Stephen Brown - Securities Fraud - Cardis Enterprises International

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Case 2:17-cv-00978-SJF-GRB Document 1 Filed 02/21/17 Page 1 of 44 PageID #: 1



Civil Action No.:





Plaintiffs MICHAEL ETGAR and ELI ETGAR, by and through their undersigned

counsel, providing upon information and belief, the following Complaint and state and allege as



1. This is a civil action seeking compensatory injunctive relief; damages; punitive

damages; and costs and fees for Securities Fraud, common law fraud, fraud in the inducement,

equitable fraud, conversion, unjust enrichment, and breach of fiduciary duties committed by


2. Specifically, Plaintiffs allege, that Defendants intentionally and knowingly sought

to and did engage in a fraudulent securities sale scheme.

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3. This securities fraud scheme was predatory in that Defendants sought out

potential investors based on their ethnic and religious background in order to lessen the risk

associated with said fraud.

4. Defendants deceptive conduct characterizes conduct which the Securities

Exchange Act of 1934 (hereinafter the Exchange Act) and the rules promulgated thereunder by

the Securities and Exchange Commission (hereinafter the SEC) sought to prevent.

5. In direct connection with this calculated fraudulent scheme, the Individual

Defendants made knowingly false and misleading material statements of fact. Moreover, none

of the defendants were permitted and/or registered to act as broker-dealers for the sale of

securities under Federal and State law.

6. Additionally, the Individual Defendants further omitted to state material facts

which were detrimental to any true statement made, thereby cherry picking favorable statements

and only stating half-truths. Such intentional statements and omissions are actionable under the

Exchange Act and SEC rules promulgated thereunder.

7. In an effort to cover-up the alleged fraud, Defendants engaged in a continued

scheme which was designed to dupe investors.

8. There has been a continued cover-up of the fraudulent scheme via presenting

patently false information to Plaintiffs, as well as soliciting Plaintiffs for additional investments.

9. Part and parcel with this fraudulent and deceptive scheme, Defendants converted,

for their own benefit, monies provided by Plaintiffs, as well as others, for the purchase of

securities in Cardis Enterprises International, N.V.

10. Cardis Enterprises International, N.V., Cardis Enterprises International U.S.A.,

and Cardis Enterprises International, B.V. (collectively referred to hereinafter as Cardis) are all

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one-and-the-same entity merely incorporated in different locations for the sole purpose of

covering-up the herein alleged fraud.

11. The entirety of the Cardis operation is conducted in Nassau County, New York,

out of the Choshen Israel Group, LLC office.

12. In late 2012, Plaintiffs were approached by Moshie Horn regarding an investment

opportunity in Cardis.

13. Horn held Cardis out to be a technology company which had created software

which offered a new low-cost solution the processing of low-value credit cards by vendors.

14. On December 12, 2012, Horn emailed a prospectus to Plaintiff Michael Etgar

which contained intentional and material misstatements of fact. Said prospectus was misleading

and false as to the software readiness, actual market value and proliferation of the technology

offered by Cardis.

15. This email was titled Cardis/Choshen several attachments. It contained the

following thirteen (13) attachments and purported to discuss THE CARDIS OPPORTUNITY:

i. Internal analysis of Suqarbooks.pdf

ii. Investor Update 082712.pdf
iii. Links.docx
iv. Paypers article 082712.pdf
v. RBI-Cardis-Visa Europe Press Release 2012 09 11.pdf
vi. Venture Beat Squarbucks.pdf
vii. BankTeck Article Square Starbucks.pdf
viii. Durbin Act effects on the US Debt market.pdf
ix. Financial Model only.pptx
x. RBI-Cardis-VISA Europe Press Release 2012 09 11.pdf
xi. Cardis Corporate Profile.pptx
xii. Cardis Enterprises International Supplementary Informations.pptx
xiii. Sberbank Fund Announcement.pdf

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16. Defendants represented that they had a ready-to-market software and eager

purchasers of the product. Defendants further provided documentation supporting this falsehood

which appeared to be from third-parties.

17. Replying solely upon Defendants material misrepresentations, Plaintiffs invested

$71,000 into Cardis.

18. This $71,000 was given to Girl With The Bow, LLC, a partnership, whose sole

purpose is to invest in Cardis.

19. Girl With the Bow, LLC is run and managed by Horn and Cardis.

20. Subsequently, Aaron David Fischman, without authorization and with no

knowledge of Plaintiffs, via Choshen Israel Group, LLC, made himself a trustee for Plaintiffs

Cardis shares.

21. Defendants, in additional efforts to continue the fraud, distributed material

misrepresentative statements and press releases. These releases spoke to actual and pending

transactions between the Defendants and others as well as to returns other investors had received.

22. On December 27, 2012, Horn sent an e-mail on addressing investors of Cardis,

via Girl With The Bow LLC, and stating that some investors have increased their investment

capital, some by as much as 350%.

23. At the time of the inducement to invest, as well as every period thereafter Cardis

did not have ready-to-market software, nor any actual purchasers of the product.

24. Horn induced Plaintiffs to invest in Carids when Horn knew that the information

disseminated about Cardis was false and/or wildly embellished.

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25. Plaintiffs was never issued actual shares of Cardis stock. Instead, via the above-

mentioned unauthorized and unilateral trust, Plaintiffs came to learn that they hold 153,383

shares in Cardis Common Stock.

26. On February 1, 2017, Plaintiffs were sent a letter from Moshie Horn, via e-mail,

stating that as of December 31, 2016, Plaintiffs held, via Girl With The Bow, LLC, 248,000

shares in Cardis.

27. Subsequent to Plaintiffs investment, Girl With The Bow, LLC issued K-1s for

2012, 2013 and 2014. These K-1s were fraudulently created and issued. The 2012 K-1

intentionally overstated Plaintiffs investment by $20,000. Additionally, the 2012 K-1 claimed a

loss of $1,420, due to investment expenses. There has been no additional K-1 since 2014.

28. Upon information and belief, Defendants have significantly toyed with the Cardis

valuation. For example, Defendants, who are still on a Road Show for Cardis; have issued

stock in the amount of 690,750 for a mere $150,000. Furthermore, it is upon information and

belief that shares for Cardis are again being re-priced for a mere 15 cents a share.

