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Fransiska Dwi Mulyani Wijayanti 1)

SMAN 4 Pontianak, Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Pontianak,West Kalimantan, Indonesia
E-mail: dwi_wijaya89@yahoo.com

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to improve the studentsreading ability by using local folklore comics. Local
folklore comics are used as teaching materials by considering the aspects of cultural and historical of west Kalimantan
heritage which are relevant to the students narrative understanding in learning English. The aspects of reading ability that
had been revealed positively through this Classroom Action Research are improvements in the interest of reading,
understanding in generic structure of narrative reading as well as understanding in its language features. Based on the
provided data from the two cycles, it can be concluded that the use of local folklore comics are able to improve the students
understanding and interest of narrative reading, arose the students culture of reading literacy, and has met the criteria of
contextual teaching and learning ( CTL).

Keywords: Contextual Teaching Learning, Local Folklore Comics, Narrative Generic Stucture

I. INTRODUCTION local place where the students exist. Then, another problem
comes from learning media; such as book, picture, or photo
which are not interesting in English learning process. In fact
Reading literacy skill is needed to be trained and taught English is the international language which should be
in school learning environtment, as well as the mastered well by the students. Due to those problems faced
studentsinterest in reading that is also needed to be arisen. by the students which the material of reading text tends to
Reading is the process to grap knowledge of words and ignore the element of local wisdom and is not interesting in
match the word meaning in sentences. Moreover, reading the learning process, make the writer assume that the
acquires skill in order to have analitical thinking in students need creative material through local folklore comic
understanding text. By having reading skill, students are to increase their reading skill, their interest in reading, and
able to have some information and as the result from the their understanding about the reading material.
reading process, they are able to understand the text and By using local folklore comic from West Kalimantan
message which is included from the reading that they read as a learning media, the writer intends to prove that there is
so it can enlarge their point of views about something, significant improvement in students reading understanding
experience the changing of life behaviour, gain especially on narrative text. The local folklore from West
entertainment and learn to find out solution in their lives. Kalimantan is chosen in order to introduce the students own
The activity of reading book is very rare in SMA culture and enlarge their point of view about their cultural
Negeri 4 Pontianak. It is proved base on the data provided in and historical ancestor in their memory. The local folklore
students visit to the school library each month which is comics media are designed especially for teenagers of
only 16% and if they borrow the books, they are only books Senior High School ages. Another reason is that the pictures
concerning with certain subjects only. The students tend to in comic illustrate the ideas so when the students read the
find out instant information from the internet which can not text, they will clearly understand the reading. The
solve the problems deeply rather than book. In fact, if the illustration, plot, simple them, and the character existing in
students read diligently, they will gain benefit; that is the comic can invite the readers attention to read. So it can
aquisition on something and solving of the problem. make the students easier to understand the reading text
Besides, there are many factors which create the through pictures, and ease the students to grap the main
students uninterested in reading in SMAN 4 Pontianak. One points of the story and find out the meaning of words.
of them is less interesting of the reading text in learning
which tends too long so it makes the students bored and II. METHOD
confused to understand the reading text, difficult to find out
main idea and explicit information from the text, and In this research, the writer applies Classroom Action
difficult in identifying the generic structure of the text. In Research (CAR) as Irais [1] explains that Classroom action
addition, the reading text much more presents the folklore research is carried out by teachers in their context, in their
from other places rather than the folklore relating to the classrooms. Teachers identified a problem or an area they

