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March 21, 2017

Dianira Clementina Tejada

6119 Cherrycrest Lane
Charlotte, NC 28217

Judges, Graduation Project Board

Harding University High School
2001 Alleghany St, Charlotte, NC 28208
Phone: (980) 343-6007

Dear Judges:

Hey my name is Dianira Clementina Tejada and I am a senior at Harding

University High School. What I have learned this senior year is to be very aware of that
life is changing and I need to realize that I need to be more independent because this is
my life, and i'm not going to have my teachers pushing me to do what I need to do, all
they can do is believe in me! What I have learned upon my senior is project is timing
and responsibility towards tasks I need to complete by a deadline. Just like in the real
world everyone has a career to where you need to be punctual and be on top your tasks
in a responsible and efficient manner. If you do not develop a responsible work ethic
you could be fired and your plans can be delayed. Procrastination is not a very good
habit to develop as a responsible young adult.

I am a child of four, I am the elder of my siblings, and I have to be an example to

my younger siblings because they look up to me and can follow my footsteps. My
mother is a very hard worker and Independent; she is another reason I want to do my
best in school and not only that but for life in general, and for my future. My mother
gives me life lessons because she has been through many difficult circumstances and
has gracefully overcome them through her perseverance, wisdom and positive work
ethic. I want to be a positive example to my family. My goal in life is to gain wisdom, and
patience while I continue to display a positive work ethic. The rest of my senior year
goals are to bring my grades higher and to my best ability because I try very hard and I
know I can do it.
The thesis of my paper on Moderation is Key is excluding or restricting one or
more major food groups in a diet is not effective because low carbing and low fat are
ineffective, your health becomes at risk, and moderation is the best option to take when
losing weight . What I learned throughout my researched based paper was that in
moderation that it comes with health risks such as nutrient deficiency. Also metabolism,
sexual function, reproduction, mood. The product is an extension of the
researched-based paper because it provides information to what Moderations can be
done and gives much more flexibility to what diets are good for you.
The graduation project has affected my thinking/learning because it shows me I
should go in depth with what I want to gain knowledge in. It has had a positive effect
within my thinking with my future learning and career goals. I have gained the
knowledge to start doing tasks on a certain period of time. I have learned from my
Graduation project that I need to be more creative with my choice of words. I have
learned many many things to be patient because this Graduation Project was very
difficult and that I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

I hope you enjoy my senior project presentation, I want to thank you for taking
the time out of your day to view my Senior Graduation Project: Moderation in Dieting


Dianira C. Tejada

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