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Special Sanctuaries Issue

222 S. Hamilton St. / Madison, WI 53703 / 255-2473 / December 2006

Faville Grove Grows –

But It Ain’t Easy!
S ince its establishment in 1998, Faville
Grove Sanctuary has grown remark-
ably. With the recent purchase of the
about what it takes to manage that
amount of land, and you’ll begin to get
an idea of the magnitude of the project
80-acre Deppe farm, the sanctuary now that this organization has taken on—and
encompasses 510 acres. In addition, the level of commitment that we need
Madison Audubon Society is working from each and every member to make
cooperatively with the UW Arboretum, our sanctuaries effort a success over the
the UW-Madison Zoology Museum, long haul. In addition to the costs of land
and The Nature Conservancy as well as acquisition, there are substantial costs
Martins Given “True
private landowners to manage another associated with restoration and long-term Spirit of Conservation
300 acres within the sanctuary boundary, management of our sanctuary lands. Award”
bringing the total acreage under active We each need to pitch in any way we By Wisconsin Waterfowl Association
conservation management to over 800. can, and to the greatest extent we are Executive Director Jeff Nania
In case you’re keeping track, that’s more able, by volunteering in the field or in
The True Spirit of Conservation
than a quarter acre per MAS member! the office and/or by contributing finan-
Award is given to a person- or
And that doesn’t include Goose Pond cially. We can all be proud of the system
persons, in this case- that is
Sanctuary, Erstad Prairie, Otsego Marsh of sanctuaries that MAS has established
professionally involved with
or Hope Lake Bog. Nor does it include in south-central Wisconsin, but we each
conservation. This year the award
the more than 2,000 acres that MAS has need to strengthen our support for the
went to Mark and Sue Martin of
protected and transferred to DNR and effort substantially if we are to continue
Arlington. Mark and Sue work
Jefferson County. our successes.
for the WDNR in the Bureau of
If you live on a quarter-acre lot, think
Endangered Resources, and Sue
Prairie Restoration is also the Teaming with Wildlife
coordinator for the Wisconsin
Also In This Issue Efforts at Goose Pond Wildlife Federation. Mark and Sue
Last December, the Pheasants have also been the resident managers
Wetland Restoration at GP . . . . p. 4 Forever Habitat Team planted 50 at Goose Pond Sanctuary since
Sanctuaries Highlight . . . . . .. . .p. 5 species on 50 acres at Western Prairie. 1979. They have been a source of
Recipe: Pumpkin Cookies . . . . p. 5 Additionally, the National Fish and inspiration to many, including me.
Notes from Faville Grove . . . . . p. 6 Wildlife Foundation awarded MAS They are tireless in their efforts and
Zeloski Marsh Restoration . . . . p. 7 a $13,000 grant to purchase seed, have been responsible for protecting
Duck Banding at GP . . . .. . . . . .p. 8 augmenting seed hand-collected by and restoring thousands of acres
Valuable Stewardship Fund . . . p. 9 volunteers, for restoration of 100 of the Wisconsin landscape. Mark
Martin Awarded . . . . . . . . . . .. .p. 10 acres of prairie. The grant has to be and Sue embody the true spirit of
Dr R. Anderson Honored . . . . p. 10 matched with $13,000 of volunteer conservation and dedication to our
Thank Yous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..p. 11 time (seed collecting and cleaning) passions and traditions.
Christmas Bird Counts . . . . . . .p. 12
continued on page 3