wish to improve and based on theory or experience or a schedule and instrument. The topic of reading
hypothesis they think of an intervention. In this study, the comprehension in lesson plan was based on the syllabus in
writer focuses on improving students reading curriculum. The media that used was local folklore comics;
comprehension on narrative text by using local folklore such as, Splited Stone (Batu Balah Batu Betangkup), The
comic. Origin of Mountain Senujuh ( Asal Mula Gunung
The participant of this research was purposively taken Seujuh ),The legend of piantus hills ( Legenda Bukit
from XI IPS4 class. XI IPS4 class was from second grade Piantus ) in teaching reading comprehension. Recording,
students of senior high school that had low motivation in observation checklist and field notes were used by the writer
reading English text. XI IPS 4 was the class that also had as intrument of observation. While the material which was
lack of vocabulary. They got difficulties in grasping and chosen by the writer was narrative text concerning with
memorizing the meaning of the words because they seldom local folklore of West Kalimantan. The last is test. It was
used them and werent motivated in reading text. It is done to know whether students reading comprehension
because they were unable to understand the essence of the improved or not.
text, and difficult to identify the generic stucture as well as b. Implementing the Action
the language features. In this step, the writer did the teaching process based
The figure of actions can be illustrated as follows: on the lesson plan. In this case, the writer became the real
teacher who had the authority and responsibility to manage
Plan the class. The collaborator used observation checklist and
field notes to see and to know about the condition of the
class and students during the teaching and learning process.
c. Observation
action After doing the teaching process, it is time to gather the
evidence. The collaborator observed the effect of the action
which had been done by the writer, analysed the media
whether solution was successfull or not. In this step the
writer gave a test by giving multiple choice questions based
on the story that had been read by students.
d. Reflecting the Action
Here, the writer analysed the evidence that she had
Observation gathered. Was the problem solved or not? If not, what steps
Revised Plan would she try to apply for the next meeting? In this research,
the cycle would have been stopped if the students had
reached the target of successful process, including score.
In this research, observation checklist table was a tool
to observe the teaching and learning process. It was
action conducted to get information about classroom environment,
class condition, and teaching learning process by using the
Reflection media of local folklore comic. In the implementation, the
observation had been done by both of the writer as the
teacher and the collaborator. In this study, the writer also
recorded the students behavior in teaching and learning
process by using video recorder. The activities were
Observation recorded, in terms of; what the students did during the
classroom action research with the object of reading
comprehension using comic. Its aims are to know how high
the students motivation and the students enthusiasiasm in
learning reading comprehension.
In addition, in this research the writer took notes to all
activities during the lesson and noted the students response
Fig. 1 Model of Classroom Action Research to the learning reading comprehension using comic. The
writer acted as the teacher who taught the students. Field
Modified from Kemmis and Mc Taggart cited in note was used by the writers collaborator. The collaborator
helped the writer to take some notes, evaluate and offer
Hopkins (2008:51) 4th Ed. suggestions about the implementation of media.
In order to accomplish the goals of this study, the data
Based on the model above, the procedure of classroom were analysed by using qualitative and quantitative
action research can be described as follow: approaches. According to [2],Qualitative analysis is a
a. Planning the Action process of reviewing, synthesizing and interpreting data to
Planning was identified the problem area. The writer describe and explain the phenomena or social worlds being
prepared everything related to the action such as; made a studied. Qualitative here has been derived from observation
lesson plan about a certain topic, material, media, time, technique that were observation checklist, field notes and

recorder. In observation checklist, the writer was analyzed 1. First Cycle ( Cycle 1 )
the condition of the classroom during the teaching and a. Qualitative Data
learning pocess, the observation sheet was filled by the Based on the data which has been obtained from field
collaborator and analyzed by the writer systematically. The notes and observation checklist, the writer and collaborator
data from observation checklist was categorized based on found that the students were impressed and excited with the
two categories; they are, Yes and No. Yes was for material from local folklore comic. Relating to the reading
statements that showed students response and No was used comprehension, some students could actually explain the
if there was no students response. Then the field note was writers questions concerning with generic structure and
completed after finishing teaching and learning process by language features, implicit and explicit information, and
the collaborator, meanwhile the writer was written a main idea but there were some of them could not explain at
description based on the result of the field notes such as: the all. They forgot and they had no idea about it. After the
students activities or what students did during the teaching students gave good responses, The writer explained to them
and learning process and the students response to the what they should comprehend in reading narrative story by
learning reading English. While, concerning with the data, it using comic. At the first time of learning reading
had been measured by quantitative and qualitative data. comprehension by using local folklore comic as a media, it
1. Quantitative Data seemed that the students were curious to know more about
Quantitative here is to measure the students English their own local folklore, since they have never read and even
achievement which would be taken from multiple-choise used the media of comic in the learning reading
item or test. In this research, the writer analysed the comprehension. The writer explained the procedure of
students individual score according to the reading test learning process before the lesson began. The students were
given. After the researcher has obtained the individual score enthusiastic in listening to the writers explanation and
and calculated it, the next step is to calculate the number of interested to join the learning process. But some of them still
students in the class, to compute the class test the researcher did not enjoy with the writers explanation. They were busy
used the formula of mean score [3] with their own conversation and their own business. They
2. Qualitative Data were still confused what they should do.
Qualitative data is used by the writer in order to b. Quantitative Data
observe the students behaviour during teaching and Based on the data gained from the reading test result
learning process. Qualitative data of the research was on the first meeting, the studentsachievement was still too
collected by using some techniques of data collection far from the expectation target. They still had difficulties in
including: field notes, observation checklist and recording. understanding the reading material and solved the item
In this research the process of analyzing the qualitative data problems. It can be shown from the percentage score of
was made simply which contained 3 components, they were; studentsreading understanding belows:
reduction of data, coding the data, and conclusion or
verification [4]

