common call situations
A. Lesson 3: Introduction
B. Taking orders best practices
C. Answering customer questions best practices
D. Communicating product information to customer
E. Exercise: Role play
V. Lesson 4: Handling difficult call situations
A. Lesson 4: Introduction

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B. Initiating a return
C. Handling customers with vague requests
D. Handling irate customers
E. Resolving customer complaints
F. Escalating customer problems
1. When to escalate a customer problem
2. How to escalate a customer problem
G. Exercise: Role play
VI. Review
A. Key takeaways
B. Q & A
C. Certification & evaluation

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This training course should take approximately four (4) hours to complete, excluding time for breaks
and lunch. Use the guidelines in the table on the next page to conduct the course. All times are
approximate and should be adjusted to meet the needs of learners and to adapt to the training
environment. The blank schedule below is provided to help you map your training day.
Note that the course allows for 55 minutes for certification and evaluation. PJ Enterprises requires TOs
to obtain certification. Managing the time throughout the training course is very important. While you
do want to allow the learners enough time to master the content, you don't want to keep them late if you
can avoid it, nor do you want the certification process to be rushed. A few minutes might be shaved off
the lunch hour if you find that more time is needed for the content. However, give learners enough time
to return refreshed and ready to perform.

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Course schedule

Course Introduction 15 min. __:__ to __:__

L1: Using the call scripts 20 min. __:__ to __:__
L2: Using the Product Guide 55 min. __:__ to __:__
L3: Handling common call situations 20 min. __:__ to __:__
Break 15 min. __:__ to __:__
L4: Handling difficult call situations 75 min. __:__ to __:__
Break 15 min. __:__ to __:__
Lunch 60 min. __:__ to __:__
Certification & evaluation 55 min. __:__ to __:__
TOTAL TRAINING TIME: 4 hours __:__ to __:__

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Preparation Checklist
Use these lists to guide your preparation for your training course. Some tasks should be done the week
before the class and others on the day of the class.

One Week Before Class

Review this guide and familiarize yourself with the contents. Make your own notes as needed.
Locate video and audio files. PJ Enterprises is responsible for maintaining all training materials
so obtain copies from them to download onto your laptop or transfer onto a USB drive.
Review your slide presentation and revise as needed. Test the slide presentation in the room so
that you know how it will look in those lighting conditions.
Decide how you will arrange your room for role plays. Remember that all role plays will be
done in triads, so decide which arrangement will be most comfortable for the students.
Gather enough supplies (paper, pens, etc.) for all participants as well as any special supplies you
might need for yourself (flipcharts, laser pointer, etc.).
Reserve a room for the training. If this room does not come equipped with computers for
learners to work with during the Product Guide and certification portions of the course, reserve
a separate room for this part of the training.
Make an appointment with someone from the IT Department to assist in prepping the computers
for the Product Guide portion of the course.
Reserve an overhead projector and test it with your materials.
If you use your own laptop to play audio tracks for the participants, test it in the room used for
the training. If you need other audio equipment to play these tracks, reserve it early so that you
can familiarize yourself with how to operate it and test your audio tracks.
Make copies of call scripts and other handouts for participants. Copies of all handouts appear in
the Appendix at the back of this guide.
Verify the number of participants. If necessary, ask PJ Enterprises to provide additional people
to participate in the role plays. You will need three participants in each group.
Order drinks and snacks.

On Class Day
Gather and prepare supplies:
o Instructor computer
o Facilitator's Guide
o Participant's Guides
o Evaluation sheets
o Attendance list

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o List of attendees with position (Telephone Operator or Customer Service Supervisor)
o Name tags and marker
o Any products sold by PJ Enterprises that you plan to use in the classroom as props
o Paper, pens, and other supplies participants may wish to use during the course
o Timer for use during timed exercises and the final assessment
Visit and prepare classroom:
o Make sure all equipment is correctly setup and operational.
o For each participant, place the following at his/her place:
Name tag
Learner Guide
Any other materials you want participants to have at the start of the course
o Note the level of light in the room and the temperature, adjusting both to a comfortable
o Have drinks and snacks set out for participants.

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Training Tips
This training course makes heavy use of role playing activities as well as audio files for covering
different types of calls that learners may receive in the course of their work. On one hand, this is a
strong positive because this is more engaging than passive activities such as reading text. However,
people may sometimes take their roles a little too far, exaggerating their situations in ways that are fun
for learners but not based in real world experience.
Allowing a role play to stray into the realm of the ridiculous is one way to keep learners entertained and
engaged with the material; however, as the facilitator you must know when to draw them back to the
practical side of things. After all, everyone will have to obtain certification at the end of the course so
that they can achieve the required certification. This should not be used as a stick with which to threaten
the learners. Instead, role plays should be used as a carrot; frame them as a chance to practice and get
useful feedback for the very same skills them must demonstrate at the end of the course.
Remember that your audience has a broad range of experience. Some people will be new to the industry
while others will have a long track record in the field. Although they may be new to the PJ Enterprises
way of doing things, many of them likely have valuable insights to share. Don't be afraid to let these
individuals get involved by sharing their experience and insight with their peers.

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Course Introduction

Time: 15 min.

Display: this slide as the Learners

arrive in the training room.

Welcome: learners to the Training Welcome to the PJ Enterprises Telephone Operator

Training Course.

Page 16 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Go Over: administrative details of
the session.
Administrative Details
The training course will take four hours and will cover
four lessons. In addition, you'll get two 15-minute
Tell: TOs that the course will last breaks. Coffee and cookies will be available at the back
4.5 hours and have four lessons. table.
Learners will get two 15-minute
breaks and a one-hour lunch. Restrooms are located to the left of the training room.
Lunch is provided and will last 60 minutes.
Explain: that the course format Please silence your cell phones during the training
includes demonstration and course and sign the attendance form now if you haven't
opportunities to perform hands on done so already.
practice. If you have any questions or issues, please free to ask at
any time.
Explain: that certification will take
place at the end of the course

Ask: if everyone has a working

computer and the handouts or any

Course Introduction cont.

