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eae Bryan, Folz Didier Pettinga a MT a eet André Filiatrault, state University of NewYork at Buffalo, Buffalo Robert Tremblay, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal Constantin Christopoulos, university of Toronto, Toronto Bryan Folz, eritish columbia institute of Technology, Vancouver Didier Pettinga, Project engineer, Holmes Consulting Group, Christchurch, New Zealand Elements of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Third edition ™ PRESSES ™ INTERNATIONALES @™ POLYTECHNIQUE Elements of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Third Edition André Filiatrault, Robert Tremblay, Constantin Christopoulos, Bryan Folz, and Didier Pettinga Cover page: Cyclone Design Editing and proofreading: Andrea Zanin Page setting: Martine Aubry For information on distribution and points of sale, see our web site: www.presses-polytechnique.ca/en/home E-mail Presses internationales Polytechnique at: pip@polymtl.ca We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund for our publishing activities. Government of Québec — Tax credit for book publishing — Administered by SODEC All rights reserved. © Presses internationales Polytechnique, 2013 This book may not be duplicated in any way without the express written consent of the publisher. Legal deposit: 2nd quarter 2013, ISBN 978-2-553-01649-3 Biblioth@que et Archives nationales du Québec Printed in Canada Library and Archives Canada TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface iii Biographical Notes vii 1 PRELIMINARY NOTIONS 1,1 Brief History of Earthquake Engineering .... erstnatnnenteniaaneeneel 1.2 Development of Earthquake Engineering in the United States 2 1.3 Development of Earthquake Engineering in Canada a 14 Influence of Computers on the Development of Earthquake Engineering, 9 1.5 Experimental Earthquake Engineering 9 1.5.1 Importance of Experimental Earthquake Engineering 9 15.2 Geotechnical Centrifuges 10 Centrifuge Facilities in the United States. 10 15.2.2 Centrifuge Facilities in Canada 10 1.5.3. Large-Scale Laboratories 10 15.3.1 Quasi-Static Tests 1 153.2 Effective Force Tests 1 15.3.3 Pseudo-Dynamic Hybrid Tests. 1 15.34 — Large-Scale Laboratories in the United States. 12 15.3.5 — Large-Scale Laboratories in Canada 12 154 Shake Tables... seroinmnnnstnnnnsennennenl sh 1.54.1 Shake Table Facilities in the United States.....0.0.0000014 154.2 Shake Table Facilities in Canada 15 13.5 Field Experimentation and Monitoring... veel 15.5.1 Field Experimentation and Monitoring Facilities in the United States. - sorcconenen LG 15.5.2 Field Experimentation and Monitoring Facilities in Canada .....cooneonennnnnnmniennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnel 15.6 Tsunami Wave Basin 17 Tsunami Wave Basin Facilities in the United States.........17 Tsunami Wave Basin Facilities in Canada saree 2 ELEMENTS OF SEISMOLOGY AND SEISMICITY 2.1 Inuoduction . ssn srseursend 9 2.2 Causes of Earthquakes 19 2.2.1 Natural Earthquakes.....cccccnsnennnenenennnennnennnenenennneeL® 2.2.2 Induced Earthquakes... 20 2.3 Theory of Plate Tectonics 24 Reid’s Elastic Rebound Theory 2.5 Fault Mechanisms... . 2.6 Definition of Seismic Waves. 2.7 The Elastic Wave Model 27:1 Mathematical Background 2.7.2 Strain-Displacement Equations 2.7.3. Stress-Strain Equations 2.7.4 Equations of Motion. 2.7.5 P-Wave Equation. x Table of Comems 2.7.6 S-Wave Equation. 29 2.8 Location of the Epicentre of an Earthquake. 30 23 The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale. 31 2.10 The Richter Magnitude Scale. 32 2.11 Evolution of Magnitude Scales. 36 2.11.1 Surface Wave Magnitude (\/,) 36 2.11.2 Body-Wave Magnitude (m,) 37 2.11.3 Moment Magnitude (\/,) 37 2.114 Nuttli’s Magnitude (m4) 38 2.12. Relationships Between Magnitude Scales 38. 2.13 Ground Motion Characteristics That Inlluence Structural Response...r.nA40 2.13.1 Amplitude of Ground Motion..... a 40 213.2 Frequency Contents of Earthquake Accelerograms 41 2.13.3 Earthquake Duration . sonnnnnnene dd 2.14 Seismicity and Seismotectonics in the United States and Canada ..o.soo42 2.14.1 Situation in the Northeast son The Western Québec Seismic Zone mannered 2.14.12 The Charlevoix Seismic Zone ee AS 2.14.13 The Lower St. Lawrence Seismic Zone AS 2QAK LA DISCUSSION, ...csssninnnenmininnniinninninnannn dS 2.14.2 Situation in the Southeast... soreness ne) 2.14.3 Situation in the Central United States 46 2.14.4 Situation in the Western United States AT 2.14.5 Situation in the Pacific Northwest.......0s:tinennntnnaneneneed) 2,145.1 Queen Charlotte Region 49 Offshore Region of the Pacific Coast 2.14.53 Continental Region..... 