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222 S. Hamilton St. / Madison, WI 53703 / 255-2473/ www.madisonaudubon.

org October 2008

Carbon Sequestration in
Southern Wisconsin Prairie Restorations: 
The Connection Between Agricultural Land-Use and Climate Change
Free Public Program birds. Another benefit, using prairies to restoration on soil carbon sequestra-
Who: Chris Kucharik sequester carbon, has recently attracted tion. Dr. Kucharik is a Senior Scientist
What: Prairies and global warming attention.  at the Center for Sustainability and the
When: T uesday, October 21, 2008 Agricultural land-use in the Midwest Global Environment (SAGE), within
7:30 p.m. – Program during the past century has significantly the UW-Madison Nelson Institute for
Where: UW Arboretum Visitor Center depleted soil organic matter, with sub- Environmental Studies. He recently
Parking: free – by the building sequent release of soil CO2 to the atmo- served on a subcommittee for Governor
sphere. However, this trend may be slow- Doyle’s Task Force on Global Warming. 
So what is carbon sequestration anyway? ing with improved agricultural land man- You are invited to join our speaker, MAS
And what does it have to do with Goose agement, particularly prairie restoration board members and friends at the pre-
Pond and Faville Grove Sanctuaries? associated with the Conservation Reserve program dinner at Paisan’s Restaurant
Attend the October meeting to find out! Program and other local initiatives.  (131 W. Wilson St.) beginning at 5 p.m.
Madison Audubon is one of many Speaker Chris Kucharik will review Please call the office at 608/255-BIRD
groups restoring native prairie and grass- land-use change in Wisconsin and (255-2473) if you have questions.
land ecosystems. The payoffs range from the connection to the climate system,
improved water retention, reduced runoff with several local examples that dem- Next meeting: November 18, Anna
of agrochemicals to improved habitat for onstrate the impact of recent prairie Pidgeon on Urban Sprawl and Wildlife

Inside This Issue

Crawfish Prairie Flood............... 1-2 Documenting the Recovery:
Excellence Nominations Due....... 3 Monitoring the Crawfish Prairie after the Flood
“Wind on the Water”..................... 3 by Lars Higdon
Costa Rica Trip................................ 3 As reported last month, Faville Grove stars, toadflax, phlox, and wood-betony
Swan & Osprey Delisting.............. 4 Sanctuary was hit hard by the devastating while discussing our plans to battle weeds
Fall Field Trips............................. 4-5 floods that occurred throughout much of and gather seeds. Our work plans would
Wisconsin this spring. As the waters of quickly change, refocusing on the higher
Miracles of Migration.................... 5
the Crawfish River swelled, those of us at ground in the sanctuary as we watched
Bat Surveys...................................... 6 the sanctuary could do little but watch as the waters rise behind us.
Donations........................................ 6 Faville and Snapper Prairies and our sur- Flooding of this magnitude is truly
Membership Form......................... 7 rounding restorations were slowly sub- unprecedented in modern times.
merged under several feet of water. According to USGS stream flow data, this
Events Calendar............................. 8
Only days before the first raindrops fell, was the largest flood ever recorded on
Madison Audubon we walked cheerfully through the prairies the Crawfish River since the installation
Society with the summer interns, introducing of monitoring equipment in 1931. On a
Serving Columbia, Dane, them to the brilliant display of shooting- geological time scale, however, it is likely
Dodge, Iowa, Jefferson,
Richland and Sauk Counties continued on page 2

Madison Audubon is a chapter of the National Audubon Society

Crawfish Prairie . . .
(continued from page 1)

