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Channels: tartio

1. The insects need to be produced in the reproduction centres with
temperature between 25 and 30 degree Celsius in presence of oxygen.
2. Mixing centres where waste food is to be mixed with the insects to be
converted into proteins
3. Packaging into jute bags
1. Using hub and spoke model(using centres and sub centres)
2. hatching centres under 50kms from farms
3. Distribution through trucks from centres to subcentres
4. vans from centres to sub centres as per as demand.
1. Hub and spoke model
2. Waste food supply through vans and trucks to subcentres through hotels,
restaurants, communities, juice and other shops.
3. Supplying the jute bags through vans from subcentres as per as demand.
4. Bulk supplies of jute bags from wholesellers
5. Returned jute bags by the users at the subcentres.

Key Activities:
1. Individual promotions to villages
2. Tie ups with NGOs
3. Entocycle family card schemes
4. Creating awareness through Radio Channels.
5. Demo activities in the farms.
6. Constant feedback through receipts applications and surveys.
7. Signboards on major district roads and village roads.
8. Customer recommendation benefits.
9. Value added services such as lessons in agricultural methods by experts.
10.Tieups with hotels and other resources for supply of waste food.
11.Promotions through village representatives for word of mouth.

1. Fund raising through investors.
2. Estimation of burn period, expected profits and predicting financial
3. Accounting for quantity of food materials supplied and number of bags
4. Payments for Transportation and logistics services.
5. Keeping track of expenses for buying production facilities and other
6. Salaries for employees, additional service providers.
7. Forming the break-even for return bag policies.
8. Forming Balacesheets, income statement and statement of cash flow for
each quarter.
9. Cost accounting to check what resources are consuming more money.

1. Recruitment of village representatives.
2. Salaries and expense for permanent and non-permanents employees.
3. Promotions and hierarchical structure.

Key Resources:
1. Financial: Funding of 1 crore in first round of investment.
30% for long term asset
30% for short term assets
20% working capital
20% marketing and promotions
2. Marketing:
1. Signboards
2. Village representatives
3. Entocycle cards
4. Experts
3. HR

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