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The Constitution for the Respublica of



We, the people, hath decided & ordained to spark a new beginning
under a new reign of a new country which we know as the
Respublica of America (as stated in the title of this constitution).

Under this constitution, it will have new changes brought in that will
help benefit this country and bring it to the level which our Creator
in Heaven hath blessed us and destined to become and that is a
nation, forever in perpetual existence (unless otherwise by the
who will fulfill the promises that the American Nationals have long
hoped to be addressed and conducted with lasting, expected results
libertate, pace et iustitia et aequalitate (freedom, peace, justice, and
equality) for all who accept it, mind and soul.

The law of the land will be Natural Law (which is by definition -

a philosophical teaching that certain rights are inherent by virtue of
human nature and can be understood universally through human
reason. The law of nature, as determined by mother nature, is
universal), and it will, by free will and obedience, be enforced when
necessary to keep the peace. Ones rights are naturally inherent and
unalienable, and cannot be forcibly ceded, unless one's found guilty
for contradicting the laws of nature and/or the common good, or one
is voluntarily surrendering it.

Pax tibi. (Peace be with you).

Part one: the amendments.

The Bill of unalienable rights:

A I): We, the people, have the right to freedom of expression,

religion, and that of choosing which does not violate mother nature
or natural law, nor does it put harm towards other parties (human,
animal, etc).

A II): We, the people, have the right to have ownership of property in
allodium or the responsible position as guardian or custodian of
property, so long as it does not contradict with Natural Law.

A III): American Nationals are free from taxation or other means of

financial dictatorship, unless found guilty of a severe crime which
violates Natural human and/or animal rights or other unlawful acts
which would then bring the person or persons to either be resituted
and maintained far from society, or face the consequences of
financial indebtedness.

A IV): American Nationals have the right to free and necessary

education for both themselves and their future generations which
coincides with Natural Law.

A V): American Nationals have the right to free travel without severe
restrictions or limitations, (although it is required for them to carry
identity, plus backround checkups in a way that is less
uncomfortable for both the patroler/enforcer of the roads & Natural
Law, the Law of the Land, the driver and its passengers within the

A VI): American Nationals have the right to fair, speedy trials, the
right to a(n) attorney/lawyer, and a judge and jury whose nutruel in
their proceedings and judgments for both parties, plaintiff and
defendant in varying cases, and are appointed by respected,
honorable community/township members of society who represent
the interests of the people and are in service to and for them.

A VII): American Nationals have the right to self defense and

security for when they are subject to serial or severe danger/threat of
any kind when Lawful enforcement is not in the scene to service
them protection.

A VIII): American Nationals have the right to elect directly &

indirectly officials who serve their best interests and who comes
from their respective communities and/or townships (also including
an electoral college from every community, township, &

A IV): Those who are lawfully residents within the jurisdiction of

the American Respublic (or North America), have the right to
automatically become citizens under Natural Law by making a
lawful contract which changes one's status from lawful resident to
citizen, unless found to breach it by violation of Natural Law or
revoking such contract for reasons whatsover.

A X): Every community, township, and jurisdiction has the right to

establish their own forms of financial currency by which coincides
with the Law of the Land, Natural Law, has unlimited value, and is
not unlawfully enforced unto them by another entity who wishes to
forcibly have control over their financial systems and resources, and
also the right to bartering (without one's robbery or stealing of
anothers property).
A XI): The American Nationals have the right to natural treatments
and remedies which cures their sideffects and core issues, both large
and small, and has the right to private insurance and the right to
choose their own medical administrators or doctors without
overarching intervention of any kind (unless by permit from the
patient or client).

Part two: Government and Electoral structure:

I): The central governing-body for the American Respublic

shall be a limited body which shall perform municipal duties within
the area of which they shall reside, which is a 10-square mile piece
of land named as the Jurisdiction of Columbia and its Capitol shall
be named New Washington.

II): The three governing-branches:

(A) One, the executive, has the right granted by the people to put
into place executive laws and orders which shall be passed through
congress by votes, and can
be suspended or declared unconstitutional by the Judiciary.

(B) Two, the National Congress, under Natural Law, has the
right to vote on behalf of their constituants, to vote and veto on bills,
policies, laws, statuts and codes passed from them to be refused or
put into place for enforcement, and deliberate.

(C): Three, the Supreme Court of Natural Law has the right to
decide, with sober and honorable judges selected by their respected
jurisdictions to decide what is and is not constitutional in favor
of and for the American Respublic, and to declare executive laws
and orders unconstitutional when it does not meet the standards
that is established for the people (the American Nationals).

III): The Electoral & Popular structure:

(A) The Electoral Board of Delegates shall have 500 delegates which
comes from their respective communities, townships and
jurisdictions which they originated, should be American National
citizens themselves, and should be under the legal age of 25 to
take part of the EBD and caste their votes on their candidates for
the position as the Central Governing Official (CGO) for the
American Respublic.

(B) The Popular Board of Voters shall have primaries in every

community, township and jurisdiction by which the candidates
shall be nominated in their respective political parties the voters of
this land we call the Respublica of America.

(C): Every election, both primary and general, shall be held every
four years.

V): Military and Navy:

(A): The Military shall be funded and well-trained by the central

governing-body with the help of their own currency and those
living within the Jurisdiction of Columbia for the purposes of
serving the American Nationals in case of Domestic danger from
threats within and outside its borders.

(B): The Navy shall be funded and well-trained by the central

governing-body with their own currency and those living within the
Jurisdiction of Columbia, and shall be an international force for
peace and be in areas that is property or territories of the RA
(Respublica of America) for the purposes of enforcing the peace
within areas outside of the RA borders in areas and lands which
belongs to them, and to interfere when conflicts arise within those
areas and to fight and defend themselves and those territories against
enemy attacks.

We have now finished the whole entry of this constitution.

Now, it is time to sign and ratify this constitution for the continent
of North America (currently known as the United States of America).

Link: file:///C:/Users/Renault/Downloads/Law%20of%20the%20Land%20Handbook%203_19_2017.pdf

(The signatures shall be around 30-50 from every representative or delegate from every State of the Union and have it ratified and passed through congress, including the author of this document).

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