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FIRST PROF. (PART 1) Send-up exam
Attempt all questions Total marks: 30
All questions carry equal marks Time allowed: 30
Choose ONE best answer

Q.1. Highest percentage of antibodies in a new born is

a IgA
b IgD
c IgM
d IgE
e IgG

Q.2. Transketolase enzyme activity is high in

a Germ cell
b Leucocytes
c Erythrocytes
d Neutrophils
e Macrophages

Q.3. Factor VIII is synthesized in

a Endothelium
b Hepatocytes
c Kupffer cells
d Histiocytes
e Platelets

Q.4. In terms of weight, the highest plasma protein is

a Albumin
b Globulin
c Transferring
d Fibrinogen
e None of the above

Q.5. The best chemotactic agent is

a C3a
b Only C3
c C5a
d C4a
e C3b

Q.6. Stimulation of erythropoietin secretion by the

kidney is because of
a Hypoxia
b Rennin
c Angiotensin II
d Anemia
e Calcium

Q.7. Antibodies are produced by

a Plasma cells
b Lymphocytes
c B cells
d T cells
e Macrophages

Q.8. In anemia which of the following is always

b Hb %
e None of the above

Q.9. Iron is exchanged in plasma with the help of

a Globulin
b Albumin
c Ferritin
d Ceruloplasmin
e Transferrin

Q.10. Anemia due to maturation failure is

a Hemolytic anemia
b Microcytic anemia
c Normocytic anemia
d Pernicious anemia
e Mediterranean anemia

Q.11. Delay in heart conducting system to give time for

ventricular filling
occurs in
a SA node
b Purkinje system
c AV node
d Bundle branches
e Atrial muscle

Q.12. Conducting system of the heart is composed of

a Specialized cardiac muscle fibers
b Slow fibers
c Fast fibers
d Nerve fibers
e Nuclear chain fibers
Q.13. Plateau in cardiac muscle action potential is due
a Potassium ions
b Sodium and calcium
c Chloride ions
d Sodium and chloride
e Phosphate

Q.14. S1 is due to
a Closure of AV valves
b Closure of semilunar valves
c Opening of pulmonary valves
d Opening of AV valves
e None of the above

Q.15. Cardiac output is increased by all of the following

a Exercise
b Pregnancy
c High temperature
d Eating
e Rapid arrhythmia

Q.16. Lowest venous pressure on standing will be in

a Great saphenous vein
b Short saphenous vein
c Superior vena cava
d Inferior vena cava
e Portal vein

Q.17. If PO2 in blood is low the most likely cause is

a Hypoxic hypoxia
b Anemic hypoxia
c Histotoxic hypoxia
d Stagnant hypoxia
e Ischemic hypoxia

Q.18. Pulmonary HTN is caused most often by

a Sympathetic stimulation
b Pulmonary vasospasm
c Hypoxia
d Left to right shunt
e None of the above

Q.19. Carbon dioxide is carried in blood in all of the

following forms
a Carboxyhemoglobin
b Bicarbonate ions
c In combination with plasma proteins
d In dissolved state
e Carbamino hemoglobin
Q.20. The following is true regarding respiratory center
a Lies in spinal cord
b Lies in medulla oblongata
c Lies in hypothalamus
d Lies in cerebellum
e Lies in cerebrum

Q.21. Pleural fluid is maintained in pleura by its

a Osmotic pressure
b Hydrostatic pressure
c Venous drainage
d Lymphatic flow
e Positive pressure

Q.22. Deep sea diver develops oxygen toxicities. Which

of the following
conditions can lead to death
a Drowsiness
b Vomiting
c Nausea
d Headache
e Seizure

Q.23. Gastric acid secretion increases due to

a Atropine
b Secretin
c Hypoglycemia
e Somatostatin

Q.24. Enzyme secreted by mucosa of small intestine is

a Lactase
c Enterokinase
d Gastrin
e Secretin

Q.25. When saliva is freshly formed during active

secretion, its pH is
a 7.1
b 7.4
c 8.4
d 8.0
e 9.0

Q.26. Esophageo-gastric competence would be

decreased via
a Inspiration
b Increased abdominal pressure
c Lying down supine
d a, b & c
e Only b & c

Q.27. The organelle which gives basophilia (purple

color) to cytoplasm is
a Mitochondria
b Ribosomes
c Lysosomes
d Golgi apparatus
e None of the above

Q.28. Permeability of a substance depends on all of the

following except
a Size of pore
b Membrane thickness
c Temperature
d Ability to change state
e Concentration gradient

Q.29. Active transport of ions across cell membrane of

live cells is due to
a Carrier proteins
b Lipids
c Pump
d Receptor
e Structural proteins

Q.30. Enzyme of lysosomes are all of the following

a Esterases
b Oxidases
c Lytic enzymes
d Collagenases
e None of the above

Q.1. Write down various steps of phagocytosis.

Q.2. Briefly discuss genetic regulation.
Q.3. Define and give example of apoptosis.
Q.4. What do you understand by the term voltage gating?
Q.5. What is the basis of plateau in some action
Q.6. What is saltatory conduction?
Q.7. Briefly discuss excitation contraction coupling.
Q.8. Draw and label volume-pressure diagram of cardiac
Q.9. Write a note on SA node.
Q.10. Discuss Abdominal Compression Reflex.
Q.11. Define shock and enumerate its various types.
Q.12. What is difference between humoral and cell
mediated immunity.
Q.13. Draw and label Oxygen-Hemoglobin
Dissociation Curve.
1 E 2 C

3 B 4 A

5 C 6 A

7 A 8 B

9 E 10 D

11 C 12 A

13 B 14 A

15 E 16 D

17 A 18 C

19 A 20 B

21 D 22 E

23 C 24 A

25 D 26 E

27 B 28 D

29 A 30 B

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