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MS ISO/IEC TR 10037 : 1995

MS 1228 : 1991
ICS 91.140.80
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without the prior permission in writing of SIRIM
SIRIM. No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced
MS 1228 1991

This Malaysian Standard, which had been approved by the Building and Ci il Engineering
Industry Standards Committee and endorsed by the Council of the Standards and Industrial
Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) was published under the authorit\ of the SIRIM Coun~ii
in July, 1991.

S1RIM wishes to draw attention to the fact that this Malaysian Standard does not purport to
include all the necessary provisions of a contract.

The Malaysian Standards are subject to periodical review to Leep abreast of progress in the
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industries concerned. Suggestions for improvements will be recorded and in due course brought to
the. notice of the Committees charged with the revision of the standards to which they refer.

The following references relate to the work on this standard:

Committee reference : SIRIM 491/1 1I
Draft for comment : Dl 13 (ISC D)

Amendments issued since publication

Arnd. No. Date of issue Text affected

MS 1228 : 1991



Committee representation 3
Foreword 4

1 General 5
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2 Materials 10
3 Design flow and organic loadings 12
4 Sewer and appurtenances 14
5 Sewage pumping stations 21
6 Treatment works 27
7 Disposal of sewage and treated effluent 52
8 Treatment and disposal of sludge 55

1 Equivalent populations 13
2 Design criteria for aerated lagoons 43
3 Common parameters and operating characteristics of single-stage activated
sludge system 47
4 Sludge Loading Rate 62

Appendx A List of references 66

Typical diagram for manhole and inspection chamber 67-74
2 Typical installation of automatic connecting type submersible pump 75
3 Typical diagrams for septic tank 76-77
4 Typical view of a sedimentation tank 78
5 Fixed film media 79
6 Suspended film media 80

MS 1228 1991

Committee representation

The Building and Civil Engineering Industry Standards Committee under whose supervision this Malaysian Standard was
prepared, comprises representatives from the following Government Ministries, trade, commerce and manufacturer
associations and scientific and professional bodies.

Master Builders Association

Malaysian Institute of Architects
Ministry of Works and Utilities (Public Works Department)
Ministry of Housing and Local Government (Housing Division)
Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Association of Consulting Engineers (Malaysia)
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Chartered Institute of Building (Malaysia)

The Technical Committee on Building Services which prepared this Malaysian Standard consists of the following

Ir Sugunan Pillay Bhg. Perkhidmatan }Cejuruteraan Kementerian Kesihotan


Ir. Tan Boo Bhg. Perkhidmatan Kejuruteraan Kementerian Kesihatan

Ir. K. Rishyakaran

Ir. Kazal Sinha Bhg. Kerajaan Tempatan Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan
Ir. Zulkifli Yahya
Ir. Ong Soon Haw

Ii. Omar Mohd Yusof/ Jabatan Perumahan Negara

Ir. Shamsinar Samad/
Ir. Hasnan Hassan

Encik Mohsin Ali Rahman .labatan Bangunan, Institut Tekno}ogi MARA

Encik Ahmad Najuib/ Jabatan Alam Sekitar

Puan Mariana Mohd Nor

Ir. Tee Tong Kher Persatuan Jurutera Perunding Malaysia

Ir. S. Sivarajah Majlis Perbandaran lpoh (MPI)


Encik Eric Baxendale PAM

Ir. Mahesan Kandiah/ Bahagian Perparitan dan Pembentungan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur
lr. C. Balasundran

Encik Ali Maidin/ Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia

Puan Mariani Mohammad
MS 1228 : 1991


This Malaysian Standard Code of Practice was prepared by the Technical Committee on Building
Serices under the authority of the Building and Civil Engineering industry Standards Committee.

In the past, pit privies. conservancy systems and septic tank system were considered satisfactory
methods for the disposal of excreta. However, numerous studies have indicated thai these
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methods. without further treatment of the effluents and sludge can be an environmental health
hazard. A number of epidemics of cholera, typhoid. gastroenteritis. infectious hepatitis and the
like have been closely linked with water supply and contaminated with excreta. Furthermore
these systems were not designed to receive sullage which were discharged to surface drains with
no treatment and were the only practicable means for disposal of sewage in rural areas where the
density of population is low.

The provision of a sewerage system to collect and convey all wastewater to a convenient point
where the wastewater can be treated prior to disposal is very necessary to protect the environment
and the health of the people in general. This code of practice deals with planning, design.
installation and testing, which includes the appurtenances, sewage pumping stations. sewage
treatment works, sludge treatment and disposal of effluent. It is intended for use by the design
engineer in the planning and the design of sewerage systems, and by the relevant approving
authority for the vetting and evaluation of designs, plans and specifications for such works. While
this code provides standards/specifications for those experienced in design. it is also recognised
that not all sewerage works are designed by such persons. It is, therefore, strongly recommended
that specialist advice be sought where appropriate, particularly in the design of the sewage
treatment works.

In the preparation of this code, references have been made to various internationally accepted
codes of practice and standards, adapting them to local conditions. Considerable assistance and
valuable advice have also been derived from a panel of experts and such assistance is hereby
ac know ledged.

MS 1228: 1991




1.1 Scope. This code of practice deals with the planning design, construction and
installation and testing, of sewerage system, which includes the sewers and sewer appurtenances,
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sewage pumping stations, sewage treatment works, and all the other works necessary to collect.
convey, treat, and finally dispose domestic sewage and permitted amount of industrial
wastewater. This code does not deal with the treatment of industrial effluents (those not
permitted to be discharged into the sewerage system) and operation and maintenance.

This code is intended to indicate what is considered to be the minimum requirements for the
design of sewerage systems and good practices, under normal conditions. However, it is also
realised that in certain localities and/or circumstances, there may be special conditions which may
require modification to the minimum requirements laid down in this code.
This Codes recommendations should be supplemented as required by skilled engineering advice
based on knowledge of sewerage work practices and of local conditions.

1 .2 Fundamental considerations

1.2.11 Legislations. The existing legislations that affect the provisions under this Code, and
that affect the rights and duties of the Local Authorities, who are the final approving authorities
of all plans pertaining to sewerage systems, include the following:

(a) Local Government Act, 1976.

(b) Streets, Drainage and Building Act, 1974:

(i) Uniform Building By-laws, 1984.
(ii) Drainage, Sanitation and Sanitary Plumbing By-laws, 1976.

(c) Environmental Quality Act, 1974.

(i) Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents)
Regulations, 1979 PU. (A) 12/79

(ii) Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 1978.-PU. (A) 28078

(iii) Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities)
(Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987.

(d) Town and Country Planning Act, 1976.

(e) Factories and Machinery Act. 1967.

(I) Electrical Inspectorate Act, 1984.

MS 1228 :1991

1.2.2 Safely. Full consideration shall be given to the safety of the public and operators of
sewerage systems in the planning, design and construction of such system. The treatment works.
pumping station, sewer and sewer appurtenances shall be adequately protected and located where
necessary against unauthorised interference and potential accidents.

Attention is also drawn to the provisions of the Factories and Machinery Act. 1967, with regards
to the safety requirements for operators in sewers and sewage works. Reference can be made to
the Health and Safety Guidelines No. 2 Safe National Joint Health and Safety Committee for the
Water Service, National Water Council. England -1969 and occupational health and physical
safety in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Design by a joint committee of the Water Pollution
Control Federation and American Society of Civil Engineers.
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1.2.3 Location of facilities. All sewer and sewer appurtenances, pumping stations and sewage
treatment works shall be located as far from the public right-of-way and habitable buildings as
economically practicable. The direction of prevailing winds shall be considered when siting the
sewage treatment works. Generally, unless required otherwise by the prevailing~local conditions,
the sewage treatment works and pumping station shall be at least 20 m away from any habitable
building. For works where noise, odour, aerosols, etc. is a factor the distance should be increased.
Location of the final discharge point for treated effluent from sewerage treatment works shall
also consider beneficial users of the receiving water course.

1 .2.4 Access.Good all weather access roads shall be provided to the sewer appurtenances,
pumping stations and sewage treatment works.

1 .2.5 Industrial wassewarer. Industrial wastewaters require pretreatment prior to discharge into
the sewerage system. Pretreatment is necessary to reduce toxic substances and other materials that
may interfere with the normal operation of the sewerage system or may pose a risk to sewage
system workers.

The stipulation of the pretreatment standard for the discharge of Industrial effluent into the
sewerage system is the responsibility of the respective local authority. The Sixth Schedule of the
Environmental Quality (Sewage and industrial Effluents) Regulations, 1979 -P.U.(A) 12/79,
may be used as a guide for discharge of pretreated industrial wastewater into sewerage systems.
In addition to this, industrial wastewaters shall not contain any of the following:

(a) Any liquid, solid or gases, which by itself or in combination with other substances, and
which by reason of its quantity is likely or is sufficient to cause fire, explosion or to cause
damage to any component of the sewerage system, or be a health hazard or otherwise
objectionable, or prevents the entry into the system by the maintenance/repair workers;

(b) Any radioactive substances; and

(c) Any substances liable to form a viscous or solid coating or deposition on any part of the
sewerage system, thereby affecting the performance of the system.

1.3 References. The titles of publications referred to and other standards of interest in this
field is given in appendix A.

1 .4 Definitions. For the purpose of this code of practice the following definitions apply:-

1 .4.1 Activated sludge. A flocculent microbial mass, produced when sewage is continuosly


NIS 1228: 1991

L.4.2 Aerobic action. A biological process promoted by action of bacteria in the presence of
dissolved oxygen.

1.4.3 Anaerobic action. A biological process promoted by action of bacteria in the absence
of dissolved oxygen.

1.4.4 Baffle. A device used in a tank to check eddies and promote a more uniform flow
through the tank.

1.4.5 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). The amount of dissolved oxygen consumed by
the microbiological action when a sample is incubated, usually for 5 days at 201;C-
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1.4.6 Biological filter. A bed of relatively inert material ( such as slag , moulded plastics,
clinker etc .) to promote or assist natural aerobic degradation of sewage.

1.4.7 Bottom water level (SW !.). The minimum operating water level in a pump well.

1.4.8 Distributor. A device for spreading settled sewage over the surface of a biological filter.

1.4.9 Effluent. Fluid discharged from a given source.

1.4.10 Final effluent. The effluent discharged from a sewage treatment works.

1.4.11 Mixed liquor. A mixture of sewage and activated sludge undergoing circulation and
aeration in the aeration tank or channel of an activated sludge plant.

1.4.12 4 '!ixed liquor suspended solids (:MSS). The concentration of dry solids in mg/I of
mixed liquor in the aeration tank or channel of an activated sludge plant.

1.4.13 Package plant. A prefabricated factory-built sewage treatment installation

1.4.14 Parameter . Any of the factors shown in the First Column of the Third Schedule or in
the Fifth Schedule and other factors which the Director General of Environmental Quality may
specify in accordance with the provisions of paragraph ( 4) of Regulation ( 8), Environmental
Quality ( Sewage and Industrial Effluents Regulations ) 1979 - P.U.(A) 12/79.

1.4.15 Population equivalent. The equivalent, in terms of fixed population of a varying or

transient population or other activity (e.g. industrial, commercial contributing flow to the
sewerage system).

1.4.16 Primary sedimentation tank. A tank in which the settleable and floating solids are
substantially removed from the crude sewage flowing through it.

1.4.17 Rotating biological contactor (RBC). A unit consisting of a series of closely spaced
media mounted on a rotating shaft.

1.4.18 Scum hoard. A device used at the outlet end of a tank to retain scum and other Merin-

1.4.19 Sewage. Any liquid discharge containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or
solution, and may include liquids containing chemicals in it.
MS 1228: 1991

1.4.20 Sewerage sp.rtents. A system incorporating sewers and all other structures. devices,
equipment and appurtenances intended for the collection, transportation, pumping, treatment and
disposal of sewage including a treatment plant.

1.4.21 Sewer. Any line of pipes or channels with their appurtenances designed and used to
convey sewage and effluents.

1.4.22 Sludge. A soft deposit of particulate matter settled from a liquid

1.4.23 Specific surface. A property of biological filter media expressed as surface area per
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unit volume (m2/m3).

1.424 Sullage or sullage mater. Includes any household waste liquids discharged from any
bath. shower, wash basin, floor gully, laundaries or sink (not being a slop sink) but excludes
faecal water and urine.

1.4.25 Supe'natant liquor. The effluent from the primary sedimentation tank, final
sedimentation tank, clarifier or sludge digestor.

1.4.26 Suspended solids (SS). Solids in suspension in sewage liquor.

1.4.27 Top water level (TIVL). The maximum water level in a sedimentation tank, an aeration
tank. oxidation pond or a sludge storage tank or any other sewage treatment structure.

1.5 Collection of information . The following basic information should be obtained before
designing a sewerage systems:

(a) requirements of the local building control and planning authority;

(b) requirements of the appropriate water/river authority;

(c) minimum and maximum numbers of persons (resident and non- resident) to be served;

(d) average 24 hours water consumption, and any special conditions affecting the composition of
sewage and peak rates of flow data are obtainable from the relevant authority;

(e) existence of infiltration water;

(f) particulars of site;

(i) distance from the nearest habitable buildings;

(ii) prevailing winds;

(iii) levels.

(iv) information as to the nature of the ground including the level and variations of the
water table;

(v) access for vehicles and plant,

MS 1228 : 1991

(g) particulars of potential outfall location, e.g. tidal or inland waters, rivers, streams, ditches or
soakage, also the proximity, highest known flood level and minimum flow of any stream or other
watercourse to which discharge of the effluent is possible;

(h) conditions under which the works will be normally operate and be maintained;

(j)possibility of the need for future extension of the works or of their elimination by a
comprehensive scheme;

(k) availability of electric power and mains water;

(m) facilities for eventual disposal of sludge and screenings.

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MS 1228 : 1991


2.] General. All materials used in the construction of any of the works described in this
code should comply with the relevant Malaysian Standards.

\Vhere no Malaysian Standard exists, materials should be suitable and adequate for the purpose
for which they are used and comply with any acceptable international standard.

2.2 Aggregates. All aggregates shall comply to MS 29* and MS 30**. The grading of the
aggregates shall comply to the requirements stated in MS 522:Part it
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2.3 Cement. Cement used for works included in this code should comply with the
requirements of MS 522:Part l~and MS l037~.

Other type of cement can be used with the prior approval by the relevant authorities.

2.4 Cement mortar. Cement mortar selection of the correct cement and aggregate for the
use in mortars should follow the recommendations of 2.2 and 2.3. A mortar mix having a 1:3
cement/sand ratio is suitable for the following purposes:

(i) brickwork plastering;

(ii) jointing clay or concrete pipes where flexible joints cannot be used;
(iii) rendering of inverts and benchings;
(iv) bedding and haunching manhole covers and frames.

Calcium chloride should not be added to mortars.

2.5 Bricks. All bricks shall comply to MS 76~and MS 327ss.

2.6 Concrete

2.6.1 General. Concrete works should be in accordance with MS 1 l95:Part l.# All concrete
surfaces subjected to acid attack and corrosion should be treated and lined with epoxy or other
treatments or constructed with sulphateresisting cement..

2.6.2 Adniixiures. Admixtures for promoting workability, for improving strength, for
entraining air or for any other purpose should be used only with the prior approval of the
relevant authority. Admixtures shall comply with MS 922:Pari 1

MS 29 - Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources.

MS 30 - Methods for sampling and Testing of Mineral Aggregates (Sands and Fillers).
MS 522:Part 1 - Specification of Portland Cement (Ordinary and Rapid-Hardening)
+ MS 1037 - Specification for Sulphate-Resisting Portland Cement.
MS 76 - Specification for bricks and blocks of fire brickearth or shale.
MS ~27 - Specification for refractory bricks
MS 1195:Part 1 - Malaysian Standard Structural Use of Concrete. Part 1:Code of Practice for design and
MS 922:Part 1 - Specification of Concrete Admixtures. Part 1:Accelerating Admixtures and Water-reducing

\lS 1228: 1991

Calcium chloride as a admixture should not be used in reinforced concrete. prestressed concrete
or any concrete made from sulphate-resisting Portland cement. For guidance, reference should be
made to MSll95.

2.6.3 Workmanship. Concrete should be mixed in a mechanical mixer until there is a uniform
distribution of the materials and the mix is uniform in colour. It should be transported to the
point of placing as rapidly as practicable by methods that will prevent segregation or the loss of
any of the ingredients, placed as soon as possible and thoroughly compacted by rodding, tamping
or vibration so as to form a void free mass around any reinforcement and into the corners of the
formwork or excavation. Exposed concrete should be cured by keeping it in a damp condition for
at least four days.

2.7 Plastics. All pipes and fittings should comply with the relevant Malaysian Standards
and where practicable should have flexible joints. New plastic products can be used with the
prior approval by the relevant authorities.
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2.8 Others. Other materials which are not mention in this code can be used with the prior
approval by the relevant authorities and where possible it should comply with all the Malaysian
MS 1228 : 1991


3:1 General. Sewerage systems shall be designed for the estimated ultimate contributary
population, except when considering parts of the system that can be readily increased in capacity.

The design flow and organic loading shall be estimated on the basis of the estimated contributary
population and shall include infiltration flows allowances.

3.2 Average design flow. The average daily design flow shall be based on 225 litre per
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3.3 Design organic loadings. The organic loading from domestic sewage shall be normally
based on 55 g of BOD (5 days at 20C) per person per day, and 68 g of suspended solids per
person per day. When existing system is being upgraded, the design of the new facilities shall be
based on actual strength of the wastewater flow.

