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Layna Lupo

Teaching Philosophy

An educational transition from self-contained classrooms to inclusionary education is

being implemented. The results of this disruption of the norm provides an opportunity that will

allow for my career goal of being involved in inclusionary education. My calling and career

goal has an enlighten me to advocate for individuals with a disability to have the same

opportunities as their typical developing peers.

Within special education teaching, goals are surrounded by us. Each day requires an

individualized strategy, in order to assist the student to successfully make progress towards a

goal. I will make every goal clear and concise, which will allow me to maximize the students

learning in the most efficient way. The best way to maximize learning is to make it relatable.

This is why I think it is crucial to develop a personal relationship with students. By knowing the

students on a personal level you will be able to relate classroom content to their personal lives

thus, making a real world connection. By allowing that relationship to evolve, I hope not only to

help them to achieve their educational goals as well as, to achieve age appropriate social skills.

I think it is necessary to remember that one-day these students will become adults and

will need to be an active member in our community. For many of our students with disabilities,

we need to gather valuable information from the curriculum that they can apply in the real world.

Therefore, my teaching goal is to make every educational lesson relatable to a real world

situation. Ultimately, I want all students to learn how to be independent and have a sense of

responsibility. As a teacher, allowing students to be independent and make choices on their own;

as well as understand that choices have rewards and consequences. I feel my job is to support,

guide, and bring understanding, without controlling the individuals.


My philosophy is to bring a warm and rich teaching environment in order to reach all

different types of learners. My main method of teaching will be hands on, direct instruction, and

have real world relatability for every assignment. As a special education teacher I want to better

the students more than just academically. I want my students to flourish in their social lives,

workplaces, and continue to learn each day.

The look a student gets when they understand a concept is the best feeling as a teacher.

Not only do I feel like I have taught them something, I feel I have made an impact on their lives.

It excites me to see the next generation and all the potential they have, as they grow up and

become independent. I understand not everyone will be equal; however, I think everyone

deserves the right to have an equal chance to succeed.

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