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Business Proposal

A Business Proposal is presented to place an official business deal for a specific

solution. Business Proposals play very important part during sales process of any
product or services. In any business proposal it includes requirements of clients and
services of partner against these requirements. After successful deal business
proposal will be made in which both partner and client agree on certain points.
Highly professional and all the multinational companies always depend on such kind
of proposals. They dont precede their deal without it. There are many types of
proposals but most commonly these are as follows:-

Formal Proposals
Informal Proposals
Formal Proposals

In these kinds of proposals each and every requirement is written in it. Both parties
are agreed upon this proposal and legally they are bounded to obey it. If any body
part of this proposal wants to withdraw this proposal he should take consensus and
opinions of members of proposal. Basically its a back bone of any successful deal.

The requests for such proposals are placed by the customer following their specific
requirements. Such proposals are issued to qualify the vendors which can provide
the products with some specific requirements or solutions. These proposals are most
commonly practiced by the IT related organizations which require the solutions and
some new implementation needs.

Informal Proposals:

Informal solicited proposals take place among the selected vendor and some
prospective customer. The interested customer in some specific product or solution
asks for the proposal of that product form the vendor under the discussed
prescriptions. In such a case the customer does not ask generally for the proposals of
other vendors but only the particular vendor.

The management of the business proposal is a technical job as it is the key for the
success of the business deals. At the same time this management of the business
proposal poses a huge burden on the sales team because it demands a lot of the
research work prior to put forward any statement for the respective customer. All the
profits and losses of the business from the respective customer depend upon the
presentation of a solid business proposal.

The important contents of the business proposal are;

Description of the business

Market view for the respective business
Competition and feasibility of the business projections
Management of the business
Personnel interests involved from both sides
Similarly the financial data is also summarized in the following projections;

Sources available for funding

Equipment lists for the business plans
Break down analysis and balance sheet for the whole business plans for the
costs and effects
The supporting documents which are attached with the business proposal are the
personal resumes, job description statements, the financial statements, and
reference letters from at least two potential customers for future reference, all the
other legal documents and bank statements for the financial proof.

For assembling a successful business proposal the first and utmost need is to identify
the exact needs of the business and then after this identification build up the
solution for meeting those specific needs keeping yourself within the minimum
Grant Proposal

In the business world, grant proposals are common things about people all the time
are talking. Governments of different countries including U.S government, a number
of specific projects with millions of dollars are offered to individuals, firms and
organizations. The funding for different projects offered by government is termed as
grant and the offer is called a proposal. Organizations, non-profit organizations,
education related facilities and charitable organizations are eligible to get grants. If
any organization wants to get the grants they have to go through a formal request
procedure known as writing a grant proposal letter and the request itself is grant
proposal. For the submission of grant proposal there are a number of ways such as
organization application forms or full grant proposals.

Requirements for creating a grant proposal

The request for proposal document is designed to get services and offers from
different vendors. There is no hard and fast rule of preparing REP as it varies
according to situations. In a REP you should include the main purpose of the
proposal, general information about the organization that usually includes the size,
numbers of branches, plans of expansions if any and number of employees etc. The
length of REP can vary from one page to several pages and both have its own
benefits. When requesting for proposals are issued by organizations, other
companies then check the details of REP and if they find out it beneficial for their
company and stakeholders they then try to prepare an effective grant proposal.

How to prepare an effective grant proposal

A grant proposal includes a set of important components.

Grant proposals need to have a concise cover letter that can summarize all
the important information and purpose. Cover letter includes personal
information of the applicant (here applicant is a company or an organization),
the procedure of using money and convincing information that you are a good
fit for getting this grant.
After covering letter, applicants need to include an impressing body of the
proposal. the body of the proposal is usually in detail that provides an
assessment of the companys needs by the applicant, major goals that the
company wants to achieve from fundings, a detailed and clear outline of the
entire proposed program, information regarding the utilization of money,
measurement methods or means for achieving goals and an estimated
timeline for completing the proposal.
The body of grant proposal also needs to include certain information for the
knowledge of the requestor such as the number and quality of the key staff,
summaries of their past performance in any project, financial status of the
company and an overview of required budget.
Writing successful grant proposals are not big deals however, applicants should
understand the criteria of a request for proposal issued by the agency and should
write grant proposal in accordance. Never provide unnecessary information as they
will conceal the main points as well as avoid providing fake information because
sometimes RFP agencies send their inquiry teams to companies before the approval
of the grant
Bid Proposal

