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Multi-Genre Social Issue Unit

Rationale: This unit is a scaffolded multi-genre writing unit about social issues. It
will fall in December because the three different genres of writing used
argumentative, informational, and personal narrativewill be taught in the earlier
four months of the school year. The goal of this unit is for students to explore
social issues that affect the real world and their personal lives through their ability
to write in these different genres. By writing in multiple genres about issues that
affect them personally, the students will be able to find the connection between the
individual genres of writing, the writing processes, and themselves as peers in the
same classroom working towards the same goal. Students will learn the
significance of supporting arguments with evidence across genres and finding the
connectedness in these genres and arguments.

Key Learning Objectives:

Students will demonstrate application of multi-genre writing through the use

of argumentative, informational, and narrative aspects by writing a reflection
about a thought-provoking image based on prior knowledge; personal
opinions, thoughts, and ideas, and information provided during class.

Students will demonstrate understanding of vocabulary words by writing a

free-write that demonstrates their ability to use the words in context with a

Students will demonstrate analysis and support of a central theme in multiple

sources such as stories, news articles, and personal examples by creating a
multi-page website that shows their use of argumentative, informational, and
personal narrative writing.

Students will demonstrate appraisal and critiques of other students Weebly

websites by filling out the grade sheet for each of the other groups websites,
giving each group a certain point amount for each of the requirements and
providing a two-sentence justification with suggestions for revision and
Key Dates and Deadlines:

December 2nd: What do you see? worksheet

December 9th: 1-page multi-genre response paper to short story
December 19th: Draft of website for peer-editing (beginning of class)
December 19th: Peer editing worksheet (end of class)
December 21st 22nd: Final Website; Website presentations
December 23rd: Final Reflection



Participate in classroom discussions (Dec. 1-7)

Write free-writes at the beginning of the class (Dec. 1)


Respond to prompts at the end of class (Dec. 2, Dec. 5)

Respond to 1-page multi-genre response paper (Dec. 8-9)
Complete group website project (Dec. 12-21)
Complete group website presentation (Dec. 21-22)
Respond to final reflection (Dec. 23)
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3
Lesson Plan 1: Lesson Plan 1: What
Introduction and do you see?
demonstration walk- worksheet + sharing
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lesson Plan 2: pre- So What Are You, Short story pre- Begin 1-page multi- Finish and turn in 1-
teaching, spoken Anyway? By discussion worksheet genre response paper page multi-genre
word and free-write Lawrence Hill reading, and class discussion response paper
in-class annotations
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Lesson Plan 3: Work on website Work on website Work on website Work on website
website home page and real world page personal page final touches and
demonstration and theme page work cited page
group break up
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Lesson Plan 4: Final touches of Website Website Reflection paper in
Peer editing websites website presentations presentations class

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Teacher(s): Miss Graham Subject: 9th Grade English

Standard(s): Common Core, Arizona Career and College Ready Standards, ISTE Standards apply to this lesson

AZCCRS: 1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and
sufficient evidence.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. (910.W.1)
AZCCRS: 2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately
through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
a. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions...
d. Use precise language and domainspecific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic.
e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which
they are writing.
f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g.,
articulating implications or the significance of the topic).
AZCCRS: 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, wellchosen details, and well
structured event sequences.
d. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting,
and/or characters.
AZCCRS: 1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneon one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse
partners on grades 910 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
ISTE-S: 2. Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
ISTE-S: 6. Technology operations and concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and
Objectives (Explicit): Use Blooms verbiage and formula

SWD application of multi-genre writing through the use of argumentative, informational, and narrative aspects by writing a reflection
about a thought-provoking image based on prior knowledge; personal opinions, thoughts, and ideas, and information provided during class.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): An actual product /Include an explanation of how you are going to grade/grading tool? (rubric, checklist, etc.)

Independent practice assignment: What do you see?

Originality 20

Descriptive Details 10

Specified Image 6

Required Length 4

Grammar/Conventions 2

Total: 40

30/40 = mastery

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex): Content and Language objectives action verbs such as write, list, highlight, etc.)

Write a quick-write on a spoken word poem about social issues and discrimination.
Share ideas with a partner and the class both verbally and electronically.
Write notes on how to respond to art.
Write about what they see in a specified image for evidence of mastery.
Key vocabulary: Materials/Technology Resources to be Used:
Argumentative YouTube

Informational Free-write sheet


Reflection What do you see? sheet

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make RELEVENT to real life) ENGAGE/ hook the students 3:42 Minutes -- STOP AT 2:08

Continue at 2:29 if they want to watch the rest.