2.14.6 Situation in Alaska 2.15 Differences and Similarities Between Eastern and Western North American Earthquakes, 2.15.1 Return Period 2.15.2. Attenuation of Seismic Waves 2.15.3 Fault Mechanisms 2.16 Attenuation Relations 2.16.1 Development of Attenuation Relations in Canada 2.16.11 Milne and Davenport (1969) 2.16.12 Hasegawa, Basham, and Berry (1981) 2.16.13 Atkinson and Boore (1995). 2.16.14 Bore et al. (1997)... 2.16.15 Youngs er ai. (1997) 2.16.2 Development of Atenuation Relations in the United States... Abrahamson and Silva (1997). Campbell and Bozorgnia (2003)... . 2.16.23 Atkinson and Boore 2008) 63 60 Toro ef al. (1997)... 65 Campbell (2003) .. 66 2.16.3 Uncertainty in Attenuation Relations and Implications in Seismic Design. 68 2.17 Directivity Pulse Phenomenon and Near-Field Ground Motions... sone TO. 2.18 Problems 71 www 34 Table of Contents xi ELEMENTS OF SEISMIC HAZARD ANALYSIS Definition of Design Earthquake Seismicity Modcl..... 3.2.1 Description 3.2.2 Source Geometry Idealizations 3.2.3 Seismicity Models for Canada... 3.2.4 Seismicity Models for the United States. Attenuation Models. Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analy sis. 3.4.1 Description cieesesitaate . 3.4.2 Illustration of Deterministic Seismic Hazard ‘Ang ‘sis 86 3.4.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis... soetiininnannnnnnannnneens 8B 5 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis 88 3.5.1 Description....... 88 3.5.2 Illustration of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for a Large Seismogenic Source Zone 90 3.5.3 Probability of Exceedance of a Given Seismicity Level o4 3.3.4 General Application of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis o4 3.5.5 Uncertainty in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis 95 Aleatory Uncertainty 95 Epistemic Uncertainty . 95 3.6 Seismic Hazard Maps for the United States and Canada . 96 3.6.1. Seismic Hazard Maps for the United States, 96 3.6.2 Seismic Hazard Maps for Canada 101 3.7 Seismic Hazard Curve Deaggreg: . 105 38 Final Remarks on Seismic Hazard Analysis nc 105 3.9 Problems 106 4 ELEMENTS OF STRUCTURAL DYNAMIC ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction... oonennnnnnatnnennanrnesnnseeseen UL 4.1.1 Examples of Dynamic Loads 112 4.12 Dynamic Degrees of Freedom (DDOFs) 13 4.1.3 Distinetion Between Mass and Weight.....c.csecsrnnssnnnsennnee LET 4.14 Newton's Second Law 118 4.15 Dynamic Equilibrium (d’ Alembert’s principle)... 18 4.1.6 Design or Assessment of Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loads....119 4.2 Dynamic Analysis of Single-Degrec-of-Freedom (SDOF) Structures...........120 4.2.1 Mathematical Model of a SDOF System .,.....::s:ssnssnenensnene LI 4.2.2 Stiffness and Mass Coefficients of SDOF Systems vo...su.eeel21 4.2.3. Equations of Motion. 125 4.2.4 — Free Vibrations . - eee - / percsmcenntensian “ 127 42.5 Forced Vibrations seeunennsnne 37 Vibration Under a Short-Duration Impulse. 138 Vibrations Under an Arbitrary Dynamic Load. Definition of the Duhamel Integral .......0.0::0eensnee 139 4.2.6 Estimation of Damping by the Half-Bandwidth Method . 146 4.3 Response to Earthquake Loading 148 43.1 Complete Displacement Response to Seismic Loading 148 43.2 Definition and Properties of Response Spectra 148 xii Table of Contents 43.3. Exact Response Spectra 149 43.4 Pseudo-Response Spectra. 43.5 Comparison Between Exact and Pseudo-Response Spectra 43.6 Tripartite Representation of Pseudo-Response Spectra 153 4.4 Simplified Design Response Spectra 44.1 Motivation 4.5 Design Response Spectra. 157 4.5.1 _ Simple Application of Design Response Spectrum 158 4.6 Floor Response Spectra 159 4.7 “Exact” Dynamic Analysis of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Structures 160 47.1 Introduction....... 160 4.7.2. Equations of Motion for a Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Structure... 161 4.7.3. Stiffness Matrix Computation lo4 4.7.4 Mass Matrix Computation.........:ssiinseensinetnsistnneesenee 16S 4.7.5 Computation of Damping Mattix.......0n:0snennsnnnninnannnns 166 47.6 Examples. 