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Apidologie 38 (2007) 390410 Available online at:

c INRA/DIB-AGIB/ EDP Sciences, 2007
DOI: 10.1051/apido:2007029
Original article

Comparison studies of instrumentally inseminated

and naturally mated honey bee queens and factors aecting
their performance*

Susan W. C

Ohio State University, Department of Entomology, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Received 10 August 2006 Revised 10 March 2007 Accepted 7 April 2007

Abstract Instrumental insemination, a reliable method to control honey bee mating, is an essential tool
for research and stock improvement. A review of studies compare colony performance of instrumentally in-
seminated queens, IIQs, and naturally mated queens, NMQs. Factors aecting queen performance are also
reviewed. The collective results of the data demonstrate that the dierent methodologies used, in the treat-
ment of queens, has a significant aect on performance rather than the insemination procedure. Beekeeping
practices can optimize or inhibit performance. The competitive performance of IIQs is demonstrated when
queens are given proper care. The advantage of selection and a known semen dosage can result in higher
performance levels of IIQs.

Apis mellifera / queen honey bees / instrumental insemination / colony performance

1. INTRODUCTION naturally, providing significant advantages to

research and stock improvement. For exam-
Honey bee queens mate in flight with nu- ple, a single drone can be mated to one or sev-
merous drones from diverse genetic sources. eral queens, isolating and amplifying a specific
The ability to control mating has been one trait. Varying degrees of inbreeding can be cre-
of the most challenging aspects of honey bee ated to produce dierent relationships, includ-
breeding. Attempts to mate honey bees in con- ing selfing; the mating of a queen to her own
finement date back to the 1700s and remain drones. Specific backcrosses can be created by
unsuccessful today. The technique of instru- extracting semen from the spermatheca of one
mental insemination, developed in 1920s and queen to inseminate another (Harbo, 1986b).
perfected in the 1940s and 1950s, provides
a method of complete genetic control, as re- The ability to pool and homogenized sperm
viewed by (Cobey, 1983; Laidlaw, 1987). To- cells from hundreds of drones and inseminate
day, with improvements in instrumentation, a portion to a queen or batch of queens enables
the technique is highly repeatable and highly unique mating system designs and simplifies
successful. stock maintenance. Within a closed population
Instrumental insemination also enables the breeding system, the eective breeding popu-
creation of specific crosses that do not occur lation size, viability and fitness are increased
Corresponding author: Susan W. Cobey, using this technique (Page and Laidlaw, 1985). Another advantage of instrumental insemina-
Present adress: University of California, Davis, tion is the ability to store and ship honey bee
Dept. of Entomology, Harry Laidlaw Honey Bee semen. Short term storage has been perfected
Rsearch Facility, one Shields Ave., Davis, CA, (Collins, 2000b). The ability to ship semen,
95616, USA. rather than live bees, minimizes the risk of
* Manuscript editor: Peter Rosenkranz spreading pests and diseases.

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at

Performance of instrumentally inseminated queens 391

Over the past 50 years instrumental insem- An early study by Roberts (1946) compared
ination has been utilized in bee research insti- the performance of queens introduced as pack-
tutions, worldwide, although the commercial age bees and reported higher honey produc-
industry has been slow to adopt the technique. tion in colonies with IIQs (see Tab. I). Queens
A factor in the reluctance of beekeepers to were inseminated three times with 2.5 L of
take advantage of this tool is the perception semen and given a direct release introduction.
of poor performance of instrumentally insem- Roberts (1946) attributed the higher perfor-
inated queens. The ambiguity in reported dif- mance of IIQs to selection.
ferences, compared to naturally mated queens, In a similar study of queens introduced as
can be explained in the varying treatments and package bees, Nelson and Laidlaw (1988) re-
methodology used. The objective of this article ported no significant dierence between IIQs
is to review comparison studies and the factors and NMQs (see Tab. I). The IIQs were insem-
aecting queen performance. inated with 8 L of semen at 6 to 10 days
Comparison studies, of instrumentally in- old and banked (individually caged in nurs-
seminated queens (IIQs) and naturally mated ery colonies) for 6 days before introduction.
queens (NMQs), date from 1946 to the present. Queen weights were compared when the pack-
Various aspects of queen performance are re- ages were hived and after establishment. Ini-
viewed and compared across studies: colony tially the NMQs were heavier than the IIQs
productivity, queen longevity, onset of ovipo- and produced more brood, (see Tab. I). These
sition, the number of sperm stored in the sper- dierences were attributed to mating time,
matheca and rate of success. Factors aecting queen development and the fact that the NMQs
queen performance are also reviewed: rearing had begun oviposition before shipment. The
conditions, mating age, treatment of queens, lower initial weights and brood production of
semen dosage and handling, pheromone devel- the IIQs were attributed to their not being al-
opment, eects of CO2 treatments and envi- lowed to begin egg laying before shipment
ronmental conditions. from California to Canada in 2 lb (one kg)
packages. As the season progressed, no signif-
icant dierences between the two groups were
2. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON observed in queen weights, brood production
STUDIES or honey production. During the peak sea-
son brood production of the IIQs was slightly
The various comparison studies are sum-
marized in Table I and categorized into three higher than the NMQs (see Tab. I).
groups based on their findings. Group I shows Woyke and Ruttner (1976) summarized the
the equal performance of IIQs and NMQs, results of instrumental insemination stating
in six studies, Group II shows higher perfor- that most production colonies were headed
mance of IIQs in seven studies and Group III by IIQs at the Apicultural Research Insti-
shows higher performance of NMQs in one tute in Oberursel, Germany and performed
study. The dierent methodologies used in the well. They reported similar performance of
treatment of queens across studies are also IIQs and NMQs, concluding that IIQs can
compared; the age of queens at insemination, be productive for 3 and 4 years. In a 1970
semen dosage and methods of queen introduc- study reviewed, colonies headed by IIQs were
tion. the highest producers. The authors (Woyke
and Ruttner, 1976) also reviewed a study by
Ruttner in 1961 indicating similar, although
2.1. Colony productivity slightly lower mean brood and honey produc-
To properly evaluate and select colonies tion of IIQs compared to NMQs (see Tab. I).
for stock improvement, queens must be capa- In reviews of honey production of colonies
ble of heading productive field colonies. Sev- headed by IIQs in the Czech Republic from
eral studies compared field performance of 1961 to 1980, IIQs produced an average of
IIQs and NMQs based on honey production or 8% and 12% more than honey NMQs (Vesely,
weight gain and brood production (see Tab. I). 1984; Woyke, 1989c).
Table I. Summary of Comparison Studies of IIQs and NMQs.


Pritsch & Bienefeld, 2002 1105 1114 37.9 kg 38.0 kg
1656 2025 37.4 kg 37.0 kg
Gerula, 1999 85 45 45.3 kg 50.0 kg 242.35 dm2 221.2 dm2
Cobey, 1998 14 12 109.8 kg 114.6 kg 8.8 Fr 8.6 Fr 18 mo 18 mo 5d 8 L DR
127.9 kg 142.4 kg 10.4 Fr 10.7 Fr
Vesely, 1984 672 1483 8% more 1yr.50% 1yr.58%
2yr.27% 2yr.15%
Nelson & Laidlaw, 1988 19 20 80 kg 70 kg 2074 cm2 2303 cm2 610 d 8 L Bnk 6 d/Pkg
4145 cm2 3998 cm2
Konopacka, 1987 276 285 1st.yr-3.8 r* 1st.yr-4.0 r* 1yr-94% 1yr-98%

S.W. Cobey
3rd.yr-3.4 r* 3rd.yr-3.8 r* 2yr-54% 2yr-87%
Tajabadi et al. 2005 5 10 7.8 kg 7.0 kg 3757 cm2 2757 cm2 67 d 8 L Bnk 10 d/nucs

