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International Journal of Pavement Engineering

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Rutting performance evaluation of asphalt mix with

different types of geosynthetics using MMLS3
a b c
Jusang Lee , Y. Richard Kim & Jaejun Lee
Division of Research and Development, Indiana Department of Transportation, P.O. Box
2279, 1205 Montgomery Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Campus Box 7908,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7908, USA
Department of Civil Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju-City, Jeonbuk,
Republic of Korea
Published online: 29 Oct 2014.

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To cite this article: Jusang Lee, Y. Richard Kim & Jaejun Lee (2014): Rutting performance evaluation of asphalt
mix with different types of geosynthetics using MMLS3, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI:

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International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2014

Rutting performance evaluation of asphalt mix with different types of geosynthetics

using MMLS3
Jusang Leea*, Y. Richard Kimb1 and Jaejun Leec2
Division of Research and Development, Indiana Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 2279, 1205 Montgomery Street, West
Lafayette, IN 47906, USA; bDepartment of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Campus Box 7908, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7908, USA; cDepartment of Civil Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju-City, Jeonbuk,
Republic of Korea
(Received 30 July 2013; accepted 16 July 2014)

This paper presents an evaluation of the rutting performance of geosynthetics in asphalt pavements. The rutting performance
of both a fibreglass geogrid and a sheet reinforcement material were evaluated using the third-scale model mobile loading
simulator (MMLS3). The surface profile of each type of reinforced slab (and a control slab) was monitored and compared.
To investigate movement of the mixtures caused by MMLS3 loading as well as the interfaces of the reinforcements in the
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asphalt slabs, trench cuts were made once the MMLS3 rutting tests were complete. The results demonstrated that
reinforcement can reduce downward ruts and that different types of reinforcement exhibited different shear flow behaviour.
The geogrid-reinforced slabs showed the shallowest ruts and the most shear flow resistance due to the tension resistance of
the geogrid. They exhibited confinement and increased friction due to the aggregate particles that were locked in the geogrid
openings. The sheet-reinforced slabs exhibited the highest shear flow humps due to the lack of interlocking and bonding
strength at the rutting test temperature. In addition, the geogrid openings, which were supposed to provide interlocking and
anchoring, in fact generated a relatively high volume of voids at the interface between lifts. Further research is needed to
evaluate the effects of high air voids at the lift interface on pavement performance.
Keywords: fibreglass geogrid; fibreglass sheet; geosynthetic; accelerated pavement testing; third-scale model mobile
loading simulator; rutting

Introduction strength and the strand thickness. Bonding of the

With the availability of many types of geosynthetic reinforced layer is generated by the adhesion between
reinforcement products on the market and a wide variety the surface of the reinforcement and the asphalt cement of
of design conditions, the reinforcement of asphalt the mixture or in the tack coat (Hozayen et al. 1993).
pavement has become a feasible alternative to current Geosynthetics have been used successfully in new
paving practices that do not incorporate such products. pavements and in reconstruction in order to improve the
In general, the intended functions of reinforcement are to condition of the subgrade (Ling and Mohri 2001). In terms
reduce cracking and rutting in order to extend the life of a of rehabilitation and maintenance, mainly including
pavement and/or to decrease the asphalt layer thickness. structural or functional asphalt overlays, the general
The use of geogrids to reinforce asphalt pavements can purpose of the geosynthetic application is to retard
result in reduced surface rutting by a factor of two or more reflective cracks from moving from an existing or milled
and can increase the fatigue life up to four or five times surface to a new asphalt overlay. For such an application,
(Hozayen et al. 1993). the geosynthetic reinforcement is located at an interface
Different types of reinforcement have different between the existing layer and the asphalt overlay. Many
reinforcing mechanisms. Geogrid and sheet types of literatures have supported the geosynthetic effectiveness
reinforcement are governed primarily by confinement/ and mechanism for retarding cracks. However, the new
interlocking and bonding mechanisms, respectively. The American Association of State Highway and Transpor-
confinement/interlocking mechanism originates from tation Officials (AASHTO) Design Guide has not
resistance created between the mesh openings and the considered the use of geosynthetics in pavement structural
aggregate of the asphalt mixture. This mechanism is designs without local calibration (2008).
affected mainly by the size of the geogrid openings with In addition to cracking, rutting and shear flowing
respect to the maximum aggregate size, the ratio of the (hump) are other major distresses found in asphalt
strand area to the total area of the geogrid, the strand pavements. Most of literatures for the rutting performance

