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Alex Montgomery


2 3 31
4 2
1 2 14

Hard to Kill 3 Reoccuring Nightmares 1

Charisma 2 Smoker 1
Acute Senses 2

Total Spent 7 Total Allowed 10

Bureaucracy 5
Climbing 2
Dodge 3
First Aid 5
Guns Pistol 2
Intimidation 3
Smooth Talking 3
Stealth 3
Running 4

1999 Eden Studios. Permission g ranted to photocopy.

Rate of Fire Attack Damage Damage
Type # of Attacks Bonus Bonus



1999 Eden Studios. Permission g ranted to photocopy.

Keeping track of ammunition is essential in a game of survival horror. For your convenience, we have included ammo
record sheets. Please photocopy them and distribute them amongst the players so they may keep track of ammunition for
each of their guns or hold these sheets and record the ammo as it is used.
This enable Zombie Masters to determine exactly when their hapless zombie chow runs out of bullets.

Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine

Caliber_______ Caliber_______ Caliber_______ Caliber_______

Magazine Magazine Magazine Magazine

Caliber_______ Caliber_______ Caliber_______ Caliber_______

100 Round Belt 100 Round Belt 100 Round Belt 100 Round Belt

Caliber_______ Caliber_______ Caliber_______ Caliber_______

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