that comparable floods have occurred

occasionally over the past 10,000 years. In
the absence of industrial-scale agriculture,
floodplain prairies could recolonize from
the surrounding landscape. And with-
out the threat of invasives, native plant
communities would eventually populate
the site once again. Today the story is
much different. Farmland and degraded
woodlots now constitute the surround-
ing landscape. The potential for outside
recolonization is low and the threat from
invasives, especially reed canary grass, is
great. Many questions remain as to how
the Crawfish Prairie will recover in the
presence of these modern day challenges.
At the moment, we know very little
about the tolerance of prairie species to
sustained flooding events. We suspect MAS summer interns Nick Sievert, Maggie Wagner and Mitch Levenhagen record data
(and hope!) that some species were not on flood damage and recovery from a square-meter quadrat on Faville Prairie.
killed below ground and will resprout
from the roots. We also suspect that a rattlesnake-master, and prairie cord grass, to 4:00, as well as Wednesday mornings
seed bank remains dormant in the soil despite showing obvious signs of dam- beginning at 9:30. From Madison take
and serves to provide another level of age, appear to have endured the flood. I-94 east to the Lake Mills/Waterloo exit
insurance after disturbance events. It The fate of many other species such as (Highway 89), go north approximately
remains to be seen how certain species prairie drop-seed and our rare orchids is 1.75 miles and turn right onto County G.
will respond, particularly rare and sensi- yet to be seen. The only thing that can be After approximately 1.5 miles, turn right
tive species such as the eastern prairie said for sure is that nature is incredibly onto Prairie Lane and meet at the sanctu-
fringed orchid and the small white lady’s- complex and difficult to predict. It is easy ary sign. We also are planning to do some
slipper orchid. to look at this flood as a devastating set- brush clearing and controlled burning
In an attempt to learn from this event, back to our efforts at the sanctuary but we this fall (the latter always on short notice),
Madison Audubon Society and the UW must also look at this event as a valuable as well as a large planting party, so let
Arboretum have partnered to begin opportunity to learn more about prairie us know if you are interested in hearing
monitoring the recovery of Faville Prairie. communities. In turn, this added knowl- about these events. We also have begun
In early August, a monitoring protocol edge will help guide future restoration distributing a volunteer newsletter by
was developed by Paul Zedler and Brad efforts on the sanctuary and elsewhere. email with more timely news than we can
Herrick of the UW Arboretum, and Lars provide in the CAWS. To sign up, or if you
Higdon. The protocol calls for sampling Volunteer Opportunities have questions, please contact sanctuary
48 quadrats throughout the prairie. With ecologist Lars Higdon at larshigdon@
the help of our summer intern crew, we Seed collecting helps or (608) 220-9563.
collected data in each quadrat, includ-
ing which species were present, their our prairies grow!
condition, their abundance, and how Seed collecting for our upcoming prairie
they appeared to recover (i.e. from seed, restorations continues in October. Come
resprouted from ground, etc.). We were on out and enjoy the sunshine, fresh air
also interested in determining which and prairie banter.
species were present before the flood but At Goose Pond Sanctuary, volunteers
showed no sign of recovery. Together will collect seed every Saturday from 9:30
with the UW Arboretum, we plan to a.m. until noon. Meet at the new resi-
continue monitoring the site this fall and dence (W7503 Kampen Road, Arlington)
next year. We have expanded monitoring by the farm buildings northwest of the
efforts across the sanctuary by conducting west pond. Contact Mark or Sue at (608)
walk-through surveys of our restorations 635-4160 or for more
and documenting the recovery with notes information.
and photographs. At Faville Grove Sanctuary, seed collect-
Based on our observations to this date, ing and/or cleaning parties are scheduled
certain species such as prairie loosestrife, every Saturday, 9:30 to noon and 1:30

The Audubon CAWS 2 October 2008

Nominations Due
Dec. 31 for Travel to Costa Rica
MAS Excellence
February 3-11, 2009
Madison Audubon’s new awards
program, established in 2007,
recognizes individuals or groups who
Operation RubyThroat
have worked to achieve the Society’s
We’re looking for nominees who Contribute as a citizen scientist
have dedicated their time, skills, and
efforts to preserve and restore wildlife — enjoy a tropical setting
habitat, conserve birds, engage in
citizen science, or educate others Trip leader is internationally renowned
about natural systems. educator-naturalist Bill Hilton Jr.
The awards, described below, are
named in honor of four outstanding Learn about these fascinating little birds
conservationists associated with
Madison Audubon. Nominations for while you assist with his cutting-edge
the 2009 awards are due Dec. 31, 2008 research project: “Operation RubyThroat: The
for presentation at the annual banquet Hummingbird Project.” Help capture, band and re-
on March 18, 2009.
Nominees must be from Wisconsin lease hummingbirds and other birds; explore tropical
or have made a difference in forests, volcanic mountain regions, and more.
Wisconsin in the award’s subject area.
Complete information is available Make your reservation before mid-October when
on the Madison Audubon Society
website,, space will be released to the public. Full itinerary & res-
or through the MAS office. ervation form posted at
Cliff Germain Award for Excellence MadisonAudubonCostaRica2009
in Community-Based Restoration
recognizes achievements in ecological
restoration for habitat conservation More information:
and species preservation.
Joseph Hickey Award for Excellence Contact Marsha Cannon, 608-327-0129
in Bird Conservation honors bird or Debbie Sturdivant at
research or projects that enhance bird, Toll free 866-748-6146.
Sam Robbins Award for Excellence