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Introduce: yourself, and explain
OLS role in the training and any
other facilitators involved. Before we get to work, I'd like us to get to know each
other better.
Tell: learners you would like to get Let's go around the room tell everyone a little about
to know them and to introduce ourselves. When your turn comes, please tell us:
themselves via the information on Your name.
the slide.
How long you've been a Telephone Operator.
One fun fact about yourself.
And, finally, what are two things you want to
learn today?
I'll start the process.

Course Introduction cont.

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Explain: the purpose of the
training course
Purpose of the Training

Tell: This course was designed to make your job easier! The
purpose of this training is to teach the skills needed to
TOs that the course was access and use the Product Guide, improve customer
designed to make their satisfaction scores, achieve consistent call performance,
jobs easier. decrease call times, and increase your sales.
TOs this training will The Training course will provide opportunity to
teach them the skills practice the skills presented in each lesson and allow
needed to access and use you to improve overall customer satisfaction and reach
the Product Guide, the sales targets set by PJ Enterprises for 2017.
improve customer
satisfaction scores, achieve
consistent call
performance, decrease call
times, and increase your
TOs that they will get a
chance to practice the
skills they learn in each

Explain: the prerequisites are

needed to ensure successful course
Training Prerequisites
completion. This training course is designed for current TOs and
CSSs. If you are new to PJ Enterprises, you must
complete the appropriate Onboarding training before
Check: that TOs meet taking this training.

Course Introduction cont.

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Go Over: course objectives
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, you will be able to:
Use the Product Guide icon on a desktop
computer to open the Product Guide.
Locate product information using the product
number or keyword in less than 1 minute.
Resolve difficult customer situations following
the LSCPA model to achieve a positive
resolution in less than 5 minutes.
Find product information requested using the
LSCPA model within 5 minutes.

Explain: how the course is

organized and the agenda outlining
todays training course session. This training course is organized into four lessons. We
will cover the New Product guide; Call Scripts as well
as handling common and difficult call situations.

Course Introduction cont.

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Ask: if anyone has questions.
Do you have any questions before we get started?

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Lesson 2: Using the Product Guide

Time: 55 min.

Tell: TOs that they now know how
to use the call scripts, we will now
Introduction to Lesson 2
learn about the new PJ Enterprises Now that you know how to use the PJ Call scripts, we
Product Guide. will move into how to find products and product
information using the newly updated Product Guide.

Tell: TOs that the Product Guide

has been updated.
Introduction to the Product Guide
The Product Guide has been updated to improve:
Explain: that the updates were Ease of use
based on customer and employee
Efficiency in accessing product information
Effectiveness in providing accurate information
to the customer

Page 22 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Introduction cont.
Tell: TOs that their role is an
important one and that quickly
accessing products to provide As a Telephone Operator, you are PJ to our
accurate product information to customers. You play a very important and valuable role
customers is critical to customer in ensuring our customers' satisfaction.
Quickly accessing products to provide accurate product
information to customers is critical to customer
Explain: that they are PJ satisfaction.
Enterprises to customers. The new Product Guide has exciting features! It is
digitized, organized, searchable and printable if hard
copies are needed.
Tell: TOs that the new Product
Guide is now digitized, organized,
searchable, and printable if hard
copies are needed.

Introduction cont.

Page 23 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: TOs that this lesson will
review the new Product Guide so
that they can efficiently and Today we are going to look at the capabilities of the
effectively provide customers with new Product Guide and then we will:
accurate product information.
Learn how to access the Product Guide.
Learn how to locate products by product code
Go Over: The topics covered in the
lesson and keywords.
Apply what we've learned through practice.

Explain: the WIIFM (whats in it So whats in it for you?

for me) so they understand that You will be able to access and provide accurate
the goal is not only customer product information quickly to your customers.
satisfaction, but also improving
their performance and confidence. You will be able to increase your customer
service scores.
You will have more time to make sales.
Tell: TOs that they will have the
opportunity to practice searching So, who's ready to begin?
for products and locating product

Introduction cont.

Page 24 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Go Over: the lesson objectives and
what TOs will be able to do upon
completion. Lets review the objectives of this class. Upon
completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Tell: TOs that we will next watch a Access the Product Guide
video on the capabilities of the
Locate product information by product code or
update Product Guide.
keyword in less than 1 minute.
Now, lets take a look at the capabilities of the new
Product Guide that will make your job easier!

Tell: TOs they will watch a short

video that goes over the new
Video: Overview of the Updated Product Guide
capabilities of the Product Guide. We will now watch a short video that goes over the
capabilities of the new Product Guide.
Explain: that the video is 3 minutes What's your favorite feature?

Ask: TOs to think about what their

favorite new feature is.

Topic 1: Accessing the Product Guide

Page 25 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Explain: that the Product Guide
can be accessed through an icon on
Accessing the Product Guide
their desktop. Accessing the Product Guide is quick and simple!
Tell: TOs to: Just locate the PJ Product Guide icon on the upper right
Locate the PJ Product hand side of your screen.
Guide icon in the upper
right corner of the
computer screen.
Double click on the icon.

Next, double click on the icon to open the Product


Tell: TOs that there is a larger

picture on the next page of their
Accessing the Product Guide
Participant Guide When the Product guide opens, you'll see:
The product search box at the top of the screen.
Explain: The main features that
Featured products below the search box.
will be seen when the Product
Guide is opened: A product directory of the product categories.
Product search box Now let's look at the product search functions.
Featured products
Product directory

Page 26 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Accessing the Product Guide cont.

