Mark Scheme (Results) January 2008: GCE O Level Bengali (7606)

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Mark Scheme (Results)

January 2008

GCE OLevel

GCE O Level Bengali(7606)

Edexcel Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 4496750

Registered Office: One90 High Holborn, London WC1V 7BH
Question 1: Translation into English

In the past, it was very difficult for the rural people of Bangladesh to borrow money
from the bank. Most had to borrow from local money-lenders at high interest rates. At
that time, the financial institutions of Bangladesh failed to help most of the rural
people. Dr. Mohammed Yunus, a professor of Economics of Chittagong University,
stepped forward to eradicate their poverty. He once said sadly, ''My disrespect goes to
this education. What is the benefit of being proud of our education if it does not help

It is Dr. Yunus who first introduced the ''micro-credit concept''. This concept has
brought solvency to the families of the poor, through micro-loan. He believes that
villagers can borrow money little by little. As a result, their income will increase and
at fixed installments, they will be able to repay their loans. Dr. Yunus started his
micro-credit scheme in 1967 experimentally. From this moment onward, this scheme
quickly expanded. At present, about 35 thousand villages in Bangladesh have
established Grameen banks. Consequently, the smaller farmers are able to buy seeds,
fertilizers, cattle and poultry. Most of the hundreds of thousands of borrowers are
women (96%). They increase their family income using small equipment, such as
threshers, fishing nets and mobile phones. In this way, they have no difficulties in
making repayments and taking new loans.

The success of Grameen bank has proved that rural people have become self-
dependent. They are able to combat their poverty. Today this scheme is being
implemented in other countries of the world, not just Bangladesh. Dr. Yunus believes
that one day poverty will be eradicated completely from the world.

(Total 25 marks)
Question 2: Translation into Bengali

Bj HLV hs nql Se J hs quRz Bj LMeJ Nj cMe, aC NjZ She p Bjl aje Le e eCz
Bjl cc-cc HMeJ hwmcnl crem hlnml HLV Nj bLe, Bjl hhl pMeC Se quRmz

HLce Bjl ccl ApMl Mhl fmjz hhp pw hfl Bjl hh LeXu bLa flhll hs ea qph
ccL cMa kJu Bjl Lah Rmz HC k kje Rm ESefZ ajeC iaLl Rmz SqS kJu Rm
HLj hh Hhw ciNhna Bj pyal Se ez ah, HL kCe LlZ Bjl jul jja iC Bjl p

eJnl jj Bl Bj flLfe Aeku VLV Le lLV ej SqS EW fsmjz c'ce jZ Lll fl Bjl
elfc ccl hpu phm fyRmjz cc hQl nonu Rmez kqL, BjL cM ae LR n pu Ll
BjL hL Ssu dlmez

Bj ajL jp LlR ccz

BjJ aC, ajl AhnC rd fuRz ajl cc ajl Se jSl Mhl al LlRz

pl pq Bj ccl hsa LVuRmjz Bj Njl Iaqhq e MuRmj kje, fW, es Hhw Oll al
cCz Bj phLR MuR L e cc a mr lMRme Hhw BjL phpju Bcn Llae, HV MJ, JV MJz

pLml el fl Bjl QQa iCul BjL hCl eu Njl QlcL Ol cMmz Bjcl nqll mLcl
ameu Mh nfZ She aclz aC Bjl HMe OeOeC Bp EQaz

(Total: 25 marks)
Question 1 and Question 2 marking grids


Excellent transmission skills with clear grasp of detail. Excellent transfer

of inference, nuance and idiom. Pleasant to read.
A generally very competent rendering of the original text with grasp of
most detail, nuance and idiom. Some passages, usually more complex,
misinterpreted. Some successful attempts at rephrasing. The style is
generally pleasing.

The main points, usually narrative and concrete, are conveyed successfully
for the most part, although problems are encountered with more complex
7-9 language. Inference, nuance and idiom transmitted successfully on
occasions. Some passages misunderstood and attempts at rephrasing only
partially successful. The style is not always coherent.
Only the more straightforward concrete points are transmitted
successfully. Very little or no awareness of nuance and/or idiom.
Several sections totally misunderstood. The style is incoherent with
communication impaired at times.
Only the very basic points are transmitted successfully with some very
1-3 straightforward sections totally misunderstood. The style is often
incomprehensible. Communication is frequently impaired.