166 4.7.7 Free Vibrations of Undamped MDOF Systems... 168 4.7.8 Modal Analysis: The Modal Superposition Method i 179 4.7.9 Specialization of Modal Analysis for Earthquake Response. 185 4.7.10 Summary of Modal Analysis... ceesstsnstesnvetinsetsuessinesseenseees EBT 4.7.11 Modal Analysis Example ... sevstennrnneni overseen 189 4.8 — Response Spectrum Analysis 192 48.1 Motivation. 192 4.8.2. Maximum Modal Responses......u.cn:ssseisnuannsinnanesene 193 48.3 Number of Modes to Consider 194 4.8.4 Estimate of Maximum Response of a Structure Using Statistical Combinations of Maximum Modal Responses... sooner 1S 48.5 Summary of the Spectral Method. 196 Example 198 49 uction to Nonlinear Analysis of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Structures..202 Basic Concept ...... . 202 Incremental Equations of Motion. 203 Average Constant Acceleration Method 207 Linear Acceleration Method 208 Newmark-Beta’s Algorithm 209 Integration of Equations of Motion 210 Summary of Nonlinear Time-Step Dynamic Analysis 21 Stability and Accuracy of Numerical Results, 212 4.10. Types of Nonlinear Analysis....... sre 213 410.1 Pushover and Push-Pull Analysis 214 4.10.2. Equivalent SDOF System and Capacity Curve ...j.rsssstnsnnreenn 215 4.10.3 Equivalent Linearized SDOF Systems. 216 4.10.4 Capacity Spectrum Analysis Method 2217 4.10.5 Nonlinear Time-History Analysis. 218 4.11 Problems..... 2219 5 ELEMENTS OF SOIL DYNAMICS 5.1 Introduction .. 1227 1 5.2 Soil Dynamic Response: Lumped-Mass Analysis of Horizontally Layered Soil Deposit on Rigid Bedrock 228 61 62 64 52.1 5.2.2 Determination of PI Table of Contents Description Accuracy of Numerical Results. sical Soil Properties Real Cyclic Behaviour of a Soil Deposit Maximum Shear Modulus Estimation by in Situ Testing, Maximum Shear Modulus Estimation by Laboratory Testing. Ultimate Shear Strength Estimation. Equivalent Viscous Damping Estimation Summary of Lumped-Mass Dynamic Analysis of Horizontally Layered Soil Deposit on Rigid Bedrock Illustration of Lumped-Mass Dynamic Analysis Strength Loss and Soil Liquefaction 5.6.1 3.6.2 5.6.3 5.6.4 5.6.5 5.6.6 5.6.7 5.6.8 Description of the Phenomenon Physical Explanation of the Liquefaction Phenomenon, Estimation of Liquefaction Potential by Laboratory Testing Estimation of Liquefaction Potential by i Situ Testing. Safety Factor Against Liquefaction, Estimation of Dynamic Shear Stresses. Illustration of Liquefaction Potential Assessment by in Situ Testing. Residual Shear Strength of Soil After Liquefaction. Procedures to Mitigate Liquefaction ion to Soil-Structure Interaction 3.7.1 Description of Soil-Strueture Interaction... 3.7.2. Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Techniques Problems ELEMENTS OF SEISMIC DESIGN PROCEDURES FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES Introduction Inelastic Seismic Response 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 Concept of Ductility 5 Energy Criterion for Short Period Structures Inelastic Response Spectra Objectives and Principles of Ductile Earthquake-Resistant Design for Buildings 63.1 63.2 Seismic Force-Resisting Systems. 63.1.1 Horizontal Roof and Floor Diaphragms 63.1.2 Vertical SFRS Elements Capacity Design Philosophy Overview of Building Code Requirements 6AL 64.2 643 Design Spectrum and Site Classification 64.1.1 — Seismic Design Spectrum in NBCC 2010. Seismic Design Spectrum in ASCE 7-10. Importance Factor and Design Control Parameters... . Importance Factor and Design Control Parameters in NBCC 2010. . a Importance Factor and Design Control Parameters in ASCE 7-10. Seismic Force-Resisting Systems and Seismic Design Parameters xiii 228 230 231 231 234 235 236 237 240 243 248 248 250 ..250 251 256 256 238 258 261 261 262 264 269 271 271 275 278 279 280 280 281 285 295 297 298 300 302 302 303 303 xiv 65 Table of Contents 64.3.1 System Ductility and Overstrength (Force Modification Factors) 307 64.3.2 Force Modification Factors in NBCC 2010 309 643.3 Force Modification Factors in ASCE 7-10 310 64.4 — Structural Irregularities and System Restrictions 31 644.1 Structural Irregularities 31 644.2 — System Restrictions, 316 64.5 Minimum Lateral Earthquake Design Force (Base Shear) 318 Calculation of the Seismic Base Shear 319 64.5.2 System Redundancy 325 Combination of Different Seismic Force-Resisting Systems... 64.6 — Methods of Analysis. Direction of Analysis ... 