*Corresponding author. Email:

q 2014 Taylor & Francis
2 J. Lee et al.

with the geosynthetics are related to unbound materials in one of the most commonly used surface course mixes in
pavements. There is little information for the asphalt rutting North Carolina for traffic , 3 million equivalent single
performance and no information for the asphalt shear flow axle load and is composed of aggregate with a 9.5-mm
performance with the geosynthetics. Chang et al. (1998) nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS) and perform-
evaluated the rutting performance using a hydraulic load on ance grade (PG) 64-22 binder. The mix contained 5.7% of
geogrid-reinforced asphalt beams on a rubber plate at 228C binder content and 16.7% of VMA@Ndes. A dynamic
and found that the rutting of the geogrid-reinforced beams modulus of the mix was performed and its master curve
was greater than that of an unreinforced beam. Virgili et al. was developed in accordance with AASHTO R 62-13
(2009) proposed the rutting performance model for (2014) as shown in Table 1. Cationic rapid setting-2 (CRS-
geogrids based on the flexural behaviour of bilayer 2) emulsion, one of the tack coat materials recommended
bituminous systems and tested the model by means of a in the North Carolina Department of Transportation
four-point bending test under repeated load cycles at 20 and standard specifications, was selected and obtained from
608C. Khodaii et al. assessed the effects of geogrid Asphalt Emulsion, Inc. in Dunn, North Carolina.
inclusion using a hydraulic dynamic loading on an asphalt For the reinforcing materials in the asphalt overlays,
pavement overlaid on top of a crack in a concrete or asphalt two geosynthetic products, a fibreglass geogrid and a
pavement at 208C. The study found a significant reduction sheet, were employed. The geogrid was knit manufactured
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in the rutting in reinforced samples compared to and composed of fibreglass strands coated with an acrylic
unreinforced samples (Khodaii et al. 2009). polymer and self-adhesive glue. The sheet was a multi-ply
It is well known that critical temperature and stress sheet reinforcement composed of asphalt, silica sand and
conditions for the asphalt rutting and shear flowing are fibreglass resin. Their properties are summarised in
present near the pavement surface. Thus, understanding Table 2.
the effects of geosynthetics on the performance of overlay
under wheel loads is imperative to assist in the selection of
appropriate geosynthetic types and in the design of a Asphalt slab construction
geosynthetic-reinforced asphalt overlay. Figure 1 presents a schematic diagram of the laboratory-
The primary objective of this research was to evaluate fabricated slab used for accelerated testing with the
the rutting and shearing performance of the geogrid and third-scale model mobile loading simulator (MMLS3).
sheet materials used to reinforce asphalt overlays using a In order to determine dimensions of an asphalt test slab,
one-third scale accelerated pavement testing. A rutting test trial MMLS3 tests and a stress analysis using a multilayer
protocol developed at North Carolina State University was elastic solution were performed in consideration of
utilised (Lee 2004). The interface mechanisms of the preventing the boundary effects of the mould from
reinforcements were investigated by observing digital affecting the stress distribution in the slab. Stress influence
images obtained from trench cuts. width and depth by a static MMLS3 load in the analysis
and by moving MMLS3 loads in the trial tests were
similarly observed to be approximately 400 and 80 mm,
respectively. The slab dimensions were determined to be
Materials and slab construction
559 mm wide, 1473 mm long and 114 mm thick based on
Materials the influence zone, test sample collections and MMLS3
An S9.5B mix obtained from Carolina Sunrock in Apex, test slab constructability. Each slab consisted of three lifts.
North Carolina was reheated to fabricate the asphalt test Lift thickness was determined to be 38.1 mm by a good
slabs. It should be noted that even though this study rule-of-thumb that the depth of the compacted lift should
comparatively evaluated the geosynthetic effects on the be at least twice the maximum aggregate size and three
single mix source, there is an effect of the reheating times the NMAS (The asphalt handbook 2007).
process possibly causing the mix to have greater modulus Typical functional asphalt overlay works are milling
and rutting resistance (Al-Qadi et al. 2012). This mix is 25 mm of existing surface and overlaying on it with