0 No language worthy of credit.

Quality of Language

A very high level of accuracy with only minor errors. Confident use of a wide
9-10 range of lexis and structures appropriate to the task. Excellent grasp of tense
use. Very pleasant to read overall, although not necessarily faultless.

A high level of accuracy overall with however occasional basic errors, usually
in more complex language. Uses a wide range of lexis and structures
7-8 appropriate to the task with occasional lapses. Grasp of tense concept/time
sequence generally secure although occasional lapses are evident. Pleasant to
read for the most part.

Largely accurate when using simple, short phrases: incidence of error

increases in more complex language. Lexis and structures appropriate to the
task tend to be adequate with several items unknown. Problems at times with
5-6 tense use.
Some use of given adjectives and/or adverbial phrases with some degree of
success. About half of what is written should be free of major errors. Not
always easy to read.

Some inaccuracies in basic grammar although narrative sections, usually short

and straightforward, are in general correct. Lexis and structures appropriate
to the task restricted with some often quite basic items unknown. At times
some fairly basic problems with tense concept/time sequence. Use of given
adjectives, and/or adverbial phrases occasionally evident, though these are
likely to be only partially successful. Often quite difficult to follow.

A very high incidence of basic error in all aspects of grammar, syntax and
morphology. Basic lexis and structures appropriate to the task unknown. No
awareness of tense concept/time sequence. Large sections totally
misunderstood. Communication impaired. Very little of credit.

0 No language worthy of credit.

Question 3 Practical application of grammar

Five sentences each worth 2 marks, plus a global mark for Quality of Language.
Marks are awarded for Communication as well as for Quality of Language.

Question 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark Reject (0 marks)

Complete Complete Partial or half Transmission
transmission with transmission transmission + is totally out
accurate language with 3 or more omission of 2 key of text or
such as: spelling errors words as does not
without affecting mentioned in make sense
communication such columns for 3 at all:
as: marks and 2
3(a) Bj eQuC ajl Bj eQuC ajl ajl je/jlZ Bj ajl pqk
pqkl Lb pl La je lMj lMh QC e
jlZ/je lMh z z Bj je lMh Bj ajL pqk
Bj AhnC ajl Llh
pqk je lMh z Complete or similar
transmission with or similar
Complete omission of any of
transmission with 1 the words such as:
or 2 minor spelling pqk/ eQuC/ jlZ/je
errors such as: lMh
or similar
or similar

3(b) p al hupl ameu p al hCpl ameu p hs al hup Lj

hn hs hp hl p hn hs Bjl hup hn
al hup ka al Qu
p hn hs Complete or similar or similar
transmission with
Complete omission of any of
transmission with 1 the words such as:
or 2 minor spelling
errors such as: hn/hn/hupl/hs

hCp/hl/ka/Q/hp or similar

or similar
3(c) k pa Lb hm aL S na La hm aL k pa Lb hm p jb hm
phC imhp flaL hmhp aL phC imhp Bj hT e
k pahc aL
phC/faL imhp Complete transmission or similar or similar
with omission of any of
Complete the words such as:
transmission with 1
or 2 minor spelling phC/faL/pa
errors such as: or similar
na/ La/ aL hmhp
or similar

3(d) ajl L Bjl pb ajl L Bjl pa ajl BpV im ajl pb im

BpV im/WL qh BnV hm qh e? aj kc Bjl pb kC e
e? Bp aj im
aj kc Bjl pb Complete transmission aj Bjl pb Bp
Bp aa L with omission of any of or similar
im/WL qh e? the words such as: or similar

Complete L/kc/Bp/im/WL
transmission with 1
or 2 minor spelling or similar
errors such as:

Bn/ pa/ hm/ aj

or similar

3(e) hwml pb ajl hwml pa ajl Bl hwml pb ajL/ Ae HLV io

Bl HLV io Sea HLV ho kea qh ajl Se eC
qh hwml pa ajL Aee Ae HLV io Sea hwml clLl eC
hwml pb ajL HLV ho kea qh qh
Ae HLV io Sea or similar
qh Complete transmission or similar
with omission of any of
Complete the words such as:
transmission with 1
or 2 minor spelling hwml/ Bl HLV/ Ae io
errors such as:
or similar

or similar

Fully communicated in the target language although with some ambiguity in

the expression.

