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b.i - t')q y').

- z2)p + y(22 "(*' -

solve: x$,2 = R9, No.

ii solve: (D3 - 2D2 Dtlz = e'*2t +4sir1x+ y1

29. a" p66fl1e 1a1161ge cosine series of x) = (lt in(O,n). Hence find the sum of the series Third Semester
/( - x)2


lFor the candidates admitted dufing the academic year 20Ij 2014)
b. Find fie first three hrr.ooi", ofth" FolS*)reries from the foltowing table. (i) Pert - A should be &swered in OMR sheet within first 45 milutes and OMR sheet should be handed
r :0 rl3 2rl3 z 4rl3 5rl3 2tr over to hall ilvigilator at the end of45d minute.
(ii) Prrt - B and Part - C should be arswered in alswer booklet.
/(x):1.98 1.30 1.05 1.30 -0.88 -0.25 1.98

Time : Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

30. a" A tightty stretched string of tength '/' has its end fastenod at ,:0, ,--l. At FO, the saing is in
the forn (x)=k{/ -r) and then released. Find the displacement at any point on the sting at a
distance r from one end and at any time p0. PART-A(20x1=20Marks)
Answer ALL Questions
b. A rod of length 100cm has its ends A and B kept of zero temperatue and initia[y the 1. The partial differential equation formed by eliminating the arbitrary constants ,a, and .b'
. [x.0<r<50
flsm z=(x2 + a)Qt2 +b) is
temDeratue is ,(x. 0) = ' ll00-r.50<x<100
(A) pq=4 (B) pq:4ryz
Find tho temperatue u(r,t) at any time t.
(C) rrlq (D) 4pq=ry

31. a- A rcctangular ptate with iruulated surfaces is l0cm wide and so long compared to its width 2. The complete integal ofpq:x is
that it may be considercd infrnite in length. If the temperature at short edge ]"=0 is given by
(A) x2 (B) y2
z(x,0) = S sin fI10 wher O<r<10 while the two long edges x=O and x:10 as well as the other (C) z = x-q/ @) z=x+ y+1
short edge are kept at ooc. fi4d the steady state temperaturc fulction u(x,y).
The complete integral oflrtq=k is
(oR) (A) z = ax+ lE+c (B) z=b+ay+c
b. A semi circular plate ofradius 'a' cm has insulaGd faces and heat flows in plane curves. The (C) z=qx+(k-a)y+c (D\ z=b+lr,+c
bounding diameter is kept at 0'C and tlrc semi circumference is maintained at tomperatue
given by u(4 0)=50(7ro-e'?), in Os0<7r. Find the steady state temperature distibution. 4. The solution of (D2 4DD' + 4D'2)z o is
- =
32. a- Find the Fourier transform of (A) z = hO + 2x) + x$r(y +2x) @) z =h9+2x)+ho+2x)
[t-l'1. I'l< t (C) z=h9+4x)+ho/+x) @) z=SQt-x)+firlst-ax)
-rr(x) = l
[0' lxl> r 5. The value ofFourier series of(x) in 0<r<27r atr:0 is
Ard hetrce ,ind the vul ,. o1 j
t* ;i (A) 0 (B) f(2n)
0, (c) "r(0) @) f(o)+f(2tt)
(oR) 2
b. Find the Fouriet sine transform of e-o. a>O and hence deduce
6. The constant ao of the Fourier series fot the function (x)=k. 0:irs2zl is
... ,
(r) x2dx ()w2 (B) 0
(4- +.x-)- (c) 2k (D) k
(n) ":L--------:----'-
*2 d*
. 7, Pick out the even function:
(a' + x'''t(b' + x'|
(A) Sirx (B)f
(C) tan @) Cosx

21Nr3MA10t3 Pag. l of,l 21NT!MAI013

8. The halfrange cosine series of y = /(r) in (0, /) is
(A) a^ . ntx G) i,a,rio,o 17. If FU(x)} =F('),rhen r{f@)\=
E an cos--:- ra' 1r[s'l
rs) tr[t)
'' !.i2t*.*)
P \ s./
(c) _lq
I -fas \ (o) r.(s'\
| |
s \cJ - s \a/
9. The one dimeruional wava equation is
ay -a2y
\A) :=a- (B) azy 18. The Fouder s-! lzit
at " ax2 -azy
6x2 at2
tansfolm of f (x) =
(A) lz @) ,-"'
(C) a2v ,d2v @) a, ,d2u (C) "''
---+ d' ---:= e! 12 @) ,,'
dr'= axz d 0x'
19_ The Fourier cosine tansform of e-3' is
lo. -ln heat eouation -au= a':---a'
ozu (A) /, ,s
(B) 2 .t
" stands for
ot dx' {; ;'.r, z s2 +3
(A) ,r (B) T (c)83 (D) rT
11. ?
m !a s2 +9 Vn s2 +3
(c) r (D) k
pc 4k/G)l=
(A) d ^.. fB) 144r,r
11. The one dimensional heat equation in stoady state is cls
( ) u(x,t) = A (B) u(x,t) = ,$c + B (c) .d ^..
'-I;f.(s) @)
(C) d2u 4Rt"r
- @) u1y,11 = 1eco,x + Bstr, ).x)e-"'L\ cls cls