Where industrial wastewater is permitted into the sewerage systems. the loadings shall be based on
the permissible levels described under the Environmental Quality (Sewage and lndustrial
Effluents) Regulations,1979 P.U.(A) 12/79.

3.4 Estimation of sewage flows and organic loading from various premises. The average design
daily flow may be estimated from a given premises can be determined by multiplying the
estimated equivalent population for that premise by the average daily flow per capita given in
3.2. The equivalent population for the various types of premises given in table I can be used as
the minimum, for the purpose of computing the average design daily flows.

3.5 Industrial wastewater. Where industrial wastewater is permitted into a sewerage system,
the design flows shall be based on the minimum requirements given in table 2.

3.6 Peak flows. The peak hourly flow, which will required in the design of sewers,
pumping stations and components of the treatment plant, shall be determined from the following
form ula:

Peak flow factor = 4.7 x

where p is estimated equivalent population, in thousand.

3.7 Infiltration. While the sewerage system shall be designed cater for unavoidable amount
of infiltration, which arises from faulty joints, cracked sewer pipes and manholes, it is absolutely
important that the infiltration into the sewerage system be minimised through proper selection of
construction technology and materials, proper supervision of Construction and field testing of the
components of system for watertightness.

For guidance, the sewerage system may be designed to cater for a maximum infiltration rate of
50 litre per mm. diameter per km of sewer per day.

3.8 The industrial wastewater flow for light industries including flatted factories
shall be 20 m3 per hectare/day. Other category of industry will be gauge by case basis.

MS 1228: 1991

Table 1. Equivalent population

No. Type of Premise/Establishment Population equivalent


Residential 5 per unit*


(includes entertainment/recreational 3 per 100 m gross area

centres, restaurants, cafeteria, theatres)
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Schools/Educational Institutions:

- Day schools/institutions 0.2 per student

Fully residential I per student

- Partial residential 0.2 per student for non-residential

student and 1 per student for
residential student

4 Hospitals 4 per bed

D Hotels (with dining and laundry 4 per room


6 Factories (excluding process wastes) 0.3 per staff

7 Market (wet type) 3 per stall

8 Petrol kiosks/Service stations 18 per service bay

9 Bus terminal 4 per bus bay

1 peak flow is equivalent to 225 I/cap

MS 1228 : 1991


4.1 General. Sanitary sewers shall be designed and installed to collect and convey all waste
flows - both domestic(municipal) wastes and industrial wastes (should be approved by the
approving authority) as well as an unavoidable amount of the ground water infiltration to a point
of acceptable treatment and ultimate discharge. Rain water from roofs, streets, and other areas
and ground water from foundation drains shall be excluded.

4.2 Pipe Materials for gravity sewers

4.2.1 Choice of materials. Various pipe materials are available and selection should be based
on evaluation of the following factors:-
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(a) Life expectancy

(b) Previous local experience
(c) Resistance to internal and external corrosion and abrasion
(d) Roughness coefficient
(e) Structural strength
(f) Cost of supply, transport and ease of installation
(g) Local availability

4.2.2 Tipes of pipe material. Common material suitable for sanitary sewers are:-

(a) Vitrified clay pipe (1/C?). Available locally and are manufactured with flexible joints in
lengths of 0.6 m to 1.0 m or more and diameter of 100 mm to 300 mm.

(b) Reinforced concrete pipe. Available locally in sizes ranging from 150 mm to 3000 mm in
diameter. Standard length are 1.83 m for pipe diameter less than 375 mm and lengths of 3.05 in
for pipe diameter greater than 375 mm. Several pipe joints are available including the spigot and
socket type with rubber rings.

(c) Fabricated steel with suiphates resistance cement lining. Available in a wide range of
diameter (100 mm to 1500 mm) and lengths up to 9.0 m. Several pipe joints are available such as
spigot and socket, flange and mechanical which are commonly used for small diameters up to
750 mm whilst welded joints are used for larger diameter pipes.

(d) Cast iron. Available in a variety of diameters and the standard length of 3.66 m. Pipe joints
commonly used include both the flanged and the spigot and socket types.

(e) Asbestos cement pipe. The available pipe diameters range from 100 mm to 600 mm and the
standard length is 4.0 rn. Pressure pipes are manufactured in various classes suitable for certain
limits of working pressure. Gravity sewers (autociaved only) are manufactured to Suit various
loading conditions and required crushing strengths.

(f) Plastic pipes. Available in variety of plastics materials such as UPVC. HDPE, PE and PP
and with the nominal range from 110 mm up to 630 mm and of pipe length of 6 m. Pipe joints
are available including spigot end and socket type with rubber seals as well as jointing by flanges.
welding and solvent cementing.

(g) Other material. As approved and permitted for their use by the appropriate local authority.

MS 1228 : 1991

4.3 Design of sewers

4.3.1 Economy in the design. While sewers should generally be kept as short as possible, and
unproductive lengths avoided, care should be taken not to restrict potential development. The
route and depth of a new sewer should always take account of land where there is the possibility
of future development.

Where sewers are laid at considerable depths or under highways having expensive foundations
and surfaces, it may be cheaper or more convenient to lay shallow rider sewers to receive the
local house connections, and to connect the riders at convenient points into the main sewers.
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4.3.2 Location of sewers. Adequate access to a sewer for maintenance should be allowed. The
following factors should also be considered:-

(a) Location of sewers within streets or alleys right-of-way.

(b) if topography dictates, the sewer to be located within the private properties, then adequate
access should be provided for maintenance purposes.

(c) The position of other exsisting or proposed services, building foundation, etc.

(d) In relation to water mains, a minimum at 3 m horizontal and 1 m vertical separation

respectively to be provided. No sewer line should be above water main unless the pipe is
adequately protected.

(e) The impact of the construction of the sewer and subsequent maintenance activities upon road

4.3.3 Hydraulic design. The most economical design for sewer gradients is obtained when they
follow the natural falls of the ground. Sewers should, however, be laid at such gradients as will
produce velocities sufficiently high to prevent the deposition of solid matter in the invert. The
minimum gradient to be adopted should normally be such that the velocity of flow does not fall
below 0.8 rn/sec at full bore. The maximum gradient to be adopted should be such that the
velocity of flow is not greater than 4.0 m/sec when flowing half or full bore in order to prevent
scouring of sewer by erosive action of suspended matter.

4.3.4 Structural design Depths of sewers. Sewers should be laid at depths which will accommodate not only all
existing properties but also any future properties likely to be erected within the area which the
sewers are designed to serve; in certain cases, the depth of basements may need to be considered.

The depth of a sewer will have a significant effect on the cost of its construction. The depth, in
conjunction with other factors such as the nature of the ground, presence of groundwater and the
proximity of foundations, services etc, may influence the form and method of construction to
justify the adoption of alternative layouts with longer routes of sewers.

The minimum depth of invert to be adopted shall be 1 .2 m. Size of sewers. The minimum size of a gravity sewer conveying raw sewage shall be

200 mm in diameter.

~vlS1228 : 1991 Sewer alignment. Sewers of 600 mm or less in internal diameter shall be laid on a
straight alignment and uniform gradient between consecutive manholes. Sewers of larger than 600
mm internal diameters can be laid on curves. In such cases, the curve shall be made by angling
the joints by not exceeding 80/o of the manufacturers recommended deflection angle and the
radius of curvature shall not be less than 60 m. The designer shall provide information such as
vertical and horizontal alignment for proper construction. Joints. Joints between sewers, sewer-manhole or other appurtenance structures shall be
of flexible type and watertight to prevent infiltration and breakages due to differential
settlement. Foundation. Foundation is needed to maintain the pipe in proper alignment and sustain
the weight of soil above the sewer and any superimposed load.
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Bedding for rigid pipes with flexible joints can be classified under two types:-

(a) Class ~A bedding. Where the pipe is embedded in carefully prepared base compacted with
15 mm diameter crusher run extending halfway up to the side of the pipe. The minimum
thickness of the crusher run shall be 100 mm or 1/4 of the pipe diameter (whichever is greater).
The sidefills and top of the pipe shall be of monolithic 1:2:4 concrete mix with minimum cover of
tOO mm thick.

(b) Class B bedding. Where the pipes are embedded in carefully prepared base compacted with
15 mm diameter crusher run extending halfway up the sides of the pipe. The minimum thickness
of the crusher run is 100 mm or 1/4 of the pipe diameter (whichever is greater). The remainder
sidefills and top of the pipe shall be compacted carefully with selected backfill to a minimum
thickness of 300 mm.

4.3.5 Inverted siphons. Inverted siphons shall have not less than two barrels with a minimum
pipe size of 150 mm and shall be provided with necessary appurtenances for convenient flushing
and maintenance.

The manholes shall have adequate clearance for rodding. In general sufficient head shall be
provided and pipe sizes selected to secure flow velocities of at least 0.9 rn/sec for average flow.
The inlet and outlet shall be arranged so that the normal flow is diverted to one barrel, and so
that either may be out of service for cleaning. Since siphons need more cleaning, they must be
avoided as much as practicable. The siphon shall not have sharp bends, either vertical or
horizontal. The rising leg shall be limited to 15% slope, for this reason. There shall be no change
in pipe diameter along the length of barrel too.

4.3.6 Service connections. Service connections should be of an adequate diameter to reduce

the problem of blockage. As it receives only intermittent flows, they are invariably subjected to
intermittent stoppages during normal operation and these are removed by wave action rather than
by the maintenance of a minimum flow velocity. The minimum gradient of 2% should be
provided. The connection should be to the top portion of the main sewer at an angle of
approximately of 45 in the direction of flow. The connection should be done with the use of tee

The minimum size of service connection shall be 150 mm.

4.4 Testing of sewers.

The testing of sewers can be done either by air test or water test. The tests should be carried out
before backfilling of the sewer trenches.

MS 1228 : 1991

4.4.1 Air test General. It provides a rapid test which can be carri~d out after every third or fourth
pipe laid. This could then prevent a faulty pipe or a badly made joint passing unnoticed until it
is revealed by a test on a completed length. Procedure. The following test procedure should be adopted:-

(a) Seal the ends of the pipe run with expanding plugs;

(b) Attach U-tube (manometer) and a means of applying the air pressure to one of the plugs;
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(c) Apply pressure to achieve a pressure slightly more than 100 mm. of water in the U-tube.

(d) Allow about 5 mm for stabilization of air temperature.

(e) Adjust air pressure to 100 mm of water.

Without further pumping, the head of water should not fall by more than 25 mm in period of 5
minutes. Factors affecting the test. There are several possible contributing factors that could
effect the apparent failure of the air test:-

(a) Temperature changes of the air in the pipe due to direct sunshine or cold wind acting on the
pipe barrel;

(b) Dryness of the pipe wall;

(c) Leaking plugs or other apparatus.

If there is a dramatic fall in pressure, then the pipeline is faulty or the end plugs or other
apparatus are leaking. If the failure is marginal, the pipeline should not be rejected on the air test
alone and the contractor should be given the opportunity of applying the water test.

4.4.2 Water lest General. Sewers up to and including 750 mm diameter should be tested to an internal
pressure represented by 1 .2 m head of water above the crown of the pipe at the high end of the
line. The test pressure should not exceed 6 m head of water at the lower end and if necessary the
test on a pipeline can be carried out in two or more stages. The test pressure should be related to
the possible maximum level of ground water above the sewer.

When pipes larger than 750 mm diameter are to be tested, expert advice, and special equipment
rna~be needed. Procedure. The following test procedure should be adopted:-

(a) Fit an expanding plug. suitably strutted to resist the full hydrostatic head, at the lower end
of the pipe and in any branches if necessary. The pipes may need strutting to prevent movement.

(b) Fit a similar plug and strutting at the higher end but with access for hose and standpipe.

MS 1228 : 1991

(c) Fill the system with water ensuring that there are no pockets of trapped air.

(d) Fill the standpipe of requisite level.

(e) Leave for at least 2 hours to enable the pipe to become saturated, topping as necessary.

(f) After the absorption period, measure the loss of water from the system by noting the amount
of water needed to maintain the level in the standpipe over a further period of 30 mm, the
standpipe being topped up at regular intervals of 5 mm.

The rate of loss of water should not be greater than 1 litre per hour per metre diameter per linear
Licensed to UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA / Downloaded on : 28-Jul-2011 11:44:02 AM / Single user license only, copying and networking prohibited Factors affecting the test. Excessive leaking may be due to:-

(a) Porous or cracked pipe;

(b) Damaged, faulty or improperly assembled pipe joints;

(c) Defective plugs;

(d) Pipes or plugs moving.

4.4.3 Straightness. A sewer should be checked for line and level at all stages construction by

(a) surveyors level and staff;

(b) laser beam with sighting targets;

(c) lamp and mirrors.

4.4.4 Infiltration. After backfilling is completed and after the groundwater level has
stabilized, the sewer should be checked for infiltration. All inlets should be sealed and the line
inspected from the manholes. Any flow from the pipeline coming into the manholes or within
manholes themselves should be investigated to establish its source.

In small pipes the point of infiltration may be located visually with light and mirror or with an
inflated rubber plug. When conditions justify it a television camera can be used. The rate of
infiltration is dependant upon many factors; a guide to its permissible extent cannot be given; this
will depend on the judgement of the engineer.

4.4.5 Freedom from obstruction. As the work progresses the sewer should be checked for
obstructions by visual inspection or inserting a mandrel or ~pig into the line. A television camera
can also be used.

4.5 Manholes

4.5.1 ,tIanholes location. Manholes or inspection chamber shall be provided at:-

(a) The upstream end of all sewers; however this may be replaced by a terminal layout:

(b) Every change in direction or alignment for sewers > 600 mm;

MS 1228 : 1991

(c) Every change in gradient;

(d) Every change in size of sewer;

(e) All intersections and junctions.

(f) Distances of not greater than 100 metres for sewers equal to or more than 00 mm in
diameter and 150 metres for sewers equal to or greater than 450 mm in diameter. Greater
distances may be permitted in cases where adequate modern cleaning equipments for such spacing
is provided, and also in cases where sewers convey pretreated sewage.

4.5.2 Construction. (Typical drawings as shown in Fig. I). Every manhole and inspection
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chamber shall be of such size and form so as to allow ready access for rodding. The struct should
be strong, durable and watertight and shall be constructed as follows:-

(a) Brickwork in cement mortar at least 225 mm in thickness or concrete (I : 2 : 4 nominal mix)
at least 125 mm in thickness or other approved impervious material.

(b) Internal faces shall be rendered with sulphate resistant cement mortar at least 20 mm thick so
as to provide a smooth and impervious surface.

(c) Step irons, ladders or other approved fittings shall be of noncorrosive durable material so as
to provide safe access to the level of sewer. Cast iron or stainless steel or aluminium alloy is
recommended. The interval between steps should be 300 mm with slip prevention surface.

~d) Foundation of every manhole shall be constructed of concrete (1 : 2 : 4 nominal mix) not
less than 150 mm in thickness.

(e) The channel within the manhole shall be formed with half round pipe made of the material
as the sewer joining the manhole and shall have a diameter not less than the largest inlet sewer
and not more than that of the outlet sewer from the manhole.

(1) Every inlet to a manhole shall be discharge into the channel therein with properly made
bends constructed within the benching of the manhole. The benching shall have a smooth
impervious finish with a minimum slope of 1:12 and so formed as to guide the flow of sewage
towards the point of discharge and to provide a safe foothold.

(g) Manhole shall be constructed in conjuction with its frame and cover to be watertight.

4.5.3 Dimension and shape. Generally, manholes shall be rectangular, square or circular. The
internal horizontal dimension shall be sufficient to perform inspection and cleaning operation
without difficulty and a clear opening shall be provided for access to the invert. The minimum
dimension required shall depend on whether it is a deep or a shallow manhole.

4.5.4 Frame and cover. The manhole frame and cover shall be of cast iron and shall have:-

(a) Adequate strength to support superimposed load;

(b) A good fit between each other such that surface runoff or rainfall will not get into it.

(C) Provision for hinge and/or locking the cover to prevent vandalism and unauthorised access to
the manhole.

\IS 1228: 1991

Ihe following minimum requirements as to the weight and dimension of the frame and cover are
a~folio w

Type of cover Dimension Weight Usage

and frame

Light duty 460 mm x 620 mm 54 lbs Use in domestic

premises compound

Medium Duty Cover 600 mm internal 250 lbs Use in domestic drives and
mm. diameter 500 mm similar areas for bearing
Frame 760 mm x wheel loads noi exceeding
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760 mm I tonne

Heavy Duty As above 530 lbs Use in all carriagewavs.

4.5.5 Deep manhole dimensions. Where deep manholes are required, its internal dimension
must be more than 1.5 metre and the manhole may be tapered upwards to a section with
minimum internal dimensions of 0.75 metres. In such cases, a minimum headroom of 1.8 in trom
the base of manhole shall be provided. The opening to the manhole shall be at least 0.6 in.

4.5.6 Shallow manhole dimensions. Where the topography results in a shallow manhole that is
in the depth 01 invert of sewer being from 0.9 in to 1.5 m, a manhole of at least I .0 rn in internal
horizontal dimension and a clear opening of at least 900 mm shall be used.