Topic 2: How to Locate Product Information

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Tell: TOs that now that they know
how to access the Product Guide,
Product Guide Search Functions
we will now learn how to search Now that you know how to access the Product Guide,
for products to be able to provide we can go over how to search for products so that you
information to customers. can provide information to your customers.
You will be able to search for product information by:
Explain: that the Product Guide is Product code
searchable by product code,
keyword, product name, and other Keyword
Product name
Tell: TOs that there are different
ways to search for products and Using the Product Guide search function to find
product information. We will products will allow you to access product information
practice searching for information much faster than before.
by product code and keyword.

Explain: that using the search

function will allow them to access
product information much faster
than before.

Tell: TOs that there is a larger

picture on the next page of their
Participant Guide

How to Locate Product Information cont.

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How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 29 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: TOs where the Product Guide
search box is located.
Product Guide Search Function
The Product Guide search box is located near the top of
the Product Guide page.
Explain: That searches are
performed by typing the keyword To perform a product search, simply type the product
into the Product Guide search box code or keyword into the Product Guide search box and
and click the Product Guide click the Product Guide Search button.
Search button.

Next, I will walk you through the steps to enter a

Tell: TOs that you will walk them product code into the Product Guide search box to
though the steps to search for a search for a produc.t
product by entering a product code
into the Product Guide search box,

Tell: TOs that there is a larger

picture on the next page of their
Participant Guide

How to Locate Product Information cont.

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How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 31 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Explain: that we will now practice
searching by a product code.
Searching by Product Code
Now that we know that the Product Guide can be
searched by both product code or keyword, Lets first
Tell: TOs to: try searching for a product by its product code!
Type #12345 into the What product do you find when you enter #12345?
Product Guide search box.
First, type #12345 into the Product Guide search box.
Click the Product Guide
Search button. Next, click the Product Guide Search button.

Ask: what product they found

Tell: TOs that the answer is that

product #12345 is an Owl Figurine
Searching by Product Code
called Owl Always Love You. Product #12345 is a figurine called "Owl Always Love
Ask: if everyone was able to find Was everyone able to find it?
the product

Tell: TOs that there is a larger

picture on the next page of their
Participant Guide

How to Locate Product Information cont.

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How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 33 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Explain: that we will practice with
another product code search.
Searching by Product Code
Lets try another one!
Tell: TOs to: A customer calls telling you that her favorite wind
Type #55073 into the chimes broke in a storm, and she would like to order
Product Guide search box. another set. She tells you that the product code is
#55073. What do you find when you enter that code?
Click the Product Guide
Search button

Ask: what product they located

Tell: TOs that the answer that

product #55073 is Personalized
Searching by Product Code
Wind Chimes For Mom. Product #55073 is Personalized Wind Chimes For
Mom. Did everyone find it?
Tell: TOs that there is a larger Now lets try searching by keyword.
picture on the next page of their
Participant Guide

Ask: if everyone found this


How to Locate Product Information cont.

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How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 35 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Explain: that now that we have
practiced searching for products by
Searching by Keyword
product code, we will practice Now that you have practices searching for products by
searching by keywords. product code, lets try searching by keywords.
A customer calls in looking for an hourglass.
Explain: the customer request. What products does PJ have available that match this
Tell: TOs to:
Type hourglass into the
Product Guide search box.
Click the Product Guide
Search button.

Ask: what product they located

Explain: that three products have

been identified in the keyword
Searching by Keyword
search for hourglass. Your search reveals that there are three choices of
hourglasses available at PJ.
Ask: Was everyone able to find the Let's try one more.

How to Locate Product Information cont.

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How to Locate Product Information cont.

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Explain: the customer request.
Searching by Keyword
Tell: TOs to:
Ok, lets try one more.
Type silk scarf into the
Product Guide search box. A customer calls and wants to know if PJ carries silk
Click the Product Guide
Search button. Are there any available?

Ask: What product did you locate?

Explain: that three products have

been identified in the keyword
Searching by Keyword
search for silk scarf. PJ has three choices of silk scarves available! How
many silk scarves turned up in your search?
Tell: TOs that there is a larger Now that we know how to find products using the
picture on the next page of their Product Guide search function, lets review how to
Participant Guide provide the customer with the product information they

Ask: if everyone found the


How to Locate Product Information cont.

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How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 39 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: TOs that they have done a
great job practicing how to locate
Locating Product Information
products using product codes and The quicker we can access products, the quicker we can
keywords. provide accurate product information to our customers!
The information for products in the Product Guide is
Explain: that the quicker we can organized for easy access.
access products, the quicker we Product information sheets contain the following quick
can provide accurate product reference information:
information to our customers.
Product code

Go Over: the categories of Product name

information available to TOs on Price
the product information sheets.
Product directory location
Care instruction:
Country of origin
Special features
Manufacturer or artist

How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 40 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: TOs that we are going to
practice finding product
Locating Product Information
information. Okay, lets see how we do at finding product
information! The customer who previously inquired
about the wind chimes would like to know the product's
Explain: The customer request. dimensions.

Note: Do not give search

instructions this time.

Ask: TOs what dimensions they


Tell: TOs that the dimensions are

27" long x 6" in diameter.
Locating Product Information
The product's dimensions are 27 inches long and 6 in
Tell: TOs that there is a larger
picture on the next page of their Did everyone find the dimensions?
Participant Guide

Ask: if everyone found the


How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 41 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: TOs that we are going to
practice finding product
Locating Product Information
information. The customer who called about the hourglass would
like to order the Classic Hourglass but would like to
Explain: the customer request. know the price first. So, how much does it cost?

Note: do not give search

instructions this time.

Ask: what the price is

How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 42 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Ask: TOs what price they found
Locating Product Information
The "Classic Hourglass" sells for $49.99.
Tell: TOs that the "Classic
Hourglass" is $49.99. Did everyone find the price?

