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WRITTEN REPORT 1 Nicolas Albarracin Urrego

1. Polar bear population used to be more than 26.000 and now they are estimated between
2. Nourishes seals are preyed by polar bears
3. Climate changes have been destroyed their habitat
4. Polar bears used to be hunt up, now it exist too many laws that protect them
5. Nowadays polar bears are helped out by so many NGOS
6. So many people are looking up about pollution and how that affect the polar bears.


A time ago, Polar bear population used to be around 26.000 bears in worldwide, now they are
estimated amongst 22-31.000, most of them are located in Canada. They are so many reason this
animals have been endangered. One of the reasons is that they used to be hunted to get their
leathers to make coats and other things, but now it has been turned on some laws that protect them
as an important specie of the world. Other of the problems and the most relevant nowadays is the
Climate changes, this one had been destroyed their habitat and their food chain, especially the
Nourishes seals that are hunting by them; and as the hunting, climate changes are figured out by
so many people that are looking up about pollution and how that affect the polar bears. Apart from
that polar bears are helped out by so many NGOS, and they work to give a better place to live for
the animals.

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