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BOOK ./ ./ ./ ./ STUDENTS



./ ./ ./ ./ WORKBOOK

./ ./ .I ./ CASSETTES



./ ./ ./ TESTS





, American Edrtion comprises Student Book, Teacher's Book, Workbook, Cassettes andTests

More information on the components of

Streamline can be found in the back of this book.




An intensive English course for beginners

Student's Edition

Oxford University Press


Russian & English Languages Open Doors

Cultural & Business Centre

Russian and English Languages Open Doors
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ISBN 5-89973-048-X

Oxford University Press

Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP

Oxford New York Toronto Madrid

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Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras Karachi
Nairobi Dar es Salaam Cape Town
Melbourne Auckland
and associated companies in
Berlin Ibadan
Oxford and Oxford English are trade marks of
Oxford University Press

ISBN 019432382 X
Bernard Hartley and Peter Viney 1978
First published 1978
First published in this edition 1994

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Illustrations 1Jy:
David Ace Michael Brownlow
Alun Burton David English
Paddy Mounter The Parkway Group
Jill Watkins
Photographs 1Jy:
Billett Potter

The publishers would like to thank the

following for their time and assistance:
Roy Ackerman Associates Laura Ashley
British Rail Browns Restaurant City of
Oxford Motor Services Debenhams Ltd.
[emi-i-ni Oasis Trading Post Office
Telecommunications Radio Taxis
Randolph Hotel, Oxford A. Woodward.

Printed in Hong Kong

The authors would like to thank
all the people who helped in the
development of this book. In
particular we are grateful to the
Directors of the Anglo-Continental
Educational Group, and Chris
Goodchild, Director of Studies,
Anglo-Continental School of
English, Bournemouth, for all
their support and encouragement.
We also wish to thank all our
colleagues in the ACEG schools
who provided invaluable
comments and criticism.

Students can buy a cassette which

contains a recording of the texts
and dialogues in this book.

1 Hello

fILLO. o
;11Q /I11 IVOT
/~1 c/:;V/[JCL/l/?K

/~;. r-~ __

Ex orc iso 1 Ex e r c ise 2


John Green
Carol Green
Is she a teacher ?
No she isn't.
. . . a stude nt ?
No.. . ?

. . .. Is s'lle a student?
Yes, she is.
a teacher .
Yes, .

/VLJ, //11 Or.

Exarcills 3

Is he from
England ? No, ~
0 , h~ isn' t.
e's ro ca
fr ?
.. .. .. -
pa .

2 Excuseme!

I Excuse me!
J Yes?
I Are you English?
J Pardon?
I Are you English?
J Oh, yes. Yes, we are.
I Oh, I'm English. Are you on
J No, we aren't. We're

J Please, sit down. ..

I Thank you.

J Tea?
I Yes, please.


J Sugar?
I No, thanks.

J Where are you from?

I I'm from London.
J Are you a businessman?
I No, I'm not. I'm a tourist.

Where are you from?

4 .
2 She's from Paris.
She's French.
3 They're from London. &.
1 He's from New York. They're English. Chinese.
He's American.

Mexican. ~ 8
Italian. '10

7 9
Spanish. Iranian.
What is it?

,.." ,


I j
n c re m ,
pi l ...
n umbrell a .
n wind ow
w tch
an orange
lorry .
What are they?

Exercise 2

1 They're forks.
6 ,. .
8 .

Use th ese wo rd s:
watc hes

Ex ercise 3

1 What is it ? 2 What are they? 3 . . ?

It 's a clock , Th ey're radios, asht ray.

r '7\,
.. '-- ~ .-."

I ~~-r--~.

4 .. ... ? 5 ? 6 7
beds. houses. to wel.
4 Whafs your name?

Mr Dean Good evening~

Receptionist Good evening, sir.
What's your name, please?
Mr Dean My name's Dean.
Receptionist Ah, yes. . . Mr
Dean ... Room 15. Here's your
Mr Dean Thank you.

Porter Is this your case?

MrDean No, it isn't.
Porter Oh, is that your case over
MrDean Yes.jt is.

Mr Brown Good evening.

Receptionist Good evening.
What are your names, please?
Mr Brown Mr and Mrs Brown:
Receptionist Ah, yes ... here's

Porter Are these your cases here?

Mr Brown No, they aren't.
Porter Oh, I'm sorry. Are those
your cases over there?
Mr Brown Yes, they are.

Mrs Brown Is this our room?

Mr Brown What's the number?
Mrs Brown 14.
Mr Brown Oh, no, it isn't. That's
our room. . . number 13.
What's your)o

Look at 13.
What's hisjob?
He's a manager.
Look at 14.
What's herjo1?? .
She's areceptionist.
Look at 15.
What are their jobs?
They're waiters.
Look at 16.
Look at 17.


Look at 18.

Look at 19.
.... ?

Use these words:


Look at 20.
What's his job?
He's a pilot.
21 ?
22 ?
23 ?
24 ?
Use these words:
taxi driver

What's your name?

Wha;'~ your job?

, cold

C ir big. D It's '3 l/tall. F G H

.J K L -

o . p . . .. . Q R s .... .

u v . . .. W. x .. y . . ., Z

U t ose words : full old tall beautif ul

m y n s ugly
t c c f I
r t in s
x ci 1



"""', {/

Look t St v Kin g. Now write fou r senten ces for : Mrs Loot Fred Penny
He's w k. a Big Joe Freezer
He's sm II. He's heao.
He's light. b Mrs l o ot "'
H th n. c Fred Penny
6 A nice flat

Agent This is a nice flat, Miss

Wilkins. Here's a plan ...
Miss Wilkins Mmm ...
Agent There's a living-room.
There's a kitchen, a bedroom, a
bathroom, and there's a toilet.
Miss Wilkins Is there a balcony?
Agent No, there isn't. j-
Miss Wilkins ... and a LIVIN(,
telephone? II==~---l ~o,.,

Agent No, there isn't a telephone.

Agent Well here's the kitchen.

Miss Wilkins Hmm ... it's very
Agent Yes, it isn't very large, but
there's a cookerand a fridge.
There are some cupboards
under the sink.
Miss Wilkins Are there any
Agent Yes, there are.
Miss Wilkins Good. Are there
any chairs in here?
Agent No, there aren't, but there
are some in the living-room.
Miss Wilkins Hmm. There aren't
any glasses!
Agent Yes, there are! They're in
the cupboard.
Miss Wilkins ... and ... er ...
where's the toilet?

There's a sofa in the living-room.
There isn't a radio in the living-room.
Write sentences with:
, telephone 3 cupboard
2 chair 4 table

Exerciae2 Exerciae3 Exerciae4

books rnaqazine/table?' Where are the bottles? They're on the shelf.
There are some books on the shelf. Is there a magazine on the table? Where's the chair? It's in the livi ng-room.
cups books/shelf?
Answer the questions:
There aren'tany cups on the shelf. Are there any books on the shelf? , Where's the television?
Write sentences with: Write questions with: 2 Where are the glasses?
, glasses 3 magazines , radio/shelf 3 Where are the books?
2 records ,4 bottles 2 bottles/table 4 Where's the sofa?
3 records/table
7 Everyday Conversation

A Excuse me. post office

BYes? bus stop
A Is there a post office near here? bank
B Yes, there is. telephone box
A Is it far? supermarket
B No, it isn't very far. First right, first
second left. second
A Thank you very much. third
B That's all right.

C Mrs Connor, could you pass the salt

salt please? . sugar
D Certainly. bread
C Thank you very much.
D And the pepper? pepper?
C No, thank you. butter?

E Good evening. a pint

F Good evening. half a pint
E Half of bitter, please. a whisky
a double whisky
F Here you are, sir.
E Thank you very much. How with lemon
with soda
much is that? with Coke
F 15p.

G Are you on the phone? 23306

IJ Yes, I am. 66880
G What's your number? 087432
H 23306 10443

J "

9 Whos is it?

&8 . 7

Ex lsa2 8

Ex -. e 3
1 W"OSl~ ci~ar is it?
Irs M r c:Jrsml', d:,:ar.
2 Who '~ Klasse:; arelt : 'II ?
TlIt'Y',e J/m e s Xlll:;~l'i.
Writo sentences lor :3-1 2.

Look at Dlcl< ;
He's Anna's husband.
He's Mike's fath er.
Look at Anne:
Sho's Dick 's wife. 11
She's Sue's moth er,
Lo ok at-Mike :
He's thei r son.
He's Sue 's brot her,
Loo k atS ue:
She's th eir daught r.
She's Mike's sis! r.
10 Is there any wine in the bottle?

There's some rice in the jar.

There's some milk in the bottle.
There's some sugar in the jar.
There's some oil in the bottle.
There's some water in the jug.
There's some wine in the bottle.

There are some apples on the

There are some eggs on the table.
There are some oranges on the
There are some bananas on the
There are some lemons on the
There are some onions on the

I\~I butter

A There's some butterin thefreezer.

B How much is there?
A There's a lot.
There isn't any butter,
Write conversations
.. " There isn't any cheese. ice-cream

~ meat

I (O!j Ihamb~rgem
There isn't any beer,

Is there any cheese in the fridge?

~ There aren't any tomatoes. Yes, there is.
A There are some hamburgers in the

Is there any butter in the fridge? freezer.
There aren't any mushrooms, No, there isn't. B Howmany are there?
A There are a lot. ,....,.~.---...,...."""IT'"~
Are there any eggs in the fridge?

There aren't any eggs. Yes, there are. Write conversations
Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? peas

The fridge is empty! No, there aren't.
11 An English Restaurant

Customer Waiter! I'd like the --------

menu, please.
Waiter Here you are, sir.
Customer Thanks ... I'd like
some soup ....
Waiter Tomato soup?
Customer Yes, please. . . and I'd
like a steak.
Waiter Rare, medium, or
Customer Medium, please.
Waiter Which vegetables would
you like?
Customer I'd like some potatoes,
some peas, and a salad, please.
Waiter Certainly, sir.
Customer Oh, and I'd like some
Waiter Which wine would you
like, sir?
Customer A bottle of red wine,

13 lton ash

I Ii ~


. he' 1

E rtOIl'S hpop stnr . ,'VI r Wifs(JP1 '~ 1/ h'i1c!wP'.
Elton's rich.
Elton's car's Americ n.
Elton 's house Is tar
.. . . :3!!1I
and expo nsiv ,
He'd li ke a Rolis-Royc .
14 At the hairdresser's

Jane ... Oh, yes, my husband's Jane Pardon? . Exercise

wonderful! Sally Can your husband cook? Example:
Sally Really? Is he? My husband can't play sports I candrive.
Jane Yes, he's big, strong and ... but he's an excellent cook. I can't swim.
handsome! Jane Is he? Write ten sentences.
Sally Well, my husband isn't very Sally Yes, and he can sew, and
big.jor very strong ... but he's iron. . . he's a very good
very intelligent. husband.
Jane Intelligent? Jane Really? Is he English?
Sally Yes, he can speak six
Jane Can he? Which languages Questions
can he speak? 1 Is Jane's husband big?
Sally He can speak French, 21s he ugly?
Spanish, Italian, German, 3 Can he play football?
4 Can he speak French?
Arabic and Japanese. 5 Can he ski? .
Jane Oh! ... My husband's very 8 Can he sew?
athletic. 7 Is Sally's husband athletic?
Sally Athletic? 8 Is he intelligent?
Jane Yes, he can swim, ski, play 9 Can he speak Arabic?
10 Can he play cricket?
football, cricket and rugby. . . 11 Can he play rugby?
Sally Can he cook? 12 Can he iron?
15 Everyday Conversation

I Please come in. a cup of tea

J Thank you. a cup of coffee
a glass of milk
I Please, ... sit down. Would you a glass of beer
like a cup of tea? a glass of water
J Yes, please. a biscuit
I How about a biscuit? a sandwich
J No, thanks. I'm on a diet. a piece of cake
an orange
a chocolate


K Excuse me ... trains

L Yes, Can I help you? buses
K Yes, I'd like some information planes
about trains please. excursions
L Whereto?
K ... to London.
L When?
K Tomorrow.
L Morning or afternoon?
K In the evening. About six
L There's one at 6.40.
K Thank you.