Tell: TOs that there is a larger

picture on the next page of their
Participant Guide

Ask: if everyone found the price

How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 43 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: TOs they will participate in a
product information scavenger
Scavenger Hunt: Directions
hunt. Its time to put your skills to the test! You're going to
perform a product information scavenger hunt. Here's
how it works:
Tell: TOs that you will review the
results and give immediate 1. You will be given five customer call requests.
feedback in a group discussion 2. Perform a search for each request.
3. Record your answers in your Learner Guide.
4. You will have 5 minutes to complete the
Ask: TOs if there are any exercise.
5. The goal is to complete each search within one
6. We will review the answers at the end of the

Go Over: each scavenger hunt

product information request.
Scavenger Hunt: Searches
Please take time to read the scavenger hunt searches. I
will leave these up on the screen while you complete
Note: leave slide up on the screen the exercise.
while TOs are completing the

How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 44 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: TOs the answer.
Scavenger Hunt Answer to Q1
Okay, lets review the search results.
Tell: TOs that there is a larger
picture on the next page of their For the first search, the care instruction for product
Participant Guide #90210 are to hand wash and hang dry.
Did everyone find it?
Ask: if there are any questions.

Page 45 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

How to Locate Product Information cont.
Tell: TOs the answer.
Scavenger Hunt Answer to Q2

Tell: TOs that there is a larger The "Owl Always Love You" figurine was made in
picture on the next page of their China.
Participant Guide
Were you able to find it?

Ask: if there are any questions.

Page 46 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

How to Locate Product Information cont.
Tell: TOs the answer.
Scavenger Hunt Answer to Q3
The message on the "Personalized Wind Chimes For
Tell: TOs that there is a larger Mom" can be three lines long.
picture on the next page of their
Participant Guide

Ask: if there are any questions.

Page 47 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

How to Locate Product Information cont.
Tell: TOs the answer.
Scavenger Hunt Answer to Q4
Product #55122 is a Himalayan salt lamp, and the lamp
Tell: TOs that there is a larger and cord assembly are UL rated.
picture on the next page of their
Participant Guide

Ask: if there are any questions.

Page 48 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

How to Locate Product Information cont.
Tell: TOs the answer.
Scavenger Hunt Answer to Q5
Product #8675309 is garment hanger called "Owls
Tell: TOs that there is a larger See, Hear, Speak No Evil."
picture on the next page of their
Participant Guide

Ask: how many TOs got them all


Page 49 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

How to Locate Product Information cont.

Page 50 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Review: the features on the
updated Product Guide.
Great job! We have learned that the new Product Guide
will make your jobs easier and allow you to provide
Explain: that TOs now have the accurate information to the customer more efficiently
knowledge and skills to: and effectively.
Access the Product Guide You are now have the knowege and skills to access the
Locate product Product Guied and perform product seraches to locate
information by product product information for your customers.
code or keyword in less
than 1 minute

Ask: if there are any questions.

Before we move on, does anyone have any questions?
Tell: TOs that next we will be
reviewing the Product Guide Job
Aid, a reference tool for using the
Product Guide.

Page 51 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Lesson 4: Handling Irate Customers

Time: 75 min.

Tell: TOs that now that they know
how to handle a customer return
call, they will learn how to handle Now that you have learned about initiating a customer
irate customer calls. return call, lets talk about those irate customers. Weve
all gotten them, and sometimes those situations can be
very difficult.
Explain: that sometimes those
situations can be very difficult.

Introduction cont.

Page 52 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: TOs that their role is an
important one, and handling irate
customers is part of the job. They Customers are the very lifeblood of PJ Enterprises.
need to feel confident when When satisfied customers return to purchase from us
handling these customers. every season, we all win.
As a Telephone Operator, you are PJ to our
Explain: that they are PJ customers. You play a very important and valuable role
Enterprises to customers. in ensuring our customers' satisfaction.
Sometimes we deal with irate customers. Its part of our
job. Handling an irate customer confidently and
effectively is something we need to do well.

Introduction cont.

Page 53 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: TOs that learning a simple
new technique will make handling
an irate customer call easier, and Today, we are going to learn a simple new technique
enable them to perform better at that will help you solve customer problems efficiently,
their jobs overall. effectively and to the customers satisfaction.
So whats in it for you?
Explain: the WIIFM (whats in it You will be able to handle irate customer
for me) so that they understand situations quickly and easily.
the goal is not only customer
satisfaction, but also improving You will be able to increase your customer
their performance and confidence. service scores.
You will have more time to make sales.
You will be able to confidently stay in control
of all types of customer calls.
So who's ready to begin?

Introduction cont.

Page 54 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Go Over: the objectives of the
lesson and what TOs will be able
to do upon completion. Lets review the objectives of this class. Upon
completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
Identify when to use the LSCPA model.
Demonstrate effective listening.
Share empathy with a customer.
Clarify a customer problem in a positive way.
Present effective customer solutions.
Ask if you can provide agreed upon solutions to
solve problems.
Handle an irate customer using the model.
Achieve a positive customer resolution in under
5 minutes.

Introduction cont.

Page 55 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Explain: the topics that will
covered in the lesson.
This lesson includes the following topics:
Topic Page
1 Introduction 2
2 Do these sound familiar? 6
3 Why the LSCPA model? 7
4 Listen to the customer 9
5 Share the concern 10
6 Clarify the issue 11
7 Present a solution 13
8 Ask to proceed 14
9 Role play triads practice with assessment 16
10 Debrief 17

Topic 1: Sound familiar?

Page 56 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Play: three audio clips
Sound Familiar?
I'm going to play several audio clips for you. I wonder
Ask: TOs what they think of the if any of these sound familiar.
calls they just heard.
What do you think of those calls? Something we hear
almost every day right?
Explain: some of the reasons why So why do customers become irate?
customers become irate.
Customers can become irate for many reasons.
Typically, this is due to something not being as they
Explain: that to solve problems, we expected.
really need to know what they are.
Maybe a product is broken, doesnt fit, or simply isnt
what they were hoping for.
Remind: TOs that to solve a In order to solve the customers problem, we need to
problem, we need to know what it know what the problem really is.
really is. Problems are not always
what they seem at first glance. And sometimes, what we think is the problem is really
something else in disguise.

