God's Calender Times and Days

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God is good.
He is good both to the good and the evil. He is always faithful to those who put their first in
Him. God is not a man to lie. If He makes a promise, He fulfills it. He fulfills His promises
immediately or after a few days, months or years. But He never goes back on His word.
Jesus Christ promised three things to His disciples before He finished His earthly sojourn on
the Cross of Calvary: His imminent resurrection, the coming of the Holy spirit into the world
and His second coming. Of these three promises, the first two have already been fulfilled.
His resurrection took place two days after His crucifixion. This came to pass exactly as Jesus
promised. Both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit were with the Father when He created the
world. Every event in Jesus’ life on earth was brought to pass according to God’s eternal
plan. The Word of God says that God has made everything beautiful in His time (Eccl. 3:11).
Jesus Christ knew full well God’s plan to redeem mankind even before He was sent into the
world. He knew exactly when He would be sent down to earth. It was revealed to Him. This
truth was also revealed to man by His prophets through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit also
knew full well when He would be sent into the world and what God’s plan for Him was. God
first sent His prophets to speak to humanity. He then sent His son and the Holy Spirit one
after the other. Jesus’ birth, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension took place at God
appointed time and place. All this was foretold by His prophets and angels. The coming of
the Holy Spirit also happened at God appointed time and place. The disciples were skeptical
about His resurrection till they saw Him face to face. Only on seeing Him face to face was
their faith fortified. Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit and His second coming both before
and after His resurrection. He said: “I will come again” (Jn. 14:17). He also said: “In a few
days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:5). Jesus was with His disciples for
FORTY DAYS after his resurrection speaking to them about the kingdom of God (Acts
1:3,4). Did the disciples know how long they would have to wait for the coming of the Holy
Spirit? In a way, Yes. The word of God says “When the day of Pentecost came all of them
filled wit the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4). The word ‘Pentecost means fifty, the 49 th day after His
resurrection. It was not only Jesus but also the angles who foretold his second coming. It
was the angels who confirmed or attested Jesus’ resurrection. It was also an angel who
foretold Mary of God’s plan regarding Jesus’ birth. Angels bring God’s immediate messages
to those who matter most in His, eternal plan. At His resurrection, the angels who where in
the tomb said; “He has risen!” At His ascension, the angels said: ‘This same Jesus, who has
been taken from you into heaven will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into
the heaven’. God uses angels frequently in the New Testament times as He used prophets in
the Old Testament times. What have we done about this angelic message? Have we given it
the due importance that it deserves? Are we ready to go with Him when He comes?
Do you know that when Jesus Christ comes back into the world again, He will not
come alone? (1 Thes. 4:16) Yes, He will come back with His angels. Even with the angels
who attested his ascension.

God’s prophets have already done their work. Jesus Christ has already accomplished
His earthly mission. The disciples and apostles of Christ have already done their part. What
about us? He is giving time for what we have to do. He is waiting patiently for us to prepare
ourselves and others for His coming Everyday we are coming closer to His second coming or
to our death. Which will proceed? His return or our death? Are we ready for His return? Or
do we do works that will qualify us for the resurrection? We really believe in his birth and
resurrection. We cannot take His second coming lightly. Are we deceiving or defending or
justifying ourselves in the garb of salvation?

Jesus rebuked His disciples after His resurrection for their hardness of heart believing
His resurrection. In these days of perdition Jesus has to rebuke us also for taking His word
concerning His return so lightly and not preparing ourselves for it. His second coming is the
only event in God’s calendar the time of its happening has not been revealed to man or the
Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ or angels (Mk. 13:32). God in His wisdom has not revealed it
because He is good even to the evil. He wants people, especially the sincere seekers of the
truth, to find Him. But at the same time, He wants to take by surprise those who are scoffers,
double-minded and back-sliders. Is salvation an end in itself? Are we able to discern the
times? “Redeem the time because the days are evil” (Eph. 4:16). Moses cried out to God:
“Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Psa. 90:12).
Jesus said: “If any one would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily
and follow Me” (Lk. 9:23).

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