Table 1. Coefficients of dynamic modulus master curve.

Parameters of the binder

viscosity temperature Shift function
relationship coefficients Sigmoidal coefficients
A VTS c d a b g
10.55788 2 3.52561 1.30928 3.71015 2.94808 2 1.69297 0.510854
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 3

Table 2. Properties of reinforcement.

Property Geogrid Property Sheet

Tensile strength (MD XD) 115 115 KN/m Tensile strength (ASTM Standard D 412 2013) 68 KN/m
(ASTM Standard 6637 2011)
Elongation (ASTM Standard 6637 2011) 2.5% Elongation (ASTM Standard D 412 2013) 20%
Thickness 1.0 mm Thickness 2.0 mm
Grid aperture opening 25 mm
Notes: MD, machine direction tensile strength; XD, cross-machine direction tensile strength.

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MMLS3 Wheel


Reinforcement + Tack coat



11.4 3.8


Tack coat
1.3 55.9

Figure 1. Cross-section of pavement structure (unit: cm, not to scale).

36.1 mm of new asphalt surface course (9.5 mm NMAS). set at a lowered level and two passes with vibrating
Accordingly, the geosynthetics were installed between the compaction were applied in order to make an even surface
top two lifts as shown in Figure 1. level between the compacted asphalt and the mould
Figure 2 presents the procedures for the asphalt slab top. For the second lift, the compacted asphalt was cured
construction and reinforcement installation. The asphalt for about 24 h, and 0.22 l/m2 of CRS-2 emulsion, heated to
slabs were constructed and tested directly on a steel plate. 708C, was sprayed on the first lift using a hand gun sprayer.
The amount of loose mixture using 2.534 of theoretical For the control slab (without reinforcement), the top lift
maximum specific gravity and 2.357 of bulk specific was constructed using the same compaction procedure
gravity for 7% of air voids was calculated to be 73.93 kg used for the second lift. For the reinforced slabs, either the
for filling a mould which is 559 mm wide, 1473 mm long geogrid or the sheet was installed between the top and
and 38.1 mm thick. The asphalt mix was heated to 1458C second lifts in each slab and adhered with adhesive on the
in an oven, placed in the 15 divided areas of the mould and bottom of each slab type. Then, the CRS-2 tack coat was
raked to level the mixture. A steel drum MMLS3 roller applied on top of the second lift. To monitor the
was used for the mix compaction. Eight static roller passes temperature of the slabs, four thermocouples were
4 J. Lee et al.
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Figure 2. MMLS3 rutting test: (a) installation of geogrid; (b) installation of sheet; (c) slab in MMLS3 chamber; (d) top view of slab after
MMLS3 rutting test; (e) MMLS3; and (f) MMLS3 test set-up.

