Community Profile

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Republic of the Philippines

Junior Workers Association of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University
Lingayen, Pangasinan

Barangay Maronong Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan


Prepared by:

Arlene S. Sante
Social Work Field Practitioner
History of Barangay Maronong

During the Spanish time in the

Philippines, our old folks supplying
coconut oil for use in the Roman
Catholic Church due to the
abundance of
coconut trees in Barangay Maronong.
aside from this, numbers of our old
Barangay residence is expert in
Judo. From time to time, our place is
called Maronong or Barangay
Land Area it has a total land area of 451,004 sq. mts. and 241.43 in
hectares. It has (6) sitios namely Bengal, Abalaten, Centro, Baybay,
Falcon, and Sagor. By its usage, it is developed to residential with the
biggest portion, agricultural and institutional.

a. Boundaries Barangay Maronong is bounded on north by

Barangay Sapang, and on the south is Barangay Balingueo.
Barangay Maninding lies on its eastern part while Barangay Sonquil
occupies its western portion.

b. Terrain Barangay Maronong terrain characteristics are devoted to

residential with the biggest portion, and agricultural and industrial.

c. Climate- Like any other barangays in the town, Barangay Maronong

has two (2) distinct seasons, the dry and wet seasons. The dry
season occur during the months of November to May, while the wet
season is from June to October.

d. Resources Agricultural activity is diminishing in the Barangay due

to the conversion of agricultural land into residential areas, small
and medium enterprises.

{SME} Sari-sari store, tricycle operation, video shop, computer shops

and are the major sources of livelihood among people.

Land Distribution the total land area of Barangay Maronong is

considered 241.23 hectares. The biggest portion in the land usage is to
residential purposes and next the agriculture purposes.

Natural Drainage Barangay Maronong is naturally drained by

Sinucalan River. However, more than its role as a natural drainage, it is
also a flood agent. The river overflows its bank during rainy season,
causing damages to agricultural crops and properties.

II. Demographic Data

a. Total Population

Number of: Frequency

People 3,170
Family 788
Household 658
Source: Brgy. Health Center 2015

Base on Barangay Health Center 2015 data, this barangay has a

total population of 3,174 which comprise a family of 788 and total
household population of 658.

a. Distribution of Population by Age

T the distribution of population by age on which people ages 5-9
has the highest percentage of 7.2 and ages 65-69 has the lowest
frequency with the percentage of 0.7. Male has the highest percentage
of 6.9 while female has the percentage of 14.1
Source: Brgy. Health Center 2015

Distribution of Population by Sex

Sex Frequency Rank

Male 1579 1
Female 1591 2
Total 3170
Source: Brgy. Health Center 2015

The table shows that females have almost the same number with

b. Population Density:

3174 people/ 451,004 sq. mtrs.=0.00510

III. Economic Data

a. Occupation of People
Farming 40%
Business 10%
Professionals 5%
Employed 15%
Government Employee 5%
Skilled Workers (Carpentry and Laborers) 25%

b. Major Sources of Livelihood

Business, Employment, Laboring, Agriculture
Skills of People:
Auto repair

c. Income Opportunities (presence of factories,

employment, agencies etc.)
RC Inc. Poultry.

IV. Social Data

a. Health

a. Birth Rate
2 to 5 babies born in month

b. Mortality rate
2-3 persons die in a month

c. Life expectancy
According to the midwife of the Barangay, most of the
population reaches their age in 60-70 above.

d. Nutritional Level of Children

There are three children recorded to be malnourished under
first degree level.

e. Health Facilities

Facilities Public Private

Hospital 0 0 0
Health Center 1 0 1
Puericulture Center 0 0 0

f. Health Manpower

Facilities Public Private

Midwife 1 0 1
Nurse 1 0 1
BHWs 19 0 19

In the community they have a barangay Midwife, and (1)

assistant nurse. They have also (19) volunteer Barangay Health
Worker who always serve and assist the needs of community

g. Common Illness/Disease
Cough, Fever, Cold, Diarrhea are the common illness of
the community. There are also a record of asthma and

h. Health Values/Facilities
Some resident of the barangay are consulting to te
doctors who give and provide available medicine applicable to
the needs and illness of residents. The barangay also had an
activity which is the Barangay Clinic every 2nd Tuesday of the
month. Some of the residents participate to this activity to
have their check-up and avail some medicenes. Some of the
resients also believe in albilaryo/herb doctor to have fewer
expenses than consulating in hospitals. They also traditionally
believe in using herbal medicine such as oregano for cough,
bayabas for wounds and other herbal traditions.

i. General Sanitary Conditions

The proper hand washing, proper food handling, proper
disposal, dissemination of IEC materials regarding dengue,
rabies etc., Oplan Timbang and on Food Supplementation and
providing orientation regarding expanded Program on

Food services
The residents prefer to buy their daily foods in ambulant
vendors because the public market is far from their barangay.
There are ambulant vendors who sell fresh foods directly from
the lowlands which are also preferred by housewives. These
ambulant vendors sell their goods with higher prices for
bringing their goods to the doorsteps of their consumers who
dont time to go to market.