Madison Audubon is a chapter of the National Audubon Society

Annual Audubon Membership New Year’s Day
___New ___Renewal ___Gift
When you receive a renewal notice from Sunrise Field Trip
National Audubon use this form to renew and “Wake Me Up When 2006 is
thereby direct some of your donation to local Over!”
causes. Find your expiration date at the top Yes, 2006 was yet another tough
right corner of your address label.
year for our beleaguered and beloved
Name for Membership: planet Earth. In anticipation of bet-
Name ______________________________ ter things to come in ‘07, slip into
Address ___________________________ your Long Johns and join us for the
__________________________________ annual New Year’s Day sunrise field
Phone _____________________________
trip at Faville Grove Sanctuary. We Little House on the Prairie
will meet at Buddy’s Place, the old Once again, Madison Audubon Society
___$20 special First-year New Member farmstead at N7710 Hwy 89, at 6:55 is looking for a good neighbor at Faville
___$15 Senior or Student – new or renewal a.m. If there is good snow and you Grove Sanctuary. We recently completed
___$35 Renewal have snowshoes, bring them along. the purchase of the 80-acre Deppe farm on
__$40 Double Audubon Membership - Otherwise, sturdy boots for uneven Prairie Lane, and we will be looking for a
(New or Renew + Gift Membership) terrain will do. We will enjoy the pre- conservation-minded buyer for the resi-
___$15 CAWS newsletter subscription only dawn light as we meander through dence, outbuildings, and approximately
(Non-member) the prairie, arriving at the marsh three acres of land. A modest split-level
Membership amount $_______ overlook by 7:23 a.m. to see the sun house built in the early 1970s- (the only
Additional contribution $_______ rise over the Faville Grove Marsh. house on Prairie Lane)- has commanding
TOTAL Enclosed/Charged $_______ We will then spend the early morn- views across the expanding sanctuary.
ing exploring the winter marsh and You won’t be dreaming when you wake
Please make check payable to:
Madison Audubon Society
surrounding uplands. From I-94, take up every morning to sunrise over a vast
the Lake Mills/Waterloo exit and go expanse of prairie and savanna…you’ll just
Charge my __VISA __Master Card north on Highway 89 about 2.5 miles. think you are! Call the MAS office for more
Name on Card: The driveway is on the right immedi- information (608) 255-2473.
Card # ___________________________ ately past North Shore Road, which
Exp. Date __________________ intersects from the left. Volunteer
Signature __________________________ sanctuary managers David Musolf
and Roger Packard will lead the trip.
___I do NOT wish to receive the
National Audubon magazine.
___Business/Corporate Membership Audubon Members - Renewal Instructions
Please call the MAS office 608/255-2473
This is a Gift Membership from: When? Please renew when your renewal date is within a couple months,
Name ______________________________ or when you receive a renewal reminder from National Audubon. You can
Address ___________________________ check your CAWS address label for your renewal date (i.e. JUN06). This
__________________________________ makes renewals simpler, and in the long run it will help cut down on paper.
Phone (_____) ______________________ How? Renew your Audubon membership through Madison Audubon by
Email _____________________________ using the Membership Form in the CAWS or on the web at Renewing through Madison Audubon directs
Z02 7xCH
your money to local causes.
Mail to: Madison Audubon Society
Bonus! Please check Double Audubon Membership! when you renew.
222 S. Hamilton St., Suite 1
Madison, WI 53703-3201
This includes an Audubon Gift Membership for only $5 more! What a
great opportunity to introduce Audubon to a friend, relative, student,
work buddy, neighbor, or teacher! Thank you for helping Double Audubon
MADISON AUDUBON SOCIETY Membership, one member at a time!
President: Joanne Herfel, 241-8009
Vice-president: Debra Weitzel, 836-4051
Goose Pond Resident Managers: THE AUDUBON CAWS is published
Mark and Sue Martin, 635-4160 The mission of the Madison Audubon
September through June by:
Faville Grove Managers: Society is to educate our members and
Madison Audubon Society,
Roger Packard & David Musolf the public about the natural world and
222 S. Hamilton St., Madison, WI 53703,
Editor: Michael Becker, 265-9484 the threats that natural systems are fac-
(608) 255-2473. ing, to engage in advocacy to preserve
Birding hotline, 255-2476.
Graphic design: Patrick Ready and protect these systems, and to devel-
Madison Audubon Web Page:
Printed by Roemer Printing op and maintain sanctuaries to save and
restore natural habitat.
E-mail services donated by Berbee

The Audubon CAWS  December 2006

Goose Pond . . .
continued from page 1

and $13,000 of expenses by MAS (intern costs, planting, and purchase of plants).
Volunteers, interns and Middleton High School students planted hundreds of shoot-

photo by Heisley Lewison

ing star, New Jersey tea, meadow blazing star, and prairie violet plugs purchased from
Agrecol and Bluestem Farm.

Middleton students Natalie Reece, Liz

Just, Megan McCrumb, and Joe Hasan.

High School Students Learn

Ecological Restoration
Under the direction of intern Heisley
Lewison, four Middleton High School

photo by Mark Martin

students completed an independent
study in ecological restoration this past
summer. Joe Hasan, Liz Just, Megan
McCrumb, and Natalie Reece earned a
semester credit by spending one day per
Heisley Lewison, conducted most of the weed mowing this summer and assisted on a
week, June through August, planting
plant survey in August. Plants in 50 plots, each 2.5 square feet, were counted. The results wetland plants, removing invasive
were exciting, revealing almost 3.3 million prairie plants, from 27 species. Seventeen spe- species, surveying prairie plants,
cies were observed flowering, and the wild quinine, in particular, had a lot of flowering looking for an endangered butterfly,
individuals. collecting seed, and having fun. Teacher
Debra Weitzel hopes to continue this
partnership with Madison Audubon
Society again next summer.

Help Needed with

Nest-box Projects
Eagle Scouts constructed and
placed Wood Duck and American
Kestrel nest boxes at Goose Pond.
Additionally, Middleton High School
students and volunteer Jerry Martin
constructed tree swallow nest boxes
that will be placed at Goose Pond and
Zeloski Marsh.
photo by Dorothy Haines

Monitoring in 2005 revealed nine suc-

cessful Wood Duck nests—72 hatched
eggs—in 16 nest boxes. Of the 10
American Kestrel boxes, seven supported
nests with young.
If you would like to help with monitor-
ing and maintaining nest boxes this year
This fall, volunteers have been busy collecting seed for planting 60 more acres
contact Mark or Sue at (608) 635-4160 or
on part of the Western Prairie parcel. They gathered an impressive amount of
compass plant seed, with the NFWF grant. We plan to have Pheasants Forever
plant the restoration in December.