At least half the sentence is correctly communicated in the target


0 No relevant communication.

The Quality of Language grid is applied GLOBALLY to all five sentences.

Quality of language

5 High level of accuracy with only minor errors.

Level of accuracy generally secure but incidence of error increases in more

complex language.

3 Accuracy variable with some basic errors.

2 High incidence of error which impedes communication at times. Inconsistent.

1 Frequent basic error with only isolated examples of accurate language.

0 No language worthy of credit.

(Total 15 marks)
Question 4 Continuous Writing

This question attracts marks for Communication and content and Quality of
Language. Please see the following grids:

Communication and content

Responds fully and appropriately to the stimulus with excellent and

relevant expansion. Gives detailed descriptions, expresses and justifies
17-20 opinions as appropriate to the task. The time sequence is clear and
A coherent piece of writing which is pleasant to read.

Responds to nearly all of the task although there may be some omissions.
Some relevant expansion at times. Provides evidence of description,
narration and opinion as appropriate to the task. Time sequence generally
sound with occasional lapses. A generally well structured piece of writing.
A sound attempt overall to link the piece into a coherent whole with,
however, some lapses.
May be a little pedestrian and predictable or somewhat over-ambitious at

Majority of task completed with, however, some significant omissions.

There may be some irrelevance. Goes beyond a minimal response with
some expansion of ideas and straightforward opinion relevant to the task.
9-12 Time sequences show a degree of ambiguity at times. Comprehensible
overall with some attempt to link the piece into a coherent whole.
Ambiguous in places especially in more ambitious language. Tends to be
somewhat predictable.

Main points of the task understood but some points totally misunderstood.
Some major omissions with a degree of irrelevance and/or repetition.
Level of response fairly limited with little opinion and justification
5-8 appropriate to the task. Functions predominantly in simple, concrete
sentences for the most part. Some evidence of correct time sequences but
mostly inconsistent and insecure. Just about comprehensible overall with,
however, a marked degree of ambiguity. Not easy to read.

Task generally misunderstood with little relevant information conveyed.

Much ambiguity, confusion and omission. Level of response minimal with
1-4 only a few relevant phrases. Communication largely impaired. Time
sequences rarely correct. Largely incomprehensible with the exception of
isolated items. Very difficult to read.

0 No language worthy of credit.

Quality of Language

Predominantly accurate: free of all but minor errors in grammar, syntax

and morphology. Uses a wide range of vocabulary, idiom and structure
appropriate to the task with very little or no repetition. Excellent use of
13-15 tense concept/time referents. Excellent examples of subordination and
appropriate use of more complex structures. Clear ability to manipulate
language with a high degree of accuracy to suit the purpose. Very pleasant
to read, though not necessarily faultless.
Generally accurate and secure in grammar, syntax and morphology with
some lapses. Accuracy less secure when more complex language is
attempted. Uses a good range of vocabulary, idiom and structure, which
are for the most part appropriate to the task. Attempts at more ambitious
10-12 structures not always successful. Generally a secure grasp of tense
concept/time referents. Manipulates language to suit the task at hand
with, however, some errors. A wide range of vocabulary, idiom and
structure may compensate for a lower level of accuracy. Generally easy to
read despite the errors.
Fairly accurate in simple language however tends to be inconsistent in
application of grammar, syntax and morphology when attempting more
complex language. Range of vocabulary, idiom and structure standard and
somewhat predictable. Some inconsistency in use of tense concept/time
7-9 referents. Some attempts at subordination and sentence linking which are
only partially successful. Attempts enhancement of fact with adjectives
and/or adverbial phrases with moderate success. About half of what is
written should be free of major errors. Despite inaccuracies the basic
message is conveyed.

Accuracy is inconsistent with frequent basic errors in grammar, syntax and

morphology. Simple, short sentences are sometimes correct but very little
beyond. Range of vocabulary and structure very limited. Use of tense
concept/time referents limited and often inappropriate. Limited success
in attempts at enhancement of fact with adjectives, and/or adverbial
phrases. Not easy to read.
A high level of inaccuracy with very frequent and basic errors in grammar,
syntax and morphology. There may be the occasional correct phrase. No
1-3 awareness of tense concept/time referents. Vocabulary very basic with
little or no evidence of correct use of basic structures. Communication is
severely impaired overall. Extremely difficult to read.

0 No language worthy of credit.

(Total: 35 marks)

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