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Student Survey of the Media Center

1. What grade are you in?

A. 3rd
B. 4th
C. 5th

2. What is your gender?

A. Male
B. Female

3. What sections of our library do you enjoy most? (circle all that apply)
A. Nonfiction
B. Fiction (chapter books)
C. Graphic Novels
D. Favorite Series
E. Everybody books (picture books)
F. Magazines
G. Biographies
H. Other: _________________

4. Are there books that you would like to read that are always checked out?
A. Always
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Never
*If you marked always or often, which books have you had a hard time checking out?

5. Which nonfiction books do we need to add to provide you with topics you are interested in for
class research? (circle all that apply)
A. Animals
B. Habitats
C. States and countries
D. Biographies
E. Other _________________________________________________________________
*If you marked any answers above, please provide the specific topic you would like (which
animals, which person for biographies, etc),

6. What book titles would you like to read that are currently not in the media center? (If you do
not have an answer, leave this space blank.)

7. How often have you come across a damaged book in our library? (Books with torn/written on
pages, loose spines, stains, or missing pages.)
A. Always
Student Survey of the Media Center
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Never

8. How easy is it to find a book you like when you visit the library?
A. Very easy
B. Easy
C. Sometimes hard
D. Difficult
*Please explain why you chose your answer.

9. What do you wish we had more of in our library? (If you do not have an answer, leave this
space blank.)

10. How likely are you to check out books in Spanish?

A. I would definitely check out books in Spanish.
B. Very likely
C. Somewhat likely

D. I would not check out books in Spanish.

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