Week 1 Heavy Pulls

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Heavy Pulls
1.Pull up progression(uneven pull
ups) work up to 5x5 4011
2.Bar and towel pull ups work up to
4 sets of 10 2011
3.One arm row 1 set x MAX
4.Close grip pull ups work up to 3 set
of 15 2021
5.Chin ups MAX REPS X 3
Note : 1,2, do one rep shy of failure.
1,2,3 rest 2-3 mins between set.
Everything is supinated grip except
for 4.
Rep Push
1.Lever Push 3 x 15
2.Diamond Push ups MAX REPS X 3
3.Decline Push ups MAX REPS X 3
4.Wide Pull ups MAX REPS X 3
5.Chin ups MAX REPS X 3
Explosive Squat
1.Suicide Jump/Tuck Jump 5x5
2.Frog Jump 3x12 1-2mins rest
3.Jump Squat 3x12 1-2 min rest
4.Pistol pause squat 3 set of 5 12X1
1min rest
5.Jumping lunges 3 set of 12 1 min
5.Glute bridge 3 set of 15 1011 1min
6.Wide Pull ups MAX REPS X 3 1min
7.Chin ups MAX REPS X 3 1min rest
Note : Train fresh and focus on
performance for suicide jump, if your
form start to go off stop even if you
did not reach the target rep. As
explosive as you can for 1,2,3. Be
prepared to get fatigue legs at 2. For
frog Jump, jump as far as you can
and as hard as you can.
Heavy Pulls
1.Eagle Pull ups 1 rep as many set as
possible without burnout 30 sec rest
2.Dead Hang Muscle up 10x3 30-
60sec rest
3.Chest to Bar Pull ups 10x3 30-
60sec rest
4. Wide Pull ups MAX REPS X 3 1min
5.Chin ups MAX REPS X 3 1min rest
Note: Do as many set as possible for
Eagle Pull, once your performance
start to fall and form get sloppy stop
and move to the next exercise. Dead
Hang muscle up- use no momentum,
no kip and pause before you explode
up. Include towel hang 3 set x max if
you wish. Rest 2 min between hang

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