M I'd like a pair of shoes, please. a pair of shoes

N What colour would you like? a raincoat
M Brown. a pullover
a cardigan
N And what size are you? a pair of jeans
M Five. Can I try them on?
N Of course.

o How about dinner, tonight? dinner

P I'd love to. afilm
o Where can we meet? a walk
a concert
P How about the square? a drink
o All right. What time?
P Is seven o'clock OK?
o Yes, that's fine.

_ _lI
6 Gloria Gusto, Tom Atkins and Terry Archer


I haven'
. I

ut h 1 a n't

Exerci 1 x rei 2 Qucst'o

xample : flat In LOll on x mpl : a job 1 What' s his name ?

Has s}/C gOI 11 flat in London ? "',. III' Ha 111' gof B Job? .~'(), Ire hasn 't, 2 Wh er 's he fro m ?
uas. 3 Wh at's h 5 Job?
1 a ho use - 4 Has he got a ood ob ?
1 house in Ho llywood . 2 car. 5 Has ho got a car ?
2 swimmi ng-pool. 3 n wife. 6 Has he gol a f lat or ' nou s ?
3 Rolis-Royc , 4 ny mo ney. 7 Has he got a wit ?
4 lot of mo n y. S ny chlldren. 8 Has he got a ny c hlldrn n?
5 husband.
6 three chi ldren.

Exe r c iso 3
Exampl e ;
brother l'u gU / II broth r,
Roll s-Royce / I Ul VI' II " got (/ Ro ll Aoyc .
Write four sentences ;
1 watch 3 blcvcl
2 sister 4 umbr II
7 At the custom

FI "
Man ard n?
'n yu ur case, please.
p -n it n \",,1 Oh , dear! Look at
1I isl Y( lI' V ) got three bottles of
wh isky, four hundred cigarett es
nil 1,, 1 t f perfume!

18 Which one?

George How about some more George Well, good night ...
wine? Charles Good night ... thank
Charles Please. you for a lovely evening.
George Which glass is yours? George Now, which coats are
Charles That one's mine. yours?
George Which one? Charles Oh, those coats are ours.
Charles The empty one! George Which ones?
Charles The black one and the
grey one.
George Ah, yes ... I've got them.
Charles Good. The grey one's
mine, and the black one's hers.

Exerci .. ,

Which one would you like?

I'd like the classical one.

Exercise 2

Which ones would you like?

I'd like the expensive ones.

Exercise 3 Exerci.e4
It's my pen. It's mine.
They're our books. They're ours.
, It's his car
2 It's their house
3 It's John's coat
4 It's her hat
5 It's you r flat
6 It's Mary's bag
Which house is theirs? Which house is his?
The big one's theirs. The small one's his .:

~ .
19 Everyday Conversation

o Can you show me some 85/92/78/63

cameras, please? 47/39/26/51
P Certainly, sir ... this one's cameras (Kodak)
very good. radios (Sony)
o Yes, it is .... How much is it? watches (Timex)
P 85, sir.
o Oh, dear. That's very
P Hmm, I see. . . that one isn't
expensive, sir.
o What make is it?
P It's a Kodak ... it's 47.
o Hmm. . . Can you show it to
me, please?

Q Oh, excuse me! tea

R Yes, sir? coffee
Q Could you bring us some more cream
tea, please?
R Of course, sir.
Q ... and could you bring me the
bill, please? I'm in a hurry.

S Taxi! airport
T Where to, madam? station
S Can you take me to the airport, bus station
International Hotel
T Certainly, madam'.... Have
you got any luggage?
S Yes. Can you get it for me? It's
over there.
T All right. ... Ooh! It's very
S Yes, it is ... I'm very sorry.

U Goodnight, Andrew. at the office

V Goodnight, Colin. at school
U Have a good holiday! at work
V Thanks.
U Don't forget. . . send me a
V O.K. ... Oh, I haven't got your
U That's O.K. You can send it to
me at the office.
V All right ... 'Bye.
U 'Bye.
20 pos.. . _..d

!ri;:;t ~ishCS.N1a~ " ..

De r J
Fa ther,

is a pi e h l is v

I'm in lass A. Ther r alot German inmy c s. ly is

R1 7. ltaiians arc
B3 . Mexican!>
RSO. Brazilums

verv a ery

cheap. The f od is nd English p ople are v(''Ty fri -ndly. you soon.
expen ive. rescrt.te.'d. in 3 wi.'f!ks.
U lfJnJ , in 4 W ~ks .
, u

1 Whatare ey doi ?

o .
e re 1181
. R. .

. ..

E rei 2
G Wh t ' la' doin.~ _ H I" s noritnt,' .
H -
I .
dr -n /typ in!J/r; d n

& rei 3

work smoke
coO nc
rea in ri 'ng ea ty e
d rink
sin sit
5 ? I\J
dr s m
22 Can you help me?

Thomas is a student. He's staying

with the Taylors, an English
Thomas Hello, Mrs Taylor. Can
you help me? I'm doing my
homework and I can't
understand this word.
Mrs Taylor Which one? Oh ...
that's difficJlt. I can't help
you now I'm watching
something .
Thomas Oh? What are you
Mrs Taylor I'm watching a
cowboy film.
Thomas Can Mr Taylor help me?
Mrs Taylor No, he can't now,
Thomas. He's reading.
Thomas What's he reading?
Mrs Taylor He's.reading a
Thomas What about Kate?
Mrs Taylor Oh, she can't help
you now ... she's phoning
Thomas Oh?Who'sshephoning?
Mrs Taylor She's phoning her
boyfriend ... you're asking
a lot of questions tonight,
Thomas AmI? .. Well, I'm'
practising my English! .Jill and John Mary

Jill and John/tennis.
What are Jill and John doing?
They're playing tennis.
Mr Smith/his car
Mary/a letter
Mr and Mrs Jones/television
Bob/a letter
Arthur and Mike/a box
Mrs Brown/the dishes
Mr & Mrs Jones
George is lonely and unhappy.
Bob His friends are busy today. Mrs Brown
23 Everyday Conversation

A Would you like to come to a a party

party? a dance
B Well, I'd like to. . . but when is a picnic
it? a pop concert
a football match
A On Saturday evening.
B What a pity! I'm busy on Saturday
Saturday. Monday
A What are you doing? Tuesday
B I'm doing my homework. Wednesday
A Really! . . . Another time Thursday
perhaps? Friday
B Yes, thanks anyway.

C Excuse me, is this seat free? newspaper

DYes, itis. pen
C Is it O.K. if I sit here? lighter
DYes,ofcourse. umbrella
C Er, ... is that your newspaper?
DYes, it is.
C May I borrow it for a minute,
D Yes, certainly.

E Good morning. book

F Good morning. Can I help you? (Instant English)
E Yes, I'm looking for a book. record
F What's the title? (Love Story)
E Instant English. Have you got it? (Today)
F Yes, we have. cassette
E How much is it? (Instant English)
F 5. dictionary
E May.I see it? (Oxford English
Picture Dictionary)
F Of course, here you are.
'y 4
25 At the cinern


26 Whafs on television tonight?

John Hello, darling.... I'm

Anne Hello, John. Are you tired,
John Yes, lam. VVhattirneisit?
Anne It's six o'clock.
John Oh ... VVhat's on television
Anne There's a good programme
at quarter past eight ... 'Paul
McCartney In Concert'.
John Yes. . . and there's a good
film after the news.
Anne Ooh. . . and 'Mary in Love'
at quarter to seven before 'Police
John Oh, I can't watch that!
There's a football match on IlV
at half past six.
Anne But, John, it's my favourite
John Well, go and watch it at your

International time

It's oneo'clock in New York Caracas Rio de Janeiro Greenland The Azores

London Rome Istanbul Baghdad Abu Dhabi Karachi


12 1

10 2

~. 3

8 4
7 5

What time is it? ... ... .. .

It's three o'clock.

27 In prison

Tom Well. ... Tomorrow we're

going to leave this place!
Fred Yes. What are you going to
do first?
Tom Hmm ... first, JIm going a big car, meet my
girlfriend and take her to an
expensive restaurant. We're
going to have steak and drink
champagne. What about you,
Fred My wife's going to meet me
outside the prison. Then we're
going to have tea with her
Tom With her mother! You're
Fred No, I'm not. I'm going to
work for my wife's mother.
Tom Really? You're not going to
work for your mother-in-law!
Fred Yes. She's got a little cafe in
Tom What are you going to do
Fred I'm going to wash up.
Tom What! Wash up! I'm not
going to work! I'm going to have
a good time!
Fred You're lucky.... I'm going
to rob a bank next week.
Tom Why?
Fred Because I'm happy in prison!

Exercise 1
He's going to leave prison.
Write sentences
1 car
2 girlfriend
3 good time


Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4

car steak champagne
He isn't going to renta car. They're going to havesteak They aren'tgoing to drink champagne.
Write sentences Write sentences Write sentences
with: with: with:
1 steak 1 car' 1 good time
2 champagne 2 champagne 2 steak
3 good time 3 good time 3 car

Fred Tom and his girlfriend

An . . . . . ...' L...

1 What are they going to 9 t Into? 1 Whal lime are t h y goi ng t o leave th
2 Wher r they go ing to drIve? r captlon?
3 What r th ey goin g to cut ? 2 Where are t hey going t o drive to ?
4 What ar th y go ing to d rln ? 3 Wh re are th ey goin to fly to ?
5 at t 0 ers g ol to do ? W re are hey go l 0 spend the r
h OI1eY moO ?
:t rn th."" g o
Ex re ls 1 Pa p ort phDtogr h Pas p ort phDtograph
Look nt John Bull:
DPr'., III' /ikl' beer, Surn om .
Writ 5 questions. First N me 5) :
E 2 OCCU lion'

Lao at Virginia Ch rt)l'
1 Sill' fikl'~ dilltcilt~ .
2 Sfrl' d(1c~II ' l likt" I I Ir li.'ih)l/ .
Writll I n sentences. Oisllk Oislik : RIU71~ ~
Dal D." e : zs- ;:n
Si re: Signa ur : ~.
30 I want you, Fiona

Charles Please marry me, Fiona. I

want you, I need you, I love
Fiona I'm sorry Charles, but I
Charles Oh, Fiona. Why not?
Fiona Well, Charles. Hike you ...
I like you a lot ... but I don't
love you.
Charles But Fiona, love isn't
Fiona Oh, Charles, you don't
understand. . . for me love is
Charles Do you love another man
Fiona Yes Charles, I do ...
Charles Not James Milton!
Fiona Yes, James Milton.
Charles But he doesn't want you.
He's engaged.
Fiona I know.
Charles But Fiona, James isn't
a rich man. I can give you
everything. What do you want?
Oothes? Money? Travel? A big
Fiona No, Charles. I don't want
those things. I only wantJames.
Who wants Fiona?
Does he love her?
Does Fiona like Charles?
Does she like him a lot?
Does she love him?
Does Fiona love another man?
What's his name?
Does James want Fiona?
Is he rich?
Is Charles rich?
What can he give Fiona?
Does she want clothes?
Does she want money?
What does she want?