Topic 2: Why the LSCPA model?

Page 57 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Ask: if anyone has heard of the
LSCPA model.
Has anyone ever heard of the LSCPA model?
Explain: the LSCPA model is what It is what we are going to cover today to help you deal
will be covered in the lesson. It is with these irate customer situations.
the model they will use to handle Irate customers may sound like they are angry at us. It
those irate customer situations is important not to take things personally. They are
going forward. really just seeking a solution to a problem.
As TOs, we are the face (or voice) of the company to
Remind: TOs that they are the face customers.
of PJ to customers. While they While we may want to disagree with a customer, what if
may feel they know the answer, or we stepped back for a moment?
disagree with the customers, they
need to step back and use the What if we put ourselves on the customers side of the
model to work through those phone and really listened to their concern? What if we
situations. stepped back and let them tell us how to satisfy them?

Why the LSCPA model? cont.

Page 58 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Explain: that LSCPA works
because it is about the customer. It
is a simple model that will become LSCPA works because it is about the customer, not
second nature to them with about us. It is an easy model to learn. It will become
practice. second nature and you will find yourself using it to
handle conflict in your daily life! The steps include:
Tell: TOs the steps of LSCPA with Listen to customer concern.
the description of each step.
Share concern with customer.
Clarify in form of a question (paraphrase).
Present a solution to address concern.
Ask for customer's agreement to let you
Lets look at each step more closely.

Topic 3: Listen

Page 59 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Explain: that listening is the first
step in LSCPA. Sometimes they
may think they are listening, but The first step in the LSCPA model is listening. We may
they are only hearing. feel like we're listening to our customers when they call,
but often we're really only hearing them.
Ask: them what listening really So what does listening really look like and why is it so
looks like and why is it important? critical? We may think we know how to address a
customer concern, but we need to diffuse the tension
first. Listening is the most important thing we can do to
Explain: that listening reduces start problem solving.
tension, which prevents the Tension prevents the customer from hearing our
customer from hearing and solutions. Eliminating tension provides an environment
providing solutions. for building trust and rapport, and solving problems.
Here are some examples of phrases you might use when
Explain: that without tension, we listening to a customer:
can build trust and rapport.
Im sorry you're disappointed, tell me exactly
what happened?
Tell: them several examples of When did you notice the product was damaged?
how to show they are listening to a
customer. Can you tell me more about it?

Topic 4: Share

Page 60 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: them that once the customer
has told us the concern and they
understand it, they must share it. Once the customer has told us about their concern in
detail so we fully understand, it is important to Share
their concern.
Explain: that sharing shows
empathy and helps a customer feel Sharing the concern shows empathy toward the
validation. customer. It helps them to feel validation without
fanning the flames of their irritation.
Some examples of how you might chare the concern
Tell: them some examples of with the customer are:
phrases that show they are sharing
the concern with the customer. I can appreciate how frustrated you must be.
That must have been very aggravating.
I can imagine you were quite disappointed.

Topic 5: Clarify

Page 61 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: them that after the tension is
diffused and the customer feels
validated, they need to clarify the Now that we have diffused the tension and helped the
concern. customer to feel validation, it's time to clarify that we
truly understand the concern.
Explain: that they should Paraphrasing is a way to pose the customers concern
paraphrase the concern in a back to them in the form of a positive question.
positive light. Some examples of how you might clarify the concern
with the customer are:
Tell: them some examples of how So youre really saying you just want a new
they might paraphrase a concern one. Is that correct?
back to a customer.
So if we could get a different shirt out to you
tomorrow, everything would be okay?
In other words, you still want to purchase it if
we can fix the problem, is that right?

Clarify cont.

Page 62 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Tell: them that is okay if clarifying
feels a little difficult initially. Its
important to clarify positively, and Dont worry if clarifying feels a little difficult at first. It
not reinforce the customers is really important to be able to clarify the customers
negative thinking. concern in a positive way. We dont want to emphasize
the negative.
Tell: them that paraphrasing is not What I mean by that is, if they say Im mad about this
about mimicking the customers being broken, we dont want to say, "So, because its
negative statements. They want to broken, you're mad." We want to say, "So, if we can get
phrase the statement as a positive you a brand new one, you would feel better about this
outcome, in the form of a question. situation. Am I correct?"
Clarifying does take some practice. It needs to sound
natural, and not just repetition of what a customer said.
Explain: that clarifying will take
practice. It needs to sound natural Customers generally talk about the negative situation.
and conversational. When you clarify, put a positive spin on it; state the
positive outcome.
Sometimes, the customer will say, no thats not the
Explain: that customers are problem.
focused on the negative, and they
need to clarify it with a positive What then?
spin. Its okay to re-clarify to make sure you really
understand their concern. Simply ask them to state what
the problem really is and clarify before you proceed, so
Explain: that sometimes we clarify you know youre handling the real objection!
something that is not the problem.
It is okay to ask the customer to
state the concern, and re-clarify.

Topic 6: Present

Page 63 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Explain: to TOs that once the
customer agrees to the
clarification, the TO can present When the customer agrees with your clarification, it is
the solution. time to present what you are going to do to solve the
problem. Some ways you might present a solution to a
customer include:
Tell: them some examples of how
to present solutions to the Great! I could go ahead and order that for you
customer. right now and get it shipped overnight.
Let me see about getting you a refund for the
I can see if there is another in stock in a
different size/color/etc.