Cermk, 2004 612 137 21.3 kg 19.4 kg 78 d 12 L DR/nucs
233 50 23.4 mo 21.5 mo 78 d 12 L DR/nucs
Szalai, 1995 24 24 Slct 22 kg 17.8 kg 1011 egg/day 735 egg/day
24 Unslct 12.3 kg 631 egg/day
Boigenzahn & Pechhacker, 1993 186 399 Slct 20.5 kg 19.0 kg
46 Unslct 17.9 kg
Wilde, 1987 16 9 7.0 kg 4.6 kg 18 963 cells 18 343 cells 2yr. II=NM 710 d 8 L Bnk 8-10 d
23 10 15.4 kg 11.8 kg 34 413 cells 21 817 cells Bnk 810 d
Woyke & Ruttner, 1976 15 72 54 kg 39 kg
Roberts, 1946 65 43 95.3 kg 52.6 kg 3 2.5 L DR/Pkg
Harbo & Szabo, 1984 59 59 42.3 kg 75 kg 1840.0 cm2 2782.5 cm2 1st.yr.31% 1st.yr.58% 23 wk 2 2.7 L Bnk 23wk/Col

Legend: Slct is selected; Unslct is unselected; mo is month;wk is week; d is days; DR is direct release; bnk is bank; Pkg is package bees; nucs is nucleus colony;
r is a rating system of 1-4.
Performance of instrumentally inseminated queens 393

Harbo and Szabo (1984) reported signifi- the higher performance of the selected groups
cantly lower brood and honey production, and to selection and the ability to control mating.
reduced survival rates of IIQs (see Tab. I). The Over a three year period in Poland, Gerula
treatment of queens in this study varied signifi- (1999) observed the performance of IIQs and
cantly from other studies. Queens were insem- NMQs of Apis mellifera caucasica and A. m.
inated past their receptive mating age, given carnica and their hybrids. No significant dif-
several small semen doses and banked before ferences were found between the IIQs and
and after introduction. NMQs (see Tab. I). Although, slight dier-
In Poland, Konopacka (1987) measured ences observed between the stocks were at-
brood production in colonies using a rating tributed to dierences in the breeding strains
system; a low of 1 to a high of 4. During the and flow conditions. Caucasian colonies were
first and third year of production the IIQs and slightly more productive than the Carniolan
NMQs averaged similar ratings (see Tab. I). colonies.
Cobey (1998) recorded total colony weights In another Polish study, Wilde (1987) mea-
and measured brood areas during the active sured the performance of colonies headed by
season and found no significant dierences be- IIQs subject to varying conditions, over a two
tween the IIQs and NMQs over two seasons in year period and reported higher production of
a study in Ohio, USA (see Tab. I). Colonies IIQs compared to NMQs (see Tab. I). Queens
were managed as production hives, and di- were inseminated at 7 to 10 days old with 8 L
vided in spring for swarm control. IIQs were of semen and banked up to 10 days or given a
inseminated at 5 days old with 8 L. of semen direct release introduction.
and introduced directly into nucleus colonies. More recently, several large data sets col-
In a study conducted in Iran, Tajabadi et al. lected by bee research institutions that rou-
(2005) reported no significant dierences in tinely use instrumental insemination for stock
and brood production of IIQs and NMQs, improvement programs, report minor or no
measured at five points in time over the sea- significant dierences in the performance of
son. The IIQ group produced more honey (see IIQs and NMQs. Pritsch and Bienefeld (2002)
Tab. I). The IIQs were given 8 L of semen at 6 evaluated honey yields of colonies at the Cen-
to 7 days old, a second CO2 treatment two days tral Breeding Evaluation Program in Germany,
after insemination and banked for 10 days be- and report equal or higher yields in colonies
fore introduction into nucleus colonies. A high headed by IIQs (see Tab. I).
loss of IIQs at introduction was attributed to an In the Czech Republic, also reporting on
insucient introduction time.
a large data set, Cermk (2004) found simi-
Two studies compared three groups; un- lar results, that IIQs had slightly higher honey
selected NMQs, selected NMQs and se- yields compared to NMQs (see Tab. I). The
lected IIQs, showing higher productivity in IIQs were inseminated at the age of 6 to 7 days
the selected groups, regardless of the method with 8 L of semen and banked for 10 days be-
of insemination. Boigenzahn and Pechhacker fore release into nucleus colonies.
(1993) reported that IIQs in Austria produced The majority of studies observed similar or
the most honey, followed by the NMQs mated higher performance levels of colonies headed
in isolated mating stations with select drones, by IIQs. The methodology of pre and post in-
followed by the NMQs mated in non-isolated semination care of queens, compared in Ta-
apiaries with unselected drones (see Tab. I). ble I, was similar among the studies in Group
Szalai (1995) measured honey production 1 and II. Queens were inseminated at a young
and egg laying rates of unselected NMQs, se- age, 5 to 10 days old, given semen doses of
lected NMQs and selected IIQs, and reported 7.5 to 12 L, and introduced directly or within
similar findings in Hungary. The selected IIQs several days post insemination into small nu-
were the top performers, followed by the cleus colonies or package bees.
selected NMQs, followed by the unselected The treatment of queens varied significantly
NMQs (see Tab. I). The authors (Boigenzahn in the Group III, Harbo and Szabo (1984)
and Pechhacker, 1993; Szalai, 1995) attribute study, reporting less competitive performance
394 S.W. Cobey

of IIQs (see Tab. I). In particular, queens were of 18 months in production field colonies in
inseminated at an older age, 2 to 3 weeks, Ohio, USA. Woyke (1989b) cited a study in
and caged in nursery colonies for another 2 Poland by Wilde in 1986, stating both groups
to 3 weeks before introduction. Queens were had equal survival rates over a two year period
given two small semen doses of 2.7 L Queens (see Tab. I).
were caged and shipped at the start of egg In contrast, Harbo and Szabo (1984) re-
laying, and introduced into large colonies or ported a significantly lower survival rate of
package bees. IIQs, compared to NMQs after one year (see
Harbo (unpubl. data) recently repeated this Tab. I). A major dierence in this study was
study, changing the pre and post insemination the treatment of queens. Queens were insem-
treatment of queens. Preliminary results sug- inated past their prime receptive mating age,
gest findings similar to the majority of stud- held in banks for several weeks and given
ies reviewed above. The dierent methodology small semen doses. IIQs stored less sperm
used in the initial study may have contributed cells, starting with a mean of 3.2 million
to the reduced performance of IIQs. The af- sperm cells, compared to the 5.5 million stored
fects of the dierent treatments are discussed by NMQs. The NMQs had more sperm cells
in Section 3. stored after one year, a mean of 4 million, than
the number stored initially by the IIQs. The
low initial sperm cell counts of IIQs in this
2.2. Queen longevity
study may have contributed to their lower rate
The lifespan of the queen must be sucient of survival.
to allow time for selection and to ensure breed- A major component of queen longevity is
ing stock is available for propagation. The pro- the number of sperm cells stored in the sper-
cess of evaluation requires field selection at the matheca. Queens that cannot maintain a large
colony level, over time. Several studies com- brood nest during the active season are of-
pared queen longevity. ten prematurely superseded. Many factors in-
Vesely (1984) presented a large data set fluence sperm migration into the spermatheca
on the longevity of IIQs and NMQs recorded and the number of sperm cells stored, these are
from 1961 to 1980 at the Bee Research In- discussed in more detail in Section 3.
stitute Dol in the Czech Republic. Survival
of IIQs was slightly lower in the first year, 2.3. Onset of oviposition and rate
and decreased in the second year, compared of success
to the NMQs (see Tab. I). Another data set of