29. Plaintiffs do not have the net worth, income, experience or sophistication to

qualify as accredited or sophisticated investors.

30. Upon information and belief, the entirety of Plaintiffs investment has gone solely

to enrich the Individual Defendants.

31. Upon information and belief, the value of Plaintiffs shares is $0.

32. Upon information and belief, Defendants have raised approximately seventy

million dollars ($70,000,000) over a period of time from individual investors, based on the

fraudulent scheme.

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33. Defendants violated Federal law as stated by the Exchange Act and rule

promulgated by the SEC thereunder, as well as applicable State law by the Defendants fraud,

conversion, unjust enrichment and breach of fiduciary duties.


34. Plaintiff bring this claim pursuant to Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Exchange,

(15 U.S.C. 78j(b) and 78t(a)); Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder by the SEC, (17 C.F.R.

240.10b-5); as well as the laws of the State of New York.

35. This Court hold jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to Section 27 of the

Exchange Act, (15 U.S.C. 78aa), and the supplemental jurisdiction of this Court.

36. This Court has subject matter Jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

1331 and 1337, Section 22 of the Securities Act of 1933, (15 U.S.C. 77v(a)).

37. Venue is proper pursuant to Securities Act of 1933 Section 22(a) (15 U.S.C.

77v(a)) and Exchange Act Section 27 (15 U.S.C. 78aa and 28 U.S.C. 1391(b)). A substantial

amount of the acts, practices and courses of conduct alleged herein which constitute violations of

the Exchange Act occurred within the Eastern District of New York, including, but not limited

to, transactions in common stock which were executed through and by the Defendants doing

business within this district.

38. In connection with the acts alleged herein, Defendants, directly or indirectly,

made use of the means and instrumentalities of interstate commerce, or of the mail in connection

with the acts, practices and courses of conduct alleged herein.

39. This action is brought within the relevant statute of limitations period. This action

is timely as Plaintiffs discovered the fraud within one-year of this filing.

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40. Plaintiff ELI ETGAR, is an individual residing in the State of New York.

41. Plaintiff MICHAEL ETGAR is an individual residing in the State of New York.

42. Plaintiffs ELI ETGAR and MICHAEL ETGAR are hereinafter collectively

referred to as Plaintiffs.

43. Upon information and belief, Defendant CARDIS ENTERPRISES

INTERNATIONAL, N.V. (Cardis NV) is a foreign corporation, organized under the laws of

Curacao. Cardis NV has submitted filings with the SEC, specifically a notice relating to the sale

of securities on January 1, 2011.1 As Plaintiffs investment was in December of 2014 and the

next thereafter filing with the SEC was on September 30, 2015, said securities at issue in this

suite likely arise from the January 1, 2011 filing. In this filing, Cardis explicitly accepted the

following term:

Irrevocably appointing each of the Secretary of the SEC and, the Securities
Administrator or other legally designated officer of the State in which the issuer
maintains its principal place of business and any State in which this notice is filed,
as its agents for service of process, and agreeing that these persons may accept
service on its behalf, of any notice, process or pleading, and further agreeing that
such service may be made by registered or certified mail, in any Federal or state
action, administrative proceeding, or arbitration brought against it in any place
subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, if the action, proceeding or
arbitration (a) arises out of any activity in connection with the offering of
securities that is the subject of this notice, and (b) is founded, directly or
indirectly, upon the provisions of: (i) the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the Investment Company
Act of 1940, or the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, or any rule or regulation
under any of these statutes, or (ii) the laws of the State in which the issuer
maintains its principal place of business or any State in which this notice is filed.

Available at
y_doc.xml (last visited February 17, 2017).
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44. Upon information and belief, Defendant CARDIS ENTERPRISES

INTERNATIONAL (U.S.A.) (Cardis USA) is registered to do business in the State of New

York with its principal place of business located at 445 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, New York


45. Upon information and belief, Defendant CARDIS ENTERPRISES

INTERNATIONAL, BV (Cardis BV) is registered and formed to do business within the

Netherlands. Upon information and belief, Cardis BV is not permitted to hold or sell shares per

its formation in the Netherlands. Moreover, Cardis BV is run by and through Defendant Aaron

David Fischman who is the Supervisory Board Director. Cardis BV and Cardis USA maintain

the website,2 where the Executive Team is listed in the about


46. Cardis NV, Cardis BV and Cardis USA are hereinafter referred collectively as


47. Upon further information and belief, 445 Central Avenue, New York, New York

11516 is Cardis actual and primary place of business. Moreover, upon information and belief,

there is absolutely no practical distinction between Cardis NV, Cardis BV, or Cardis USA.

48. Upon information and belief, Defendant CHOSHEN ISRAEL GROUP, LLC

(Choshen) is a limited liability company duly organized and existing under the laws of the

State of New York, with its principal place of business located at 445 Central Avenue,

Cedarhurst, New York 11516. Aaron Fischman is the CEO of Cardis, Co-founder and

supervisory Board Director of Cardis, and Choshens managing partner.

Last visited February 17, 2017.
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49. Upon information and belief, Defendant, H GROUP NY LLC (H Group) is a

limited liability company formed under the laws of the State of New York. It is controlled and

run by Moshie Horn and located at 333 Buckingham Road, Cedarhurst, New York 11516.

50. Upon information and belief, Defendant GIRL WITH THE BOW, LLC

(GWTB) is a limited liability company formed under the laws of the State of New York on

July 18, 2012 for the sole and express purpose of making investments into Cardis indirectly

through Choshen. GWTB is run by Moshie Horn and located at 333 Buckingham Road,

Cedarhurst, New York 11516.

51. Upon information and belief, Defendant AARON DAVID FISCHMAN

(Fischman) is an individual residing in the State of New York. Fischman is the CEO of

Cardis; co-founder and Supervisory Board Director of Cardis; and managing partner of

Choshen.3 Fischman has acted in various officer positions since the inception of Cardis.

Fischman uses Choshen to raise money for Cardis. FINRA Brokercheck reports indicate that

Fischman was censured in 1995 and was barred from associating with any FINRA member as a

result of Market Surveillance Committee Complaint No. CMS940104. Fischman has been

barred from association with any National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) member

in any capacity.

