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Laughlin 1

James Laughlin

Dr. Hartman

EDUC 450

24 April 2017

Classroom Management Implementation

Looking back at my classroom management plan from ENGL 481, I can see that I

implemented some aspects of my plan while others did not got get implemented as much as I

would like. In looking at my discipline procedures, I can definitely see that I need to improve my

implementation of discipline procedures in my classroom. My discipline plan begins with a non-

verbal cue such as tapping on the desk or standing near the student, which I did well. This was

usually followed with a verbal warning, which I also did well. Where I need to grow in discipline

is following through with sending students to Chill Out and writing up students. I waited quite

a bit to do this because I thought I could think of other ways to show students that their behavior

was not appropriate for the classroom, but I finally did resort to sending students out and writing

up. I will work on become more consistent with this and following my way through my

discipline plan.

As far as my procedures in the classroom go, I actually followed through with many of

my planned procedures. For example, my plan for passing out papers was to hand out at the front

of the row and have the students pass out papers, which I did in this experience. This worked

well for me, and I plan on taking this into my future classroom. One area that I could grow in is

dealing with missing work. My original plan is that I would make late work be due upon arrival

to class after being absent and that a letter grade would be deducted following each day after that
Laughlin 2

point. I struggled with keeping this up in this experience in the way that I often ended up giving

full credit for missing work. I will need to think about this going into my future classroom as an


In looking at my scheduling for every day, I followed through with my plans for this. I

start each day with Writing into the Day and then I proceed into recapping past material covered

in class. I follow this up with teaching new material and eventually turning over the class to the

students to work together or individually on the new material. I think that I did this well in this

experience in the way that I tried my best to do this every day, and I plan on doing this in my

future classroom as an educator.

In using my plans to relate to my students, I did use my sheet in my plan to get to know

my students on the first day of class. This helped me get a better picture of my students and what

they enjoyed doing when they are not in school. I also think that I used my student diversity plan

in the way that I took each students IEP into account in the implementation of my lessons in the

classroom and I tried my best to be as intentional as possible in using differentiation in my

classroom, but I do know that I could grow in doing this. I need to be more intentional in doing

research on differentiation strategies and carrying these out in my classroom as I go forward into

my career as an educator.

One area of my plan that I wished I carried out more was my motivation plan. While I

certainly used candy and extra credit as motivational tools, I do wish that I had used more

effective methods such as allowing students to be peer leaders in the room to allow students to

have something more meaningful to keep them motivated to learn in the classroom. This is

something that I need to think about implementing in my future classroom and will look into

ways to do this as I prepare for that.

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