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3 , 2014

ISSN: 2241-6781

- 3 - 2014
ISSN: 2241-6781

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3 2014

. , ... . 6

. ... . 11

. . .. . 14

Rousseau. .. . 20

. -
, .. . 26

. , ,
... . 34

. & .. . 42

. Asperger
. , , -
.... . 50

. , .. . 59

. -
.... . 74

(cyberbullying) :
11-15 ,
. , , ... . 83

. & -
.. . 93

. ... . 99

. . , ... . 107

. . ,
. . 116

, , - .... . 123

. - .
& .. . 131

. ....... . 139

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

. ... . 148

. , .... . 158

, .. . 165

' .. 19-20. -
. , .. . 175

. ... . 183

. . .. . 194

A' & ' . , .. . 204

projects & . -
, ... . 211

. -
. , ... . 219

Glass Ceiling - -
. .. . 228

. . , ,
. . 241

. -
, .. . 250

. -
. .... . 259

. .. . 266

. . ,
. . 275

O :
. .
. . 284

- . . ... . 299

1 ... . 309

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2 ... . 311

.... . 313

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status quo ,
. Bourdieu
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Antonio Gramsci, ,
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, , , -
, . -
, -

, -
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. Dewey, , ,

Norbert Wiener, John
Gardner, Jerome Bruner,
John Holt, Carl
Rogers, Paul Goodman -
, Edger Friedenberg, -
, .

, -
, , ,
, . -
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I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

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Jean Claude Passeron : -

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3: 6 8 .

4: 0,2
/ 0,32.

5: 6 .

0, 1, (+ , - , x , ). -


-1, 5 0,
50, 51, 52, 53) 54 100, 46, . , -

( ) ( ), -
, -


, ,

-3, , -
(86 0,86)
, -

-4, -


-5, 6 -
6,46 -
, .

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: ()
, () -


. -
( )
, , ,
. ,
, . , 0,8
0,17 8 17 8<17
0,8<0,17. ,

( -
, ,
, . ,
(Stacey, et. al, 2001).

-1, 5 , : [2,54] [+] [46] [=]

300 ,
. -2, -
(10 34 ):

[0,200] [+] [0,200] [+] [0,100] [+] [0,2] [+] [0,3] ( 200+200+100+2+3=505)

, [0,400] [+] [0,100] [+] [3] [+] [2] [=] 505

-3, 0,86 86

[0,70] [+] [0,10] [+] [0,5] [+] [0,1] [=] 0,86

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-4, (18 27
). 0,2 0,32 ( )
2 30 ( 2 20)

[0,2] [+] [0,30] [=] 0,32

[0,2] [*] [16] [=] 0,32

[21] [*] [0,2] [=] 42 [-] [10] [=] 32

[0,2] [+] [0,14] [+] [0,16] [=] 0,32

[0,2] [*] [0,2] [=] 0,4 [*] [0,8] [=] 0,32

-6 :

[1] [+] [1] [+] [1] [=] 3 [+] [100] [+] [100] [+][100] [+] [100] [+][100] [+] [100] [=] 603 [+] [1000]
[+] [+] [1000] (10 ) [=] 10,603 [+] [10000] [=] 20,603 [+] [1000] [+] [1000] [=] 22,603

( ).

, ,
10. ,
25, 2 20 2. -

-3, 0,86 -
: [4] [+] [4] [=] 8 [3] [+] [3] [=] 6 . -

: [4] [+] [4] [=] 8 [4] [+] [2] [=] 6.

-5, 6
6,46 , :

[3] [+] [3] [=] 6, 4, [3] [+] [3] [=] 6 [] [4,2] [=] 2,26.

[2] [+] [4] [=] 6, 4, [2] [+] [4] [=] 6 [] [4,2] [=] 2,26.

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(Wheeler & Feghali, 1983).
100, 200, 300 1, 2, 3

, ( ) (-) . -
, (

-2, 5 ,
0,505 : [0,], [1] [+] [4] [=] 5, [0], [1] [+] [4] [=] 5.

100. 5
0,100 .

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0, 1 , :

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( , ), -
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, ,
. (
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1 ( ).
, ( Word), ,
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(- ).

2 ( ).
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3 ( ). Claudio
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. cd .

4 :

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5 : ,
: ,

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( -
(- ).

6 : .