52. Upon information and belief, Defendant MOSHIE HORN (Horn) is an

individual residing in the State of New York. At all relevant times, Horn was the Director of

Investor Relations at Cardis. Horn is also the Director of H Group NY LLC, the holding

company for GWTB. Horn is the Managing Member of H Group NY LLC. Upon information

3 (last visited February 17, 2017).
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and belief, Horn himself is an investor in Cardis, and upon realizing the loss of his investment,

sought out other potential investors as a means of making his money back.

53. Upon information and belief, Defendant STEVE BROWN (Brown) is an

individual residing in the State of New York. Brown has signed documents with the title Senior

Financial Executive relating to Cardis NV and is listed on the Cardis website as Senior Vice-

President Finance of Cardis USA.4

54. Upon information and belief, Defendant STEVEN HOFFMAN (Hoffman) is an

employee working for Fischman within Choshen, from January 2003 to the date of this filing.

Hoffman holds himself out to be a Managing Director of Cardis International from

December 2015 to the date of this filing. Upon information and belief, Hoffman is not listed

upon any of Cardis documents or their website.

55. Upon information and belief, Defendant JONATHAN NIERENBERG

(Nierenberg) is the Chief Marketing Officer for Cardis. Part of his duties are to issue investor

updates as well as obtain business for Cardis. Nierenberg has been held out as the CEO of

Cardis USA as of December 2016, however, as of the date of this filing, he is still listed on the

Cardis website as the Chief Marketing Officer for Cardis USA.5

56. Defendants identified in paragraphs 43-55 are collectively referred to hereafter as


57. Defendants identified in paragraphs 51-55 are collectively referred to hereafter as

the Individual Defendants.

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58. Plaintiffs bring this action due to injuries suffered as a direct result of Defendants

actions alleged herein.

59. Plaintiffs are unaccredited investors and holders of Cardis common stock at all

time relevant to Defendants wrongful and fraudulent conduct.

60. According to statements by Horn to Plaintiffs from on or about December 12,

2012, Cardis and its other incorporated affiliates operate without distinction and are, in actuality,

one and the same.

61. Cardis claims to provide a unique solution for processing low-value credit card

payments (LVP) with advertised game changing cost efficiency. Through apparent patented

aggregation technology, Cardis seeks to align the interest of banks, payment schemes and retiles

in driving the global move to cashless payments with significant economic benefits to businesses

by reducing the fees associated with low value payments. Moreover, Cardis claims to have a

product that will work on any platform.

62. Upon information and belief, Cardis has no platform and was unable to even

release its own Cardis ezChange platform, because it did not and does not exist. The Cardis

website still lists the Cardis ezChange as planned for release Q3 2014.6

63. Cardis describes itself as:

Cardis has set out to transform the small payment ecosystem for the
betterturn low value payments into small profitable payments for
digital content providers, retailers and processors. Low value
payments are the single largest growth opportunity for electronic
payments. Cardis disruptive technology is poised to transform
industries that will benefit from offering products at a more granular
level. The small payment revolution is about to begin with

6 (last visited February 17, 2017).
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innovations taking place in publishing, entertainment and gaming,

to name a few.7

64. Cardis and the Individual Defendants have repeatedly and regularly stated that the

goal and direction of the company is to secure wide adoption of their patented technology; to

become a global standard for processing LVPs in physical retail and m/e-commerce; and to bring

the company public via an Initial Public Offering (IPO).

65. Cardis claimed to be able to reach IPO status by 2013.

66. Cardis is funded by and through Choshen, which is owned and operated by

Fischman. Choshen raises capital for Cardis via a multitude of investment instruments,

including but not limited to debt, equity, and private placement.

67. Moreover, Fischman and Horn colluded to create GWTB for the express purpose

of raising capital and funneling said monies to Choshen for investment in Cardis.

68. Upon information and belief, the purpose for a multi-entity investment was to

launder any funds received and make it impossible for any parties to seek redress.

69. To date, none of Cardis states goals have been realized. Moreover, the Individual

Defendants knew, or should have known, at the time said goals were stated, that such goals

would never be realized.

70. The Individual Defendants, as a result of their respective positions within the

Corporate Defendant structure, as directors and officers, possessed the power and authority to

control the content of private placement offerings of Cardis, including their private placement

memoranda, internal accounting procedures, and representation made by their agents when

securities were sold to the Plaintiffs within New York State.

7 (last visited February 17, 2017).
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71. The Individual Defendants, knowingly, or should have known, about the

proliferated false and materially misleading information contained in the Cardis offering.

72. The Individual Defendants, knowingly, or should have known, about the

materially false and misleading information which was being disseminated to investors and

potential investors regarding the viability and productivity of Cardis.

Defendants Fraudulent Scheme

73. From 2010 to the present day, Cardis, by and through its Officers and agents,

engaged in multiple private placement offerings as a means of financing the companys business


74. Upon information and belief, Defendants specifically targeted members of the

Orthodox Jewish Community for investing. This predatory practice was due to the known nature

of the community to trust its own members and the known and believed hesitancy for members

of the community to bring legal action against one another

75. In or about December of 2012, Plaintiffs were approached by Horn, a man they

had known for approximately three years.

76. Horn discussed his own current and past investments success with Plaintiffs.

Plaintiffs were told about Cardis and possible investments into Cardis.

77. On about and between December 10-11, 2012 Horn told Plaintiffs that Cardis was

going to go public via an Initial Public Offering within six-months. From that moment forward,

Horn continued to state that Cardis would be taken public and that an entity had attempted to

purchase Cardis, but was rejected because they had undervalued Cardis. Horn continually

encouraged Plaintiffs to invest in Cardis.

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78. Horn communicated with Plaintiffs via multiple e-mail address, including;; moshie@hgnllc; and

79. On December 12, 2012, Horn emailed Plaintiffs the following offering:

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80. The e-mail and thirteen (13) attachments were meant to evince a robust and

successful company. In truth, Cardis was, and is, a failure and farce with the sole purpose of

lining the Individual Defendants pockets.