Answer AI{Y FfvE Questions
(A) t2 -c,4c =o (B) az -qc <o 21. Fom the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbilrary flrnction'f.from
(c) n2 -+lc>o (D) a2 -qAc.o z=ry+f(x2+y2+22).
13. Two dimensional heat flow equation is 22. Find the halfrange sine series off(x)=x in (0, t)
@) a" .( a2u a2u\ (B) au=d- , azu 23. What are the three possible solutions of ore dimensional wave equation and which is the
at l?x' ay' ) dt 6x' proper solution?
(Cl azu dzu ozu azu\ (D) a,, a2u arr\
^r( ^r(
at2 - laxz qz
Write the boundary conditions of the following boundary value problem in which a square
o7='la,***E) 1 ptaie bounded by the lines.r0, y:0, r,=20 and y:20. The temperature along the edge r:20 is
14. The equation which rapresonts stcady state heat flow in two dimensr'onal rectangular plates is given by u(r, 20) :x (20-:r), 05,s20, while the other tiree edges are kePt at 0'C.
(A) Poisson's Equation (B) Laplace equation
(C) Euler's Equation @) Voltena equation
25. Prove that F{/(x -a)} = e-"r'1s1
15. If the non-zero boundary value is prescribed on x=0 (or) ,:4 then the proper solution is 26. lf f(x\=v2,in-vax<a, tlrcn find the root mean square valua ofthe fimction (x).
given by.
(A) qayl =(tw x+ xnxl(c? + a_at) (B) 4ay1 =(,* + *-k\(co;u + *ntt) 27. Find dre complete integral ofplq=pq.

(C) u(x,y\: (A.x + B)(Cy + D) (D) dei=(Aqdx+15,ilr)ft, PART (5 x 12 = 60 Marla)

Answer ALL Questions
16. The boundary conditions for tie steady state temperature in a cfucular plate of radius 10 cm
having ooc at one half of its circumference and K'C at the other half. 28. a.i- Find the singular inte g'!l ofz = px + qy + p2 - q2 .
(N 14A"0)=e,0<e<a fiQ0S=0'tt<0<22 (B) ,{(10,O=r,0<0<n, u(10,0)=0,r <0 <2tt ii. Solve: p2 +q7 =aay
.n, (oR)
(C\ l(0,0)= v,s.6 <10,0)=0$<e<2,t (D) u(r0,q= K,o<e.r,
l*3^;"?,".t.r, ?1NF3MAIOl3
Reg. No.
b.i. Solve: x(y - z)p+ y(z - x)q = z(x - y)

ii. Solve: ( o2 +
t./ +oo' - sD'}lr = r* sin(2x+3y) B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JIINE 2016
Third Semester
29. a- pin6 the Fourier series of period 2rr for the function
f(x)=xz -xtn(-n,z). Hence deduce
the sum ofthe series
@or the candidates admitted dtring the academic yeu 201 3 - 2014)
(oR) (t) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
b. Obtain the first three harmonic in the Fourier series of v= f(r)fromthe following data: over to hall invigilator at the end of 456 minute.
x 0 2tr/ 4n/ 5n/ 2n (ii) Part - B and Pert - C should be answeted in answer booklet
% /3 /3 /3
0 9.2 14.4 17.8 17.3 tt.7 0
Time: Three Hours Mar. Marks: 100

PART-A(20x 1=20Marks)
30. a. A tightly stretched string with fxed end points r0 utd r-l is initially at rest in its AnswerALL Questions
equilibrir:rn position. If it is set to vibrate by grving each point a velocitytso srrt find the l. The complete integral ofpq=k.
T, (A) z=ax+by+c (B) az=a2x+hy+ac
displacement of any point of the sting at any subsequent time.
(C) z--x+y+c (D) az=x+y+c
b. A uniform bar of length n through which heat flows is insulated at its sides. The ends are 2. The partial differential equation formed by eliminating arbitrary function y1 s=f(bx-art)
kept at zero temperature. If the initial temperature at the interior points ofthe bar is given by, 15.

lb "s3*3n12
(A) bq-aP=g (B) q - P=o
u(x,o; =.f :- . . then find the temperature distribution in the bar after time 't'. (C) bq + aP =Q (D) qlP=0
lzkl,-x) ?/ 3xstt
l., 3'
Thecomplementry: *D'2
tunction or( o2 -zDD'
31. a- A rectangular plate with insulated surface is l0 cm wide and so long compared to its widttr [ )Z=xtt
that it may be considered infinite in length without intoducing an appreciable error. If the (A) sP - fi(y + x)+ x.f2(y + x) (B) c.r
two edges and r0 rl0
and the short edge at infinity are kept at temperatue 0"C, while the
(C) cF=Zfi(y+x) (D) cr = fr(y-x)+ -fr(y-*)
other short edge 50 is kept at tmperature T"C (constant). Find the steady state temperature
at any point (ay) of the plate.
4' Th. particutar integal or (a3 - zn2 d\z = ,**2/ is
b. In a semicircular plate of radius 'a' with bounding diameter at OoC and the circtrmference at (A) l4+2t (B) _tE
100'C. Find the steady state temperature. I 3
(C) x (D) | ,*2n
32. a. - *',' Vl'o 2
Find the Fonrier tansform of (r) given by f (*'t--{o' .'f 3