The dimensions of the manholes at various depths shall be as follows:

Depth Dimension

Less than 2 460 mm x 620 rum

Between 2 - 3 600 mm x 760 mm

Between 3 - 5 760 mm x 760 mm

Greater than 5 To follow deep manhole

4.5.7 Drop rnwtholes. If an incoming sewer is higher than the outgoing sewer by 600 mm or
more. a drop manhole shall be used. \Vhere the difference in elevation between the incoming
sewer and manhole invert is less than 600 nim. the invert shall be filleted at the curner~ to
prevent solids deposition.

4.5.8 Connecilon bet itoeii manhole and ~eiver. To mini in se damage to the se wer due to
differential settlement, the joint between the sewer and the manhole shall be of the flexible t~PC.
lu acheive this, a flexible sewer pipe joint just outside the manhole ma~ be used.

MS 1228 : 1991


5.1 General. Sewage pumping stations should not be subject to flooding and shall be located
off the right of way of streets and alleys preferably on land reserved for the purpose and readily

The pumping station structure is a major part of the cost of the station. It is therefore essential
that it is efficient from a structural standpoint, that it is economical to construct, and that the
size of the wet-well and dry-well and the space requirements of all equipment to be housed, be
carefully determined, with efficient use made of all available spaces.

Apart from the pumping facilities which may be required at sewage treatment plants, the
principle conditions and factors necessitating the use of pumping stations shall be one or more of
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the following:

(a) The topography of the area or district does not permit drained by gravity into trunk sewers
or treatment plants.

(b) Omissions of pumping, although possible, would require excessive construction costs because
of the deep excavation required for the installation of a trunk sewer to drain the area.

(c) Service is required for areas that are outside the natural drainage catchment of the purposed
sewage treatment plant.

All safety and other requirements should be met as required under other codes, standards and

Pumping stations should be avoided as far as possible since the installation, operation and
maintenance of a pumping station is costly.

5.2 Design details. (Typical diagram of small pumping station is shown in Fig. 2). The
following design details shall be given consideration in the design of sewage pumping stations:-

5.2.1 Type. The sewage pumping facility provided may be any one of the following type, the
choice depending mainly on the capacity and efficiency required.

(a) Wet-well type with submersible pump units

(b) Dry-well type

(c) Lift station, using screw-pumps or suction lift pumps. Suction pumps mainly used in sewage
treatment plants, and have the advantage of handling variation in flow and all solids without
clogging. However, the suction-lift shall not exceed 4.6 in.

5.2.2 Structure

(a) The pumping station substructure shall be of reinforced concrete construction and the
exterior wall below ground surface shall be adequately waterproofed and protected against
aggresive soils and groundwater.

(b) Wet and dry wells, shall be separated.

MS 1228 : 1991

(c) Suitable facilities shall be provided to facilitate the removal of pumps, motors and any other
equipment in the pumping station.

(d) Suitable and safe means of access shall be provided to the dry wells of pump stations, and to
wet wells containing either bar screens and/or mechanical equipment requiring inspection or
maintenance. Wet well

(a) On small pump stations the practice is to provide, between the cutin and the cut-out levels,
a storage volume equal in litres to 2 to 3 times the peak flow into the wet well in litres per
minute merely to protect the starting equipment from overheating and failure caused by too
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frequent starting and stopping. On larger installations, the effective capacity of the wet well
should not exceed 10 mm for the design average 24 h flow. Wet wells that are too large cause
serious maintenance and operation problems because of excessive deposition of gritty and organic

(b) The wet wells should be narrow but not less than 1.2 m for ready access and should be as
deep as possible in order that the cut-in level of the last pumps will be below the invert of the
inlet channel to the wet-well.

(c) Where continuity of pump station operation is important, consideration should be given to
dividing the wet well in two sections properly interconnected to facilitate repairs, cleaning and

(d) Wet wells and suction channels should be designed so that dead areas where solids and scum
may accumulate are avoided. The bottom should have a minimum slope of 1 .5 vertical to I
horizontal to the hopper bottom in the direction of flow so that deposits and scum accumulations
are carried to the pump suctions by the scouring action of the high velocities at low operating

(e) The wet well should be well lighted with fixtures that are both vapour proof and explosion
proof. Dry well

(a) The size of the dry well depends primarily on the number and type of pumps selected and on
the piping arrangement. (Totally submerged pumping units do not require dry wells). A good
rule of thumb for those installations requiring dry wells is to provide at least 1 .0 m from each of
the outboard pumps to the nearest side wall and at least 1.2 m between each pump discharge
casing. Sufficient room is required between pumps to move the pump-off of its base with
sufficient clearance left over between suction and discharge piping and room for on site repairs,
inspection, or removal from the pit to the surface for repairs.

(b) Depending on the size of the pump station, consideration should be given to the installation
of monorails, lifting eyes in the ceiling, and A frames for the attachment of portable hoists,
cranes and other devices.

(c) Provisions should also be made for drainage of the dry well to the wet well.

MS 1228 : 1991

5.2.3 Pump Unit

(a) Minimum number of units. At least 2 Units of pumps shall be provided of which one shall be
a standby unit. Constant speed pumps are recommended in view of simplicity of operation and
maintenance. If only 2 Units are provided, they shall have the same capacity each being able to
handle the design peak flow. Where 3 or more units are installed they shall be designed to fit
actual flow conditions and must be of such capacity that with any one unit being out of service,
the remaining units will have capacity to handle maximum sewage flow.

(b) Pumps handling raw sewage should be preceeded by readily accessible bar racks or screens
with clear spacings not exceeding 30 mm, unless pneumatic ejectors or screw pumps are used, or
special devices are installed to protect the pump from clogging or damage. Convenient facilities
shall be provided for handling screenings. Where the size of pumping stations warrant, a
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mechanically cleaned bar screen or communition device is recommended. For larger or deeper
stations, duplicate protection units of proper capacity are prefered.

(c) Pump openings. Pumps shall be capable of passing spheres of at least 75 mm in diameter.
Where a communition or screening device is provided, pumps with smaller-sphere passing
capability may be allowed.

Pump suction and discharge openings shall be at least 100 mm in diameter.

(d) Priming. Except for the self-priming pumps, screw pumps and submersible pumps, the
gland of the puma shall be so placed that under normal operating conditions, it will operate
under a positive suction head.

(e) Pumping rates. The pumps and controls of pumping stations, shall be selected to operate at
varying delivery rates to permit discharging sewage from the station to the treatment works at
approximately its rate of delivery to the pumping station. The desirable range between the
maximum and minimum wet-well levels is 900 mm, while the minimum range shall be 450 mm.
Where 2 or more pumps are to operate simultaneously, the difference in level between the start or
stop of respective pumps shall not be less than 150 mm.

(f) Pumping cycle. Pumping cycle or time between successive starts, of a pump operating over
the control range, shall be preferably more than 10 minutes for each pump.

5.2.4 Valves. Suitable shut-off valves shall be placed on the discharge line of each pump and
its suction line where applicable. A check valve shall be provided on each discharge line. All
valves shall be selected such that the closure time is sufficiently provided to minimise surge
pressure and water hammer.

5.2.5 Ventilation. Adequate ventilation must be provided for all sections of the pumping
stations. Where the pump pit is below the ground surface, mechanical ventilation is required.
The ventilation shall be so arranged as to provide completely separate and independant ventilation
for the dry and wet wells.

Dampers shall not be used on exhaust or fresh air ducts and fine screens or other obstruction shall
be avoided to prevent clogging. Switches for ventilation equipment shall be marked and located
conveniently. All intermittently operated ventilating systems shall be interconnected with the
respective pit lighting system.
Consideration should also be given to automatic controls where dehumidification equipment
where dampness, excessive moisture is a problem.

MS 1228 : 1991

(a) Wet wells. Ventilation shall be either intermittent (with at least 30 complete air changes per
hour) or continuous (in which case at least 12 complete air changes per hour). Such ventilation
shall be accomplished by introduction of fresh air into the wet well by mechanical means.

(b) Dry wells. For continuous ventilation, at least 6 complete air changes per hour shall be
provided. If intermittent ventilation is proposed, at least 30 complete air changes per hour shall
be provided.

5.2.6 Flow measurement. Provision shall be made to install convenient flow measurement
equipment whenever such data is required.

5.2.7 Electrical equipment and power supply. All pump stations should be provided with
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electricity from two independent sources (looped supply) and be given priority restoration by the
power authority when outages occur. When availability of electrical power supply cannot be
assured, the use of standby generators or engine drives as well as in-system storage and by-pass
should be considered.

All electrical equipment and light in the wet-well should be explosion proof.

Adequate lighting and a convenient number of equipment receptacles for power tools shall be

The motor starters and controls should be located within a safe and satisfactory control unit.
Separate rooms shall be used for the electrical starters, switches etc. for larger stations. Such
control units or rooms shall be easily accessible, preferably above flood level, and shall be in
accordance to the requirements of other relevant codes and regulations.

5.2.8 Alarm systems. Alarm systems shall be provided for all pumping stations. The alarms
shall be activated in cases of power failure, pump failure, or any other malfunctioning of the
station. Where a municipal facility of 24 hours attendance is provided, pumping stations alarms
shall be telemetered thereto. Where no such facility exists, an audio-visual device shall be
installed at the station for external observation.

5.2.9 Emergency operation. The objective of emergency operation is to prevent in the case of
power failure or pumping station malfunctions, the indiscriminate overflow of raw or partially
treated sewage to any waterway and to protect the public by preventing back-up of sewage and
subsequent overflow to basements, streets and other public and private property.

(a) Emergency power supply. Provision of an emergency power supply for pumping stations
shall be made especially for stations in which interruption due to power is not desirable. This
may be accomplished by connection of the station to at least 1 standby generator, driven by
petrol or diesel engines.

Where generator is used, the unit shall be provided with adequate foundation, and have facilities
to remove and perform routine maintenance. Provision shall be made for automatic and manual
start-up and cut-off. The generator housing shall be installed with ventilation equipment and
lighting. Where internal combustion is used, provision for ventilation of exhaust gases shall be

(b) Portable pumping equipment. Alternatively, portable pumping equipment could be utilised.
The pumping facility shall have the capability to operate between the well and the discharges side
of the station, with the station provided with permanent fixtures which will facilitate rapid and
easy connection of lines.

MS 1228 : 1991

(c) Overflow. Consideration shall be given to the provision of overflow. Such provision of
overflow shall be permitted in areas in which the permitted overflow shall not adversely affect
the quality of public water supplies and other receiving water bodies.

5.2.10 Instruction and maintenance. Sewage pumping station and shall be provided with a
complete set of operation and maintenance instructions, including emergency procedures.
maintenance schedules, tools and such spare parts as may be necessary.

5.2.1 1 Force or pumped mains design

(a) The minimum internal diameter for pumping mains shall be 100 mm.

(b) Pumping main should be so sized such that the velocity in the suction will not
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exceed 1.50 rn/sec and discharge 2.5 rn/sec. The velocity in the force mains should be at least 0.9
to 1.1 rn/sec.

(c) The pumping main shall be of the following materials:

i) Cast iron pipe

ii) Asbestos cement pressure pipe
iii) Steelpipe with sulphate resisting concrete lining
iv) P.V.C pressure pipe
v) Ductile iron
vi) Other materials approved by the local authority and certified by SIRIM

(d) All joints shall be flexible and watertight

(e) The pumping mains shall be provided with such appurtenances as access/inspection chamber,
air relief valves and wash out.

(f) The minimum earth cover for pumping mains shall be 1.0 m unless it is concrete surrounded.

(g) The forced mains shall enter the gravity sewer system at a point not more than 600 mm
above the flow line of the receiving manhole.

(h) The force main and adjoining piping and appurtenances on the discharge side of the pump
should be heavy enough to withstand the maximum hydraulic head on the system, including
abnormal pressures that may be produced by water hammer and surge pressures.

Screening/communiting facilities. Where conventional pumps are used, facilities for screening or
communition of solids, which are capable of clogging the pumps and/or pumped mains shall be

5.2.12 Control system

(a) The selection of a control system and a specific control mode is at least as important as the
selection of the pump. The factors to be considered in selecting a control system are efficiency.
power factor, reliability, operational effects, structural costs and ease of operation.

(b) For larger installation, automatic variable speed controls are often more reliable and
maintenance free than presumably simpler automatic on off controls. The overall efficiency of a
variable speed system may be greater than that of an on off system despite control losses.

MS 1228 : 1991

(c) The sophistication and competence of the operating and maintenance personnel is an
important consideration when selecting control systems which have to match their training and
experience. Manual control

(a) Generally consist of push button stations or selector switches that energize or deenergize the
pump motor starter. Manual control systems are rarely used with anything other than constant
speed pumps. Automatic control

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(a) Time. Pumps are started at regular intervals and operate for a preset length of time. Time
controlled systems are generally used for sludge pumping.

(b) Pressure. Pressure drop is used to start the pumps on plant water systems. Pressure is
generally served by a standard pressure switch.

(c) Flow. Pumps are turned on as flow exceeds a certain value or turned off when flow drops.
Influent flow signals are generally from a flow meter or weir with multivolt control.

(d) Level. Most of the automatic constant speed systems operate from level signals. Pumps are
turned on as levels rise and turned off as they fall. Level detection systems include:

(e) Automatic switch over. The controlled system shall be designed to ensure automatic switch
over of operation between available pumps in each successive cycle. Level detection systems

(i) Float switches using a rod or tape. Float type controls are economical, simple and reliable
when operated in effluent or clear water. When operated in raw wastewater or sludge,
maintenance problems can develop from grease coating the float and rods, solids punching the
floats, or corrosion of the float, roads or tapes.

(ii) Enclosed floats. Enclosed float switches consist of an encapsulated mercury switch that may
be either open or closed when the float is in the pendant position. As the liquid rises, the
position of the float changes the angle of the mercury switch reversing its condition.

(iii) Electronic probes. With the use of relays, it is possible to control a single pump or multiple
pumps. Enclosed probes in a sealed tube below which is suspended a bladder type container with
fluid results in less maintenance problem.

(iv) Captive air system. Captive air systems using a diaphragm and small diameter tubing to
transmit pressure signals to switches that turn pumps on and off.

(v) Pneumatic or air bubbler type control system. This system is generally used for a duplex or
multipump installation.

MS 1228 : 1991


6.1 General

6.1.1 General process design considerations. The treatment works processes shall be planned
and designed to meet the following aspects:

(a) the effluent quality requirements as specified in the Third Schedule of the Environmental
Quality (Sewage and industrial Effluents) Regulations, 1979. P.U.(A) 12/79 as in Appendix B:

(b) the projected effluent flows and characteristics, including anticipated variations in the flows
and characteristics;
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(c) the local environmental and aesthetics requirements, including the proximity to the nearest
habitable premise, direction of the prevailing winds, local zoning requirements, socioeconomic
aspects, and compatibility of the treatment processes with the present and future land and
receiving water uses;
(d) the availability of land space for the treatment works, including area for future expansion

and/or upgrading of the treatment processes;

(e) other local conditions such as soil conditions, climatic conditions, topography, etc.;

(f) the ultimate disposal of the treated effluents, including the access to receiving waters;

(g) the capitai costs and the operating and maintenance costs of the works;

(h) the reliability of the process, including the performance of the process under normal
operating. conditions as well as during unusual or adverse circumstances (a treatment process
reliability is the measurement of the--ability of the facility to perform its designated function
without failure). The reliability criteria shall include the following:

(i) designing the facility for all anticipated circumstances, and this shall include, where
necessary, bypasses, standby units, and protection against floods;

(ii) the mechanical equipment installed shall be easily repaired or replaced without violating the
effluent limitations for long period of time (this shall also include adequate backup service and
the availability of spareparts);

(iii) units that require to be taken out of service for maintenance purpose on a routine basis shall
be duplicated in parallel, so that some treatment can be achieved during the maintenance period:

(iv) the electric power system shall be so designed to cater for breakdowns of the power supp1~i,
or to switch the circuitary to standby units in the event of breakdown of any units. Where
necessary, power supply shall be obtained from two sources, one of which shall be a standby
generator or another utility sub-station.

(j) complexity of the processes, including the level of process controls required, and level of
trained personnel required; and

(k) the ultimate disposal of the sludge.

MS 1228 :1991

6.1.2 Physical design consideration. Having selected the treatment process to be employed,
careful considerations shall be given to the planning and design of the physical facilities. Treatment works layout Process units. Careful consideration shall be given to size, shape and the physical
arrangement of the process units, depending on the availability of space, the number of units and
economics. In selecting the shape of the unit, due consideration shall be given to the aesthetics
aspects, without compromising on the functional aspects of the process unit. Wherever
practicable, multiple modules that will comprise of a single process will be preferred, as this will
facilitate diversion of flows during repairs and/or maintenance of a module.
Licensed to UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA / Downloaded on : 28-Jul-2011 11:44:02 AM / Single user license only, copying and networking prohibited Conduits and their identification. In planning the conduits connecting the various
process units, provisions shall be made for future expansion, and for isolation of each unit,
through the use of valves and other flow control devices. These valves and flow control devices
need only have manual operators or nuts that can be controlled by portable manual or power
driven operators.

Where multiple modules of a single process are employed, proper flow division facility shall be
provided so as to control both the hydraulic and organic loading on each modules, and shall be
designed for easy operation, change, observation and maintenance.

All connecting conduits shall be designed to convey the maximum anticipated flows, including
when flows are diverted from one Unit to another for maintenance or repair purposes. The
conduits shall be designed to avoid pockets and corners where solids can settle and accumulate.