Ex.rei.. ,
Who wants Fiona?
Charles wantsFiona.
Who loves Fiona?
Who needs Fiona?
Who wants James?
Who loves James?

ex.rci Z
Who does Charles want?
Charles wantsFiona.
Who does Charles love?
Who does Fiona love?
Who does Fiona want?
Who does Charles need?
31 Everyday Conversation

G What are you doing this this weekend

weekend? on Saturday
H I'm going away. on Friday
G Oh, where are you going? next week
H I'm going to London.
G How long for? Wales
H Just for two days. Scotland

I Have you got a car? VW.

J Yes, I have. Ford
I What kind is it? Datsun
J It's a V.W. Jaguar
I Do you like it?
J Yes, Ido. big
I Why? comfortable
J Because it's very economical. modern

K Excuse me ... Coins: 1p, 2p, 5p,

L Yes? 10p,50p
K Have you got any change? Notes: 1, 5, 10,
L What do you need? a pound note
K I need some tens. a five-pound note
L Oh, how many do you want? a ten-pound note
K Well, can you change a pound a twenty-pound
note? note
L Yes, I think so.

M Good afternoon. these shoes

N Good afternoon. these glasses
M Could you repair these shoes, these boots
this camera
please? this watch
N Yes, certainly. When do you this radio
want them? Thursday
M As soon as possible. afternoon
N Is Thursday afternoon O.K? Tuesday
M Yes, that's fine. evening

thirt .
Robin 'And t ft 'r lunch?
, Oh, I r st u nt il six

D of


o br eaktast,

He has lunc h in a rl
afe, I
10 He comes home . t fiv . o'clock.
11 In the evening he go 5 In the
i I II
12 lie goes to b d al l ' n I k. I

Q t lo


reba 1
Now sk (and answer) qu tio n b out
th e peo ple:

Judith Peter and Paul Cel l


1 sc 00
2 2
5 days 3 oo 'S
.. 7. 4 eig I o'cloc
a Ing 5 co rnfla
o ng e-julce 6 milk vod
7 p rents 7 mother 7 fifth wi f
8 the office/B.1S 8 schooll8.45 8 Ih publtwelve o' clock
If'! th e canteen 9 at sch ool 9 1n pUb
10 ho me/S.30 10 home/f our o'c loc k 10 not/corn home
11 evening classe s 11 television 11 c Ino
12 I ven o'clock 12 nin e o'c lo ck 12 flv o'c loc k in the morni ng

35 Never on a Sunday

Vicar Ah, good evening, Mr

Benson. I never see you in
church nowadays.
Benson Oh! No, Vicar ... but my
wife always goes to church. . .
she goes every Sunday.
Vicar I know ... but you never
Benson Well, I sometimes come,
Vicar. I come on Christmas Day
and at Easter.
Vicar Hmm ... But what about
Sundays, Mr Benson?
Benson I usually wash my car on
Sunday morning.
Vicar I see. Why don't you wash
your car on Saturday next week,
Benson Oh ... I can't do that,
Vicar Why not?
Benson It's my son's wedding
next Saturday ... I'm going to

Exercise 1
He/someti mes/football.
He sometimes plays football.
1 They/often/potatoes.
2 She/usually/a skirt.
3 I/never/a hat.
4 He/occasionally/radio.
5 We/rarely/vodka.
6 You/never/cigarettes.

Exercise 2
1sometimes drink coffee
1neverdrink coffee
1 often drink coffee
Now, write true sentences:
1 coffee 7 a newspaper
2 television 8 cinema
3 golf 9 new clothes
4 spaghetti 10 a tie
5 wine 11 cigarettes
6 caviare 12 pop music

1 Every morning he cleans his teeth. 4 He's got a radio and a television. He 8 He doesn't usually smoke, but at
Hes/ways cleans his teeth in the sometimes listens to the radio, and he Christmas, after dinner, he has a cigar.
morning. sometimes watches television. He rarely smokes cigars.
2 She gets up at 7 o'clock from Monday 5 Her brother lives in London. She 7 She doesn't like whisky. She never
to Saturday, but on Sunday she gets doesn't. She sees him four or five times drinks whisky.
up at 11 o'clock. She usually gets up at every year. She occasionally sees him.
7 o'clock.
3 They like films. They see all the new
films. They often go to the cinema.
u ually 0 D y u e

es 1 o.

n'. Ii -

h. ns yo r

r ynu do in ycur
D mond I ask qu istion. Mr
Norris. . . I n ever an w r
them .
r 0
37 Wha does he d very day?

This man is a champi on jn k ~y .

Hi Hnam e's Gord on L " 1 'I' , I Ie
rides racehorses, but h ' isn' t
ridin g a raceh orse at th mom ent
H 's dan ri n w ith hi -j th wife.


Qu t ions
Wh o arc they ?
Do they teach ?
VVhatdo lhoy tcach ?
VVh re re they now ?
VVh t re they doing ?

Kevin Shannon , lo otba ller.
Exam pt :
What doc h ~ " J lc pll S l tmll.
..... . . .
Lucy, typ l t.
. .. .
b i t's I . n _ . .. .
38 Well or badly?

There's an international football

match on television. England are
playing against Scotland. They are
good teams. They usually play
well. But today England are
playing very well, and Scotland
are playing badly.
What's on television?
Which teams are playing?
Are they good teams?
Do they usually play well or badly?
How are England playing today?
How are Scotland playing today?

Tom Morgan often has accidents.

II This is his fourth accident this
II year. He's a bad driver, because
he's a fast and careless driver. He
II drives fast, carelessly and badly.
r What's his name?
Does he often have accidents?
Is this his first accident this year?
Is he a good or a bad driver?
Does he drive well or badly?
Is he a fast 01" a slow driver?
Does he drive carefully or carelessly?

Bill Morris is a gentleman. He

always drives slowly, carefully
and well. All his friends say, 'Bill's
a good driver! He's very careful.'
What's his name?
Is he a gentleman?
Is he a good driver or a bad driver?
Does he drive well or badly?
Is he a fast driver or a slow driver?
Does he drive carefully or does he drive

Mr Johnson works very hard. He's
afast worker. His boss often says,
r 'Johnson works fast for 10 hours
every day. He's a very hard
What's his name?
Is he a hard worker or a lazy worker?
Does he work hard or lazily?
Is he a fast or a slow worker?
Does he work fast or slowly?

Exercise Look at this:

Kevin's a good 1 You're a bad 4 They're hard bad badly happy happily good well
player. swimmer. workers. slow slowly busy busily fast fast
How does heplay? 2 She's a careful 5 He's a fast careful carefully noisy noisily hard hard
He plays well. driver. walker. careless carelessly
3 John's a slow

_ _I
39 Everyday Conversation

o How do you come to school? bus

P Bybus. train
o How much does it cost? tube
P Only20p.
o How long does it take? twenty minutes
an hour
P About twenty minutes. half an hour
quarter of an hour

Q Is Maria Italian? Italian

R Yes, I think so. Portuguese
Q Does she speak English well? Venezuelan
R No, I don't think so. Iranian
Q Is she coming to the dance
tonight? party
R I hope so! discotheque

S What's the matter? acold

T I've got a cold. a sore throat
S Why don't you see a doctor? stomach-ache
T I don't know any doctors. a temperature
S Why don't you ask your
your landlady
landlady? your teacher
T Yes. That's a good idea. the principal
your friends

U Would you like to dance? sometimes

V Yes. once a week
twice a week
U Do you come here often? every night
V Sometimes. occasionally
U Do you live here?
V Yes, I do. an office
U Where do you work? a factory
V Ina bank. a shop
U Do you like it? a hospital
V It's O.K.
41 Whe were you yesterday?

Ex rei 8 1
re re you S to e. l oo k at this example:
s hool. Ii ore.!two o'clock
wo _ I 'lL~S here at ttooo'ckxk .
t pub.
he clnema, 1 Homaly/July
the up rmark et, 2 T ey/homeiSunday
3 Yo u/he re/one o'clock
4 Sh e/scnool/yesterday
5 It/cold/January
8 We/London/Wednesday
When were you In Eng land? I w 9 ttl rain Ja nuary.
Look at th is example :
Eu rop ? ebru ary , You/New York/February?
M xico? March.
London ?
Wac YOl/ in ,".lew York in [ ('btl/aryl
April .
Sp ll ln? May , 1 she/ho me/T h u rsday?
Holland ? June. 2 1t/hotiJune?
Italy? Ju ry. 3 th ey/at .....orklfivethlrty ?
August , 4 he/Engl and /Novembe r ?
S pt rnber , 5 yo u/t here/fou r o 'clo c k?
October. S they/ Russia/ Decem ber ?
Nov ember.
D co mber.

42 Holidays

Donald Hello, John! Where were

you last month?
John Oh, I was on holiday.
Donald Oh, really? ... but you
were on holiday in January.
John Yes, I was in Switzerland in
Donald Where were you last
John I was in Florida.
Donald Florida! What was it like?
John Fantastic! The weather was
beautiful. . . the sea was warm.
Donald What was the hotel like?
John Excellent! There was a
swimming-pool and private
beach. There were three
restaurants and two bars.
Donald What were the people
John They were very friendly.
Donald Was your wife with you?
John No, she wasn't. She never
comes with me on holiday.
Donald What about the children?
Were they with you?
John No, they weren't. They were
with their grandparents.

Exercise 1
There wasa swimming pool.
There were three restaurants.
Now you write sentences.

What wasthe weather like?
What were the restaurants like?
1 service 4 beaches
2 shops 5 hotel
3 food 6 people
43 Everyday Conversation

W Can you change this pullover, pullover

please? cardigan
X Why? What's wrong with it? nightdress
W It's the wrong size. blouse
X Is it too big, or too small?
W It's too small for me.
X What size are you?
W I'm not sure. Can you measure
X Yes, certainly. . . . You're a
thirty-six. This one's the right

Y I'd like a room, please. a private bathroom

Z A single room or a double room a shower
sir? a balcony
a colour television
Y A double, please.
Z With or without a private
Y With, please.
Z For how many nights?
Y Just for one night, please.

A Excuse me! 50p

BYes? 21p
A I think my change is wrong! 32p
B Are you sure? Let me see. Oh, 54p
yes. . . you need another SOp.
A Yes, that's right.
B I'm terribly sorry.
A That's O.K.

C I think English food is excellent. food

D Really! I don't think so. coffee
C Why not? butter
D I prefer French food. cheese
en....... fro L . . . 'U, ........... e

e American

Reporter W -11, Phil . . . W I orne

hom e!
Phil Th

d ? \'Vas

Quest io n.