Guided Teacher Will: Be specifc Student Will: Be specific

Monitor students quick-write. 2 mins Write about what you saw, felt, and
thought of while watching the opening video
Ensure students are on-track with their conversations.
7 MINS 2 mins Share with shoulder partners their
Explain how to use responses to the video. 3 mins Enter words on with the

Signal when we will share to the class.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need differentiation or
accommodations during your instructional input/teaching?

If student does not complete the quick-write, teacher will talk with them during the pair and share. If a group of students do not
respond to the think-pair-share, teacher will work with them during independent practice.

Directions written on the projector and on the white board. Directions written on the paper for students who need it in front of them.
Individual help to students who dont understand the question.

Instructional Teacher Will: Be specific Student Will: Be specific

Demonstration of using prior knowledge; personal opinions, thoughts, and Take notes below the quick-write about how to
information from class to respond to an image. specifically respond to the image:

5 MINS Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation/Check for Understandinghow are you going to know if EACH student is ready to move onto
independent practice? And how are you going to differentiate if they do not understand?

Work with students during independent practice.

Ask the students questions that they can answer as a class. Have other students paraphrase and repeat the answers to ensure understanding.

Independent Teacher Will: Be specific Student Will: Be specific

Walk around, monitoring the progress of the students work. Students will independently complete the What
do you see? assignment.

20 MINS Write about what social issue you believe that

this image is portraying, focusing on what you
can see, feel, and think about while looking at the
Use descriptive language to describe the photo
and the emotions it creates.
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need differentiation or

If student seems to be struggling with the assignment, teacher will work with them individually.

Work through demonstration first with the students, having them highlight the four different parts that they need to include so that they
understand the requirements.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: What connections will students make to their real lives? What essential questions will they reflect on in
their closure of the lesson?

Explain the importance of using your own judgement to interpret art in all forms, whether it be words, pictures, or videos. This helps you to convey
arguments, which you use every day, whether they be in the form of information that youve learned or personal narrative experiences that you can share.

What do you see? In two minutes, write about what you saw, felt, and thought of
while watching the opening video. Write your initial reactions.
If you need help, respond to the following questions:
What is privilege? Where have you seen (or not seen) privilege in your life?


CODE: 38 28 02 submit

I chose to respond to image five, which depicts a human figure standing in a dark room looking through a
periscope shaped and colored like the Facebook logo. The periscope, which appears to be shooting out of
a barred window, is attached to a door that assumedly leads outside of the dark room. The door is open so
that the human could probably leave, and it is bright and grassy outside. This photo resonated with me
personally because I feel that there is a social issue around people receiving all of their outside knowledge
from social media instead of going outside and experiencing life for themselves. This specifically applies
to cultural groups, which have been systematically discriminated against based on stereotypes that are
typically spread through different kinds of media. While other people can leave the door to see that not all
people of different cultures are as they appear on media, the people who stay inside the dark rooms
looking through the lens of social media all of the time are only getting the single story glimpse of these
different cultures. This causes them to adopt these stereotypes for their own because they dont have any
other story of these people to go off. For example, I have experienced this false single-story in my own
life. Coming from a small town in Pennsylvania, I was constantly surrounded by stereotypes of white,
straight, cisgender men and women who were typically very conservative and traditional individuals.
Although I didnt personally adopt some of their opinions of different races, I often felt curious about
them and wondered if they were true or not. Upon moving to Arizona and attending Arizona State, I was
soon able to meet and befriend hundreds of peoples of different races, cultures, and religions that proved
that these social media stereotypes were false all along.
What do you see?
Sometimes we can be looking at the same exact picture or story as somebody else and see
two completely different things or feel two completely different ways. It is important to
understand and respect different opinions and the fact that no two people will think, see, or
write exactly alike.

Below are four images, each of which are thought provoking and can be somehow related to a
controversial social issue or idea. Choose one in particular that you would like to work with
for this assignment.

1. Choose one of the pictures below that you find most interesting, one that provokes a
thought or feeling for you. Make sure that it is one you will feel comfortable writing and
sharing ideas about.
2. On one side of notebook paper, specify the picture number that you are working with
and then construct a response to the image.
3. Write about what social issue you believe that this image is portraying, focusing on
what you can see, feel, and think about while looking at the image.
4. Use descriptive language to describe the photo and the emotions it creates.
5. There is no right or wrong answer--just your own opinions, thoughts, and ideas.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Teacher(s): Miss Graham Subject: 9th Grade English

Standard(s): Common Core, Arizona Career and College Ready Standards, ISTE Standards apply to this lesson

AZCCRS: 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and
audience. (Gradespecific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 13 above. (910.W.4)
AZCCRS: 1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneon one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse
partners on grades 910 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
AZCCRS: 4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiplemeaning words and phrases based on grades 910 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a words
position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Objectives (Explicit): Use Blooms verbiage and formula

SWD understanding of vocabulary words by writing a free-write that demonstrates their ability to use the words in context with a prompt.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): An actual product /Include an explanation of how you are going to grade/grading tool? (rubric, checklist, etc.)