For easy indentification of the conduits and piping, these shall be painted with the following
colour codes:

Chlorine line - - yellow -

Compressed air line - green

Fuel gas line - orange
Potable water supply line - blue
Sewage/effluent line - grey
Sludge line - brown Plant location

The following items shall be considered when selecting a treatment plant site:

(a) Proximity to residential areas

(b) Direction of prevailing winds

(c) Accessibility by-all weather roads

(d) Area available for expansion

(e) Local zoning requirements

MS 1228 : 1991

(f) Local soil characteristics, geology, hydrology and topography available to minimize pumping.

(g) Access to receiving stream by gravity prefer

(h) Water quality of the receiving water course

(j) Compatibility of treatment process with the present and planned future land use, including
noise, potential odours, air quality, and anticipated sludge processing and disposal techniques. Structure to be reinforced concrete

Unless otherwise required, wall, slabs, beams, columns and structure for sewerage plant shall, in
general, be in reinforced concrete. Walls shall have minimum thickness of 225 mm. Brickwork
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may be used in shallow chamber.

Where a site must be used which is critical with respect to those items, appropriate measures shall
be taken to minimize adverse impacts. The treatment plant should be located in an area not
subject to flooding or otherwise ~e adequately protected against flood damage. Foundation

Where necessary, special foundation (eg. bakau piling, reinforce concrete piling etc) shall

provided. Quality of effluent

The required degree of treatment for sewage treatment plants shall be based on the parameter
limits as specified in the Third Schedule and the objectives for the receiving waters as established
by the Ministry of Health/Department of Environment. In any case the effluent must be
adequately disinfected to destroy disease causing organisms. Flow

The sewage treatment plant shall be designed to serve the ultimate contributary population based
on an average daily per capita flow of 225 liters, to which must be added an anticipated amount
of industrial wastewater and some allowances for infiltration. Where a plant is designed to serve
an existing sewerage system, the plant shall be designed on the basis of actual flow measurements,
plus allowances for estimated future population and shall be staged as required.

i) Operating equipments

A complete range of tools, accessories and spare parts necessary for the plant operators use shall
be provided together with the necessary storage space.

ii) Grading a,zcl landscaping

Upon completion of the plant, the ground should be graded. Conrete or hard surfaced walkwa\s
should be provided for access to all units. Surface water shall not be permitted to drain into any
unit. Landscaping should be provided especially where a plant is located near residential areas.
Lansdcaping should be provided at all such plants to cover the harsh and unpleasant sight of
sewage structures.

MS 1228 : 1991 Plant oulfalls

The outfall sewer should be designed to discharge to the receiving waters with the consideration
for the following:

i) Preference for freefall or submerged discharged.

ii) Utilization of cascade aeration of effluent discharge to increase dissolved oxygen.

iii) Limited or complete dispersion across receiving waters. Organic loading

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The process design of a domestic waste treatment plant shall be on the basis of 55 grams of BOD
per capita per day and 68 grams of suspended solids per capita per day. When an existing
treatment works is to be upgraded or expanded, the design shall be based upon the actual strength
of the wastewater. Domestic waste treatment plants designed to include these industrial waste
loads should take into consideration the shock effects of high concentrations and diu-rinal peaks
for short periods of the time on the treatment process particularly for small treatment plants.

6.1 .2.1 .10 Flow division control

Flow division control facilities shall be provided as necessary to ensure organic and hydraulic
loading control to plant process units and shall be designed for easy operator access, change,
observation and maintenance. PlaNt details

i) Installation of mechanical equipment

The specifications should be written such that the installation and initial operation of major items

of mechanical equipment will be supervised by a representative of the manufacturer.

ii) Unit b,vpass

Bypass structure and piping properly located and arranged should be provided so that each unit
of the plant can be removed from service independently.

iii) Appropriate effluent sampling

The outfall sewer should be so constructed and protected against the effects of floodwater, tide or
other hazards as to ensure its structural stability and freedom from stoppage. A manhole should
be provided at the shore end of all gravity sewers extending into the receiving waters. Hazards to
navigation shall be considered in designing outfall sewers. Provision shall be made for sampling
of influent or effluent as well as individual process unit. Essential facilities

All plants shall be provided with an alternate source of electric power to allow continuity of
operation during power failures. An adequate supply of potable water under pressure should be
provided for use in the laboratory and for general cleanliness around the plant. Toilets, shower,
lavatory and locker facilities should be provided in sufficient numbers and convenient location to
serve the expected plant personnel. Flow measurement facilities shall be provided at all plants.

MS 1228 : 1991 Safely

Adequate provision shall be made to effectively protect the operator and visitors from hazards.
The following shall be provided to fulfill the particular needs of each plant:

(i) Fencing of the plant site to discourage the entrance of unauthorized persons and animals.

(ii) Hand rails and guards around tanks, trenches, pits, stairwells and other hazardous structures.

(iii) First aid equipment including CPR.

(iv) No Smoking signs in hazardous areas.

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(v) Protective clothing and equipment.

(vi) Portable lighting equipment. Laboratory

All treatment works shall include a laboratory for making the necessary analytical determination
and operating control tests, except in individual situations where the omission of a laboratory is
approved by the reviewing agency. The laboratory shall have sufficient size, bench-space,
equipment and supplies to perform the process control tests necessary for good management of
each treatment process included in the design.

6.1.3 Measuring devices. Devices should be installed in all plants for indication flow rates
of raw sewage or primary effluent, return sludge, and air to each tank unit. Where the design
provides for all return sludge to be mixed with the raw sewage (or primary effluent) at one
location then the mixed liquor flow rate to each aeration unit should be measured

6.1 .4 Evaluation of new treatment processes. ifl the case of a particular new treatment
process not included in this code of practice, the designer shall obtain approval of the proposed
treatment process to the relevant approving authority.

6.2 Preliminary treatment

6.2.1 Bar screens. Bar screens shall be provided upstream of pumps or treatment facility
for protection against clogging and damage.
The screening device may he manually-cleaned or mechanically cleaned. Manually or mechanically cleaned screens. Clear opening between bars shall be from
25 mm to 30 mm and shall be placed at a sloped of 10 to 45 to the vertical.
Approach velocities sho-uldnorexced 0.2 rn/sec and the flow through velocity should not exceed

0.8 m/sec at velocity average rate of flow.

The approach channel should be so designed to ensure a good distribution of velocity.

Facility for a screened by-pass to be provided in the event of clogging.

Where mechanically cleaned screening devices are installed auxiliary manually cleaned screen
shall be provided.

MS 1228 : 1991

6.2.2 Fine screens. Fine screens, where used for pre-treatment or primary treatment should
be installed to manufacturers specification and require prior approval of the Local Authority. Disposal of screening. Screenings should be removed, handled, stored and disposed in a
sanitary manner.

6.2.3 Grit removal. Grit removal facilities may be considered as optional process depending
on the nature of sewage to be treated. Grit removal systems may comprise either the Horizontal
Constant Velocity Grit Chamber or the Aerated Grit Chamber or Detritor. Horizontal constant velocity grit chamber

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(a) The flow through velocity should not exceed 0.23 rn/sec

(b) The surface loading rate should not exceed 1500 m2/d/m2. Aerated grit chamber

(a) Maximum detention time to be 3 mm.

(b) Air rates should be in the range of 4.5 to 12.5 liter/sec/rn of tank

(c) Depth to width ratio of 1:2.

(d) Length to width ratio of 1:2. Detritors

(a) The maximum flow through velocity should not exceed 0.3 rn/sec at peak flows

(b) Tangential flow entry into detritor width minimum turbulence.

(c) Water depth in tank to be controlled by weir outlet.

(d) Reciprocating inclined dewatering systems should be incorporated for washing grit and
reducing organic content. Disposal of grit. -Mechanical grit removal system of collecting and disposal of grit in a
sanitary manner should be provided.

6.3 Primary treatment

6.3.1 Design criteria for septic tanks. (Typical diagrams as in fig. 3). Septic tanks are to be
either rectangular or cylindrical chambers sited or constructed below ground level. They are to
be of watertight construction so that they neither permit ingress of ground water or engress of
sewage to the ground.

MS 1228: 1991 Capacity. The capacity of the septic tank should be based on the number of persons or
equivalent population served based on the following formula:

C = 225 P


C is the capacity of the tank in litres and

P is the designed population or equivalent population

The minimum capacity of septic tank should not be less than 2000 litres and should not serve an
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equivalent population of more than 150.

6.3.2 Rectangular septic tank. Minimum requirements. Rectangular septic tanks should have the following minimum

(a) Minimum liquid depth of 1.25 m but not more than 2.0 rn.

(b) Should have width not less than 750 mm,

(c) Have a length not less than 2 times its width.

(d) Should be roofed and have a minimum water free-board of 250 mm.

(e) Adequate opening for desludging and maintenance should be provided.

(f) Access for desludging vehicles should be provided. Arrangement

(a) Tanks less tha,i 1.25 in width

(i) The septic tank shall be constructed with 2 or more compartments, either 2 separated tanks
or by dividing a single tank into two by a partition or baffle.

(ii) Where a baffle is used it shall be positioned at a distance of about 500 mm from the inlet
end. The baffle shall extend 150 mm above TWL and shall leave a minimum clearance of about
500 mm at the bottom.

(iii) The inlet and outlet shall be a vertical 150 mm diameter cast iron T-~shapeddip pipe with the
top limb extending above scum level and the bottom limb extending 500 mm below TWL.

(iv) The invert of the inlet dip-pipe should be 75 mm above the invert of outlet dip-pipe.

(v) The floor of the tank should be sloped towards the inlet end at a slope of I to 6.

(b) Tank greater than 1.25 m width.

(i) For tanks more than 1.25 m width, the tank shall be of two compartments in series. The

inlet compartments to have a capacity of twice that of the second compartment.

MS 1228 : 1991

(ii) The influent into tanks of more than 1 .25 m width shall discharge into a channel which feeds
two or more dip-pipes. The two compartments should also be interconnected by equal number of

(iii) The outlet shall be in the form of weir which should extend the full width of the tank.
Scum boards should be placed before the weirs.

(iv) The floor of the inlet chamber should be sloped towards the inlet end at a slope of I to 6.

(v) The invert of the inlet dip-pipe should be 75 mm above the invert of the outlet dip-pipe.
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6.3.3 Other types of septic tanks. As cylindrical septic tanks are precast and factory-made
they requires the approval of the relevant Authority on an individual basis.

6.3.4 Design criteria for inihoff tank Sedimentation compartment

The sedimentation compartment shall have a capacity of not less than 2 hours detention time for
average daily flow of 225 litres/cap./day.

It shall have a surface overflow rate of not more than 30 m3/m2/day at design peak flow.

The sedimentation compartment shall have a length to width ratio of not less than 3 to I.
Minimum width shall be 600 mm and depth of not less than 900 mm or more than 2.8 in.

In the sedimentation compartment of the lmhoff Tank the side slopes shall have a slope of not
less than 1 .5 times vertical to I horizontal.
The compartment shall have a false bottom and communication with the sludge digestion
compartment shall be by means of a horizontal slot minimum 150 mm wide running the full
width of the tank.

A slot overlap of at least 200 mm to be provided. Sludge compartment

The sludge digestion compartment shall have a capacity of not less than 0.04 m3 per capita.

The floor of the compartment will have a slope of I vertical to 4 horizontal towards the sludge
draw-off pipe.

The sludge draw-off pipe shall be of cast-iron and not less than 100 mm and shall draw off
sludge from the bottom of the sludge compartment.

Sludge sampling pipes for sludge draw-off above and below the neutral zone shall be provided.

The scum compartment shall have a width not less than 450 mm or 25% of the total surface area
of the sedimentation compartment, whichever is larger.

The scum compartment shall be adequately vented and facilities for adequate removal of gas

MS 1228 : 1991 Neutral zone. A neutral zone of not less than 300 mm deep shall be provided between
the bottom of the sedimentation compartment and the top of the sludge digestion compartment. Inlet and outlet

The inlet may be of minimum 150 mm diameter cast-iron T-shaped dip-pipe with the top limb
extending above the scum level and the bottom limb extending 500 mm below the TWL.
For wider tanks multiple inlets to be provided.

The outlet shall be in the form of weir which should extend the full width of the tank.

Scum boards shall be provided at the inlets and outlets and in the larger tanks at intermediate
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points. The scum boards shall be submerged at least 600 mm and extended by at least 450 mm
above TWL.

The TWL in the sedimentation tank shall be at least 75 mm below the invert level of the inlet
sewer. Reversal of flow direction. In large installations with multiple units of sludge
compartment, provision shall be made for reversal of flow periodically, so as to obtain even
distribution of sludge. Effluent. Effluent from septic and imhoff tanks require secondary treatment in
biological filter or other methods approved by the Local Authority. Slab cover. The roof of the septic and imhoff tanks shall be either covered with a
reinforced concrete cast-in-situ slab with adequate openings with air-tights manholes covers for
inspection and maintenance or covered with precast reinforced conc.rete slabs fitted with lifting
handles and having grooves for jointing with line to prevent emission of smell and breeding of
insects. - -

6.3.5 Ventilation. In all septic and imhoff tanks the space between the top of the water level
and the roof shall be:

(a) Adequately ventilated;

(b) Provided with adequate means for dra~vingoff gases;

(c) All ventilation provided shall be proofed against the entry of mosquitoes.

6.3.6 Prima,) sedimentation tank General. Sedimentation tanks may provide the principal degree of wastewater
treatment, or they may be used as a preliminary steps in the further treatment of wastewater.
When used as the only means of treatment. these tanks shall be provided for the removal of:

(a) senleable solids capable of forming sludge banks in the receiving waler and;

(b) much of the floating material.

MS 1228: 1991

When used as a preliminary step to further treatment the main function of primary
sedimentation tank is to reduce the organic loading on the secondary treatment units and are
essentially components of secondary sewage treatment.

The efficiency of a sedimentation tank is dependent on the velocity of the flow, which is
determined by the tank dimension. Effective flow measurement devices and control
appurtenances shall be provided to permit proper proportioning of flow and solids loading to each
unit. Sedimentation tanks may be of the horizontal flow or upward flow or radial flow type.

Primary sedimentation tanks could be either rectangular or circular in shape, the circular
configurations are recommended for larger flows. Rectangular tanks. The length to width ratio should be 3: 1 or more. The width to
depth ratio should be between 1 : 1 to 2.5 : I. Typical depth of rectangular primary
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sedimentation tank is 2.5 m to 3.0 m. Circular tank. The side water depth should not be under 3 m. The floor slope when
used in conjunction with scraper mechanism should be I : 12 or as recommended by supplier of
scraper. Detention time. Detention time should vary with depth of tank and surface loading
rate and should be within the range of 90 to 150 mm at Average Daily Flow. Surface loading. For the rectangular tank the sludge will mainly settle out at the
inlet end of the tank. The settled sewage is collected at the opposite end for treatment. For
circular tanks the loading can either be central or peripheral. The surface loading rate at peak
flow should not exceed 60 m3/day/m2. Wejr loading. The weir loading rate should be in the range of 150 to 180 m3iday/rn~. Scraper mechanism and sludge Dumps. Scraper mechanism and sludge pumps for the

collection and transfer of scum and sludge should be approveu bi-~cLcc:li~ori~. Primary sedimentation tank with hopper bottom and rectangular (Typical diagrams
as in fig. 4). Upward flow sedimentation tanks. An upward flow tank is normally square or
circular in plan with hopper bottom having steeply sloping sides to provide sludge storage.
Sewage enters the tank through a feed pipe and is initially deflected downwards by a stilling box.
As the sewage is dispersed into the body of the tank it rises steadily towards a peripheral weir
and suspended material fall into the hopper.

[n designing hopper bottom tanks an angle of slope of 60 (giving 51 valley slope) will usually be
saListactory. In order to reduce sludge accumulation in the valley angle, a tank of steeper angle
of slope of 68 (giving 60 valley slope) may be considered. Capacity. The capacity of the hopper should be equivalent to 2 hours detention time
at peak flow.

Additional water depth of minimum 400 mm should be provided above the hopper in the vertical
side-wall section between the top of the hopper and the TWL. The side-wall height should not
be less than 400 mm.

MS 1228 : 1991 Horizontal flow tank. A horizontal flow tank is normally rectangular in plan and
should have length of approximately 3 times its width and a depth below TWL of about 1.5 m.
This tank should be designed to have a single or multiple hopper conforming to clause

To facilitate desludging twin tanks should be provided for larger installation. Surface loading rate. The overflow rate should not be greater than 60 m3/day.m2
primary sedimentation tank. Solid loading rate. The solid loading rate should be between 2.5 to 6 kg/m2/hr. Weir loading rate. The weir loading rate should not exceed 150 m3/day/m.
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6.4 Secondary treatment. In waste water treatment plants the preliminary and primary
stages of treatment which were described in the earlier chapters of this code can efficiently
remove 30% to 40% of the B.O.D. and 6O% to 70% of the influent Suspended Solids (S.S).

The fraction remaining are soluble, colloidal or sufficiently small not to settle easily and they
consists of a wide range of organic and inorganic materials.

The usual way in which the remaining fraction can be further treated is to encourage micro-
organism to oxidize the organic material in a similar manner to that in the natural process
occuring in rivers and streams but at an increased rate.

In such secondary treatment the organic material is made to come into contact with micro-
organisms either in a ~FixedFilm Media or a ~SuspendedFilm Media.

The most commonly used biological process in the fixed film media is the trickling filter and in
the suspended film media is the activated sludge with their many varied and modified processes.

Other common biological process are the Aerated Lagoon and the Waste Stabilization Pond.

