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Water Resource Policy Development

Water Resource Law Development

Transboundary River Dialogue

Water Resource Policy Development

Directorate BESIK Resource
for WRM AusAID
Water Resource Policy

National Water Resource

Transboundary Water
Principles; Water Resource Policy
Berlin Rules

Dublin Principles

Millennium Development goals

National Constitution

Global Water Partnership

Integrated Water Resource Management

Customary and traditional water management

Policy Development Process

Establish a consultative group

Direct contact with peak stakeholder bodies

Focus groups and public meetings

Preparation of drafts for Ministerial Discussions

Incorporation of significant policy points

Final approval and adoption
Water Resource Law Development

DNGRA Norwegian Water Resource

Ministry of Directorate for Law
Infrastructure Water Resources &
(MoI-RDTL) NVE, Norway transboundary river
Water Resource Law Development

Main reasons for Water Resource Law;

Regulate obligations and rights related to water.

Starting point for transboundary river

The Process of WRL:

Collect data

Stakeholder meeting



Final Draft
Transboundary River Dialogue

Transboundary Water;

Cdigo Descrio
1 Canal de irrigao na mota de Malibaka
2 Canal de irrigao na mota de Malibaka
3 Canal de irrigao em Batugede
4 Canalizao de gua para lado de RI
5 Magnsio
6 Magnsio
7 Magnsio
8 Magnsio
9 Parque nacional Tilomar
10 Cheias em Mota Masin
11 Inundao em Nunura
12 Embocadura irrigao
13 Embocadura irrigao Noelbesi
14 Embocadura Naktuka
15 Minerao clandestina de Magnsio

Source; Matos Joo, TSC 2011.

Trans Boundary Water Resources

Develop agreement(s) with Indonesia to

jointly manage the shared river, catchments and
Develop a working relationship between
government technical staff to manage the
resources and resolve issues in a cooperative way.
Activities include: JBC/TSC meeting, Joint
meeting between RI-TL, Joint field trip.
The Process of Transboundary River Dialogue

Stakeholder Meeting
Data Collection
Prepare an outline agreement(s) with the
neighbouring country
WRP & WRL Development Process

The Activities;

No. Activity
1 Translation to Tetum & Portuguese
2 Distribution the letter to the stakeholders
3 Circulation for the written comments submission
4 Consultation in 5 Regions
5 Amendment on the Draft of WRL & WRP
6 Translation of the revised draft
7 Final checked by the Secretary of State
8 Presentation of the Minister of Infrastructure
Main Application
Fresh water including surface waters and ground
waters, such as:
River River Bank

Springs Stream
Canal Channels

Marsh Lake
Swamp Bog

Well Thermal water

Water bank Geological water-bearing

Drainage system

Drainage pumping Monitoring structure

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