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(.. -
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8 : power point , -
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9 : (inspiration)
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15 : . -
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16 : , ,
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- 2
/ 5 .
1 & 2.


3 3,8 3,8 2=
1 2 3



5 1=

3 5 5 3=
1 2 3


2) -
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: ) , ) -
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, ) , )

, ) .

, -
, -
, :
ger. .
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4 ... , (, 4-
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: , , 4 -
... , (, 4-6

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E A.


. ,
. ,

. ,

Teachers Sense of Efficacy Scale (Hoy, 2001),



- : , -
, , , ,


(Bandura, 1997).

(Pajares, 1996).

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(Henson et al., 2001, Henson,

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(, , , , , &
, 2012).
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(, 2006). ,

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(, 1997).
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, ,

( ) (Olsen, 2004).

, , ,



, Teachers Sense of Efficacy Scale (Hoy, 2001),

: (1 -
2) (3- 4), (5 -6),
(7 -8) (9).

. Teachers Sense of Efficacy Scale,
alpha ( ),
0,80, 0.87,


I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

25 , 6 (24%)
19 (76%) . 25 10
( 9 ) 15 3 , (5 10
), 1.

1. ( )

Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Frequency Percent

1 16,67 9 47,37 10 40

5 83,33 10 52,63 15 60

6 100 19 100 25 100

, ,
25 28 (81%), 5 7 (19%).
3 14 , 7,7 .

. 15
, 5
10 . 1 10 ,
11 20 20 .
, 2
3 . ,

25 ,



I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

(50 , 25
25 ) ,
, ,

, ,



(Harrell, Bradley, 2009). M





, .



. ,


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, ,







. ,


. ,


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, , ,
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. , project,
, , , .
, , , ..
, , , task analysis, ,
, , .

. ,
, ,
, ..



. ,


I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4






2). 12




Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

1 10,0 10,0 10,0

9 90,0 90,0 100,0

Total 10 100,0 100,0

(12,5%) ,
(. 3).


requency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

2 12,5 13,3 13,3

11 68,8 73,3 86,7

2 12,5 13,3 100,0

Total 15 93,8 100,0

Missing System 1 6,3

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

Total 16 100,0


. 61%


(70% 75% )
(, 4 5). ,
, .


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

5 1 10,0 10,0 10,0

6 2 20,0 20,0 30,0

7 2 20,0 20,0 50,0

8 5 50,0 50,0 100,0

Total 10 100,0 100,0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

5 1 6,3 6,7 6,7

6 2 12,5 13,3 20,0

7 4 25,0 26,7 46,7

8 4 25,0 26,7 73,3

9 4 25,0 26,7 100,0

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

Total 15 93,8 100,0

Missing System 1 6,3

Total 16 100,0

. 25%





, ,

. ,


. ,
84% , 72%
( ,
) ,

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4


(=0,59, df=22, p=0,002). ,



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- -

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(Belsey, 2005,
in Dooley et al., 2009). ,
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(Li, Gross & Smith, 2012). -
(Hinduja &
Patchin, 2010) -
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18-32 ( Y) - -

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1: -

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(, 2003; Ferdon &Hertz 2007; Ortega et al 2008, Kowalski, Limber &
Agatston 2012; Li, Gross & Smith 2012) -
(2009), , -

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( -
(Kowalski, Limber & Agatston, 2012). -

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(Patchin & Hinduja 2010; Kowalski, Limber & Agatston, 2012; Li, Gross &
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(Ryan, 2011), -
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(Aftab, 2006, .
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, Willard (2007)

(Willard 2006 2009). -
(flaming), , , , -
(outing & trickery), . -
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(Campbell, 2005; Kowalski & Limbert 2007; Smith, et al., 2012)
( & , 2012),

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(Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010: 59) -
(OBrien & Moules, 2010).

2013 -
(11-12 ) -
(14-15 ) . , -
47 / -
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- -
(normative and interpretive approach) (Novack, 1986; Alasuutari, 1995).

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- , , -
, -
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, . ,
Saferinternet, -
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( , - , ) -
- (2) -
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97,5% 39,4% . -
, .

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(40,5%) , -
(55,4%) . -
9,1% .

, -

, ,
. -
, - -
66,3% ,
22,4% 21,5%
. 39,4% -
20,6% . -

. ,
, -
. -
, 9,6%
, 8,1% -
(report) -
. - - 44,4%
, -

(34,1%) (25,4%)
. , ,
(50%) -
(20%). -
(=1,6333), (=
1,367) (report).


