Προτυπα -Chapters Index

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Chapter 1


1.1 The Existing Road Network

1.2 Road Accidents

1.3 Procedures and Standards for Roads

1.4 The Procedures and the stages in the Development of Road

1.5 Public Consultation

1.6 Engineering, Operational and Economic Factors
Chapter 2
The Road Network

2.1 The Road Network

2.2 The Road Hierarchy

2.3 The Classes within the hierarchy

2.4 Standards and Cross Sections
2.5 Typical Cross Sections

2.6 Classification and other requirements

Chapter 3
Roads as Links between

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Part I - The Initial Design Process

3.3 Road Alignment Design

3.4 Part II - Standard Parameters and the Detailed Design

3.5 Climbing Lanes

3.6 Arrester beds or emergency escapes

3.7 Roads in Mountainous and Sensitive Areas

3.8 Finalising the Layout

Chapter 4

4.1 Definitions

4.2 Part I - General Introduction

4.3 Part II - Accesses and Minor Junctions

4.4 Part III - Standard Junctions
Chapter 5
Priority Junctions

5.1 Preamble

5.2 Form of the Major / Minor Priority Junction

5.3 The Choice of Priority Junction Type

5.4 Dual Carriageway Junctions
5.5 Calculation of Capacity

5.6 Siting of Priority Junctions

5.7 Road Safety

5.8 Road Users Needs

5.9 Landscaping

5.10 Geometric Considerations

5.11 Layout Features

5.12 Completing the Junction Layout

Chapter 6

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Types of Roundabout

6.3 The Siting of Roundabouts

6.4 Safety
6.5 Specific User Requirements

6.6 Landscaping
6.7 Geometric Design

6.8 Visibility
6.9 Surface Water Disposal

6.10 Segregated Left Turning Lanes

Chapter 7
Traffic Signal Junctions

7.1 Introduction

7.2 General Principles

7.3 Signal Sequencing

7.4 Suitability of Sites for Signalling
7.5 Junction Design Techniques

7.6 Signal Design Techniques

7.7 Signal Timing Calculations

7.8 Equipment Layout

7.9 Additional Considerations

7.10 Pedestrian Facilities

7.11 Roundabouts
Chapter 8
Grade Separated Standards
and Compact Junctions

8.1 Introduction

Part I Standard Grade Separated Junctions

8.2 Design Procedure

8.3 General Principles

8.4 Geometric Standards

8.5 Standard Junctions - Geometric Standards of Connectors

Part II Compact Grade Separated Junctions

8.6 Compact Junctions

Part II Compact Grade Separated Junctions

8.7 Safety Considerations

8.8 Economic Assessment

8.9 Flow Standards

8.10 Cyclists, Pedestrians and Agricultural Facilities

8.11 Examples of Layouts of Grade Separation

Chapter 9
Road Safety Features

9.1 Part I - Introduction

9.2 Part II - Good Design

9.3 Traffic and Roads

9.4 Safety Features
9.5 Human Behaviour

9.6 Accident Problems

9.7 Conclusions from Accident Data

9.8 Accident Prevention

9.9 Other Safety Measures

9.10 Proposed Schemes and Design Features

9.11 Part III - Accident Analysis and Remedial Measures

9.12 Conclusions
9.13 Part IV - Effective Controls
Chapter 10
Traffic Managment and
Maintenance Considerations

10.1 Objectives

10.2 The Signing of Roadworks

10.3 Safety Clearances at Roadworks

10.4 Traffic Management Layouts and Traffic Control


10.5 Signing, Coning and Road Markings

10.6 Planning and other Considerations

10.7 Diversionary Routes

10.8 Night-time Visibility

10.9 Setting up and Dismantling

10.10 Monitoring, Supervision, Inspection and Maintenance

10.11 Emergencies
10.12 Maintenance Provisions on New Schemes

10.13 Summary

10.14 Evaluation of Maintenance Works

Chapter 11
Environmental Impact

11.1 General Introduction

11.2 Definition and Objectives of Environmental Impact


11.3 Methodology
11.4 EIA at Key Road Scheme Development Stages

11.5 Reporting the Results of an Environmental Statement

11.6 Public Exhibitions

11.7 Environmental Topics

Chapter 12
Landscape Development

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Landscape Characteristics of Roads

12.3 Design Criteria

12.4 Landscape Planting
12.5 Earthworks

12.6 An Approach to Sustainable Arid Landscape Design

12.7 Provision of Plants
Chapter 13
Roadside Features and

13.1 Roadside Features

Part I - Constructional Features of Roads

13.2 Laybys

13.3 Edge Details

13.4 Drainage and other Services

13.5 Drainage and other Services in the Highway

13.6 Surface Treatment

13.7 Carriageways Markings

Part II - Street Furniture

13.8 Pedestrian Guardrails

13.9 Street Lighting

13.10 Traffic Signs

13.11 Safety Fences, Safety Barriers and Parapets

13.12 Wire Rope Safety Fences
13.13 Anti-Dazzle Fences

Part III - Pedestrians, Cyclists and Farm Animals

13.14 Pedestrians

13.15 Cyclists

13.16 Physically Disabled

13.17 Farm Accesses

Part IV - Village Areas

13.18 Traffic Calming Measures

Part V - Other Features

13.19 Turning Circles for Vehicles

13.20 Tunnels
13.21 Cross Sections at Structures
Chapter 14
Weighbridge Stations

14.1 Types of Weighbridge Equipment and Weigh Measurement

14.2 Weighbridge Station Layouts

12.3 Existing PWD WIM and Slow Speed Precision

Weighbriddge Stations

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