Garbage Disposal
The type of garbage disposal in the barangay consists of
open-dumping, compositing, burying and burning.

V. Education and Culture

a. Resources
Structures Number
Elementary School 1
Day Care Center 2
Secondary School 0
Recreational Facilities 2
Total 5
Education Values
Most of the community people perceived Education is the key
to success. They believed that finishing their education makes their
future successful. That it is the only way to help their family
achiever a better life. Despite of it, there are also other community
people who dont know the importance of education. Some of them,
especially those people that are below poverty line, do not find
education as priority.

Recreational Facilities/Activities
Brangay Maronong celebrating their fiesta every month of
April and conduct festivities parade, talent shows, sports
competition, beauty pageant and many other fun activities which
community people can participate with.

VI. Housing and Basic Amenities

a. Types of Houses

Types Percentage
Permanent(Concrete, soods, G.I. sheets) 80%
Semi-Permanent (Woods) 16%
Temporary (bamboo, Sawali, nipa) 4%

This table shows that houses in Barangay Maronong are well

established and are almost made of concrete.

b. Nature of Residency

Most of the Residency was owned by community people and

some inherited from ancestral.

c. Lighting System

Sources Percentage
Electricity 98%
Kerosene 2%
LPG 0%
Solar/Commercial 0%
Source: Survey of the Practitioner

The table shows that majority of the household in Barangay

Maronong are availing electricity from Dagupan Electric Corp.

Source of Water Percentage

Piped/Tubed 60%
Deep well 40%
Open/Dug well 0%
Flowing Water 0%
Source: Survey of the Practitioner

The table shows that almost of the household in Barangay Maronong

are using deep wells and piped connected to NAWASA as source of their

d. Toilet Facilities

Toilet Facilities Percent

Flushed 13%
Water Sealed 84%
Open Pit 2%
Without Toilet 1%
Source: Survey of the Practitioner

The table shows that 97% of the household have toilet facilities and
remaining 3% who do not have their own toilet rooms.

e. Appliances Owned
Rice Cookers
Electric Iron
Electric Fan
Washing Machine

f. Houses and Appliances owned

Houses and appliances were personally owned by the residents.

g. Available forms of Communication

Telephone 5%
Cellular Networks 79%
Internet 12%
Postal Service 4%
Sources: Survey of the Practitioner.
VII. Means of Transportation and Communication

The residents use public vehicles as their means of transportation

such as jeepneys, tricyles and half of the population owned private
motorcycles and cars.

VIII. Existing Organizations In the Barangay

Senior Citizens Association

Barangay Peace and Order Committee
Civilian Volunteer Officers
Barangay Development Council
Centro Association
Farmers Association

IX. Leadership Patterns and General Attitude of People

f. Who are the leaders in the community (elected and

The leaders in the community are the Barangay Captain,
Barangay Councilors, Barangay Tanods, Barangay Health Workers
and the leaders of different existing organizations.

g. Are they formally organized?

Yes, they are formally organized by seeing elected and
mandatory appointed.

h. How do they solve community issues and problems

(leadership styles)?
The Barangay officials solve the issues and problems to their
through democratic way of leadership headed by the Barangay
Chairman. They conduct meeting twice a month to discuss the
effective formulation and implementation plans and programs to
solve and secure the community problems thru Barangay Executive
Order (EO)
i. How people view them?
The community views their leaders with honour and respect as
treated their people equally.

j. How do people relate with the community leaders and with

each other?
People relate with the community leadersby consulting their
offices when
facing certain problems.

k. What are their aspiration and goals in life?

The leaders work to improve the economic condition of the
and to maintain the peace order to become a progressive
community. They also aim to become efficient leaders of their
community. They believe that a progressive community comes from
good leadership. They want to improve the administration and
project outcomes and enhance their services to pioneer successful
and sustainable programs in attaining satisfying standards of life.

X. Social Welfare

l. Number of the different sectors

Sectors Frequency
Senior Citizen 124
People with Disabilities 7
Solo Parents 4
Mother Grantees (4Ps) 113
Ambulant/Street Vendors 37
Transport Groups 175
MSWDO, OSCA, Rural Health Unit

m.Needs/Problems of the community as:

Improving the drainage System
Low economic condition
Flooded areas
High unemployed rate

a. Department of Interior and Local Government, Sta. Barbara
b. Barangay Health Center
c. Barangay Health Workers
d. Sonia V. Paragas, Brgy. Midwife
e. Capt. Isidro M. Tenorio
f. Mr. Andres C. Dela Cruz
g. Office of the Senior Citizens Association
h. Municipal Rural Health Unit
i. Population Commission
j. MASA TODA Brgy. Maronong
k. Pantawid Office

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