64.6.2 Equivalent Static Force Procedure... Dynamic Modal Response Spectrum Analysis 6.4.64 Dynamic Time History Response Analysis Structural Analysis Model. 3 64.7 Lateral Displacements, Storey Drifis and Structural Separations 6471 Lateral Displacement and Storey Drift .. — Structural Separations 648 Seismic Load Combinations 6ARL Seismic Load Combinations in NBCC 2010. Seismic Load Combinations in ASCE 7-10...... 4.9 — Stability Effects 49.1 — Stability Effects in NBCC 2010 Stability Effects in ASCE 7-10... 64.10 Summary of Key Seismic Design Steps Initial Design Steps 64.10.2 Preliminary Design 357 64.103 Design Path I ' - 358 64.104 Design Path I 6410.5 Capacity Design 359 General Remarks 359) 64.10.7 Verification of Final Design 360 64.11 Simple Frame Example 361 64.111 Preliminary Design 361 6411.2 Design Path 1 364 64.113 Design Path Il ass 366 Example of Building Seismic Analysis and Design. 307 6.5.1 Structure Description...» sont 368 6.5.2 Equivalent Static Force Procedure ~ NBCC 2010 2370 Basic Seismic Design Parameters 1371 65. Minimum Earthquake Design Force (Base Shear)... 373 Preliminary Design........... a ee 65.24 — Structural Analysis Model (Static An LYSIS) «000 387 65.2.5 Iterative Design Process Following Design Path I — Cycle 18. 389) 2.6 Iterative Design Process Following Design Path Il — Cycles 2S and 38, 404 6. 6.5.3 65.4 6.6 Problems... Table of Contents Dynamic (Modal Response Spectrum) Analysis - NBCC 2010 Seismic Masses for Dynamic Analysis 653.2 Minimum Earthquake Force and Scaling Factors Design 1S-R/Cycle 1D Modal Response Spectrum Analysis with Static Torsional Analysis — Design 1S-R/Cycle 1D Modal Response Spectrum Analysis with Displaced Centres of Mass — Design 18-R/Cycle ID Design Refinements Using Dynamic Analysis Cycles 2D and 3D Equivalent Static Force Procedure — ASCE 7-10 Basic Seismic Design Parameters — ASCE 7-10... 6.54.2 Design Seismic Lateral Force (Base Shear) 6.54.3 Preliminary Design 6.5.44 Verification of the Preliminary Design Following | Design Path II — Cycle 1S Dynamic (Modal Response Spectrum) Analysis — ASCE 7-10 . Dynamic (Modal) Properties nner Verification of the Preliminary Design Preliminary Design/Cycle 1D . 6.53.3 Dynamic Analysis with Static Torsional Analysis — Preliminary Design/Cycle 1D Design Refinement Using Dynamic At 7 ELEMENTS OF SEISMIC DESIGN AND DETAILING FOR STEEL BUILDINGS 7.1 Introduction TAA 1 1 a TAA Ductile vs. Non-Ductile Failure Modes Design Codes and Standards Steel Seismic Force-Resisting Systems 7.13.1 Framing Systems..... 7.13.2 SFRS Categories Performance Requirements Scope of the Chapter 7.2 General Requirements 721 722 7.23 124 725 Capacity Design Provisions Material Section Compactness Requirements Stability Effects Protected Zones 73 Steel Concentrically Braced Frames. 731 73.2 73.3 Description and Intended Seismic Response. Seismic Design Requirements. 73.2.1 Bracing Configuration 73.22 Design and Detailing of Bracing Members Design of Beams, Columns and Other Connections... Example of Type MD CBF Design According to CSA $16-009.... 733.1 Brace Design....... 73.32 Beam Design at Level 3 wv 408 409 410 AS 426 430 e432, 432 434 ond 451 465 465 469 477 479 2486 491 491 492 493 493 496 499 499 500 500 501 504 507 509 509 510 511 511 S14 51S 519 520 525 xvi Table of Contents Column Design at Level 3 529 a 133. Remaining Design Steps 7.3.4 Example of SCBF Design According to AISC 341-10. 7.34.1 Brace Design 7.34.2 — Column Design al Level 3 536 7.34.3 Beam Design at Level 4 539 1344 ining Design Steps 544 7.4 Introduction to Buckling Restrained Braced Frames 544 7.4.1 Description and Intended Seismic Behaviour 7.4.2 — Seismic Design Requirements 4.2.1 Framing Configuration. 74.2.2 Design and Detailing of the Bracing Members 347 Design of the Capacity-Protected Elemems 548, 7.5 Introduction to Eecentrically Braced Frames,......scssieneesseennee S48 7.5.1 Description and Intended Seismic Behaviour..... 7.5.2 Seismic Design Requirements Framing Configuration, Design and Detailing of the Link Beams ..... Design of the Beams Outside of the Links, Braces and Columns 7.6 Steel Moment-Resisting Frames 7.6.1 Description and Intended Seismic Behaviour 7.6.2 ic Design Requirements. Framing Configuration. Design of Beams Design of Columns Column Web Panel Zone ... Beam-to-Column Connections 7.6.3 Example: Moment-Resisting Frame Design According to CSA-S16-09 7.63.1 First-Storey Beams in the Exterior Spans 7.63.2 Selection of the Other Beams 7.63.3 Verification of the First-Storey Columns Prior 579 7.634 Verification of the Columns Upon Plastic Hinging in the Beams 581 7.63.5 Verification of the Upper Limit on Lateral Load Effects 586 Column Web Panel Zones 586 7.6.4 Example: Special Moment Frame Design According to AISC 341-10 7.64.1 — First-Storey Beams in the Exterior Spans 764.2 Column Design ccc 7.64.3 Column Web Panel Zone 7.7 Problems. 