E rei ' x rei. e 3

Ilbreakfastl Ight o'clock.
J lrad lm.'ak/a. t III eight 0 ' dock.
, You/coff 1 I v n o'c loc k
2 c 2
3 S lIt:,I;Ll:'<II'"
4 nctj'eigillt
5 Wr;:,~suPtr>
45 )'l Sf d ar!


_ t C.l .
i r Br w o, lea r, l J~) '" me
l umburg -rs,
rs 11 ro n i l ':Ut g( t l th
I . ke ,
Ir Bro n Y : , l. r ... bul l
d idn 't g 'l . n bn., d ,
Mrs Bm n ( LI did ' 1 't .m ' 7

brea d!
Mr Brow n No , d l\ r . Th e didn't
huve : n . bn x d, so I ~t lt some
ro lls,
Mrs Brown I low numv rolls did lIlerci
yo u ~~t't? . 'r hey bad "orne t amburgers.
Mr Brown Icun' t r -n t -rnbur, dear , 'riley didlr 't hat:rilly steak,
Mrs Brown John ? Dit! /frey !1fI7'(' rwy c h fck ~ n?
1 He carne home by taxi,
Mr Drown Y(' ~. d ear?
(Jrl foo t.
Mrs Brown I id yn ll go 10 til ' pu b by bus ?
.lg. in? 2 Ho went to the butcher's
Mr Drown Yl' S . d 'ill". ch emist 's.
Mrs Brown J low m.m v drink did o baker's?

vou have? . 3 He golsome rol ls.

bread .
Mr Brown )1l 1\! ou r ( r II\! " d \ 11",

hamb urg ers ?

.. , SIll,lll on ~' s ,
46 In the office

Secretary Good afternoon, Mr

Mr Smith Good afternoon, Miss
Wild. Did you finish those
Secretary Yes, sir. I typed them
and signed them for you.
Mr Smith Did you photo-copy
Secretary Yes, sir. I photo-copied
them and posted them.
Mr Smith Did Mr Jackson arrive?
Secretary Yes, sir.
Mr Smith What time did he
Secretary About two 0' dock, sir
... buthe didn't stay. He didn't
have time.
Mr Smith What did he want?
Secretary Oh ... I didn't ask, sir.
Mr Smith Er. . . Did you
telephone Mrs Smith?
Secretary Yes, I did ... but she
wasn't in.
Mr Smith Hmm. . . And the table
at "Mario's" for tonight?
Secretary Yes, sir, I reserved a
table for two, at eight 0' dock
Mr Smith Good! Did Lulu
. telephone?
Secretary Yes, sir.

Who typed the letters?
Miss Wild typed the letters.
Mr Smith didn't typethe letters.
Did Lulu type the letters?
1 Who signed the letters?
Miss Wild .
MrSmith .
Lulu. ?
2 Who posted the letters?
Miss Wild .
Mr Smith .
Lulu. ?
3 Who photo-copied the letters?
Miss Wild .
Mr Smith .
Lulu ?
47 The Story of Willy The Kid

SHE.R\Fr.:s OFFice.


THI~ TOWN 15 1"00

SnA\..1- FOR. BOTH

TWO CO\N13OYS Exercise 1

CARRIED WILLY 1 He walked into the saloon.
.~ , AWA'f. 2 He didn't into the Sheriff's office.
'l1-\AT WAS. \HE 3 Did he into the bank?
WILLI THE KID Exercise 2
1 They carried Willy away.
2 They carry the Sheriff away.
3 they the barman away?

8 - T1Io.lI~""'lgn -_ .i da
..... _a...&

Ann ,'s 1 S rden t at Loi do r I e - r lop ins tea ~h (\ 1 :>

Unive -ity, he stu dies Spanish. i1 1 Lond un nive rsitv . I h.' went t
a n d _he gOt~H to Spni n I.' VC I')' India last yPM . IIe S<1 VI,' the Ta]
s um me r. S he lies in the sun , she Mu ha l, and I' id e o n an cl ' p h.1 n t.
drinks a lot l lf wi ne, a n I ea l a lo t I ll' w ro te p stcards to .,11 his
f Spanis h c d . S c alw ~s flies .ends _H ' \v b Air In I .
b B itish

t is n
2 Docs
3 As .
4 Does h 010 France v ry summ r?
5 Ask " Wh reT
6 What d oes she do In Spain?
7 How d o s she travel to Spai n '?

au stiens

II .
E X8 too
B nn
sp i
b He dMII" SlJ tI l
Spain ,
c Did you ,,\0 Irl
Spain ?

Th 'i i n't have uch \ t

and th ey didn't ha ve many th ings
to ea t. au_tion.


Ex 1

A Did they h ve any cnocc tat ?

B Y a, t hey d d. but U., y didn 't have .
d Od


Exerd .3
He hasn't gotlllll d l mon y,
a's got on lya Utile m ".
, s
2 s
50 Robbie and the Rebels

Jill Good morning, Shirley. . .

Shirley Hello, Jill ...
Jill Oh, I'm tired this morning!
Shirley Are you? Why?
Jill Well, I went to the concert last
Shirley Which concert?
Jill The popconcert, the one atthe
Town Hall.
Shirley Oh, which group did you
Jill I saw 'Robbie and the Rebels'
. . . they're a new group.
Shirley Are they good?
Jill Hmm ... they usually play
well, but last night they played
Shirley Is Robbie a good singer? Questions Exercise 1
Jill Oh, yes, he usually sings well. What are their names? He's a good singer.
Shirley Did he sing well last Who's tired? He usually sings well.
night? Ask "Why?"
1 They're beautiful dancers
Jill No, he didn't ... he sang very Which concert did she go to?
2 She's a careless writer.
Which group did she see?
badly. How do they usually play?
3 He's a hard worker.
Shirley What about the group? 4 He's a bad player.
How did they play last night?
5 They're good drivers.
Jill Oh, the guitarist played How does Robbie usually sing?
beautifully ... but the How did he sing last night?
Exercise 2
drummer was loud. How did the guitarist play?
Do pop drummers always play loudly? He usually sings well, but yesterday he
Shirley Yes, pop drummers Did Jill have a headache before the sangbadly.
always play loudly. concert?
1 She usually writes carefully, .
Jill I know! I had a headache after Ask "When?"
2 She usually types slowly, .
the concert. Does Shirley prefer pop music or
3 They usually play badly; .
Shirley Hmm. . . I never go to classical music?
4 He usually works fast, .
pop concerts. I prefer classical 5 He usually answers carelessly, .
51 Everyday Conversation

E Excuse me ... I lost my handbag .~- .Jiiii

handbag this morning. camera
F Where did you lose it? wallet
E On the bus. . . I left it on the umbrella
number 28.
F Well, you're lucky, the an hour ago
two hours ago
conductor found it. three hours ago
E Thank goodness! I was worried. half an hour ago
F Here it is. . . he gave it to me an 25 minutes ago
hour ago.


What did you do las t weekend?
I went to Oxford.
last weekend
last Saturday ~
G Really? How did you go? last Monday
last Friday
H I went by car.
G How long did it take? by car
by train
H It took about two hours. by bus
by taxi

I Hello, John! I thought you were Brighton

in Brighton! Bournemouth
J I was. I drove there on Friday. London
I Yes ... ?
J . . . and I came back on Saturday Saturday morning
Sunday evening
morning! Monday evening
I Oh? Why did you come back? Tuesday afternoon
J Well, I went to a casino, and this morning
spent all my money!
I How did you do that?
J Well, I won a little at first.
then I lost everything!

K Have a cigarette.
L No, thanks. I'm trying to stop.
K Oh, corne on! I insist!
L No, really ... I've got a terrible

52 eight O'Clock News

Joo d eve nin g. And h 'r ' is th

Eigh t 0 ' I lck New s.

au t o

. . . and next footb, II, Thi s Questions

aftern oo n a t W nn b l 'v tad iurn , Who did Eng land pi y aga ln~t ?
Englund play id g.l ili ' l WnleH. Ask " W here?"
Engl. nd lo~ l by four '0. Is to nil. Did they win or did U, II lose?
Wh ich team played woll ?
The E n gl i~ h captaln broke his I \g. Ask " How many go al!l?"
The vVelsh learn played well, Who brok e his leg ?
David Ev nn ~ HCorcd thrc ' goil l ~ for Who score d thr ee g oals
Wales .
5 - 976
........~ e
54 The boss and the secretary

Mr Gibbon Welt Miss Smith ...

this is a change! I usually have
water with my meals, you
Miss Smith Yes, MrGibbon,
but tonight we're having
Mr Gibbon Please don't call me
Mr Gibbon. My friends always
call me Horace.
Miss Smith All right ... Horace
... and we're having fillet
Mr Gibbon Isn't it wonderful! I
normally have egg and chips on
Mondays ... you see, my wife
doesn't like restaurants.
Miss Smith Oh, your wife. . .
what's she doing now?
Mr Gibbon Er ... she's watching
television at home. What
perfume are you wearing, Miss
Miss Smith Please ... call me
Dorothy. I'm wearing "Night of
Mr Gibbon It's lovely. My wife
never wears perfume. . .
Miss Smith I don't always wear it,
but this is a special occasion.
MrGibbon Of course it is. I never
come to restaurants like this.
Dorothy, I want to ask you
Miss Smith Oh, Horace, go on
. . . I'm enjoying this evening so
Mr Gibbon Well it's difficult.
Miss Smith Please ask me.
Mr Gibbon Well, you know
we've got a lot of work at the
Miss Smith Yes?
Mr Gibbon Well, can you work
on Saturdays until we finish it?
Miss Smith Oh!

Questions Exercise
What's he drinking tonight? He usually drinks water.
What does he usually drink? tonight/champagne
What's he eating tonight? But tonight he's drinking champagne.
What does he usually eat on Mondays?
Is Miss Smith wearing perfume tonight? 1 He usually eats eggs.
Does she always wear perfume? tonight/steak
2 He usually drinks beer.
3 He usually smokes cigarettes.
4 He usually eats at home.
tonight/in a restaurant
55 An accident

Rolls-Royce, and a foreign
student was driving a V.W. The
Englishman was driving slowly
and carefullv. The student wasn't
driving carefully ... he was
looking at a girl. She was walking ..;.,:::::
along the street. She was wearing ::1t111~:
a short skirt, ,1I1d she was carrying ~1~~11::
a handbag. The traffic-lights were 111:~1:
green. A dug was sitting beside !::~::::
the traffic-lights. A cat was sitting ~t11'
on the opposite corner. ;1:;::::

~ ~ ~ ~;:

The dog was thinking about a Suddenly the dog saw the cat. It ran across the road.

The English driver saw the dog. He braked quickly. The V.W. crashed into the
Rolls- Royce.

The girl saw the accident. She ran to a telephone box. The police came immediately.
56 An investigation

Qu _ '0

car, wh en s
the head .
Polic man Di yO ll S p the
atta k 'r?
Mr Snow N , h was weuring a
s tocking ov 'r hiHhead .
Policeman T 11m ', M r S no w . .
h ow did you br ea k your leg?
Mr Sno W II, when they we re
p utting n into th a m bul anc ,
th ey d ro . d '!