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81. Attached to the above-mentioned e-mail as Investor Update 082712.pdf was the


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82. Upon information and belief, the mentioned deals with Raiffeisen Bank (RBI)

and Visa Europe were not actual deals and were failed from the get-go. Moreover, upon

information and belief, there was never any rollout of our joint project in Austria and there

never was going to be. The Individual Defendants knew, or should have known, that these

statements were materially false when made.

83. Importantly, the above Shareholder Update is significant because it evinces that

Cardis NV, Cardis USA and Cardis BV are all one entity with no distinction whatsoever.

84. Steve Brown is listed on the Cardis website as the Senior Vice President -

Finance, Cardis USA. Yet, here Brown signs as Senior Financial Executive Cardis

International, NV. Moreover, the address is given for Cardis BV.

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85. There is no distinction between any of the Cardis entities and they are absolutely

intermingled and one actual entity.

86. The additional attachment titled Financial Model only.pptx purported to show

that Cardis was projected to make a significant profit by 2015.

87. In truth, Cardis was, and is, a failure with absolutely zero income. In fact, Cardis

to date has earned no income at all. Cardis latest filing with the SEC, Form D (Notice of

Exempt Offering of Securities), dated November 17, 2015, states under 5. Issuer Size No


88. To further induce Plaintiffs to invest, Horn stated that no further investors would

be taken after 2012; that Plaintiffs had the last opportunity to invest in Cardis.

89. Upon information and belief, significant additional funds were raised from other

unwitting investors by Horn and the Individual Defendants from 2013 to the date of this Verified


90. On December 18, 2012, in reliance upon the offering documents, shareholder

update, projected earnings, and personal conversations with Horn, Plaintiffs jointly invested in

Cardis, via GWTB.

91. Horn instructed Plaintiffs to deposit money into his personal account; his

mothers account; and into GWTBs account.

Available at:
y_doc.xml (last visited February 17, 2017).
See e.g. Stern v. Cardis Enterprises International, N.V. et. al., 15-CV-5869-SJF-GRB.
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92. Plaintiffs invested a total of $71,000.00 with Horn. $14,000.00 of that investment

went directly into Horns personal account and an additional $7,000 into Horns mothers


93. Plaintiffs were lead to believe they purchased shares at 0.71 cents per share.

94. On December 18, 2012, Prior to Plaintiffs investing any money, Horn sent the

following document, titled holding.pdf:

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95. Note that the date for this subscription, signed by Fischman on behalf of Choshen,

is 7/13/2012. Yet, clearly via electronic manipulation, the Subscription Agreement is said to

have been executed 12/18/2012, via Horns pre-printed signature. Moreover, the subscribed to

company is named Cardis International and not Cardis Enterprises International, NV.

96. Upon information and belief, GWTB and Horn had colluded with Fischman and

Choshen to issue a series of blank subscriber agreements, for Horn to do with as he pleased.

97. In truth, Plaintiffs purchased absolutely nothing. The entirety of GWTB was

established to set up an elaborate fraudulent scheme to further line the Individual Defendants


98. Subsequently, Horn sent an e-mail to Plaintiffs regarding their purchase of shares:

From: "Moshie Horn" <>

Date: December 18, 2012 at 1:31:36 PM EST
To: <>
Subject: Shares

Michael $ 67,450 $ 0.71 95,000

$ 3,550 $ 0.38 9,342
$ 71,000 $ 0.68 104,342

Extra Shares 4,342

you got an extra 4,500 shares, by joining GWTB, this doesnt include warrants yet Im sure you
guys are happy about that
99. Horn clearly and directly misstates the extra shares by 158 shares.

100. Upon information and belief, the extra shares were given in order to blind

Plaintiffs to the truth of the fraud.

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101. Upon information and belief, Defendants regularly gifted extra Cardis shares to

blind investors to the fraud they were committing.

102. Upon information and belief, at the date of this filing, there are approximately one

billion (1,000,000,000) issued shares of Cardis.

103. Plaintiff does not have the net worth, income, experience or sophistication to

quality as accredited investors, which was known, or should have been known by the


Girl With The Bow, LLC & Choshen Israel Group, LLC

104. As part of the GWTB Subscription Agreement, Annex B Investment

Program, it is stated as following:

105. GWTB and Choshen are both tools and vehicles used by the Individual

Defendants to manage and conceal the true nature of Cardis, inter alia, the true fraud that was,

and still is, occurring.

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106. Choshen and GWTB were and are able to manipulate and alter the actual number

of shares awarded to investors.

107. Out of nowhere, on or about July of 2013, Plaintiffs discovered that they now held

153,383 shares of Cardis Stock. The manner of discovery was in the form of a unilateral

Declaration of Trust executed and on July 16, 2013 by Choshen via Fischman.

108. There is absolutely no reason why a Declaration of Trust on behalf of Plaintiff Eli

Etgar needed to be made. Moreover, the significant increase of shares, from 104,342 to 153,383,

without any additional consideration whatsoever further evinces Defendants fraudulent


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The K-1s

109. For 2012, 2013, and 2014, GWTB issued Plaintiffs a K-1 for their investment,

which was ostensibly with the GWTB partnership.

110. For 2012, the year Plaintiffs invested, the K-1 shows a total capital contribution of

$91,000.00. Even adding the additional shares that were given to Plaintiffs, it would not

explain an additional $20,000.00. Additionally, there was a stated loss of $1,420.00 due to

investment expenses.

111. For 2013, the K-1 shows a total beginning capital contribution now of $89,580.00

with another loss of $3,130 for investment expenses. GWTB via Horn is simply playing with


112. For 2014, the K-1 shows a beginning capital contribution now of $86,450.00 with

no loss for 2014.