installed at each interface, from the steel base to the top responses (Lee 2004). The mean value of the maximum
lift, as shown in Figure 2. dynamic loads from the four wheels was approximately
3.57 kN. The contact area was approximately 30 cm2 from
the footprint of one MMLS3 wheel inflated to 700 kPa.
MMLS3 test procedure Previous study on the MMLS3 similitude showed that
The MMLS3 is a scaled-down accelerated pavement- differences of viscoelastic and dynamic inertia effects
testing device that has been used successfully to evaluate between the MMLS3 and full-scale load conditions are
the performance of various asphalt pavements. It is a third- nearly negligible (Lee 2004). It is noteworthy that in order
scale unidirectional vehicle load simulator that uses a to minimise the potential scale influence on a material
continuous loop for trafficking, as shown in Figure 2(e). geometry, including the aggregate, the reinforcements and
It comprises four bogies with only one wheel per bogie. the asphalt slabs, this study mainly performed comparison
These wheels are pneumatic tires that are 30 cm in tests of relative rutting developments for the different
diameter, approximately one-third the diameter of a reinforcement conditions.
standard truck tyre. PG design temperature using binder selection soft-
The wheels were circulated at a rate of 1.67 Hz, which ware, LTPPBIND 3.1 was determined to be 52.98C at 50%
was equivalent to 5500 wheel applications per hour. reliability at 38.1 mm depth of pavement from mean
On the other hand, the dynamic loading frequency of average maximum air temperature for the hottest 7-day
3.3 Hz, where one period consisted of loading of 0.3 s and period from longer than 20 years of weather station data at
rest of 0.3 s, in action was measured by strain gauge Raleigh-Durham International Airport. Two testing
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 5

temperatures of 40 and 52.98C were selected to study their Two different rut depths were measured: the down-
rutting performance differences. However due to a limited ward rut depth was measured from the downward
capacity of the MMLS3 chamber heater, target testing displacement on the surface of the trafficked area, and
temperature of 52.98C was reduced to 508C. the total rut depth was measured from the top of the shear
Five slabs were constructed and tested: two slabs with flow hump to the bottom of the downward displacement.
and without the geogrid at 408C and three slabs with and The total rut depth provided a more realistic indication of
without the geogrid and the sheet at 508C. The test the pavements rideability than the downward rut depth.
temperature was controlled by using the temperature At the end of the MMLS3 testing, cores 152 mm in
diameter were sampled from different areas: 10 samples
measured from the interface between the top and middle
were taken from outside the shear flow area, 10 samples
lifts. The transverse profiles were measured periodically at
were taken from the shear flow area and 5 samples were
five different locations (see Figure 2(c)), expressed by a taken from the trafficked area. The bulk-specific gravities
range of points from C0 to C4, from G0 to G4 or from P0 of these cores were measured using the Corelock vacuum
to P4 for the control, the geogrid and the sheet slabs, method in accordance with ASTM Standard D 6752
respectively. The profilometer provided a comparison of (2011).
the initial measurements taken at the surface of the asphalt To investigate the mechanisms of the reinforcements,
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concrete layer with the measurements taken at intervals digital images were obtained from trench sections. After
during testing. In this study, a Mitutoyo profilometer with the MMLS3 rutting tests, three trench cuts were made for
RS-232C communication was used and consisted of a each slab as well as additional sample cuts for the air void
measurement stand and a vertical reader unit. The stem of tests. An image scanner was used to maintain consistent
the vertical reader slid freely in a slot to obtain the rut quality of the digital images.
depth reading. The transverse profile measurements were
taken every 10 mm with a tolerance of ^ 2 mm. The
loading histories and the profile measurement periods were Results and discussion
kept constant amongst the different slabs. Air void distribution
Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of a typical cross-
After the MMLS3 testing was conducted, the air void
section of an asphalt test slab after the rutting test. The distribution was studied in order to evaluate slab-to-slab
trafficked area is the wheel path area. The shear flow area variability. Fifteen samples were obtained from the top
represents the area on either side of the rut, where humps lifts of the trafficked area, shear flow area and edge area at
normally appear. Humps are created as the material is the five transverse profile locations, as shown in Table 3.
displaced outwards from under the wheel load due to shear The slabs were constructed with 7% target air voids. After
flow of the material. The edge area is the area where no approximately 380,000 MMLS3 wheel loads at 508C, the
vertical displacement is observed. slabs average air void percentages at the edge areas where

Figure 3. Schematic of cross-section of rutted asphalt slab (not to scale).