Students will respond to the question in a free-write: How would you respond to the question what are you? using at least 4 of the 6 words in context. It
will be half a page long written.

Originality 5

Length 5

Use of terms 5

Total: 15

12/15 = Mastery

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex): Content and Language objectives action verbs such as write, list, highlight, etc.)

Students will write down vocabulary words and definitions and then write a keyword a picture to help them remember it.
Students will study the words with their peers.
Students will write a free-write based on a prompt, using the vocabulary words correctly in context.
Key vocabulary: Materials/Technology Resources to be Used:

Pre-teaching vocabulary words: YouTube

Vacant, Stewardess, Hollowness, Grimaces, Ashamed, Mnemonic flash cards (index cards)

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make RELEVENT to real life) ENGAGE/ hook the students

Explain that the class will be reading a story relevant to social issues like we have previously been talking about in class. Have a short discussion re-cap of the
last lesson and how the students reflected on it over the weekend.

Instructional Teacher Will: Be specifc Student Will: Be specific

Give words to the students Write down words on front of flash cards

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need differentiation or
accommodations during your instructional input/teaching?

Ask students what they think these words mean. Have other students paraphrase meanings of others to ensure understanding.
Have the words on the projector and white board. They will also be read aloud.

Demonstrate how to fill out the mnemonic cards on the back with definition, keyword, and picture. Provide examples for students who do
not understanding the concept.

Guided Teacher Will: Be specific Student Will: Be specific

Monitor the study time Students will practice quizzing each other with
their flash cards

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation/Check for Understandinghow are you going to know if EACH student is ready to move onto
independent practice? And how are you going to differentiate if they do not understand?

Students who are struggling to understand the words during practice will work with the teacher to study them after a short time.

Independent Teacher Will: Be specific Student Will: Be specific

Practice show video until 1:55 Students will respond to the question in a free-
write: How would you respond to the question
what are you? using at least 4 of the 6 words in
context. It will be half a page long written

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need differentiation or

Students who cannot respond to the question will be asked for evidence of mastery through a written or oral vocabulary quiz rather than
the written one.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: What connections will students make to their real lives? What essential questions will they reflect on in
their closure of the lesson?

Explain the diversity of life that exists everywhere, inside and outside of the classroom and how insensitive it is to ask people certain questions.
Short Story So What Are You, Anyway? By Lawrence Hill

So What Are You Anyway? Pre-Discussion Questions

1. In your own words define race.

2. Analyze the characters Carole and Henry Norton by using indirect

characterization in the text to support your answers.

3. How does the author build suspense? Provide support.

4. Discuss the significance of the title and how it relates to the theme of the
story. Support your answer with two quotes from the story.

5. Describe the setting and explain how it impacts the reader of the story.

6. Identify and explain two types of conflict in the story.

7. Provide an example of imagery and tone from the text.

8. Are the Nortons depicted as racist or curious by the author? Explain using
the text to support answer.

9. In a paragraph discuss whether or not the reactions of the others were

justified? How would you react if you were in that situation?

Teacher(s): Miss Graham Subject: 9th Grade English

Standard(s): Common Core, Arizona Career and College Ready Standards, ISTE Standards apply to this lesson

Listed on the demonstration website.

Objectives (Explicit): Use Blooms verbiage and formula

SWD analysis and support of a central theme in multiple sources such as stories, news articles, and personal examples by creating a multi-
page website that shows their use of argumentative, informational, and personal narrative writing.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): An actual product /Include an explanation of how you are going to grade/grading tool? (rubric, checklist, etc.)

See grade sheet on the bottom of this document.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex): Content and Language objectives action verbs such as write, list, highlight, etc.)

Create a Weebly website account

Create the framework to a Weebly website
Create an example page to the Weebly website
Key vocabulary: Materials/Technology Resources to be Used:

Argumentative Grade sheet

Informational Weebly

Narrative Laptops


Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make RELEVENT to real life) ENGAGE/ hook the students

Explain that the class will be creating a website that uses their knowledge of the story previously read and the paper that they wrote about the story. The goal
of the website is to continue exploration of social issues like we have previously been talking about in class by using multiple genres of writing. Have a short
discussion re-cap of the last 1-page assignment and how the students reflected on it over the weekend.