Now rile ten sente
I s! i ten , 1
11- ,1 len , 1
58 A spy story

M This is a very important X Now, Olga. You must check Exercise

mission, 006. into the Airport Hotel tonight.
006 What must I do? Olga Must I reserve a room?
M You must go to Moscow on X No, you needn't. We reserved
tonight's plane. one for you. . . next to the
006 Ah, Moscow! I've got a British agent's room.
girlfriend there! Olga Must I stay in my room?
M We know that ... but you X No, you needn't stay in your
mustn't visit her! room, but you must stay in the
006 Where must I stay? hotel. I'm on a diet, so
M You must go to the Airport Olga Must I ... be nice to him? I mustn't eat bread.
Hotel, stay in your room and X No, you needn't ... but you I mustn't drink beer.
wait. must discover why he's here. I mustn't go
everywhere by car.
006 Which passport must I use? Olga Must I contact you every
M Your Swiss passport. . . and day?
you must speak Swiss-German X No, you mustn't! It's too
all the time. They mustn't know dangerous for you.
your nationality. Olga Why?
006 What must I take with me? X Because 006 is a very dangerous.
M Well, you mustn't carry your man.
gun. . . but take a lot of warm
clothes. Good luck, 006!
I'm a millionaire, so
Questions Questions I needn't work.
Is it an important mission? Must she check into the hotel tonight? I needn't savemy
Must he go to Moscow? Must she reserve a room? money.
Ask "When?" Ask "How?" Must she stay in her room? I needn't worry about
Who mustn't he visit in Moscow? Must she stay in the hotel? inflation.
Must he stay in a hotel? Must she be nice to 006?
Ask "Which hotel?" What must she discover?
Must he stay in his room? Must she contact 'X' every day? Write six true
What must he do there? Ask "Why not?" sentences.
Which passport must he use? Begin
Must he speak English? I mustn't
Ask "What?" Ask "Why?" I needn't
What must he take with him?
What mustn't he take with him?
59 Everyday Conversation

M Bournemouth 18233. 18233

N Hello. This is Tom Piper here. 50079
Is Mary there? 61443
M Hang on a minute. I'll see. 74597
N O.K. Have rnonev r e adv 2p or10p
Tom Piper
M Hello. I'm sorry, but Mary's
Guy Black
out. Alan Heath Lift receiver
NOh! Could you take a message? Nigel Thatcher Listen for continuous purrinq
M Yes, of course. Just a minute. I Chris Owen
Dial number or code and number
need a pen.
When you hear rapid pips.
press in a coin
To continue a dialled call
put in more 11wiley d 1I ring co nve r s ation or
when you hear rapid pips aq ain

o Hello. Directory Enquiries. Can Zurich/010411 I

I help you? Paris/010331
P Yes. Can I dial direct to Zurich? Rome/010396 Opera t or services
o Yes sir, you can. Teheran/0109821
P What's the S.T.D. code
number, please? Emergency calls
o It's 010411. : -I>' pp,. ,
iA~~ ", ',I' ncv ,. W.1'l.!

P Thank you. Enquiries [lnd Difficultie~

'),lllculh- ,I, I can 100
)lleL!Ofv ~r"l,li'i'" 192
OU1f'r E'-'l,,, ''','' ,1"') <voerv-. 191

'tl :lpr, I


Q Hello. Radio Taxis. the station

R I'd like a taxi, please. the airport
Q When do you want it? the hospital
the bus station
R As soon as possible. the ABC ci nema
Q Where are you?
R On the corner of London Road Mrs Taylor
and Strouden Street. Miss Baker
Q Where do you want to go? Dr Steele
R The station.
Q What's the name?
R Johnson. Mr Johnson.
Q O.K. Thank you.

S Hello. International Service. Madrid 654321

Can I help you? Lisbon 974483
T Yes, please. I'd like to make a Athens 107233
Vienna 449505
three-minute call to Madrid. Brussels 1678901
S What's the number, please?
T Madrid 65.43.21.
S What's your number, please?
T Oxford 56767.
S Please put 1.56 in the box and
I'll call you back.
T Thank you.
60 Another perso all tter

0.. ... ,'ct.

J? r

I 'lie u


lunch in

I In th afternoon \ te 1 in rd en nd val ed th rough t , I meta '

smm.' I , l7)j 11/ ri lIt r aT, und lit 10 L'II .
too l1W II nne. in the pat ]; alotlg l1w ri tr.

English man with blue eye. . [didn't practise my English becau I.: he spoke Spanish
Englis/l girl Q heard. sh Arabi('
ltl/lg hair . JaJ1an e~c

tim . Did y uu have a I nice weekend? 11 mi ss you a lot.

good week?

o e

ro u

62 Where's he gone?

Beryl Hello, Janet '. .. what's the

Janet It's my husband ... he's
Beryl Gone? Where's he gone?
Janet He's gone to Paris.
Beryl Has he gone on business?
Janet No, he hasn't gone on
business. He's gone with
Beryl Dorothy?
Who's Dorothy?
Janet She's his secretary.
Beryl Is he coming back?
Janet I don't kn10iw~.ii::=~~=:==

, Paul Can you lend me 5?

Bill Sorry, I can't ... I haven't
been to the bank today.
Paul Oh dear ... I haven't been
either, and I need some money.
It's too late now ... it's four
Bill Why don't you ask Peter? -
Paul Oh, has he been to the bank?
Bill Yes, he has. He always goes
on Mondays.


He's been tothe bank. She shops. They church. He hairdresser.

She's gone tltParis. They London. He hospital. He on business.


I . .__
63 Everyday Conversation
U Oh, dear! pen
V What's wrong? pencil
U I can't find my pen. address book
V Really!
U You mustn't laugh ... it isn't in your hand
funny. in your pocket
on your desk
i V Oh, yes it is. under your elbow
U Is it? Why?
I V It's in your hand!
U Oh.yes,


W Are you a foreigner? foreigner

X Pardon? tourist
X You needn't shout. I'm not teacher
W Oh, I'm sorry.
X That's all right. I just didn't
understand. What does

Y Be careful! door
Z Why? shelf
Y I've just painted the door. desk
Z It's all right ... I haven't wall
touched it.
Y Haven't you? What's that on
your arm? leg

A I'm bored. wash your hair

B Well, do something! finish your
A What, for example? homework
brush your shoes
B Wash your hair. iron your clothes
A I've already washed it. clean your room
B Brush your shoes. telephone your
A I've already brushed them. friend
B Why don't you dean your perfect your
room? study your English
A I've already cleaned it.
B Well, . . . perfect your English!
64 Town and Country

In Id
1 lIulion.
2 . II.
3 P opl
4 . ctors.
65 opa Tours

Oil . Vi nn
Day 10. 8 elgr de
Day 1,. A thens
Day 12. Ro e

wn~'" u..., SJBI'IU;lno3S abOut Elm f.

Ex , cl 2
I' l t~ . to I'll i.~. pI/I 1h 'l'~I 'f l .", t
I-LIHaoP1 vd .
n\1) 1oUf sen J'\ S ur yo urs It.
66 A call from home

Mrs Colt Hello. . . Elmer? . . . Is

that you?
Elmer Yes, Momma.
Mrs Colt Where are you now,
Elmer I've just arrived in Prague,
Mrs Colt You haven't sent me any
postcards yet.
Elmer Yes, I have ... I've sent
one from every city.
Mrs Colt Have you been to Paris
yet, Elmer?
Elmer Yes, I have.
Mrs Colt Have you been to
Vienna yet?
Elmer No, I haven't. We're going
to Vienna tomorrow.

Mrs Colt Elmer! Are you still

Elmer Yes, Momma.
Mrs Colt How many countries
have you seen now, Elmer?
Elmer Well, this is the eighth day,
so I've already seen eight
Mrs Colt Have you spent much
money, ElmeJ;'?'
Elmer Yes, Momma, I've bought a
lot of souvenirs. . . and I want
to buy some more. Can you
send me a thousand dollars?
Mrs Colt All right, Elmer.

Mrs Colt Elmer, are you listening

Elmer Yes, Momma.
Exercise 1 Mrs Colt Have you taken many Exercise 2
postcards photographs, Elmer? Have you ever bought a souvenir?
Howmany postcards hashe sent? Elmer Yes, Momma; I've taken a Yes, I have.
He's sent onefrom every city. lot. I've used three rolls of film. No, I haven't.
Write questions Mrs Colt Have you met any nice Answer these questions:
and answers with: girls yet, Elmer? Have you ever seen the Queen?
1 capitals Elmer Oh, yes, Momma ... Have you ever been to Paris?
2 money there's a girl from Texas on the Have you ever sent a postcard?
3 souvenirs tour. We've done everything Have you ever spent a lot of money on a
4 photographs holiday?
5 rolls of film together. Have you ever met an Englishman?
Mrs Colt Elmer! Elmer! Are you Have you ever taken photographs on a
still there, Elmer? holiday?
67 Have you ever. . ?

A Have you ever studied a

language before?
B Yes, I have.
A Oh, which one did you study?
B I studied French at school.
at school
at college
at evening classes
at home

C Have you ever been to a E Have you ever seen a fire? G Have you ever drunk too much?
wedding? F Oh, yes, I have. H Yes ... I have.
D Yes, I have. E When did you see it? G Where did you drink too much?
C Whose wedding was it? F I saw one in Manchester in 1976. H I drank too much at my
D It was my brother's. brother's wedding.
brother's in 1975 at a wedding
sister's in 1969 at a party
cousin's in 1977 at a dinner party
friend's in 1973 at a night club

I Have you ever eaten at the Royal K Have you ever had flu? M Have you ever broken a bone?
Hotel? L Yes, I have. N Yes, I have.
J Yes, I have. K When did you have it? M What did you break?
I When did you eat there? L I had it last winter. N I broke my leg.
J Mary and I ate there two months
at the Royal Hotel last spring leg
at the Station Hotel last summer arm
at the Hong Kong Restaurant last autumn finger
at the Taj Mahal Restaurant last winter shoulder
68 Comparisons


nl nd 32 C
co ld, but Co rcen land'colder, 8ermud ut

Can, d ' I rg ,
bU llh

l B nc J
" ~=:="'---l

Englilnd 750 FlU I In per ear

A r(/ r',~ nuir l '.l', lc'/ r:;i l ll' tluin u

molorcl/L!" /1111 II 1IIi1letn tclc'< Ic~ ...
mlJlmilllJ/r 111r/ll (/ filr . "
8 :!0 III Dm.n 3000 mm rain per r e m
ing th w ords :
Engl nd' w I. ut , . Mo t BI nc o h b t IOU I 0 ornlca l.
69 A'hard li e

)tr.lOeJ[a ther i sn' 'e

svrnpa t h t~ ti c:

Qu t lon.

h en I was sixtv-five. au
Nc da S I on' t "v ork 'and I
d m't hav to et up earl y. But [
h. v to Iiv on my p r siun, and
life is still difficult. I don't feel
sorr for y iu."
70 Comparisons

Sweden - 16 C

Canada -20 C Saudi Arabia 40 C

Mary's the tallest.

Margaret's the shortest.
Make sentences using these words:
Greece 28 C small/big

They are all cold, but Greenland's the They are all hot, Seacombe School
coldest. Report
They are all large, .
.... Hay Arvze H~i
China English A B-r s
9,561,000 square km. Maths .)) .J)- E
Canada History A '1'" A .B
10,032,485 square krn'i'" Geography c- J) E
French A E- A-r-
Science e: .1J c-
Biology B A lJ-
Music ])- s .).,...

In English, Mary's thebest.