6 J. Lee et al.

Table 3. Air void distribution of slabs. not statistically different (P-value 0.588), indicating
relatively consistent slab construction quality.
Shear Shear
Edge flow Wheel flow Edge Table 3 clearly shows each mixtures densification
Location area area path area area with the reduction of air voids in the trafficked areas.
Slab ID (left) (left) area (right) (right) Another observation is the air void contents were lower in
the shear flow area than in the edge areas, except the air
Control C0 7.1 7.3 3.7 6.2 6.1
C1 7.6 6.6 3.3 6.8 7.7 voids in the case of the sheet slab. In order to confirm the
C2 6.9 6.6 3.2 6.9 8.4 observation, air void differences of the shear flow area
C3 5.9 5.6 3.1 7.5 8.1 from the edge area were calculated. Averages and ranges
C4 7.1 6.6 3.0 7.0 7.5 of the differences were plotted in Figure 4. P-value
Geogrid G0 8.0 7.8 3.9 7.3 8.2 (, 0.05) confirms that the air void difference of the sheet
G1 8.4 7.6 3.6 7.2 7.7
G2 7.2 6.8 3.6 6.3 6.4 slob is significantly different from the other slabs. The
G3 7.5 7.6 4.7 7.2 7.0 increased air void content in the shear flow area of the
G4 7.8 7.5 4.5 6.7 7.0 sheet slab may be explained by the tall humps in the shear
Sheet P0 7.4 8.2 4.0 7.8 6.5 flow area. Too much shear flow over the sheet slab and the
P1 7.5 8.9 3.7 8.5 7.1 resulting disturbance of the material may have caused
P2 6.9 7.9 3.7 7.7 7.1
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P3 6.9 8.0 4.3 8.1 7.0 micro- and macro-cracking, which would increase the air
P4 7.6 8.0 4.3 8.4 8.6 void content.

wheel loads were not applied were 7.2%, 7.5% and 7.3% Effect of reinforcements on rutting performance at 408C
for the control, geogrid and sheet slabs, respectively. The downward rut performance of both the control and the
These air voids at the edge areas among three slabs were geogrid slabs was evaluated at 408C. Figure 5 presents the

Figure 4. Air void differences of the shear flow area from the edge area.

Figure 5. Comparison of rut depth growth at 408C.

International Journal of Pavement Engineering 7

average downward rut depths of the five locations. demarcation of the interface between the lifts on the cut
In general, slightly more severe rutting was observed in the section of the control slab. However, the geogrid slab
control slab than in the geogrid slab, although the showed visible interface at the geogrid location, and a
variability among the measurements made the difference geogrid interface deformation was minimal.
statistically insignificant (P-value 0.067). Thus, the top layer above the reinforcement mainly
The rutting with respect to the depth of the slabs tested contributed to the rutting measured on the geogrid slab
at 408C was investigated from the trench cut sections of the surface. Accordingly, the testing conditions including the
slabs as shown in Figure 6. There was no clear 408C test temperature and the 38-mm top lift thickness
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Figure 6. Section views of slab tested at 408C: (a) control slab and (b) geogrid slab.

Figure 7. Comparison of average rut depth growth at 508C: (a) downward rut depth and (b) total rut depth.
8 J. Lee et al.
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Figure 8. Comparison of transverse profiles of slabs at 380K MMLS3 loads at location 3 (not to scale).