Topic 7: Ask

Page 64 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Explain: that the last step of the
model is Ask. Ask is just what it
sounds like; asking to proceed. The last step of the model is Ask. Ask is just what it
sounds like.
Now that you have offered a solution to the customers
concern, ask if you can proceed and satisfy the
Tell: them some examples of what customer!
asking to proceed with the solution
sounds like. Some examples of asking if we can proceed include:
Will that work for you?
Would that be acceptable?
Will you let me do that for you?
Would that make you feel better about the

Topic 8: LSCPA Demonstration

Page 65 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Ask: TOs if they have any
Now that we have covered the full LSCPA model, does
anyone have any questions?
Tell: TOs that you are going to
demonstrate how to use the full Now, I am going to demonstrate the full LSCPA model
LSCPA model with an irate as if I were handling an irate customer call.
customer. A supervisor (or TO) will play along as the customer.
The customer has just called in. They are irate that the
Explain: the scenario a shirt they received has a hole in it.
supervisor (or TO) will play the They liked the shirt, but are upset that it is not what they
customer. They are irate because wanted.
the shirt they received is damaged.
Listen to how I use the model to reduce tension, share
empathy, clarify, present a solution and ask if I can
Demonstrate: using LSCPA to proceed.
handle the irate customer scenario.

Note: demonstration script is in

Appendix A.

Ask: TOs to listen to how the

model is used to handle the

LSCPA Demonstration cont.

Page 66 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Lesson 4 Demonstration: Irate Customer Demonstration Script

Supervisor (S) or TO will play an irate customer.

Demonstrator (D) (instructor) will handle the irate customer using LSCPA.
(Telephone) Ring. Ring.
(D) Good morning, and welcome to PJ Enterprises. My name is Sally Thomas. Who do I have
the pleasure of speaking with and how may I assist you today?
(S) Well, this is Laura Jones. I am very upset this morning. I ordered a blue shirt from you
guys a week ago, and I just got it. It has a big hole in it. How could you send me a shirt with a
hole? Thats the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of.
(D) Im very, very sorry, Ms. Jones. When did you notice it had the hole?
(S) As soon as I took it out of the package. Right away! How could you send me a shirt with a
hole in it?
(D) I can imagine that must have been very aggravating for you, Ms. Jones.
(S) You bet it was! I dont know why I do business with you people. There are a lot of other
companies out there with mail order catalogs. I could just as easily buy it from them.
(D) I think what youre saying, Ms. Jones, is that you liked the shirt and would be fine with it
if we could get you a brand new one, is that right?
(S) Well, yesI like the shirt, I just didnt expect to receive it damaged.
(D) Ms. Jones, what if I could get a new shirt ordered for you right away? I could have it
shipped to you overnight.
(S) WellI guess that would be all right.
(D) If I can get that ordered and sent to you right away, would you feel better about the
(S) Wellyes, I guess so.
(D) Great, I am going to take care of that right now. Is there anything else I can help you with
today, Ms. Jones?
(S) No, thats all.
(D) My pleasure. I want to thank you for your business, Ms. Jones. We certainly value you as
a customer here at PJ Enterprises. Let me get you a confirmation number . . .

Page 67 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Topic 9: Tips
Remind: them that the model
should flow smoothly and sounds
like a conversation. Here are a few tips for using the LSCPA model to keep
in mind.
Remind: them that they can impact The LSCPA model flows very effortlessly from one step
a positive outcome and stay in to the next. It should feel like any conversation.
control. Remember, you can positively impact the outcome by
maintaining control of the call using the model.
Explain: that it is okay to revisit If a customer is still not satisfied, it is fine to move back
any of the steps if needed during through the model and revisit any of the steps, as
the conversation to gain clarity. necessary.
Know that no matter how difficult a situation, you are
showing empathy and demonstrating caring and
Tell: them that no matter how goodwill toward our valuable customers. You are
difficult the call, they are helping ensuring that the customer feels better doing business
customers feel better about the with PJ Enterprises.
Here is a handout about the steps of LSCPA which you
can keep for reference.
Give: them the LSCPA handout

Note: LSCPA Handout is in

Appendix A

Tips cont.

Page 68 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Lesson 4: LSCPA Handout

Topic 10: Role Play

Page 69 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

TO Role Play Task Done correctly Done incorrectly/ Comments
Not Done

Listened to customer's concern

Tell: them it is their turn to
Role Play

Shared concern with customer Now its your turn to practice.

Explain: the role play scenario and We are going to break into groups and practice using the
how the teams will be divided up. model.

Clarified issue in form of a TOs will participate in a triad role play exercise
question to ensure Explain: that when they are that includes the roles of customer, TO, and
comprehension of concern observer.
finished playing one role after 5
minutes, they need to play the next TOs will role play handling an irate customer
role; i.e.TO, Customer, or using the LSPCA model.
Presented a solution to address One participant will play the Customer, one the
concern TO and the third participant will be an observer.
Instruct: the observer to use the The TO playing the Customer will use one of
assessment checklist to mark off the Irate Customer call scenarios supplied in the
each step of LSCPA as it is used handout.
Asked if he/she mightwithproceed
their comments.
and if customer accepts The observer will use a checklist to identify if
resolution the learner successfully uses each part of the
Note: Irate Customer Calls Role LSCPA model.
Play Questions handout and
After 5 minutes, the role play will end and TOs will
grading checklists are in Appendix
Completed call within switch roles. Does anyone have any questions?
A. allotted 5

Role Play cont.

Lesson 4: Handling Irate Customers Role Play Checklist

Role Play cont.

Page 70 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Lesson 4: Handling Irate Customer Calls Role Play Questions

Choose one of the irate customer scenarios from the list below.
One of your peers in the triad will play the irate customer in that scenario.
Use LSCPA in your role as the TO to handle the customer concern.
The observer will use a checklist to document your use of LSCPA.
Switch roles after 5 minutes.

Irate Customer Call Situations

1. An irate customer was mailed the wrong product.

2. An irate customer complains that the ordered item got there too late for a birthday.

3. Customer is irate because the product arrived damaged.

4. Customer claims that he/she was overcharged for a product.
5. Customer called before and was told that the product is out of stock.
6. Customer ordered a product three weeks ago and it never arrived.
7. Customer says the quality of this product is horrible and not what it seems in the
description or photo.

