BrainWriting Is A Technique Similar To Brainstorming and Trigger Sessions

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BrainWriting is a technique similar to Brainstorming and Trigger Sessions.

There are many

varieties, but the general process is that all ideas are recorded by the individual who thought of
them. They are then passed on to the next person who uses them as a trigger for their own ideas.
Examples of this include;

1 BrainWriting Pool

2 BrainWriting 6-3-5

3 Idea Card Method

4 BrainWriting Game

5 Constrained BrainWriting

6 Varying the level of constraint

BrainWriting Pool
Each person, using Post-it notes or small cards, writes down ideas, and places them in the centre
of the table. Everyone is free to pull out one or more of these ideas for inspiration. Team
members can create new ideas, variations or piggyback on existing ideas.

BrainWriting 6-3-5
The name Brainwriting 6-3-5 comes from the process of having 6 people write 3 ideas in 5
minutes. Each person has a blank 6-3-5 worksheet (below)

Problem Statement: How to...

Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3
Everyone writes the problem statement at the top of their worksheet (word for word from an
agreed problem definition). They then write 3 ideas on the top row of the worksheet in 5 minutes
in a complete and concise sentence (6-10 words). At the end of 5 minutes (or when everyone has
finished writing) pass the worksheet to the person on your right. You then add three more ideas.
The process continues until the worksheet is completed.

There will now be a total of 108 ideas on the 6 worksheets. These can now be assessed.

Idea Card Method

Each person, using Post-it notes or small cards, writes down ideas, and places them next to the
person on his or her right. Each person draws a card from there neighbours pile as needed for
inspiration. Once the idea has been used, it is passed on to the person on the right along with any
new, variations or piggybacked ideas. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

BrainWriting Game
This method is set in the form of a light-hearted competitive game. Creativity methods normally
avoid competition because it tends to be divisive. However, as long as the game atmosphere is
fun rather than overly competitive, and the facilitator ensures that there are no significant losers,
the game format might be useful, particularly in training contexts where winning and losing are
likely to be less of an issue and both can be used to provide teaching material.

The game will take a little longer than some other brainwriting techniques. Very little facilitation
skill is needed. The structure is as follows:

1. Display the problem statement, and explain that the winner of the game is the one who
devises the most unlikely solution.

2. The facilitator sells each group member an agreed number (say 10) of blank, serially
numbered cards at, say, 10p each, pooling the money to form the prize. Each group
member signs a receipt that records the serial numbers of their set of cards.

3. Members try to think of utterly implausible solutions, writing one per card. The cards are
then put up on a display board.

4. Members now have (say) 15 minutes to silently read all the solutions, and to append to
them (on further un-numbered cards or Post-its) ways in which they could be converted
into a more practical way of solving the problem (so reducing that ideas chances of

5. Each member then has two votes (e.g. two sticky stars) to vote for what s/he now
considers to be the most improbable idea on the numbered cards. The idea that attracts
most votes wins the pooled money.
6. Form two sub-groups, give half the cards to each, and give each group (say) 15 minutes
to develop six viable solutions from their cards.

7. Each sub-group tries to sell their ideas to the other sub-group.

8. Everyone comes together and agrees on the best ideas overall.

Constrained BrainWriting
On a number of occasions you may want to constrained ideas around pre-determined focus,
rather than ranging freely. The versions described here use the standard Brainwriting pool
technique, but bias the idea generation by using brain-writing sheets prepared in advance.

1. Present starter ideas: The leader initiates the process by placing several prepared sheets of
paper in the pool in the centre of the table (see note below).

2. Private brainwriting: Each group member takes a sheet, reads it, and silently adds his or
her ideas.

3. Change sheet: When a member runs out of ideas or wants to have the stimulation of
anothers ideas, s/he puts one list back in the centre of the table and takes one returned by
another member. After reviewing this new list s/he has just selected, s/he adds more

4. Repeat until ideas are exhausted. No discussion at any stage.

Varying the level of constraint

Cued brainwriting: For mild constraint, the sheets are simply primed with one or more starting
ideas (e.g. SWOT's, issues) in the required area.

Structured brain-writing: For a stronger constraint the sheets can be formally headed, each sheet
relating to a particular issue or theme, with participants being asked to keep the ideas they
contribute on each sheet relevant to the issue in the heading on that sheet.

See Card Story Boards, for another way of directing idea generation.


Creativity Techniques

Brutethink is a technique by Michael Michalko, based on Random Stimuli, and is defined in

detail in his book Thinkertoys.

The process is
1. bring in a random word into the problem (from a dictionary, newspaper, book...)

2. Think of things associated with the random word

3. Force connections between the random word, and the challenge, also between the
associated things and the challenge.

4. List all your ideas.

Brainwriting: A tool for rapid brainstorming

Generate Ideas Using Brainwriting

By Arthur B VanGundy

Brainwriting is the silent, written generation of ideas in a group. It was originally popularized in
Germany in the 70s (although it may not have originated there).

There are two basic types:

1. nominal ideas in a group that are not shared with other group members while generating
ideas) and,

2. interacting ideas that are shared for additional stimulation.*

An example of nominal brainwriting would be a group of people (either in the same room sitting
together OR connected via computer in other locations) write down ideas in index cards or Post-
It Notes.

At the end of a set period of time (e.g., 10 -15 minutes) the ideas are collected, organized into
groups, and evaluated.
One example of interacting brainwriting is the Pin Cards method. Each person in a group
writes down an idea on an index card or Post-It note and passes it to the person on their right (or
should I say write).

The person receiving an idea then can do one of three things:

(1) use the others idea as a stimulus for a new idea,
(2) use the others idea to think of a modification, or
(3) just pass the card on to the next person.

At the end of a set period of time (e.g., 10 -15 minutes) the ideas are collected, organized into
groups, and evaluated.

Multiple variations also exist. For a fun time, try having participants write ideas on the wings of
paper airplanes (on different paper colors) and have them exchange ideas by flying them to each
other. Pick one up and use it as a stimulus, write down another idea on the plane, and throw again
on command.

Or, Ive also had people write an idea on a piece of paper, tape it to their back, and then walk
around a room with others. You read someones idea and then add any new ideas by writing on
the paper on their back (I call this method, The Shirt Off Your Back).

Ive conducted an in depth research study comparing the two forms of brainwriting with
brainstorming variations and a mixture of techniques. A lot of research indicates that brainwriting
always (yes, always) results in more ideas than brainstorming, given the same size group and
time period.

The difference is NOT due to communication apprehension or social loafing (going along for
the ride) in brainstorming groups; instead, the difference is quite simple and based on something
referred to as production blocking.

That is, given two groups of four people each, only one idea at a time can be proposed in
brainstorming while a maximum of four ideas can be proposed during the same time interval
during brainwriting.
My research also showed that sharing ideas (interacting brainwriting) tends to increase idea
quantity over both structured (using deferred judgment) and unstructured brainstorming as well
as over nominal brainwriting where the ideas are not shared.

Ive described brainwriting and many variations in several of my books, including Techniques
of Structured Problem Solving and Managing Group Creativity, available on Amazon.

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