The Audubon CAWS  December 2006

photo by Pat Ready

photo by Mark Martin

Wetland Restoration
at Goose Pond
Many years ago, Dennis Biddick
of the USDA-Natural Resources
Conservation Service designed a
Four acre wetland restoration with rock spillway and two wetland basins shortly
four-acre wetland restoration for
after restoration.
Goose Pond. In addition to providing
wildlife habitat, the restoration, to
be located north of Kampen Road
and west of the railroad tracks, was
intended to also trap sediment before
it entered Goose Pond. The project
could not be completed, however,
until MAS acquired an adjacent
parcel that would have a quarter-acre
of water on it.
The adjacent property was acquired,
and the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association
coordinated the wetland restoration in
early 2006. Jeff Nania, WWA executive
director, coordinated the project and
LMS Construction did the earth-moving

photo by Pat Ready

work, which included construction of an
earthen berm and two deeper wetland
basins along with the placement of a
water control structure.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
donated the water control structure
Dorothy (Browne) Haines and Mark Martin try out the new bench on Browne
and WWA secured the remaining fund- Prairie. The bench was made by local Eagle Scouts this summer.
ing. This is the fourth wetland restora-
tion project that WWA, Jeff, and LMS
Construction have completed at Goose
Goose Pond summer intern Heisley
Lewiston coordinated the planting of
hundreds of river bulrush, softstem
bulrush, arrowhead, bluejoint grass, and
cordgrass plugs in the restoration. She
was assisted by Middleton High School
students and other summer interns. Two
months after planting, dense beds of
bulrushes and arrowheads ringed the
photo by Pat Ready

wetland basins.
The first waterfowl sighted on October scope day
the restoration were a dozen Wood at Goose Pond was
Ducks—an impressive sight. well attended by both
people and birds.

The Audubon Caws  December 2006

Sanctuaries Migration Pumpkin Cookies
Highlight of the Year These cookies are best when eaten during the fall migration, after a harvest
moon has made the pumpkins in the garden perfect for this recipe!
The highlight of the year was a flock
of 41 American Avocets sighted on Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake cookies 12 to 14 minutes. Yields 26 cookies.
April 22. There are few sighting of avo-
cets in Wisconsin, and most flocks con- ½ cup butter
sist of only a few birds. Other interest- 1 ½ cups brown sugar, packed
ing or rare sightings this year included 2 large eggs
20 White Pelicans (which stopped 1 cup cooked (or canned) pumpkin
briefly in April and left after finding 1 teaspoon vanilla
Goose Pond fishless), a Snowy Owl in 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
February and Greater White-fronted 1 teaspoon lemon juice
Geese in spring. And for the first time 2 ½ cups sifted all-purpose flour
ever, two pairs of Sandhill Cranes nest- 3 teaspoons baking powder
ed at Goose Pond. The pair on the west 1 teaspoon salt
pond raised two young while the pair 1 ½ teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
on the east pond was unsuccessful. For ¼ teaspoon ginger
a list of past years’ highlights, please 1 cup coarsely chopped nuts
see page 12.
Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Stir in pumpkin,
vanilla, lemon peel and juice. Resift flour with baking powder, salt and spice;
blend into butter mixture. Stir in nuts. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto greased bak-
ing sheets 2 inches apart.

To decorate: Spread cookies with butter cream frosting and make a face with
candy corn.
photo by Pat Ready

Pelicans visited Goose Pond briefly in April.

photo by Pat Ready

photo by Rich Armstrong

Two pair of sandhill cranes nested at

Goose Pond this summer.
A snowy owl was seen around the Goose Pond area in February.