U.S.S.R. In Maths, Margaret's theworst.
22,402,200 square km. Make sentences about: Maths/History/
Mou nt Everest - 8848 metres

~ A~
England - 750 mm rain per year Mont Blanc-4810 metres
Mount Fuji - 3776 me'.,:.:tr..::.e:::..s__ I

Vietnam - 2,500 mm per year

'C'is themost expensive.

Bangia Desh - 3,000 mm rain per year 'A' is theleast expensive.
Make sentences using these words:
They are all wet, . They are all high, modern/beautiful/interesting.

71 Brutus Cray - the Greatest

Brutus Cray I'm the greatest!

Reporter You were the greatest,
Brutus ... but you're ten years
older than Joe Freezer.
Cray Joe Freezer! I'm not afraid of
Joe Freezer!
Rep. Really?
Cray Listen! I've beaten him
twice, and I'm going to beat him
Rep. Are you sure?
Cray Sure? Of course I'm sure.
Rep. Some people say he's better
than you.
Cray Listen! I've beaten all the
best boxers, and Joe Freezer's
one of the worst!
Rep. Yes, but he's better than h
Cray Listen! I'm stronger, faster,
fitter and more intelligent than
Rep. Yes, but he KO'edLen
Korton two months ago.
Cray Len Korton. I've KO' ed him
three times!
Rep. O.K., O.K., Brutus. Are you
going to retire after this fight?
Cray Retire? No. I've been the
champion for ten years. . . and
I'm going to stay the champion
for another ten.
Rep. Joe Freezer doesn't think so!
Cray Joe Freezer? Joe Freezer's the
ugliest man in the world. . .
after tonight he's going to need
a new face!

Is Brutus older than Joe Freezer? Has he beaten other boxers? Has Freezer beaten Len Korton?
Is he afraid of Joe Freezer? Ask "Which boxers?" Ask "When?"
Has he beaten him before? Is Freezer worse than he was, or better Is Brutus going to retire?
Ask" How many ti mes?" than he was? How long has he been the champion?

Exercise Write sentences like this:

A Joe Freezer/ugly A Joe Freezer is very ugly.
B "He/Brutus Cray B He's uglier than Brutus Cray.
C He/the world C He's the ugliest man in the world.

8 Rockefeller/rich 8 Concorde/fast 8 Mou nt l:verestl 8 Rolls-Royce/ 8 Brutus Cray/

b He/the teacher b Itla Boeing high comfortable good
c He/the world c Itlthe world b It/Mont Blanc bit/Mini b He/Joe Freezer
c It/the world c Itlthe world c He/the world
72 G~I"1o"~e an da

G eo e \ iI ' rna e,
arlin . ~
BTe da nurse I will,
George ls th t a promis '1
Brenda f co urse it is .. . 1lo ve
you .

Blend , darlin Iy
tired l
Geo e \:U, 'it d WI . J'lJ . 0 e
Brenda hi thank 'O ll U rling
, , , a nd J r 111 thirs ty ,
George All rig ht, I'll rnak y Oll a
cup of t '.1.

Bren a
George I l ~/S go to th at ne w Italian
r\est. u rr nt!

h, II r

O .K. I'll . ri ,.
/uu w o n' t. lve me
73 Everyday Conversation

C What's the matter? Why has the this week

bus stopped? this month
D There's been an accident. this year
this summer
C Has there? Again? this winter
D Yes, there have been three here
this week. bend
C Yes, I know. And it's only hill
Wednesday. roundabout
D Yes. It's the most dangerous junction
corner I've ever seen.

E Look at that girl! dress

F What about her? skirt
E Look at her dress! coat
F What about it? jacket
E It's the same as mine! That's
. what!
F No, it isn't. It's different from
yours. more expensive
E Is it?
F Yes. Hers is shorter than yours.

G Are you a new student? student

H No, I'm not. teacher
G Oh. How long have you been typist
H As long as you. ill
G Why haven't I seen you? away
H I've been ill. on holiday

I Can I borrow 10? 10

J Why don't you go to the bank? $10
I My cheque hasn't arrived yet. 5
J Well, I'm sorry, but I'm broke.
I What can I do? George
J Ask George. He's as rich as Jeffrey
Rockefeller. Charles
74 Something, nothing, anything, everything

A I want some seats for Tuesday

--_._--- -._,--
night. Are there any left?
B No, there are no seats left.
Every seat is reserved.

C Doctor, I think there's

something in my eye.
Everything looks funny.
D Let me have a look ... I can't
see anything, .. No, I'm sure
there's nothing there.

E There's somebody in the other

F I didn't hear anybody,
E Well, just have a look.
F ... No, there's nobody there,
Everybody's gone home.

G What are you looking for?

H My pen. It's somewhere in this
G Where have you looked?
H I've looked everywhere ...
and I can't find it anywhere!
1 There'ssomething in my soup.
What is it?
There'ssomebodv in the other room.
Who is it? .
2 Is there anything in the fridge?
I'm hungry.
Is there in the bathroom?
I want to brush my teeth.
3 There isn't anything in the fridge. Study this
There isn't in the bathroom. any? /not ... any ev(!'y
It's empty. anythl: ,; thing/not anythinq ev,!(yqing
4 Everything's expensive. Nothing's somebody anybou. . body/not anybody evwy!)ody
cheap. someone anyon one/not anyone ev l'YJ!le
's in the garden. 's here. somewhere anywr where/not anywhs ev !'YJ\her~
75 Four lives

Herbert Burke, James Stephens,

Mary Foot, and Charlie Phillips all
went to the same school. They left
school in 1960, and they've had
very different careers.

Herbert Burke became a politician James Stephens is a criminal. Mary Foot and Charlie Phillips fel
ten years ago. He's very He robbed a bank in 1971, and in love at school. He gave her a
successful. He bought a country escaped to a Pacific island. He ring when they left school. She
house five years ago, and bought a bought a luxury yacht the same wears it every day, and she's
Jaguar at the same time. He's been year. He's still on the island. He's never taken it off. They got
a Member of Parliament.for ten been there since 1971. He's had married in 1963and they arestilli
years. He's had his house and car the yacht since 1971. love. They moved to Australia in
for five years. 1968.
Questions When did James rob a bank? Questions
When did Herbert Burke become a Where did he escape to? When did Mary and Charlie fall in love?
politician? What did he bUY? When did he give her the ring?
When did he buy a country house? When did he buy it? Has she ever taken it off?
When did he buy aJaguar? Where is he now? When did they get married?
How long has he been a Member of How long has he been there? Are they still in love?
Parliament? How long has he had his yacht? When did they move to Australia?
How long has he had his house? How long has she had the ring?
How long has he had his car? How long have they been married?
How long have they been in Australia?
He's been there since 1969. 2 We've been here January.
They've been there for five years. 3 I've had my camera two years.
Complete these in the same way: 4 They've been married 1971.
1 She's had that watch three 5 He's had his car two months. I
weeks. 6 John's been in London March.
76 A night out

77 The election r sult

Ihc r as [u t ann u nced th

. tI . I Lab ur candida te as
\ nth ' le tion. Some uf th
Tt. wd : re leased , butthe oth -rs
are n ~ry. All of the Lab o u r
sup ort r li r e happy. All of them
<1 ' s h l lting and ( heeli ng. The
'ons -IV , tive supporters arc
booinu . Ncmc of lhem are sm ili ng,
'I'h unse rva lives hay n' t won
an ( I -U in in Bamford for man ",
V~ rs . l'h o Labour Par ty ha s
~ v I 'lc ~ li n in th e t \vn sine
) S.

u rses,

I ill!'r t! ti l rna ' urses.

pollc n.

So",... tl{ them arr fat.

h ppy .

A /t Il 111(1" an: fat.

h pp y.

NtIIl 'It 11/f1 I nn' fal

h p Y
78 The Daily News

London: Wednesday May 20th Weather: fine


11;1111111_;11>. 50,000 STOlEN
There was a fifty thousand pound
jewel robbery in central London
yesterday. The thieves threw a
stone through the window of Car-
bunkie & Company and stole
necklaces, rings and watches worth
50,000. Mr Goldsmith. the man-
ager of the shop. was working in
his office when it happened. The
police are looking for three men.
The men drove away in a stolen
Ford Cortina. The police have not
found the getaway car yet.

Expedition Hollywood Divorce Case
Three British climbers in the Hima-
Richard Taylor, the British actor,
is going to divorce his wife. Liza
layas wanted to reach the top of Bertram. They have been married
Mount Everest yesterday, but they for thirteen years, and have lived
failed because' the weather has in Hollywood since 1978. Several
been too bad. They had to post- people have seen Taylor with film
pone the climb until next week. starlet Judy Bowes recently. He
The weather has been the worst has been married four times. He
refused to speak to our reporter
for two years. yesterday.

Police Notice

Have you seen

this girl?
Maria Roberts, a 15-year-old shoes. She has blonde hair an
schoolgirl. left her home in Leeds blue eyes.
last week and nobody has seen Please telephone:
her since. She was wearing a blue 0202-17414 with any
raincoat, green trousers and black information.
79 Everyday Conversation

K Can I help you? roses

L Yes, I want to send some tulips
flowers to my mother in daffodils
K What kind of flowers would a dozen (12)
half a dozen (6)
you like? two dozen (24)
L Well, what do you recommend? ten (10)
K Well, roses are very nice at this
time of the year.
L O.K. ... a dozen roses, please.

M Mrs Connor? chocolates

N Yes, Paul? sweets
M This is a present for you. perfume
N A present? What a lovely
surprise! Shall I open it now?
M Yes, of course.
N Ooh! Chocolates! I love
chocolates. . . Thank you, very
much indeed!
M Thank you. You've been very

o I'd like to say goodbye to tomorrow morning

everybody. tomorrow
P When are you leaving? afternoon
tomorrow evening
o Tomorrow morning. tomorrow night
P Let's meet for a coffee tonight.
o I'm afraid I can't.
P Oh ... come on!
o No, really ... I've gotso much
to do.

Q It's been a lovely party. Thank Caracas!

you very much. Tokyo!
R But you can't go yet! The party's Istanbul!
just beginning!
Q I'm sorry, but I must!
R Why?
Q Because I have to catch the last
R Don't be silly! I'll give you a lift.
and Where are you going?
Q Caracas!
R Oh!!
80 A fourth letter

3 ""~ p ; u
I\{o ~1Itt4. ytNe. ,
-PQ.V.1 .

j) ~W"" Jo",""'- ,
A:u.\} ~ t ~ ~ ..c\ I ',,'1
I ' '/Q.. ~i.u~ (j 0"\0\. vC2..~ ~~ . I )"CL..

b ~e.M It> M~ ilM.! ~ .1. kAAI ~' t

~~ lJ Cf'" Y ().. MO "'" t k . I J ole. It.e:t"'" ltrt
eJ f~~ ~ 1..:1 J:.. . . I'V4i. LUcsvk~
I kD.ofu./ I:" b 00 ~ . kl ~a
~ bDl :~ Q. CS'J- ~~l..;:)a-< , ~d I

t~"'C.CA l~ . . L.o~ ,

a '.s Q
I Hu.... ~ ~
~ C-a .
b~t C-4
~u.... c-
rtl rCUA. V'Q.....ts
\.t . tt
So r kD.JI
~'jw~ I

o~ .. .
r I' e

I' I m

. I ha 'n' t
Ii I

and I'm . Lon on m re T yo,

cheaper Ri ,
ilion, smaller Paris,
bu t it's more interesting. I thi nk it' . th best city I've ever n to. There 's
less exciting. u;orst sec p,. arc
lJemdiftil. Vhl;tcd.

