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Why audience matters

Example 1:

Letter to Grandma about first month of college


Letter to best friend about first month of college

Example 2:

Medical professional essay audience should include complex medical terms


Non-medical expert essay audience where such terms would need to be

explained or not used at all

What ________________________ to include

What ______________ ______ ___________________________ to use

What ____________________________________ to establish with the audience

Joining words

Readers need transitional words and phrases to distinguish among different ideas and to

make sense of logical relationships.

To introduce premises, use connectors

such as b
ecause and since.

Example: The sea

level is rising because greenhouse gases are causing the atmosphere to

warm at a rapid rate.

To introduce conclusions,
use so, therefore, thus, and consequently.

Example: Therefore,the increase in temperature is causing the sea level to rise.

link premises, use and, but, and or.

The rising sea level and the increase in temperature are connected.

Some useful language structures to present and then refute an opinion are:

While proponents claim that, it would appear the opposite is true.

Some have asserted that; nevertheless,...

It could be argued that; however,

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