Great Lakes “Wind on the Water”

in Citizen Science acknowledges
volunteer environmental monitoring–
collecting data in areas such as water by Karen Etter Hale, Executive Secretary
quality, air quality, biodiversity, Since May, I have been representing Audubon on a statewide advisory committee
climate change in a community, charged with assessing the potential for the development of wind energy resources in
county or region. Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Along with about 22 other agencies, utilities, tribes,
James Zimmerman Award for nonprofits, and others, Audubon was asked by the Public Service Commission of
Excellence in Environmental Wisconsin to serve on this committee to assess and frame the more than 50 issues that
Education and Communication is need to be addressed before such a resource could be developed.
for an individual or group devoting Audubon’s primary interest is in birds and bats, which is just one of the 50 issue cate-
time, skill, and effort to educating the gories. Others of interest to us include fisheries and aquatic resources, invasive species;
public about the environment. lake bottom effects; contaminated sediments; visual impacts; health; cultural and tradi-
tional areas of significance; the water/land interface; primary and secondary impacts;
commercial fishing; shipping and air traffic; and cumulative impacts.
Very little is known about bird and bat use of the Great Lakes beyond the near shore,
where most bird observations take place. The fact that birds and bats collide with
wind turbines on land is well known and documented, but because so far there are
(continued on next page)

The Audubon CAWS 3 October 2008

(continued from page 3) Fall Field Trips
only a few wind towers offshore in Europe, there has only been limited research into
Saturday, Oct. 11: Migrant Songbirds of
the impacts on birds and bats from these turbines. Besides collisions, other potential
Pheasant Branch Conservancy
hazards include displacement from ideal feeding or nesting grounds by the presence of
The main focus of this field trip will be
turbines, avoiding them on daily movements or during migration, attraction to towers
sparrow species, including White-throated,
because of a potential increase in fish habitat, and/or attraction to the lights required
Lincoln’s and many others. We will also
by the FAA. Much more about what we do and don’t know can be found in the report,
be looking for late warblers, flycatchers,
along with a list of important questions to be answered before siting towers in the
thrushes and other fall migrants. Meet at
Great Lakes.
the Dane County Unit of Pheasant Branch
The committee had a very ambitious timeline to pull together a huge amount of
Conservancy, which is about a mile-and-a
information, with numerous meetings over the summer. By the time you read this,
half north of Century Ave. in Middleton
there should be a draft final report out for public comment. We hope you will weigh
on Pheasant Branch Rd. This is the third
in with your thoughts and concerns about development of wind on the Great Lakes.
parking lot for the conservancy on the
Comments are due by October 31.
right as you drive north out of Middleton.
The field trip will begin at 7:15 a.m. Bring
Wind Wildlife Research Meeting VII warm clothes for cool early morning fall
Milwaukee, WI weather. If you have questions, please call
Monday – Wednesday, Oct. 27-29, 2008 trip leader Mike McDowell at (608) 850-
Registration opened the first week of September. For more information, see 4122.

