Standard 1

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Note the focus area and standard Note the type of Describe the artefact / document and Describe

Describe how the artefact /

descriptor/s the artefact / artefact / document indicate the possible impact or result on document
document reflects teaching and/ or student learning meet the standard descriptors you
have identified.

1.1 Physical, social and This artefact is a As always at the very start of my APST 1.1
intellectual student work professional experience I make it Through using this worksheet
development and sample of a paramount to get to know the students at the start of my practicum it
characteristics of
worksheet I created in my class and how they learn. In gave me an insight into the
for the students in order to achieve this, I created a physical, social and
knowledge and my class as part of a worksheet that also aligned with the intellectual development and
understanding of PD Health unit of Australian PDHPE curriculum. This characteristics of my
physical, social and work Belonging worksheet allowed for the students in students. Throughout this
intellectual which I taught in my my class to get to know me on a short task I learnt a lot about
development and final professional personal level and for me to get to each individual student giving
characteristics of experience know my students. After discussion me a head start on catering
students and how
practicum. and questioning about the topic of for the diverse needs in my
these may affect
learning. belonging to a family I provided the classroom for the rest of my
1.3 Students with students with the worksheet that I had practicum. This worksheet
diverse linguistic, filled out about me and my family life lead into a class discussion
cultural, religious and outside of school. After this I asked for about a boy in the class who
socioeconomic some students to volunteer to share had a disability as well as
backgrounds some information about their families. different types of families
Doing this then allowed for the (single parent families, step
knowledge of teaching
strategies that are students to feel comfortable and safe mums and step dads etc.)
responsive to the to be able to complete their own APST 1.3
learning strengths and worksheet without being judged. This worksheet encouraged
needs of students from Throughout the allocated time I spent discussion about some of the
diverse linguistic, time at each table with students different cultural and religious
cultural, religious and asking them questions and having backgrounds of some of the
discussions that allowed for me to students in the class. This
understand what happens at home was useful for me to plan for
that could affect their schooling. This future lessons in order to
allowed for students to open up about ensure I could bring a part of
any personal information that I was not each students culture into
yet aware of. Teachers must cater for their learning. After this
the whole child and accommodate the lesson I realised how many
needs of the individual learner in students in the class were
which using this worksheet helped me from an ATSI background.
to achieve (Marsh, 2010). This then prompted me to
teach a HSIE unit of work on
Indigenous dreamtime

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