A bid proposal is a document that is based on an explanation of the product(s) or

services with an estimation of cost on which it is offered to a company. Along with
cost estimation, the bid proposal also contains information about that particular
product(s) or services. Bid proposals are offered by companies to other entities in
order to sign them as a customer. Bid proposals can be solicited or unsolicited. In a
solicited bid proposal is a response to a request for proposal and just consider a as
an official document and is known as a bid later in the process of contracting while in
an unsolicited bid there is no contractual agreement between the two parties that is
the author of the bid proposal and the bid recipient.

Professional bidding is usually used to submit via a bid form that can be printed and
handwritten however; as a need of the modern world, these days printed bid forms
have a positive impact. Usually, bid forms have two copies one for submission and
one for keeping in your own file. A bid proposal includes information about job
completion, required material, total cost and an estimated time frame for its
completion. Additional to this information, professional bid proposals include
qualification list, subcontractors if any and an overview that show a procedure of
accomplishments. Bid proposals that involve physical work also include a safety plan
based on detailed information about steps that will help in minimizing work injuries
and other physical damage and loss.

Writing a successful bidding proposal

In the first half of the bid proposal, write a brief introduction about the
importance and the reasons for the proposal. The introduction will also clear
the overview and scope of the project for which the bid proposal is created.
Describe your qualification and abilities according to the project requirements.
Write all your expertise and extra skills to impress the issuer. The section
should be a page long.
Construction Proposal

Another name of construction proposal is a bid response. When a builder intends to

bid on a contract for a construction project, then this document is created. A
construction proposal may include five different items; detailed specifications,
blueprints, tender documents, and pricing. Regardless of the industry or the size of
the project, these items are required to prepare a proposal.

The real purpose of a proposal is to design a specific information to allow the

recipient to make a decision between multiple projects design and builders. The set
of items or documents attached to the proposal, mentioned above, will also be
submitted with the permission as well as the planning board for the region or the city
that gives you permission to go ahead with the project. A construction proposal
cannot be a legal proposal if there are no original tender documents attached to it.
One must keep in mind that it is a legal even though it looks like a waste of papers.
What is more, the proposal is taken as a response to a purchasing request. Tender
documents are of utmost importance. Once you include these documents in your
proposal they remove any possible confusion for a particular project. For instance,
the tender document can over-ride the information that is wrongly included in the

Another important part of a proposal is blueprints. The blueprints are schematics or

the architectural drawing of the space. Once your proposal has approved, then these
official sketches or drawings are used to create a building. If the information given in
the proposal contradicts with the information with that given in the drawing, then it
will not be accepted. Therefore, it goes with a lot of importance for a client to review
such information in the drawings other than other items in the proposal. A high-level
projection of how the finished project should appear as an illustration.

Additionally, there is also a detailed specification in the thickest section of the

construction proposal. The contractor is bound to provide the exact description of the
items, in this document, that he or she is supposed to sue. Such as the contractor
should identify the size of the pipes, type and the rating of the wadding, and a sign
of accurately where it is installed.

Lets talk about the pricing section in the construction proposal. Subcontracts are
supposed to be an essential part in the construction market. Therefore, in
construction projects, the large firms are bound to include subcontractors list as well
as offer their workers security and business license numbers as part of the proposal.

Overall, as a large firm or a construction firm, one must keep in mind that the
proposal is full of necessary items including detailed documents. One should also
value this that it has its legality from the permission or city board. In others, you
must know follow the terms and conditions, given in the construction proposal. If you
do this on priority basis, then this will create problems for you in the future.
Website Proposal

In this modern era where technology is becoming obsolete on daily basis, the need
for emerging out of this complication is also getting tougher. Businesses have been
moving out of traditional brick and mortar settings into virtual business places. This
transition has taken time and effort. Many opponents and proponents of this
transition are existent and continuously growing in number. But the reality is bitter
as this new kind of transition has been delicately fabricated throughout the world.
Websites have become virtual main entrances of the businesses. So almost every
kind of business is maintaining a website for selling their products. Although ordering
via laptop or any computerized device is easy, still many complications are there.
The satisfaction that one can get by actually seeing and touching the thing is way
more than ordering online. Conversely some people are not concerned about that
and really appreciate the ease associated with making the order online.