8 ELEMENTS OF SEISMIC DESIGN AND DETAILING FOR REINFORCED-CONCRETE BUILDINGS 8.1 Introduction .. eesnnannsenenes603 8.2. Basic Philosophy of Reinforced Concrete Seismic Design... 604 8.2.1 Sectional Curvature Ductility so 608 Table of Contents 8.2.2 Curvature Ductility for a Singly Reinforced Concrete Section 8.2.3 Curvature Ductility of a Doubly Reinforced Concrete Section. 8.2.4 Influence of Concrete Confinement on Curvature Ductility 8.2.5 Influence of Axial Loads on Curvature Ductility 8.2.6 Example of Calculation of the Bending Moment-Curvature Relationship for a Beam Section and a Column Section. 8.3 General Seismic Design Requirements of CSA A23,3-04 R2010 in Canada and ACI 318-11 in the United States 8.3.1 Materials 83.2 Gravity Load-Resisting Systems 8.3.3 Seismic Force-Resisting Systems. 83.4 Stability Effects : 8.3.5 Definition of Flexural Strength Levels Factored Flexural Strength. Nominal Flexural Strength... Probable Flexural Strength. 8.3.6 Shear Design Provisions........ Canadian Shear Design Provisions American Shear Design Provisions. 8.4 — Design and Detailing Requirements for Ductile Seismic Lateral Resisting Systems ess evs - 8.4.1 Modelling the Cracked Section Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Elements. 8.4.2 Ductile or Special Moment-Resisting Frames....... Specific Requirements for Beams Specific Requirements for Columns Specific Requirements for Beam-Column Joints 84.3. Example of Earthquake-Resistant Design of a Beam-Column Assembly Building Description Interstorey Drifts Preliminary Design of Beams and Columns — Seismic Design of Beams — Seismic Design of Columns an of the Beam-Column Joint _ Real Cyclic Behaviour of the Designed Assembly 84.4 Ductile Cantilever Walls 84.5 Example of Earthquake-Resistant Design of a Ductile Cantilever Wall esmusnnmenmiaanansnamnic Description of the Building. Flexural Design of the Walls Shear Design of the Wall... 84.6 Ductile Coupled and Partially Coupled Camtilever Walls . 8.4.7. Example of Earthquake-Resistant Design of a Coupled Shear Wall. 8.5 Problems ....ssesse 9 ELEMENTS OF SEISMIC DESIGN AND DETAILING FOR LIGHT-FRAME WOOD BUILDINGS 9.1 Introduction .. 9.1.1 Seismic Force-Resisting Systems in Light-Frame Wood Buildings. xvii 606 607 609 610 GIL 616 616 617 618 619 619 e619 620 620 620 620 621 2622 623 624 624 626 629 631 631 633 634 635 637 642 O44 645 651 651 253, 656 660, Table of Contents 9.1.2 Capacity Design Procedure 676 9.2 General Requirements. 679 92.1 Materials 679 92.2 Gravity System 681 9.3 Shear Walls 682 9.3.1 Description and Intended Seismic Response 682 93.2 Design Requirements 688 93.2.1 CSA-086 Design Requirements 688 2012 NDS and 2008 SDPWS Design Requirements ........691 94 — Diaphragms. 695 9.4.1 Description and Intended Seismic Response . aonmpamsen625 9.4.2 Design Requirements........ weseseoaren 699 94.2.1 CSA-086 Design Requirements 699 NDS and SDPWS Design Requirements ......scu.:resenee702 9.3 Design Examples........ rntnnninnnenssn 106 95.1 Design Example According to CSA-086-09 . soe 706 95.1.1 Building Description... 5 706 9.5.12 Determination of Seismic Loading . ne 708 Design Approach. 710 9.5.14 Shear Wall DeSigi....mennnnnnsennsesnnnnnin TIO Diaphragm Design........ . oectseens TB 9.5.2 Design Example According to the 2012 NDS and the 2008 SDPWS. Building Description... or Determination of Seismic Loading Design Approach. 95.24 Diaphragm Design...... Shear Wall Design. 9.6 — Detailing to Ensure Load Transfer Continuity 9.7 Closing Remarks 98 Problems 10 ELEMENTS OF SEISMIC DESIGN FOR NONSTRUCTURAL BUILDING COMPONENTS 10.1 Introduction 735 10.2. Classification of Nonstructural Building Components. 237 10.3. Seismic Performance of Nonstructural Building Components During the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake — A Case Study 10.3.1 Performance of Architectural Components 10.3.1,1 Ceiling Systems Interior Partition Walls Window Systems 103.14 Unreinforced Masonry Parapets. Chimneys ‘ . 