113. When Plaintiffs inquired about financials for 2015, Horn responded in the
following manner:

From: GWTB IR <>

Date: March 15, 2016 at 11:28:37 AM EDT
Subject: K1 Information & Reissuance of corporate Docs

Dear Michael,

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This year, based on conversations with council, covered persons and our
accountants, we have concluded that we will not be issuing K1's. Based on the
current tax code and according to the IRS, there is no need to issue for 2015 as
there was:No income, expense, appreciation, or depreciation that occurred in
Fiscal year 2015.Not filing an unnecessary K1 for 2015 will save Girl with the
Bow an expense of $5,000. No member of GWTB, had any loss or change of their

As always, the accountants we retained and engaged since the inception of

GWTB, will continue to make themselves available to you, if you have any
questions or concern. Please speak with Aaron Lerner, of Tax Manger at Ernst &
Young and co-founder of Lerner & Lerner Group
212.360.9529, . See attached for a link for the amended
executed Girl with the Bow agreement and IRS tax code, pertaining to issuance
and non-issuance of K1's.
Additionally,if one wishes for an update on Cardis, while I try my hardest to
rely the messages and update our pool of investors. Sometimes speaking to and
hearing directly is the most efficient. If wanted I will gladly arrange a meeting or
phone call with the current Director, of Investor Relations. He will gladly bring
you up to speed and inform you of Cardis's current standing and most recent
If you would like to call me, please keep in mind that I will be traveling the
majority of this week.


Copy of GWTB Agreement
Link to IRS site, K1


to view the Cardis website please click Here

Cardis International, Prins Bernhardplein 200, Amsterdam, 1097 JB Netherlands

Forward this email | Update Profile | About our service provider
Sent by in collaboration with

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116. The Individual Defendants created and used GWTB, Choshen and Cardis as a

means to line their own pockets.

The Fraud Continues

117. After Plaintiffs investment, Horn continued to bolster the company claims via

phone conversations, emails, and press releases. Horn sent approximately 30 emails regarding

Cardis updates.

118. Defendants, wishing to continue their scheme, continued to inform Plaintiffs of

pending good news.

119. The above-mentioned documentation, and others, made it appear as if Cardis was

a flourishing and positive investment with its goals being realized.

120. However, upon information and belief, none of these talks were even close to

realization. The sole purpose of these communications was to bolster the appearance of a

healthy and functioning company. When, in reality, the Individual Defendants were, and are,

using Cardis as a personal bank.

Hoffman Asks for More Money

121. In or about November of 2016, Plaintiffs were contacted by Hoffman, who

encouraged Plaintiffs to further invest approximately $50,000.00 more into Cardis. Plaintiffs

were unable to invest such an amount at that time.

Dubious Press Releases and False Promises

122. Defendants issued an press-releases regarding a purported roll-out of Cardis

technology across Russia as well as the development of other deals.

123. Upon information and belief, Defendants knew or should have known that the

statement regarding Russia and other deals were materially misleading.

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124. Defendant regularly sent such shareholder letters to Plaintiff in which they re-

stated in sum and substance the advancement and continued deal making of Cardis.

125. However, upon information and belief, no such advancement or deal making was


126. 2012 came and went and there was no proliferation of Cardis technology

anywhere in the world, at all.

127. Throughout 2013, Defendants issued similar electronic communications and press

releases, all claiming furtherance of Cardis business and additional business connections.

128. 2013 came and went, and there was no IPO.

129. As with all the purported major events, there was nothing actually occurring.

130. The constant statements of positive outlook and declarations of advancement were

merely done to encourage investors and discourage a deeper look into the actual workings of a

fraudulent scheme.

Discovery of the Fraud

131. In or about December of 2016, Horn discussed the current standing of Cardis with

Plaintiff Michael Etgar. Horn stated in sum and substance that Fischman was going to being

replaced, was being bought out and that he was not good for the company.

132. After this discussion, Plaintiffs became encouraged about the idea of being

bought-out themselves.

133. On or about December, 14, 2016, Horn stated to Plaintiff Michael Etgar that

Plaintiffs investment money was still with GWTB.

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134. Horn further stated that Cardis understood that investors were getting frustrated,

therefore, Cardis awarded, without any additional consideration from investors, additional shares

to all of GWTB investors.

135. On December 15, 2016, Plaintiff Michael Etgar contacted Hoffman requesting his

investment money back. Hoffman emphatically told Plaintiff Michael Etgar that Cardis did not

make any profit and/or positive cash flow at all. Additionally, Hoffman stated that Plaintiffs

could not have their money back until there was a liquidity event.

136. When asked by Plaintiff Michael Etgar when such an event may take place,

Hoffman stated in sum and substance: within a year, more than a year, or less than a year, dont

hold me to it.

137. Hoffman further stated it would be a mistake for Plaintiffs to ask for a return on

their funds.

138. When Plaintiff Etgar asked why there was no liquidity and where the millions of

dollars in raised investment went, Hoffman stated as follows, in sum and substance: Cardis only

had little beta tests that did not bring any revenue. Nierenberg is a game changer and he knows

what he is doing because his father was the dean of Yeshiva Universitys Business School and he

had experience at IDT. The funds went to research and to maintain the patents as a tech startup is

expensive but Cardis runs a very tight ship.

139. This directly contradicted what Horn had stated, that the funds were with GWTB,

as Hoffman was now stating that Cardis had received and spent Plaintiffs investment.

140. In disbelief that Cardis had zero revenue or profit, contrary to what Plaintiffs were

told for the entirety of their investment, Plaintiffs decided to review the purported proprietary

technology that is exclusive to Cardis.

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141. Upon review of the patents, it became clear that Cardis does not have proprietary

rights over its claimed technology as Defendants have allowed its claimed fundamental patents

to expire or nearly expire.

The January 3, 2017 Conversation

142. On or about January 3, 2017, Plaintiff Michael Etgar had an in-person

conversation with Horn. There, Horn informed him that the Cardis valuations had changed in

2016 due to a stock-split and repricing of shares.

143. Plaintiffs did nothing to effect or change the Cardis evaluation and there was no

additional consideration for any additional shares. Moreover, Plaintiffs were never informed of

any stock split or re-pricing of shares.

The February 1, 2017 Letter

144. On February 1, 2017, Horn sent Plaintiffs an e-mail with the subject Thought I

sent this and a word document with the following text:

January 16, 2017

To: Eli & Michael Etgar

1274 49th Street, Suite 321
Brooklyn, NY 11219

RE: Your partnership interest in Girl With The Bow LLC, a New York Limited Liability

Dear Eli and Michael,

In reference to your partnership interest in Girl With The Bow LLC (Partnership), we wanted
to confirm
the following information:
As of December 31, 2016,
Your total cumulative capital contribution to Partnership was $71,000.
Your interest in the Partnership indirectly corresponds to 284,000 Common
Shares of Cardis Enterprises International N.V. that are held directly by the

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Please let us know if you have any questions.


