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Moderation is Key

In case you didnt know Gary Taubes speaks about diet delusions he mentions The men

lost an average of a pound of body fat a week over the first 12 weeks, but averaged only a

quarter-pound per week over the next 12, (Taubes). Meaning explaining how they lost weight.

Despite the low calories they had reactions of what the diet was doing to them which was

unhealthy. The diet early in the article told how many calories they had which was 1600 a day a

man needs more than that. We know well that men need more than that to function and have

energy. I understand if you're competing for a show that cool if you have to lean down. In low fat

vs low carb by Jonny is a guy who reveals truth about nutrition,it says Virtually every study I've

ever seen has found that people start reverting to their old habits to some extent, which is why

they gain some weight back. The more they slip back into their old ways, the more they gain

back (Bowden). The statement shows that people go back to their old ways of dieting and

which isn't surprising at all this is why fad diets aren't good because people get tired of the same

thing. This is why excluding or restricting one or more major food groups in a diet is not

effective because low carbing and low fat are ineffective, your health becomes at risk, and

moderation is the best option to take when losing weight.

Excluding or restricting one or more major food groups in a diet is not effective because

low carbing and low fat are ineffective. Going on a low carb diet can cause nutrient deficiency.

As Glenn mentions low carbohydrate diets will deplete glycogen levels as your body will have to

switch to ketones for energy (Danbury). Meaning instead of burn fat you are burning muscle

which lowers your performance and mostly like at the gym. For example the article states, If
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you're consuming 20 grams of carbohydrates per day at three months and then starting adding an

extra 5 grams per day each week, The answer: first you stop losing, then start gaining again. So

at some point in the first year, the low-carb dieters most likely hit their limit and stopped losing

weight (Bowden). After the dieters completed their assigned time, they gained the weight back;

therefore, fad diets are ineffective. Yes, you would see results doing the low carb diet, but then it

reaches its limits where results stop. The diet requires adding carbs each month but start off so

low which is damaging to our bodies. Removing one or more major food groups can lead to

deficiencies in your health.

Going on a low fat diet can cause the hormonal process to lower, which we have a

number that is known or required as healthy. The hormonal process is bodys chemical

messengers. They travel in your bloodstream to tissues and organs. Affect many processes,

including metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, mood and much more. You also need

particular fat in your diet in order to help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and

K, as well some compounds such as lycopene. The low-fat group was given no such parallel

instructions. In other words, they weren't told add calories (or fat) until your weight stabilizes

(Bowden). Meaning the low fat diet was told nothing but to not add more fats or diet or have fun

which did not bring benefits or improvements. Proving a point that counting all fat and lower fat

does not make a difference in losing it.

Going on a diet where it consists of both being low and fats are no good either. People go

crazy for diets that aren't good or meant for their bodies. People should take the time to research,

before they take the time to harm themselves. After the diet people are known to get careless and

pig out this is why I'm against fad diets. I used to do them but I learned so much now. In the
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articleThe men consumed prodigious amounts of food, up to 10,000 calories a day. They

regained weight and fat with remarkable rapidity. After 20 weeks of recovery, they averaged 50

percent more body fat than they had when it began--"post-starvation obesity, the researchers

called it (Taubes). Honestly I see why, its common sense why they would gain weight because

someone can't do that forever unless theyre really consistent, but we are all humans we have our

days where we crave and just want specific things or everything and sometimes we can feed it

and sometimes we just can't hold back. This proves that low carb and fat diets and cutting so

many calories are unnecessary.

Fad diets put your health at risk. Fad diets involve dropping calories drastically. Calories

are what push you around the day. When, you are losing weight faster than what your body want

to naturally you find yourself most of the time fatigued. In the article Sarah who is a science

editor who mentions Popular diets such as Weight Watchers are no more effective than living

healthily for weight loss and are unlikely to provide long term health benefits, a study has shown.

Meaning people on these fad diets are doing it wrong. Instead of improving health they are

harming themselves and future. This is why it shouldn't be an effective way to lose weight

(Knapton). Diets like these are weak but in your mind you think you are strong which is not a

bad thing but then later on it brings health problems.