The National Audubon Society is one of several sponsors for this meeting of stake-  Saturday, Oct. 18: Baraboo Ice Age
holders and the general public to learn about the most recent research related to wind Trail Tour
power development and wildlife. Methods for minimizing or mitigating wind energy’s Gary Werner, noted geologist and fund
adverse impacts on wildlife will be discussed and gaps in knowledge and research raiser for the Ice Age Trail and other
needs will be identified. national trails, will lead this hike from
Rosnow Meadow on the east edge of
Trumpeter Swan and Osprey to Be Delisted Devil’s Lake State Park, east through the
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will hold a public hearing on Baraboo Hills. This hike of about 4 hours
Monday, Oct. 20, on their proposal to remove the Trumpeter Swan and Osprey from will include an elevation gain of about 500
the state’s threatened and endangered species list. The hearing will take place at 4 p.m. feet while traversing uneven often rocky
at the DNR (GEF 2) building, 101 S. Webster St., Madison (use the entrance on Webster ground on a segment of the Ice Age Trail.
St. only), Room G09. Expect to see fall colors and to span terrain
The Trumpeter Swan is currently listed as state endangered. In 1986, the recovery plan that shows the geological history as reflect-
established a goal of at least 20 breeding and migratory pairs by the year 2000. Through ed in the landscape from Precambrian to
the dedicated efforts of DNR; many, many partners; and contributions from the public, the Ice Age.
there were 18 breeding pairs established by 1998. And in 2007, 113 breeding pairs in 19 Meet promptly at 8:00 a.m. to carpool
counties were tallied. from the Madison area at the Copps food
The Osprey, listed as state endangered in 1972 and currently as threatened, was one store on the north side of Century Ave in
of several bird species whose populations were decimated by DDT and DDE. In the Middleton Heights, about a mile west of
early 1970s, the state’s nesting population numbered fewer than 100 pairs. The recov- Allen Blvd. or join the group at 9:00 a.m.
ery goal for Ospreys was to increase the number of known active nests to 300 and to at Rosnow Meadows on the west side
maintain statewide production at a minimum of 1.2 young per active nest. By 2007, of Hwy 113 just south of where the east
there were 480 active Osprey nests identified, and productivity has held steady at 1.18 end of South Shore Road leaves Devil’s
young per active nest for the past 7 years. At least 84% of Osprey nests occur on “man- Lake State Park and joins Hwy 113. From
made” structures, however, and most of these require periodic maintenance, repair, Sauk City take Hwy 78 north to Hwy 113.
and replacement. Natural nesting habitat for this species remains a scarce resource in Turn north about two miles to Rosnow
the state. Meadows. Or take Hwy 113 from Dane
Written comments on the proposed rule may be submitted until Oct. 29 via U.S. mail
to Sumner Matteson, Bureau of Endangered Resources, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI
53707 or by e-mail to

Citizen-based Monitoring Conference

The fifth annual Citizen-based Monitoring Conference will take place Friday-
Saturday, Oct. 24-25 at Stoney Creek Inn in Onalaska, WI. Madison Audubon is one of
several sponsors of this conference focused on “citizens and scientists working together
to monitor Wisconsin’s natural resources.” For more information, see http://wiatri.

Harrier by Jack Barthomai

The Audubon CAWS 4 October 2008
County across the Merrimac ferry and fol-
low Hwy 113 to Rosnow Meadows. Bring
sturdy footware, lunch, water and dress
appropriately for the weather.

Sunday, Oct. 26: Scope Day and Miracles

of Migration at Goose Pond
Join us at Goose Pond as we celebrate
the Miracles of Migration. Enjoy all the
activities of this special event, or simply
come for scope viewing during the late

Sandhill Cranes by Pat Ready

fall migration when swans are most likely
to be present. Spotting scopes will be set
up along Prairie Lane for visitor use on
Sunday afternoon from 1-5 p.m. Members
will be on hand to help locate and identify
waterfowl on the pond. If the weather is
inclement the scopes will not be set up.
See accompanying article for directions,
or check the website for a map. If you
have questions, call Dorothy Haines at Miracles of Migration
(608) 221-1948, or the MAS office.
Audubon Adventure Day
Sunday, Oct. 26, 1-5 p.m.
 “Rain or Shine”

