Child Abuse Article

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Child Abuse and Neglect

The positives of child-rearing need to be
stressed to counter the abuse of children

ast August, two news stories led me to write epidemic proportions in this country.
this column for this edition of The Priest, Neglect is the failure to supply a childs basic
since January is when the magazine tradi- physical, educational and emotional needs.
tionally highlights pro-life concerns. Physical abuse is physical injury, including
The two stories, reporting events in different incidents of parental disciplining that may
places in this country, were about small children result in harm to the child.
who died of heatstroke after being left in locked, Sexual abuse is actual erotic action such as
closed automobiles by parents who went some- touching or exposing private parts on the part of
where else to do something or another. an adult, presentation by an adult to a child of por-
In one case, a 1-year- nographic material, or, believe it or not, an adults
old boys mother had left complicity or proactive participation is selling a
The topsy-turvy him in the back seat of child for another persons sexual gratification.
the car, windows rolled Emotional abuse is any behavior that assaults a
condition of up, while she went into childs emotional balance or development, filling
family life and the grocery. Returning to the child with questions as to self-worth or of be-
the car, roasting in the ing loved, and this may be the result of criticism,
marriage these summer heat, with her
groceries, she assumed
threats, rejection or indifference by a parent.
The Church, and its clergy, if the world were
days seriously that the baby was fine perfect, would be at the forefront of calling pub-
because he was not cry- lic attention to the problem of child neglect, but
aggravates the ing. (He probably was three factors rob bishops and priests both of the
unconscious.) spark to take the initiative in this matter and of
problem. Back home, she took the credibility needed to be effective.
the groceries into the First, bishops and priests are subject to the un-
house to prevent spoil- awareness of the problem experienced by most.
age. Her phone rang. She talked for some time. Second, the clergy sexual abuse crisis 10 or
Then, feeling tired, she lay down on her bed and so years ago ruthlessly damaged the image of
went to sleep. Finally awakening, she missed her Catholic clergy. Our credibility is compromised.
baby. She rushed out to the car and found the Third, the culture deals another blow. Long gone
lifeless infant. Panicky, she called 911. Emer- is the day when Catholics saw priestly celibacy, and
gency medics arrived, pronounced the baby dead virginity itself, as a glory of the Church and of reli-
and called the police. gious vocations. Very many people are convinced
The mother is awaiting trial for manslaughter. that no celibate knows much about child-rearing.
Given the frenzy of modern life, such situa- Even so, the Lord admonished the apostles to
tions could happen to many children. The frenzy bring forward the children. He said that anyone
of life precisely is the problem. Children get lost putting a child at risk better would be cast in
in the shuffle all too often. the sea. Priests, in their very vocation, have an
It is more than that. Child neglect is a major obligation to the young.
problem in American society. We do not talk Here are some statistics from various interests
about it. It seldom makes the news. dealing with child neglect, including the U.S.
What is child neglect? It is any action that Department of Health and Human Services, the
puts a child at risk or National Council on
in want resulting from BY MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION Child Abuse and Fam-
abuse, or denial of ily Violence, and the
whatever is required MSGR. CAMPION is editor of The Priest and associ- U.S. Department of
for the childs good ate publisher of Our Sunday Visitor. He is a former Justice:
emotional or physical president of the Catholic Press Association and the Each year 3.3
health or growth. Ex- Vaticans ecclesiastical adviser for the International million reports of child
perts say it has reached Catholic Union of the Press. neglect and abuse are
6 The Priest January 2013
Januaruy 2013 Vol. 69 No. 1 filed with 6 million children affected. fered with the happiness of spouses in mind
The United States has the worst re- and these programs are needed.
cord of any major industrialized nation: Be proactive if cases of neglect seem to
Greg Erlandson
More than five children die every day be happening. Do not be afraid to confront
in this country because of neglect or abuse. parents or, if all else fails, to contact public
Monsignor Owen F. Campion Estimates are that only half of actual child-protection offices.
cases ever are reported to authorities. Parish education opportunities come.
Father Mark G. Boyer Abuse and neglect occur at all socio- Inform people about child neglect. Inform