queen longevity, reported by (Cermk, 2004), The criteria for the success of instrumental
also from the Czech Republic, observed higher insemination are often based upon the onset
rates of survival for both IIQs and NMQs (see of oviposition and queen survivorship to pro-
Tab. I). duction of worker brood. Several studies have
Konopacka (1987) observed the survival presented extensive data concerning these as-
rates of IIQs and NMQs over a 12 year pe- pects. Most studies report similar rates among
riod in Poland. She reported no dierences in IIQs and NMQs. There is speculation that the
the first year, and a higher rate of survival of lack of a mating flight may delay queen de-
NMQs in the second year (see Tab. I). The IIQs velopment, although the data suggests this is
were given dierent treatments and high mor- insignificant. The influence of seasonal and
tality of queens due to infection was observed hive conditions plays a more significant role
in both groups. The reduced survival of IIQs in physiological developmental dierences be-
in the second year was attributed to excessive tween the two groups.
CO2 treatments, two exposures of 10 minutes. Woyke and Ruttner (1976) state that a
Several other studies report no statisti- higher success rate of IIQs, over natural mat-
cally significant dierences in the longevity ing, can be achieved with proper insemina-
of IIQs and NMQs. Cobey (1998) observed tion techniques. The authors refer to a report
that both IIQs and NMQs survived an average by Mackensen who recorded a 92.5% success
Performance of instrumentally inseminated queens 395

rate of 759 queens inseminated from 1964 to brood and began laying earlier, although those
1966. They also report high success rates in beginning earlier, 11.5 days post emergence,
Germany. Of the 1480 queens inseminated at produced more brood than those beginning
the Apicultural Research Institute in Kirchhain later, 16.2 days. The opposite results were ob-
76.8% began laying in 1972 and 83.5% be- served among the IIQs, those that began ovipo-
gan laying in 1973. Moritz and Khnert (1984) sition later produced more brood than IIQs
also report a success rate of 90% of the 3440 which began earlier.
IIQs produced from 1972 to 1983 in Germany. An extensive data set of 1212 IIQs, reported
Over a 5 year period of an insemination pro- by Prabucki et al. (1987) from the Bee Re-
gram supporting a breeding project in Aus- search Institute in Poland, observed the start
tralia, Khnert et al. (1989) report a 85% suc- of oviposition of queens inseminated at dier-
cess rate. ent ages, from 6 to 16 days post emergence.
Otten et al. (1998) observed the influence Queens were given one semen dose of 8 L or
of both queen age and time of day of insemi- 2 doses of 4 L. The majority of both groups
nation on the success rate to oviposition of 522 started egg laying within 14 days, although
IIQs in Germany. Queens inseminated 10 days higher mortality was observed in the group in-
post emergence had a rate of 95% success, seminated twice. Queens inseminated when 10
compared to 82% success rate of 7 day old to 12 days old began egg laying in 6 to 8 days.
queens and an 80% success rate of 13 day old Queen inseminated at 6 to 9 days old began
queens. The authors suggest physiological fac- laying in 10 to 13 days. Queens inseminated at
tors change with the age of the queens and also 14 to 16 days old began laying in 11 days. The
during the time of day queens are inseminated. authors suggest seasonal eects and the con-
Afternoon inseminations were found to be op- ditions queens where kept also influence the
timal, 92% of queens inseminated between onset of egg laying.
2PM and 3PM began oviposition as compared Skowronek et al. (2002) reported on another
to only 7% inseminated in the morning be- large data set of 1289 IIQs in Poland, observed
tween 8000h and 9000h. over a six year period. The start of oviposi-
Onset of oviposition, the time between in- tion varied from 3 to 36 days post insemina-
semination and the start of egg laying, is gen- tion. Queens inseminated when 5 to 12 days
erally considered to be somewhat slower and old started the earliest. The majority of IIQs,
vary more widely among IIQs compared to 67.7%, began oviposition within 6 to 10 days
NMQs. During the peak season, the majority of insemination, 90.4 % within 15 days and
of NMQs begin egg laying within 2 to 4 days 2.9% began within 5 days. The authors also
post mating. However, Szabo et al. (1987) re- state that seasonal conditions are a contribut-
ported that the onset of oviposition of 1396 ing factor for determining the onset of egg lay-
NMQs ranged from 4 to 22 days after emer- ing.
gence, with a mean of 10 days in Alberta, In addition, Skowronek et al. (2002) ob-
Canada. served that the type of brood in colonies in-
Wilde (1994b) observed queens over a three fluences the onset of oviposition. Queens es-
year period and reported that of 59 NMQs the tablished with capped and emerging brood be-
start of oviposition ranged from 7 to 26 days gan laying sooner than queens established in
post emergence and of 77 IIQs the range was colonies with eggs and young brood. Queens
from was 10 to 37 days post emergence. The introduced during a nectar flow, warm weather
conditions queens were kept influenced re- and low relative humidity also started laying
sults. The IIQs kept with worker bees laid sooner. Cold nights and humidity above 90%
sooner and stored more sperm cells than those delayed the start of oviposition.
caged without bees. A study by Chuda-Mickiewicz et al. (2003)
In another study Wilde and Bobrzecki confirms the observation that the onset of
(1994) observed 79 IIQs and 53 NMQs over oviposition is influenced by the treatment of
a five year period and reported some interest- IIQs. They observed 79 IIQs and reported that
ing results. The NMQs produced slightly more queens confined to small boxes with small
396 S.W. Cobey

populations were less successful and were Egg development is also a factor of ag-
slower to start egg laying compared to queens ing virgin queens. Delayed mating, beyond
kept in free-flying mating nuclei. the optimal receptive age may be due to sev-
eral factors; poor weather conditions or insuf-
ficient drones. The banking of virgin queens,
3. KNOWN FACTORS AFFECTING for convenient scheduling of insemination pro-
QUEEN PERFORMANCE cedures, also has this eect.
A major factor in the success of instru-
mental insemination is a plentiful supply of
The queen undergoes physiological
healthy, mature select drones. The conditions
changes in preparation for egg laying. Many
in which drones are reared and held to ma-
factors influence the rate of these changes:
turity aect their quality and survival. Drone
from the newly emerged, to the brief receptive
production is seasonal, dependent on resource
mating age; to post insemination and egg
availability, colony health and population, and
laying. The treatment of queens during these
is subject to a high rate of attrition (Currie,
stages, before and after insemination, can
1987). Stress from pests, disease, and unfa-
influence their performance. Beekeeping
vorable weather conditions also impact drone
practices, designed to increase eciency and
populations. The presence or residues of miti-
reduce labor, do not always provide optimal
cide treatments in rearing colonies reduce the
conditions and can lower queen performance.
fertility and longevity of drones and queens
Factors aecting queen performance are
(Rinderer et al., 1998; Haarman et al., 2002).
To rear an abundant supply of mature drones
requires attention to these factors. Thus, the
3.1. Rearing conditions rearing environment must be given as equal
importance as the genetic makeup of stock.
The rearing of quality virgin queens and
drones is the first step in the process of pro- 3.2. Mating age of queens
ducing IIQs. Optimal conditions are essential
to assure quality and sucient numbers of ma- Virgin queens have a brief, optimal recep-
ture drones. Queens may be subject to stress tive period for mating. Oertel (1940) and Jhajj
during the procedures and extra handling re- et al. (1992) reported that the age queens gen-
quired. Intended for use as breeding stock, erally take mating flights is between 4 and
queens must head productive colonies and en- 13 days post-emergence. Virgin queens can
dure the rigors of evaluation. be instrumentally inseminated when they are
The quality of queens is correlated to the a few days to several months old (Tarpy and
age of larvae chosen to rear queens and the diet Fletcher, 1998; Collins, 2000a). However, the
fed by nurse bees. Studies by Woyke (1966, age at which queens are mated aects their
1971) demonstrated that increasing larval age, performance.
of 1 to 4 days old, results in decreasing body Mackensen and Roberts (1948) observed
weight, decreasing numbers of ovarioles, and that queens instrumentally inseminated, after
decreasing numbers of spermatozoa stored in the tenth day will be balled and mistreated by
the spermatheca of queens. the worker bees, and the percentage and qual-
Queen weight is a recommended criteria to ity of laying queen will be reduced. Queen
assess queen quality (Kaftanoglu and Peng, pheromones are known to play a significant
1980; Nelson, 1989). However, Skowronek role, as discussed in Section 3.7. Another fac-
et al. (2002) found that queens heavier at tor of receptivity may be the change of pH
emergence tend to begin oviposition later than in the spermathecal fluid, which is 7.3 in
queens with lower weight. Woyke (1962) re- 3 day old queens and increases to 8.6 in mated
ported that NMQs with large eggs in their queens (Koeniger, 1986).
ovarioles tend to have smaller semen volume Woyke (1960) observed that virgin queens
after their mating flights. older than 14 days tend to mate with fewer
Performance of instrumentally inseminated queens 397