On April 22 forty one American Avocets rested in the west pond to the delight of many birders. photo by Rich Armstrong
The Audubon Caws  December 2006
Notes from Faville
Grove: Flat is
Faville Grove Sanctuary encompasses
a tremendously diverse landscape, sup-
porting a wide range of biotic communi-
ties, each with its own beauty.
The western portion of the sanctu-
ary includes glacial moraines with
interspersed wetlands. Here you’ll find
everything from tamarack bog to dry
prairie to oak woodland, all with a soft,
rolling beauty that’s hard to miss.
But turn east off County Highway G
onto Prairie Lane to enter the east part
of the sanctuary, and you find yourself
heading downhill, past a second-year
prairie restoration on the Brandt tract
on your right and the newly acquired Caroline Clarin, an engineer with NRCS, with the tools of her trade. Caroline did a terrific
Deppe farm on the left. Continuing east job designing and overseeing construction of the hydrologic restorations on Charles
through the savanna, the road humps Prairie.
up over the resistant quartzite of the
Lake Mills Ledge before dropping
steeply into the broad, flat expanse of
the Crawfish River floodplain. And it’s Detail of the restoration plan
for this fall’s 40-acre wet-
all boring after that, right?
land restoration at Faville
Wrong. The effect is exhilarating, at Grove showing the six-inch
least to Wisconsinites unaccustomed to elevation contours based on
such broad vistas. But there’s more to extensive GPS data gathered
the floodplain’s beauty than open space. by the Natural Resources
The first surveyors reported that they Conservation Service. The
were entering “marsh” at this point. site may look flat, but it’s
Aldo Leopold, John Curtis, Stoughton not! Even though we use this
Faville, recognized it as wet prairie and information to tailor our seed
mixes to soil conditions, this
appreciated its tremendous botanical
is a blunt tool compared to
diversity. In the boom years follow- the sensitivity of the plants
ing World War II, it quickly turned themselves to differences in
into a botanic monoculture, as farmers moisture levels. We still rely
ditched, drained, and plowed the rich in large part on the low-tech
bottomland soils. method of broadcasting seeds
Today on the south side of the road of a wide variety of species
you will see a wet prairie restoration over the area, and waiting
that has seen three growing years. On patiently to see what grows
the north is a cornfield that we plan to
(Courtesy of NRCS)
restore to wet prairie in the next few
years. Continue on down the road and
you’ll find more prairie restorations,
some older, and one, the north 40 acres
of Charles Prairie, which did superbly
in its first year of growth. The plants, too, know that the ground is ied habitats. As a result, the plant assem-
Stop your car and wander through any not flat. These are by far our most diverse blages change continuously throughout
one of these restorations and you’ll dis- restorations. With the water table every- the restorations in much the same way
cover something remarkable about these where flirting with the earth’s surface, that they do on Faville and Snapper prai-
flat prairies: They’re not flat! Depending imperceptible changes in elevation result ries, the only two remnants of the former,
on conditions, you may find yourself in dramatic changes in growing condi- but recovering and increasingly beautiful,
walking on dry ground one minute and tions. Even the microtopography – small Crawfish Prairie.
in ankle deep water the next. depressions and hummocks – create var-

The Audubon Caws  December 2006

Zeloski Marsh that included filling in two miles
of ditches, disabling 12 miles of
Restoration Update drainage tiles, constructing 3.5 miles
Madison Audubon Society moved of berms, placing water control
ahead on an opportunity to preserve structures in four wetland basins, and
and restore a large amount of constructing three islands totaling 15
wildlife habitat west of Lake Mills in acres. Wondra Excavating, from Iron
Jefferson County. The acquisition and Ridge, was awarded the construction
restoration of the 1,461-acre Zeloski contract, and they completed their
Marsh was a major partnership effort. work on Sept. 8.
The USDA’s Natural Resources The muck farm had four deep
Conservation Service’s Wetland irrigation wells. Sam’s Well Drilling,

Photos by Stan Druckenmiller

Reserve Program provided from Randolph, which originally
funding through the purchase of drilled the wells, was hired to
a conservation easement on land abandon three wells. Roberts
owned by the Zeloskis, and also Irrigation performed the needed
paid for wetland restoration costs. plumbing work on the remaining Artesian well plumbing and artestian
The Wisconsin DNR’s Stewardship well outlet.
Fund provided acquisition dollars
to MAS for the Zeloski property and
also provided a grant for restoration
efforts. In January 2006, MAS donated
the property to the DNR as an
addition to the Lake Mills Wildlife
Area. However, MAS remained
involved with restoration efforts.
Restoration efforts have involved
planting 286 acres of prairie, 270
acres of sedge meadow, 112 acres
of wetland habitat, and 64 acres of
shorebird habitat. Only 176 of the 800
acres that will be covered by water
were planted. Pheasants Forever
Habitat Team members planted 626 of
the acres and the remaining land was
planted by Forest Enterprises, Lake
In addition, Twin Garden Farms,
from Harvard, Illinois, was hired
to chop and disk corn stalks. We
purchased seed from Agrecol,
Marshland Transplant Aquatic
Nursery, and the DNR. Twin Garden
Farms mowed the prairie and sedge
meadow plantings twice. Michler and
Brown restoration company was hired
to remove invasive trees and to mix
and hand-collect seed. Seed collected
included 60 pounds of smartweed
seed and a large quantity of bidens
that was planted in the shorebird
habitat area. Bidens, a favorite food
of ducks, is the most difficult species
to collect because each seed has two
barbs that penetrate clothing and
prick the skin.
Caroline Clarin, USDA-NRCS
agricultural engineer, prepared the
plan and coordinated the effort
GPS equipped bulldozer and aerial view. Bottom 2 photos by Caroline Clarin