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, . 14-16 ,

13 -
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11-12) (, 2012). -
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( &
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(EU Kids On Line research, 2010; Slonje et al., 2012; -
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(Willard, 2007 ; ,
(, 2012).

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(, 2012).
(Dooley at al 2009: Aftab 2006). -

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(, 2012), -
Raskaouskas & Stoltz (2007) 40% -
(Smith et al., 2008; Raskaouskas & Stoltz, 2007 in
Dooley, et al.,2009).
(Aftab 2006, . . , 2009)
- (, 2012).

(, 2012).



, (79 & ) -
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, Olweus (1993,1994) -
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(Didden, 2009; Gradinger, 2012)

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(, , 2012). , , -

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Small Group Teaching (, 2001, . 54). , -
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(Cohen, Manion & Morisson, 2007).

1 2

1.1 2.1
1.2 2.1.1
1.2.1 2.1.2
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1.2.3 - 2.1.4

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2 :


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Glass ceiling.
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(Bernstein, 1977; Delamont, 1980). ,
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(, 1996).

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1994; , 1997). , -
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(Massey & Christensen, 1990; Merrett & Wheldall, 1992).
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Pennycook (1989), -
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(Dee, 2005). -
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(Sikes, 1991).

(Blumberg, 2008). -

, , /
(Sikes, 1991).

. -
, , 1, .

Glass Ceiling, -
. -
, -

Six thou-
sand women missing from top jobs, The Guardian

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

Weekly, 5 2007.
. -
Metric Glass Ceiling , 4

, ,
, ,
1986; Kramsch, 1993). ,
(Guariento & Morley, 2001) ,

/ 4
, ( )
. ,
, (Common European Framework of References), -

, .

/ ,
Glass Ceiling .

Glass ceiling - :
/ -
, -

, .

: v /
. -
. . -
. , -
- .

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, -
, ,
/ .

/ :
Six thousand women missing from top jobs, -
: o
. 2 -
/ -
. glass ceiling : dis-
criminate, exclude, sex, race religion.
(discriminate, exclude) / .
10 . -
Six women missing from top jobs
( 25 ).

1 , 10 , -
/ , Scanning for information, -
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, (scan-
ning) . .

/ (
), , -
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C. /
( 10 ). -
. / cd, Metric Glass Ceiling,
/ ,

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( 10 ).

/ 4 . 4-
5 . ,
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, . , -
, -
. / , -
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20 (10 10 -

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, / -

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( - micro- skills).
. / -

(reading, speaking, listening, writing) -

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I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

Six thousand women missing from top job

Look at the headline of the article:

Six thousand women missing from boardrooms, politics and courts.

What do you think it means ?

6,000 women have disappeared?

6,000 women are refusing to go to work in boardrooms, politics and courts?

We need 6,000 more women to equal the numbers of men in boardrooms, politics and

Key words

boardrooms glass ceiling discrimination attitudes

representative (adj) civil service thrive promotion

1. Something you cant see that stops women getting promotion to the top jobs.

2. To stay alive and do very well. ____________

3. Places where company directors meet to discuss and make

important decisions. __________

4. Opinions and ways of thinking. ____________

5. Getting a better job. ____________

6. Behaving unfairly to one person or group because of their

sex, race, etc. ____________

7. Government departments and the people who work there. ____________

8. With the same balance of men and women as in the country as a whole. ____________

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

Six thousand women missing from top jobs

Six thousand women missing from boardrooms, politics and courts

Polly Curtis

Friday January 5, 2007

1. The glass ceiling is still stopping 6,000 women from getting any of the top 33,000
jobs in Britain, says new research from the Equal Opportunities Commission. A new law to
help women, the Sex Discrimination Act, came in 30 years ago, but there are still not nearly
enough women in the countrys boardrooms, politics and courts.

2. Some successful women have a nanny to help with their children, but they still cant
go far in their careers because men control the top professions and they dont want women
to choose their working hours.

3. Very few women are getting top jobs, the report says, and in some areas, numbers
are falling. The EOCs last Sex and Power survey showed more women in parliament 12
months ago. Now there are only 19.5% lower than in Iraq, Afghanistan and Rwanda.