Girl With The Bow LLC

145. According to this communication, Plaintiffs shares went from being valued at

approximately 70 cents a share to 40 cents a share. A significant loss with no benefit whatsoever

other than additional equity in a worthless company. Moreover, this communication directly

contradicts the investment share stated in the above-mentioned K-1s.

146. Based on the conversations with Hoffman and Horn, as well as the emails and

other information, Plaintiffs only now fully realized they were defrauded.

147. From the very beginning of Plaintiffs investment in Cardis, Defendants repeatedly

stated that it had proprietary technology that market-ready. Furthermore, Defendants had

claimed it had the business relationships and procedures in place to take Cardis to an IPO.

148. Moreover, Defendants are still actively attempting to raise capital for Cardis.

149. The entirety of Cardis offering statements were materially false and misleading

and were known by Defendants to be false, or were recklessly disregarded as such thereby.

Defendants intentionally and directly mislead investors into believing the viability and profitably

of Cardis.

150. Each Defendant knew, or should have known, that such statements would be

issued or disseminated to investors and potential investors and knowingly and substantially

participated in or acquiesced in the drafting, issuance, or proliferation of such statements as a

primary violation of Federal and State Securities laws.

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151. Each Defendant, by virtue of their receipt or reckless disregard of information

reflecting the truth about Cardis and their control over Cardis statements, knowingly or

recklessly participated in the fraudulent scheme and conduct alleged herein.

152. The Individual Defendants sought out and obtained investments from members of

their own community, knowing and believing that said members would be easy targets due to

many being unaccredited investors and the known trust community members generally give to

one another.

153. The Individual Defendants aided and abetted one another as to the material

misrepresentations and group-published information.


154. Defendants made the above-mentioned material misrepresentations and omissions

with scienter, as demonstrated by the following facts:

i. The Individual Defendants are in high position of power within the Cardis

corporate structure;

ii. Horn actively and directly solicited investment from Plaintiffs;

iii. The Individual Defendants, collectively, issued statements they knew at the

time to be false and/or omitting material facts, regarding profitability and

projected advancement of Cardis;

iv. Horn, Fischman and Brown all had control over the outpouring of positive

information and yet never corrected the material misrepresentations and/or

omissions of fact regarding the profitability and market readiness of Cardis.

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155. At all relevant times, the material misrepresentations and omissions made to

Plaintiffs, between 2012 and 2016, directly or proximately, or were a substantial contributing

factor to, the damages sustained by the Plaintiffs are so stated herein.

156. The Individual Defendants, who control Cardis, were in a position to know or

should have known, about the actual status of the above-mentioned deals and agreements

between Cardis and the above-mentioned entities were unrealized and leading nowhere.

157. Yet, the Individual Defendants used and continue to use these purported

relationships as evidence of Cardis success in promotional material directed at current and

future investors.

158. The Individual Defendants are in a position to know, or should have known, the

correct valuation of Cardis, yet they have repeatedly changed the valuation for Cardis as

represented to Plaintiffs and other investors.

159. Defendants made, or caused to be made, materially misleading statements and

omissions regarding Cardis business, future prospects and growth potential. These material

misstatements and omissions directly caused Plaintiffs to have an unrealistic and hollow

comprehension about Cardiss business, future prospects and growth potential. This directly

resulted in the purchase of Cardis shares by Plaintiffs.

160. Defendants furnished materially untrue and misinformation to Plaintiffs. The

claims made by Defendants regarding the market readability of Cardis software and sales of

working end-user software, were known to be false at the time of dissemination.

161. Defendants knowingly misrepresented the outstanding shares and liquidity of

Cardis. Defendants were, and are, in positions of knowing to these fundamental facts of the


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162. In making their investments, Plaintiffs reasonably relied on these and other

material misrepresentation made by the Defendants.

163. Defendants actions constitute blatant and unmitigated fraud.


164. Defendants engaged in a scheme to defraud initial investors and then worked to

maintain that fraud via years of press releases and misinformation.

165. Such actions do not fall under the Safe Harbor provisions of Securities law due to

the inherent nature specific to these facts.

166. Individual Defendants made all statements and omissions with knowledge. Their

positions within the Cardis corporate structure allow for the Individual Defendants to know, or

should have known, the material false statements that were being issued by Defendants.

167. Moreover, to induce Plaintiffs to invest, Defendants put forth claims of past

success which was knowing and materially false at the time stated.


168. Defendants material misrepresentations and omissions allowed for Defendants to

engage in a fraudulent scheme thereby deceiving Plaintiffs and other investors.

169. By materially falsifying Cardis product development information and sales,

Defendants caused Plaintiffs to invest in Cardis.

170. In truth, the Defendants did not and does not have the market ready technology it

claims to have nor the relationships it claims to have developed.

171. Moreover, the funds which have been raised by investors, including Plaintiffs,

have solely been used to benefit the Individual Defendants.

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172. As a direct result in Plaintiffs investment with the Defendants. Plaintiffs have

suffered damages as economic loss pursuant to applicable law.


Violation of Section 10(B) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder
(Against All Defendant)

173. Plaintiffs repeats and realleges each and every allegation above as if set forth in

full herein.

174. As stated herein, Defendants carried out a scheme via a course of conduct which

intended to, and did: (i) deceive Plaintiffs; and (ii) bring about Plaintiffs purchase of stock in

Cardis. In furtherance of this unlawful scheme and course of conduct Defendants committed the

following acts:

i. Employed devices, schemes and artifices to defraud;

ii. Made false statements of material fact and/or omitted to state material

facts necessary to make the statements not misleading; and

iii. Engaged in acts, practices, and a course of dealing that operated as fraud

and deceit upon Plaintiffs.

175. Said acts were a violation of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10(b)-5

promulgated thereunder.