The Audubon Caws  December 2006

Zeloski Marsh . . . continued from page 7
“artesian” well. They laid 240 feet of monitoring of mammals, birds, frogs, Road and on London Road.
pipe, and water can now be directed dragon and damselflies, and water Plans for next year include holding
into one or two wetland restorations. quality. Baseline monitoring began a dedication, erecting Tree Swallow
Suzanne Wade, UW Extension Rock when the land was cropped and will boxes, and planting showy lady-
River Basin educator, and Greg Kidd, continue after the restoration. slipper orchids that were grown from
USDA-NRCS WRP Biologist, made Stan Druckenmiller and Jim Addis seed by Bluestem Farms. The Glacial
lemonade out of lemons by making volunteered to document restoration Drumlin bike trail bisects the area and
good use of a large pile of old clay efforts with their digital cameras. They access roads are open for hiking. We
drainage tiles. Suzanne successfully have taken thousands of shots which hope you get a chance to visit Zeloski
coordinated tile pick up days—people will help provide a historical account Marsh next year.
came from as far away as Green Bay of the restoration. Thanks to everyone mentioned for
— which resulted in reuse of more Charlie Kilian and Dan Weidert, DNR their work and to Dennis Zeloski,
than 2,000. Greg Kidd had a different Lake Mills wildlife staff, have been former landowner, for his assistance;
idea for the remaining tiles—under busy planting a six-acre food plot, Alice Klink, USDA-NRCS Area
guidance from Bob Hay, DNR seeding berms, burying the artesian Biologist, for project supervision; and
Herpetologist, the rest of the tiles were pipes, posting the property boundary, David Billing and Cindy Draeger at
buried as a large snake hibernaculum. and coordinating reclamation of a Solheim, Billing and Grimmer for
Suzanne Wade also did an excellent gravel pit where extensive work was their legal work. We look forward to
job in establishing a monitoring done by Glen Travnick Excavating the successful restoration of Zeloski
project. Bryan Huberty of Ecological from Waterloo. Kilian and Weidert are Marsh and hope to one day see
Restoration Services coordinated constructing a parking lot on Alley Whooping Cranes nesting here.

Banding at Goose Pond Aids

Blue-winged Teal Study
This past spring, Ron Gatti, research biologist for the
DNR, coordinated a duck-trapping project at Goose
Pond as part of a study to determine why Blue-winged
Teal numbers are declining in Wisconsin. Trapping sites
included the east pond on land owned by Rollie and
Lynn Manthe.
In a letter dated Sept. 19, Gatti expressed his thanks to
Madison Audubon Society and the Manthes for allow-
ing trapping on their properties. In the same letter, he
provided details on the purpose and success of trapping
at Goose Pond.
According to Gatti, Goose Pond actually resides out-
side of the main study area for the Blue-winged Teal
project. Bait-trapping was conducted at the sanctuary
to capture wild Blue-winged Teal hens that could be
used as live decoys for trapping within the study areas.
Captured hens were transported to the towns of Rutland
and Albion in Dane County, where they were released
after decoy trapping. All other ducks captured at Goose
Pond were given Fish and Wildlife Service bands and
photos by Mark Martin