Instructional Teacher Will: Be specifc Student Will: Be specific

Pass out the evidence of mastery grade sheet. Follow along with the demonstration and look at
the grade sheet presentation,
Show the demo website to the students, showing how the website should looking
and going over the main components of the assignment.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need differentiation or
accommodations during your instructional input/teaching?

Ask students questions to check for understanding of the requirements (why they are required to do certain parts)

Guided Teacher Will: Be specific Student Will: Be specific

Assign groups based on previous scores in the class to keep students in groups that Move to be in their groups
they can work well with
Log onto the computers and create a group
Pass out laptop computer to each group and walk through how to create a Weebly Weebly account that every group member knows
account the credentials to so that they can all log in and
contribute to the project
Walk through how to create a multi-page website and add elements to the website
Follow along in creating a basic outline of the
Collect each groups link to their websites website and give the link to website to the teacher
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation/Check for Understandinghow are you going to know if EACH student is ready to move onto
independent practice? And how are you going to differentiate if they do not understand?

If students cannot follow along with the group, they will be given their own computer to follow along with the teacher or come up to the
computers desk to watch first-hand.

Independent Teacher Will: Be specific Student Will: Be specific

Pass out laptop computers to each of the students Every student will log into their groups Weebly
account and click onto the outline of the webpage
Walk around and monitor the students progress with using the technology that they created

Each student will create an example page of the

website just to practice using Weebly

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need differentiation or

Students who struggle with using the technology will work individually with the teacher for 1-1 instruction to the new technology.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: What connections will students make to their real lives? What essential questions will they reflect on in
their closure of the lesson?

Explain to students that they will be working on this project for the next week and have a draft of it due on the following Monday for peer editing. Each day,
they will be required to show evidence that they completed a part of the website.

Explain that this is similar to how real-world jobs will work with individual responsibilities, deadlines, and memos to prove that work progress has been
completed. Additionally, the three different writing styles can be used throughout life to support arguments in their everyday life.

Demonstration website

Teacher(s): Miss Graham Subject: 9th Grade English

Standard(s): Common Core, Arizona Career and College Ready Standards, ISTE Standards apply to this lesson

Those for the website listed on the demonstration website.

For peer-editing process:
AZCCRS: 5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on
addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of
Language standards 13 up to and including grades 910.) (910.W.5)
AZCCRS: 3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for
meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. a. Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a
style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook, Turabians Manual for Writers) appropriate for the discipline and writing type. (910.L.3)
ISTE-S: 6. Technology operations and concepts
ISTE_S: 2. Communication and collaboration
Objectives (Explicit): Use Blooms verbiage and formula

SWD appraisal and critiques of other students Weebly websites by filling out the grade sheet for each of the other groups websites,
giving each group a certain point amount for each of the requirements and providing a two-sentence justification with suggestions for revision and
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): An actual product /Include an explanation of how you are going to grade/grading tool? (rubric, checklist, etc.)

Students will be graded on whether or not they brought a completed website to class and completed all of the other groups peer edits.

5 website completed

5 points for each completed peer edit grade sheet

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex): Content and Language objectives action verbs such as write, list, highlight, etc.)

Students will write grades and reasoning for those grades on the grade sheet for the other groups websites.
Key vocabulary: Materials/Technology Resources to be Used:

Argumentative Weebly

Informational Peer-edit sheet

Narrative Laptops


Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make RELEVENT to real life) ENGAGE/ hook the students

Re-cap the goal and requirements of the website. State the objectives for todays peer-editing class.

Instructional Teacher Will: Be specifc Student Will: Be specific

Put the links to the groups website on the board from a Word Documents and Each group will put up their website.
explain the direction of rotation for peer editing.
Each group will collect enough peer-editing
Laptop computers will already be set up for each group to pull up their websites. sheets so that they can edit every groups website.

Pass out peer-editing sheets so that each group can rotate to every groups laptop.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need differentiation or
accommodations during your instructional input/teaching?
The instructions that were given orally will also be on the whiteboard for those students who need to see them visually or those who also
need reminders throughout the class period.
Ask if there are any questions about the process.

Guided Teacher Will: Be specific Student Will: Be specific

Instruct the students to begin the process of editing by rotating once to the first Students will carry their peer-edit sheets with
group and use their sheets to grade the website. Instruct them to continue the them as they rotate around the room, grading each
process until they reach their computer again. website and placing the sheet under the laptop for
the group to look at once they come back to their
Monitor the process by walking around the classroom. website.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation/Check for Understandinghow are you going to know if EACH student is ready to move onto
independent practice? And how are you going to differentiate if they do not understand?