Goose Pond Sanctuary, W7503 Kampen Rd.,

Arlington, Wisconsin
Bring the whole family to Goose Pond Sanctuary to celebrate the Miracles of
Whether you are six or ninety-six, or somewhere in between, you will enjoy
an afternoon filled with meaningful nature activities and just plain fun. All
 Saturday, Nov.1: Lake Michigan Birding activities are free!
Join us as we bird Lake Michigan and Check out the scopes on Goose Pond, with a team of expert birders and
its shoreline. This trip is timed to coin- Audubon historians on hand. Last fall, we viewed and identified hundreds of
cide with the migration of hawks and birds representing 18 species, including numerous ducks, Canada Geese, hawks,
waterfowl through Milwaukee and pheasants, cranes and Tundra Swans. Because of record-breaking rains and the
Ozaukee counties. We will be scoping the high water table, we expect to see even more waterfowl this year. 
lake for specialties like Surf, Black and
White-winged Scoters, Long-tailed Duck, Experience:
Harlequin Duck and Red-throated Loon. • The natural magic of the prairie, through small group walks, bird watching,
If the weather cooperates we will have and seed collecting tours 
excellent views of migrant hawks from • Live mammal, reptile, and insect exhibits
some of the lakeside bluffs. Unusual rap- • Building your own bird’s nest, and engaging in a variety of kid-friendly,
tors seen from the hawk watch in past hands-on environmental activities 
years include Merlin, Peregrine Falcon, • A presentation by sanctuary managers Mark and Sue Martin, “Past History,
Rough-legged Hawk and Goshawk. Be Present Happenings, and Future Plans for Goose Pond Sanctuary”
sure to dress for the weather and bring
a scope if you have one. A high ratio of From bird calls to butterflies, we promise you a day of delightful engagement
scopes to people will make this trip more in our natural world.  Re-activate your sense of wonder at “Miracles of
enjoyable for everyone. We will meet to Migration.” See you on the Prairie! 
carpool in the middle of the parking lot Directions: From Madison, take Highway 51 north. Turn left (west) on Hwy.
of the east side Cub Foods at 6:30 a.m. K at Leeds and go about two miles; when K curves to the left, turn right onto
From Hwy 30 take Hwy 51 (Stoughton Goose Pond Rd.; turn left on Prairie Lane to view the waterfowl. For wildlife
Road) north to Nakoosa Tr., turn right and displays and activities, return to Goose Pond Rd. and turn left (north). Proceed
proceed east to Cub Foods. We will return to Kampen Rd. and turn left, then to the first drive, just across the railroad
to Cub Foods between 4:30 and 6 p.m. If tracks. Park behind the barn.
you have questions, contact Aaron at (608)
Questions? Contact Nancy Hylbert:, (608) 271-0956. 
294-9618 or