drones and store fewer sperm cells. Zamar- in a queenless nursery colony, provides con-
liki and Morse (1962) reported that queens venience. A large number of queens can be
prevented from mating for one month did not held until the proper age for insemination and
mate at all or stored fewer sperm cells. To en- held after the procedure until new colonies
sure queen quality, commercial producers rou- are prepared for their introduction. This al-
tinely discard queens that have not started lay- lows flexible scheduling and is labor ecient
ing within three weeks due to poor weather although, does not provide optimal conditions
conditions. for queens.
To determine the optimal age of queens for In a series of studies, Woyke (1988, 1989a)
instrumental insemination, Woyke and Jasin- observed that virgin queens confined to cages
ski (1976) inseminated 237 queens, from 1 to in nursery colonies and inseminated past their
47 days old with 8 L of semen. Queens in- receptive mating age store less sperm, are de-
seminated at 5 to 10 days had similar num- layed in the onset of oviposition and are sub-
bers of sperm cells stored in their spermatheca ject to injury from aggressive worker bees.
and similar survival rates compared to NMQs. The practice of banking queens was also ob-
Queens inseminated at younger and older ages served to negatively eect queen weight and
stored significantly fewer sperm cells. Young attractiveness. Szabo and Townsend (1974)
queens, inseminated when 1 to 3 days old, had observed that heavier queens are more attrac-
high mortality. Jasnousek (1987) reported that tive. Confined to cages, queens may not re-
queens inseminated at 7 to 9 days old began ceive adequate nutrition. A protein rich diet is
laying the soonest. essential for egg development and lack of suf-
Seasonal eects influence the timing of nat- ficient feeding of protein may contribute to de-
ural mating and oviposition. Spring reared layed onset of oviposition. Queens confined to
queens tend to mate more eciently and be- cages after insemination and later introduced
gin oviposition sooner compared to fall reared into individual colonies are slower to begin
queens. Moritz and Khnert (1984) report that egg laying and store fewer sperm cells (Wilde,
the start of oviposition, for both NMQs and 1994b). This may also delay pheromone devel-
IIQs, is delayed late in season. They observed opment in queens.
3440 IIQs produced from 1972 to 1983 in
Germany and found that spring queens be- Wilde (1994a, b) also observed the eect of
gan laying 5.7 days post insemination, and dierent conditions in which queens are kept
queens inseminated late in the season began in before and after insemination; free in nuclei
14.3 days. Jhajj et al. (1992) confirmed these and caged, with or without attendant bees, and
findings, stating that queens mate about 5 days compared these to NMQs in nuclei. The IIQs
sooner early in the season, and take longer to kept with worker bees laid sooner and stored
begin egg laying, up to 11 days, late in the sea- more sperm cells than those caged without
son. bees. During the second season, queens that
I have also observed that both IIQs and had been kept in boxes with 200 worker bees
NMQs reared in the fall season can take up produced more brood, although the dierences
to 3 to 4 weeks to begin laying. Seasonal ef- were not significant.
fects contribute to delayed oviposition and are Newly mated queens are very active, run-
not solely based on a lack of available drones. ning on the comb often bending their ab-
Genetic dierences also play a role, although domens, which promotes sperm migration.
Guler and Alpay (2005) reported that environ- The movement of sperm cells from the
mental conditions have greater eects than the oviducts into the spermatheca is a com-
genotype. plex process, involving muscular action of
the queen and sperm motility (Ruttner and
3.3. Eects of banking queens Koeniger, 1971). Active, free movement of the
queen and attendance by workers immediately
Banking, the practice of confining queens after insemination helps clear the oviducts of
to individual cages and holding these together semen and increases the eciency of sperm
398 S.W. Cobey

cell migration into the spermatheca (Woyke, study, sperm cell counts were low in both
1979). drones and the spermatheca of queens.
During mating flights, queens obtain large Queens caged and banked often suer from
quantities of semen from numerous drones. injuries by aggressive workers bees. Work-
Only about 10% of sperm cells collected in ers bite the arolium (tarsal pads), tarsi, legs,
the lateral oviducts migrate into the spermath- and sometimes the antennae and wings of
eca and are stored (Koeniger, 1986). Con- caged queens (Jasinski, 1987; Woyke, 1988).
finement of queens after insemination reduces Of 354 queens stored for one week in queen-
sperm migration into the spermatheca. Two less colonies, 60% were injured. Queens with
sets of data of IIQs given 8 L and caged, damaged or missing arolium do not deposit
stored 2.9 and 2.5 million sperm cells com- sucient foot print pheromones that inhibit
pared to 4.2 million and 4.4 million sperm queen cell construction and may contribute
cells stored by IIQs allowed free movement to supersedure (Lensky and Slabezky, 1981).
among bees and held in an incubator (Woyke Furthermore, queens with injured tarsi or legs
and Jasinski, 1973, 1976). Woyke (1979) re- tend to fall o brood comb when colonies are
ported that of a total of 96 IIQs inseminated examined.
with 8 L, queens allowed free movement A study by Gerinsz and Bienkowska (2002)
and access to worker bees stored 5.3 mil- of 225 IIQs and NMQs showed that 55% of
lion sperm cells while queens screened with- queens in both groups sustained injuries dur-
out bees stored 3 million sperm cells. Woyke ing routine handling. The injury level and su-
(1989b) also reported that IIQs restricted to persedure rates were higher among IIQs, al-
small push-in cages made of excluder material though injury did not seem to significantly
stored 1.8 million sperm cells, compared to aect egg laying rates. The rate of superse-
5.2 million sperm cells stored by IIQs allowed dure did increase with the extent of injuries;
free movement and released directly after in- damaged arolia verses a paralyzed or missing
semination The author states that the quality leg. The authors emphasize that the dierent
of care given to queens during the critical stage methods of handling of queens, for example
of sperm migration can produce better results the number of times queens come into contact
than a second insemination. with unfamiliar bees, determines injury levels.
Woyke (1989b) showed that reducing the
Queens caged after insemination tend to time virgin queens are caged before insemi-
retain semen in their lateral oviducts which nation, from 10 to 4 days, reduced injury lev-
can be harmful and sometimes fatal (Vesely, els from 54% to 0%. The practice of bank-
1970). Woyke and Jasinski (1978) observed ing queens is a valuable management tool,
semen in the oviducts of queens after they be- although the duration of the banking period
gan laying, under certain conditions. Queens should be minimized. Provision and mainte-
tend to retain semen in their oviducts when: nance of proper nursery colony conditions is
established with small populations unable to also an important factor in preventing queen
maintain brood nest temperatures; inseminated injuries that may reduce queen performance
with preserved semen or with semen col- and increase supersedure rates.
lected from older drones, and when insemi-
nated late in the season (Vesely, 1970; Woyke
and Jasinski, 1978, 1980, 1985; Woyke, 1979, 3.4. Factors aecting the number
1983, 1989a). of sperm stored in the spermatheca
Interestingly, Rhodes and Somerville of queens
(2003) reported that 11.5% of NMQs com-
mercially produced in Australia, observed up The queen must store a sucient number
to the age of 31 days, had semen residue in of sperm cells to maintain a populous colony
their oviducts. They also reported that this over her lifetime. The number of sperm cells
could be a factor of small nucleus colony stored in the spermatheca is a major factor
populations and poor drone quality. In this determining queen longevity. An insucient
Performance of instrumentally inseminated queens 399