10,,/lxl>a>0 5. The constant ao of the Fourier series for the function f(rFf tn(0,2t).
Henceprove*"{*U;P e=i (A) P (B) 4P
0 3 3
(oR) (c) Bt2 @) 12

b. Find the Fourier cosine and sine transfomrs of f(x)=s-G.a>0and aso rrna4[
.,.f--U) 6. The value of 'ar' in the Fourier series expansion of /(x) = sinx i{-a,a)is.
(A) (_rr (B) 2
*+*:t* (C) (D)
nn 0
Pagc 4 of4 04JA3MAl0l3 Pagc I ofl 0aJA3MAl0Ul
7. The RIvIS value jof f(x)- aih(O,I)is 17. r r(/1r1)= r(s),thenr( e * f@\)is
(A) o (B) o2 (A) F(s+a) (B) F(s-a)
(c) a2 (D) zaz (C) F(as) (D) F(als)
{x- 18. {(r./(x))is
8. The fimctiondefine dty,f(*)=t_.*,-r<x1o ' (A) ,d4(s) (B) _d4(s)
o=,=oit 'dt ds
(A) Even firnction (B) Neither eveo nor odd function (C) ,d4(s) (o) d4(s)
(C) Oddtunction (D) Both even and odd fi:uction
ds ds
9. The one dimensional wave equation is
(A) au (B) o'y _ 19. The Fourier sine tansform of e-'is
., O2u
-ro'y (A) tz l (B) t-tT .'
0t Ar"
-=a--. 0t'
--u 0x'
\fas2+l \la
(c) 3=A.-
av a2,
@) J=a-2, s2 +1

'af (c) t_tT 2 (D) tz-
t-- s
\n s2+4 Ir s2 +4
10. The proper solution in steady stafe heat flow problems is -
(A) u=(*tu +pr-u\"dt't (B) z =Ax+B 20. If F (f (x)) = f(s),thenF{/(ar)}is
(A) | -( s) (B)
(c) u =(Acos).x+ Bsinlx\e-o'1" (D) u=(leb + ar'tu)(ccos)at + Dslr.Zrr) -.,t, I -
s (a/
(c) t."(r)

Fi '(:)
1 I . ClassiS the partial differential equation 4uo + 4u, t ao = 0 ' [a/ ,(:)
lal :
(A) Elliptic @) Parabolic
(C) Hyperbolic (D) Circula
12. The tension T caused by stetching the sting before fxing it at the end point is. ffiR$;ffi',8#f,H
(A) Inmeasing @) Decreasing
(C) Constant @) Zero 21. From the PDE by eliminating a$itrary constants 'a' and 'b' from (* - ,)' + (y - b)2 = z2 .

13. In two dimensional heat flow, the rate of heat flow across an area is propodional to. 22. Find the half range sine series for (x) : x in (0,2).
(A) Area and to the tcmpemture gradient (B) Arcs and to the temperatre normal to the 23. Write the boundary conditions and suitable solution for the following boundry value
parallel to the ma area
problem in which a tightly stretched stsing with fixed end points rH) and.rI is initially at
(C) Area and to the temperature gradient (D) Area and to the temperature parallel to the
rest in its equilibrium position and is set vibrating by grving each point a velocity 3x(I-x).
normal to the area
24. Wntethevariorspossiblesolution of rzuo*rur*us6=0andthesuitablesolutionforit
14. For an infinitely long metal plate enclosed by x=0,x=a,y=0,!=@, the non-zero
boundary value is prescribed eitler on.r0 orr--4 then the proper solution is 25. It F
(A) 4\y\=(Ac,Xx+Riilx(Clz +D-\ (B) z(r,y1= (Aeb + B{tu){C cosly+ Dsiniy) lf (x)) = F(s), then prove that F {/(x - a)} = e*tuF(").
(c) u@,y)=1*+a\(cetv **-b) (D) 41ay;= (cx+o)(eeu *a"-u) 26. solve: ( o2 +zon' + o" \z =e*-! .
15. The period of the temperatrue function in steady stat temperature disnibution in a circular -.forl4rl
It, 1or lxl<r
annulus is 27. Find the Fourier tansform of /(x) =
(A) 2r (B) z ln
(c) 0 (D't rl2
PART-C(5x l2=frMerks)
16. Equation of nro-dimensional heat-flow in polar co-ordinate is. AnswerALL Questions
uot;u,*Fu*=Au, u**;rr*puo=Au, 28. ai. Find the singular solution of the PDE 2 = px * e * Jfr (E Marks)
uo+pun*;ur=luo uo+7\*7u*=;u, ii. rina the complete solution ofthe PDE t * q' = *2 + f (a Maks)
Pa$ 2 ofl PrSc 3 of{ t.lJAtMAr0f

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