10.3.2. Performance of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment... 10.3.3. Performance of Building Contents. 10.4 Seismic Analysis of Nonstructural Building Components WAL Overview. eronnense 10.4.2 Floor Response Spectrum Method 10.4.3 Illustration of the Floor Response Spectrum (FRS) Method. Table of Contents xix 10.5. Seismic Design of Nonstructural Building Components in the United States and Canada 749 10.5.1 Objectives of Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Building Components in the United States and Canada. 749 10.5.2. Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Building Components in the United States 730 Overview 750 Equivalent Static Design Forces on Nonstructural Building Components 751 10,5.2.3 Relative Displacement Demands on Nonstructural Components ..... sisequnonsl TO4 Special Requirements for Designated Seismic Systems 734 Prescriptive Detailing Requirements for Nonstructural Components... sone TSS: 10.5.3. Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Building Components in Canada Overview... Equivalent Static Design Forces on Nonstructural Building Components........ sone 736 Capacity Design Requirements for the Design of Connections 738 10,5.3.4 Relative Displacement Demands on Nonstructural Components... preneTSG, 10.5.4 Illustration of Seismic Force Demands on Spring Vibration Isolation Mounts of an Electrical Generator 760 Description of Generator. . enn T60 10.54.2 Seismic Force Demands According to ASCE 7-10 in the United States 761 Seismic Force Demands According to NBCC 2010 in Canada ....... o 762 10.6 Seismic Qualification Testing of Nonstructural Building Components 763 10.6.1 Context 763 10.6.2 The 2012 International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) ACIS6 Acceptance Criteria..... soon TO 10.6.3 The Nonstructural Component Simulator at the University at Buffalo (UB-NCS) 765 10.7 Problems 767 11 OVERVIEW OF SUPPLEMENTAL DAMPING AND SEISMIC ISOLATION SYSTEMS 11.1 Introduction 769 112 Rain Flow Analogy 770 11,3 Energy Balance Formulation for a Single-Degree-of-Freedom Structural System.......... 773 I14 Seismic Response of Structures with Supplemental Damping of Seismic Isolation 2778 11.3 Supplemental Damping Systems . 777 11.5.1 Introduction. eet eet 777 xx Table of Contents isa Ws4 11.5.5 11.5.6 11.6 Seismic Isolation Systems .... 1.6.1 11.6.2 11.6.3 1.64 Influence of Passive Supplemental Damping Systems on Energy Balance Metallic and Friction (Hysteretic) Dampers. Added Damping/Added Stiffness System (ADAS) 11,5,3.2 Cast Steel Yielding Fuse (CSF) System. 11.533 Lead Extrusion Device (LED) 1153.4 Buckling-Restrained Brace (BRB) Friction Dampers. Slotted-Bolted Connections Sumitomo Friction Device _ Pall Friction Device...... Viscous Dampers. ss Hysterotic Response of Linear Viscous Dampers Hysteretic Response of Nonlinear Viscous Dampers Fluid Viscous Dampers Self-Centring Systems _Hysteretic Response of Self-Centring Systems. Seismic Response of Self-Centring Systems .... Early Modem Applications of Self-Centring Systems 11.5,.6.4 Self-Centring Properties of Shape Memory Alloys. The Energy-Dissipating Restraint (EDR) 11,5.6.6 Self-Centring Dampers Using Ring Springs 11.5.6,.7 Self-Centring of Frames and Walls Through Unbonded Post-Tensioning.... 11.568 _ Self-Cemtring Systems for Steel Structures Self-Centring Systems for Bridges Basic Principles of Seismic Isolation... Laminated-Rubber Bearings Lead-Rubber Bearings Friction Pendulum System Description 11.64.2 Modeling of a Frictionless Pendulum System Double Curvature Frictionless Pendulum Systems Answers to problems References... Index. 718 780 781 783 784 784 786 787 787 788 790 791 792 794, 795 795 796 796 797 797 799 800 801 803 804 804 806 807 808 808 809 810 813 821 849 a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer 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SEISMICITY MODELS FOR CANADA The seismic zoning maps included in the 2005 and 2010 editions of the NBCC were constructed using two different source zone models (Figure 3.4) to represent the seismicity of eastern and western Canada: an H model and an R model (Adams and Halchuk 2003). The H model uses relatively small souree zones drawn around regions of historical seismicity. The R model uses larger regional scismic source zones. In the development