(1913) Burner For Combustible Gases

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11,071,053, amt-lemma Aug. 26, 1913.

Fwy '/

actress. Speci?cation of Letters Patent.

Patented Aug. 26,1913.
Application ?led March 1913. ScrialNo. 751,881.
To (1 whom it may concern : ' jet pipe, and stem of the needle valve, taken
Be it known that- l, CAMPBELL MURRAY on the line 83, Fig. 1. _
Howrhu, a subject of the King oi the United Like symbols refer to like parts wherever
Kingdom Great Britain and. Ireland, re~ they occur. I
siding at 'lQ/ondon, in the county of Middle I will now proceed to describe my inven
sex, England, have invented certain new and ,tion more fully so that others skilled in the
useful Improvements in Burners for Com art- to which it appertains may apply the
bustible Gases; and I do hereby declare the same.
following to be a full, clear, and. exact. de In the drawings, 1 indicates the gas cham
10 scription of the invention, such as will en ber of the burner with which the gas supply 60
able others skilled in the art to which it ap pipe G connects. This gas chamber-prefer
pertains to make and use the same. ably is of the usual pear shape common to in
My invention relates more especially tov jectors, its outlet 1a constituting a narrow
the construction of burners of the in throat leading to a delivery nozzle 1".
ductor type, and has for its objects the utili 2 indicates the steam jet pipe with which 65
zation of either natural, producer, or coal the steam supply pipe S connects. This
gas under a widely varying range of pres steam jet pipe '2'is centeredwith the throat
sure conditions, including vacua; and the or outlet 18 of the gas chamber 1, and is con
thorough and intimate admixture of the gas trolled by the usual or any approved form of
20 with the air necessary for eitecting complete needle valve 3, the stem of which is threaded
combustion and the generation or produc~ as at. 3*, where it passes through the rear
tion of aBunsen ?ame of uniform intensity. wall of the gas chamber 1.
The burner is simple in form, economical Any suitable means for, manipulating the
in construction, and certain in operation. needle valve 3_may be provided. In the pres
To this end the main feature of my inven ent instance a hand wheel 4 on the stem 3 is
tion, e'enerally stated, embraces the combi shown. ~ ' ' i

nation in a gas burner, of a chamber The gas chamber of the burner is shown
having adelivery nozzle, a helical blade or as provided with threaded openings 9 and s
vane located in said nozzle, and a trumpet for the reception of the threaded ends of the
shaped mixing chamber havingvvalve con gas supply pipe G and the steam supply 80
trolled air ports, said ports being circumfer pipe S.
entially disposed with relation to the noz Located in the nozzle 1 is a helical blade
zle; also a centrally disposed steam jet de or vane 5 which may be of sheet iron twisted
signed to act as a powerful inductor or ex into a helix of any desired pitch, said helical
03 (.1 hauster in cases where it is desired to draw blade or vane having for its function thcim
the gas from a source at low pressure or to parting to the stream of gas, or steam, or 85
create a vacuum inthe source of supply.
There are other, minor, features of inven gas and steam, issuingfrom the throat 1a of
the gas chamber 1 a whirling motion as it
tion, all as will hereinafter more fully ap emerges from the nozzle 1. '
6 indicates a trumpet shaped or ?aring 90
In the drawings chosen for the purpose of mixing chamber for the gas and air, the in-
illustrating this invention, the scope where ner end of which chamber incloses the nozzle
of is pointed out- in the claims, Figure 1 is 1b and is provided with a. series of air ports
a longitudinal central section of a gas (in for admission of the air which is to inter
burner embodying my invention, Fig. .3 is mingle with the gas. The air ports 63 are 95
a transverse section of the valve portion of preferably of longitudinally tapering form,
the mixing- chamber, the nozzle,_ and the equally spaced circumferentially around the
helical blade or vane, taken in the plane of end of the trumpet shaped mixing chamber
the line 2.~2, Fig. 1, and Flg. 3 1S a vertical 6. In order to control said air ports 6, a
transverse section of the gas chamber, steam rotary sleeve valve 7 is mounted on the rear
2 .