The Audubon CAWS 5 October 2008

Bat Surveys: Area. We were greeted with thunder and lightning when we
arrived at 9 p.m. to unload the canoe. We called Dave Redell who
Goose Pond and Erstad Prairie recommended we wait a few minutes since weather radar indi-
cated that the storm would soon move out of the area.
By Mark Martin and Brand Smith
We had the good fortune to survey bats this summer in That night we walked one-fourth mile and canoed about three
Columbia County. The Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources miles. We found 14 bat passes of which some could have been the
loans volunteers a bat monitoring unit that includes a same bat on the pond at Erstad Prairie and in the upland fields.
bat detector, PDA (computer), and GPS (location device) An interesting experience was canoeing about a fourth mile on the
attachment. Dave Redell, WDNR Bat Ecologist, recommended flooded Harvey Road. We did not have to worry about vehicles
we explore different habitats since bat surveys in Wisconsin since the road was closed due to high water.
only began this year and there is very limited knowledge on The next part of the adventure was canoeing the large marsh.
bat diversity and habitat use. We put in at the curve and decided to survey south along the west
In Columbia County, the bat species commonly found in the shore and then north along the east shore. A pleasant surprise
summer seasons are big and little brown bats, and northern while crossing the marsh to the west shore was finding large
long-eared bats, which are most known for their occupancy numbers of bats over the open water. Bats were found whenever
of artificial bat houses and human dwellings. Other bats that we found good numbers of moths, both far from shore and near
occur in Columbia County during the summer season include shore. Another storm moved into the area about 11 p.m. and we
the tree roosting bats, the eastern red bat and the hoary bat, quickly headed for the vehicle. We ended up recording 78 bat
known for their cryptic coloration and distinct ability to blend passes.
into the foliage. The hoary bat is the largest bat in Wisconsin We surveyed Goose Pond on August 2. Conditions were ideal
with a 14-inch wingspan. again with low winds. This time we walked around the two
The “bat unit” detects ultrasound (above the range of human Audubon houses, the Manthe farmstead, through or along two
hearing) noise and then produces sound that is audible to prairie restorations, and on the railroad tracks. The rest of the time
human hearing that allows one to hear the variations of a bat we canoed the wetland restoration west of the railroad tracks,
call. The bat unit also allows you to see the call pattern on the and on both sides of Goose Pond Road. High water allowed us
computer, save the call, and later identify the species and plot to canoe in cropland and prairie restorations that were under two
the location. Depending on the weather and the frequency feet of water.
that a bat utilizes (low or high), the bat unit can detect a bat Bats were found around the residences and the only two red bat
as far as 60 feet away. If a bat is in range for only a very short passes were found at the Manthe farmstead where they might
period, the species cannot be identified, just that the individual have been feeding on insects attracted to a yard light. When
is either a high or low frequency bat. One can hear the bats canoeing we found large numbers of bats and the bat detector was
echolocate and then call faster once they lock on and pursue sounding off much of the time.
their prey. We ended up recording 188 bat passes and probably covered
Mark and Sue Martin conducted the first ever bat survey in less than 20% of the wetland area. The final count included 35
Columbia County in mid-July on their restored wetland near big brown passes , 7 hoary bat passes, and 36 low frequency
Wyocena by walking a wetland berm, lanes and road. It takes bat passes. On the higher end of the frequency scale were 68
a little time to get used to the equipment, especially in the dark. little brown bat passes (Myotis), 2 eastern red bats passes, and
However, after the first night we felt confident we could canoe 40 unknown high frequency bat passes.
while surveying. We knew that there were bats in our buildings but were
On July 19 Brand Smith and Mark Martin set out to survey bats surprised to find the large number of big and little brown bats.
at Erstad Prairie and Schoeneberg Marsh Waterfowl Production Although Goose Pond has little cover in the form of trees, it
was a pleasant surprise to find two tree bat species (eastern
red and hoary bat) foraging in the area. On both surveys we
thought that mosquitoes would be a problem but found low
numbers and did not need any repellant.
We are looking forward to conducting future surveys to learn
more about the abundance and diversity of these interesting

Donations received in August

In Memory of Susan Connell-Magee
Kevin Magee

Emily Earley

Little Brown Bat Myotis

The Audubon CAWS 6 October 2008

Membership, Renewal and Donation Form
Join Madison Audubon Society, or give a New membership
Address _ ______________________________
gift membership. [ ] $25 New or Gift $_________
City_ __________________________________
State_____ ZIP__________________________ Renewal _________
TIME TO RENEW? [ ] $25 Student/senior
Check your Madison Audubon CAWS ad- Day phone: ( )_______________________
[ ] $60 Family
dress label to determine your renewal date. E-mail_ ________________________________
[ ] $40 Renewal
Please renew two months before that date [ ] $20 CAWS newsletter Only
to keep your membership current and avoid YES! I want to (non-member)
missing any issues of the CAWS. ___ Join
 Madison Audubon Over and Above Member _________
Tip: Renewing through the MAS office Society [ ] Patron $1,000
directs more of your donation to local [ ] Benefactor $500
activities and conservation projects. ___ Give a gift membership to: [ ] Partner $250
Update: We now send an annual renewal Name _________________________________ [ ] Contributor $100
notice. In the future we plan to offer a re-
Address _ ______________________________ Donation _________
newal option via the MAS website.
City_ __________________________________ [ ] Acre-Maker, $2,500 or more
State_____ ZIP__________________________ can purchase and restore
MAKE A DONATION one acre of land
Help make Madison Audubon’s vision a Day phone: ( )_______________________
[ ] Half-Acre-Maker, $1,250-$2,499
reality. We offer education about the natural E-mail_ ________________________________
[ ] Quarter-Acre-Maker, $625-$1,249
world, opportunities to advocate for the en- [ ] Adopt-an-Acre, $100 a year for
vironment, and two wildlife sanctuaries with ___ Renew/upgrade my membership
three years ($300 total). Here is
natural habitat where you can learn about my first installment.
___ Make a donation
the beauty and value of nature. [ ] Nest Egg, $50 a year for three
[ ] In memory of _______________________
years ($150 total). Here is my
MAIL TO: [ ] In honor of _________________________
first installment.
222 S. Hamilton St., Suite #1 Please send notification of this gift to: Total enclosed/charged $_________
Madison, WI 53703 Name _________________________________ Please make check payable to
Address _ ______________________________ Madison Audubon Society,
Madison Audubon Society, Inc. is a tax- City_ __________________________________ OR please charge my
exempt, not-for-profit organization under State_____ ZIP__________________________ [ ] VISA [ ] Master Card
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Day phone: ( )_______________________
Code. Donations are tax deductible to the Name on card _______________________________
E-mail_ ________________________________
extent allowed by law. Madison Audubon’s
Card # _____________________________________
financial statement is available upon
request. [ ] Please do not acknowledge my Expiration date _______/ _________
Gift in Madison Audubon CAWS.
Signature __________________________________

