Application of Algebra Assignment

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Application of Algebra

Assignment: This unit introduced you to variables, linear equations, and the

application of Algebra. By now, you should be able to solve linear equations

with one variable. You should also be able to identify how many solutions an

equation has. For this assignment, you will write an essay in which you

summarize this unit. You must include academic information, as well as

personal opinions. Below are the instructions for every paragraph.

Paragraph 1: Thoroughly explain all topics covered in this unit: solving one-

and multi-step linear equations, linear equations with special solutions, and

real-world applications of Algebra. Be sure to include all relevant terms:

properties, terms, and definitions. You must also explain the general process

of solving linear equations and real-world application problems.

Paragraph 2: Identify at least two strengths. State and thoroughly explain

which material from this unit you understand clearly (i.e., On the final unit

exam, which material are you certain youll answer correctly?).

Paragraph 3: Identify at least two areas of improvement. State and

thoroughly explain which material from this unit you can improve (i.e., which

material would you want extra review on?). This may include material you

understand but are not fully comfortable with. Explain why this material is

confusing for you.

Paragraph 4: Explain how algebra can be applied to the real-world. State how

can you apply algebraic concepts to solve real-world problems. State and

explain what kind of applications you studied.

Paragraph 5: Summarize your opinion on this unit. State which concepts you

enjoyed and which you did not. For the material you did not enjoy, explain

why. Write about the knowledge you already knew before starting this unit

and the knowledge you learned.

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