6.4.1 Fixed growth (Typical diagrams as in fig. 5). Mineral media. For sewage treatment plant of 500 persons capacity or less the
rectangular type of percolating filter with tipper, chute and channel distribution system of settled
sewage may be used.

Tipper, chute and channel shall be made of aluminium sheet of minimum 2 mm thickness or of
cast iron or stainless steel. The size. capacity, dimension, support shall be approved by the Local

Tipper trough should have a capacity equivalent to 4.5 litres/rn2 of filter surface area.

For sewage treatment plant above 500 persons capacity the circular type percolating filter with
dosing syphon and rotary type distributors and ancillaries shall be used. Dosing syphon, rotary
distributor equipment shall be of approved make, size, capacity and material and designed for 3 x
DWF. The distributor arm shall be approximately 150 mm to 300 mm above the media line.

The average depth of the media shall not exceed 1.8 m and minimum depth shall not be less than
1.2 m.
MS 1228 : 199]

The media provided shall be inert and resistant to biological attack e.g. granite. limestone or
coral. Two sizes of media shall be provided viz. 100 mm single size for the lower one-third and
50 mm single size for the upper two-third 01 the filter.

The loading for the low or standard rate filter shall be as follows:

(a) Hydraulic I 00O x P litres/day/rn2

(b) Organic (BOD5 ~ 20C)-80 x P1 kgdavi 1000 m3

where P is the designed population.

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The hydraulic loading rates are not to exceed 4500 litres/day/rn2 and the organic loading rates are
not to exceed 400 kg/day/l000 rn3.

Good ventilation shall be provided at the bottom of and through the media.
Aeration pipes of 100 mm or 150 mm diameter shall be provided extending through the full
depth of the media. The size and/or number of opening that will provide the required volume of
air shall be based on 0.S% of the surface area of the bed.

The inlet openings into the filter underdrains have an unsubmerged gross combined area equal to
at least 15 percent of the Surface of the lilier.

The base slab shall be sloped no flatter than I in 50 and overlaid with approved drainage tiles or
pipes. Synthetic media. The synthetic media for trickling filters has extended the range of
hydraulic and organic loading well beyond the range of stone media. Two properties that are of
interest are specific surface area and percent void space.
The ability of synthetic media to handle higher hydraulic and organic loadings is directly
attributed to the higher specific surface area and void space of these media compared to stone

The organic and hydraulic loading should be inaccordance to the manufacturers specification.

6.4.2 Rotating biological contact ors IR BC) General. Rotating biological contactors consist of basically high density plastic media
discs mounted on the shaft. The shaft is then made to turn slowly at approximately 1 rpm either
mechanically through a gear drive system or by the use of air through buoyancy forces exerted on
air trapped in air cups fixed to the edge of the discs from an air blow system. The slow rotation
of the shaft causes alternating exposure of the media to atmosphere and the wastewater.
Biological growths (biofilm) become attached to the surfaces of the discs and eventually form a
slime layer (biomass) over the discs. The rotation effects oxygen transfer, keep the biom.ass in an
aerobic condition and also causes excess biomass to slough from the discs into the mixed liquor
and out of the process basin. This sloughing maintains a uniformly thick biomass and prevents
clogging of the discs.

RBCs are also available in package units for limited capacit\ which incorporate facilities for
primary and secondary settlement together with sludge storage for a period of 4 to 6 months.

MS 1228 : 1991 Process design

(a) The RBC system requires preliminary treatment, primary and secondary settlement, sludge
storage and treatment.

(b) The soluble BOD is the controlling factor in design and therefore the approach taken is to
determine the amount of the soluble BOD removed per unit of surface area for each stage of a
multi-stage RBC system. The soluble BOD shall be taken as 70% of the total BOD for domestic

(c) Where primary sedimentation tanks are used also for sludge storage/digestion, an additional
increase of 50% of the soluble fraction shall be taken into account in design due to the exertion
of the secondary BOD from the digestion process.
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(d) When the peaks flows are greater than 2.5 DWF, sufficient equilisation volumes shall be
provided additionally to primary settling volumes or separate equalisation tanks.
(e) Where necessary the RBC systems should be preceeded by fine screens with a maximum clear

spacing of 20 mm. -

(f) Required media area should be calculated based on the peak loading rate.

(g) The RBC should be covered in order to protect media from effect of UV rays and rainfall.
Adequate ventilation should be provided.
(h) The limiting design parameters for RBC are summarised below:-

Rotating Biological Contactor

Soluble BOD5 specific loading on first stage 12 to 20 g/day.m2

Tank volumes 5 I/day.m2 of media

Maximum peripherel velocity 0.35 rn/sec

Minimum number of stages 2 stage

Dry sludge removal 0.8 - 1.1 kg of dry

sludge / kg of BOD removed.

Minimum detention in tank 1 hour Detail design input arrangements and capacity. Wherever possible installations using RBC system
should be supplied by gravity and means provided to minimise surges in flow. especially where
package units are used. Where crude sewage is admitted by pumping, it is important that the-
average frequency of pumping should not be less than four times per hour throughout most of the

MS 1228: 1991

Septic tanks or other system of sludge tanks built integrally with RBC should be able to hold at
least the total volume of sludge deposited in 1-3 months use, dependent on the size of the plant.
at the full design loading. They should provide convenient access for desludging and should be
sufficiently rigid to withstand pressure from adjoining compartments during desludging.

In integral plants, it is desirable for the inlet zone to be baffled or for a weir providing a head
loss of 10 mm to 20 mm to be installed to minimise the effect of surges in flow. Treatment is
more efficient when longitudinal mixing is minimized in the treatment zone by installation of a
number of transverse baffles each providing a head loss of about 10 mm.

The design should facilitate the transfer of excess film, shed from the rotating surfaces from the
treatment zone to a secondary settlement unit, either by positive mechanical means or by ensuring
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that sufficient turbulence is induced to carry it forward in the effluent stream. Rotor units and drire mechanisms. The rotational speed (usually 1-3 rpm) and
diameter of the rotating structure govern the peripheral velocity, which should not exceed 0.35
rn/sec to avoid stripping of the biomass. Random media, where employed, should be tightly
packed for the same reason. Biological film accumulates more thickly on the surfaces nearest the
inlet to the treatment zone, and the spacing between adjacent surfaces of discs in this region
should be designed to prevent the bridging of gaps between surfaces. Construction. The design and alignment of the drive shaft should provide adequate
strength to assure long troublefree life. Failure of power or other interruption of rotation max,
if continued more than 24 hours, allow the biomass on the rotor to become unbalanced due to
drainage and drying of the exposed areas. If the rotation recommences without the proper
maintenance and cleaning of the discs, severe strain will be placed on the shaft and drive. It is
therefore assential that proper provisions for overload protection of the motor is made that
automatic restart for the motor is provided after an electrical failure.

Structures supporting the rotor bearings and drive should have a adequate long term rigidity to
maintain alignment. Bearing, drive chains and sprockets should be protected from moisture and
provided with easy access for lubrication and adjustment.

Discs shall be durable materials including expanded metal, plastic mesh, GRP. unplasticized
polyvinyl chloride or similar materials or high density polystyrene foam. The packing used in
rotating cylinders may be similar to random fill media used in high rate biological filters. Rotors
are also used with a variety of surfaces disposed in a spiral or honeycomb form. Loading and peiformance of the biological stage. Where full treatment of domestic
sewage to the Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents). Regulations 1979
standard is required the loading of the rotating surfaces in the biological zone should not exceed
5 g BOD/m2/day of settled sewage or 7.5 g BOD/m2/day as crude sewage entering an integrated
package plant. Higher loadings may be used provided that adequate technical support data has
been supplied. The loading should be based on the maximum population to be served. Where
quality standards are critical, additional tertiary treatment (polishing) should be provided.

6.4.3 Suspended growth (Typical diagrams as in fig. 6). Waste stabilization pond General

MS 1228 : 1991

(a) Waste stabilization ponds can be provided in a variety of combination covering anaerobic.
facultative and maturation ponds system. A series of ponds produces a better quality effluent
than that from a single pond of the same size and it avoids short circuiting of sewage flow.

(b) Ponds have considerable advantages as regards to costs and maintenance requirements and
the removal of faecal bacteria over all other methods of treating sewage from communities.

(c) Anaerobic ponds are designed to recei\e very high organic loading or to pretreat strong
wastes which have a high solids content where the solids settle to the bottom and are digested
anaerobically. The partially clarified supernatant liquor can be discharged into a facultative
pond for further treatment.

(d) Facultative ponds are the most common and they normally receive raw sewage or that which
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has received only preliminary treatment for example settled effluent from septic tanks and
anaerobic pretreatment ponds.

(e) Maturation ponds are used as a second stage to facultative ponds. Their main function is the
destruction of pathogens such as faecal bacteria and viruses. Basis of design. The climate of the area (temperature, sunlight, cloud cover, wind.
etc) and the nature of the wastewater to be treated (presence of the toxic chemicals. non-
degradable substances, sulphates, total dissolved solids, etc) have a considerable effect on pond
loadings, and must be taken into account when designing the system. The design loading for the
various pond systems shall be as follows:-

Parameter Design Criteria

(a) Anaerobic Pond

Liquid depth - 2.5 m 4 rn

Maximum loading rate 0.4 kg BOD/day.m3

Detention time minimum 2 days
Sludge accumulation rate 0.04 m3/year/capita

(b) Facultative Pond

Total surface loading rate
Standard A 225 kg/ha/day
Standard B 330 kg/ha/day

Minimum detention time

Standard A 14 days
Standard B 9 days

Maximum surface loading rate for the first stage facultative pond.
Standard A 330 kg/ha/day
Standard B 505 kg/ha/day

Minimum free board 0.5 m

Liquid depth (minimum) 1.5
Sludge accumulation rate 0.04 rn3/vear/capita

MS 1228 : 1991 Design and constructional details

(a) Pond geometry. Geometry of pond is not necessary rectangular. All corners of pond should
be rounded-up with a minimum radius of 10 rn.

(b) impermeable construction. The pond should be impermeable so as to avoid percolation and
ground water pollution.

(c) En2bankn2ent. The inner slope of pond embankment shall have a protective lining of cement
rip-rap 0.3 m thick or cast-in situ concrete slab of 75 mm thick extending from top of
embankment to a minimum of 0.5 m below liquid surface, or erosion of the embankment by
surface wave action can be avoided by placing precast concrete slabs at the top water level. The
inner slope shall have a maximum slope of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical if it is pitched with cement
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rip-rap or rubble pitching and the slope of the embankment is well compacted.

The outer slope shall be protected by turfing or rip-rap if subjected to external water wave
action. When it is turfed the recommended slope shall be 3 horizontal to 1 vertical.

All weather roads of enough width (minimum 3.5 m wide) and strength shall be provided for
large trucks or lorries to have easy access to the ponds. Surface runoff must be prevented from
entering the pond.

(d) inlet and outlet structures. In order to minimise hydraulic short circuiting, the inlet and
outlet to each pond shall be of multiple units and located in diagonally opposite corners cross
connection between ponds should also be provided.

The inlet into the waste stabilization pond shall be preceeded with a scum chamber to arrest scum
or other floating materials from entering the pond. A flow measuring device such as venturi or
partial flume to measure inflow and a vee-notch to measure final outflow shall be installed if

in order to reduce the amount of scum the pipe should discharge below the pond surface with a
concrete splash pad at the pond base just below the end of inlet pipe to receive the incoming raw
sewage. in order to reduce the amount of scum the pipe should discharge below the pond surface
and in order to prevent the formation of a sludge bank, the end of the pipe should be sited up to
about 1/3 length of the pond away from the embankrnents.

(e) Facilities shall be provided for by-passing to the first, second and subsequent ponds.

6,4.3.2 Aerated lagoons General. Aerated lagoons are essentially similar to waste stabilization ponds except
that it is mechanically aerated instead of algal oxygenation, much deeper and has a shorter
detention time. An advantage that aerated lagoons have is the relative ease with which additional
aerators can be added as population increases or as better efficiency is desired.

Aerated lagoons are activated sludge units operated without sludge return. Two basic aerated
lagoon systems are recommended, namely

(i) Completely mixed aerated lagoon system or the aerobic flow through type; and

(ii) Partially mixed or facultative aerated lagoons system.

MS 1228 : 1991

Floating aerators are most commonly used to supply the necessary oxygen and mixing power. Faculialive aerated lagoons. Facultative aerated lagoons are akin to the alga] ponds
used for waste stabilization except that the oxygen is derived from mechanical aeration instead of
algal photosynthesis. The power input is sufficient for diffusing enough oxygen into the liquid
but not sufficient for maintaining all the solids in suspension with the result that suspended solids
in the raw sewage entering the lagoons tend to settle down and undergo anaerobic decomposition
at the bottom. It is very significantly affected by changes in temperature. It requires lower
power to drive the aerator then the completely mixed lagoons.

Sludge accumulation will take place at the rate of 0.04 rn3/year/capita. Anaerobic decomposition
leads to liquefaction of solids and a nondegradable residue while the original load of grit and
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inorganic solids entering the lagoon along with raw sewage also settles at the lagoons bottom. The
detention time is much larger than the completely mixed lagoons. Contpietelv mixed aerated lagoons sts/em. The lagoons need more power than the
facultative type as the surface aerator has to keep the solids in suspension (as in activated sludge
aeration tank) in addition to diffusing enough oxygen into the liquid. The wastewater enters at
one end and leaves at the other end of lagoons along with the solids under aeration. Hence the

solids concentration in the effluent will be the same as the solids concentration in the lagoon
itself. The efficiency of BOD removal concentration in the lagoon is not very high since solids
are present in the effluent. - The effluents from the aerated lagoons should be further treated. Basis of design. The design criteria for both the completely mixed and facultative
lagoons are set out below.

Table 2. Design criteria for aerated lagoons

Aerated Lagoons

Parameters Completely mixed Falcultative

Minimum detention period 1 day 2.5 days

Oxygen requirement 0.8 1.1 kg 02

- 1.5 1.8 kg 02

consumed/kg BOD consumed/kg BOD

removed. removed.

Minimum mixing power 5 kw/l000 m3 3 kw/l000 m3

Minimum freeboard 1.0 rn 1.0 rn

Maximum depth 5 m 5 iTt

BOD removal 50% 60% to 70/

Dissolved ox\gen concentration 2 mgi

MS 1228 : 1991 Design details. The construction of aerated lagoons is essentially the same as that of
waste stabilization ponds. The major differences are : greater depths (usually 3 m 5 m) steeper

embankment slopes and the provision of a complete butyl rubber or polythene or cemente~irip-
rap lining (minimum 0.5 m thick) to prevent scouring by the turbulence induced by the aerators.

Where surface aerators are used, it is preferably to have floating units. Where fixed aerators are
used (mounted on columns or stilts) it is essential that the liquid level in the lagoon is maintained
constant so as to ensure the required degree of submergence of the aerator blades.

Electric cable has to be carried overhead to the aerator from the banks of the lagoon. The steel
ropes used to anchor the aerator to the side banks can be used to carry the cable also. For repairs
or maintenance the aerator can be pulled in water to the corner of the lagoon where a small loop
or arm can be provided to wet-dock the aerator and enable lifting it up for inspection.
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6.4 .3 .2 .7 Pond geometry. Aerator ~agoons shall be designed to prevent short circuiting to
ensure uniform mixing and aeration. The shape of the pond will depend on the selection of the
aeration equipment and zone of influence. Activated sludge General. The activated sludge process is an aerobic, biological process which uses
micro-organisms in suspension to remove colloidal, suspended and dissolved substances exerting
an oxygen demand. Settled sewage is led to ad aeration tank where oxygen is supplied either by
mechanical agitation or by diffused aeration. Aeration of the sewage is followed by settlement in
the secondary sedimentation tank with part of the resulting sludge recycled to the aeration
system to maintain a high cell concentration (2000 8000 mg/I of MLSS) in the aeration tank and

the remainder being wasted for further treatment. Type of processes and modification. The activated sludge process is very flexible and
can be adopted to almost any type of biological waste treatment problem. Basically the activated
sludge processes comprise of:

(a) Conventional activated sludge

(b) Contact stabilization
(c) Conventional extended aeration
(d) Oxidation ditch (a modified extended aeration process)

The other modified activated sludge systems that have become standardized vary from the above
4 processes in the way sewage and aeration is introduced into the tank. They include tapered
aeration process, continuous flow stirred-tank step aeration, modified aeration, high rate aeration
and the pure oxygen system. Conventional activated sludge. The conventional activated sludge process consists of
an aeration tank, a primary and secondary clarifier, and a sludge recycling line. Sludge wasting
is accomplished from the recycle or mixed liquor line. Both influent settled wastewater and
recycled sludge enter the tank at the head end and are aerated for a period of about 4 to 8 hours.

The influent wastewater and recycled sludge are mixed by the action of diffused or mechanical
aeration, which is constant as the mixed liquor moves down the tank. During this period.
absorption, flocculation and oxidation of the organic matter take place. The mixed liquor is
settled in the activated sludge sedimentation tank and the sludge is returned at a rate of 20-50%
of the influent flow rate depending on the MLSS maintained in the aeration tank.