CYCLE I Excellent
40 41,66% Good
30 30,55% Average
The implementation of teaching reading 25%
20 Poor
comprehension by using the media of local folklore comics 10 2,77%
consisted of two cycles. Each cycle consisted of two 0
meetings, one meeting for presenting the material and one
meeting for conducting the test. Meanwhile, for each
meeting took 2x45 minutes. For the first cycle the writer
used local folklore comic of The Legend of Splitted Stones
(Batu Belah Batu Betangkup) to teach reading Fig.2 The Percentage Score of Students Reading
comprehension with topic Analysing the generic structure Understanding
and language features of the story. For the second cycle,
the writer continued giving another local folklore comic of From the data figured above, the writer found out the
The Origin of Senujuh Mountain ( Asal Mula Gunung problems faced by the students which indicated that they
Senujuh) with the topic Find out the generic structure, were still confused about the plot of local folklore The
explicit and implicit, and main idea. Every cycle consisted Legend of Splitted Stone comic. They tended to answer the
of a series of steps; identifying the problem, planning the questions based on their feelings. They still faced difficulties
action, implementation the action, observing the action, in finding out the main idea, finding implicit and explicit
reflecting and evaluating the result of the observation and information, and identifying the generic structure and
revising the plan. language features of the text. Besides, they still had
Moreover, the research implementation contained the weakness in vocabulary which made them difficult
implementations of the actions that was teaching by using understand the comic given.
local folklore comic based on theories from some experts. c. Reflecting the Action
During the teaching and learning process, the writer worked Based on the discussion with collaborator, and
together with the collaborator. The collaborator observed the analyzing the students percentage score on reading
students behavior by using checklist and notes on the sheet. understanding, it could be concluded that Cycle 1 wasnt

satisfied yet and still needed some efforts to achieve the first cycle could be minimalized on the second cycle so the
objectives from the material given. Based on the result students score had much increasing. Thus, the teaching
analysis of observation checklist, field notes, and the learning process also became much better than the first
recording, it could be concluded that the students still far cycle, so the cycle could be stopped.
from being serious and still confused how to understand
reading comprehension using comic. They still had less IV. CONCLUSIONS
focuss during the teaching and learning process. In doing the
test, the students still made any noise and tried to disturb Based on the provided data, it can be concluded that
their friends. They still had no idea how to answer these the use of local folklore comics are able to improve the
questions well. Based on the result, the writer concluded that students understanding and interest of narrative reading,
the students showed confused about the usage of comic in arose the students culture of reading literacy, and has met
the reading comprehension and the way how to understand the criteria of contextual teaching and learning ( CTL). The
the story. result showed that on the first cycle only 2,77% students
2. Second Cycle ( Cycle 2 ) interest and understanding of narrative reading that was
a. Qualitative Data considered excellence, and on the second cycle showed the
In the second cycle process, the writer has revealed the increasing become 38,88% of students interest and
following evidence of students significant progress in understanding of narrative reading that was considered
understanding the story of The Origin of Senujuh Mountain excellence, and no students were considered in the poor
(Asal Mula Gunung Senujuh ). Moreover, the writer learnt category.
much from the previous phase, so in this second cycle she
well prepared for everything related to the media, teaching
strategy, procedure, and test. First, the writer needed to
explain to the students how to understand the content of the [1] Burns, Anne. 2010. Doing Action Research in English
story of The Origin of Senujuh Mountain; such as, the Language Teaching. A Guide for Practitioners.New
students should know about the tittle of that story, in order York: Routledge.
to make students easier to understand its plot. Second, [2] Davidson, Larry et all. 2002. Understanding and
students should know about the message conveyed by each Evaluating Qualitative Research. Australian and New
image in the comic. So that they were able to conclude the Zealand Journal of Psychiatry No. 36.Pp.711-732.
content of the story. They also had to pay attention and [3] Kurpius and Stanfford. 2006. Testing and
know the characters of the story. Measurement. A User- Friendly Guide. USA (United
b. Quantitative Data States of America): SAGE Publications.
On the second cycle, the writer gave test to measure [4] Miles and Huberman. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis.
the studentsunderstanding on reading comprehension. The London: SAGE Publication; International Educational
result of the second cycle test showed that there was and Profesional Publisher.
significant progress if it was compared with the first cycle. [5] Kimberly. 2002. The content Analysis Guided Book.
The result could be seen below: USA ( United State of America ) : SAGE Publications.

52,77% Excellent
8,33% 0% Good

Fig. 3 The Percentage Score of Students Reading


The above figurem means that the students had

significant improvement in understanding the reading
comprehension by using comic. It was considered that the
students had achieved the criteria of success.
c. Reflecting The Action
In this phase, almost all students could achieve the
learning objectives. Based on the data, it showed that the
application of comic not only had improved students
behavior but it could also influence students better
understanding of the reading text positively.
It meant that using comic could influence the students
reading understanding positively. The weaknesses on the

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