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Questionnaire about The Hindu Newspaper

Name Age: _years Gender: ()

Occupation/Profession: Place: _ _ Marital status: ___
1) Do you read newspapers: Yes No
If yes, then how often:
Daily More than once in a week
Once in a week fortnightly

2) Which newspaper do u read (please mention the name):

General:____The Hindu_ and/or Financial:____ET________

3) Through which mode do u read news?

Newspapers Online Both

4) If newspapers, Why?
Easy to read Easy to carry
Dont own Internet/PC Used to reading printed form

5) If online, Why?
Saves time Easy access
Various options of newspapers- Free of cost

6) Which language newspaper do you prefer

Regional Language
English Hindi

7) Do you think that 24*7 news channels have affected the newspaper industry?
Yes No

8) Rank the following (on the scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is most important and 10 is least) according
to your preference to read a particular newspaper:
Price-5 Availability-4
Content/Matter covered- 1 Glamour-9
Offers- 8 Supplements-10
Language-2 Standard of language-3
Entertainment-6 Layout and Format-7

9) For which of the following decisions you trust the information provided by the newspapers
Making investment
Electing government
Buying products
Rating institutions
Health related
Movie ratings
Others (please mention, if any)_____________________

10) Do you read advertisements from the newspapers Yes


11) Have you given advertisement in any news paper? Yes

If yes, in which______________________________

What factors do u look into before deciding in which newspaper you want to place your
Price w.r.t place, popularity, offers if any, language, availability

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