Trapping took place from April 3 to May 4 at 15 sites,
including Goose Pond, in three counties. Using traps
baited with barley (with the husks on), researchers cap-
tured 181 ducks across all sites. Of these, 154, or about
85 percent, were captured at Goose Pond. The final tally
from the Goose Pond traps was 39 Blue-winged Teal
hens, 81 Blue-winged Teal drakes, 19 Green-winged
Teals, five Mallards, three Wood Ducks, five Northern
Shovelers, and two Gadwalls.
Gatti concluded that “Goose Pond was the hot spot for
migrants and trapping,” and he promised to report back
on band recoveries.
The Audubon Caws  December 2006
Fund Valuable to Wisconsin’s Wildlife Policy Victory:
and Citizens Expanded Federal
Since the inspired inception of the State Stewardship Fund in 1990 by the Wisconsin leg-
islature, a true partnership has sprung up among the state’s citizens; its many land trusts, Tax Incentives
including Madison Audubon; and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, which Great news for conservation! In
administers the fund. Our citizens understand and appreciate our exceptional natural heri- August 2006, President Bush signed
tage and believe in protecting it. a new federal law including a sub-
The Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund, as it is officially known - plays a critical role in stantial expansion of the federal tax
protecting this natural heritage. Since 1990, the Fund has helped preserve more than 450,000 incentives for conservation ease-
acres across the state and has provided $50 million in grants to land trusts, which have ment donations.
matched the state’s investment dollar-for-dollar. This investment in our natural resources is These incentives survived sev-
of enormous value to land conservation, to wildlife, and to the people of Wisconsin; it is an eral rounds of review and revision
investment that can only grow more valuable as our human population increases, especially while the bill made its way through
in southern Wisconsin. Congress. The new law:
Land Legacy Report to Guide Conservation Investments * Raises the deduction landowners
To most effectively build upon Wisconsin’s investment in privately and publicly protected can take for donating a conservation
lands and to fill critical conservation and recreation gaps, the DNR spent three years, from easement from 30 percent of their
1999 to 2002, gathering information, local knowledge, and opinions about Wisconsin’s land income in any year to 50 percent;
and water. This effort resulted in a visionary document for the next 50 years: the Wisconsin * Allows qualifying farmers to
Land Legacy Report. Several main messages were heard again and again throughout the deduct up to 100% of their income;
process. These were: and
•P  rotect the best of the best. Our exceptional natural resources and wide range of native habi- * Increases the number of years over
tats need to be protected for future generations to enjoy. which a donor can carry over those
• Keep common species common. Many species that used to be common, especially grassland deductions from six to 16.
birds such as meadowlarks and bobolinks, have been experiencing troubling declines. Currently, this law applies only
• Promote partnerships. Our lands, waters, and habitats are affected by decisions made every to easements donated in 2006 and
day throughout the state. Citizens want to work collaboratively - individually, through 2007. The National Land Trust
organizations, and via local governments - to maintain and protect Wisconsin’s natural Alliance is spearheading a cam-
resources. paign to make the new incentives
• Keep kids – and all of us – connected to the outdoors. Our population is becoming increasingly permanent.
urbanized with the risk of losing direct connections to nature. We want to ensure that The bill also includes sensible
everyone has access to the outdoors that is within reach. reforms that affect the appraisal pro-
• Safeguard our waters. From the Great Lakes to our numerous lakes and streams to our wet- cess for all donated property.
lands and groundwater, we recognize that abundant and clean water is critical to us and to Landowners interested in donating
wildlife, including a large percentage of rare species. The quality and quantity of our water a conservation easement to Madison
is also a vital component of our agriculture, industrial, and tourism economies. Audubon Society may contact us at
Of the 229 places in the Land Legacy Report, one of the first chosen for implementation was (608)-255-2473.
the Glacial Heritage Area, which encompasses western Jefferson County and adjacent por- Editor’s note: This story was used
tions of Dane and Dodge counties. The primary goal of the project, which is being developed by permission from Gathering
by an advisory team, is to establish a coordinated network of conservation lands and recre- Waters. Madison Audubon Society
ation trails and facilities. Madison Audubon’s work at Faville Grove Sanctuary, Rose Lake, is a member of Gathering Waters, a
Zeloski Marsh, and other places is part of this larger project. land conservation organization
Value of Fund to Madison Audubon that assists landowners, land trusts
The Stewardship Fund has been especially valuable to Madison Audubon in acquiring and and communities in their efforts to
restoring properties at our Goose Pond and Faville Grove sanctuaries and at nearby areas. In protect Wisconsin’s land and water
November 1992, MAS was awarded the Stewardship Fund’s first Habitat Restoration Areas resources. If you have questions
Grant for acquisition at Goose Pond (see accompanying photo). All told, MAS has been able about how this law will affect you,
to acquire 2,110 acres and restore 1,768 acres. This amounted to $2.5 million in Stewardship contact Pam Foster Felt at (608) 251-
funding, which was matched by an equivalent 9131 ext. 11 or visit the Land Trust
amount from our many supporters, members, Alliance website
photo by R.F.N. Wallen

partners, and federal funding, such as the licpolicy.

North American Wetland Conservation Act
and the Wetland Reserve Program. State Stewardship
Madison Audubon Spring Banquet
Without the State Stewardship Fund and Save the Date!
the many partners that have come together Tuesday, March 20, 2007
because of it, MAS could not have protected The keynote speaker for the 2007
and restored all the land it has for wildlife and In 1992 MAS receives money for Madison Audubon Society Banquet
for the citizens of Wisconsin. land acquisition and restoration. will be Laura Erickson.

The Audubon Caws  December 2006

“Mark demonstrated qualities that
address the ‘significant impact on the
theory, practice, or public awareness
of ecological restoration’ required for
this award…[He also] demonstrated

Photo by Molly Fifield Murray

continuing professional development

Photo by Jennifer Schehr

and scholarly contributions that
helped to advance the understanding
of ecosystems and restoration work.
He eagerly and unselfishly shares
his time and knowledge with others,
including leading field trips for the
Friends of the Arboretum.”
Mark Martin Awarded the The John T. Curtis award is named in Dr. Richard Anderson addresses guests
at an event in his honor at UW Memorial
John T. Curtis Award honor of the University of Wisconsin
Mark Martin resident manager of professor and author of a comprehen-
sive study of ecology, The Vegetation of