of the seismic maps, each model was weighted using a logic-tree approach (see Section Both models are composed of 107 horizontal surface sources, except for the Queen Charlotte Fault, which is modeled as a line source, In addition, the relatively aseismic central part of Canada was assigned a “stable Canada” probabilistic F source model to provide a floor value to seismic hazard for all parts of Canada, Finally, the Cascadia subduction zone was assigned a line source with a deterministic magnitude 8.2 scenario (C model), 3.2.4 SEISMICITY MODELS FOR THE UNITED STATES For the 2008 Update of the United States National Seismic Hazard Maps (Petersen etal. 2008), the United States Geological Survey (USGS) constructed source zone models for central and eastern United States (Figure 3.5) as well as for western United States (Figure 3.6). The geometries of the earthquake sources were based ‘on mapped surface geology and recorded earthquake locations and depth dis- tributions. The Gutenberg-Richter magnitude frequency recurrence relation for each source was established using historical seismicity, fault dimensions and, in some cases, estimates of where earthquake ruptures may initiate and terminate (Petersen ef al. 2008). Alternative source models were developed for each source based on tectonic, geodetic, and geologic considerations. These alternative mod- els are included to account for epistemic uncertainty in the size and rate of future earthquakes these sources may generate. This uncertainty is described further in Section using logie-tree analyses. 3.3 ATTENUATION MODELS Attenuation relations were discussed in Chapter 2 (Section 2.13). In general attenuation models relate the effect (seismic parameters such as the peak ground acceleration or peak spectral ordinate) of an earthquake, y. at a given site, to the magnitude of the earthquake, M, and to a site-to-source distance measure, 7, through an empirical function, f ya Sr) G.2) The parameters of an attenuation relation depend mainly on three seismological factors; The characteristics of the fault mechanism Factors such as magnitude, earthquake depth, geological characteristics at the hypocentre, strain distribution before the earthquake, and strain release during the earthquake influence the wave propagation in the Earth’s crust a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. 86 Chapter 3 Application of the deterministic seismic hazard analysis usually requires four separate steps that are illustrated in Figure 3.7 Step 1. Identify and characterize (geometry and maximum magnitude) all earth- quake sources capable of generating significant shaking at the site. Step 2. Calculate the appropriate source-to-site distance parameter for each source identified in Step 1 Step 3. Select the controlling earthquake. This is the earthquake that will gener- ate the greatest shaking at the site using an attenuation model appropriate for the region Step 4. Define the hazard at the site based on the controlling earthquake. The haz ard at the site can be expressed in terms of maximum spectral ordinates, maximum ground acceleration, maximum ground velocity, maximum ground displacement, and so forth Svep 1: Srep 2: Srep 3: srer 4: y Ground Controlling i Motion Earthquake ye Parameter of Invcrest, %y RR, Distance, R Figure 3.7. Steps in deterministic seismic hazard analysis (after Kramer 1996) 3.4.2 ILLUSTRATION OF DETERMINISTIC SEISMIC HAZARD ANALYSIS To illustrate the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis procedure, let us consider a site located in the vicinity of four independent seismic sources capable of generat- ing shallow earthquakes, as shown in Figure 3.8. Sources A and B are modeled as line sources, Source C is modeled as a point source and Source D is modeled as a horizontal surface source. The coordinates of the source zones (km) are given in parentheses. The maximum moment magnitude, M,,.,.. that can be generated by a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. Elements of Seismic Hazard Analysis 89 Srep 2: 4 log G#EQ > m) Magnitude, x Srep 3: Srep 4: ‘ Ground PLY>y'] Motion Parameter of Interest, y Distance, R Paramerer value, 7) s (after Kramer 1996) Figure 3.9 Steps in probabilistic seismic hazard anal The four steps above are then repeated on a grid for cach given site in a region. Contour lines are then plotted for the chosen seismic parameter. These