4. Although a woman is chief executive of the London Stock

Exchange, and four senior judges are female, now only 10.4% of
the top 100 company directors are female and only 9.8% of all
judges are women.

5. Jenny Watson, chair of the EOC, said that these numbers

showed just how slowly things were changing in powerful British
institutions. It was time not just to find more women to fill top
jobs, but to change the attitudes that stop them. Thirty years on
from the Sex Discrimination Act, women rightly expect to share power. But as our survey
shows, thats not the reality, she said.

6. She said life was worse for everyone when Britains top jobs
were all male. If women had an equal voice, our democracy and local
communities would be stronger. And in business, we could not afford
to look at only half the population to fill the best jobs.

7. The commission identified the 33,000 most powerful jobs in

business, politics, the law and government in Britain. It said that
women should fill another 6,000 to be really representative.

8. At the present rate of improvement, it would take women 20 years to be equal in

the civil service, 40 years in the law, and 60 years in the top 100 companies. But it would
take 200 years another 40 elections to reach an equal number of MPs in parliament. By

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

contrast, in the Scottish assembly, nearly 40% are women and 51.7% in Wales. The EOC rec-
ommended the Welsh system, where political parties sometimes only choose from women.

9. But figures for non-white women are worse. There are only two black women MPs,
four non-white top company directors and nine non-white top civil servants. If we want our
communities to thrive, this has to change, says the report.

10 It adds that more successful women find it as hard to get the jobs they want as
women in lower paid work. As for age, in their 20s men earn 3.7% more, but they earn
10.7% more in their 30s because after childbirth, womens earning power goes down.
Mens doesnt.

11. The UK pay gap is one of the biggest in Europe 17% for full-time staff and 38% for
part-time because part-time workers are more often low paid. Then, when they have chil-
dren, they lose opportunities for promotion and earn even less, the Women and Work
Commission found last year.

12. If women ask to choose their working hours, they often lose their
jobs, so women with children often have to find less professional jobs to
keep working. Extending the right to ask for flexible working to everyone
in the workplace would change that culture and enable more women to
reach the top, said Ms Watson.

13. This is the last annual report from the EOC. Next year, with the Commission for Ra-
cial Equality and the Disability Rights Commission, it will be part of a new organisation called
the Commission for Equality and Human Rights. As this will be headed by the present chair
of the CRE, some people are afraid that they may forget to consider womens rights.

14. Katherine Rake, an equal rights campaigner, protested: This research proves be-
yond a doubt that life at the top is white and male. And Ms Watson summed up: We ha-
vent solved the problem of sex discrimination yet. There is so much more to be done.

Guardian News & Media 2007

First published in the Guardian, 5/1/07

A ) Scanning for information

First find these numbers in the text. Then match each one with the information given be-

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

38% 9.8% 40% 3.7% 10.4% 17% 19.5% 10.7% 51.7

1 a Women in parliament

2 b Women running top companies

3 c Women judges

4 d Women in Scottish assembly

5 e Women in Welsh assembly

6 f Male/female pay gap in their 20s

7 g Male/female pay gap in their 30s

8 h UK pay gap full-time

9 i UK pay gap part-time

B) Underline the correct answer in each sentence.

1. (Too many / not enough / quite a lot of) women get top jobs in Britain.

2. (Only four / about one in ten) judges are women.

3. When successful women want promotion, they have (more difficultly than / less difficulty
than / as much difficulty as) low-paid women do.

4. 20 year-old men in Britain earn more than (20 year-old women / 30 year-old men)

5. Women in Britain usually earn (less / more / the same) after they have children.

6. Ms Watson thinks that (only women / only men / both men and women) should be able
to ask for flexible working hours.

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

C ) Discussion

1. What is the situation for women in your country?

2. Do many women have top jobs?

3. Is there a big pay gap between women and men?

4. What about women from ethnic minorities?

5. What do you think should be done to improve the situation?

Glass Ceiling Lyrics


Only know what I'm told, only know what I'm told
Fast asleep daydreaming
Start to push, break your own .. ..
Can't count, can't catch the .. falling

Who let it end up on the

How am I gonna know you're letting me down
How did I end up on the

Only do what I'm told, only do what I'm told

Last to leave cold calling
You're gonna lose your , amputate plasticine
There's no. in silver armor shining

Who let it end up on the

How am I gonna know I'm letting you down

Who let it end up on the

How did he end up on the

down on the .