MS 1228: 1991 Contact stabilization. The contact stabilization process involves treatment in four
distinct compartments. In the first compartment, sewage, which will usually be screened or
macerated is aerated in contact with activated sludge for a period of 30 to 90 mm, the mixed
liquor then passing to the settlement compartment. After settlement the supernatant liquor
treated effluent) is discharged and the sludge is transfered to a third (re-aeration) compartment
where it is aerated for a period of 3 to 6 hours during which time oxidation of absorbed organic
material occurs. A large proportion of the activated sludge is then recycled to the first (contact)
compartment. There may be a fourth (aerobic digester) compartment where surplus sludge is
further aerated to oxidize it as completely as possible before being removed for disposal. Extended aeration. This process is used extensively for prefabricated package plants.
It involves treatment in two compartments, an aeration or mixed liquor compartment and a
settlement compartment. Sewage, which will usually be screened or macerated, flow to the
aeration compartment where it is aerated in admixture with activated sludge. The sludge is
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separated from the mixed liquor in the settlement compartment which is usually integral with the
first compartment but separated from it by partition. The sludge is recycled to the aeration
compartment either by gravity pump or air lift. The supernatant liquor (treated effluent) leaves
the plant over a weir. Separate sludge wasting generally is provided.

Operating experience has indicated that problems have developed in many plants where wasting
facilities have not been provided. Provisions shall be made to remove excess sludge and this
should be treated prior to disposal. Oxidation ditch. This is basically an extended aeration system and consists
essentially of a Continuous shallow channel 1 m to 3 m deep usually forming an oval Circuit in

Raw sewage, after screening and grit removal enters the ditch where mechanical rotors (aerator)
aerate the liquid and keep it in circulation. The ditch may be followed by a separate settling tank
from which the settled sludge may be returned to the ditch by a pump and the excessive solid be
sent to a drying bed while the clear supernatant is discharged. In some cases the ditch itself may
be used as settling compartment by periodically shutting off the aerators. Excess solids must be
removed as sludge on a regular basis.

The long sludge age, acheived by recycling more than 95% of the sludge ensures minimal excess
sludge production and a high degree of mineralization in the sludge that is produced.
Sludge handling and treatment is almost negligible since the small amount of waste sludge can be
readily dewatered without odour on drying beds.

The ditch should have a concrete lining with side slopes of about I in 1 .5 vertical, A rigid lining
should always be provided in the vicinity of the rotor extending to at least 4.5 rn downstream to
prevent damage due to the high turbulence in these areas.

The same depth below top water level and preferably of the same cross-sectional area should be
maintained for the complete circuit. The ditch should be equipped with one or more mechanical
aerators arranged to maintain a velocity of flow in the ditch sufficient to keep the activated
sludge in suspension.

Provision should be made for separate settlement of sludge before discharge of final effluent in
the ditch is designed for continous operations.

MS 1228: 1991

6.4 .3 .3 .3 Process design Applicability

(a) Biodegradable waste. The activated sludge process and its various modification may be used

where sewage is amenable to biological treatment.

(b) Operational requirements ..This process requires close attention and competent operating
supervision including routine laboratory control. These requirements shall be considered when
proposing this type of treatment.

(c) Energy requirements. This process requires major energy usage to meet aeration demands.
Provisions shall be made for the emergency energy supply.
Licensed to UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA / Downloaded on : 28-Jul-2011 11:44:02 AM / Single user license only, copying and networking prohibited Specific process selection. The activated sludge process and its several modifications
max be employed to accomplish varied degrees of removal of suspended solids and reduction of
carbonaceous and/or nitrogenous oxygen demand. Choice of the process most applicable will be
influenced by the degree and consistency of treatment required, type of waste to be treated,
proposed plant size anticipated, degree of operation and maintenance and operating and capital
costs. All design shall provide for flexibility in operation. Pretreatment. Where primary sedimentation tanks are not used, effective removal or
exclusion of grit, debris, excessive oil or grease, and communition or screening of solids shall be
accomplished prior to the acti\ated sludge process.Where primary sedimentation is used, provision
shall be made for discharging raw sewage directly to the aeration tank to facilitate plant start-up
and operation during the initial stages of the plants design life. Capacity~~~The size of the aeration tank or oxidation ditch for any partkul~r
adaptation of the process shall be determined by full scale experiment, or rational calculations
based mainly on food to microorganism ratio and mixed liquor sus~ehddsolids levels. Other
factors such as size of treatment plant, diurnal load variations and degree of treatment required
shall also be considered when designing for nitrification and denitrification. Calculations should
be submitted to justify the basis for design for aeration tank capacity. Calculation using values
differing substantially from. those in table 3 should made reference to actual operational plants.
Mixed liquor suspended solids levels greater than 5000 mg/i may be allowed providing adequate
data is submitted showing the aeration and clarification system capable of supporting such levels. Detail design General requirement. The installation should incorporate the following features:

(a) adequate protection against corrosion;

(b) standby electrical equipment incorporating automatic changeover, where practicable;

(c) automatic restarting in the event of power failure;

(d) arrangement for the removal and disposal of surplus sludge;

(e) adequate control of flow to minimise risk of washout of activated sludge;

(f) if below ground level, adequate protection against floatation.

MS 1228 : 1991

Table 3. Common parameters and operating characteristics of

single-stage activated sludge system

Process Loading Hydraulic 02 required MLSS

- Detention kg/kg mg/I
F/M SRT kg of Time (hrs) BOD removed
(Kg B0D/ (days) BOD/m

Conventional 0.15 - 5 - 15 0.32 - 4 - 8 0.8 - 1500 -

0.4 0.92 1.1 4000

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Extended 0.05 - 20 - 30 0.16 - 16 - 24 1.4 - 2000 -

Aeration 0.15 0.4 1.6 6000

Contact 0.15 - 3 10 0.48 - 0.5-1.5 0.8 - 1000 -

0.5 1.12 ~ 1.1 3000

Stabilization 0.5 - 1.44 - 3 - 6 0.4 - 6000 -

2.0 - 2.88 0.6 10000

Oxidation 0.05 - 20 - 30 0.16 - 16 - 24 1.4 - 2000 -

Ditch 0.15 0.4 1.6 6000 .4eration taakg General. Aeration tanks shall be constructed of reinforced concrete or other

approved materials. For large plant,the total aeration tank volume required should preferably be
divided among two or more units capable of independant operation.

If the wastewater is to be aerated with diffused air, the geometry of the tank may significantly
affect the aeration efficiency. The depth of wastewater in the tank should be between 3 m and
5 m so that the diffuser can work efficiently. Freeboard from 0.3 m to 0.6 m above the water
line should be provided. The width to depth ratio may vary from 1:1 to 2:1. This limits the
width of tank channel to 6 m to 12 m.

For tanks with diffusers on both sides or in the centre of the tank, greater widths are permissible
so that ~dead spots are eliminated or dimensions should be such as to maintain adequate velocities
so that deposition of solids will not occur. Triangular baffles or fillets may be placed
longitudinally in the corners of the channels to eliminate dead spots and to deflect the spiral flow.

Individual tanks should have inlet and outlet gates or valves so that they may be removed for

Aeration tanks must have adequate -foundations to prevent settlement or to prevent floatation in
saturated soil. Froth-control system. Large quantities of foam may be produced during start up
of the process, when the mixed liquor suspended solids is low, or whenever high concentration of
surfactants are present in the wastewater. The foaming action produces froth that contains sludge
solids, grease and bacteria and the wind may lift the froth off the tank surface and blow it about.

Froth controlling systems should be installed to prevent it from foaming. A series of spray
nozzles for spraying, cleanwarer or screened effluent or antifoaming chemical additives can be
mounted along the top edge ~f the aeration tank opposite the air diffuser.

MS 1228 : 199] Arrangement of aeration tanks

(a) Dirnensio/ls. The dimensions of each independent mixed liquor aeration tank or return
sludge reaeration tank shall be such as to maintain effective mixing and utilization of air.
Ordinarily, liquid depths should not be less than 3 m or more than 5 m.

(b) Short-circuiting. For very small tanks with special configuration, the shape of the tank and
the installation of earation equipment should provide for positive control of short circuiting
through the tank. inlets and outlets

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(a) Controls. Inlet and outlets for each aeration tank unit shall be suitably equipped with valves.
gates, stop plates, weirs or other devices to permit controlling the flow to any unit and to
maintain reasonably constant liquid levels. The hydraulic properties of the system shall permit
the maximum instantaneous hydraulic load to be carried with any single aeration tank unit out of

(b) Conduit. Channels and pipes carrying liquids with solids in suspension shall be designed to
maintain self-cleansing velocity or shall be agitated to keep such solids in suspension at all rates
of flow within the design segment of channels which are not being used due to alternate fIow
patterns. Free board. All aeration tanks should have a free board of not less than 0.5 m. Aeration equipment General. There are basically two methods of aerating wastewater i.e.:

(a) introduce air or pure oxygen into the wastewater with submerger porous diffusers or air
nozzles and

(b) to agitate the wastewater mechanically so as to promote solution of air from the atmosphere.

Oxygen requirements generally depend on maximum diurnal organic lO~ding, degree of

treatment, and level of suspended solids concentration to be maintained in the aeration tank
mixed liquor. Aeration equipment shall be capable of maintaining a minimum of 2 mg/I of
dissolved oxygen in the mixed liquor, in the absence of experimentally determined value, the
design oxygen requirements for all activated sludge processes shall be in accordance to Table 3. Diffused air aeration. A diffused air system consists of diffusers (that are submerged
in the wastewater). header pipes, air mains and the blowers and appurtenances through which air

The efficiency of oxygen transfer depends- on the type and porosity of the diffuser, the size of
the bubbles produced, the depth of submersion etc. The diffuser that produces fine bubbles is
recommended for its higher transfer efficiency. As there are many different makes of air
diffusers available, the recommended design charts and catalogues from the manufacturer should
be submitted for evaluation together with the calculation. Having determined the oxygen
requirements, air requirements for a diffused air system shall be determined with the following

MS 1228 : 1991

(a) (i) Tank depth

(ii) Certified aeration device transfer efficiency

(iii) Minimum dissolved oxygen concentration in aeration tank.

(iv) Critical wastewater temperatOre

(b) Normal oxygen requirements for all activated sludge process are as in table 3.

(c) The blowers shall be provided in multiple units, so arranged and in such capacities as to meet
the maximum air demand with the single largest unit out of service. The design shall also
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provide for varying the volume of air delivered in proportion to the load demand of the plant.
Aeration equipment shall be easily adjustable in iOcrements and shall maintain solids suspension
within these limits.

(d) Diffuser systems shall be capable of providing for the diurnal peak oxygen demand or 200%
of the design average oxygen demand, whichever is larger. The air diffusion piping and diffuse
system shall be capable of delivering normal air-requirements with minimal friction losses.

All plants employing less than 4 independent aeration tanks shall be designed to incorporate
removable diffusers that can be serviced and/or replaced without dewatering the tank.

(e) Individually assemble unit diffusers shall be equipped with control valves. Air filters shall
be provided in numbers, arrangements, and capacities to furnish at all times and air supply
sufficiently free from dust to prevent damage to blowers and clogging of the diffuser system

6.4.. Mechanical aeration system

(a) Oxygen trans/er performance. The mechanisms and drive unit shall be designed for the
expected conditions in the aeration tank in terms of the power performance. Certified testing
shall verify mechanical aerator performance. -

(b) Design iequirement

(i) Maintain a minimum of 2 mg/I of dissolved oxygen in the mixed liquor at au times
throughout the tanks.

(ii) Maintain all biological solids in suspension.

(iii) Meet maximum oxygen demand and maintain process performance with the largest unit out
of service, and

(c) Provide for varying the amount of oxygen transferred in- proportion to the load demand on
the plant. Return sIL-Idge equipment

MS 1228 : 1991 Return sludge rate. The minimum permissible return sludge rate of withdraw) from
the final sedimentation tank is a function of the concentration of suspended solids in the mixed
liquor entering it. the sludge volume index of these solids, and the length of time these solids are
retained in the sedimentation tanks. Since undue retention of solids in the final sedimentation
tanks may he deleterious to both the aeration and sedimentation phase of the activated sludge
process, the rate of sludge return expressed as a percentage of the average design flow of sludge
return should be generally variable on the basis as F, M ratio and MLSS limits as set forth in
table 3. Return sludge pumps. If motor driven return sludge pumps are used, the maximum
return sludge capacity shall be obtained with the largest pump out of service. A positive head
should be provided on pump suctions. Pumps should have at least 75 mm suction and discharge
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openings. If air lifts are used for returning sludge from each sedimentation tank hopper, no
standby unit will be required provided the design of the air lifts are such to facilitate their rapid
and easy cleaning and provided other suitable standby measures are provided. Air lifts should be
at least 75 mm in diameter, Return sludge piping. Discharge piping should be at least 100 mm in diameter and
should be designed to maintain a velocity of not less than 0.60 m/sec when return sludge facilities
are operating at normal return sludge rates. Suitable devices for observing, sampling and
controlling return activated sludge flow from each sedimentation tank hopper shall be provided. Waste sludge facilities. Waste sludge control facilities should have a minimum
capacity of not less than 25% of the average rate of sewage flow and function satisfactorily at
rates of 0.50/o of average sewage flow or a minimum of 45.5 litres/mm. which ever is larger.
Means for observing, measuring, sampling and controlling waste activated sludge flow shall be
provided. Waste sludge may be discharged to the concentration or thickening tank, primary
sedimentation tank, sludge digestion tank, vacuum filters, other dewatering devices or any
practical combination of these units. Secondary sedimentation tank. Secondary sedimentation tank could be either

rectangular or circular in shape.

6.4 .3 .4.1 Rectangular tanks. The length to depth ratio should be 3 : I or more. The width to
depth ratio should be between 1:1 to 2.5 : I. The typical depth is about 3 m and where possible
the maximum length of tank should not exceed 10 times its depth.

6.4 .3 .4 .2 Circular tanks. The side water depth should not be under 3 m. It is desirable for the
radius of the tank not to exceed five times its side water depth.

The floor slope when used in conjunction with scraper mechanism should be 1:12 or as
recommended by supplier of scraper. Detention time. The detention time should be between 90 to 120 mm at design peak
flow. Surface loading rate, When used activated sludge processes the surface overflow rate
will depend, on the concentration of the MLSS being settled in the sedimentation tank. For
concentration of MLSS of 600 mg/I the overflow rate should be in the region of 60 m3/dav1m2
and for MLSS concentration of 3500 mg/I and above the overflow rate should not exceed 30
m3/day/m2. Both these overflow rates should be at peak flows unless special flow control devices
are provided at the inflow of the clarifyer then this overflow rae of the clarifver should be based
on the constant flow rate of this device,

MS 1228 : 1991

The lower overflow rates to be used for secondary sedimentation tank for biological filter and
RBC units. Solid loading iaie. The solid loading rate should be between 2.5 to 6.0 kg/m2/hour. Weir loading rate. The weir loading should be in the range of ISO to 180 m3/day/m2. Scraper mechanism and sludge pump. Scraper mechanism for the collection and
transfer or recycle of sludge should be approved by the Local Authority Secondary sedimentation tank with hopper bottom. The design requirements are the
same as 6.3.6 except that the surface loading rate is 30 m /day/m.
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MS 1228 : 1991


7.1 General. After treatment, the disposal of final effluent into inland waters should
comply with the requirement of the Environmental Quality Act 1974 and Environmental Quality
(Sewage & Industrial Effluents) Regulations l979-P.U.(A) l2~79.

7.2 Discharge standard for final effluent

7.2.1 Di~chaigeto inland waters All discharge from sewage treatment systems into any inland waters within the
catchment areas specified in the Fourth Schedule*~shall comply with Standard A. as shown in the
third column of the Third Schedule, of the Environmental Quality (Sewage & Industrial
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Effluents) Regulations 1979 P.U.(.A) 12/79.


In particular, where sewage is free from and does not include industrial effluents, the following
parameter limits of Standard A may be of primary consideration for the purpose of design of the
sewage treatment works:

Parameter Limit in mg/I

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 20

(5-Day: 20C)

Suspended Solids 50 All discharges from sewage treatment systems into any other inland waters shall comply
with Standard B, as shown in the fourth column of the Third Schedule of Environmental Quality
(Sewage & Industrial Effleunts) Regulations 1979.

In particular, where sewage is free from and does not include industrial effluents, the following
parameter limits of Standard B may be of primary consideration for the design of the sewage
treatment works:

Parameter Limit in mg/I

Biochemical Oxygen Demand 50


Suspended Solids 100

7.2.2 Municipal l-f-aslL-water Treatment Plant and Marine Outfall for Municipal Seiiagc
Discharge. in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities)
(Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987, the following are listed as prescribed activities
and implementation of which are subjected to environmental imp~ctassessment.

(a) The construction of municipal wastewater treatment plant~

(b) The construction of marine outfall for municipal sewage discharge.

NOTE. The Fourth Schedule requires periodic updating with respect to new water supply intakes and due attention should
be given to new water supply catchnient areas subject to future gazzettrnent.

MS 1228: 1991

In the above event, final discharge standards may differ from those specified as Standard A or
Standard B of the Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents) Regulations 1979, and
may be presribed on the basis of those recommended following such an assessment.

7.2.3 Disposal of Effluent and Sludge onto Land. In accordance with the respective
provisions of the Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents) Regulations 1979, the
following are subject to the prior written permission of the Director-General of Environment
Quality: -

(i) discharge of any effluent in or on any soil or surface of any land under Regulation 9.

(ii) discharge of any solid waste or sludge that is generated from any effluent treatment plant in
or on any soil or surface of any land under Regulation 10,
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7.3 Marine o~tfaUs

7.3.1 For a proper design, it is essential to obtain detailed data on The fo~1owing:

(a) Profiles of possible outfall routes:

(b) Nature of the ocean bottom;

(c) Water density stratification or thermoclines; and

(d) Patterns of water movement at point of discharge and travel to shore.