Father Patrick M. Carrion economic, ethnic, cultural and religious parents about skills in parenting.
Deacon William Ditewig strata, and among people of every stage of Child neglect? It is all around us, Rever-
Wayne M. Lenell, C.P.A. education. end Fathers. God bless the children. TP
Father Edward F. Steiner Abused children are 25% more apt to
ASSOCIATE EDITOR become pregnant in teenage years.
Murray W. Hubley Thirty-six percent of incarcerated wom- CALLENGE OF FAITH (from page 24)
DESIGN en report that as youth they were abused. carnation, in His becoming man, in His shar-
Rebecca J. Heaston Priests can help. Priests can observe. They ing our human weakness so as to transform
ADVERTISING MANAGER come into contact with children. Remove it by the power of his resurrection. In Him
Therese Calouette the rose-colored glasses. Not to be paranoid who died and rose again for our salvation,
PRODUCTION MANAGER or voyeuristic, but neither to be nave, that the examples of faith that have marked these
Christopher Rice good loyal family, at Mass every Sunday, two thousand years of our salvation history
may be harboring some very dark secrets. are brought into the fullness of life (Porta
Our Sunday ViSitOr, PubliShing
Divorce is a given these days, and it is Fidei, No. 13).
Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades everywhere. So very often, tensions come I conclude with a passage from Pope Bene-
Copyright 2013, Our Sun-
into homes when children are yours, dicts second book on Jesus where he writes:
day Visitor, Inc. The Priest mine, and ours. Just as bad, or worse, is Faith is something more than a word, an idea:
(USPS 817-740) (ISSN 0032-
8200) is published monthly
when a divorced spouses partner lives in it involves entering into communion with Je-
by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., the home without benefit of marriage. sus Christ and through Him with the Father.
200 Noll Plaza, Huntington,
IN 46750. Subscription rate
Because of economics, this country Faith is the real foundation of the disciples
in U.S. and Possessions: one expects, and presumes, that both parents communion, the basis of the Churchs unity
year, $43.95; two years, $75;
three years, $105. Outside
will spend their days out of the home in (No. 97). And our Holy Father continues in so
the U.S. (in U.S. dollars only): employment. Not to put parents who work many ways, most recently in this Year of Faith,
one year, $56; two years,
$100; three years, $142. For
on a guilt trip, but priests have the chance to strengthen that unity as he seeks over and
bulk rates, call 1-800-348- to remind parents of obligations to children over again to confirm us in the faith, a faith
2440, ext. 2450. Periodicals
postage paid at Huntington,
and of realities created by the absence of that is at the heart of his papal ministry and
IN 46750, and additional both parents from the home regularly. the heart of our beloved Church.
entry points. Postmaster:
Send address changes to: The
Here is a thought. Catholic schools, Moreover, in the words of Benedict XVI:
Priest, 200 Noll Plaza, Hun- admittedly not as many as they used to Having faith in the Lord is not something
tington, IN 46750.
be for many reasons, exist to assist par- that solely involves our intelligence, the area
Editorial Dept., 200 Noll Plaza, ents in the education for the young. Why of intellectual knowledge; rather, it is a change
Huntington, IN 46750; Phone: not consider child-care facilities as mod- that involves our life, our whole self: feelings,
1-800-348-2440; Fax: 1-260-359-
9117; E-mail: ern parish services? Then there is all the heart, intelligence, will, corporeity, emotions
CIRCULATION ADDRESS: The misery brought into lives of children by and human relationships. With faith every-
Priest, Circulation Dept., 200
Noll Plaza, Huntington, IN
divorce of their parents. thing truly changes, in us and for us, and our
46750; Phone: 1-800-348- Marriage itself is in crisis, without even future destiny is clearly revealed, the truth of
2440; Fax: 1-260-356-8472;
thinking about child neglect. our vocation in history, the meaning of life,
ADVERTISING ADDRESS: The Priests know this. No priest of my the pleasure of being pilgrims bound for the
Priest, Advertising Dept., 200 acquaintance has anything but a serious heavenly Homeland (Audience, Oct. 17,
Noll Plaza, Huntington, IN
46750; Phone: 1-800-348- thought about preparing couples for mar- 2012). TP
2440; Fax: 1-260-356-8472; riage and about helping spouses in trou-
bled marriage resolve differences. MSGR. VAGHI is a priest of the Archdiocese
Available in microfilm.
Write: UMI, 300 North Zeeb Realizing the cavalier approach to of Washington. He is pastor of Little Flower
Rd., P.O. Box 1346, Ann Ar- marriage, and to intimacy, in this culture, Parish in Bethesda, Md., and is chaplain of
bor, MI 48106-1346; Phone:
1-800-521-0600. we priests must say again and again the the John Carroll Society in Washington, D.C.
Church programs for the married are of-
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8 The Priest January 2013

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