number, less that 4 million sperm cells, results also reduced the rate of success and delayed
in premature supersedure (Harizanis and Gary, the onset of oviposition of IIQs (Woyke and
1984; Woyke, 1989c). Jasinski, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1990). In a study
Although, Wilde (1994b) states that queens of 160 IIQs, inseminated with 8 L of se-
which stored a range of 3 to 5 million sperm men and introduced into nucleus colonies with
cells did not aect colony productivity. a varying number of attendant bees, Woyke
IIQs are considered to have a tendency to and Jasinski (1980) found that queens with
store fewer sperm cells compared to NMQs, more than 100 worker bees had clear oviducts
although the numbers range widely in both two days after insemination and most queens
groups. Generally, IIQs store 3 to 6 million kept with fewer than 100 workers still had se-
sperm cells and NMQs store 4 to 7 million men in their oviducts after two days. To pro-
sperm cells (Mackensen and Roberts, 1948; duce queens that store a sucient number of
Woyke, 1962; Harbo, 1986b). Mackensen sperm cells, Woyke and Jasinski (1982) rec-
(1964) reported that NMQs store an average of ommend a population of at least 350 worker
5.73 million sperm cells with a range of 3.34 bees is necessary for outdoor nuclei.
to 7.36 million. Woyke (1962) reported similar Queens introduced into larger bee clus-
findings, sperm cell counts averaged 5.34 mil- ters sizes are maintained at higher and more
lion with a wider range, 0.69 to 7.92 million constant temperatures, and start egg laying
sperm cells. Wilde (1994b) reported a range of sooner. Woyke and Jasinski (1990) observed
4.1 to 5.9 million sperm cells stored by NMQs 70 queens inseminated with 8 L of semen,
and a range of 2.1 to 4.8 million stored by IIQs. 7 to 8 days old and established with varying
However, queens commercially produced and numbers of attendant bees. Queens established
mated naturally in the United States and New with 150, 350 and 750 attendant worker bees
Zealand, were reported to store an average started egg laying in 15, 13.5 and 11.5 days
of 4 to 5 million sperm cells (Harizanis and respectively, with a range of 8 to 24 days.
Gary, 1984; Van Eaton, 1986; Severson and Doubling the number of bees attending the
Erickson, 1989). queen stimulated oviposition nearly a day ear-
The eciency of sperm migration is dose lier. When established with 9500 worker bees,
dependent. However, the treatment of queens queens started laying much earlier, in 5 to
is a major factor influencing the eciency of 9 days, averaging 7 days. An increase in the
sperm migration into the spermatheca. Most worker population increased the cluster tem-
sperm cells enter the spermatheca in the first perature contributing to faster initiation of egg
few hours after insemination, a critical period laying. Oviposition was accelerated by 1 to
for the queen. The conditions queens are sub- 2 days with a temperature increase of 1 C.
ject to during this period aect sperm migra- The size of the colony that new IIQs are
tion. introduced into not only aects the number
IIQs are routinely introduced into small nu- of sperm cells stored, it also aects the rate
cleus colonies for the purpose of eciency of acceptance and success. Otten et al. (1998)
and to increase acceptance. Activity, tempera- also reported on the success rate of establish-
ture and hive conditions can enhance or inhibit ing queens in dierent size populations and
sperm migration. In a series of experiments, showed results were best when queens were
Woyke and Jasinski (1973) observed the af- introduced into larger nucleus colonies. The
fect of worker populations on the eciency of authors reported that queens introduced into
sperm migration in IIQs. They demonstrated weak colonies of 200 worker bees had a re-
that queens kept at broodnest temperature, duced success rate: 70% and a 12% queen loss.
34 C, stored more sperm cells than those held In colonies with 1200 workers, nearly 95% of
at 24 C. An increase in the population in- IIQs began oviposition with less than a 1%
creased the broodnest temperature and the ef- loss.
ficiency of sperm migration. Gontarz et al. (2005) observed dierences
Small populations of attendant bees and in the thermal conditions of queens held in
the consequential low brood-nest temperatures cages with or without attendant bees and
400 S.W. Cobey

the aect on the eciency of sperm stor- inseminations of 3 L and Harbo (1986a) rec-
age. Queens re-introduced to cages established ommended 2 or 3 inseminations of 2 to 4 L
with attendant bees after insemination had el- of semen, given a day apart. However, Woyke
evated temperatures, sometimes above 35 C (1989c) stated that the dierence between sin-
within the first two hours. The temperatures gle and multiple inseminations, of up to 8 L,
were lower when the workers were newly in- were not statistically dierent. Multiple in-
troduced, or the queens were virgins. The au- seminations require extra labor and handling
thors suggest that bees caged with the queen of queens, and may increase the risk of injury
before insemination had accepted the queen and infection. Currently, the standard practice
and adjusted to confinement. Queens held at is to give each queen one large semen dose.
the higher temperatures stored more sperm The eciency of sperm migration is dose
cells. dependent. Larger semen doses, 4 to 8 L,
The treatment of virgin queens before in- generally migrate into the spermatheca over
semination appears to play a minor role in per- a 40 hour period. Small doses of semen mi-
formance compared to post insemination treat- grate faster, 1 to 2 L in 4 to 8 hours, and
ment, provided queens are inseminated during are less aected by conditions (Woyke, 1983;
their optimal receptive period. Wilde (1987) Woyke and Jasinski, 1985). Although, Harbo
studied the performance of IIQs in which the (1986a) reported variability in the number of
virgin queens were subject to varying pre- in- sperm cells stored by IIQs inseminated un-
semination conditions and found no significant der similar condition and that uniformity in-
dierences in performance levels compared to creased with larger semen doses and multiple
NMQs. Three groups of IIQs were observed: inseminations.
virgin queens established in nucleus colonies Conditions that cause retention of semen
with excluded entrances; virgin queens caged in the oviducts can aect queen performance.
with 200 attendant workers bees; and vir- Vesely (1970) found that queens inseminated
gin queens caged individually in queenless with 6 L of semen and caged after the pro-
colonies. The IIQs were given six-minute CO2 cedure often retain semen in their oviducts.
treatments at 5 to 6 days old and inseminated Results greatly improved when queens were
with 8 L of semen at 7 to 10 days old. allowed free movement in colonies, well at-
tended by worker bees, and maintained at
brood nest temperatures, as discussed above.
3.5. Semen dosage and sperm quality
The age of the drones is also a factor of
The mating frequency of NMQs and the semen retention. Woyke and Jasinski (1978)
number of sperm cells stored in their sper- reported that queens inseminated with semen
matheca is highly variable. Among drones, from older drones tend to retain semen in
including those from the same colony, the their oviducts, which can cause the death of
number and viability of sperm is also highly queens. Queens inseminated with 8 L of se-
variable (Lodesani et al., 2004). As discussed, men from drones over four weeks old had se-
environmental conditions as well as the pre men residue in their oviducts more often than
and post insemination treatment of queens can queens inseminated with drones two to three
inhibit or enhance the number of sperm cells weeks old. Drone semen changes in viscosity
stored. The dosage, quality and handling of se- and color with age. From young drones, less
men are also contributing factors. than 2 weeks old, the semen is fluid and light in
To obtain results similar to natural mating, color. The semen of drones older than 2 weeks
the standard semen dosage for instrumental in- is darker and more viscous.
semination is 8 to 12 L (Mackensen, 1964; Another factor aecting retention of semen
Woyke, 1989c; Vesely, unpubl. data). A slight in the oviducts and the number of sperm cells
increase can be gained by multiple insemina- stored in the spermatheca is the size of the
tions of small doses. Smaller semen doses mi- insemination tip. Bienkowska and Panasiuk
grate faster (Bolten and Harbo, 1982). For this (2006) observed 246 IIQs, in which 72.3%,
reason, Mackensen (1964) recommended two inseminated with smaller tips, 0.16 mm in
Performance of instrumentally inseminated queens 401