8. Customer used this product for 6 months and then it broke.

Topic 11: Debrief

Page 71 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Ask: TOs how they felt about the
role play.
How did that feel for everyone? Did the model help you
to feel more in control of the irate customer call?
Discuss: how they felt about the
role play, how they felt about How did you feel about the role play?
preparation, what went well, if How well prepared did you feel in handling the irate
they had problems, how the customer?
experience compared to before the
lesson, and major takeaways. What worked well?
Where did anyone experience problems?
Ask: if anyone had any other How did the experience compare to handling irate
questions. customers before this class?
Major takeaways?
Explain: again that it will become Any other questions about LSCPA and how to use the
second nature, and they will find model? The more you practice and use it, the easier it
they use the model on the job and will become.
off it. As I said, it will become second nature and you will
find yourself using it to resolve conflict. Ive had people
say to me, youre doing that thing again! It really does

Topic 12: Thank you

Page 72 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Ask: if there are any other
Thank you
If there arent any more questions, that concludes our
Tell: TOs thanks for their time and
attention. Thank you so much for your time and attention today!

Page 73 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Final Assessment

Time: 55 min.
Tell: TOs that now they will be taking part in a final activity.

Now that we have reviewed the materials and answered any remaining questions, you will be taking part
in the final learning activity.

Tell: TOs that this activity will measure their ability to put the knowledge and skills that they have
learned into practice.
Explain: that they will again be in groups of three, just like the triads that they participated in in the
LSCPA exercise.

This activity will measure your ability to put all the knowledge and skills we've learned today into
practice. This will be another role play in groups of three. You've had a lot of practice at this, so I'm
sure you'll do well.

Page 74 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Page 75 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide
Final Assessment cont.
Tell: TOs they will be assessed when playing the Telephone Operator role. They will need to answer a
customer call as if they were receiving a real call and provide a successful experience using LSCPA.

Explain: each role in the role playing assessment.

As the Telephone Operator, you're the one being assessed. You'll need to answer a customer call as if
you were getting a real call in the queue. Using the skills learned in this course, you should provide a
successful service experience using the LSPCA model.
When playing the Customer, you'll use the facts provided in the scenario to put yourself in the
customers shoes and speak to the TO. Try to bring an authentic and challenging feeling to the call, but
let the TO work the LSPCA steps to completion.
Finally, as the Observer, you have a critical role and take it very seriously. Observe the interaction
between the TO and the Customer. Use the checklist provided to determine if the TO meets the criteria
in the checklist. Equally important, provide feedback to the TO during the review portion of the activity.

Page 76 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Final Assessment cont.
Explain: each TO will be graded by the other two people in their triad during the role play assessment.

How to Rotate Roles During Assessment

In the first round, you'll each have a chance to play each role. In the second round, the person who
observed and the person who played the customers will switch when it is again your turn to be the TO.
This way you will be graded by two different people.

Explain: the main objective and exercise length.

Objective & Time Frame

The main objective for this activity is for you to be certified by getting no more than two mistakes on
either observer's checklist.
You'll have five minutes to provide the requested information using the Product Guide when needed.
The whole assessment will take no more than 55 minutes.

Page 77 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Final Assessment cont.
Explain: that the observer will use a checklist during the role play to identify if the TO is properly using
the Product Guide and LSCPA model with a customer, and providing the requested information.

Introducing the Grading Checklist

Using the checklist, you will watch the TO perform their call and search for product information.
Then you'll check the list, when you clearly observe key performance factors, such as demonstrating the
opening and closing script, accessing the Product Guide, using each part of the LSCPA model, and
finding and delivering the requested information to the Customer.

Go Over: the areas of the grading checklist.

Give: each person two copies of the grading checklist.

Review Grading Checklist

Now I'll read over the grading checklist and make sure you understand each area on the checklist. Please
ask any questions you may have.

Page 78 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

TO Certification Done correctly Done incorrectly TO did not do this

Used opening and closing scripts

Listened to customer's concern

Shared concern with customer

Clarified issue in form of a question to ensure

comprehension of concern

Presented a solution to address concern

Asked if he/she might proceed and if customer

accepts resolution

Accessed the Product Guide correctly

Located product information within 1 minute

Transferred customer to CSS if appropriate

Completed call within allotted 5 minutes

Assessment cont.
Final Assessment Grading Checklist

Page 79 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Final Assessment cont.
Explain: what a difficult call or conversation is, and discuss the varying degrees of difficulty TOs will
face in the assessment.

Defining Difficult Conversations

A difficult conversation is a call when the customer does not just give you the product number or the
name of the product, and you need to use LSCPA to figure out how to resolve the customers issue or
provide the solution and/or information the customer needs.

Give: a copy of the customer role play scenarios to each team.

Tell: TOs that they should face one call from each column.

Demonstrate: the TO role and ask someone to pretend to be a customer. Show how you would handle
the call.

Ask: if there any questions.

Give: TOs an opportunity to practice a scenario in a triad for 2 minutes prior to assessment.

Examples from Scenarios

Now I'll read over a couple of the examples in the scenario list to give you an idea of the level of
difficulty. Take a moment to think of calls you've taken that are similar to these scenarios and use the
call details in the assessment.
I will now briefly demonstrate the assessment process in a triad to model using a provided scenario.

Page 80 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

You should each face one call from the first column (Scenarios #1) in the first round and one call from
the second column (Scenarios #2) in the second round.

Page 81 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Scenarios #1 Scenarios #2

Customer says the product is too small or is An irate customer was mailed the wrong
smaller than it looks in the photo. product.

Customer says the product is the wrong color, or An irate customer complains that the ordered
the color looks different than the photo. item got there too late for a birthday.

Customer is looking for something with hearts Customer is irate because the product arrived
on it for his/her partners birthday or Valentine's damaged.
day but only offers vague suggestions ("I don't
know, something for the bedroom wall or
dresser I guess?").
Customer's grandmother collects owls. Customer claims that he/she was overcharged
Customer can't find the catalog but knows she for a product.
likes your stuff.