There are many types of fad diets out there. Supposedly each diet is supposed to give a

benefit from each of them. Fad diets are targeted at people who want to lose weight quickly

without exercise. Some fad diets claim that they make you lose fat, but it's really water weight

you're losing. As Sarah mentions There was also no differences between Atkins, Weight

Watchers, and Zone diets at improving cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, or other
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cardiovascular risk factors (Knapton). Meaning none of the diets were good at improving any of

those. To improve those you need to eat when your body wants to, your body is not a clock. You

need to be doing exercising because what i have noticed is that people want to diet and lose

weight but won't add the extra effort to workout.

When you are the fad diet, for most who workout they think they're burning fat in reality

they're not they're burning muscle causing gaining fat. For someone to maintain muscle they

need to have a diet that consist of everything and balance, You can just drop one thing there is a

reason why carbohydrates, proteins and fats do us good. Sarah says Dieting lowers lean muscle

mass, which lowers metabolism. The brain recognizes the starvation mode and tells the body to

start "storing fat." This is why it becomes harder to lose weight. Fad diets typically lack energy

(Knapton). We all know that there are teens out there dieting but doing it can affect the way they

grow. They can make girls, especially athletes with low body fat, stop menstruating. I have

experienced that actually i have gone on a fad diet. The boys stop developing muscles. People

get bored with the diets also that another reason why they gain weight and can also develop

health issues.

Moderation is the best option to take when losing weight. As, many say moderation is

the key success which I totally agree with. Diets come and go and moderation is here to stay,

its a lifestyle. There are foods out there that do cause more weight gain and inflammation than

others but it doesn't mean you have to cut them out of your life forever. In the article Danielle is

a nutritionist who is against following diet trends who mentions Although it's good to have a

baseline for the calories you consume every day, this can be misleading because certain foods

that are lower in calories may not be nutritionally dense (Braff). Meaning you think just
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because it has fewer calories you think it healthier but in actual some of them don't provide

health benefits. I would just be wise and enjoy what I eat without any regrets and move on.

When you have the ability to eat whatever you want and lose weight is the best form of a

diet. It does not mean oh my gosh let's eat everything in the whole wide world at once! It means

balancing out on meals and making sure your are satisfied afterwards and making sure it gives

you fuel. In the newspaper it mentions After a nutrition professor lost 27 pounds eating nothing

but convenience store foods--Twinkies, chips and cookies--many people were swayed into

believing that a calorie is a calorie, no matter what (Braff). Meaning just because these almonds

are more nutrition to you does not mean it lesser calories than two tablespoons of peanut butter.

You don't have to cut out everything you love or fats, carbs and proteins. They are all essential to

our health.

We need to be more balanced in everything. If you have a balanced life and a balanced

diet then you should be happy or at least be at peace. People go crazy for fad diets that harm

them, make them gain weight, lose weight and later gain it back because they got bored. Dean

who works for New York Times newspaper is American physician, and president and founder of

the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, mentions little or no red

meat; mostly vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and soy products in their natural forms; A

healthful diet should be low in "bad fats," meaning trans fats, saturated fats and hydrogenated

fats. Finally, we need more quality and less quantity (Ornish). Meaning stop measuring

basically everything you eat is good and all provide some type of benefit. Stop measuring and go

by quality. Go for what is good. You will find happiness and peace and won't have to live a life

in misery or regrets.
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Many sources, however, argue that fad diets are beneficial. Living a low carb diet

according to Stephanie who is a cookbook edit or is helpful by first starting off Limit carbs to

between 0 and 30 grams a day. How low you go depends on how much weight you want to lose

(Watson). Meaning significantly cutting down carbohydrates in a diet can drastically help lose

weight quicker. They lower blood sugar, blood pressure and triglycerides. They raise HDL (the

good) and improve the pattern of LDL (the bad) cholesterol. This view seems convincing at first,

but according to the article Low Fat Vs Low Carb it mentions risk factors for heart disease -

risk factors reputed to worsen when you follow the Atkins or any other very low-carb diet

(Bowden). Meaning when people followed the crazy fad diet it would lead into worse problems

maybe even from the ones you were trying to get rid of.

The fad diets consist of eating healthy foods. Honestly barely eating but when you do

look for healthy snacks or meals. According to Gina who is a food philosopher a diet that is

known as the Nordic diet The healthy Nordic diets in these two studies follow similar principles

and involve eating mostly whole grains, fruit (with a focus on berries), vegetables (particularly

potatoes, cabbage and root veg), canola oil, and oily fish three times a week (Flaxman).