diameter, had cleared oviducts 48 hours af- for two weeks. Locke and Peng (1993) re-
ter insemination. Of queens inseminated with ported an initial viability of 87% dropped to
larger tips, 0.19 mm in diameter, 50.4% had 78% after 6 weeks of storage. Collins (2000b)
cleared oviducts. Queens inseminated with the reported 70% to 80% viability of semen di-
smaller tips stored more sperm cells, averaging luted with Tris buer and held at room tem-
3.3 million, compared to queens inseminated perature, 25 C, or in a refrigerator at 12 C
with the larger tips, averaging 2.6 million. for up to 6 weeks. Skowronek and Konopacka
The use of smaller tips, for the collec- (1983) reported similar findings of semen held
tion process, are more sensitive to the semen at 12 C for 3 and 6 weeks.
quality of drones (Bienkowska and Panasiuk, Temperature is an important factor for in
2006). The viscous semen of older drones can vitro, short term storage of semen. The opti-
be sticky and more dicult to collect. The mal temperature is 21 C, with a range of 13
more fluid semen of young drones readily to 25 C (Harbo and Williams, 1987; Locke
mixes with mucus which can cause plugs in and Peng, 1993; Konopacka and Bienkowska,
the smaller tips. 1995). Temperatures below10 C or above
How drones are held until maturity can also 32 C, and exposure to sunlight result in poor
aect semen collection. Drones tend to drift success (Taber and Blum, 1960; Harbo and
between colonies, therefore to ensure the iden- Williams, 1987).
tification of stocks drones are often confined The practice of mixing semen from nu-
inside colonies until mature. This practice re- merous drones, mechanically or by centrifu-
sults in the buildup of feces in drones, increas- gation is advantageous for breeding purposes.
ing the risk of contamination and can cause Sperm tails are long, fragile and processing re-
skin irritation. duces viability (Collins, 2003, unpubl. data).
Several studies have shown that queens in-
seminated with diluted, mixed and reconsti-
3.6. Aects of semen handling
tuted semen, were slower to begin ovipo-
and storage
sition and stored fewer sperm cells com-
Sperm cells remain viable in the queens pared to queens inseminated with fresh, whole
spermatheca for several years. The spermathe- semen (Kaftanoglu and Peng, 1980, 1982;
cal fluid contains proteins, sugars and antiox- Moritz, 1983; Skowronek and Konopacka,
idants, and the surrounding tracheal net pro- 1983). Lodesani et al. (2004) reported that by
vides oxygen (Koeniger, 1986; Phiancharoen stirring and pipetting, rather than centrifuging,
et al., 2004). The physical and chemical prop- the mixing of semen was more ecient and re-
erties of diluents; pH, osmolarity and nutri- liable, although queens must be given two 8 L
ents, and the handling methods can enhance inseminations of a 1:1 semen/diluent ratio.
or reduce sperm cell survival (Verma, 1978; Although, queens inseminated with mixed
Moritz, 1984; Harbo, 1986b; Collins, 2000a). semen may store fewer sperm cells, they
The diluent used is more critical when se- are capable of heading productive colonies.
men is diluted, mixed or held in storage. A Collins (2000a) and Lodesani et al. (2004)
Tris buer solution with a pH of 8.5, which showed that sperm cells are selected for
contains sugars, amino acids and an antibiotic, quality during migration into the spermath-
is recommended (Moritz, 1984). Nutrient rich eca. Queens inseminated with 50% live and
green coconut water also produces good re- 50% dead sperm cells produced viable laying
sults (Almeida and Soares, 2002). Further re- queens (Collins, 2000a). Motility, previously
search is needed to formulate a diluent that assumed as a characteristic to measure semen
promotes sperm quality and health. quality, is not an accurate indicator (Collins,
Honey bee semen can be held in sealed cap- 2006).
illary tubes for several weeks at room temper- Several studies have shown that survival
ature with good success. Almeida and Soares rates of queen inseminated with mixed semen
(2002) observed no significant mortality of se- were similar to queens inseminated with whole
men diluted with green coconut water and held semen (Khnert et al., 1989; Harbo, 1990). In
402 S.W. Cobey

the Khnert et al. study semen was diluted, treatment. He attributes this to the older age
centrifuged and reconstituted and in the Harbo of queens at insemination, which were 8 to
study semen was diluted 1:1 and mechanically 12 days as compared to 3 to 7 days in the
stirred. Yanke (unpublished data) states that Mackensen study. Harbo (1986b) also states
of the 150 to 250 queens produced annually that older virgin queens, banked for 2 months
over a fifteen year period and inseminated with before insemination, do not need a second CO2
diluted, centrifuged and reconstituted semen, treatment to induce egg laying. Banked virgin
many queens are productive for a year, and a queens of this age often lay eggs in their cages.
few up to three years. The eects of carbon dioxide treatments
The long term storage of semen using cyro- on queens are not fully understood. Worker
preservation techniques is possible, although bees exposed to CO2 have reduced longevity
is still in the experimental stage. Advances (Austin, 1955) and change their behavior
have been made with storage in liquid ni- (Skowronek and Jaycox, 1974). Exposure of
trogen using various cyroprotectants, such as virgin queens to CO2 treatments is known
DMSO, (dimethyl sulfoxide) and glycerol, to inhibit queen mating flights, cause an ini-
with DMSO providing the best results (Harbo, tial weight loss and reduce or delay queen
1979a). The critical variables are the rate of pheromone production (Harbo, 1986b; Woyke
freezing and thawing and the diluent used. et al., 1995).
Harbo (1979b) reported queens inseminated Skowronek (1976) reported that two day
with semen stored in liquid nitrogen produced old queens, anaesthetized with CO2 for 10 to
worker progeny, although many queens pro- 30 minutes, delayed their mating flights from
duced more drone than worker brood and the 9 to 25 days, compared to untreated queens
rate of eggs hatch was lower, compared to which flew on the 6th day post emergence.
the controls. Evidence genetic damage may Treated queens also took fewer flights and
have occurred in future generations was also stored fewer sperm cells.
reported (Harbo, 1981). Further research is The inhibition of mating flights by queens
needed develop techniques for the long term inseminated at dierent ages, given varied
storage of honey bee germplasm. CO2 treatments was also explored by Woyke
et al. (1995). In a series of studies the au-
thors demonstrated that two inseminations or
3.7. Eects of carbon dioxide treatments two CO2 treatments prevented mating when
queens were allowed free flight. The age of
Carbon dioxide treatments, used to anes- queens at insemination was a contributing fac-
thetize the queen during the insemination tor. As the age of queens, insemination with
procedure, also have the beneficial aect of 8 L was increased from 6 to 14 days, the per-
inducing egg laying. CO2 treatments stimu- centage of natural mating decreased from 69%
late the neurosecretory production of juvenile to 29%. Also, queens did not mate naturally
hormone, which contributes to the initiating of when treated with CO2 two days before insem-
oviposition (Mackensen, 1947). ination with of 8 L, and when inseminated
Two CO2 treatments stimulate young IIQs twice with 4 L of semen. Of queens insem-
to begin oviposition in a similar time period inated with of 8 L. of semen and given two
as NMQs. One treatment is given during the CO2 treatments two days after insemination,
procedure; another is given either before or af- 14% mated naturally (Woyke et al., 2001). Of
ter the insemination. The timing and dosage queens inseminated with one dose of 8 L of
of CO2 treatments are variable in practice and semen and not given a second CO2 treatment,
may influence queen performance. 61% mated naturally (Woyke et al., 1995).
Mackensen (1947) reported that IIQs lack- Harbo and Szabo (1984) reported CO2
ing a second CO2 treatment have a delayed on- treatments cause an initial weight loss in
set of egg laying of 40 to 60 days. Although, queens, both IIQs and NMQs, 3 to 9 days af-
Woyke (1966) reported that IIQs started egg ter the start of egg laying. NMQs were heavier
laying in 8 to 12 days without a second CO2 and laid more eggs per day than IIQs. Nelson
Performance of instrumentally inseminated queens 403