Goose Pond Sanctuary, was awarded
Wisconsin, published in 1959. The pre- Madison Audubon Honors
the John T. Curtis Award for Career
Excellence in Ecological Restoration sentation includes a $1,000 check and an Dr. Richard Anderson
by the UW Arboretum at an awards engraved stone and glass sculpture. Madison Audubon Society presented
ceremony hosted by the Friends of Madison Audubon Society a life-time membership to Dr. Richard
the Arboretum on Oct. 11, 2006, at the president Joanne Herfel commented Anderson, UW professor emeritus
Arboretum’s McKay Center. on the accolade, saying of Mark, in pediatrics and psychiatry, on Oct.
The Curtis award recognizes “He is a walking textbook with all 24, 2006, recognizing him for his life-
individuals who have dedicated kinds of information tucked away long interest in artist and naturalist
their time, skills, and efforts to the in his brain. His information comes John James Audubon. We honored Dr.
advancement of ecological restora- from his curiosity, which commands Anderson for bringing our organization’s
tion. Recipients of this award have him to study and observe all that namesake to public attention through
made major contributions to the the- is around him.” She added “He is talks and lectures about the man and his
ory, practice, or public awareness of always working for the environment art.
ecological restoration in Wisconsin. and all of the species that populate Dr. Anderson became interested in
In selecting Mark for this award, this planet. We are so very fortunate Audubon when an aunt died and left
presenter Linda Bochert noted, “This to have Mark as one of our co- him several prints. Over the years he
nominee has demonstrated a continuing resident managers—he has helped studied Audubon and used every oppor-
career commitment to the ongoing prac- the Madison Audubon Society tunity to purchase his works, eventually
tices of ecosystem restoration and the use achieve great things.” acquiring a collection of 200 pieces. He
of partnerships with private or non-profit Also receiving an award that eve- has donated more than half of this col-
organizations outside his DNR role to ning were MAS volunteers, Tom and lection to several locations on the UW-
enhance his capacity to support ecologi- Kathie Brock. The Brocks took home Madison campus, the UW Arboretum,
cal restoration work.” the John Nolen Award for Excellence in and the Overture Center for the Arts.
A clip from the Arboretum Ecological Restoration Practices for their John James Audubon was a visionary
newsletter further explained the work at Pleasant Valley Conservancy. who foresaw a decline of wild places
judges’ rationale for selecting Mark: and many species of plants and animals
that live in them. In this context, he
understood the importance of what he
did, while enduring many hardships and
difficulties to complete the task and get
his work published. Richard Anderson
believes that Audubon’s example can
be an inspiration even today in bringing
people to a sense of social and environ-
mental responsibility, qualities that he
feels still resonate in the artist’s work.
The event honoring Dr. Anderson
was held in the Department of Special
Photo by Bill Authur

Collections in the UW Memorial Library,

where guests were treated to a rare look
at one of the four volumes of Audubon’s
“elephant folios,” so called for their large

The Audubon Caws 10 December 2006

We Can't Do It Chuck Heikkinen, Delia Unson, Brand YES, I want to make
Madison Audubon Society’s
Smith and others for conducting bird
Without You surveys and the pheasant brood count. vision a reality. Here is my
By Gene Woehler, Sanctuaries contribution to the Wildlife
Committee Chair Summer interns and Middleton High Sanctuaries Campaign.
Acquiring and restoring land and manag- School students for restoration efforts.
ing MAS sanctuaries takes a lot of work [ ] Acre Maker. $2,000 or more to buy
with many partners. Here’s a list of some Sanctuaries Committee members.
and restore another acre of land.
wonderful people and organizations who MAS Board of
[ ]H
 alf-Acre Maker. $1000-$1999.
have given freely and generously of their Directors
time and resources to get the job done. [ ]Q
 uarter-Acre Maker. $500-$999.
There are so many of you, we apologize Volunteers who assisted with seed col-
[ ] Adopt An Acre. I pledge $100 a year
that we can’t mention everyone’s name lecting, cleaning, and planting at Charles for three years ($300 total) toward
individually. Prairie (Faville Grove) and Goose Pond, sanctuaries restoration.
especially students from UW-Madison, Here is my first installment.
Agrecol for providing prairie seed and 4-H students and Girl Scouts from
[ ]N
 est Egg. I pledge $50 a year for
plants at wholesale cost. Madison, and high school students from three years($150 total). Here is my
Pardeeville, Poynette, and Princeton. first installment.
Tom and Kathie Brock and Curt Caslavka
for donating prairie seed. Volunteers who assisted with fund-rais- [ ]M
 y Own Vision. $ ____ to help as
ing events and mailings; much as possible.
Columbus, DeForest, and Windsor Scout [ ]M
 y Gift. $ ____ for MAS Program
troops that picked up trash on roadsides, Wisconsin Waterfowl Association and Support (I.E. Education & Newsletter)
constructed and erected nest boxes, recon- LMS construction for constructing the
wetland restoration project at Goose Direct my gift to:
structed the trail at Otsego Marsh, and
erected benches and survey monuments. Pond. [ ] Where it will help the most
[ ]E
 ndowment fund to restore and
William and Jean Damm for their invalu- Ricky Yelk for planting six acres of corn maintain the sanctuaries
able assistance, including repairing food plots. [ ] Land acquisition at Faville Grove
equipment and assisting with Eagle Scout
[ ] Land acquisition at Goose Pond
[ ] MAS Program Support
Dorothy Haines and Gloria Welniak for
providing material for the information
Donations made in Name _________________________
Address ______________________
board and for coordinating Scope Days at October 2006
Goose Pond along with other volunteers.
HALF-ACRE MAKER In Memory of __________________
Dane Landmark Cooperative for provid- Thomas S. Kemp Foundation In Honor of ___________________
ing seed corn for food plots. Marjorie McEntyre
For Gifts Honoring Another: Send
DNR – Bureau of Endangered Resources - Acknowledgement to:
Landowner Incentive Program for provid- Name _________________________
ing funding to restore 35 acres of prairie at
Thomas Ashman Address ______________________
Charles Prairie.
Nancy and Christopher Gloe ______________________________
Rollie and Lynn Manthe for providing James and Jan Spredemann
Contributions will be acknowledged near
storage space in their new metal building. the Madison Information Board at Goose
Pond as follows: $1,000 or more-name
Mounds Pet Food Warehouse and Jill and In Honor of Dorothy Haines
to appear on a permanent plaque; $250-
Jerry Martin for providing bird seed. Renata Lucht $999-name to appear on engraved pav-
In Honor of Elsie Lapinski ing brick.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for Amelia Zarski
providing funds to purchase prairie seed. [ ]D
 o not acknowledge in Madison
To honor Mark Martin’s receipt of
Audubon Society Newsletter
the John T. Curtis Award for Career
NRCS Wetland Reserve Program staff Make checks payable to:
Excellence in Ecological Restoration
Caroline Clarin and Alice Klink for coor- Madison Audubon Society
Wayne and Jackie Pauly
dinating wetland restorations at Charles
Prairie and Zeloski Marsh. Mail to: Madison Audubon Society,
GIFTS IN MEMORY OF A FRIEND 222 S. Hamilton Street, Ste #1,
Photographers Jim Addis, Richard In Memory of Buck Madison, WI 53703
Armstrong, Stan Druckenmiller, and Dick Jim and Marci Hess
Gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed
Jones. Jerry and Jill Martin
by law. Madison Audubon Society’s financial
statement is available upon request.