Meaning the diet involves a lot of healthy and nutritious food causing wealth for health. You're

focusing on food that provides vitamins mineral calcium and etc When you eat a balanced diet

including whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and fruits and vegetables, your body

has the fuel that it needs to maintain your energy level. Although the core of this claim is valid, it

flawed because reading through it mentions "Despite their popularity and important

contributions to the multi-million dollar weight loss industry, we still do not know if these diets
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are effective to help people lose weight and decrease their risk factors for heart disease

(Knapton). Meaning the diets aren't a hundred percent on helping/benefiting what it said it

would. These diets nowadays are absurd.

The graph shows statics on the effects of a vegetarian diet. As you can see it improves

overall health but from the research I did it not a hundred percent sure that these diets work.

Most fad diets choose to do low carb diets with high protein diets. Protein is known for

keeping you full longer and building muscle. According to Stephanie living on a low carb diet

The diet is already restrictive, so vegetarians, and especially vegans, will need to make an effort

to find enough foods to eat (Watson). Meaning it tells you how the diet should be and the
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rules/directions on how to follow it and meaning how it means protein consumption will go up.

What this argument fails to consider is A study published last March found a 75 percent

increase in premature deaths from all causes, and a 400 percent increase in deaths from cancer

and Type 2 diabetes, among heavy consumers of animal protein under the age of 65 (Ornish).

Meaning consuming a heavy amount of protein was unhealthy and brought unhealthy diseases.

A diet should have limits for losing weight because most of these crazy fad diets can

deplete you so much which is really unhealthy for a human body causing to have low energy. In

the article Cindy is a fitness writer and health she mentions As you read this, an amazing 15 to

35 percent of Americans are trying to Lose weight. Obesity is a reality in our country. The health

risks associated with overweight and obesity-such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and

some cancers-are well-known (Maynard). Meaning alot of people are desperate to lose weight.

Many of them find the wrong way to lose weight because it ends up harming health. People don't

get good results. Most of them gain the weight back. From my experience these diets people go

crazy for are not helpful. I did it and got bored with and gave up started eating whatever I want

and I gained weight again.

Excluding or restricting one or more major food groups in a diet is not effective because

low carbing and low fat are ineffective, your health becomes at risk, and moderation is the best

option to take when losing weight. Referring to when I lost weight Fad diets are boring. Is this

spartan regime really something you can maintain the rest of your life? Let's get real (Maynard).

Meaning people end up letting the diet rules go and sometimes go back to their old ways or

worse ways, Because they had been deprived and restricted from many things they probably

wished or desired for to consume moderation. Fad diets tend to be restrictive, boring, and
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difficult to follow over the long term. Once the weight is lost, the dieter often returns to old

eating patterns and habits, causing him or her to regain weight. This why i would stick with

consuming my favorite food in moderation because if your really want to lose weight you know

your limits. IIFYM (if it fits your macros) diet is a good one honestly you can lose weight gain

muscle whatever you want to do with your body it involves calories though. Many people

nowadays go crazy. You only live once take it slow,enjoy life, and balance it out.
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Works Cited

Bowden, Jonny. "LOW-FAT VS. LOW-CARB DIETS: THE REMATCH." Proquest. 10 Nov.

2010. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.

Braff, Danielle. "Eating Up Fad Diets Puts Your Health at Risk." Chicago Tribune 2014 jul 16:

2DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. 16 June 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2016.

Danbury, Glen. "Low Carb Diets: The Way To Go?" 06 June 2004. Web. 20

Apr. 2016.

Flaxman, Gina. "Say Hello to the Nordic Diet." Sunday Herald-Sun (Melbourne) 2014 aug 03:

6DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. 3 Aug. 2014. Web. 6 Apr. 2016.

Knapton, Sarah. "Fad Diets Do Little to Aid Weight Loss or Boost Heart Health..." 11 Nov. 2014 nov 11. Web. 6 Apr. 2016.

"Living Low-Carb Diet Review: How It Works." WebMD. WebMD, 4 Mar. 2016. Web. 17 Apr.


Maynard, Cindy. "Fad Diets : A Reality Check." 24-27 Jan. 2000. Web. 15 Apr. 2016.

Ornish, Dean. "The Myth of High-Protein Diets." New York Times 2015 mar 23: A.21DB - SIRS

Issues Researcher. 23 Mar. 2015. Web. 6 Apr. 2016.

Taubes, Gary. "Dieting: The Hunger Factor." New York Times 2015 aug 30: SR.6 DB - SIRS

Issues Researcher. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.

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