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Register Number: 6479

Name of the Candidate:

M.Com (Accounting and Finance) DEGREE EXAMINATION 2012

December) Maximum: 100 Marks (Time: 3 Hours
Answer any FIVE Questions (58=40)
All questions carry equal marks
1. Define the term Investments as it relates to securities investment.
2. What is financial risk? Briefly explain.
3. Briefly explain the various sources of investment information.
4. What are the limitations of charts?
5. How is a fundamental analysis useful to a prospective investor?
6. What are the important characteristics of growth shares?
7. Explain the advantages of bargain hunting.
8. What are formula plans? How do they help in portfolio revision?
Answer any THREE Questions (320=60)
All questions carry equal marks
9. Explain the different stages of industry life cycle.
10. Explain the functions of stock market.
11. Describe the advantages and (limitations of technical analysis)
12. What are defensive shares? Discuss its various characteristics.
13. What do you understand by DCA? Explain the Guidelines for using DCA.


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