I I ish n ". I'

in tomorrow t oromise

This vocabulary contains all the boot 31 casino 33 computer 29 diet 15

words in the student's book, and the boring 60 casserole 11 computer-dating different 73
number of the unit where they first borrow 23 cassette 23 29 difficult 22
occur. boss 9 cassette-player concert 23 dinghy 49
both 28 13 conductor 51 dinner 32
attack(v) 52 bottle 6 cassette-recorder Conservative 77 dinner-party 67
A attacker 56 bottom 78 19 contact 58 diploma 34
a1 August 41 box 22 castle 60 continuous 59 direct 59
about 15 autumn 67 boy 25 cat 29 cook 4 direct (v) 53
Academy average 68 bra (brassiere) 53 catch(v) 32 cook (v) 14 director 12
Award 53 away 31 brake(v) 55 caviare 33 cooker 6 Directory
accident 38 brandy 19 centigrade 68 corner 55 Enquiries 59
accommodation Brazilian 20 central 41 cornflakes 33 disco 20
64 B bread 7 certainly 7 cotton 24 discover (v) 58
across 25 back 48 break(v) 52 chain 24 cough 51 dish 22
action 12 backache 39 breakfast 32 chair 3 could (request) 7 dislike 29
actor 12 bad 38 bride 28 champagne 27 could (ability) 57 divorce 78
actress 12 badly 38 bridesmaid 28 champion 37 country 64 divorce (v) 53
address 19 baker 45 briefcase 9 (a) change 54 country- house do (v) 12
address-book 63 balcony 6 bring 19 change 31 75 doctor! Dr 8
afraid 47 ballet 36 bring (back) 48 change (v) 31 cousin 67 does 30
after 26 banana 10 broke 16 cheap 5 cowboy 22 dog 29
afternoon 29 bank 7 brother 9 check into 58 crash (v) 49 doing 21
again 45 bath 5 brown 8 cheer (v) 77 cream 19 dollar 53
against 48 bath-room 6 brush(v) 63 cheese 10 cricket 14 done 61
age 29 be(v) 12 build(v) 53 chemist 45 criminal 75 door 3
ago 51 beach 42 bullet 47 cheque 73 crowd 64 double 7
agent 6 beard 29 burn(v) 52 chess 29 cry (v) 28 down 2
air 64 beat(v) 71 bus 3 chicken 10 cup 3 dozen 79
air-force 52 beautiful 5 (on) business 62 Chinese 15 cupboard 6 draw 21
air-hostess 4 because 25 businessman 2 children 8 customer 11 dress 5
airport 4 become 53 bus station 19 (a) chocolate 15 Customs 17 dress (v) 32
album 57 bed 3 bus-stop 7 chocolate 18 Customs officer (a) (drink) 15
all 28 bedroom 6 busy 20 Christmas 19 17 drink (v) 11
all right 7 beef 11 but 14 church 20 drive (v) 14
along 25 beer 10 butcher 45 cigar 9 driver 33
always 35 before 26 butter 7 cigarette 17 D drop (v) 56
am 1 begin 52 button 18 cigar-lighter 13 daffodil 79 dry 70
ambulance 56 behind 25 buy(v) 25 cinema 20 daily 78 dust 69
American 1 belt 24 by 29, 60 class 20 dance 39
an 3 bend 25 bye 19 classical 18 dance (v) 14
and 1 Ben Nevis 52 clean (v) 22 dancing 29 E
angry 5 beside 5 cleaner 4 dangerous 58 early 60
announce 77 best 40 C clearly 61 Danish 43 earn 69
another 23 best man 28 cafe 7 clock 3 dark 24 ear-ring 24
any 6 best wishes 20 cafeteria 60 close (v) 12 darling 26 Easter 35
anybody 74 better 68 cake 7 club 21 date 29 eat 21
anything 16 between 25 call 4 coach 48 daughter 11 economical 31
anyway 23 bicycle 9 call(v) 5 coal 69 day 23 egg 3
anywhere 74 big 5 calmly 47 coast 40 Dear ... 20 eighth 26
apple 3 bill 19 camera 5 coat 18 deaf 63 either 24
apple-pie 11 billionaire 53 can 14 cocktail-cabinet dear 22 elbow 63
April 41 biography 53 Canada 1 13 December 41 election 53
Arabic 14 Biology 70 canteen 33 code 59 declare 17 electric 13
are 1 birthday 44 Captain 8 coffee 11 deep 68 elephant 48
area 52 biscuit 11 car 3 coin 31 degree 68 eleventh 26
arm 56 black 8 cardigan 15 cold 5 dentist 34 emergency 59
army 69 blonde 78 career 75 (a) cold 39 design 53 empty 5
arrive 32 blouse 8 careful 63 college 67 dessert 11 end 47
as 31 blue 8 carefully 38 colour 8 dial 59 engaged 30
ash-tray 3 boat 15 carelessly 38 come 8 diamond 24 engine 13
ask 22 boiled 11 carrot 11 comfortable 13 diary 63 England 1
asleep 47 bomb(v) 52 carry 22 company 36 dictate 32 English 2
astronaut 8 bone 55 case 4 competitor 34 dictionary 23 enjoy 47
at 12 boo(v) 77 case (legal) 78 complete (v) 29 did 44 enormous 33
athletic 14 book 23 cashier 25 composition 80 die (v) 53 enough 64

escape (v) 75 foreigner 63 guitarist 50 (a) hurry 19 kilo 5 lorry driver 33
Europe 65 for ever 28 gun 47 hurry (v) 47 kilometre 68 lose (v) 51
evening 18 for example 7 husband 9 kind 79 lot 10
ever 36 forget 19 kiss (v) 12 love 30
every 33 fork 3 H kitchen 6 lovely 18
everybody 12 form 29 hair 78 I knife 3 L.P. 18
everything 16 fourth 26 haircut 44 I 1 know 30 Ltd. 36
everywhere 74 France 1 hairdresser 14 ice 7 KO. 71 luck 58
example 29 free 23 half 7 ice-cream 3 lucky 27
excitement 64 freezer 3 half-past 26 identity card 17 luggage 19
exciting 20 French 4 hamburger 10 I'd like 11 L lunch 32
excellent 14 Frenchman 60 hand 12 I'd love to 15 Labour 77 luxury 75
excursion 15 fresh 64 handbag 3 if 23 ladder 61
Excuse me! 2 Friday 23 handsome 14 ill 73 lady 34
expedition 78 fridge 6 hang on 59 immediately 55 lamb 11 M
expensive 5 fried 11 happen 56 important 34 landlady 39 Madam 19
eye 12 friend 22 happy 13 in 6 language 14 magazine 6
friendly 20 hard 38 indeed 79 language school main course 11
from 12 hat 9 inflation 58 37 make 13
F (in) front (of) 25 hate (v) 80 information 15 large 6 man 13
face 71 fruit 11 have (got) 14 inherit 53 last 34 manager 4
factory 16 fruit salad 11 he 1 insist 51 late 25 manufacture (v)
fail (v) 78 full 5 head 56 intelligent 71 later 41 53
fall (in love) (v) 75 funny 63 hear (v) 59 interesting 20 laugh (v) 47 March 41
family 8 heavy 5 international 19 laugh (n) 12 Market Research
famous 13 Hello 1 In ternational learn 40 36
far 7 G help (v) 22 Service 59 least 70 married 20
farmer 29 gamble (v) 53 her (poss) 4 interview 32 leather 24 marry 30
fashion 24 General Election her (obj) 12 interview (v) 32 leave (v) 27 match 49
fashion-show 24 77 hers 18 into 12 leave (money) May 41
fast 13 Geography 68 Hi! 16 investigation 80 (v) 53 me 2
fat 5 gentleman 34 high 68 Iranian 2 lecture 44 meal 54
father 9 get 19 The Highlands iron 14 left 28 mean (v) 64
favourite 26 getaway car 78 52 is 1 leg 52 measure (v) 43
February 41 get into 28 hill 73 island 75 lemon 3 meat 10
feel (sorry for) get married 75 him 12 it (pronoun) 3 lend 62 mechanic 4
(v) 69 get up (v) 32 his (poss) 4 it (obj) 12 let me see 43 medium 11
few 28 girl 56 his (pronoun) 18 Italian 2 letter 39 meet (v) 15
J fifth 26
fight (v) 71
girlfriend 25
give (v) 30
history 68
hit (v) 56
itinerary 65 less 68
lie 25
mend (v) 72
menu 11
film 12 glass 3 hitch-hike (v) 48 life 16 message 59
film director 12 glasses 9
find (v) 51 go (v) 12
hold (v) 28
holiday 2
Jjacket 8 lift (v) 19
lift (n) 59
metre 68
Metro 40
film star 12 goal 52 holiday-maker January 41 light (adj) 5 Mexican 2
fine 1 going to do 27 63 Japan 1 light (n) 12 microphone 12
fine (weather) 78 gold 24 home 26 Japanese 2 light (colour) 24 midnight 77
finish (v) 40 golf 29 homework 22 jar 10 lighter 23 milk 7
fire (v) 47 good 6 honeymoon 28 jazz 29 like (v) 29 millimetre 68
fire 59 Good afternoon horror 36 jeans 8 likes (n) 29 million 53
first 7 29
First World War Good evening 4
hospital 56
hot 5
jewel 78
jeweller 78
like (What's it
like?) 42
line 25
millionaire 9
mine (pro) 18
miner 69
69 Good morning hotel 4 job 4
fish 49 17 hotel room 20 join (v) 69 listen 47 minus 68
fishing 29 Goodnight 18 hour 39 jockey 37 litre 17 miserable 80
fit 71 (a) good time 27 house 3 joke (v) 27 little 27 Miss 8
flag 61 got (have got) 16 housewife 8 journey 44 living room 6 miss (v) 47
flared 24 granddad 69 How 31 July 41 lock 56 mission 58
flower 28 grandfather 69 How are you? 8 junction 73 London 2 Mission Control
flat 6 grandparent 42 How about 15 June 29 lonely 22 61
fly (v) 28 grandson 8 How do you do? juice 11 long 5 modern 31
food 20 great! 16 8 just 64 long (time) 73 moment 37
foot 39 green 8 How many? 10 look (v) 12 Monday 23
football 14 grey 8 How much? 7 look at 12 money 16
football match 4 (bride)groom 28 How old? 29 K look for 23 month 41
for 31 group 50 hundred 17 key 3 look into 12 moon 44
foreign 48 guess (v) 34 hungry 5 kill (v) 47 lorry 3 more 18,68
morning 17 of 11 picture 20 quiet 20 slow 13
morning suit 28 off 12 piece 15 quite 36 S slowly 38
most 70 office 19 pilot 4 sad 5 small 5
mother 9 officer 69 pineapple 49 R sail 57 smell (v) 74
mother-in-law often 35 pink 8 racehorse 37 salary 34 smile (v) 12
motorcycle 68
Oh! 17
oil 7
pint 7
pip 59
radio 3
rain 68
saloon 47
salt 7
smile (n) 28
smoke (v) 21
moustache 25 oil-drilling place 27 rainy 20 same 73 smoke (n) 25
move (v) 12 company 53 place (v) 61 rapid 59 sandwich 15 snow (v) 52
M.P. 75 old 5 plaice 11 rarely 35 Saturday 23 so 31
m.p.h. 53 omelette 11 plain 18 read (v) 21 save (money) 58 soap 79
Mr 4 O.K. 12 plan 6 really 14 scene 25 sober 76
Mrs 4 on 2 plane 5 rebel 50 school 19 sock 8
mushroom 10 once 36 plate 3 receiver 59 schoolboy 33 soda 7
music 29 one 18 play (v) 14 reception schoolgirl 78 sofa 6
my 4 onion 10 playboy 33 (wedding) 28 Science 68 some 9
only 49 please 2 reception scientist 34 somebody 56
opera 29 pleased 77 (hotel) 4 score (v) 52 someone 22
N open (v) 12 plug (n) 72 receptionist 4 screen 25 something 22
name 4 operator 59 plus 68 recommend 79 screwdriver 72 sometimes 35
nationality 2 opposite 55 police 52 record 6 sea 28 somewhere 74
near 7 or 35 policeman 4 recreation 29 seat 23 son 9
nearly 45 orange (colour) 8 politician 75 red 8 second 7 soon 30
necklace 24 orange (fruit) 3 politics 29 refuse (v) 78 secretary 4 sore 39
need (v) 30 orchestra 42 pollution 64 regards 40 see 20 sore throat 39
neither 77 ordinary 32 poor 5 remember 80 sell 53 sorry 19
never 35 other 60 porter 4 rent 27 send 19 sound (v) 74
new 5 our 4 Portuguese 11 reply 32 sensational 78 soup 11
news 26 ours 18 post (v) 29 reporter 32 sense 75 south 69
newspaper 23 out 12 postcard 19 repair (v) 31 September 41 souvenir 66
New York 2 out of 25 post office 7 rescue (v) 49 service 11 Soviet Union 52
next 27 outside 25 possible 31 reserve (v) 46 seventh 26 space 44
nice 6 over 56 postpone 78 reserved 20 sew (v) 14 Spanish 2
night 18 over there 4 potato 11 rest (v) 21 shampoo 79 speak (v) 14
nightclub 21 pound 31 restaurant 11 shave (n) 44 special 54 .L
nightdress 43 practise 22 result 23 she 1 speech 28
nil 52 p prefer (v) 43 retire 24 shelf 3 spell (v) 20
ninth 26 paint (v) 63 present (n) 28 return 44 sheriff 47 spend 28
No 1 pair 15 President 52 reunion 8 shine (v) 48 spoon 3
no (not any) 74 palace 52 press (v) 59 rice 10 ship 49 sport 14
nobody 74 pan 6 prison 27 rich 5 shirt 8 spring 67
noise 64 pardon 2 private 42 ride (v) 37 shoe 8 spy 58
none 77 Paris 2 problem 44 right (opp. left) shoot (v) 52 square 18
normal 44 park (n) 60 produce 53 28 short 5 square km. 68
normally 54 party 23 professor 34 right (opp. shorts 8 stadium 52
nose 74 pass (v) 7 programme 26 wrong) 43 shoulder 63 stand (v) 21
not 1 passenger 53 promise (n) 72 ring 24 shout (v) 25 star 13
note 31 passport 17 promise (v) 80 river 60 show (v) 19 start (v) 12
nothing 33 past 26 protest (v) 52 road 55 show (n) 24 starter 11
notice 78 patient 52 pub 45 roast 11 shower 20 stay (v) 22
November 41 pea 10 public 53 rob 27 sick 73 steak 11
now 12 pen 3 pull 47 robbery 78 sign (v) 46 steal 78
nowadays 35 pencil 63 pullover 15 roll (bread) 45 signature 29 steps 25
nowhere 74 pension 69 purring 59 roll (of films) silly 79 stereo 13
number 4 people 25 purse 51 66 silver 24 still 64
nylon 23 pepper 7 put 12 room 4 sing 14 stocking 56
per cent 11 rose 79 single 20 stolen 78