As the number of online users is growing so is the need to keep up the pace of
improvement in designs and templates of the websites. Website developers are
roaming around and asking for projects from the business owners who wish to
maintain a website. To get the website development project, one has to go through
the step by step process of website proposal. Initially this seems to be a difficult task
but with the passage of time it becomes easy. Writing of website proposal demands a
great deal of planning before hand. Writer needs to know about the problem that
that potential client is facing and this can be challenging as no public information will
be available. No business is inclined towards publicizing its problems. They keep it
secret and dont give rivals any information about that. So digging in the problems
that the potential client might be facing can be difficult. Now the first step involves
the problem statement. This is the statement on which whole argument will be
based. Lets suppose that the website of an organization is working perfectly fine and
bringing huge amount of sales then there is no argument for a new website with new
design and layout.

Once the problem has been identified in the proposal, next step involves proposing
the solution. Relating their needs with your skills is done in this section. By
emphasizing the need of a new website, writer can cash on the targeted clients
requirement. But this requires the use of professional writing method. The next part
which is about pricing scheme cannot be ideal if this is written poorly. A good price
can only be demanded if good solution is proposed to the problems of the client. But
high price can scare the client if he isnt impressed by the benefits that shall be
reaped with new website solution. So at the end everything should be concluded in
an appealing way. Coherence in the document needs to be maintained throughout,
without which document loses its attractiveness. All the necessary ingredients must
be there to make this piece of document lucrative for the client.
Design Work Proposal

Whenever a potential client approaches you to have his work done, he is looking for
some professional work-driven environment. But how you can ensure him of all the
required features? Answer lies in writing a winning proposal because proposal acts as
the key piece of communication between both parties. Although the client cannot
actually see your potential through your proposal but a good idea can be made
through this. So the idea of getting the project comes down to your ability of writing
an impressive yet holistic proposal. Many tips and tricks can be found on internet for
writing a good proposal but then again it comes down to ones ability to emulate
things according to ones requirements. A logical and coherent proposal would not
only win the project for first time but will also create a good impression for long-run

Design work can relate to various fields like website designing, furniture designing,
interior designing etc. So if client approaches with the task of designing at hand then
you have to see whether it really relates to your skills and capabilities. A website
designer obviously cannot design interior of any building or house. Also the
requirements for design work vary from client to client. So while formulating the
design work proposal, like any other kind of proposal, one should carefully look at the
requirements of the client. What is the time frame required by the client and the
minimum cost within which he would like to have his design work completed. Every
query should be cleared in advance to come up with a suitable design work proposal.
Like any other kind of proposal design work proposal is also divided into several
sections. In first section one should give the executive summary of the proposal. As it
is the summary, it should be concise and convey the significant information in an
effective tone. It should not be more than 2-3 paragraphs. In this section, one should
highlight the salient features of clients business as well as his own. The industry in
which client is operating and the trends that are currently prevailing in that industry.
Also proper use of summary is necessary because this is going to be the first part on
which reader will shed light. Relating the clients objectives with your own skills and
capabilities is significantly done in this part.

After carefully stating the executive summary, current situation that is prevalent
should be discussed in a manner that client feels the proposed solution as
mandatory for his business. This can only be done through actively responding the
concerns that clients business might be facing. For example if the design work is
related to the website designing then, the writer should emphasize on the new
design of website by presenting strong arguments. And if web sites navigation isnt
right then it can be referred to in the proposal. Writer can offer additional features in
the new website design to attract the client. After elaborating on that, the budget
required to achieve the mentioned goals needs attention. After stating all the
relevant facts and figures, one should conclude the proposal by thanking the
potential client for an opportunity to provide the proposal and making him believe in
you by presenting what makes you unique from your rivals.
Power Plan Proposal

In this era where almost every activity is mechanized, the need for abundant power
is inevitable. Resources are being consumed at enormous rates and they are being
depleted gradually. Non-renewable resources are at the verge of extinction and
renewable resources arent being consumed the way they should be. Their potential
of generating energy is enormous but we need to exploit this by developing
advanced technologies so that a sustainable environment is created. In developed
countries, the consumption of power is way more than in developing countries. They
have number of power houses to generate power required for various activities. But
developing countries dont have enough resources to meet the growing power
demands of public. So they rely on companies from developed world to generate
power for them. But how governments decide which power station has the most
potential to meet the demands of power starved country? They take proposals from
companies for this project.