An item appeared in last year's catalog but not Customer calls and is told that the product is out
in this year's. Customer wants help finding of stock, so they want help finding something
something similar. similar.

Customer wants to return a product because, Customer ordered a product three weeks ago
"It's just not what I was looking for." and it never arrived.

Customer describes a product from memory Customer says the quality of this product is
without catalog using vague language. horrible and not what it seems in the description
or photo.

Customer tries to get a sale price on something Customer used this product for 6 months and
that is no longer on sale. then it broke.

Assessment cont.
Final Assessment Customer Role Play Scenarios

Page 82 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Final Assessment cont.
Explain: The timing and timer for the test.

Show: them the timer

Tell: how the exercise is observed by the facilitators.

Timing and Observation

I'll use a 5-minute egg timer and stop the role play each time it rings. The whole session will take no
more than 30 minutes.
We will be walking around and observing each group. Any group seen not following the directions will
fail the certification.

Tell: TOs they will receive 2 grading. checklists.

Explain: the certification process.

Passing vs. Not Passing

You will receive your results from the two assessment checklists.
A passing score results in certification.
A non-passing score will require revisiting the areas missed and participating in a subsequent role play
to ensure certification.

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Final Assessment cont.
Ask: if there are any questions

Tell: TOs thanks for their time and participation today.

Are there any questions? If there are no more questions, we are done for the day. Thanks for your time
and appreciation. I appreciate it and I hope this has been helpful to you.

Appendix A: Handouts

Page 85 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Irate Customer Demonstration Script

Supervisor (S) or TO will play an irate customer.

Demonstrator (D) (instructor) will handle the irate customer using LSCPA.

(Telephone) Ring. Ring.

(D) Good morning, and welcome to PJ Enterprises. My name is Sally Thomas. Who do I have
the pleasure of speaking with and how may I assist you today?
(S) Well, this is Laura Jones. I am very upset this morning. I ordered a blue shirt from you guys
a week ago, and I just got it. It has a big hole in it. How could you send me a shirt with a hole?
Thats the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of.
(D) Im very, very sorry, Ms. Jones. When did you notice it had the hole?
(S) As soon as I took it out of the package. Right away! How could you send me a shirt with a
hole in it?
(D) I can imagine that must have been very aggravating for you, Ms. Jones.
(S) You bet it was! I dont know why I do business with you people. There are a lot of other
companies out there with mail order catalogs. I could just as easily buy it from them.
(D) I think what youre saying, Ms. Jones, is that you liked the shirt and would be fine with it if
we could get you a brand new one, is that right?
(S) Well, yesI like the shirt, I just didnt expect to receive it damaged.
(D) Ms. Jones, what if I could get a new shirt ordered for you right away? I could have it
shipped to you overnight.
(S) WellI guess that would be all right.
(D) If I can get that ordered and sent to you right away, would you feel better about the
(S) Wellyes, I guess so.
(D) Great, I am going to take care of that right now. Is there anything else I can help you with
today, Ms. Jones?
(S) No, thats all.

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(D) My pleasure. I want to thank you for your business, Ms. Jones. We certainly value you as a
customer here at PJ Enterprises. Let me get you a confirmation number . . .

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LSCPA Handout

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Handling Irate Customer Calls Role Play Questions

Choose one of the irate customer scenarios from the list below.

One of your peers in the triad will play the irate customer in that scenario.

Use LSCPA in your role as the TO to handle the customer concern.

The observer will use a checklist to document your use of LSCPA.

Switch roles after 5 minutes.

Irate Customer Call Situations

An irate customer was mailed the wrong product.
An irate customer complains that the ordered item got there too late for a birthday.
Customer is irate because the product arrived damaged.
Customer claims that he/she was overcharged for a product.
Customer called before and was told that the product is out of stock.
Customer ordered a product three weeks ago and it never arrived.
Customer says the quality of this product is horrible and not what it seems in the description
or photo.
Customer used this product for six months and then it broke.

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Page 91 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide
TO Role Play Task Done Done Comments
correctly incorrectly/
Not Done

Listened to customer's concern

Shared concern with customer

Clarified issue in form of a

question to ensure
comprehension of concern

Presented a solution to address


Asked if he/she might proceed

and if customer accepts

Handling Irate Customers LSCPA Role Play Checklist

Page 92 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

TO Certification Tasks Done Done TO did not
correctly incorrectly do this

Used opening and closing scripts

Listened to customer's concern

Shared concern with customer

Clarified issue in form of a question to ensure

comprehension of concern

Presented a solution to address concern

Asked if he/she might proceed and if customer

accepts resolution

Accessed the Product Guide correctly

Located product information within 1 minute

Transferred customer to CSS if appropriate

Completed call within allotted 5 minutes

Final Assessment Grading Checklist

Page 93 Appendix A: Handouts TO Training Facilitator's Guide

Scenarios #1 Scenarios #2

Customer says the product is too small or is An irate customer was mailed the wrong product.
smaller than it looks in the photo.

Customer says the product is the wrong color, or An irate customer complains that the ordered
the color looks different than the photo. item got there too late for a birthday.

Customer is looking for something with hearts on Customer is irate because the product arrived
it for his/her partners birthday or Valentine's day damaged.
but only offers vague suggestions ("I don't know,
something for the bedroom wall or dresser I
Customer's grandmother collects owls. Customer Customer claims that he/she was overcharged for
can't find the catalog but knows she likes your a product.

An item appeared in last year's catalog but not in Customer calls and is told that the product is out
this year's. Customer wants help finding of stock, so they want help finding something
something similar. similar.

Customer wants to return a product because, "It's Customer ordered a product three weeks ago and
just not what I was looking for." it never arrived.

Customer describes a product from memory Customer says the quality of this product is
without catalog using vague language. horrible and not what it seems in the description
or photo.

Customer tries to get a sale price on something Customer used this product for 6 months and
that is no longer on sale. then it broke.

Final Assessment Customer Role Play Scenarios

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