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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

Shapes and their Attributes

Courtney Brown
First Grade
1.25 hours
Analyze Learners
1. 17
2. Males: 11 Females: 6
3. 6-7 years
4. Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:
o Disabilities: 1 student in speech
o Learning Differences: 3 ELLs
o Cultural/Ethnic Notes: 1 child that does not celebrate holidays
5. Students have a wide range of
o Abilities:
3 are well below grade level
6 are below grade level
5 are on grade level
4 are well above grade level
o Prerequisites
Student will need to come to this lesson remembering the lessons from
Kindergarten. These lessons should have included:
K.G.2 Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or
overall size.
K.G.3 Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, flat)
or three-dimensional (solid).
K.G.4 Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes,
in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to
describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of
sides and vertices/corners) and other attributes (e.g., having
sides of equal length).
K.G.6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. For
example, Can you join these two triangles with full sides
touching to make a rectangle?
o Learner Attitudes: Most of the first grade students enjoy learning; however, 3
of the 17 do cause many distractions in the classroom.
6. Learning Styles
(Estimate % of Students)
o Visual 80%
o Auditory (Aural) 15%
o Kinesthetic (Hands On) 90%

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State Objectives
Students will classify shapes based on defining attributes using examples, variants, and
non-examples. Students will use the SMART Board, geo-board apps, and hands on geo
boards to create shapes. Students will then create shapes with 100% accuracy.

Select Methods, Media, , and Materials

The students will participate in a whole group lesson where the teacher will allow multiple
students to categorize shapes as open and closed shapes.

The teacher will allow the students to create composite shapes using geo-boards located in
the classroom; as well as, apps on the iPads.

Materials needed include the Engage NY Math curriculum for first grade, SMART Board,
iPad with specific app downloaded, and geo-boards with rubber bands.

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods

1. The SMART Board lesson and math lesson will need to be previewed before the lesson
to be sure nothing needs to be added or removed from the lesson based on current
South Carolina Standards.

2. The teacher will need to have the SMART Board ready to use, all iPads locked on to the
geo-board app, and hands on manipulatives available.

3. The lesson will take place in a first grade classroom. The classrooms thermostat will be
set at 72 F. The children will be on the floor for whole group and then move to different
spots in the room for independent practice.

4. The children will participate in their counting exercises and songs.

5. During the whole group instruction different students will be allowed to come to the
SMART Board and create shapes. The shapes will also be changed from open shapes
to closed and vice versa. The closed shapes will be identified by the students. Students
will also be allowed to find the shapes discussed in their environment and take pictures

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with the iPads.

Require Learner Participation

The teacher will need to 1.25 hours to complete this particular lesson; however, the entire
unit will require 13 instructional days.

The class includes mostly boys this requires lessons to have many breaks to allow the
children to move. The children do jumping jacks, lunges, squats and other exercises while
skip counting that allow them to move during whole group instruction.

The children will also be given many hands on items, access to technology, and time to
work with a group in an effort to learn the content.
Evaluate & Revise

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1. Student Performance:

Student demonstrates an
understanding of open vs.
closed shape.
Student creates three closed
Student identifies three
shapes correctly.

2. Media Effectiveness
a. Reflection
i. How many of the children met the goal for the day?
ii. Did the tech enhance the learning or did it cause a distraction?
3. Instructor Performance
a. Reflection
i. Was the use of the technology a proper use of instruction?
ii. Were their moments that instruction time could have been better
b. Student Evaluation Rubric: Students will complete this rubric to discuss how
the teacher could improve this lesson. The rubric will be read aloud to assist
student in completing the assignment.

Yes! Sometimes No!

I enjoy the exercises.
I enjoy the math dances
and games.
I learned something new
or better today.
I think the technology
helped me learn today.
I would like more
lessons like this in the

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