simulating the typical thickness and the geogrid location Effect of reinforcements on rutting performance at 508C
resulted in a rutting influence depth that was too shallow to Figure 7(a) presents the average downward rut depths of
reach the reinforcement. In other words, the depth of the the five locations on the slabs in terms of MMLS3 loads.
geogrid cannot fully activate the stresses and strains and The geogrid slab and the control slab showed the best and
hence its true function. Therefore, the effectiveness of the the worst performance for the downward rutting,
grid on rutting performance could not be properly respectively. However, the downward rutting performance
evaluated at 408C. between the geogrid slab and the sheet slab was not
significantly different (P-value 0.071). In the total rut
depth performance as shown in Figure 7(b), the geogrid
Table 4. Effectiveness of reinforcements at 508C.
slab showed the best performance and the others
Control Grid Sheet performed similarly (P-value 0.536). Figure 8 indicates
the typical transverse profile of rutting on the slabs at
Downward rut ratio 1.00 0.74 0.85
Total rut depth ratio 1.00 0.75 0.97 380,000 MMLS3 loads. The geogrid slab presented the
shallowest depression in the wheel path area and the

MMLS3 wheel

Shear flow with

Shear flow without


Figure 9. Diagram of shear flows for reinforcements.

International Journal of Pavement Engineering 9

Table 5. Comparison of shear flow and rut areas. rutting but higher humps than seen in the control slab.
These findings caused a significant reduction in downward
Control Grid Sheet
rut depth (15% reduction) with the use of the sheet
Shear Shear Shear reinforcement, but an insignificant reduction in the total
flow Rut flow Rut flow Rut rut depth (3% reduction). In conclusion, a comparison of
area area area area area area the data presented in Figure 8 and Table 4 clearly
(mm2) (mm2) (mm2) (mm2) (mm2) (mm2)
demonstrated the beneficial effect of the geogrid
Average 458 1021 252 792 544 810 reinforcement in reducing the rut depth, regardless of the
Ratio 0.45 1.00 0.32 1.00 0.67 1.00 method used for taking the rut depth measurements such as
downward rut depth versus total rut depth.
These observations can be explained by the different
shortest humps. The control slab and the sheet slab mechanisms that were integral to the geogrid and sheet
performed the deepest depression and the tallest humps, reinforcement methods. The rutting of asphalt is caused by
volume densification and shear flow. A major cause of
rutting is the shear flow of the material under the load,
The effectiveness of the reinforcements is summarised
which in turn causes humps on either side of the rut. With
in Table 4, using the ratio of control to reinforcement in
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the sheet slab, the downward rutting is reduced by the

terms of rut depth at approximately 380K MMLS3 loads. reinforcements tension resistance. In this case, the sheet
The geogrid reinforcement not only reduced the downward completely separates the top and middle lifts and relies
rutting (26% reduction), but also reduced the height of the only on the bonding mechanism between the surface of the
humps in the shear flow area and, therefore, the total sheet and the asphalt cement of the mixture to prevent
downward rut depth (25% reduction). In contrast, the shear flow. However, at a rutting test temperature of 508C,
transverse profile of the sheet slab showed less downward a reinforcement sheets bond may not be sufficient to resist

Figure 10. Cross-sections of control slab after MMLS3 loading.

10 J. Lee et al.
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High air voids at the interface

Dense condition at the interface

Figure 11. Cross-sections of geogrid slab after MMLS3 loading.