(e) Tides and currents

(f) Prevailing winds

(g) Coastal habitation on either side of this proposal outfall site.

Since seawater is denser than sanitary wastewater, this causes the discharged wastewater rises
rapidly, normally producing a ~boil at the surface. The rising plume mixes with a quantity of
seawater which is generally from 10 to 100 or more times the wastewater flow. Dilution increases
rapidly as the wastewater field moves away from the boil. The required length and depth of the
outfall is related to the degree of treatment of the wastewater. The length must be calculated so
that time and dilution will protect adequately the beneficial uses of the adjacent waters.

7.3.2 Where the outfall is deep and there is good density stratification (thermocline). the rising
plume may pick up enough cold bottom water so that the mixture is heavier than the surface
water. The rising plume, therefore, stops beneath the surface, or reaches the surface and then
res u bmerges.

7.3.3 The diffuser must be approximately level if it is to accomplish reasonably uniform

distribution. For design of the diffuser, the rule of thumb may be used that the total cross-
sectional area of the ports should not be more than half the cross-sectional area of the pipe. In
large diffusers, often exceeding 1 km in length, the diffuser diameter may be stepped down in
size toward the end.

MS 1228 1991

7.3.4 Outfalls into the open ocean generally are buried to a point where the water is deep
enough to protect them from wave action, usually about 10 m. Beyond the buried portion the
outfall rests on the bottom. with a flanking of rock to prevent currents from undercutting it
where the bottom is soft.

7.3.5 Outfall pipes lines are constructed of reinforced concrete, cast iron ductile iron, steel or
other suitable material. Cast iron is sometimes given a cement mortar lining. Steel is more likel\
to be lined with mortar or bituminous material and is sometimes provided wIth cathodic
protection. Joints in the pipe should have substantial mechanical strength and be resistant to
chemical or biological corrosion. Ball-and-socket joints have been used in iron pipe, while steel
pipe is usually welded. Several ingenious joints have been employed in concrete outfalls. The
pipe may be placed in trenches on bottoms of soft rock, sand or gravel. On unstable bottoms
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piling is necessary. Outfalls may employ a number of ports on the sides or top distributed over a
long length of the pipe, perhaps as much as a third of its total length. The ports may be plain or
may be fitted with Tees to discharge the sewage in low flows.

7.3.6 The implications of bacteriologicl contamination of tidal waters are difficult to quantify
which depends on the climatic and environmental conditions. However the effe~ro~~ub!~ health
should not be ruled out.

The effect on the flora and the fauna in the region of discharge- should be considered and could
have se~ereeconomic implications e.g. on fishing.

The presence of floating debris and settled solids can cause local problems, and therefore
screening of effluent should take place long before discharge.

MS 1228 1991


8.1 Process selection. The sludge resulting from wastewater treatment operations and
processes is usually in the form of a liquid or semisolid liquid which typically contains from 0.25
to 12% solids. The sludge must be disposed of in a manner which does not give rise to nuisance
or public health problems. The following factors shall form the basis of all sludge disposal
methods and design.

(a) There should be no public health hazard at site of disposal which include odour, ground or
surface water pollution and nuisance of insects or rodents.

(b) After tipping the deposited sludge must remain firm and intact.
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(c) Complexity of equipment, financial and staffing requirement.

(d) A back-up method of sludge handling and disposal.

(e) Methods of ultimate sludge disposal.

There are many methods of sludge treatment processes and an almost infinite number of
combinations are possible. The more common and suitable processes applicable to Malaysian
conditions are:

(a) Preliminary treatment

(b) Thickening

(c) Stabilization

(d) Dewatering

(e) Ultimate disposal

8.2 Preliminary treatment

8.2.1 Sludge storage. Sludge storage must be provided to smooth out fluctuation in the rate of
sludge production, to allow sludge to accumulate during periods when subsequent sludge
processing facilities are not operating and to ensure a uniform feed rate into subsequent

Short term sludge storage may be accomplished in wastewater sedimentation tanks or in sludge
thickening tanks. Long term sludge storage may be accomplished in sludge stabilization processes
with long detention times (i.e. aerobic or anaerobic digestion) or in specially designed separate
tanks. Such tanks may be sized to retain the sludge for a period of several hours to several days.
Aeration of the sludge is necessary to prevent septicity.

8.3 Sludge thickening

8.3.1 General. Thickening is a procedure used to increase the solids content of sludge by
removing a portion of the liquid fraction and hence volume reduction. The volume reduction
obtained by sludge concentration is beneficial to subsequent treatment processes such as
digestion, dewatering, drying and combustion from the following stand points:
MS 1228 : 1991

(a) Capacity of tanks and equipment required;

(b) Quantity of chemicals required for sludge conditioning;

(c) Amount of auxiliary fuel required for heat drying or incineration or both.

8.3.2 Design of thickeners. The design of thickeners should consider the type and
concentration of sludge, the sludge stabilization processes, the method of ultimate disposal,
chemical needs and the cost of operation. Particular attention should be given to the pumping
and piping of the concentrated sludge and possible on set of anaerobic conditions. Sludge should
be thickened to at least 5% solids prior to transmission to digescors. In designing thickening
facilities it is important to:
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(a) provide adequate capacity to meet peak demands.

(b) prevent septicity wiTh its attendant odour problem, during thickening processes. To reduce
the size of the units, the use of sludge storage facilities, should be evaluated. Gravity thickener. Gravity thickener is accomplished in a tank similar in design to a
conventional sedimentation tank. Normally a circular tank is used. Dilute sludge is fed to a
centre feed well. The feed sludge is allowed to settle and compact, and the thickened sludge is
withdrawn from the bottom of the tank. Enough storage space must be provided for the sludge.
Gravity thickening is most effective for untreated primary sludge.

The gravity thickener shall be designed with a maximum surface loading rate of 36 m3/m2.d.
The solids loading are as follows:

Type of Sludge (%) Sludge Concentration Solids Loading

Unthickened Thickened

Primary sludge 4 - 12 6 - 12 150

Activated sludge 0.5 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.0 40

Trickling Filter sludge 1 - 3 4 - 10 50

Primary and activated sludge 3 - 10 3 - 10 80

Primary and trickling filter sludge 4 - 10 4 - 10 100

In operation, a sludge blanket is maintained at the bottom of the thickener to aid in concentrating
the sludge. The sludge volume ratio (volume 01 sludge blanket held in the thickenner divided by
the volume of the thickened sludge removed daily) shall range between 0.5 to 20 days.

MS 1228:1991 Floatation thickeners. Floatation thickening is most efficiently used for waste sludges
from suspended growth biological treatment processes such as the activated sludge process. The
degree of thickening that can be achieved depends on the initial concentration of the sludge and
the sludge age at which the plant is being operated. Higher loading can be used with tloauation
thickeners than are permissible with gravity thickeners. The limiting values for the design of a
floatacion thickeners (secondary sludge) is summarised below.

Input concentration = 5000 mg/I

Output concentration = 4%

Solids loading = 10 kg/ha.m2

8.4 Anaerobic sludge digestion

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8.4.1 General. Primary and secondary sludges are most commonly treated together in a two
stage anaerobic digester. The first tank is used for digestion. The second tank is used for storage
and concentration of digested sludge and for formation of a relatively clear supernatant.
Where a single stage digestion is used, an alternate method of sludge processing or emergency

storage to maintain continuity of service shall be provided.

8.4.2 Process design Tank capacity. The total digestion tank capacity shall be determined by rational
calculation based upon such factors as volume of sludge added, its present solids and character,
the temperature to be maintained in the digesters, the degree or extend of mixing to be obtained,
and the degree of volatile solids reduction required. Calculations should be submitted to justify
the basis of design.

When such calculations are not based on the above factors, the minimum combined digestion tank
capacity outlined below will be required which assume, that a digestion temperature is to be
maintained in the range of 30C to 38C, that 40% to 50% volatile matter will be maintained in
the digested sludge and that the digested sludge will be removed frequently from the system.

Process Sludge Age Loading Factor Detention Time

Completely mixed system 10 days 1.28 kg/ 30 days

Moderately mixed system 14 days 0.6 kg/ 30 days

8.4.3 Detail design. In a two stage tank system, the tanks are made identical, either one can
be the primary. In other cases the second tank may be an open tank, an unheated tank. or a
sludge lagoon. The tanks may have fixed roofs or floating covers. Any or all of the floating
roofs may be of the gas holder or compressed and stored under pressure.

D /
MS 1228 : 1991 Depth. For those units proposed to serve as supernatant separation tanks, the depth
should be sufficient to allow for the formation of a reasonable depth of supernatant liquor.
Tanks shall be circular and range between 6 m to 35 m in diameter. The minimum water, depth
should be 7.5 m at the centre and the minimum sidewater depth of 6 m. Maintenance provisions. To facilitate draining, cleaning and maintenance the following
features are desirable:

(a) Slope. The tank bottom should slope to drain toward the withdrawal pipe, For tanks
equipped with.a suction mechanism for withdrawal of sludge, a bottom slope not less than I : 12
is recommended. Where the sludge is to be removed by gravity alone, I : 4 slope is recommended.
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(b) Access n2anhole. At least two 900 mm diameter access manhole should be provided in the
top of the tank in addition to the gas dome. There should be stairways to reach the access
manholes. A separate sidewall manhole shall be provided. The opening shall be large enough to
permit the uses of mechanical equipment to remove grit and sand.

(c) Safety. Non sparking tools, safety lights, rubber solid shoes, safety hardness, gas detectors
for inflammable and toxic gases, and at least two self-contained breathing units shall be provided
for emergency use. Sludge inlets and outlets. Multiple recirculation withdrawal and return points, to
enhance flexible operation and effective mixing should be provided, unless mixing facilities are
incorporated within the digester. The returns, in order to assist in scum breakup, should
discharge above the liquid level and be located near the centre of the tank.

Raw sludge discharge to the digester should be through the sludge heater and recirculation return
piping or directly to the tank if internal mixing facilities are provided. Sludge withdrawal to
disposal should be from the bottom of the tank. This pipe should be interconnected with the
recirculation piping to increase versatility in mixing the tank contents, if such piping is provided.

8.4.4 Gas collection, piping and appurtenances General. All portions of the gas system, including the space above the tank liquor, the
storage facilities and the piping, shall be so designed that under all normal operating conditions,
including sludge withdrawal, the gas will be maintained under positive pressure. All enclosed
areas where any gas leakage may occur shall be adequately ventilated.

Total gas production is usually estimated form the volatile solids loading of the digester or from
the percentage of volatile solids reduction.

Typical values are from 0.5 to 0.75 m3/kg of volatile solids added and from 0.75 to 1.15 m3/kg of
volatile solids destroyed. Gas collection. Floating covers fit on the surface of the digester contain and allow the
volume of the digester to change without allowing air to enter the digester. Gas and air must not
be allowed to mix, or else an explosive mixture may result. The covers may also be installed to
act as gas holders that store a small quantity of gas under pressure and act as reservoirs.

Fixed covers provide a free space between the roof the digester and the liquid surface. Gas
storage must be provided so that:

(a) When the liquid volume is changed, gas and hot air will be drawn into the digester.

MS 1228 : 1991

(b) Gas will not be lost by displacement.

Gas can be stored either at low pressure in gas holders that use floating covers or at high pressure
if gas compressors are used. Gas not used should be burned in a flame. Gas meter should be
installed to measure gas produced and gas used or wasted. Safety equipment. All necessary safety facilities shall be included when gas is produced.
Pressure and vacuum relief valves and flame traps, together with automatic safety shutoff valves.
shall be provided. Water seal equipment shall not be installed. Gas safety equipment and gas
compressors should be housed in a separate room with an exterior entrance. Gas piping and condensate. Gas piping shall be of adequate diameter and shall slope to
condensate traps at low points. The use of float controlled condensate trap is not permitted.
Licensed to UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA / Downloaded on : 28-Jul-2011 11:44:02 AM / Single user license only, copying and networking prohibited Gas ulitilization equipment. Gas fired boilers for heating digesters shall be located in a
separate room not connected to the digester gallery. Such separated room would not ordinarily be
classified as a hazardous location. Gas lines to these units shall be provided with suitable flame
traps. Waste gas. Waste gas burners shall be readily accessible and should be located at least
7.5 m away from any plant structure if placed at ground level, or may be located on the roof of
the control building if sufficiently removed from the tank.

All waste gas burners shall be equipped with automatic ignition, such as pilot light or a device
using a photoelectric cell sensor. Consideration should be given to the use of natural or propane
gas to insure reliability of the pilot light.

In rembte locations it may be permissible to discharge the gas to the atmosphere through a return
bend screened vent terminating at least 3 m above the ground surface, provided that the assembly
incorpOrates a flame trap. Ventilation. Any underground enclosures connecting with digestion tanks or containing
sludge or gas piping or equipment shall be provided with forced ventilation.

8.4.5 Digester heating. The heat requirements of digesters consist of the amount needed to:

(a) raise the incoming sludge to digestion tank temperatures.

(b) to compensate for the heat losses through walls, floors and roof of the digester.

(c) to make up losses in the piping system. - Insulation. Wherever possible digestion should be constructed above ground water level
and should be suitably insulated to minimise heat loss. Heating facilities. Sludge may be heated by circulating the sludge through external
heaters or by heating units located inside the digestion tank.

(a) External heating. Piping shall be designed to provide for the preheating of feed sludge
before introduction to the digesters. Provisions shall be made in the layout of the piping and
valving to facilitate cleaning of the lines. Heat exchanger sludge piping shOuld be sized for heat
transfer requirements.

MS 1228 : 1991

(b) Other heating methods. Other types of heating facilities will also be considered on their own
merits. Heating capacity. Heating capacity sufficient to consistently maintain the design sludge
temperature shall be provided. Where digested tank gas is used for heating, an auxiliary fuel
supply is required. Hot water internal heating control

(a) it/fixing valves. A suitable automatic mixing valve shall be provided to temper the boiler
water with return water so that the inlet water to the heat jacket can be held below a temperature
at which caking will be accentuated. Manual control should also be provided by suitable by pass
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(b) Boiler controls. The boiler should be provided with suitable automatic controls to maintain
the boiler temperature at approximately 80C to minimise corrosion and to shut off the main gas
supply in the event of pilot burner or electrical failure, low boiler water level, or excessive

(c) Thermometers. Thermometers shall be provided to show temperatures of the sludge. hot
water feed, hot water return and boiler water.

8.4.6 Supernatant withdrawal. Supernatant piping should not be less than 150 mm in
diameter. The piping should be arranged so that withdrawal can be made from 3 or more levels
in the digester. A positive unvalved vented overflow shall be provided. Provisions should also be
made for sampling at each supernatant draw-off level using a sampling pipes of minimum
diameter 37.5 mm and should terminate at a suitably sized sampling sink or basin.

8.5 Aerobic sludge digestion

8.5.1 General. Aerobic digestion can be used to stabilize primary sludge, secondary sludge, or
a combination of the two. Digestion is accomplished in single or multiple tanks, design to
provide effective air mixing, reduction of the organic matter, supernatant separation, and sludge
concentration under controlled conditions. Its advantages over anaerobic digestion are:

(a) volatile solids reduction is approximately equal anaerobic process

(b) lower BOD concentrations in supernatant liquor

(c) production of a relatively odourfree, stable end product that can be disposed easily

(d) production of a sludge with excellent dewatering characteristic

(e) recovery of more of the basic fertilizer values in the sludge

Its disadvantages are due to higher power cost associated with supplying the required oxygen and
that a usetul by-product such as methane is not recovered.

8.5.2 Detail design. Multiple tanks are recommended. A single sludge digestion tank may be
used in the case of small treatment plants or where adequate provision is niade for sludge
handling and where a single unit will not adversely affect normal plant operations.

MS 1228 : 1991

The determination of tank capacities shall be based on rational calculations, including such
tactors as quantity of sludge produced, sludge characteristics, time of aeration, and sludge

The aerobic digestion tanks shall be designed for effective mixing by satisfactory aeration
equipment. Sufficient air shall be provided to keep the solids in suspension and maintain
dissolved oxygen between I to 2 mg/I. A minimum mixing and oxygen requirement of 0.35 I/rn3
shall be provided with the largest blower out of service, If diffusers are used, the non-clog type
is recommended, and they should be designed to permit continuity of service. The design criteria
are summarised below:

Parameter Design criteria for aerobic digeser

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(a) Hydraulic detention time

(i) Activated sludge 10 days
(ii) Primary sludge or with activated sludge 15 days

(b) Maximum volatile solids loading 1.6 kg/m3.d

(c) Dissolved oxygen level in liquid 1 - 2 mg/I

(d) Energy requirements for mixing

(i) Mechanical aerators 20 w/m3
(ii) Diffuser 0.35 l/m3.s

8.5.3 Supernatant separation. Facilities should be provided for effective collection and
removal of scum and grease.

8.6 Sludge drying beds

8.6.1 General. This method of dewatering is most suitable in hot climatic conditions. In
determining the area of sludge drying beds, consideration shall be given to climatic conditions.
the character and volume of sludge to be dewatered, the method and schedule of sludge
removal. It may involve pumping if site levels do not permit gravity flow. Requirements for
valves, sumps or pump well will depend on particular site conditions.

