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(M.E. 648)

1. Use an univariate search method to find the optimum of the unconstrained

objective function U(x,y) given by:

U ( x, y ) 2 x y / 3 20 / xy
Use the starting value, x=y=1 and continue the iteration till the x and y vary less
than a small quantity, = 0.1. Show that you have obtained a minimum.

2. Use calculus method to obtain the minimum for the above problem and compare
the results.

3. A cylindrical storage tank is to be designed for storing hot water from a solar
energy collection system. The volume is given as 2 m3 and the surface area is to
be minimized in order to minimize the loss to the environment. Determine the
optimal dimension of the cylinder using golden search method.

4. For a fan-duct system, the objective function is the total cost given as:

U = F2/6 + 3D + 4/FD

Where, F is the fan capacity and D is the length of the duct.

Find out the minimum cost and the corresponding value of F and D using steepest
ascent/descent method.


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