Power plan proposal is all about the plan of action that will be adopted to generate
power. Power generating companies submit power plan proposals to the government
agencies for acceptance. Now power plan proposal can either be written by a
company for its home country or if it wants to expand its business beyond
boundaries then to the government of the host country. Companies have many
opportunities in developing world where people are suffering from energy shortage.
But as it is said that there is always a room on top so eve developed countries are
seeking to lower their greenhouse gas emissions and for this they are hiring
companies for innovative ideas. In a power plan proposal the company aims at
establishing rapport with the government agents and this helps in getting the
project. If the government is seeking for a company that can generate energy with
renewable resources then company applying for it must have such plan of action. In
the first part which will be executive summary, they will talk about their business
and its speciality. How it can make difference by introduction of latest technology.

Executive summary has to be brief yet descriptive of everything. Nothing should be

missed in this section as this will be the first part which will be focused by the reader.
All the potential benefits of this plan should be discussed in this section. No
important point should be missed here as it will give a negative impression to the
reader. Moreover interlinking of the projects requirements with the skill sets of the
company should be done to make sure that synergy effect is being created. Reader
should be convinced that this power plan would be beneficial no only for the
organization but also for the public at which it is aimed. After that a detailed analysis
needs to be given with the most important and relevant features being highlighted
frequently. Also the company should discuss the alternatives that can be utilized for
the same purpose. This will add to credibility of the firm as well as increase the
chances of the firms selection for the project of power plan.
Research Proposal

A Research Proposal is a document written to present the details of the research

work or study. It is actually an outline which depicts the theme of the proposed work
or upcoming research of a researcher. Nowadays the research proposal is written for
various certifications, for obtaining funds for the research projects and also an
important requirement for obtaining admissions in some especial course of study or
some fellowships. It has been always an important way to present the works by a
researcher on public forum. A research proposal is always written by focusing a
particular objective of its use and therefore phrased according to that objective.

The major objectives of any Research Proposal are;

To elaborate the question that is to be investigated by the respectively

designed study.
To give an account of the related research efforts by other people relating to
that study.
To provide the necessary data related to that research.
To provide the researcher a management plan of the proposed study
To summarize the calculations of the costs and expenses on that research
project in order to evaluate the funds that are required to carry out that study.
There are different types of the research proposals on the basis of the complexity
level of the proposals;

Simple Proposals

These are the proposals which are specifically designed to focus for exploratory

Common level complex proposals

These are the proposal which focus the small scale study. Usually they are written for
small scale business analysis or solutions.

Most Complex Proposals

These are the proposals which present the large scale professional studies costing
millions of the dollars. These are important from accuracy point of view because they
involve a huge level of investment.

The phrasing of the research proposal is done in future tense as it is to represent the
study which is to be carried out in future. The research proposal is much similar in
style to that of the scientific articles as they also present the study but which already
has been done or validated.

The important sections of any research proposal should address the problem
statement, scientific background of that problem, the significance methods to be
applied for the analysis of that problem, the data analysis methods and budgets
along with the relevant references. The detailed account on all these sections should
be enough to provide each and every minute detail of the proposed study but in a
limited way. It should be devoid of any sort of the extra information.

The major advantage of the research proposal for a researcher is that it helps the
researcher to;
Have a review of the proposed study in a systematic way.
The relevant research approaches and their selection as a background and
literature review clarifies further his future research orientations and
To plan and collect the answers of the relevant questions which may come
across to him as a result of his proposed work presentation
To focus time and budget management
Sales Proposal
It is a universal fact that your companys success or failure depends upon creating a
great sales proposal. This article will focus on a few tips as regards the sales

In the first part of the article here are three things to be discussed to prepare an
attractive sales proposal. In order to create a proposal, the first thing you keep in
mind, is to educate your client. You will definitely let your client know how important
your products and services are vital to his/her company, and thats how he/she can
meet the companys objectives and goals on the basis of the services.

