Annotation - Standard 1

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Annotation- Standard 1

Note the focus area and standard Note the type of artefact / Describe the artefact / document and indicate the Describe how the artefact / document
descriptor/s the artefact / document document possible impact or result on teaching and/ or meet the standard descriptors you
reflects student learning have identified.

1.1 This artefact is a student As part of an assignment for Mathematics: Issues I APST 1.2
Physical, social and intellectual profile and IEP for a low needed to create an IEP action plan for a low The student profile, background
development and characteristics of attaining mathematics attaining scenario student. It includes areas and information and student as a learner
students student in Year 3 named objectives, strategies, monitoring and a time frame. table all assist in determining physical,
Demonstrate knowledge and Selima. The student profile and learner sections are added social and intellectual development of
understanding of physical, social and to provide the background of the student which will Selima. She is from Sudan and is quite
intellectual development and I was required to create assist the teacher in predicting learning needs shy as she is an EAL/D student. She
characteristics of students and how this as part of the (PETAA, 2012). needs to develop her social skills. Her
these may affect learning. Mathematics Education: intellectual development shows that
Issues unit. I used my It is evident through this artefact that each student she has great maths ability and problem
1.3 knowledge of the has different physical, social and intellectual solving skills. These factors will affect
Students with diverse linguistic, mathematics syllabus and characteristics (Marsh, 2010). Selima was shy and her learning so an IEP will be devised to
cultural, religious and socioeconomic specific strategies which needed to develop social skills, although her ensure she attains the outcomes in an
backgrounds would allow Selima to mathematics was fairly good for her background engaging way.
Demonstrate knowledge of teaching achieve her success criteria. and experiences. Teachers need to recognise that
strategies that are responsive to the this will affect learning and develop an IEP in APST 1.3
learning strengths and needs of conjunction with parents and support staff As Selima is a student with a diverse
students from diverse linguistic, (Foreman, 2011). It is the responsibility of the linguistic background, she needs
cultural, religious and socioeconomic school and the teacher to promote equity and teaching strategies that will allow her to
backgrounds. provide all students with high-quality schooling engage with the learning environment
(MCEETYA, 2008). and content to learn. Strategies
3.4 included an EAL/D teacher, interactive
Select and use teaching resources EAL/D students require high quality teaching and technology, iPad, word wall, hands on
Demonstrate knowledge of a range of learning conditions to achieve academic success activities, a seating plan and maths
resources, including ICT, that engage (NSW DEC, 2014). To satisfy this statement, journal with visuals to accompany
students in their learning. teachers need to implement strategies that are terminology. Selima will be able to
responsive to strengths and needs. The artefact achieve the outcomes of her IEP with
includes an EAL/D teacher, interactive technology, these accommodations.
visuals and word walls. Using a bilingual teaching
assistant to explain concepts in the students home
language is a useful strategy for supporting EAL/D APST 3.4
students to become confident learners (PETAA, Resources for this particular student
2012). need to be specific and align with the
intentions of her IEP. They included
The teacher, the student and the resources are DENS 2 strategies, SMART teaching
three major elements in learning (Marsh, 2010). strategies and Developing Number
Quality resources help to provide high levels of Knowledge. These resources will help
support (NSW DET, 2003). The resources selected the teacher to plan for Selimas lessons.
will allow Selima to achieve her IEP success criteria. Other resources include interactive
DENS and SMART teaching strategies assist the hundreds chart, iPad with interactive
teacher in developing her mathematical knowledge, and visual apps and concrete materials
whilst resources specific to her include interactive (counters). Selimas engagement will be
hundreds chart and educational games, concrete heightened as she will be able to
materials. Those students who are engaged with achieve the outcomes with this support.
resources are more likely to achieve outcomes
(NSW DET, 2003).

Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership. (2011). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from

Marsh, C. (2010). Becoming a Teacher. Frenchs Forest NSW: Pearson Australia.

Foreman, P. (2011). Inclusion in Action (3rd ed.). South Melbourne: Cengage.

Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs. (2008). Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians.
Retrieved from

New South Wales Department of Education and Communities. (2014). English as an additional language or dialect: Advice for schools. Retrieved from

New South Wales Department of Education and Training. (2003). Quality teaching in NSW public schools. Retrieved from

Primary English Teaching Association Australia. (2012). Teaching EAL/D learners in Australian classrooms. Retrieved from

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