contour lines, based on the same annual probability of exceedance, create a seismic hazard map for the region. The flowchart shown in Figure 3.10 illustrates the process of developing a seismic hazard map for peak ground acceleration. da. in a given region FOR EACH value of 4... +FOR EACH Source (-FFor EACH Sub Source Chex rinar TH SuR-SOURCE CONTRIBUTES: Use M,. of source and dio get a IP THE SUB-SOURCE CONTRIBUTES (0... ae > ou): Combine seismicity and attenuation to L get dN comespanding 10 2,., oe this Sub- Source Goro NEXT Sub-souree SuM att dN from each Sub-Source to get Nous Contebating t0 2. Goro Nexr Source SUM ALL N,.,.,t0 compute Na. cortesponding to 2... GOTO NEXT value of 4... Plot Non versus a,,, forall ,, values Figure 3.10 Development of a seismic hazard map for peak ground accelera- ton, 4, 90 Chapter 3 3.5.2 ILLUSTRATION OF PROBABILISTIC SEISMIC HAZARD. ANALYSIS FOR A LARGE SEISMOGENIC SOURCE ZONE To illustrate the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis procedure, let us consider a site at the centre of a very large (infinite) seismogenic source (Figure 3.8) capable of generating earthquakes with a maximum (cut-off) magnitude M,,,. = 7.0. Let us assume that the magnitude-recurrence relation per unit area of the source is known, logN = A-bM (3.5) Equation 3.5 is inverted to obtain N = N,exp(-bM) G.6) where N, = exp(A) (3.7) The symbol “exp” is considered the general form of the inverse of a logarithm exp=e if log = log, =In exp = 10 if log = logy, (3.8) Note that V is the number of earthquakes with magnitude greater or equal to M per annum and per unit area. Suppose that the parameter of interest at the site is the peak ground horizon- tal acceleration, a. A general attenuation relation for the region (assumed as deterministic for this illustration) is given in Equation 3.9. loga,,.,, = >, + bM — b,log(d + b,) (3.9) This equation is inverted to isolate dy... Ayae = €XP(B, Jexp(BM)(d + B,)” (3.10) where d represents the hypocentral distance d= vr+h? G.I where r = cpicentral distance h = focal depth considered constant for the entire source To simplify the illustration, the parameters of Equation 3.10 are rewritten b, = 0 (3.12) Equation 3.10 is rewritten as follows: ggg = ¢,€xP(BoM )(r2 + 12 Now Equation 3.13 is inverted in terms of M. oftses M= (3.14) Elements of Seismic Hazard Analysis 91 Now, consider an infinitesimal annular element of source area dA (Figure 3.11). If-a unit source area generates N earthquakes per year of magnitude greater than or equal to M. then an infinitesimal source area dA generates dN earthquakes per annum of magnitude greater than or equal to M. Equation 3.6 is written for dN earthquakes dN = N,exp(-bM)dA (3.15) In Figure 3.11, the surface dA can be written as a function of the radius, R, from the site. dA = 24RdR (3.16) Infinite Seismogenic Source Zone ‘dR Annular element: of area dA My Figure 3.11 Site located at the centre of a large seismogenic zone Equation 3.16 is substituted in Equation 3.15. dN = 2aN,exp(-bM )rdr G17) Substituting Equation 3.14 into Equation 3.17 leads to the number of annual earth- quakes from the surface dA causing, at the site, a peak ground horizontal accelera- tion greater than or equal to a,,,. (the recurrence rate). dN = 2aN,exp ; 3.18) This equation can be simplified as dN = ann, |( G19) 92 Chapter 3 The total recurrence rate per annum at the site, N, caused by the entire area of the source is obtained by summing the recurrence rates from all the contributing infinitesimal annular clements of source area, or integrating dN. N= fw (3.20) where r, = epicentral distance for which an earthquake with a cut-off magnitude Myo Causes an acceleration equal to d,, at the site. Equation 3.19 is substituted in Equation 3.20. N= 20, (S) fe +2?) rdr (3.21) ®; The solution is obtained by integrating this equation. aK[h? - a7] —j- (3.22) where =o) 6 Equations 3.22 and 3.23 are used for values of a. varying from zero to the pos- sible peak ground horizontal acceleration, dgge panies at the site. This maximum possible value depends on the attenuation relation and is obtained by replacing M=M,,, and r= 0 in Equation 3.13 = exp (BM gas Ji” (3.24) ip 4, ou possible When the recurrence rate. N, is known, the retum period, 7;. of an earthquake with a peak ground acceleration greater than or equal to

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