and Laidlaw (1988) also reported weight loss of queen pheromone changes dramatically be-
of IIQs at the start of egg laying, NMQs aver- tween virgin and mated queens. Quantitative
aged 190 mg and IIQs averaged 174 mg. How- and qualitative changes depend on queen sta-
ever, after 2 months, both groups of queens tus, and are unique to each individual (Apoe-
were similar in weight and brood production. gait and Skirkevicius, 1995). These complex
They attributed the initial dierence in weight chemical blends communicate reproductive
to the fact that IIQs had not begun egg laying status of the queen, maintain social cohesion,
when introduced, whereas the NMQs had been elicit retinue response and influence the behav-
laying before introduction into colonies. ior and physiology of worker bees. Pheromone
Jasnousek (1987) reported that reducing development may be delayed in IIQs com-
the CO2 treatments from 10 to 1 minute had pared to NMQs and explain why acceptance
no eect on the initiation of oviposition of of IIQs can sometimes be more dicult.
queens. However, Konopacka (1991) stated Workers bees are less attentive to young,
that queens given two, 10 minute treatments virgin queens compared to laying queens. The
laid sooner, in 7 to 8 days, compared to queens presence, concentrations and proportions of
given two, 3 minute treatments, which began queen mandibular gland pheromone (QMP)
to lay in 15 days. These dierences may be due vary with age, reproductive status, genetic
to other factors such as queen age and seasonal makeup and seasonal changes (Pankiw, 2004)
conditions. QMP produced by young, pre mating age vir-
Konopacka (1987) attributed a reduced gin queens 1 to 2 days old, is dierent from
lifespan of IIQs to excessive exposure to CO2 that of virgin queens of mating age, 4 to 7 days,
yet this was only observed after the third and dierent from QMP produced by laying
year of production. Queens given two strong, queens. Mature, mated queens have the high-
ten minute CO2 treatments lived shorter lives est levels of QMP compared to newly mated
compared to those given a weak, incomplete and virgin queens (Slessor et al., 1988, 1990).
anesthetization of less than one minute in Pankiw et al. (1996) found that young, un-
which queen abdominal movement continued. mated queens produce lower quantity and dif-
Several studies suggest practical recom- ferent proportion of components of QMP com-
mendations. Fischer (1990) showed that mi- pared to mated queens. Drone laying queens
gration of sperm cells is more ecient in have been shown to have intermediate quan-
queens given a CO2 treatment the day before tities compared to mated and virgin queens.
insemination, rather than the day after the pro- Pheromone production is complex and not
cedure. Sperm cell migration takes about two only a function of age.
days and CO2 exposure during this time may Richard et al. (2005) suggests that how
interrupt or slow migration and chill queens. well queens have mated also may aect dier-
CO2 treatment before insemination also in- ences among pheromone profiles. In prelimi-
hibits natural mating flights and the need to ex- nary studies multiple mated queens attracted
clude nucleus entrances (Woyke et al., 2001). a larger retinue response than single mated
Ebadi and Gary (1980) showed that CO2 treat- queens.
ments diluted with air induced earlier oviposi- Another source of queen pheromone, the
tion of IIQs and suggest the use of a 75% CO2. tergal gland secretions (TGS) localized on the
mixture. dorsal surface of the abdomen, plays a role
in worker-queen interactions. Workers in the
queens court actively lick and palpate the dor-
3.8. Pheromone development and queen sal abdomen of the queen. The blend of TGS
acceptance and QMP maintains and stabilizes retinue be-
havior and communicates to the workers that
The queen undergoes many changes in the queen has mated (Slessor et al., 1988).
physiology and behavior: from a newly TGS are found on mature queens and vary
emerged virgin, to mating age, mating, egg with age. Young virgin queens do not produce
maturation and production. The composition TGS until the mating age of 5 to 10 days old.
404 S.W. Cobey

NMQs, 10 days old or 48 h after mating, pro- eggs during transport soon after the start of egg
duce a full complement of TGS. TGS produc- laying. Free et al. (1992) reported that work-
tion is stimulated by mating flights and not ers bees pay more attention to queens that have
by instrumental insemination. Virgin queens been mated for two months or more.
and IIQs, prevented from taking mating flights The complex and changing blends of queen
have been shown to have a delayed onset of and brood pheromones play an important
TGS production, of about 40 days post emer- role in queen acceptance and replacement.
gence. Although, no dierences were found in Further studies are needed to determine if
the onset of TGS production between IIQs and the treatment of queens, during the process
sister virgin queens (Smith et al., 1991, 1993). of instrumental insemination and establish-
Dierences in the development rate of ment, influences queen pheromone develop-
pheromone blends of IIQs and NMQs may in- ment and production. However, dierences in
fluence initial queen acceptance. NMQs may pheromone blends between IIQs and NMQs
elicit a higher response and acceptance level, appears to be insignificant or at least of no im-
compared to IIQs. The lack of a mating flight portance for queen performance, once queens
and the treatment of queens, inseminated at are established.
dierent ages and banked for dierent periods
of time, may influence the rate and blend of
queen pheromone development. 4. DISCUSSION
Dierences in pheromone levels among
IIQs and NMQs may become less significant This review provides a level of confidence
when queens are laying and established. In in the use of IIQs and insight into the method-
mated queens, QMP profiles are relatively sta- ology to improve queen performance. The col-
ble over time. Pankiw (unpubl. data) did not lective results of the various studies conclu-
detect any significant changes in the quantity sively demonstrate that IIQs are capable of
or quality of QMP components between lay- heading productive colonies and can endure
ing NMQs and IIQs. She suggests that brood the rigors of performance testing in the field.
cues are a more honest assessment of the The demonstrated reliability of instrumental
queens fecundity. Worker bees detect the dif- insemination as a tool for selective breeding
ferent pheromone blends of brood and adult should encourage increased use of this tech-
bees of varying ages. Pankiw (unpubl. data) nique in bee breeding and stock maintenance
hypothesizes that workers respond to changes programs.
in the ratio of brood and adult bees, as this re- Many factors aect queen performance.
lates to the queens egg laying rate. Beekeeping management practices and the
IIQs are vulnerable during queen introduc- treatment of queens appear to have a more sig-
tion and early establishment, the time when nificant eect on queen performance, than the
queen pheromone production is developing actual insemination procedure. The treatment
and maturing. Observing NMQs, aged 7 to of queens in the one Group III study report-
31 days, Rhodes and Somerville (2003) found ing lower performance of IIQs, diered signif-
that the pheromone levels varied between icantly from the Group I and II studies show-
queens of the same age group. The compo- ing equal or higher performance of IIQs (see
nents, of the ten pheromone levels identified, Tab. I).
also varied between age groups. The authors Common beekeeping practices clearly af-
suggest a relationship between pheromone fect results. The eciency of sperm cell mi-
level, queen acceptance and survival success. gration is reduced when queens are: insemi-
In another study, Rhodes et al. (2004) re- nated beyond their receptive mating age, caged
ported that young NMQs allowed to lay for in banks or maintained at below brood nest
several weeks in nucleus colonies before in- temperatures. Queens with insucient num-
troduction into large colonies had lower super- bers of sperm cells stored have lower rates of
sedure and higher survival rates, compared to survival. The dosage, quality and handling of
queens that were caged and forced to reabsorb semen used for insemination also influences
Performance of instrumentally inseminated queens 405