end of the mixing chamber 6, said valve hav The action of the burner. will also be et'
ing. ports 7a corresponding in size with the fective without steam wherever su?icient
air ports 61 of the mixingchamber, each of chimney draft is available to materially
said ports guarded by a substantially tan assist the flow of air through the air ports
gentially disposed guide plate or ?ange 7b, ~of the mixing chamber.
which, when ports 6"1 are open, causes the en There it is desired to utilize the burner
tering air to assume a rotary motion in the for burning natural gas from an oil or gas
same sense as the whirling gas stream emit well, if the pressure of the gas is suflicient
ted vfrom nozzle 1. the steam induction jet need not be used,
The construction of the burner being sub but, where the gas pressure is low. or as
stantially that hereinbefore pointed out, its frequently happens, it is found desirable to ,
operation will be as follows: Gas is ?rst ad create a vacuum in the well to increase the
mitted from the gas supply pipe G into the production of the well, or for any other pur
gas chamber 1 of the burner and is ignited pose, the steam jet may be employed and
at the outer end of the trumpet. If the the burner will then act on the well as a
pressure of the gas as admitted to gas cham very powerful exhauster.
ber 1 is insut?cientin itself to cause the W'hen steam is used for induction pur
requisite amount of gas to ?ow through the poses, a water or mercury pressure column
burner steam is admitted from steam sup as indicated at S, Fig. 1, should be attached
20 ply pipe S into steam jet pipe'2 and the to the gas inlet pipe close up to the burner.
needle valve 3 is manipulated to pass the in view of the fact that the burner is de 85:
amount of steam necessary to obtain the re signed to maintain a very considerable suc
quired velocity of flow in the gas passing tion in the 'gas'pipe; and further, where two
from the gas chamber 1 through throat 1a or more burners are drawing from the same
N) CD intonozzle 1b. The required velocity of ?ow main supply pipena delicate type of not
- in the gas being obtained, a rapidly'whirl return valve should be provided 1n each of
,ing motion will be imparted thereto, in its the pipes leading to the respective burners,
passage-through nozzle 1, by the helical as indicated at 9, Fig. 1.
' blade or vane 5. This gyratory motion has In order to obviate any danger from back-'
so the multiple effect of causing, ?rstly, a ?ring a gauze damper 10 may be inserted in
thorough intermixture ofthe gas and steam, the gas inlet pipe in any suitable manner. 95
secondly, the throwing out from such mix The burner has incorporated with it as
ture of. any steam which may have become an integral part of itself a power produc
condensed and which would otherwise cool ing apparatus capable of drawing the ?uid
35 the flame, thirdly, the subsequent and com fuel from a source below atmospheric pres
plete intermixture in chamber dot the gas, sure it necessary or desirable, and is distinct 100
steam and induced air, which mixing is from others inasmuch as it combines the
, much aided by the differing speci?c gravi functions of a gas burner with those of a
ties of thesteam, gas and air. The air ports _ gas exhauster or pumping device.
GaWhich, up to this time have been kept Having thus described my invention, what
closed, are now gradually opened by the ro I claim and desire to secure by Letters Pat 105
tation of circumferential sleeve valve 7 un ent is: v
til the flame assumes the desired character, 1. A gas burner comprising a gas cham
. and. the point of ignition is located just be ber having a contracted exit throat and a
yond the mouth of the trumpet-s, v.ped mix delivery nozzle leading therefrom, a helical
ing chamber 6. blade or vane arranged in the nozzle, and a 110
Owing to the substantially tangential'po mixing chamber having at its 'rear circum
. sition of the guide plates or ?anges 7, the ferential valved air ports which surround
air currents entering at ports 6a guided the nozzle of the gas chamber. -
50 thereby Will have a direction or nation tan 2. A. gas burner comprising a gas cham
gential to the axis of the burner and Slml her having a contracted exit throat-and a 115
'lar'to that of the rotating current of gas deliv ry nozzle, a steam jet delivering into
or gas and steam which will facilitate and the exit throat of the gas chamber, a helical
augment the induction-of the air and its ad blade or vane arranged in the nozzle, and a
(31 U! mixture with the gyrating current of gas in mixing chamber having at its rear circum
the mixing chamber. . ferential valved air ports which surround 120
, As hereinbefore noted, my invention is the nozzle of the gas chamber.
applicable to burners for either natural, ' 3. A gas burner comprising a gas cham
producer, or coal gas. ' ber having a contracted exit throat and a
60 The burner will work effectively with gas ' delivery nozzle, a helical blade or vane ar
at any pressure, and in cases where the ranged in the nozzle, a mixing chamber hav
pressure is sut?clent for the gas to attain a ing at its rear circumferential valved ports
high enough velocity to induce the neces which surround the nozzle of the gas cham
sary volume of air no steam is necessary. her, and substantially tangentially disposed
1,071,053 8

guides for directing the air currents through gentially disposed guide flanges for direct
the air ports of the mixing chamber. ing air currents through the air ports of
l.g\ gas burner comprising a gas cham the mixing chamber.
ber having a contracted exit, throat and a In testimony whereof I ailix my signature,
delivery nozzle, a steam jet delivering into in the presenee of two subscribing witnesses. 15
the exit throat of the gas chamber, a helical
blade or vane arranged in the nozzle, a niix~ CAMPBELL MURRAY HUXTEP.
ing chamber having at its rear circumferen Witnesses :
tial air ports surrounding the nozzle. and a H. D. Junzsox,
10 rotary valve sleeve having substantially tan R. VESTACOTT.

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