The Audubon Caws 11 December 2006

Anonymous Donation for Special Projects Christmas Bird Counts, 2006
Thanks to a $50,000 anonymous donation, parking lots have been constructed Christmas Bird Counts are a great excuse
at Erstad Prairie, Otsego Marsh and Goose Pond (Lapinski-Kitze Prairie and to get outside this winter. By participat-
Vera and Marshall Browne Prairie), and work has been conducted on the ing, you can have fun and make an
turn-around at the end of Prairie Lane at Goose Pond. We were also able to important contribution to bird conser-
reconstruct a hiking trail and place a viewing blind and benches at Ostego vation at the same time. All the counts
Marsh. Benches were also placed at Goose Pond. can use more volunteers. If there is one
We also used the generous donation to purchase a new mower for the tractor and you’d like to participate in, please contact
to pay for materials for Wood Duck and kestrel boxes. Additional projects funded by the coordinator as soon as possible, to
this donation will include constructing and erecting informational signs. Eagle Scouts help them in their planning. CBCs in the
assisted with the work at Otsego, benches at Goose Pond, and bird house projects. Madison area include:
Baraboo – Thursday, Dec. 28,
Scott Swengel, (608) 356-9543,
Past Years’ Sanctuary Highlights: Cooksville – Monday, Jan. 1, 2007.
2005 – Great Gray Owl added to Goose Pond bird checklist David and Anna Marie Huset, (608) 882-
2004 – Acquisition of the 116-acre Northern Prairie at Goose Pond 5648,
2003 – Acquisition of 1,730 acres at Goose Pond, Rose Lake and Zeloski Marsh Madison – Saturday, Dec. 16,
2002 – Falling water levels at Goose Pond provided excellent shorebird habitat Cheri Carbon, (608) 233-0024 home or
2001 – Acquisition of three acres at Goose Pond and 140 acres at Faville Grove 695-0024 cell;
2000 – Willy Hutcheson’s sighting of five species of geese at one time at Goose Pond,
– before “Cackling Geese” were split from Canada Geese
1999 – Restoration of 25 acres of wetland and prairie at Faville Grove Mt. Horeb – Saturday, Dec. 30,
1998 – Excellent growing year for prairie establishment and seed production Ken Wood, (608) 767-3343, kwwood@
1997 – Snowy Owl invasion in January and February on Arlington Prairie
1996 – Highlight of the decade: Sandhill Cranes return to nest at Goose Pond after Poynette – Saturday, Dec. 30,
100-year absence! Contact Mark and Sue Martin, (608) 635-
1995 – Establishment of Mary Muckenhirn Stewardship Endowment 4160,
1994 – Large numbers of waterfowl, pheasant and Gray Partridge broods
Sauk City – Saturday, Dec. 30,
1993 – Record rainfall: – 16 inches in June and July
Karl and Dorothy Legler, (608) 643-
1992 – Acquisition of 74 acres at Goose Pond
1991 – 1,200 Snow Geese in fall at Goose Pond
1990 – 30,000 Mallards using Otsego as staging area during migration Waterloo – Tuesday, Dec. 19,
Bob Domagalski, (262) 251-6259,

MAS Calendar at a
"Wings Over the Goose Pond Homestead".

Monday, Jan. 1, 2007

Sunrise Field Trip at Faville Grove

Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2007

MAS Education Open House

Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2007

MAS Spring Banquet

Saturday, May 5, 2007

MAS Art Fair

Member of

Photo by Dick Jones

The Audubon Caws 12 December 2006

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