THE AUDUBON CAWS is published

MADISON AUDUBON SOCIETY September through June by: Madison Audubon Wishlist
President: Stan Druckenmiller Madison Audubon Society, We greatly appreciate any
Vice-president: Debra Weitzel 222 S. Hamilton St., Madison, WI 53703, donations, or contributions, for the
Goose Pond resident managers: (608) 255-2473. following items.
Mark and Sue Martin Birding hotline, 255-2476.
Faville Grove Sanctuary managers: • Quality binoculars
David Musolf, Roger Packard • Digital (LCD) projector
Editor: Patrick Ready E-mail services donated by Berbee
• Mule utility vehicle
The mission of the Madison Audubon •Rider mower in working
Graphic design: Patrick Ready
Society is to educate our members and condition
the public about the natural world and the
CAWS printer: Roemer Printing • Energy efficient refrigerator and
threats that natural systems are facing,
washing machine
to engage in advocacy to preserve and
Submissions for the November CAWS
protect these systems, and to develop and • Household/office/patio
are due October 1st.
maintain sanctuaries to save and restore furniture in good condition
natural habitat.

The Audubon CAWS 7 October 2008

Madison Audubon Society, Inc.
Stan Druckenmiller, President
222 S. Hamilton St. Suite #1
Madison, WI 53703

Surveying Bats at Goose Pond

see page 6 10/08

Events of interest
MAS Calendar
At a Glance Token Creek Conservancy Fall Fling
Saturday, Oct. 18, 9 a.m. -Noon,
Field Trips The Token Creek Conservancy, at 3667 Egre Road, Deforest.
Sat. Oct. 11: Songbirds of Pheasant There will be donuts and cider, and for each person attending a dollar cou-
Branch Conservancy, p. 4 pon off the ticket price to the great Gary Mayr Corn Maze and pumkin patch
that is the community’s favorite and is across the street from the entry to the
Sat. Oct. 18: Ice Age Trail Tour, p. 4 Conservancy...A great family event. The entire Conservancy event is free, and
Sun. Oct. 26: Miracles of Migra- there is no rain date. For more info call (608) 837-2758.
tion/Scope Day at GP, p. 5
Birds in Art
Sun. Nov. 1: Lake Michigan Sept. 6-Nov. 9
Birding, p. 5 The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau
Admission to the museum, at Franklin and 12th Streets in Wausau, is always
Meetings free. Hours are Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Thursday during “Birds in
Art,” 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, Noon to 5 p.m. (closed
Fri.-Sat. Oct 24-25: Citizen Monday and holidays). See for more information.
based Monitoring Conf., p. 4
Mon.-Wed. Oct. 27-29: Wind Birds Gone Wild:
Avian photography by Ron Pile
Wildlife Research, p. 4
Sept. 19 - Nov. 2
Robert Rae Gallery of Fine Art
184 W. Main St., Stoughton, WI
53589, 608-577-0177
Open seven days a week.

American White Pelican by Ron Pile

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