Teacher will intervene if the process gets confusing at any point.

Independent Teacher Will: Be specific Student Will: Be specific

Monitor process Students will go back to their groups laptop and
look at the peer edit sheets under the laptop. They
will look at their grades and comments and
decide a plan of action to take for revision and

Each group member will get a job, and they will

write this additional division of labor on a plan of
action exit ticket to the teacher.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your instruction look different for those students who need differentiation or

Students who dont understand what steps to take will be advised by the teacher 1-1.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: What connections will students make to their real lives? What essential questions will they reflect on in
their closure of the lesson?

Explain that they will now be able to revise their website based on their peers advice before they present their finalized website to the class.

Real-world connection: it is important to take other peoples advice and feedback into consideration before completing final projects in college or the workplace so that you get an
additional viewpoint to catch any errors that you didnt find by yourself. This will help prevent the embarrassment of your professors or bosses finding these errors instead of a
fellow peer.

Multi-Genre Social Issue Project:

Create a group website that synthesizes knowledge about social issues, three
different styles of writing, and real world and personal examples.

There are three main components: theme page, real-world page, and personal

Every group member will have their own contribution.

Grade Sheet

/4 Home page: All of the group members name are on it, and there is a summary of the project
(2-3 sentences).

4 Works Cited page: All of the links of websites used for information and photos must be on this

/2 Division of Labor page: This page must list the parts of the project with the name of the
group member who did each part.

/20 Theme page:

__/1 theme chosen and put in header

__/5 each group member has chosen a quote
__/5 each group member has explained their quote in 5-6 sentences
__/5 each group member has cited So What Are You, Anyway? in the Works Cited Page
__/1 relevant background image
__/1 relevant additional image
__/1 links to image put on Works Cited page
__/5 originality and creativity

/20 Real-world page:

__/1 theme chosen and put in header

__/5 each group member has chosen a quote
__/5 each group member has explained their quote in 5-6 sentences
__/5 each group member has cited their article in the Works Cited Page
__/1 relevant background image
__/1 relevant additional image
__/1 links to image put on Works Cited page
__/5 originality and creativity
/20 Personal page:

__/1 theme chosen and put in header

__/5 each group member has chosen a quote
__/5 each group member has explained their quote in 5-6 sentences
__/5 each group member has cited their video or book (or self) in the Works Cited Page
__/1 relevant background image
__/1 relevant additional image
__/1 links to image put on Works Cited page
__/5 originality and creativity

/30 Presentation:

__/5 Content: The presentation opens with a summary of their theme and is organized
__/10 Equality: Each group talks about their parts on each page
__/10 Verbal and Non-verbal Skills: each group member shows verbal and non-verbal
presentation skills, including eye contact, body language, poise, and enthusiasm.
__/5 Originality and creativity

/100 Total

Group Website: ___________________________ Group Editing: _______________________________

Multi-Genre Social Issue Project: PEER EDITING SHEET

Create a group website that synthesizes knowledge about social issues, three
different styles of writing, and real world and personal examples.

There are three main components: theme page, real-world page, and personal

Every group member will have their own contribution.

/4 Home page: All of the group members name are on it, and there is a summary of the project
(2-3 sentences).


4 Works Cited page: All of the links of websites used for information and photos must be on this

/2 Division of Labor page: This page must list the parts of the project with the name of the
group member who did each part.

/20 Theme page:

__/1 theme chosen and put in header

__/5 each group member has chosen a quote
__/5 each group member has explained their quote in 5-6 sentences
__/5 each group member has cited So What Are You, Anyway? in the Works Cited Page
__/1 relevant background image
__/1 relevant additional image
__/1 links to image put on Works Cited page
__/5 originality and creativity

/20 Real-world page:

__/1 theme chosen and put in header

__/5 each group member has chosen a quote
__/5 each group member has explained their quote in 5-6 sentences
__/5 each group member has cited their article in the Works Cited Page
__/1 relevant background image
__/1 relevant additional image
__/1 links to image put on Works Cited page
__/5 originality and creativity


/20 Personal page:

__/1 theme chosen and put in header

__/5 each group member has chosen a quote
__/5 each group member has explained their quote in 5-6 sentences
__/5 each group member has cited their video or book (or self) in the Works Cited Page
__/1 relevant background image
__/1 relevant additional image
__/1 links to image put on Works Cited page
__/5 originality and creativity


/70 Total


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