results. All of these aspects can be controlled range of mating frequency by NMQs. It has
and optimized, with proper beekeeping prac- been speculated that queens continue to take
tices, to enhance the performance of IIQs. mating flights until a sucient amount of
Some initial dierences may be observed in semen is stored. Although, Tarpy and Page
the establishment of IIQs. Mating flights and (2000) state that there is no control over mat-
the act of mating may stimulate physiologi- ing frequency and suggest that the number of
cal development that may be slower in IIQs available drones, weather and seasonal condi-
compared to NMQs. These dierences are mi- tions are the major influences.
nor, and can be minimized with the proper The ability to increase genetic diversity
insemination procedures and proper treatment within a colony, beyond what is possible
of queens. These dierences can be observed through natural mating, is an advantage of in-
during the introduction of queens and become strumental insemination. The impressive ar-
insignificant as queens are established and lay- ray of traits and flexibility in behavior pat-
ing. An understanding and implementation of terns displayed by honey bees are due to their
beekeeping practices that promote ecacy of intra-colony genetic variability. Genetic diver-
IIQs, as discussed in this review, will produce sity enhances colony fitness, enabling honey
competitive performance in such queens, com- bees to exploit and survive in wide ecologi-
pared to NMQs. cal ranges, survive extreme climatic conditions
In the majority of studies, the advantage and resist pests and diseases. Several studies
of controlled mating demonstrates that the have shown that adaptability, productivity and
ability to select for valued traits can result survivability tend to be greater in out-crossed
in higher performance of IIQs compared to stocks (Fuchs and Schade, 1994; Palmer and
NMQs. IIQs have also been known to survive Oldroyd, 2000; Tarpy and Page, 2002).
several years and out live NMQs. Yanke (un- Another advantage of instrumental insem-
publ. data) observed, during years of beekeep- ination is the ability to isolate a specific trait
ing in the northern extreme of New Zealand, and eliminate the complexity of genetic back-
that IIQs are more consistent and often live ground that masks the expression of a particu-
longer than NMQs, especially when weather lar characteristic. With the sequencing of the
conditions during the mating period are less honey bee genome, this will become an in-
than optimal. This confirms my own experi- creasingly valuable research technique.
ence in the annual production of several hun- Applied to stock improvement, instrumen-
dred IIQs for a breeding program from 1981 to tal insemination provides an essential tool to
the present. develop commercial stocks that have better
Instrumental insemination oers the advan- survival in the presence of parasitic mites
tage of mating queens more uniformly. A and disease, as well as enhance traits such
review of commercial queen production in as productivity, good temperament and over-
Australia reported NMQs had a wide range of wintering ability.
sperm counts (Rhodes and Somerville, 2003). The data presented in Table I overwhelm-
Queens mated late in the season, had low ingly demonstrates that instrumental insemi-
sperm counts and began laying with approx- nation is a reliable and practical technique.
imately 2 million sperm cells stored, while However, beekeeping practices designed to re-
the average number is 5 to 6 million. During duce labor, increase eciency and provide
the peak season, 42% of drones had less than convenience in scheduling, often provide sub-
0.5 million sperm, the authors (Rhodes and optimal conditions for queen development and
Somerville, 2003) suggest insucient drones sperm storage in the spermatheca. The re-
and low sperm counts may be factors. Sperm ported lower performance levels of IIQs can
cell counts of drones are generally 7 to 11 mil- probably be attributed to such factors. With
lion per individual (Mackensen, 1955; Ruttner the ability to control mating, IIQs generally
and Tryasko, 1976; Woyke, 1989c). have been selected for superior genotypes,
The insemination of queens with a known which may mask the possible disadvantages
and uniform semen dosage eliminates the wide of instrumental insemination concerning their
406 S.W. Cobey

performance. The unfounded reputation for Kniginnen dagegen in einem Alter von 23 Wo-
poor performance of IIQs has been dicult to chen mit einer relativ geringen Samenmenge (zwei-
dispel, although the scientific community has mal 2,7 L) besamt und zustzlich ber 23 Wo-
chen in anderen Vlkern aufbewahrt, bevor sie in
repeatedly demonstrated their equal and some- grere Bienenvlker oder package bees einge-
times higher performance compared to NMQs. weiselt wurden.
Die geringe Anzahl an Spermien sowie die gerin-
gere Produktivitt und berlebensraten der IIQs
in Gruppe III kann ebenfalls mit der verwendeten
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Methode bei der Besamung erklrt werden. Wenn
Kniginnen vor dem Zeitpunkt ihrer ersten auf-
nahmefhigen Paarung besamt werden, speichern
I thank Susan Fisher and Timothy Lawrence for sie weniger Samen. Das Kfigen nach der Besa-
critical review of this manuscript. mung reduziert ebenfalls die Speicherfhigkeit fr
die Spermien und fhrt zudem hufig zu Verletzun-
gen der Knigin durch aggressive Arbeiterinnen.
tudes comparatives sur des reines dabeilles Bienenkniginnen durchlaufen dramatische physio-
aprs insmination artificielle ou accouplement logische Vernderungen whrend der Vorbereitung
naturel et facteurs agissant sur leurs perfor- zur Eilage. Viele Faktoren beeinflussen diese Vern-
mances. derungen und damit auch die Leistungsfhigkeit der
Knigin. NMQs, die sich frhzeitig paaren, sich frei
Apis mellifera / reine dabeilles / insmination ar- bewegen knnen und gut von Arbeitsbienen ver-
tificielle / performance de la colonie sorgt werden, paaren sich mit mehr Drohnen und
speichern mehr Spermien.
Es wurden einige geringe Unterschiede zwischen
Zusammenfassung Vergleichende Untersu- IIQs und NMQs beobachtet. So knnen die hhe-
chungen an instrumentell besamten und natr- re Variationsbreite beim Beginn der Eiablage sowie
lich begatteten Honigbienenkniginnen und zu eine langsamere Produktion des Kniginnenphero-
Faktoren, die deren Leistungsfhigkeit beein- mons das Einweiseln von IIQs erschweren. Diese
flussen. Die instrumentelle Besamung ist eine zu- Unterschiede minimieren sich aber bei einer guten
verlssige Methode, um die Paarung bei Honigbie- imkerlichen Praxis.
nen zu kontrollieren. Sie bietet damit ein unver- Andere vom Imker zu verantwortende Faktoren wie
zichtbares Verfahren fr die Forschung und die Bie- die Art der knstlichen Besamung und die Behand-
nenzucht. Dieses Review der Forschungsarbeiten lung des Samens beeinflussen ebenfalls die spte-
von 1946 bis heute vergleicht die Leistung von Bie- re Leistungsfhigkeit der Knigin. Die imkerliche
nenvlkern mit instrumentell besamten Kniginnen Praxis kann somit die Leistungsfhigkeit der Kni-
(IIQs) und natrlich begatteten Kniginnen (NM- gin verbessern oder verschlechtern. Es konnte aber
Qs) sowie Faktoren, von denen die Leistungsfhig- klar gezeigt werden, dass bei guter imkerlicher Pra-
keit der Kniginnen beeinflusst wird. xis die Leistungsfhigkeit von IIQs und NMQs ver-
In den Studien wurden verschiedene Leistungspara- gleichbar sind. Dieses Review soll den Imkern Ver-
meter der Kniginnen verglichen: Produktivitt des trauen in die instrumentelle Besamung geben und
Bienenvolkes, Lebensdauer der Knigin und Auf- darber hinaus zeigen, welche methodischen De-
bewahrung der Spermien. In Tabelle I sind die Er- tails dabei die Leistungsfhigkeit der Kniginnen
gebnisse dieser Studien in Gruppen zusammenge- verbessern knnen.
fasst: Gruppe I mit 6 Untersuchungen zeigt gleiche
Leistungsfhigkeit von IIQs und NMQs; Gruppe II Apis mellifera / Honigbienenknigin / knstliche
mit 7 Untersuchungen zeigt eine hhere Leistung Besamung/ Leistungsfhigkeit des Bienenvolkes
bei IIQs; Gruppe III enthlt eine Studie mit hherer
Leistung bei NMQs.
Eine detaillierte Analyse dieser Studien zeigt ein-
deutig, dass die Leistungsfhigkeit der Knigin
signifikant von der Durchfhrung der Besamung REFERENCES
abhngt. Die Ergebnisse in Gruppe III knnen dem-
nach auf unterschiedliche Behandlung der Knigin- Almeida R., Soares A.E.E. (2002) Usage of green co-
nen zurckgefhrt werden. Die IIQs in den Grup- conut water and dierent tissue culture media for
pen I und II wurden in einem Alter zwischen 5 und in vitro honey bee semen storage (Apis mellifera),
12 Tagen mit einer Samenmenge von 812 L be- Interciencia 27, 317321.
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