the shear flow. Thus, the weak resistance to horizontal locked them inside the openings. Then, the aggregate
movement allows greater shear flow in the sheet slab than particles that sheared off provided resistance to the shear
in the geogrid slab. flow of the material. These beneficial mechanisms resulted
The shear flow of sheet slab caused relatively narrow in less downward rutting, smaller humps in the shear flow
but tall humps compared to the ones observed in the area and less total rutting, as seen in Figure 8.
control slab because the shear flow zone was shallow due Shear flow resistance was evaluated using the ratio of
to the confinement provided by the sheet. This rut area to shear flow area that was obtained from the
confinement effect is depicted in Figure 9. The sheet transverse profiles (see Figure 3). As indicated in Table 5,
reinforcement between the top and middle lifts blocked the the geogrid slab had the smallest rut area, the smallest
shear flow, reduced the size of the shear influence zone and shear flow area and the smallest shear flow area ratio of the
reduced the amount of material available for shear flow.
three slab types. These observations indicated that the
Because the geogrid location versus the sheet location was
geogrid slab also exhibited the most shear flow resistance
the same, the widths of their humps were also about the
of the three slabs. It is noteworthy that the sheet slab had a
same, as seen in Figure 8.
smaller rut area than the control slab, but a greater shear
In the geogrid slab, the vertical support from the
tension resistance of the geogrid reduced the rutting flow area than the control slab. A concern with this
somewhat, although this benefit may not be as great as in observation is that tall humps can cause more safety
the case of the sheet reinforcement due to the openings in hazards, even though with its relatively small downward
the geogrid. However, in the geogrid slab, the asphalt rut depth. The tall hump problem of the sheet slab can be
material was accommodated inside the grid openings solved by installing the sheet at greater depths. However,
during the materials densification, and anchor resistance this solution may negate the benefit of using the sheet
could then develop. The anchors served to confine the reinforcement because a thick overlay is needed on the
aggregate particles within the openings, and the rough sheet and more downward rutting can occur at shallower
interface that was created between the aggregate particles depths.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 11
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Figure 12. Cross-sections of sheet slab after MMLS3 loading.

Interface observations of these voids on pavement performance, which may

To evaluate the interfaces of each slab tested at 508C, their include cracking, delamination and damage due to water
cross-sections were observed using trench cuts. A clear infiltration. In addition, the trench cut of the geogrid slab in
demarcation of the interface between the lifts in the control Figure 11 does not show the clear shear flow hump
slab (Figure 10) was not evident, which indicates that a because of its relatively low height (around 1.3 mm).
proper aggregate particle interlock was formed during the As shown in Figure 12, the sheet interface completely
separates the asphalt materials and does not allow any
compaction and the MMLS3 test. The shear flow hump is
interlock between aggregate particles. However, the sheet
not clearly visible in Figure 10 due to its relatively wide
slab has a denser interface than the geogrid in the non-
shear flow area compared to the low hump height (around
wheel path area. The hump in Figure 12 is noticeable
2.0 mm).
because the sheet slab has the narrowest and highest hump
Figure 11 shows the cross-section of the geogrid slab
(around 3.0 mm) as shown in Figure 8.
with the longitudinal rib locations indicated by arrows.
Because some ribs were invisible, the arrows were placed
based on the spacing between adjacent apertures (25 mm)
and visible rib locations. The wheel load area had a dense
interface condition. This observation confirms the This study evaluated rutting in asphalt pavements using
existence of an anchor effect using the geogrid. However, the MMLS3 to test a control slab (without reinforcements),
loose lift connections on the non-wheel path area were a geogrid-reinforced slab and a sheet-reinforced slab. The
observed, indicating that the MMLS3 compaction method, following conclusions were drawn based on the limited
experimental work presented in this paper.
which yielded continuous lift connections with the control
slab, could form relatively large voids at the interfaces of . The results from the reinforced slabs not only
the geogrid. Further research is needed to assess the effects confirmed that reinforcement reduces downward rut
12 J. Lee et al.

depths, but also showed that different types of American Association of State Highway and Transportation
reinforcement exhibit different types of shear flow Officials (AASHTO), 2008. Mechanistic-empirical pave-
behaviour. ment design guide a manual of practice (Interim Edition).
Washington, DC: AASHTO.
. The geogrid-reinforced slab exhibited the shallow- AASHTO R 62-13, 2014. Standard practice for developing
est rut depth and the greatest shear flow resistance of dynamic modulus master curves for asphalt mixtures. In: The
the three slab types, possibly due to the tension American Association of State Highway and Transportation
resistance of the geogrid, and it also exhibited Officials standard specifications for transportation materials
confinement and increased friction due to the and methods of sampling and testing. 34th ed. Washington,
DC: AASHTO, R621 R628.
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