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Government of lndia

Ministry of Communication
Department of Posb
Mail Busines$i Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansafl Marg, New i-{1000{

No, 13-45/2008-D Dated: 26.11.2014


Sub: Revised Delivery Norms for varfious of rnail {other than

Speed Post)

Reference is invited to the Directorate O.M. of even no. dated 14.12.2A13 (and
Addendum dated 21.01.2014 and 03.06.zAM\, vide v ich revisr:d delivery norms
for Speed Post were communicatedr Since then, revised norms have also
been hosted on India Post website in a PDF as as in the shape of an
interactive'MS Excel' tool.

2. The matter relating to revision of delivery no for various categories of

mail (other than Speed Post) waq under ration at this Directorate.
Accordingly, the delivery norms for mqil and parcels been revised as under:

(a) For Registered (First Class) $lail:

(i) Local (within Municipal City Limits): 2

(ii) Between Metro citiles (Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata

and Hyderabad): 2 to 3 days

(ii) Same state: 3 to 4 days

(iii) Neighbouring state: 3 to 4 days

(iv) Rest of the country (for cities not cove in the category of "same
state" and "neighbouring state"): 5 to 6

(b) For First Glass (Unregistere{} Mafil:

(i) Local (within Municipal City Limits): 2

(ii) Between Metro cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Biangalore, Kolkata

and Hyderabad): 2 to 3 days

(ii) Same state: 3 to 4 days

(iii} Neighbouring state: 3 td 4 days

(iv) Rest of the country (for cities not in the category of *same
state" and "neighbourin ,stateJ[ 5 to 6

e0l4' Contd....2
8,1 oEt


(c) For Express

(i) For 84 cities: norms on city-to-city basis (being communicated by
(ii) Local (for cities than the 84 cities covered under revised norms for
city-to-cilrv norms covering only Municipat limits): 2 days
(iii) Same state (for s other than the 84 cities and local mail covered
under rerrised n ):3to4days
(iv) Neighbor.rring (for cities other than the 84 cities covered under
revised norms): 3 4 days
(v) Rest of the (for cities otfner than the 84 cities covered under
revised norms not coverecl in isame state" and "neighbouring state"):
5 to 6 days
(d) For Business

(i) Loc;al (within cipal City Limits): 2 to 3 days

(iD Between cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata

ancl t-{yd d):3to4clays
(ii) Sarne state: davs

(iii) Neighbouri state: 4 days

(iv) _-Eesit-of-the
(Ior cities not c;overed in the category of "same
stale" and hbouring statef'):
F'rj 5 to 7 days

(e) For $econd Class

(i) Local (within unicipal City Lirnits): 3 days

(iD Between cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata

and Hyderab ):4 days
(ii) $anne state: days

(iii) state: 4 days

(iv) Resit of the (for cities not covered in the category of "same
state" and uring stater'): 5 to 7 days

3. The new clelivery for Express Parcels on a'city-to-city basis for 84

citiesrwhich are being municated by e-mail, are also limited to the local
municipal limit of the cities ncerned. Further, the newdelivery norms for various
categories of maii referred above would be subject to the conditions that;

(i) They do not apply the articles bdoked after the cut off time on a day
(normafly taken as 3 or 4 for booking counters at post otfices or as decided by
the Circle concerned) and extra day may be added in such cases,


The delivery norms do not irfrclude Sundays holidays,
Delay occurring due to curfew, bandh or in a particular city may
adversely affect delivery norms,
Delay oacurring due to cahcellation of fl ns/buseslother means of
transport for carriage of mail or off-]oading /nor rriage of mail by the caniers
due any reason is beyond the control of the
andl therefore, the same
may adversely affect delivery norms.

4. Circles may give wide publicity to the new norms arnong the public
display the norms in the shapB of a matrix of prominenUfrequenfly-used
destinations at the post offices as display of enti matrix perhaps
may not be

5. The new delivery norrns wquld ailso be on India Post website in a

user-friendly format so that a user could easily deliveryfilransit norms. ln the
interim, a PDF.version of the document will uploaded by CEPT on the
Departmentfs website.

6. This O.lVl. supercedes all pqevious on deliivery norms for mail

and Parcels (other than Speed ,posrg issued this Directorate/Business
Development and Marketing Directgrate.

Afl Heads of Cincles

All Postmaster{s) General
Addl. DG APS, Ap$ Directorate

1. PS to Member (OllMember (Tech)/Member
FIV*yter (H RD)tMember (plr)
2. CGM (BD)/CGM (pltyJ$&Ft/Diiector RAKN A, Ghaziabad
l!! PDGrlgM (Parcel & Losiqtics) GM (BD)
4. All Postal Training Centes
5. OSD to Secretary (posts)
6. GM, CEPT Mysore: The pDF versi,on of the norrns may be
uploaded on the website, follqwed hy the inte exceltoolas in case of
Speed Post delivery norms.
7. Secretary Generals of recognfized Fede
8. SO Guard File

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