What is more, its not just your product or service, but you convince your audience
that your company is the one that can come up with a better solution. Additionally,
the charts and graphs, you are going to include in your proposal, are of utmost
importance to convey your message through the sales proposal. Moreover, they
need to be properly colorful and properly indicated the suggestions, you are giving to
your client.

Secondly, what comes more with a sales proposal, it is very vital to know. Lets first
discuss the introduction and overall theme of the proposal. In this piece of the
proposal, it is important to have in mind that your theme, along with the
introduction, is clear and headline is too sales. Your proposal should clearly state
an understanding of your clients need as well as the problems you are going to
solve for clients.

In others, you will also mention in your sales proposal that how you can help your
client in promoting his/her business. Remember, you are not supposed to solve the
problems, but assure the clients about them. Also, you lay down the detail as well to
deliver your services. You are just approaching your client, you are not supposed to
give any secret or recommendations to your client in this respect. Additionally, tell
your clients the services and the products you are providing. In this respect, you will
use clear, plain, non-hyperbolic language.

You will client will be cost after a clear and an honest of your project. You will discuss
the cost with your client afterward your approach and benefits. Make sure that you
are the best and have a sense for this. Now its time for a closing statement. In the
closing statement you will tell your client what exactly you are doing for him or her.
Furthermore, you will remind the client about the services and products as well as
that you are the best in the town.

Lets finally discuss the appearance of your sales proposal. Bind your sales proposal
in a way that it looks attractive as much as possible since you are making sure that it
stands out very well. Use the available options; such as spiral coil, plastic comb, or
even if you have thermal hand cover binding. Imagine, if you are a company, you list
down your expectations that you expect from the one who will prepare a sales
proposal for you, do the same with your client, and you will get succeeded.
Investment Proposal
An Investment Proposal is presented when any company or an organization is
proposed to bring a new project in the market or wants to sell some new services or
objects. Such a proposal is presented in order to give a complete snapshot of the
future objectives and business investment details. The advantage of the investment
proposal is that it harmonizes the efforts of the sales team of any organization giving
them a target objective designed within the constricted investment budgets. The
investment proposal actually

Helps to build up reasonable expectation for the objectives and guidelines of

your investment plans.
Helps to set forth the investment strategies and structure
Encourages an effective communication between market, clients and
investment structures
The preliminary details that should be embedded in one valid investment proposal

Information about the Presenter:

In this section all the details about the person who is interested to present a
particular proposal are given. It should enlist in detail the company details, the
executive details, the financial data of the company till the present year, and CVs of
the key influencing partners or executives of the company.

The Project Description:

In the next section the details about the project are given for the respective
investment. It should briefly address the purpose of the project, its objectives, any
sponsors and the stepwise investment plans and breakdown structure for the

Information about Sponsorship, Technical Assistance and Financial


In this section the details are given about all the historical background of
sponsorship, financial data and business details. It should also enlist the details of
any technical arrangements and external support in form of the management, and
production terms.

The value of Market and Sales:

It should provide all the details about the production projections, the sales value and
market position for that project or product. It also addresses the proposed users of
the product as well as the distribution channels need to be activated for that
product. Additionally all the critical factors which can be effective on the sales
process of that particular product should also be given.

Details of Technical Feasibility, Manpower, Raw Materials Sources and their


The proposal should briefly comment on the technical complexities and details of the
manpower, resources and the management of all the required resources for the
project that is to be invested for.
Investment Structure, Project Requirements and the Financing Returns:

In this section all the important details about the investment plans are addressed
with the complete structure and breakdown of the whole project into small steps
along with the investment details.

Government rules and Regulations:

The details of the government rules and regulations are also given. It should address
if any Government support or incentives are applicable to the project.

Timeline for the Investment Project and Proposal:

All the details about the time period for which the object is going to be completed
are mentioned along with the investment details and payment proposals for each
step involved in the project completion.
Real Estate Proposal
In the present day, the property market is quite competitive by coming more
commercial and retail properties. As a matter of fact both tenants and buyers can
choose and pick properties from the available market. Brokers and Real Estate
Agents are playing a good role in the market of property. Since they have a
significant record of database of qualified prospects on their books.