obey (v) 69
perfect (v) 63
perfume 17
personal 29
quarter past 26
rose 11
rosette 77
round (prep) 18
sink 6
sister 9
sit 2
stomach-ache 39
stone 78
stop (v) 51
occasion 53 phone 7 quarter to 26 royal 37 size 15 story 47
occasionally 35 phone (v) 22 Queen 37 rubber 49 sixth 26 stranger 63
occupation 29 photo-copy 46 question 22 rugby 14 ski (v) 14 street 40
ocean 49 photograph 29 questionnaire 5 run (v) 12 skirt 8 striped 18
o'clock 26 piano 57 queue (v) 25 rush (v) 47 sleep (v) 21 strong 5
October 41 picnic 23 quickly 55 Russian 2 sleepy 80 STD 59

\t 7
student 1 thick 5 until 32 matter 39
studio 12 thief 78 up 25 what time 15
, study (v) 47 thin 5 us 12 wheel 13
successful 75 thing 20 use (v) 58 when 15
sugar 2 think 31 usually 35 where 1
suit 24 third 7 which 12
summer 67 thirsty 5 which one 18
sun 48 this 3 V whisky 7
Sunday 23 those 3 vanilla 18 white 8
sunglasses 24 throat 39 V.A.T. 11 who 8
sunny 20 throw 78 vegetable 11 whose 9
supermarket 7 Thursday 23 Venezuelan 39 why 25
supper 44 ticket 17 very 1 wide 68
supporter 77 time 15,36 vicar 35 wife 8
sure 43 tired 5 villa 28 will 72
surname 20 title 23 village 60 win 51
surprise 8 to 12 vinegar 7 window 3
survivor' 49 tobacco 17 visa 17 wine 10
sweet (n) 79 today 21 visit (v) 36 Winter 67
swim (v) 14 together 66 vodka 17 wishes 20
swim (n) 44 toilet 6 vote (n) 77 with 7
swimming pool tomato 10 vote (v) 77 woman 25
13 tomorrow 15 wonderful 14
sympathetic 69 tonight 22 won't 72
too (also) 24 W woollen 24
too 43 wait (v) 25 word 22
T top 78 waiter 4 work (v) 21
table 3 top hat 28 wake up 32 worker 16
take 12 touch (v) 63 walk (v) 12 work for 27
talk (v) 40 tour 48 Wales 52 world record 53
tall 5 tourist 2 wallet 51 worried 51
taste (v) 74 towards 47 want 30 worry about 58
taxi 3 towel 3 warm 20 worst 70
tea 2 town 45 warplane 53 worth 78
tea (meal) 27 town hall 50 war 69 would 7, 15
teach 37 traditional 28 was 41 write 48
teacher 1 traffic-lights 35 wash 22 wrong 43
team 38 train 3 wash up (v) 27
teenager 29 transport cafe 33 washing up (n)
telegram 79 travel (n) 30 72 XYZ
telephone (n) 6 travel (v) 34 water 10 yacht 75
telephone (v) 46 trip 60 watch (n) 3 year 38
television 6 trousers 8 watch (v) 22 yellow 8
tell 31 trouser suit 24 we 2 yes 1
temperature 39 tryon 15 weak 5 yesterday 41
tenth 26 T-shirt 8 wear 24 you 1
terrible 16 tube 39 weather 20 young 5
terribly 72 Tuesday 23 wedding 28 your 4
terylene 24 tulip 79 Wednesday 23 yours 18
test (n) 80 Turkish 43 week 23
thank goodness! turn off 12 weekend 31
51 turn on 12 well t
thanks 1 twice 36 well (adv) 38
thank you 2 type (v) 14 welcome (v) 32
thank you very well done 11
much 4 Wembley
that 3 U Stadium 52
n the 3 ugly 5 were 41
theatre 20 umbrella 3 wet 68
their 4 uncomfortable what 3
t theirs 18 44 what about 22
them 12 under 6 what a pity 23
I then 32
there 4
these 3
understand 22
unhappy 22
uniform 34
what colour 8
what kind 15
what make 13
they 1 United States 52 what's the
Irregular verbs
Infinitive Past Past Infinitive Past Past
form tense participle form tense participle
be was/were been lend lent lent
beat beat beaten let let let
become became become light lit lit
begin began begun lose lost lost
bite bit bitten make made made
break broke broken mean meant meant
bring brought brought meet met met
build built built pay paid paid
burn burnt burnt put put put
buy bought bought read read read
catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen ring rang rung
come came come run ran run
cost cost cost say said said
cut cut cut see saw seen
do did done sell sold sold
drink drank drunk send sent sent
drive drove driven shine shone shone
eat ate eaten shoot shot shot
fall fell fallen show showed shown
feel felt felt shut shut shut
fight fought fought sing sang sung
find found found sit sat sat
fly flew flown sleep slept slept
forbid forbade forbidden smell smelt smelt
forget forgot forgotten speak spoke spoken
freeze froze frozen spend spent spent
get got got stand stood stood
give gave given steal stole stolen
go went gone swim swam swum
grow grew grown take took taken
have had had teach taught taught
hear heard heard tear tore torn
hide hid hidden tell told told
hit hit hit think thought thought
hurt hurt hurt throw threw thrown
keep kept kept wake woke woken
know knew known wear wore worn
learn learnt learnt win won won
leave left left write wrote written


good books for STREAMLINE students

Level 1 Departures Units 1-40

I III I oc I, I I) 1\00 \ 1 CIOI{(,I SI IS" I \I\S

A man wakes up in a beautiful room in a strange George is the manager of the Happy Holiday Hotel.
house. The door is locked. Who is he and why is He isn't very clever but he is happy and excited
he there? And who is the person in black clothes? because a famous TV star is going to stay in his
Slowly the man remembers ... hotel. But poor George makes a terrible mistake ...

1111 :'\1 \\ 1\0 \1) .\ SO:,\(, lOR HI \.

Beth Armstrong is a photography student and her An American pop-singer, Katie Brown, visits
favourite place is Raintree Wood. But people are Britain. She meets nine-year-old Ben and they
going to build a new road through the middle of become friends. One day she is teaching Ben her
the wood. Beth and her friends want to stop the new song. Some strange men arrive and push Ben
new road, but her brother doesn't agree-he wants into their car. Katie follows them and her new song
a job. What will Beth chose? saves Ben's life.

Level 2 Departures Units 41-80

I 1I1I \ lSI I S I 1\ \ \ \ IH 1\In vx I) I III SI :'\ S \ I Ir , S

Police Constable Harry Evans is driving along a Strawberry and the Sensations are a rock group on
J country road when he suddenly sees some bright tour. Just before their last concert, a police officer

I lights in the sky. There is something very large

and strange in the road ahead of him. Is it a UFO?
The experience changes Harry's life ...
arrives with a strange message for them. Is there
a crazy killer somewhere in the audience? 3,000
fans are waiting to see Strawberry-will she stop
the show?

1111 I"" I S 01 \10:'\ II /L \1 \
Peter's best friend is his grandmother. When she
dies he can have one thing from her house. Peter Shelley Marn is a student from California. She is
chooses the picture of an old lady. When Peter's on holiday in Europe. Clare and Nick Harman
life is very unhappy, the picture brings him good invite Shelley to lunch ... but Shelley never arrives.

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