Only go where I'm told, only know what I'm told

Inch to inches crowding
We can't leave, it's the last .. open
Every speed on our .. is crawling

I S S N : 2 2 4 1 - 6 7 8 1 " " 3 - 2 0 1 4

. A

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e-science -
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3: project -

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( 4),


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6: .

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, 58%
, 42% - .

7: .

38% ,
- -
- .

, , -

( -
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. -
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/ -
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(.. 24-25) -

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(Aronowitz, 1989: 197).

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(Ryan and Kellner, 1988:12-13). Zavarzadeh (1991:1)

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status quo

- -
. Adorno and Horkheimer (1972), ,

, -
, , -

(Dalton, 2004: 130-1).

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. (Dalton, 2004:141).

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(Naremore, 2000: 10/12). -
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Henry Giroux (2002: 187188)


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(Giroux & Simon, 1989: 25).

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(Trend, 1994: 238).

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man 1986: 445).



(Giroux, 1997) -
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(Bourdieu, 1972:


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(Fisher et al. 2008).

H -

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. (Britzman, 1991: 5).

Teachers in the Movies Rob Edelman (1983: 28)

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, ,
, ,
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(Bernstein, 2002: 1). -

(Dalton, 2004: 23).
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(Dalton, 2004: 25).

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, .

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, ,
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detective film noir, -
, (Dalton, 2004:
26) . John Wayne
Ronald Reagan Franklin Roosevelt.

, -
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, , -

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, .

, .

Sarafina! - Whoopi Goldberg Mary Masembuko, -

. ,
: Conroy .. -
Conrack, , ,


, ,
, . - -
, , High School

, -
, . -
, -

, .
, , Mr. Chips
. , Stand and Deliver Jaime Escalante

, . ,
, , ,

To Sir, with Love, Mark Thackery, -

, ,
, , , , , . -
, . -
, , ,

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Explosive Generation ,
- , ,
, ,
. ,
, .

Dead Poets Society, John Keating

, -
, , . -

: .

, ,
, ,

Chips -

Mr. Hollands Opus (Monchinski, 2008:116-119) Glenn Holland,

John F. Kennedy High School 1965.
, . 32
. , -
, -
, , -
, :

Freedom Writers , -
. , -
. A , , Katherine Mona Liza Smile,

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, -

: ,
. -
(Agger,2006: 212).

Conroy Conrack, , -
Beaufort California, ,

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, , .
. 510

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, -
. , . -
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. . , -

, .

. -
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, -

, .

, . -
. The King and I
. Mrs Wilkinson Billy
Elliot -

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. Rick Dadier
Blackboard Jungle
, -
. Elna Pelneric Songcatcher -
. Miss Moffat The Corn Is Green,
1895, -
. .
, -

, -
(Farber, et al.:1994). -
, -
, . -

O Giroux (1993: 44)

, Mr. Keating, (Dead
Poets Society). -
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, , -

mainstream Hollywood
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(Kellner, 1994: 102).

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, . -
, -
, ,

A :

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. , , -

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(the recovery project)

, (Gresson, 1995:
3). .

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, -

, , -
, ,
, , -
. Dangerous Minds Music
of the Heart.

H LouAnne Dangerous Minds -

, (Kroll and Foote, 1988). i -

, ,
. , -

(Stam and Shohat, 1994: 319).

Roberta, usic of the heart, -

Opus 118 Harlem School of Music, -
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. ReaganBush , -
(Reeves and Campbell 1994: 251) .

Lean on Me,
, , -
, . David Denby (1989: 74- 75)
New York magazine , -
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, , .

Clark, , -
, Marlboro man, .
, , , -

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, Benjamin Franklin Ronald Reagan

. :

A , .
! ,

, ,
. ii

, -
, -
, -
. -

, Alex Jurrell Teachers : -

Roger. ,
. . -

, .
Joe Clarks . To Sir with Love
(1967) Conrak (1974),
, .

, -
(Zavarzadeh and Donald Morton, 1991: 2).
, -
Clark Lean on me. : -
. -
: .

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, -

ton, 1986). ,
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. A Nation at Risk (1983)
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(Harrington, 1986: 268)

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(Nieto, 2005),
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, (Kincheloe, 2004:10).

& Giroux, 1991),
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