For numerous buyers there are plenty of properties, especially in cities. The oldest
buildings which are outdated but considered as an important asset based on
location, then they can be believed for refurbishment or redevelopment as the case
may be. The fact is that property investors and cashed-up developers will show their
interest in purchasing those buildings that are based local demand, timing and profit
potential. If you are a property owner of such buildings, then you will definitely look
for a property agent. The property agent will come up with a real estate proposal to
solve your property issues.

How a real estate proposal will be set up by a property agent. Obviously, he or she
will consider the following points to sell the property.

At first, as it is in the mind of both buyers and tenants the position of the local
property market a property agent should give due regard to the rents and the prices
established by the propertys owner. What is more, it should be in the agents mind
while preparing a real estate proposal, the need of the property to take their
property to the market.

Secondly, in a proposal a specific audience will be marketed by an agent for each

and every property. This includes exclusive listings and vendor paid advertising that
will enable the agent to have focused on the right segment of qualified prospects. If
the property agent does not ponder over on this, then there will a wave of confusion
between the buyer and the agent. The agent thinks that the client is showing no
more interest in his services while the clients believe that they are not being served
by the agency or agent.

Thirdly, a real estate proposal is also responsible for capturing all types of relevant
advertising media. If there is an internet based marketing for selling a property, then
you can have a better response that of running your property campaign either in the
newspaper or any other media.

To sum it up, your proposal should cover the following important points;

a) Sale or lease statement of marketing conditions

b) Weakness and features of the subject property

c) The best deal of sale or lease as per current conditions of the market

d) As well as a comprehensive market plan

It is needless to say that the proposal is all about to solve the clients problem of his
or her property. Furthermore, it should turn into a statement about agents and their
ability. If this all goes healthy, then this approach makes it easier to convert from
your sales pitch or win the new the market or business.
IT Proposal

IT proposal is a proposed research study plan that is written to illustrate IT related

work or study approach. Usually IT proposals are presented for some network
solutions with business orientations. For a successful IT project to be addressed via
proposal pure scientific technique is applied.

In the very start of the proposal there should be given the abstract or summary of
the whole proposal. Usually this section is written at the end summarizing the whole
content and the methods of the research and project. The summary of the proposal
should focus;

Proposed project problem under study

Purpose of the proposal
The executive summary of the research methods
It should be kept in mind while summarizing the proposal that it should be not more
than 250-300 words, and for this every above point should be not more than two
lines. If the summary is too long it will negate the impact of the whole proposal.

here is preview of this IT Proposal Template created using Microsoft Word 2010,

After this here comes the major section of the proposed project description. In this
the details of the project, research plans, objectives, and research methods are
discussed in detail. The background of the project study should be given with the
relevant studies and references of the computer knowledge. It should also discuss
the technical impacts and analysis of the proposed solution on the systems of the
industry and compatibility of the infrastructure of an organization.

The methodology of the research should exhibit each and even a minute detail of the
systems under study. The type of the systems, the commands and the key
components of the systems involved in the study like software, hardware, database
systems, networking, server, business analysis, supply chain management software
or any other specific tool if involved related to Information technology.

The methodologies of the proposal should address the following necessary details;

The selection criteria and basics of systems under study

The technical approach implemented on the study
The constraints affecting the study
The applications and compatibility of the study is analyzed for varying environments
and systems at the end of the methodology discussion. This should actually address
the use of the proposed study and its business applications and needs.

The Costs and expense of the proposal should also be addressed. For this the costs
of every step and individual works are broken down, calculate separately. Although
these costs and expenses are assumed costs but they should be very close to the
practical expenses so that any sponsoring agent interested to continue practically
the project can have the idea of the required funds.

A good IT proposal should be written in the technical language. The terminology

should be purely technical; all the relevant terms should be explained in the glossary
or in the form of footnotes. The studies referred should be complete and searchable.
Every section of the proposal should be addressed carefully meeting all the
necessary details. It is important to note that no extra details should be given in the
proposal which are irrelevant or out of the way.
Grant Proposal

In the business world, grant proposals are common things about people all the time
are talking. Governments of different countries including U.S government, a number
of specific projects with millions of dollars are offered to individuals, firms and
organizations. The funding for different projects offered by government is termed as
grant and the offer is called a proposal. Organizations, non-profit organizations,
education related facilities and charitable organizations are eligible to get grants. If
any organization wants to get the grants they have to go through a formal request
procedure known as writing a grant proposal letter and the request itself is grant
proposal. For the submission of grant proposal there are a number of ways such as
organization application forms or full grant proposals.

