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The WHO Framework

Convention on Tobacco
Basilio Martins Pinto, SKM, MPH
July 2011 UNTL-VU Conference
On Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills for Timor-
Lestes Development
The process WHO FCTC
The international instrument for
Such as Guidelines, Declaration, an
international convention on tobacco
control, (Resolution WHA 48.11 in May
Resolution World Health
Assembly 48.11 in May 1995,
request the Director General to
report to the 49th WHA on the
feasibility of developing such an
international instrument for
tobacco control
On May 21, 2003 the 56th WHA
adopted the WHO Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control.

The convention was opened for

signature, from 16-22 June 2003
at WHO Geneva, then by UN HQ
in New York, from 30 June 03-
39 June 2004.
The WHO Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control
is an evidence-based treaty that
affirms the right of all people to
the highest standard of health.
is to protect present and future
generations from the devastating
health, social, environmental and
consequences of tobacco
consumption and exposure to
tobacco smoke.cont
By providing a framework for tobacco control
measures to be implemented by the Parties at
the National, regional and international levels
in order to reduce continually and
substantially the prevalence of tobacco use
and exposure to tobacco smoke.
The convention is subjected to:
formal confirmation or
General obligations
1. The members state should developed,
implement, periodically update and review
comprehensive multisectoral national
strategies, plans, and programs for tobacco
2. Establish national coordination mechanism
or focal point for tobacco control and adopt,
implement effective legislative, executive,
administrative, other measures
General obligations
2. Developed policies for preventing and
reducing tobacco consumption, nicotine
addiction and exposure to tobacco smoke.
3. Protect the policies from commercial and
interests of the tobacco industry by national
4. International cooperation for financial
support and technical expertise.
Measures to reduce
demand for tobacco
1. Price and tax
2. Non price measures :
Protection from exposure to tobacco smoke
Regulation of the contents of tobacco products
Regulation of tobacco product disclosures
Packaging and labeling of tobacco products
Education, communication, training and public
Measures to reduce
demand for tobacco

Non price measures :

Tobacco advertising, promotion and
Demand reduction measures concerning tobacco
dependence and cessation
Measures to reduce
supply for tobacco

Illicit trade
Sales to and by minors
Provision of support for economically viable
alternative activities
Where/what are now?
1. Timor-Lestes Parliament Resolution
No.23/2004 December 29th, 2004
2. Government Decree Law_2006
3. The Ministry of Health Circular

However.Are these legal binding taken an

What are the next steps..?

In addition to above steps:

A more effective legislations, executive,
administrative and other measures are
needed in according with the parties
obligations particularly the member state.
What are the next steps..?

A multisectoral approach and collaboration

both within the country level and
international organizations support are
primarily important, in order to implement
the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco
Thank you

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