176. Defendants, both individually and in concert, directly and indirectly, through the

use, means, and/or instrumentalities of interstate commerce and mails, engaged and participated

in a continuous course of conduct to conceal adverse material information about the business,

operations, past history and future prospects of Cardis.

177. Defendants sold stock to investors at and within the United Stated directly from

their Cedarhurst, NY location.

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178. Defendants employed devises, schemes, and artifices to defraud and engage in

acts, practices and a course of conduct in an effort to assure investors of Cardis value,

performance and growth. This effort included the making of, or participation in, the publication

of untrue statements of material facts and/or omission of material facts necessary to make the

statements made about Cardis, its business operations and future prospects not misleading, under

the circumstances.

179. Defendants engaged in transactions and practices via a course of business that

operated as a fraud and deceit upon Plaintiffs and those similarly situated.

180. Defendants primary liability and control person liability stems from the


i. Individual Defendants are high-level directors, executives and/or agents of

Cardis and had control thereof;

ii. Individual Defendants, by virtue of their responsibilities and actions as an

officer or director of Cardis was privy to and participated in the creation

development and distribution of Cardis Private Placement Memorandum

and other documents detailing the inner workings of the company and its

financial condition;

iii. Individual Defendants enjoyed significant personal contact and familiarity

with the each other and the Corporate Defendants and had access to other

members of the Cardis management team, internal report, and other

information regarding Cardis finances, operations, and sales at all relevant

times; and

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iv. Each Defendant was aware of Cardis dissemination of information to

investors which they knew, or recklessly disregarded, was materially false

and misleading.

181. Defendants had actual knowledge of the misrepresentations and omissions of

material facts set forth herein, or acted with reckless disregard of the truth in that they failed to

ascertain and to disclose such facts, even though such facts were readily available to them.

182. Said misrepresentations and/or omissions were material and were published

and/or omitted for the purpose and effect of concealing Cardis true operating condition and lack

of future business prospects from active and potential investors as a mean of defrauding investors

in order for the Individual Defendants to take the proceeds of any investment for themselves.

183. As demonstrated by Defendants exaggerations, overstatements, and

misstatements of Cardis sales, liquidity, past accomplishments and future prospects, Defendants

acted in a manner, that if not intentional, is egregiously reckless in its failure to obtain what

should be readily accessible information as so required by law.

184. Plaintiffs purchased Cardis securities in reliance upon Defendants statements and

in ignorance of the fact that:

i. Cardis statements about its product and product readiness were untrue;

ii. Cardis sales figures were at best inaccurate and at worst outright fraud;

iii. Statements made regarding Defendants profitability; and

iv. Cardis had established a business platform and relationships that would

bring the product to market globally were untrue.

185. Plaintiffs reliance on these material false and misleading statement by

Defendants caused about Plaintiffs damage.

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186. Prior to and during Plaintiffs investment in Cardis, Plaintiffs had no means to

independently verify the veracity of Defendants statements.

187. Had the truth been made known, Plaintiffs would have never purchased Cardis


188. Defendants have violated Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5

promulgated thereunder.

189. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants conduct, Plaintiffs suffered

damages in connection with the purchase of Cardis stock. Upon information and belief, said

shares are worthless.

190. This action was filed within two years of discovery of the fraud and within five

years of the Plaintiffs purchase of the securities giving rise to this matter.


Violation of Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act
(Against the Individual Defendants)

191. Plaintiffs repeats and realleges each and every allegation above as if set forth in

full herein.

192. The Individual Defendants acted as control persons of Cardis within the meaning

of Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act.

193. The Individual Defendants are all highly placed within the Cardis organization.

Each had and has a knowledge and access to information relating to Cardis operations.

Defendants had and have the power, influence and control over statements and publications

issued by Cardis to both the prospective investor and current one. Defendants similarly control

the decision-making process behind Cardis.

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194. Prior to the dissemination of the material false and misleading items given to

Plaintiffs, Defendants had access to these items. Defendants made no move to correct any

material misrepresentation or omission contained in the many communications between

Defendants and Plaintiffs. Moreover, the Individual Defendants had direct supervisory

involvement in the day-to-day operations of Cardis, and is presumed to have had the power to

control or influence the particular transactions and communication giving rise to the securities

violations being alleged herein.

195. As stated, Defendants have violated Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule

10b-5 promulgated thereunder due to their acts and/or omissions.

196. As a direct and proximate result of the Individual Defendants conduct, Plaintiffs

have suffered damages in connection with the purchase of Cardis stock. Upon information and

belief, said stock is worthless.

197. This action was filed within two years of discovery of the fraud and within five

years of the Plaintiffs purchase of the securities giving rise to this matter.


Common Law Fraud
(Against all Defendants)

198. Plaintiffs repeats and realleges each and every allegation above as if set forth in

full herein.

199. Defendants knowingly made material oral and written misrepresentation and/or

omitted material facts necessary to clarify otherwise misleading statements.

200. Defendant made such knowing misrepresentations and/or omissions regarding

Cardis business plan; the progress of Cardis acceptance amongst vendors; bringing Cardis to

IPO; and other matters.

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201. At the time the material misrepresentations and omissions were made, Defendant

knew them to be false, or alternatively, knowingly and recklessly disregarding the veracity of the

statements made. Defendants did to in order to induce reliance by Plaintiffs and to obtain an

investment from Plaintiffs.

202. Defendants were aware that that the materially false information would be used

by Plaintiffs in their determination to invest and to continue with Cardis.

203. Plaintiffs reasonably relied upon the false representations and omissions of

material fact for the particular purpose described herein.

204. Plaintiffs reliance on Defendants statements was foreseeable and justified.

205. Plaintiffs reliance upon Defendants statements caused financial loss as stated


206. Plaintiffs are entitled to damages caused by this wrongful conduct in an amount to

be determined at trial.


Fraud in the Inducement
(Against all Defendants)

207. Plaintiffs repeat and realleges each and every allegation above as if set forth in

full herein.

208. Defendants knowingly made material oral and written misrepresentation and/or

omitted material facts necessary to clarify otherwise misleading statements.

209. Defendant made such knowing misrepresentations and/or omissions regarding

Cardis business plan; the progress of Cardis acceptance amongst vendors; bringing Cardis to

IPO; and other matters.