Here is preview of this Grant Proposal Template created using Microsoft Word,

Requirements for creating a grant proposal

The request for proposal document is designed to get services and offers from
different vendors. There is no hard and fast rule of preparing REP as it varies
according to situations. In a REP you should include the main purpose of the
proposal, general information about the organization that usually includes the size,
numbers of branches, plans of expansions if any and number of employees etc. The
length of REP can vary from one page to several pages and both have its own
benefits. When requesting for proposals are issued by organizations, other
companies then check the details of REP and if they find out it beneficial for their
company and stakeholders they then try to prepare an effective grant proposal.

How to prepare an effective grant proposal

A grant proposal includes a set of important components.

Grant proposals need to have a concise cover letter that can summarize all
the important information and purpose. Cover letter includes personal
information of the applicant (here applicant is a company or an organization),
the procedure of using money and convincing information that you are a good
fit for getting this grant.
After covering letter, applicants need to include an impressing body of the
proposal. the body of the proposal is usually in detail that provides an
assessment of the companys needs by the applicant, major goals that the
company wants to achieve from fundings, a detailed and clear outline of the
entire proposed program, information regarding the utilization of money,
measurement methods or means for achieving goals and an estimated
timeline for completing the proposal.
The body of grant proposal also needs to include certain information for the
knowledge of the requestor such as the number and quality of the key staff,
summaries of their past performance in any project, financial status of the
company and an overview of required budget.
Writing successful grant proposals are not big deals however, applicants should
understand the criteria of a request for proposal issued by the agency and should
write grant proposal in accordance. Never provide unnecessary information as they
will conceal the main points as well as avoid providing fake information because
sometimes RFP agencies send their inquiry teams to companies before the approval
of the grant.
Project Proposal

The Project Proposal is given to present the idea and details for the implementation
of a new project. Usually these project proposals are common for the business
orientations but in scientific field of research the project proposals are also used to
identify the exact research plans and its projections.

A Project Proposal is a document to provide each and every detail of the series of
activities aimed to carry out to solve any certain solution or any specific research
work. The important aspects of the proposal should be;

The justification of the project proposal

The important activities of the project
The timeline of the project for completion
The methods adapted to carry out the project
The resources required in terms of the human resources, the financial
assistance and the management resources
Here is preview of this Project Proposal Template created using Microsoft Word,

The design of the project should be given in such a way in the project proposal that it
can receive acceptance and recognition all at once as it is presentation. The project
proposal is an important aspect of the project management training as it is among
one of the important steps of the project cycle.
Before writing a project proposal a detailed research should be carried out about the
certain important aspects of the project which should involve;

Finding out the past and prospective beneficiaries

Past project proposals are reviewed in detail for the future project proposal
Evaluation reports of the project proposals of the past
Statistical data analysis for various business groups
After this deep analysis the present project management analysis is carried out. The
main terms of the project proposal writing are given as;

The indicators of the project:

All the elements of the project which are important enough for the project that relate
the objective and main theme of the project and serve to translate the project into
the measurable results are called as indicators and are the key component of the
project proposal.

The Input details of the project:

Here is the detail given about the resources of the project. These resources are also
termed as the investment resources and may be in terms of the human resources,
financial resources or the materials in demand by the project.

The output of the project:

In this section the results of the project proposal are summarized thus detailing the
main objectives that are going to be achieved by this project.

The activity plan of the project:

Here in this sections are given the project description enlisting all the key events that
are going to be held as a result of the implementation of this project. It should
indicate the steps of the projects, the timeline and the key needs and demands of
each step of the project.

The Gantt Charts:

The description of the interconnection of the different activities of a project with the
final project is done with the help of such Gantt charts. This is a specific model to
discuss the various upcoming project activities.

The simplest and easiest way to write the project proposal is to summarize all the
key needs and information regarding the project in finely divided sections as
discussed above.

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