8.6.2 Design consideration. Air drying of sludge is carried out on under drained clinker ash
or grit-sand drying beds consisting of an adequate number of separate bays where drainage and
evaporation occur simultaneously.

Sludge is laid on the drying beds in a 200 mm 300 mm layer. Sludge bed loadings are computed

on a per capita basis or on a unit loading of kg of dry solids per square meter per year. The time
required to dry the sludge depends on the climatic condition and in Malaysian condition it should
be from 4 to 8 weeks. The area requirements of the drying bed is as the table below:

MS 1228 : 1991

Table 4. Sludge loading rate

T~pe of sludge Area Sludge loading rate

(in2/person) kg dry soIids,/m3.~r

Primary digested 0.09 120

Primary and activate.d (digested) 0.16 100

Primary and humus (digested) 0.1 100

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8.6.3 Detail ae.sigu Floor. The floor of the diving be.d may be of concrete laid to a fall of 1:200 and the
walls of brick. insitu concrete or precast panels. Wall. Walls should be watertight and its height above the ground should be kept to a
minimum in order to avoid obstruction to the passage of air over the surface of the sludge. v~hich
assist evaporation of the surface liquor. The outer walls should be curbed to prevent soil from
washing into the beds. Underdrainage system. Sludge dewaters by drainage through the sludge mass and
supporting sand and by evaporation from the surface exposed to th~ air. Underdrains should be
clay pipe or concrete drain tiles at least 100mm in diameter laid with open joints. linderdrains
should be spaced at not more than 6 m apart. The tile should be adequately supported and
covered with coarse gravel or crushed stone. Sands. The bed shall consist of a bottom layer of 250 mm depth consisting of coarse
agregate graded from 28 mm to 40 mm topped with a 225 mm layer of fine to coarse sand. The
finished sand surface should be level. Bed compartment. The drying bed area is partitioned into individual beds.
approximately 6 in wide by 6 m to 300 m long or a convenient size so that one or two beds will
be filled by a normal withdrawal of sludge from the digesters. The size of bed should be such
that it is filled to a depth of each not more than 225 mm at one desiudging operation.

The sludge should discharge onto a .precast concrete slab to avoid scouring of the surface of the
bed. Decanting devices should be provided for the removal of the supernatant liquor which
forms in the initial stages. Not less than two beds should be provided and they should be
arranged to facilitate sludge removal. Sludge influent. The sludge pipe to the drying beds should terminate 300 mm abo~e the
surface and be so arranged that it will drain. Tracks or roads of sufficient width for transporting
awa the dried sludge b big lorries or trucks should be provided. Buffer. To avoid odour nuisance from poorly digested sludge. sludge beds should he
located at least 30 m away from dwellings.
MS 1228: 1991

8.7 Mechanical dewatering facilities. Provision shall be made to maintain sufficient

continuity of service so that sludge may be dewatered without accumulation beyond storage
capacity. The auxilIaries should be provided to ensure facilities should be sufficient to dewater
the sludge produced with one largest unit out of service. Unless other standby facilities are
available, adequate storage facilities shall be provided. The storage capacity should be sufficient
to handle at least a 3 month sludge production.

8.7.1 Auxiliaiv facilities for vacuum filter. There shall be a back-up vacuum pump and
filtrate pump installed for each vacuum tilter. It is permissible to have an uninstalled back-up
vacuum pump or filtrate pump for every three or less vacuum filters, provided that the installed
unit can easily be removed and replaced.

8.7.2 Ventilation. Adequate facilities shall be provided for ventilatiort 01 dewatering and the
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exhaust air should be properly conditioned to avoid odour nuisance.

8.7.3 Chemical handling enclosures. Lime-mixing facilities should be completely enclosed to

prevent the escape of lime dust. Chemical handling equipment should be automated to eliminate
the manual lifting requirement.

8.7.4 Drainage and filtrate disposal. Drainage from beds or filtrate from dewatering units
shall be returned to the sewage treatment process at appropriate points.

8.7.5 Other dewatering facilities. If it is proposed dewater or dispose of sludge by other

methods, a detailed description of the process and design data shall accompany the plants.

8.8 Sludge disposal on land

8.8.1 Site selection. The programme of land spreading of sludge must be evaluated as an
integral system which includes stabilization, storage, transportation, application, soil, crop and
groundwater. Sewage sludge is useful to crop and soil by providing nutrients and organic matter.
However, sewage sludge contains heavy metals and other substances which could affect soil
productivity and the quality of food and as such care should be taken on the application of sludge
especially in relation to food crops.

By proper selection of the sludge application site, the nuisance potential and public health hazard
should be minimized. The following items should be considered and the regulatory agency should
be consulted for specific limits:

(a) Land ownership information;

(b) Groundwater table and bed rock location;

(c) Location of dwellings, road and public access~

(d) Location of wells, springs, creeks, streams, and flood plains;

(e) Slope of land surface;

(f) Soil characteristics;

MS 1228 : 1991

(g) Cl imatological information

(h) Land use plan; and

(.i) Road weight restrictions.

8.8.2 General limitations to be observed Stabilized sludge. Only stabilized sludge shall be surface applied for agricultural
purposes. Stabilized sludge is defind as processed sludge in which the organic and bacterial
contents of raw sludge are reduced to level deemed necessary by the regulatory agency to prevent
nuisance. odours and public health hazards.
Licensed to UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA / Downloaded on : 28-Jul-2011 11:44:02 AM / Single user license only, copying and networking prohibited Raw vegetables. Sludge should not be applied to land which is used for growing food
crops to be eaten raw such as leafed vegetables and root crops. Minimum pH. No sludge shall he applied on land if the soil pH is less than 6.5 when
sludge is applied. The pH shall be maintained above 6.5 for at least two years following end of
sludge application. Persistent organic chemicals. At present, sufficient information is not available to

establish criteria of sludge spreading with regard to persistent organic chemicals, such as
pesticides and polychiorinated biphenyls (PCB) heavy metals and other toxic substances.
However, if there is a known source in the sewer system service area which discharge or
discharged in the past such chemicals, the sludge should be analysed for such chemicals, and the
regulatory agency shall be consulted for recommendations concerning sludge spreading.

8.9 Sludge pumps and piping

8.9.1 Sludge pumps Capacity. Pump capacities should be adequate but not excessive. Provision for varying
pump capacity is desirable. Duplicate units, Duplicate units shall be provided where failure of one unit would
seriously hamper plant operation. Type. Plunger pumps, screw feed pumps, recessed impeller type centrifugal pumps,
progressive cavity pumps, air lift pumps or other types of pumps with demonstrated solids
handling capability shall be provided for handling raw and digested sludge. Where centrifugal
pumps are used, a parallel plunger type pump should be provided as an alternate to increase
reliability of the centrifugal pump. Minimum head. A minimum positive head of 600 mm shall be provided at the suction
side of centrifugal type pumps and is desirable for all types of sludge pumps. Maximum suction
lifts should not exceed 3.0 m for plunger pumps. Sampling facilities. Unless sludge sampling facilities are otherwise provid-ed. quick-
closing sampling valves shall be installed at the sludge pumps. The size of valve and piping
should be at least 400 mm.

MS 1228: IYYI

8.9.2 S/uJ~,cpiping Size and head. Sludge withdrawal piping should have a minimum diameter of 0() mm
for gravity withdra~valand lOU mm for pump suction and discharge Itnes. .\ here wthUra~al is
by gravity, the available head on the discharge pipe should be adequate to pros ide a least
0.90 m, s velocity. Slope. Gravity piping should be laid on uniform grade and alignment. The slope of
gray itv discharge piping should not. be less than 3~/u. Provisions should be made for cleaning.
draining, and flushing discharge lines. Supports. Special consideration should be given to the corrosion resistance and
continuing stability of supporting systems located inside the digestion tank.
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MS 1228 : 1991

Appendix A

List of references

Al. BS 6297:1983 British Standard code of practice for Design and installation of small

sewage treatment works ai~dcesspools.

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A2. Sewerage Master Plans* in Malaysia.

A3. Wastewater Treatment Plant Design by A joint committee of the Water Pollution Control
Federation and American Society of Civil Engineers.

.A4. Recommended standards for sewage works prepared by the Great Lakes. Upper
Mississippi River Board of State Sanitary Engineers 1978.

AS. Sewerage Treatment in Hot Climates by Duncan Mara.

A6. Wastewater Engineering by Metcalf and Eddy.

.A7. Wastewater System Engineering by Homer W. Parker.

AS. Sewerage Procedures and Requirements for Planning Approval, Building Plan Approval
And Sewerage Plan Approval by Sewerage Department,Environniental Engineering Division,
Ministry of the Environment of Singapore.

As available in the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Ministers Department.

MS 1228 : 1991

Key letter A C E G H J K L P4 0 P 0 R Approx. W.T. of Grade

cover and frame

Heavy duty 20 23314 30 6 3/4j314 in 1 31/2 3/4 2 1io~5 4 1/2 CWI. A

Medium duty 20 223/4 28 4 1/2 1/2 i/a 3/4 21/2 7/lB li/S 1 4 2114 CWT. B

Key letter A B C 0 B F C H J K L P4 0 Approx. W.T. of Grade

cover and frame
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LI~htduty 18 24 261o/IB 20l5/ie ~28 22 i~n 11/4 1/32 3/32 1/4 7/0 3/~CWT, C

Dimension in inches



4T ~



Figure 1. Typical diagram for manhole and inspection chamber

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C. I. M.H



1. Typical diagram for manhole and inspection chamber (contd.)


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l8x 24
5/~M.sBARS AT 6 CR5





(:2:4 CONc.



Figure I. Typical diagram for manhole and inspection chamber (contd.)


a. C
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~~WITH 5/8 ~I 1.1.5 BARS Al 6 CES


4 S.G.w PIPE
1 12



Figure 1. Typical diagram for manhole and inspection chamber (con Id.)
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Figure 1. Typical diagram for manhole nut! inspection chamber (contd.)


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11 5/8. ~IM.S BARS AT
t~ CR5..








Figure I. Typical diagram for manhole and inspection chamber (conId.)

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/ 27 ~ ~ BRICK ON

~ r~
I ~
/~ __C__, ,~2
2 ~. COVER


,/_ ,, 7__7

__ .1



0.1 BEND ONE RiNG or~,..,.



Figure 1 . Typical diagram for manhole and inspection chamber (contd.)


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rdPC/tD4fl I FVFI 0

P Ip
7 ~
/ ~ ~> ll/ REIN~ORCEO WITH 5/8~~MS BARS

~OP~LAT~ ~

9~X7~6X9COtC.SLAB~ D. D




Figtmre I. Typical diagram for manhole amid inspection chamber (could.)

MS 1228: 1991
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1. Cho~n for lifting purpose 4. Level switch for start

2 Level sw~fchfor alarm ~. Level switch ~r motor stop
3. Cable

Figure 2. Typical installation of automatic connecting

type submersible pump

MS 1228 : 1991


/~ vent pipe
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4~outlet pipe
half round. ..........atuminium stoinles steel or ci tipper
4~aeration pipe

asaes.os sheets (1 .nch fa~I

tnk Ow/c

2 nominal max. size stones

9 I layer or 6 I_6 gouge stones

perforated precast cone.

under drainage tiles

- deen channel



Figure 3. Typical diagrams for Septic Tank

MS 1228 : 1991

1 ~1 Out let -

Inlet Sel:itc
FIlter Bed Pump Sump

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Typical Single Compartment Septic Tank

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Typical Double Compartment SeptK Tank

Figure 3. Typical diagram for Septic Tank (contd.)

MS 1228 : 1991

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Figure 4. Typcal view of a Sedimentation Tank

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Tanda-tanda Standard SIRIM seperti yang tertera di bawah adalah tanda-tanda pengesahan dagangan
berdaftar. Tanda-tanda ml hanya boleh digunakan oleh mereka yang dilesenkan di bawah skim tanda
pengesahan yang dijalankan oleh SIRIM mengikut nombor Standard Malaysia yang berkaitan. Kewujudan
tanda-tanda mi pada atau berkaitan dengan sesuatu barangan adalah sebagai jaminan bahawa barangan
tersebut telah dikeluarkan melalui satu sistem penyeliaan, kawalan dan ujian, yang dijalankan semasa
pengeluaran. ni termasuk pemeriksaan berkala kerja-kerja pengeluar menurut skim tanda pengesahan SIRIM
yang dibentuk untuk menentukan bahawa barangan tersebut .menepati Standard Malaysia.

Keteranganketerangan lanjut mengenai syarat-syarat Iesen boleh didapati dan:

Ketua Pengarah,
Institut Standard dan Penyelidikan Perindustrian Malaysia,
Persiaran Dato Menteri, Seksyen 2, Peti Surat 7035,
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40911 Shah Alam.



The SIRIM Standard Marks shown above are registered certification trade marks. They may be used only
by those licensed underthe certification marking scheme operated by SIRIM and in conjunction with the relevant
Malaysian Standard number. The presence of these Marks on or in relation to a product is an assurance that
the goods have been produced under a system of supervision, control and testing, operated during production,
and including periodical inspection of the producers works in accordance with the certification marking scheme
of SIRIM designed to ensure compliance with a Malaysian Standard.

Further particulars of the terms of licence may be obtained from:

Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia,
Persiaran Dato Menteri, Section 2, P.O. Box 7035,
40911 Shah Alam,

Dicetak dan diterbitkan oleh: Institut Standard dan Penyelidikan Perindustrian Malaysia.
Printed and Published by: Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia.
MS ISO 10202-6 : 1996

Institut Standard dan Penyelidikan Perindustrian Malaysia (SIRIM) telah ditubuhkan hasil dari cantuman Institut
Piawaian Malaysia (SIM) dengan Institut Negara bagi Penyelidikan Sains dan Perusahaan (NISIR) di bawah
Undang-Undang Malaysia Akta 157 pada 16hb. September 1975:Akta Institut Standard dan Penyelidikan
Perindustrian Malaysia (Perbadanan) 1975. Institut ini diletakhak dengan kuasa untuk memamju dan
menjalankan penyelidikan perindustrian dan untuk menyedia dan memajukan standard-standard bagi barangan-
barangan, proses-proses, amalan-amalan dan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan; dan bagi mengadakan peruntukan
bagi perkara-perkara yang bersampingan atau berkaitan dengan maksud-maksud itu.

Satu daripada tugas-tugas Institut ini adalah menyediakan Standard-Standard Malaysia dalam bentuk
penentuan-penentuan bagi bahan-bahan, keluaran-keluaran, kaedah-kaedah ujian, kod-kod amalan yang
sempurna dan selamat, sistem penamaan dan lain-lain. Standard-Standard Malaysia disediakan oleh
jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa perwakilan yang menyelaras keupayaan pengilang dan kecekapan pengeluaran
dengan kehendak-kehendak yang munasabah dari pengguna. Ia menuju ke arah mencapai kesesuaian bagi
maksud, memudahkan pengeluaran dan pengedaran, kebolehsalingtukaran gantian dan pelbagai pilihan yang
mencukupi tanpa pembaziran.
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Standard-Standard Malaysia disediakan hanya setelah penyiasatan yang lengkap menujukkan bahawa sesuatu
projek itu disahkan sebagai yang dikehendaki dan berpadanan dengan usaha yang terlibat. Hasil ini berasaskan
persetujuan sukarela dan memberi pertimbangan kepada kepentingan pengeluar dan pengguna. Standard-
Standard Malaysia adalah sukarela kecuali is dimestikan oleh badan-badan berkuasa melalui peraturan-
peraturan, undang-undang persekutuan dan tempatan atau cara-cara lain yang sepertinya.

Institut ini beroperasi semata-mata berasaskan tanpa keuntungan. Ia adalah satu badan yang menerima bantuan
kewangan dari Kerajaan, kumpulan wang dari bayaran keahlian, hasil dari jualan Standard-Standard dan
terbitan-terbitan lain, bayaran-bayaran ujian dan bayaran-bayaran lesen untuk mengguna Tanda Pengesahan
SIRIM dan kegiatan-kegiatan lain yang berhubung dengan Penstandardan, Penyelidikan Perindustrian dan
Khidmat Perunding.


The Standard and Industrial research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) is established with the merger of the
Standards Institution of Malaysia (SIM) and the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (NISIR)
under the Laws of Malaysia Act 157 on 16th. September 1975: Standards and Industrial Research Institute of
Malaysia (Incorporation) Act 1975. The Institute is vested with the power to provide for the promotion and
undertaking of industrial research and for the preparation and promotion of standards for commodities,
processes, practices and services; and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with those purposes.

One of the functions of the Institute is to prepare Malaysian Standards in the form of specifications for materials
and products, methods of testing, codes of sound and safe practice, nomenclature, etc. Malaysian Standards are
prepared by representative committees which co-ordinate manufacturing capacity and production efficiency with
the users reasonable needs. They seek to achieve fitness for purpose, simplified production and distribution
replacement interchangeability, and adequate variety of choice without wasteful diversify.

Malaysian Standards are prepared only after a full enquiry has shown that the project is endorsed as a desirable
one and worth the effort involved. The work is based on voluntary agreement, and recognition of the community
of interest of producer and consumer. The use of Malaysian Standards is voluntary except in so far as they are
made mandatory by statutory authorities by means of regulations, federal and local by-laws or any other similar

The Institute operates entirely on a non-profits basis. It is a grant aided body receiving financial aid from the
Government, funds from membership subscriptions and proceeds from sales of Standards and other
publications, fees and licence fees for the use of SIRIM Certification Mark and other activities associated with
Standardization, Industrial Research and Consultancy Services.

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