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210. At the time the material misrepresentations and omissions were made, Defendant

knew them to be false, or alternatively, knowingly and recklessly disregarding the veracity of the

statements made. Defendants did to in order to induce reliance by Plaintiffs and to obtain an

investment from Plaintiffs.

211. Defendants were aware that that the materially false information would be used

by Plaintiffs in their determination to invest and to continue with Cardis.

212. Plaintiffs reasonably relied upon the false representations and omissions of

material fact for the particular purpose described herein.

213. Plaintiffs reliance on Defendants statements was foreseeable and justified.

214. Plaintiffs reliance upon Defendants statements caused financial loss as stated


215. Plaintiffs are entitled to damages caused by this wrongful conduct in an amount to

be determined at trial.


Equitable Fraud
(Against all Defendants)

216. Plaintiffs repeat and realleges each and every allegation above as if set forth in

full herein.

217. Defendants knowingly made material oral and written misrepresentation and/or

omitted material facts necessary to clarify otherwise misleading statements.

218. Defendant made such knowing misrepresentations and/or omissions regarding

Cardis business plan; the progress of Cardis acceptance amongst vendors; bringing Cardis to

IPO; and other matters.

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219. At the time the material misrepresentations and omissions were made, Defendant

knew them to be false, or alternatively, knowingly and recklessly disregarding the veracity of the

statements made. Defendants did to in order to induce reliance by Plaintiffs and to obtain an

investment from Plaintiffs.

220. Defendants were aware that that the materially false information would be used

by Plaintiffs in their determination to invest and to continue with Cardis.

221. Defendants misrepresented and concealed material facts as to the terms of

Plaintiffs investment.

222. Plaintiffs reasonably relied upon the false representations and omissions of

material fact for the particular purpose described herein.

223. Plaintiffs reliance on Defendants statements was foreseeable and justified.

224. As a result of Defendants equitable fraud, Plaintiffs have been damaged.


(Against the Individual Defendants)

225. Plaintiffs repeat and realleges each and every allegation above as if set forth in

full herein.

226. Plaintiffs invested in Cardis with an understanding that they were purchasing

stock in a company, not that they were personally financing the Defendants, specifically Horn,

GWTB and H. Group NY LLC.

227. Horn, GWTB and H. Group NY LLC converted this investment for their own

personal use, not consistent with their duties and obligations to Plaintiffs.

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228. Moreover, upon information and belief, Defendants exercised unauthorized

dominion and control over the monies given by Plaintiffs to be invested in Cardis, taking said

monies for their own pocket.

229. As a result of Defendants wrongful conversion, Plaintiffs have been damaged.


(Against Defendants H. Group NY LLC, Girl With The Bow, LLC and Moshie Horn)

230. Plaintiffs repeat and realleges each and every allegation above as if set forth in

full herein.

231. As partners in GWTB, which is a subsidiary of H. Group NY, LLC, Plaintiffs are

entitled to a full and proper accounting of sales, transfers, assignments, liens, encumbrances,

payments, fees, salaries, and/or other such dispositions of any and all GWTB funds and assets

since the date of GWTBs formation.

232. Moreover, as Horn is the administering partner and he had direct and absolute

control over Plaintiffs funds, Horn owes Plaintiffs an accounting.


Unjust Enrichment
(Against the Individual Defendants)

233. Plaintiffs repeats and realleges each and every allegation above as if set forth in

full herein.

234. Plaintiffs invested in Cardis with an understanding that they were purchasing

stock in a company, not that they were personally financing the Defendants.

235. Defendants have secreted these monies away from their own use without

consideration or justification.

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236. As a result, Defendants have been unjustly enriched by Plaintiffs investment in

Cardis and Plaintiffs have been damaged.


Breach of Fiduciary Duty
(Against the Individual Defendants)

237. Plaintiff repeats and realleges each and every allegation above as if set forth in

full herein.

238. The Individual Defendants owe Plaintiffs the utmost fiduciary duties of due care,

good faith and loyalty. The Individual Defendants, separately and together, in connection with

the management of Cardis, Choshen and GWTB violated their fiduciary obligations owed

Plaintiffs, including, inter alia, the duty to:

a. undertake an appropriate evaluation of Cardis

worth as a company;
b. act independently so that the interests of Cardis
shareholders will be protected and enhanced; and
c. engage in fair dealing and full disclosure with

239. Defendants Hoffman and Nierenberg have and are continuing to issue misleading

statements about Cardis success. As such, said defendants, with the Individual Defendants have

continued to engage in material misrepresentations and omissions regarding Cardis status as

well as the evaluation of Cardis as a whole.

240. Due to the above-mentioned conduct and mismanagement of Cardis, GWTB, and

Choshen the Individual Defendants have breached their duties of loyalty, due care, good faith

and independence.


241. As a direct and proximate cause of Defendants violations alleged herein,

Plaintiffs have been significantly damaged in an amount to be proven at trial. Plaintiffs are

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entitled to punitive damages as Defendants acted with an intentional and evil mind and with the

intent to cause injury, or recklessly disregarded the substantial risk of harm to Plaintiffs and

those similarly situated.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs seeks judgement against the Defendants at follows:

a. An award of compensatory damages in favor of Plaintiffs against all

Defendants, jointly and severally, for all damages sustained as a result of

Defendants wrongdoing in an amount to be determined at trial, but not

less than $71,000.00, including interest accrued thereupon;

b. Punitive damages in an account to be determined at trial;

c. An award for Plaintiffs reasonable costs and expenses incurred in bringing

this action, including, but not limited to counsel and expert fees;

d. Any and all further relief that this Court may deem just and proper.


Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 38, Plaintiffs hereby request a trial by jury for all issues so


Dated: New York,

February 17, 2017
Respectfully Submitted,

Case 2:17-cv-00978-SJF-GRB Document 1 Filed 02/21/17 Page 44 of 44 PageID #: 44

The Law Office of

Jacob Z. Weinstein, PLLC
Attorney for Plaintiffs

By: __/s/ Jacob Z. Weinstein________

NEW YORK, NY 10017
TELEPHONE: (646) 450-3484
FACSIMILE: (646) 774-0368


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