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B.Tech. (PT) DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2012 ‘Sinth Semester _PME047 - REFRIGERATION AND AIRCONDITIONING SYSTEM PART-A (10% What i the influence of compression ratio on the COP? What aze the methods to improve COP? ‘What are the advantages of vapour absorption reffigeration system? ‘What isthe function of rectifier in an absorption system? ‘Mention the advantages ofa multistage compressor. ‘What is the function of a condenser in a reftigeation system? ‘What factors the heat gain fom solar radiation depends? ‘What are the methods of estimating heat gain due to infiltrated ai? 9, What are the advantages of food preservation? 10, Define: Sensible heat factor. pee aise PART -B (Sx 16= 80 Marks) ‘Hat Discuss the effect of sub cooling and super eating on the performance of vapour compression reftgeration system ‘with the help of T- diagram. ‘What are the methods for improving COP of vapour ‘compression refigeration system in detail? (oR) , Explain the cascade reiigeration system with a simple sketch and derive an expression for COP. 12.15 Discuss the relative merits and field of applications of ‘vapour absorption and vapour compression reftigeation systems, fi, Explain any one ofthe absorption refrigeration sytem. or) ’. Ina vapour absorption sytem, the heat is supplied to the generator by condensing steam at 3 bar and 85% dry. The temperature inthe evaporator iso be maintained at 10°C If the cooling water rejects heat at 30°C in the condenser. Find the maximum COP ofthe system. ‘When the reftigeration load is 10 tons andthe actual COP is 40% of the maximum COP, find the mass of steam required per hour 13.a, Explain the various types of evaporators that are used in refrigeration systems. (oR) ». Explain the different types of reftigeraton plants controls and testing. 14.4. Discuss the various heat sources to be considered in an industriel A/C application and explain the step by step procedure for cooling load estimation. OR . Batimate the eootng load fora seminar al st Chemna for an outdoor design temperature of 39°C DBT. and 30°C WBF, diy range 94°C and standard indoor design 1a condition for comfort A/C. Three sides of the hall have ‘non af indoor conditions while the northern side wal is ‘exposed to sun, The hall is in the I* flor of a building ‘which has got ground +2 floors occupancy. The brick wall thickness on the east and north side is 23 em with 12 mm plaster on both sides. The other walls are 5 cm thick ‘wooden partitions. There are two doors (210 em x 100 em) provided in the southern partition wall, There are 4 glass windows (135 em x 110 cm) with vertical blinds in the northern wall, The hall dimensions are 10.5 m (east-west) ‘and 4.8 m (north-south), occupancy is 50 students with a ‘computer (200 W), fans 6 numbers, tube lights 10 numbers tis intended to seiect spit A/C for this application. Explain with a neat schematic layout the various ‘components in an air conditioning of hotels and restaurants, oR) Draw a neat line diagram of an ice factory mentioning the importance of each component.

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